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仪器信息网油墨色差仪专题为您提供2024年最新油墨色差仪价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括油墨色差仪参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的油墨色差仪您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合油墨色差仪相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有油墨色差仪相关的最新资讯、资料,以及油墨色差仪相关的解决方案。


  • MoS?MoSe?横型异质
    简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料,巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合美国2D Semiconductors为全球客户提供高质量的二维晶体材料、粉体、溶液、薄膜等材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。MoS?MoSe?横型异质MoS? MoSe? lateral heterojunction
  • 手提式测色仪定位测量装置
  • CVD MoSe?
    简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料,巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合美国2D Semiconductors为全球客户提供高质量的二维晶体材料、粉体、溶液、薄膜等材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。CVD MoSe?
  • 油墨专用称量盘
    油墨专用称量盘 专为涂料行业制作,适用于涂料行业做可挥发性物测定,该产品顶部包边,侧面光滑,少褶皱,底部光滑透亮,是涂料行业的理想选择。 边缘无凹槽-质轻,边缘有突起;边壁有一定倾斜度,便于堆放;特别适用于易弄脏称量盘的样品。 品用优质铝材制作,尺寸匹配各品牌水份仪,表面完全洁净无油,免洗,不污染测试样品,不失重,保证实验数据精度;外观美观挺括,耐高温;上口边缘卷边设计,强度高,无锐利锋口,使用安全、方便。 货号 底直径mm 顶直径mm 高mm 包装 HA10x0.8 98mm 100mm 8mm 50只/包 专业用在水分测定仪,现货大量供应,开票送货上门。
  • 仪电物光便携式精密色差仪WSC-2B
    奥淇科化致力为科研单位打造一站式采购平台。 在库品规三十余万种,含盖玻璃、试剂、仪器、耗材配件等。 店铺未上架产品请联系客服。
  • 消色差延迟器
    消色差延迟器,菲涅尔菱体由中国领先的进口光学精密仪器旗舰型 服务商进口销售,孚光精仪精通光学,服务科学,为中科院上海光机所,安徽光机所,西安光机所,中国工程物理研究院等单位提供进口的相位延迟器,消色差延迟器这款消色差延迟器是一款采用菲涅尔菱体的高级相位延迟器,消色差延迟器安装有保护外壳,其中菲涅尔菱体它由BK7玻璃或紫外熔炉石英制造而成。单个菲涅尔菱体产生90度的相位位移,因为光在它的两个表面上发生全内反射。双菲涅尔菱体产生180位移差。消色差延迟器的保护外壳是圆柱体的。相位延迟器的端面与旋转轴正交。更多相位延迟器,消色差延迟器,菲涅尔菱体 相位延迟器规格和参数材料:BK7或UVFS光束偏移:=10arcsec镀膜:增透镀膜波长范围:260-400nm (UV), 400-700nm (VIS), 700-1300nm(NIR1),1300 - 1600 nm(NIR2)ModelRetardationwavelenght range, nmL, mml, mm1single (λ/4)700-130039.523.52single (λ/4)1300-160039.523.53single (λ/4)260-40033.517.54single (λ/4)400-70039.523.55double (λ/2)700-130062466double (λ/2)1300-160062467double (λ/2)260-40050348double (λ/2)400-7006246消色差延迟器是采用菲涅尔菱体的高级相位延迟器,其中单个菲涅尔菱体产生90度的相位位移,双菲涅尔菱体产生180位移差.中国领先的进口精密激光光学器件旗舰型服务商--孚光精仪!
  • 消色差波片
    这款消色差波片,英文名:Achromatic waveplates由一对晶体石英和氟化镁片组成的宽带波片和宽波段波片。与普通晶体石英波片仅仅在一个波长使用不同的是,它适合宽波带应用,因此消色差波片又是宽带波片。消色差波片产品种类:孔径为8mm,12mm,18mm的Achromatic waveplates半波片和消色差波片四分之一波片,宽带波片可选波长范围为 450-650nm 550-750nm 650-1100nm 900-2100nm 消色差波片标准参数DesignHigh Power Air SpacedMaterialQuartz + MgF2Transmitted wave front distortionlambda/10 @ 633 nmTolerance for diameter+0,0/-0,25 nmParallelism30 arc secSurface quality20/10AR coatingR0,5% over wavelength rangeRetardation tolerancenot less than lambda/100 average我Felles Photonic公司是中国规模最大的进口光学器件和仪器供应商!精通光学,服务科学,以超低的价格专卖进口高性能消色差波片,宽带波片,宽带消色差波片,Achromatic waveplates,发货快,欢迎垂询。
  • Monolayer MoSe2 Solution 单层二硒化钼溶液
    This product contains MoSe2 flakes solution in ethanol. The MoSe2 solution has been developed by ultrasonic treatment of bulk MoSe2 high quality crystals synthesized through vapor transport (CVT) technique. Since the starting material (CVT grown MoSe2 crystals) is highly crystalline, ultrasonic treatment to delaminate MoSe2 layers yields highly crystalline MoSe2 mono-, few-, and some thick layers suspended in ethanol solution. The crystallinity of MoSe2 nanomaterials has been confirmed through electron energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDAX), Raman spectroscopy (FWHM5 cm-1), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements. Depending on the thickness of the layers, flakes deposited on different substrates produce light emission (photoluminescence). Lateral sizes of MoSe2 flakes deposited onto different substrates range from ~10nm - ~10 mm while thickness range from 1L to 10s of layers.Note on volume, concentration, and solvent type: To reduce shipping costs, we ship supersaturated 2D solutions (~80-120 mg/L depending on the type of 2D layers). However, supersaturated solutions can be diluted to produce ~250-500mL of solution to deposit 2D layers onto desired substrates through simple and cost-effective spin-casting process. In our product, ethanol is used (and recommended) as the dispersant solvent owing to its environmental stability, thermal stability, dispersant properties, and non-contaminating nature. However, if your research needs other solvents, please contact us support_at_2dsemiconductors.comSample PropertiesSpecifications.Identification. MoSe2 solutions created by delamination of MoSe2 crystals (grown by CVT method) through ultrasonication techniquePhysical dimensions. 1 to 10 layers in thickness (thicker pieces might be observed depending on usage) and 10nm to 10 microns in lateral dimensions.Smoothness. Atomically smooth surface with roughness 0.35 nm.Purity. 99.999% purity as determined by nano-SIMS measurementsStability. High environmental and dispersant stability.Crystallinity. Highly crystalline nanomaterials. No amorphous sheets, contaminants, or hidden secondary phases.Dispersant solution. Ethanol is highly recommended though other solvents can be prepared on demand.Support. 2Dsemiconductors USA is an American owned, regulated, and operated company. Our customers are well-protected by international as well as strict American customer laws and regulations. We give full technical support and guarantee your satisfaction with our well-established customerSupporting datasetsTypical SEM images from 2D solutions
  • 二硒化钼(MoSe2)
    1、企业介绍泰州巨纳新能源有限公司:巨纳集团(Sunano Group)是能源行业的知名品牌。泰州巨纳新能源有限公司(Sunano Energy)是国内最早的从事石墨烯制备、性能检测及应用产品开发的公司之一,注册资本11000万元,有办公用房300多平方米,厂房和洁净室3000多平方米。核心研发团队主要由国内外知名高校博士组成,部分成员来自于2010年诺贝尔物理学奖小组,项目技术处于国际领先地位,在石墨烯领域拥有专利30余项。企业管理团队有丰富的成功创业经验,创新意识强,公司客户遍布全球。2、高质量二维晶体材料简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料。巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合荷兰HQ Graphene为全球客户提供高质量的类石墨烯二维晶体材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。 名称:二硒化钼(MoSe2) 纯度:>99.995% 尺寸:~6 mm-10 mm 属性:半导体
  • 仪电物光便携式精密色差仪WSC-1B
    奥淇科化致力为科研单位打造一站式采购平台。 在库品规三十余万种,含盖玻璃、试剂、仪器、耗材配件等。 店铺未上架产品请联系客服。
  • 仪电物光便携式精密色差仪WSC-3B
    奥淇科化致力为科研单位打造一站式采购平台。 在库品规三十余万种,含盖玻璃、试剂、仪器、耗材配件等。 店铺未上架产品请联系客服。
  • 飞利浦D65灯管 18W/965灯箱专用
    漆布料天友¥1600.00 ¥1600.00三恩时NR60CP色差仪携便式色差计印刷测色计油墨色差仪 测色仪器 ¥6600.00 AATCC(美国)灰卡粘色变色色卡国际标准变色灰卡粘色灰卡 ¥2200.00 表面光度计HG60S单角度光泽度仪60°光泽度计汽车玻璃经济实惠 ¥1380.00 美国*X-Rite爱色丽528电池 500系列电池 Xrite爱色丽SE15-26 ¥700.00 美国爱色丽MA68II便携式多角度分光光度仪金属漆色差仪分光测色仪 ¥215000.00 美国*爱丽色分光色差仪Ci6x色差计Ci60/62/64/64UV 印染测色仪 ¥27500.00 美国爱丽色台式分光光度仪Ci7600色差仪印刷纺织高精度分光测色仪 ¥115500.00 X-Rite iCPlate 2印版检测仪油墨印刷品色彩检测器网点测量仪 ¥19250.00 爱色丽校色仪i1 PHOTO PRO(含UV版本) RGB打印机 ¥16000.00 X-rite/爱色丽i1Basic Pro2基础套装色彩管理电脑显示器校色仪 ¥21450.00 .tshop-pbsm-shop-activity-list .skin-box-bd{padding:10px 0 border-width:1px 1px!important border-style:solid border-color:#ccc}.tshop-pbsm-shop-activity-list .act-hidden{visibility:hidden}.tshop-pbsm-shop-activity-list .act-baby-switchable{position:relative}.tshop-pbsm-shop-activity-list .scrollable-trigger{display:none}.tshop-pbsm-shop-activity-list .act-next,.tshop-pbsm-shop-activity-list .act-prev{display:block position:absolute top:0 left:-15px width:25px height:160px z-index:100000000 background-position:center 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color:#d24034}.tshop-pbsm-shop-activity-list .disable,.tshop-pbsm-shop-activity-list .act-coupon-item-red .disable{color:#fff background:#666}.tshop-pbsm-shop-activity-list .act-more-btn{display:block width:160px padding:7px 0 text-align:center background:#f6f6f6 color:#666 text-decoration:none}.tshop-pbsm-shop-activity-list .act-more-btn:hover{background:#f0f0f0}.tshop-pbsm-shop-activity-list .ks-switchable-nav{display:none}店铺活动 新品首发 7款商品 天友利d65u35标准光源灯箱T60B英式对色灯箱T60B色彩比色箱M60灯¥4500.00 SFRplus自定义畸变高达160oFoV汽车广角测试卡鱼眼相机测试图卡¥2500.00 ITE电视系统食品颜色测试卡DNP测试图TV色彩测试卡3nh定制图卡¥2100.00 电视信号测试卡18线TE147爱莎ESSER测试图卡定制全国包邮¥2700.00 BLACK脉冲测试图16:9反射型TE129S_A透射型TE129S_D爱莎测试卡¥2600.00 3nh增强型分辨测试卡可定制高清晰分辨测试图卡NE-10-100A包邮¥1600.00 ESSER/爱莎 测试卡GRID/重合测试图反射型TE112_A透射型TE112_D¥2700.00
  • Altechna消色差透镜
  • 消色差透镜
    消色差透镜用于在图像平面的同一点聚焦两个或多个波长。 减少球面像差和彗形像差。非常适合宽带应用,如天文望远镜,等离子光谱,生物医学仪器和激光束转向。由于其性能远远优于简单的单透镜,也能理想应用于单波长条件。能最大限度地减少球面像差和彗形像差。波段:400nm-700nm,透镜材料:N-BK4或SF10等玻璃材料。通光孔径大于90%,表面质量20-10/60-20(根据型号),透过率大于99.5%。
  • 警报灯 SpectraTrend HT专用
    精确扫描式测量,在线实时颜色测量,专业为彩涂生产线设计,实时颜色监控和分析。联合专业设计院 全集成开发设计及系统定制全自动校正,可自定义设置校正时间间隔,避免了由于人工校正带来的延误和对工作人员的安全隐患全宽自动横移系统具有焊缝自动避让和声光报警提示功能对色差异常区域记录并查询与检验室色差仪实现数据高度一致警报灯 SpectraTrend HT专用警报灯绿色、琥珀色和红色LED指示灯指示“公差范围内”、“公差范围外”或“警告范围”。适用于:HunterLab SpectraTrend HT
  • 二硒化钼晶体(99.995%) 2H-MoSe2(Molybdenum Diselenide)-P型
    二硒化钼晶体 2H-MoSe2(Molybdenum Diselenide)-P型晶体尺寸:~10毫米电学特性:P型半导体晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.329 nm, c = 1.289 nm, α = β = 90°, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:99.995% X-ray diffraction on a MoSe2 single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal MoSe2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal MoSe2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal MoSe2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.
  • 二硒化钼晶体(99.995%) 2H-MoSe2(Molybdenum Diselenide)-N型
    二硒化钼晶体 2H-MoSe2(Molybdenum Diselenide)-N型晶体尺寸:~10毫米电学特性:N型半导体晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.329 nm, c = 1.289 nm, α = β = 90°, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:99.995% X-ray diffraction on a MoSe2 single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal MoSe2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal MoSe2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal MoSe2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.
  • p-type MoSe2 crystals P型二硒化钼晶体
    More than a decade of growth optimization in chemical vapor transport (CVT) as well as flux growth lead to our flawless MoSe2 crystals. Our p-type MoSe2 crystals are doped with Nb atoms at 1E17-5E18cm-3 range. These electronically doped vdW MoSe2 crystals are treated as gold standards in 2D materials field. MoSe2 crystals from 2Dsemiconductors are known for its superior valleytronic performance, perfect crystallization, defect free structure, extremely narrow PL bandwidths, clean PL spectra (free of bound exciton shoulders), and high carrier mobility. Thousands of scientific articles have cited us and used these crystals for scientific accuracy and clean signals. Please also see our n- and p-type MoSe2 crystals doped with Au, Re, Nb, or other transition metal atoms.Please note that doping into TMDCs greatly reduce the crystallization time (growth speeds), thus electronically doped TMDCs measure smaller than undoped (intrinsic) TMDCs.Single crystal p-doped MoSe2 characteristics
  • Exfoliated MoSe2 monolayer 机械剥离单层二硒化钼薄膜
    Monolayer molybdenum diselenide (1H-MoSe?) flakes have been exfoliated from bulk molybdenum diselenide (2H-MoSe?) onto 90nm thermal oxide and measures from 5micron up to 40micron in size. Each sample contains at least one single-layer MoSe? and is easy to find with the given x and y coordinates. Full characterization is performed on each monolayer flake. Typically, single-layer MoSe? show strong PL at 1.55eV with 0.04 to 0.07eV FWHM, and the Raman peaks are located at 287.5cm-1 (E2g in-plane mode) and 241 cm-1 (A1g out-of-plane mode). All the data is provided with the sample and data includes Raman, photoluminescence, 100x optical images, and x,y coordinates.Characterization Raman spectroscopy: Raman spectroscopy is data is taken on every single-layer flakes. Typically, flakes show two prominent Raman peaks at 287.5cm-1 (E2g- in plane-) and 241cm-1 (A1g out-of-plane) and the FWHM (full-width-at-half-maximum) is less than 5cm-1.Photoluminescence (PL): In the single layer form, molybdenum diselenide possesses direct band-gap at 1.55eV. PL measurements show strong PL peak located at 1.56eV with 0.04-0.07 eV PL FWHM.Optical Microscope images: Each sample is inspected under the optical microscope and x-y coordinates are recorded. Contact us for more informationPossible applications:ElectronicsSensors - detectorsOpticsSTM - AFM applicationsMolecular detection - bindingUltra-low friction studiesMaterials science and semiconductor research
  • 喷墨、油墨、溶剂和腐蚀性溶液用囊式过滤器
    囊式过滤器采用折叠加工工艺,其结构紧凑,过滤面积大,适用于小流量、大体积溶液的过滤。滤芯整体采用热熔合密封,不含胶水和粘结剂,对过滤产品不造成任何污染。滤芯出厂前100%进行完整性检测、纯化水冲洗和耐压能力检测,并有各种材质供选择使用。 主要特点褶状结构能提高滤芯的纳污量、高通量,并延长滤芯的使用寿命。可抛弃式的结构无需要不锈钢外壳,经济实惠,成本低,比传统过滤方法更方便。 尽可能减少产品和滤液的残留,是实验室和各种小型机械终端过滤的最佳选择。螺纹连接,使滤芯更换简单、快捷,并备有各种转换接头供选择。 典型应用喷墨、油墨、溶剂和腐蚀性溶液的在线过滤。 较大体积组织培养液,试验室小容量试剂的预滤和精滤。光储行业生产中染料、光刻胶等料液和溶剂的过滤。空气、氮气、二氧化碳等气体的预滤和精滤等。 材料结构过滤介质: 聚丙烯(PP)、聚醚砜(PES) 聚四氟乙烯(PTEE)、尼龙(N66)支撑/导流:聚丙烯(PP)塑料骨架:聚丙烯(PP)密封圈:见订购信息表密闭方式:热熔合 主要性能参数 过滤精度:0.01、0.02、0.1、0.2、0.45、1.0、1.5、3.0、5.0、10(µm)有效过滤面积:158--2000cm2 滤芯长度:45--192 cm 工作条件最高耐压:60 psi(4.1 bar),25 ℃ 灭菌温度:121 ℃,15 min(消毒柜或高压锅)最大操作压力:0.01--0.25 MPa ,0--50 ℃最大耐受压差:0.28 MPa ,0--25 ℃
  • MoSe2 二硒化钼晶体 (Molybdenum Diselenide)
    Our MoSe2 crystals are grown using two different techniques through chemical vapor transport (CVT) or flux zone growth (see description of these two methods below). These crystals are treated as gold standards in 2D materials field owing to perfected optical and electronic behavior. Our MoSe2 crystals are notoriously known to possess extremely narrow PL bandwidths, display clean PL spectra, no bound exciton shoulders at low temperatures, high carrier mobility, extremely clean and sharp XRD peaks, and negligible amount of defects (see published results as well as CVT vs. Flux based methods below ). These are the only commercially available MoSe2 crystals with guaranteed valleytronic response, sharp PL, and good electronic response.Properties of single crystal vdW MoSe2Growth method matters Flux zone or CVT growth method? Contamination of halides and point defects in layered crystals are well known cause for their reduced electronic mobility, reduced anisotropic response, poor e-h recombination, low-PL emission, and lower optical absorption. Flux zone technique is a halide free technique used for synthesizing truly semiconductor grade vdW crystals. This method distinguishes itself from chemical vapor transport (CVT) technique in the following regard: CVT is a quick (~2 weeks) growth method but exhibits poor crystalline quality and the defect concentration reaches to 1E11 to 1E12 cm-2 range. In contrast, flux method takes long (~3 months) growth time, but ensures slow crystallization for perfect atomic structuring, and impurity free crystal growth with defect concentration as low as 1E9 - 1E10 cm-2. During check out just state which type of growth process is preferred. Unless otherwise stated, 2Dsemiconductors ships Flux zone crystals as a default choice.http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR18/Session/K36.3http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR17/Session/V1.14 Publications from this productSummary: Publications from MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, Rice, and Harvard teams at top journals like Nature, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, and Advanced MaterialsControl of Exciton Valley Coherence in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 187401 (2016)Measurement of the optical dielectric function of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides: MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2, Yilei Li, Alexey Chernikov, Xian Zhang, Albert Rigosi, Heather M. Hill, Arend M. van der Zande, Daniel A. Chenet, En-Min Shih, James Hone, and Tony F. Heinz Phys. Rev. B 90, 205422 (2014)Y. Jin "A Van Der Waals Homojunction: Ideal p–n Diode Behavior in MoSe2" Advanced Materials 27, 5534–5540 (2015)Tongay et. al. "Defects activated photoluminescence in two-dimensional semiconductors: interplay between bound, charged, and free excitons" Scientific Reports 3, Article number: 2657 (2013)M. Yankowitz et. al. "Intrinsic Disorder in Graphene on Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures" Nano Letters, 2015, 15 (3), pp 1925–1929Tongay et.al. Thermally Driven Crossover from Indirect toward Direct Bandgap in 2D Semiconductors: MoSe2 versus MoS2 Nano Letters, 2012, 12 (11), pp 5576–5580Manish Chhowalla, "Two-dimensional semiconductors for transistors" Nature Reviews Materials 1, Article number: 16052 (2016) doi:10.1038/natrevmats.2016.52 X Li et al. "Determining layer number of twodimensional flakes of transition-metal dichalcogenides by the Raman intensity from substrates" Nanotechnology 27 (2016) 145704L. Zhang. et.al. "Photonic-crystal exciton-polaritons in monolayer semiconductors" Nature Communications volume 9, Article number: 713 (2018)
  • n-type MoSe2 crystals N型二硒化钼晶体
    Years of growth optimization lead to our flawless n-type MoSe2 crystals through Au or Re doping: They are simply treated as gold standards in 2D materials field. Our n-type MoSe2 crystals are doped with Re or Au atoms at ~1E17-1E18 cm-3 range. However, if your research requires other types or concentration of dopants please contact us. Intentionally doped MoSe2 crystals from 2Dsemiconductors are known for its superior valleytronic performance, perfect crystallization, defect free structure, extremely narrow PL bandwidths, clean PL spectra (free of bound exciton shoulders), and high carrier mobility. Thousands of scientific articles have cited us and used these crystals for scientific accuracy and clean signals. Please also see our n- and p-type MoSe2 crystals doped with Au, Re, Nb, or other transition metal atoms. Please note that doping into TMDCs greatly reduce the crystallization time (growth speeds), thus electronically doped TMDCs measure smaller than undoped (intrinsic) TMDCs.Single crystal n-type MoSe2 characteristics Growth method matters Flux zone or CVT growth method? Contamination of halides and point defects in layered crystals are well known cause for their reduced electronic mobility, reduced anisotropic response, poor e-h recombination, low-PL emission, and lower optical absorption. Flux zone technique is a halide free technique used for synthesizing truly semiconductor grade vdW crystals. This method distinguishes itself from chemical vapor transport (CVT) technique in the following regard: CVT is a quick (~2 weeks) growth method but exhibits poor crystalline quality and the defect concentration reaches to 1E11 to 1E12 cm-2 range. In contrast, flux method takes long (~3 months) growth time, but ensures slow crystallization for perfect atomic structuring, and impurity free crystal growth with defect concentration as low as 1E9 - 1E10 cm-2. During check out just state which type of growth process is preferred. Unless otherwise stated, 2Dsemiconductors ships Flux zone crystals as a default choice. http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR18/Session/K36.3http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR17/Session/V1.14Summary of available doped layered materialsMoS2 n-type and p-type available (via Nb, Co, Ni, Au, or Re dopants) WS2 n-type and p-type available (via Au or Nb doping WSe2 n-type and p-type available (via Re or Nb doping)MoSe2 n-type and p-type available (via Re or Nb doping)Black phosphorus n-type or p-type doping available (via Br or As doping)ReX2 (X=S, Se) n-type or p-type doping available (via Mo or Nb doping) Bi2X3 (X=S,Se, and Te) n-type or p-type doping available (via Ca doping)
  • 瑞士万通-Unitrodes新型复合pH玻璃电极(6.0259.100),适用染料、颜料、油墨、悬浮物、乳状物等复杂基体样品 6.0259.100 Unitrodes新型复合pH玻璃电极
    Unitrode 电极是万通新型的复合pH玻璃电极,用于测量各种不同样品的pH值,其优点是: 固定套管式隔膜不容易污染、堵塞; 耐高温,碱差小; 温度变化响应快; 长寿命LL参比系统稳定性好... 主要技术参数 电极杆材料:玻璃 pH范围:0...14 温度范围:0...100℃ 电极内充液:c(KCl)=3mol/L 应用领域 除常规使用外,特别适合于染料、颜料、油墨、悬浮物、乳状物等复杂基体样品
  • 瑞士万通-Unitrodes新型复合pH玻璃电极(6.0259.100),适用染料、颜料、油墨、悬浮物、乳状物等复杂基体样品
    Unitrode 电极是万通新型的复合pH玻璃电极,用于测量各种不同样品的pH值,其优点是: 固定套管式隔膜不容易污染、堵塞; 耐高温,碱差小; 温度变化响应快; 长寿命LL参比系统稳定性好... 主要技术参数 电极杆材料:玻璃 pH范围:0...14 温度范围:0...100℃ 电极内充液:c(KCl)=3mol/L 应用领域 除常规使用外,特别适合于染料、颜料、油墨、悬浮物、乳状物等复杂基体样品
  • 超薄近红外消色差聚合物延迟片
    &bull 用于OEM集成的超薄≤0.55mm基板&bull 600-1100nm和700-1550nm的选项&bull 宽接受角度公差±10°通用规格入射角 (°):+/- 10 基底:Polymer Stack工作温度 (°C):-20 to +40表面质量:60-40注意 :Slow axis marked with blue dot on part and stripeon protective filmDamage Threshold, By Design:500 Watt/cm2 CW, .3 J/cm2 10 nsec pulses @ 532nm, 2 J/cm2 20 nsec pulses @ 1064nm typical产品介绍超薄近红外消色差聚合物延迟片采用光学熔合和无粘合剂结构,具有耐高温、高透射率和超薄格式的特点。这些延迟片采用多层聚合物堆叠设计,其中λ/2延迟片的厚度为0.35mm,λ/4延迟片的厚度为0.55mm。这些延迟片可选择无涂层或带有抗反射涂层(AR涂层),在宽入射角范围内提供近红外范围内的λ/100延迟容差。无涂层的超薄近红外消色差聚合物延迟片提供700-1550nm的扩展延迟范围,而带涂层的选项则在700-1100nm范围内提高了透射率。这些波片非常适合近红外成像和分析仪器,以及原始设备制造商(OEM)集成和其他需要小型化设计的应用。订购信息Dia. (mm)延迟性厚度 (mm)波长范围 (nm)产品编码12.70 +/- 0.15λ/2 ± λ/1000.35 Nominal700 - 110070-57512.70 +/- 0.15λ/4 ± λ/1000.55 Nominal700 - 155070-70812.70 +/- 0.15λ/4 ± λ/1000.55 Nominal700 - 110070-57325.40 +/- 0.15λ/2 ± λ/1000.35 Nominal700 - 110070-57625.40 +/- 0.15λ/4 ± λ/1000.55 Nominal700 - 155070-70925.40 +/- 0.15λ/4 ± λ/1000.55 Nominal700 - 110070-574
  • 精密消色差波片(相位延迟片)
    精密消色差波片(相位延迟片)&bull 宽光谱范围&bull λ/100 延迟精度&bull λ/4 和 λ/2 延迟性通用规格有效孔径 CA(mm):10.16直径 (mm):25.40基底:N-BK7工作温度 (°C):-20 to +50反射 (%):0.5表面质量:40-20厚度 (mm):6.35厚度容差 (mm):±0.508尺寸容差 (mm):±0.127构造 :Birefringent Polymer Stack传输波前,P-V (λ):λ/4 @ 632.8nm延迟性容差:λ/100光束偏移(弧分):1.00Mount Thickness (mm):6.35Damage Threshold, By Design:500 W/cm2产品介绍精密消色差波片(相位延迟片)在两个精密 BK7 窗口间层压严格对准的双折射聚合物片,备有标准 λ/4 和 λ/2 选项,适合普通可见光和 NIR 波长应用。在 ±10° 的入射角时,这些波片(相位延迟片)可实现少于 1% 的延迟性变化。每个精密消色差波片(相位延迟片)都安装在金属环内,并清晰标记快光轴。技术数据订购信息CA (mm)Dia. (mm)延迟性表面质量类型波长范围 (nm)产品编码10.16 25.40 λ/2 40-20 Achromatic Waveplate 485 - 63049-22710.16 25.40 λ/2 40-20 Achromatic Waveplate 630 - 83549-22810.16 25.40 λ/2 40-20 Achromatic Waveplate 735 - 98549-22910.16 25.40 λ/4 40-20 Achromatic Waveplate 485 - 63049-23210.16 25.40 λ/4 40-20 Achromatic Waveplate 630 - 83549-23310.16 25.40 λ/4 40-20 Achromatic Waveplate 735 - 98549-23410.16 25.40 λ/4 40-20 Achromatic Waveplate 920 - 124049-235
  • 碘盐含碘量快速检测试剂
    产品名称:碘盐含碘量快速检测试剂 产品规格:200批次/套 检测项目:碘盐中的碘含量 适用范围:食盐(精制加碘盐) 沈阳科之杰实验仪器凭借周到的服务和优质的产品赢得许多新老客户的认可,我们将一如既往地为您供应天平、水质分析仪、离子计、电导率仪、溶氧仪、水分测定仪、比色计、酸度计、移液器、浊度计、箱式电炉、电热板、电热套、干燥箱、冻干机、烘干器 、人工气候箱、培养箱、调温调湿箱、试验箱、光度计、氮吹仪、生化分析仪、电泳仪、电泳槽、酶标仪、离心机、蒸馏水器、纯水器、超声波清洗器、色谱仪、气体发生器、气体发生一体机、气体检测仪、色差仪、折光仪、比色计、旋光仪、浊度计、白度计、光泽度计、显微镜、密度计、粘度计、硬度计、流变仪、软化点温度仪、粉碎机、旋涡混合仪、定氮仪(消化炉)、旋转蒸发器、磁力搅拌器、振荡器、摇床、热量计、生物安全柜、超净工作台、除湿机、空气自净器、灭菌器、露点仪、温湿度计、二氧化碳检测仪、试样抛光机、摇摆式高速中药粉碎机、万能粉碎机、瘦肉精快速检测卡、酱油氨基酸态氮快速检测试剂、碘盐含碘量快速检测试剂等试验器材,欢迎您来电详询或发送邮件,我们将以最快的速度给您回复!
  • 无粉乳胶手套/医用检察手套
    产品名称:进口无粉A级乳白色一次性乳胶手套/一次性检查手套/ 卫生手套/防护手套/工业乳胶手套/抽取式盒装/一次性手套 产品特点:原装进口马来西亚乳胶生产,产品为纯天然乳胶材质,进口一等品品质,质量绝对保证,无色差、无斑点,无异味、无粘连、无针孔、无杂质,产品均经过无粉净化处理,无尘室百级净化等级,一般家庭及工厂无尘车间均可安全使用,一次性产品不会产生二次污染,手套厚薄均匀,弹性极好,穿戴过程中不易破裂!品质绝非普通乳胶手套可比!家庭使用可循环使用多天!厚薄均匀,不分左右穿戴,手感柔软,舒适防滑,操作灵活,具有防汗防静电等功能,适用于多种行业。适用范围:主要用于生物医药,卫生,美容美发,油墨印刷,及食品加工等操作行业。是不可缺少的手部防护和防止交叉感染的产品。同时也可广泛应用于微电子,计算机,通信,半导体,精密元器件等的加工与处理,防止员工操作时因手汗、灰尘对产品造成污染,避免指甲对产品造成的划痕.
  • Ci64光源失败
    爱色丽色差仪CI60光源失败、CI62光源失败、CI64光源失败、CI64UV光源失败,光源更换。光源:D65/10,D65/2,A, C, D50, D55, D75, F2, F7, F11,及 F12寿命:50万次测试测量几何学 d/8°,DRS 光谱引擎,可选光圈:4 mm 测量区域/6.5 mm 目标窗口8 mm 测量区域/14 mm 目标窗口14 mm 测量区域/20 mm 目标窗口接收 机蓝色增强硅光电二极管光源 充气钨丝灯照明体 A, C, D50, D55, D75, F2, F7, F11,及 F12标准视角 2°及 10°光谱范围 400nm – 700nm光谱间隔 10nm – 测量,10nm – 输出测量范围: 0 到 200% 反射测量时间 约 2 秒仪器间协议 (Ci60) CIE L*a*b*:平均值0.20 ΔE*ab,基于 12 BCRA 系列 II 校准板的平均值(包含镜面反射)。最大值 0.40 ΔE*ab,任意校准板(包含镜面反射)仪器间协议 (Ci62) CIE L*a*b*:平均值0.20 ΔE*ab,基于 12 BCRA 系列 II 校准板的平均值(包含镜面反射)。最大值 0.40 ΔE*ab,任意校准板(包含镜面反射)仪器间协议 (Ci64) 8 mm/14 mmCIE L*a*b*:平均值0.20 ΔE*ab,基于 12 BCRA 系列 II 校准板的平均值(包含镜面反射)短期重复性(Ci60) .10 ΔE*ab,白色陶瓷(含镜面反射)短期重复性(Ci62) .05 ΔE*ab,白色陶瓷(标准偏差)短期重复性(Ci64) .04 ΔE*ab,白色陶瓷(标准偏差)光源寿命 大约 500,000 次测量Ci60Ci62Ci64Ci64 UV4 毫米专色测量√√√8 毫米专色测量√√√√14 毫米专色测量L**NetProfiler 选项√√√图形作业√√√白板重复性 E. 可选用蓝牙*√√√
  • 仪电物光测色色差计WSC-S
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