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仪器信息网旋转式专题为您提供2024年最新旋转式价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括旋转式参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的旋转式您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合旋转式相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有旋转式相关的最新资讯、资料,以及旋转式相关的解决方案。


  • 旋转式不锈钢
    Accessories information: *平台随附迷你振荡器、培养迷你振荡器、微孔板振荡器和培养微孔板振荡器。注意其他振荡器需要单独订购穿孔平台选件,以便安装烧瓶夹或试管架。说明用于包装规格VWR目录号旋转式不锈钢试管架,13 mm90支试管,13 mm1VWRI444-2955旋转式不锈钢试管架,16 mm60支试管,16 mm1VWRI444-2956旋转式不锈钢试管架,20 mm40支试管,20 mm(可容纳15 ml离心管)1VWRI444-2957旋转式不锈钢试管架,25 mm24支试管,25 mm1VWRI444-2958旋转式不锈钢试管架,30 mm21支试管,30 mm1VWRI444-2959
  • 旋转式活塞泵
    旋转式活塞泵用途广泛:连接软管后,可作为带有刚性出口弯头或排液软管的桶泵。它可以通过向前或向后旋转,从不同的方向取液。 20°C时的液体粘度最高可达150cst ISO/11.5° Engler/40 SAE 管件套装由1.5米PVC管、连接附件及注液管,可选作配件带有两端浸入管,长度为100 cm 旋转式活塞泵,铸铁材质抽液能力l/min螺纹接口水柱的泵送高度m材质产品货号303/4”8铸铁/青铜5626-1030401”7.5铸铁/青铜5626-1040旋转式活塞泵,不锈钢材质抽液能力l/min螺纹接口水柱的泵送高度m材质产品货号401”7AISI304/PTFE5626-2040
  • 旋转式楔形拉伸夹具
  • 恒谱生4.6#旋转式不锈钢预柱保护柱液相色谱耗材
    保护柱(也叫做预柱)是一种很短的装在分析柱上游的色谱柱。这种柱子包含与分析柱一样的填料,使用不大于分析柱筛板孔径的入口筛板和出口筛板。液相保护柱有双重功能,第一种,入口筛板拦截可能堵塞分析柱的颗粒物;第二种,硅胶填料与分析柱相同,它可以捕抓住那些可能会强烈或者不可逆附着在分析柱填料上的物质。恒谱生旋转式保护柱,用于保护分析柱的保护柱。旋转式保护柱,使得管路不打结,可以增大摩擦力,方便拆卸,提高高效液相色谱柱寿命性能,并以经济的方式延长柱寿命。类型材质内径保护柱柱芯(mm)色谱柱ID:mm订货号分析柱直连式不锈钢2.12.1x4.02.0-3.0HPDGK-021040-1直连式不锈钢3.03.0x4.03.2-8.0HPDGK-030040-1直连式不锈钢4.64.6x10.03.2-8.0HPDGK-046010-1旋转式不锈钢4.63.0x12.03.2-8.0HPAGK-030012-1旋转式PEEK4.63.0x12.03.2-8.0HPAGK-030012-1半制备不锈钢10.010.0x10.09.6-16.0HPDGK-010010-1制备柱/不锈钢2021.2x1518.0-29.0HPPGK-212150-1/不锈钢3030.0x1530.0-49.0HPPGK-300150-1恒谱生液相色谱仪保护柱优势:• 延长HPLC色谱柱的使用寿命• 低容量、低分散的小柱最大限度地减少了对分离的影响,不改变色谱分析结果• 易于检测更换柱芯的时间• 与色谱柱的零死体积直接连接• 更换手紧防护罩(无需工具),易于安装使用• 节省色谱柱更换成本恒谱生保护柱系统简单易用且兼容性极佳,可同时用于HPLC和UHPLC,并通过减少更换色谱柱的频率来节省金钱和时间,同时大限度地减少系统故障风险和停机时间
  • Supel-inert铝箔采气袋1LSCV(旋转式)阀
    适合用于光敏感盒惰性气体的采样,适用于NIOSH 6603 OSHA ID-172 OSHA ID-210等采样多层膜技术,有效阻挡样品外协,提高采样袋强度化学惰性,有效阻挡湿气盒光对样品的分解样品稳定保存可达到5DH2S保存期限可达5~7天品牌:色谱科 SUPELCO 容量:1L 尺寸:17.8×22.9cm 阀门:SCV(旋转式)阀
  • Supel-inert铝箔采气袋5LSCV(旋转式)阀
    适合用于光敏感盒惰性气体的采样,适用于NIOSH 6603 OSHA ID-172 OSHA ID-210等采样多层膜技术,有效阻挡样品外协,提高采样袋强度化学惰性,有效阻挡湿气盒光对样品的分解样品稳定保存可达到5DH2S保存期限可达5~7天品牌:色谱科 SUPELCO 容量:5L 尺寸:30.5×35.6cm 阀门:SSCV(旋转式)阀
  • Supel-inert新型薄膜采气袋1LSCV(旋转式)阀
    Supel-inert气体采样袋式Tedlar采样的替代品,式supelco公司专利产品可适用于EPA TO-14/TO-15等方法中的VOC的检测,适用于室内环境、车内空气、汽车内装饰、作业环境等VOC检测使用PVDF材质,低VOC盒硫化物北京对大多数酸性气体、脂肪烃、芳香烃、卤代烃盒醇类城惰性强度高,那磨损,高气密性品牌:色谱科 SUPELCO 容量(L):1 尺寸:17.8×22.9cm 阀门:SCV(旋转式)阀 包装:10个/包
  • Supel-inert铝箔采气袋2LSCV(旋转式)阀
    适合用于光敏感盒惰性气体的采样,适用于NIOSH 6603 OSHA ID-172 OSHA ID-210等采样多层膜技术,有效阻挡样品外协,提高采样袋强度化学惰性,有效阻挡湿气盒光对样品的分解样品稳定保存可达到5DH2S保存期限可达5~7天品牌:色谱科 SUPELCO 容量:2L 尺寸:22.9×27.9cm 阀门:SSCV(旋转式)阀
  • Supel-inert铝箔采气袋10LSCV(旋转式)阀
    适合用于光敏感盒惰性气体的采样,适用于NIOSH 6603 OSHA ID-172 OSHA ID-210等采样多层膜技术,有效阻挡样品外协,提高采样袋强度化学惰性,有效阻挡湿气盒光对样品的分解样品稳定保存可达到5DH2S保存期限可达5~7天品牌:色谱科 SUPELCO 容量:10L 尺寸:30.5×53.3cm 阀门:SSCV(旋转式)阀
  • Supel-inert新型薄膜采气袋25LSCV(旋转式)阀
    Supel-inert气体采样袋式Tedlar采样的替代品,式supelco公司专利产品可适用于EPA TO-14/TO-15等方法中的VOC的检测,适用于室内环境、车内空气、汽车内装饰、作业环境等VOC检测使用PVDF材质,低VOC盒硫化物北京对大多数酸性气体、脂肪烃、芳香烃、卤代烃盒醇类城惰性强度高,那磨损,高气密性品牌:色谱科 SUPELCO 容量(L):25 尺寸:48.3×63.5cm 阀门:SCV(旋转式)阀 包装:5个/包
  • Supel-inert新型薄膜采气袋10LSCV(旋转式)阀
    Supel-inert气体采样袋式Tedlar采样的替代品,式supelco公司专利产品可适用于EPA TO-14/TO-15等方法中的VOC的检测,适用于室内环境、车内空气、汽车内装饰、作业环境等VOC检测使用PVDF材质,低VOC盒硫化物北京对大多数酸性气体、脂肪烃、芳香烃、卤代烃盒醇类城惰性强度高,那磨损,高气密性品牌:色谱科 SUPELCO 容量(L):10 尺寸:30.5×53.3cm 阀门:SCV(旋转式)阀 包装:10个/包
  • Supel-inert新型薄膜采气袋5LSCV(旋转式)阀
    Supel-inert气体采样袋式Tedlar采样的替代品,式supelco公司专利产品可适用于EPA TO-14/TO-15等方法中的VOC的检测,适用于室内环境、车内空气、汽车内装饰、作业环境等VOC检测使用PVDF材质,低VOC盒硫化物北京对大多数酸性气体、脂肪烃、芳香烃、卤代烃盒醇类城惰性强度高,那磨损,高气密性品牌:色谱科 SUPELCO 容量(L):5 尺寸:30.5×35.6cm 阀门:SCV(旋转式)阀 包装:10个/包
  • Supel-inert新型薄膜采气袋2LSCV(旋转式)阀
    Supel-inert气体采样袋式Tedlar采样的替代品,式supelco公司专利产品可适用于EPA TO-14/TO-15等方法中的VOC的检测,适用于室内环境、车内空气、汽车内装饰、作业环境等VOC检测使用PVDF材质,低VOC盒硫化物北京对大多数酸性气体、脂肪烃、芳香烃、卤代烃盒醇类城惰性强度高,那磨损,高气密性品牌:色谱科 SUPELCO 容量(L):2 尺寸:22.9×27.9cm 阀门:SCV(旋转式)阀 包装:10个/包
  • 恒谱生4.6#PEEK保护柱高效液相色谱柱预柱旋转式保护柱
    HPLC系统色谱柱保护装置的设计是为适合所有制造商的标准HPLC色谱柱,使其成为专家级HPLC保护柱。uHPLCs恒谱生保护柱系统借着捕获样品中增加背压和影响基线噪音的污染物,延长内径2.0mm、3.0mm、4.0mm、4.6mm以及7.8mm的色谱柱之使用寿命,保证延长HPLC色谱柱的使用寿命! 恒谱生色谱保护柱是延长各种HPLC和UHPLC色谱柱寿命的通用解决方案。您不再需要更换昂贵的分析柱,仅通过更换色谱柱预柱就能使色谱恢复原始分离性能。我们专为可重复使用的卡套设计了可调节的锥箍,因此液相保护柱能连接到任何色谱柱入口。 恒谱生保护柱经设计优化,在各种分离条件下对色谱的影响都极低。其低死体积设计可大幅降低峰扩散和峰拖尾,从而保持分离度和分析效率。直联式保护柱:直接连接UHPLC和UPLC色谱柱,省去中间的连接管路和接头螺丝,解决溶剂泄露问题与连接死体积,日常操作使用更方便简洁。 旋转式保护柱:能增大摩擦力,安装与拆卸时,使得管路不打结,以经济的方式延长色谱柱寿命并提高柱效。 PEEK保护柱:样品对金属离子比较敏感时,选择PEEK材质比较合适,比如某些蛋白分析会用到PEEK材质的保护柱。 半制备保护柱:一般是10mm直径,是介于分析柱和制备柱之间的一种色谱柱,速度快成本低。 制备保护柱:更多应用在药物合成等领域上的提取及纯化,纯化度高,可重复利用。为什么选择 恒谱生 色谱耗材 坚持以诚信为本、支持定制量稳定、速度快服务于各界朋友! Δ 关于我们:多年研发及制造高品质色谱耗材高新企业,支持定制批发 Δ 专业团队:致力于推动国产色谱行业进步的专业团队,提供专业的技术支持。 Δ 应用领域:为广大用户提供相关领域的应用技术和解决方案 Δ 质量保障:严格执行ISO9001:2015管理体系 深圳市恒谱生科学仪器有限公司是致力于高品质色谱耗材配件的研发制造OEM为一体的生产企业,专业研发色谱空柱管总成、保护柱、在线过滤器、筛板、溶剂过滤器、管路接头等。 我们不断地提高研发制备能力、优化管理体系,以严苛的制程管控、优质的产品服务,为各色谱仪器厂家和耗材供应商提供更优质的产品及更有力的服务支持,与大家携手共创美好未来!恒谱生 致力于解决国内色谱仪器厂家在配套色谱耗材生产过程中面临的突出难题 、卡脖子问题,以更好地解决仪器厂家的供应链困扰,助力仪器厂家不断地提高产品竞争力、进行有效的进口替代。恒谱生 已经成为众多国产色谱仪器厂家和国内外色谱耗材供应商的战略合作伙伴。
  • 英国进口TEM旋转式样品盒 中镜科仪
  • 旋转式固体样品架
  • 艾本德旋转式充电支架2[3116000023]可放置6个
  • 上海越平旋转式粘度计NDJ-8S
  • Xevo TQ(旋转式)性能维护套件 | 176002058
    产品特点:XEVO TQ (ROTARY) PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KIT WITH CHEMICAL KIT The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the XEVO TQ (rotary) Mass Spectrometer contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance on an annual basis. The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit includes the following parts: Source components, ESI probe components and vacuum pump components. The original part number was 201000200 and it has been changed to part number 176002058. This particular part number also delivers a chemical kit which is required to complete the performance testing.XEVO TQ (SCROLL) PERFORMAMCE MAINTENANCE KIT WITH CHEMICAL KIT The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the XEVO TQ (scroll) Mass Spectrometer contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance on an annual basis. The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit includes the following parts: Source components, ESI probe components and vacuum pump components. The original part number was 201000202 and it has been changed to part number 176002059. This particular part number also delivers a chemical kit which is required to complete the performance testing.订货信息:Xevo TQDescriptionP/NXevo TQ(Rotary) Performance Maintenance Kit with Chemical KitPM Kits consist of: Source Components, ESI Probe Components, and Vacuum Pump Components176002058Xevo TQ(Scroll) Performance Maintenance Kit with Chemical Kit176002059
  • Seta 配件:旋转式压缩机 | 12314-0
    产品特点:Rotary Compressor - 12314-0订货号:12314-0METHODS ASTM D381,IP 131,IP 540,BS EN ISO 6246,DIN 51 784,ISO 6246ISO 6246Existent Gum in Fuels by Jet EvaporationDIN 51 784Existent Gum in Fuels by Jet EvaporationBS EN ISO 6246Petroleum products. Gum content of fuels. Jet evaporation methodIP 540Determination of the existent gum content of aviation turbine fuel - Jet evaporation methodASTM D381Standard test method for gum content in fuels by jet evaporationIP 131Standard test method for gum content in fuels by jet evaporation4.95 litres / second at 7 bar. Supplied with regulator.For use with Seta Existent Gum Solid Block Bath – Steam or Air (12200-3)Seta Existent Gum Solid Block Bath – Air (12210-0)SpecificationsVOLTAGE220V 50HzPOWER2.2 kwSIZE (HXWXD)47 x 27 x 70 cmWEIGHT41kgOUTPUT0.24 m3 per min AirRATED OPERATING BASE7 Bar
  • SQUARE D(旋转式)性能维护套件 | 176002064
    产品特点:SQD/TQD/3100 PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KIT WITH CHEMICAL KIT The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the SQD/TQD/3100 Mass Spectrometer contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance. The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the SQD/TQD/3100 Mass Spectrometer includes the following parts: Source components, ESI probe components, and vacuum pump components. The original part number was 201000190 and it has been changed to a new part number 176002064. This particular part number also delivers a chemical kit which is required to complete the performance testing.SQD/TQD/3100 (OIL FREE)PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KIT WITH CHEMICAL KIT The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the SQD/TQD/3100 (oil free) Mass Spectrometer contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance on an annual basis. The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit includes the following parts: Source components and ESI probe components. This particular part number also delivers a chemical kit which is required to complete the performance testing.ASAP Accessory, SQD/TQDThe Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP) is a useful tool for the rapid direct analysis of volatile and semi-volatile, solid and liquid samples using atmospheric pressure ionization. The probe is user installable. No additional software is required.订货信息:SQ Mass DetectorDescriptionP/NSQD (Rotary)Performance Maintenance Kit with Chemical KitPM Kits consist of: Source Components, ESI Probe Components, and Vacuum Pump Components176002064SQD (Oil-free)Performance Maintenance Kit with Chemical Kit176002135Parts and AccessoriesSQD/TQD/3100 ASAPAccessory176002049
  • XEVO QTOF LS(旋转式)性能维护套件 | 201000203
    产品特点:XEVO QTOF LS (ROTARY) PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KIT The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the XEVO QTOF LS (ROTARY) PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KIT contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance on an annual basis. The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit includes the following parts: Source components, ESI probe components and vacuum pump components.XEVO QTOF LS (SCROLL) PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KITThe Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the XEVO QTOF LS (SCROLL) PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KIT contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance on an annual basis. The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit includes the following parts: Source components, ESI probe components and vacuum pump components.XEVO QTOF NLS (ROTARY) PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KITThe Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the XEVO QTOF NLS (ROTARY) PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KIT contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance on an annual basis. The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit includes the following parts: Source components, ESI probe components and vacuum pump components.XEVO QTOF NLS (SCROLL) PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KITThe Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the XEVO QTOF NLS (SCROLL) PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KIT contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance on an annual basis. The Waters Performance Maintenance Kitincludes the following parts: Source components, ESI probe components and vacuum pump components.订货信息:XevoQTofDescriptionP/NXevo QTof LS(Rotary) Performance Maintenance KitPM Kits consist of:Source Components,ESI and Reference Probe Components, and Vacuum Pump Components201000203Xevo QTof LS(Scroll) Performance Maintenance Kit201000204Xevo QTof NLS(Rotary) Performance Maintenance Kit201000205Xevo QTof NLS(Scroll) Performance Maintenance Kit201000206
  • LCT P / XE(旋转式)性能维护套件 | 176002060
    产品特点:LCT PREMIER/XE (ROTARY) PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KIT WITH CHEMICAL KIT The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the LCT Premier/XE (rotary) Mass Spectrometer contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance on an annual basis. The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit includes the following parts: Source component, ESI probe components, reference probe components and vacuum pump components. The original part number was 201000171 and it has been changed to 176002060. This particular part number also delivers a chemical kit which is required to complete the performance testing.LCT PREMIER/XE (SCROLL) PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KIT WITH CHEMICAL KITThe Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the LCT Premier/XE (scroll) Mass Spectrometer contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance on an annual basis. The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit includes the following parts: Source component, ESI probe components, reference probe components and vacuum pump components. The original part number was 201000191 and it has been changed to 176002061. This particular part number also delivers a chemical kit which is required to complete the performance testing.IonSabre APcI probe OptionThe IonSabre APcI Probe is available as a replacement part and is also suitable for the initial purchase of IonSabre capability for the LCT Premier, LCT Premier XE, QTof Premier, and SYNAPT MS/HDMS series instruments. Exact mass APcI operation is also possible, but additional parts and engineer installation is required for LCT Premier instruments. A separate IonSabre (LockSpray) upgrade product is available.MUX 4/5 PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KITThe Waters Performance Maintenance Kit for the optional MUX source found on earlier Mass Spectometers contains all the Waters Quality Parts necessary to keep you operating at peak performance on an annual basis. The Waters Performance Maintenance Kit includes the following parts: probe tips, capillaries, o-rings, tubing and other components to re-build up to five ESI probes .订货信息:LCT Premier/LCT Premier XEDescriptionP/NLCT P/XE(Rotary) Performance Maintenance Kit with Chemical KitPM Kits consist of:Source Components,ESI and Reference Probe Components, and Vacuum Pump Components176002060LCT P/XE (Scroll) Performance Maintenance Kit with Chemical Kit176002061Parts andAccessoriesIonSABRE APcIProbeM956513DC1-SIonSABRE SpareParts Kit700003731MUX 4/5 PartsKit201000149
  • 艾本德旋转式移液器支架2[3116000015]6支装 圆盘
  • AutoSpec Premier质谱仪基础性能维护套件(旋转式) | 201000245
    订货信息:AutoSpec/Auto Spec PremierDescriptionP/NAutoSpecPremier Mass Spectrometer Base Performance Maintenance Kit (Rotary)PM Kits consist of:Vacuum Pump Maintenance Components201000245AutoSpec Premier Mass Spectrometer Base Performance Maintenance Kit (Scroll)201000246
  • 实验室用清洁刷 – 旋转刷头
    实验室用清洁刷 &ndash 旋转刷头【产品规格】旋转刷头清洁刷有可旋转的中心刷头。能出色地清洁孤形及有角的试剂瓶、烧瓶及所有种类的玻璃器皿。可把玻璃器皿放进洗碗碟机前,先用清洁刷拭刷。旋转刷头可放进NS 29/32标准瓶口或任何直径24 mm以上瓶口的玻璃器皿。刷柄以打磨过的木条制成,长330 mm。【型号规格表】 目录号码旋转刷头尺寸刷柄长度包装数量071.03.00121 x 44 x 24 mm360 mm1件
  • Xevo G2-S LS(旋转式)性能维护套件 | 201000276
    订货信息:Xevo G2-XS QTof and Xevo G2-S QTofDescriptionP/NXevo G2-S LS(Rotary) Performance Maintenance KitPM Kit consists of:Source Components,ESI and Reference Probe Components, and Vacuum Pump Components201000276Xevo G2-S LS(Scroll) Performance Maintenance Kit201000277Xevo G2-S NLS(Rotary) Performance Maintenance Kit201000278Xevo G2-S NLS (Scroll) Performance Maintenance Kit201000279
  • 艾本德 Eppendorf 移液器支架系统
    Eppendorf 移液器支架系统Eppendorf 移液器支架系统可供安全方便地存放移液器。 由于所有移液器均直立放置,其吸嘴不会触及实验台,从而可以减少损坏和交叉污染的风险。使用旋转式移液器支架,可以方便地拿取您所选用的移液器,占地面积小,设计可靠。 它们可以存放最多 6 个液体处理工具。 充电支架上可放置 1 个电动移液器或 Multipette。 提供有充电功能和无充电功能的旋转式移液器支架 挂壁式支架可以存放 1 个手动移液器、电动移液器或 Multipette。产品信息Eppendorf 移液器支架系统可供安全方便地存放移液器。 由于所有移液器均直立放置,其吸嘴不会触及实验台,从而可以减少损坏和交叉污染的风险。使用旋转式移液器支架,可以方便地拿取您所选用的移液器,占地面积小,设计可靠。 它们可以存放最多 6 个液体处理工具。 充电支架上可放置 1 个电动移液器或 Multipette。 提供有充电功能和无充电功能的旋转式移液器支架 挂壁式支架可以存放 1 个手动移液器、电动移液器或 Multipette。产品特性全新 Eppendorf 移液器支架系统,可以存放当前所有手动和电动 Eppendorf 移液器(包括 Multipette)和大多数老款移液器配备智能充电器的旋转充电支架,容量增大,可存放最多 6 个工具全新设计的旋转式移液器支架,适用于所有手动移液器,包括 Eppendorf Research、Research plus、Reference、Reference 2 和 Biomaster配备可互换式移液器支架和充电触点的旋转式移液器支架,无需任何额外工具大型橡胶支脚,可以防止液体从旋转式移液器支架溅到实验台上提供所有充电触点和移液器支架象形图,从而可以在实验室中清晰布置订货信息3116000015Pipette carousel 2 for 6 Eppendorf Research/plus,Reference/2 or Biomaster旋转式移液器支架2, 可放置6个Eppendorf Research/plus, Reference/2 或 Biomaster3116000023Charger carousel 2 for 6 Eppendorf Xplorer / Xplorer plus旋转式充电支架2, 可放置 6 个Eppendorf Xplorer / Xplorer plus3116000031Charger stand 2 for one Eppendorf Xplorer / Xplorer plus充电支架2, 可放置 1个Eppendorf Xplorer / Xplorer plus3116000040Charger stand 2 for one electronic Eppendorf Multipette (Repeater)充电支架2, 可放置 1个Eppendorf Multipette系列电动分液器3116000058Pipette stand 2 for one Eppendorf Multipette(Repeater) M4移液支架2, 可放置1个Eppendorf Multipette M4 手动分液器3116000112Pipette holder 2 for one Eppendorf Research/plus,Reference/2 or Biomaster for carousel 2 or wall mounting壁挂式支架2, 可放置1个Eppendorf Research/plus, Reference/2 或 Biomaster, 用于旋转式支架2或壁挂式 3116000120Pipette holder 2 for one Eppendorf Xplorer / Xplorer plus for carousel 2 or wall mounting (without charging function)壁挂式支架2, 可放置1个Xplorer / Xplorer plus, 用于旋转式支架2或壁挂式(无充电功能)3116000139Pipette holder 2 for one electronic Eppendorf Multipette (Repeater) for carousel 2 or wall mounting(without charging function)壁挂式支架2, 可放置1个Eppendorf Multipette系列电动分液器, 用于旋转式支架2或壁挂式(无充电功能)3116000147Pipette holder 2 for one Eppendorf Multipette(Repeater) M4 for carousel 2 or wall mounting壁挂式支架2, 可放置1个Eppendorf Multipette M4 手动分液器, 用于旋转式支架2或壁挂式3116602007Charger shell 2 for one Eppendorf Xplorer / Xplorer plus for charger carousel 2(with charging function)充电适配器2, 适配Eppendorf Xplorer / Xplorer plus, 用于旋转式充电支架2 (有充电功能)3116603003Charger shell 2 for one electronic Eppendorf Multipette (Repeater) forcharger carousel 2 (withcharging function)充电适配器2, 适配Eppendorf Multipette系列电动分液器, 用于旋转式充电支架2 (有充电功能)3116607009Mains/power adaptor for charger carousel 2 for 6 Eppendorf Xplorer / Xplorerplus, charger stand 2 for one Eppendorf Xplorer / Xplorer电源适配器, 用于旋转式充电支架2, 放置 6个 Eppendorf Xplorer / Xplorer plus, 用于充电支架2, 放置1个Eppendorf Xplorer / Xplorer plus4880601003Charger shell for charger carousel series 4880 for Multipette/Repeater (X)stream充电适配器, 适配Multipette/Repeater (X)stream, 用于旋转式充电支架4880602000Charger shell for charger carousel series 4880 for Xplorer充电适配器, 适配Xplorer, 用于旋转式充电支架4880603006Power supply with power plug adapters for charger carousel series 4880充电线, 适用于旋转式充电支架
  • 圆盘转式 有机玻璃移液管架/圆盘式有机玻璃移液管架/40孔移液管架/有机玻璃移液管架
    圆盘转式有机玻璃移液管架/移液管架/圆盘式有机玻璃移液管架由上海书培实验设备有限公司为您提供,欢迎来电选购。上海书培实验设备有限公司专业生产加工有机玻璃移液管架,规格齐全,性能稳定,板面厚,欢迎来电咨询订购。圆盘转式有机玻璃移液管架介绍:一:构造:支座+支管架+集液盘二:40孔,可以同时放置40根移液管三:材质:有机玻璃 外形:圆盘转式四:两个圆盘和一个垂直杆,可以转动。五:外观美,经久耐用,不易破损,底盘可以转动,给实验操作人员带来便利,有机玻璃移液管架用途:有机玻璃移液管架用于实验室放置移液管,移液管架为可旋转式,给实验人员带来了极大的便利。
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