Over centuries, the classical optical microscope was the only tool that provided researchersimages behind the limits defined by their eyes. During the last century light microscopy wentthrough a tremendous development. But the basic idea of a lens or a set of lenses enlarging areflective or transmitive image and making it visible to the eye of the viewer remained.Today, light microscopy shows a vast variety of different techniques. On the one hand, theclassical light microscopy has been refined by additional contrast enhancing techniques. Onthe other hand, a complete new field of light microscopy has been established: thefluorescence microscopy. Here, the sample is excited to emit fluorescence light. Manipulatingthe excitation light and analyzing the emission light offers new ways of obtaining informationabout the often specifically prepared sample. This thesis deals mainly with a new way ofexcitation in fluorescence microscopy: the two-color two-photon (2c2p) excitation. For thefirst time femtosecond laser pulses are used to excite fluorescence by simultaneous absorptionof two photons of different wavelengths.