VWR 高精度数字显示温度计
High accuracy digital thermometers, TD 10, TD 11 and TD 12 Stainless steel probeThese handheld thermometers deliver good performance and a high level of accuracy.Fast measurementRobust and impact resistantSingle point factory calibration certificate (TD 10/TD 11: 0 °C TD 12: 100 °C)W×D×H: 20×90×42 mmConform to IEC 584 - IP 55 (620-1638 and 620-1639), IP 40 (620-1640)Delivery information: Supplied with a clip holder to carry the thermometer safely on the belt and a replaceable lithium 3 V CR 2032 battery for approx. 100 hours when used continuously. 620-1640 should be ordered with an appropriate type K probe. 型号 DescriptionRangeAccuracyResolutionProbePkVWR Catalog NumberTD 10, type T probe (110×3 mm)?50…+350 °C±0,8 °C0,1 (?60…+199,9) Type T (L×?: 110×3 mm)1620-16391,0 (200) °CTD 11, 600 mm cable and type T probe (110×3 mm)?50…+350 °C±0,8 °C0,1 (?60…+199,9) Type T (L×?: 110×3 mm) and cable1620-16381,0 (200) °CTD 12, SMP connection?60…+1200 °C±1,0 °C0,1 (?60…+199,9) Type K1620-16401,0 (200) °C配件 DescriptionRange?×LPkVWR Catalog NumberImmersion probe with handle and 100 mm cable, TKS 300?200…+400 °C3×130 mm1620-1650Penetration probe with handle and 100 mm cable, TKS 100?200…+400 °C3×130 mm1620-1648Penetration probe with handle and 100 mm cable, TKS 400?200…+400 °C4,7×130 mm1620-1651Surface probe with paddle, handle and 100 mm cable, TKS 200?200…+400 °C7×40 mm1620-1649