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  • 304不锈钢取土器 取样器 采样器 根钻
    304不锈钢取土器 取样器 采样器 根钻由上海书培实验设备有限公司提供,产品规格齐全,量多从优,欢迎客户来电咨询选购产品介绍:产品名称:不锈钢取土器、采样器材质:不锈钢304材质特点:易清洗、坚固耐用、抗腐蚀等特点相关参数表:产品名称长度直径是否带推土单价品牌取土器0.5米38mm不带 200书培取土器1米38mm不带285书培取土器1米50mm不带355书培取土器1米70mm不带535书培取土器0.5米38mm带推土285书培取土器1米38mm带推土335书培取土器1米50mm带推土435书培取土器1米70mm带推土630书培不带推土普通加节1米200书培带推土加节1米350书培加装脚踏50书培加装敲击块50书培螺纹钻45mm350书培根钻430书培加厚推块50书培
  • Tubing - Nitrogen, blue nylon | 049296
    Tubing - Nitrogen, blue nylon, 4 mm | 049296 Tubing - Nitrogen, blue nylon, 4 mm订货信息:部件号品名描述数量049296Tubing - Nitrogen, blue nylon, 4 mmTubing - Nitrogen, blue nylon, 4 mmEA
  • Genesys Series Recirc Tubing Kit
    配件编号:119650-0230产品名称:CI Ion Volume产品规格:119650-0230仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是配件编号:840-202200产品名称:Genesys Series Recirc Tubing Kit适用于美国热电公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific) 仪器配件。配件编号:119650-0235产品名称:Insulator Filament产品规格:119650-0235仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是
  • Eluent Regeneration Startup Kit, Anion | 069570
    Eluent Regeneration Startup Kit, Anion, for ICS-1100 and ICS-1600 | 069570 Eluent Regeneration Startup Kit, Anion, for ICS-1100 and ICS-1600订货信息:部件号品名描述数量069570Eluent Regeneration Startup Kit, Anion, for ICS-1100 and ICS-1600Eluent Regeneration Startup Kit, Anion, for ICS-1100 and ICS-1600EA
  • TCH600 配件 试剂管 Reagent Tube 618-809
    产品特点:OPERATION ACCESSORIES订购信息:货号产品描述(包装规格)618-809Medium Reagent Tube (Glass)
  • LECO 元素分析仪配件 619-289 619-289 Reagent Purge Tube
    产品特点:OPERATION ACCESSORIES订购信息:货号产品描述619-289Reagent Purge Tube
  • 红口防水根管
    根管说明一、根管是透明的观察窗,即机器潜入地下观察地下根系的凭借,又名微根窗。 我们在海洋馆观赏海洋生物时,会看到隔开我们与海洋生物的透明窗,而现在根管就是我们进行根系监测的透明窗。二、材料功能性透光率 仪器可以更清晰的全方位扫描根系抗压性 不会因为泥土的挤压而变形耐摔 一般性的碰撞,不会使根管受损可密封不透水 根管露出地上的部分可密封,有特制的盖子,水不会渗进根管内影响仪器工作 三、埋置时间1.植株处于种子、幼苗、长芽时期埋置根管为最佳(或根据植株的生长特性埋置根管)。2.对已经成形的植株埋置根管,需距离根茎主干适当的距离,等待植株根系生长到根管附近再进行监测。3.为获得根系生长的持续数据,可在不同的时间埋置根管。 四、埋置根管1.用铁锹挖土的深度和宽度都不好把握,无法安稳的安置根管,更会破坏土壤,以至于需要更长的时间,让根系长过来。2.一般的取土工具使用费力,且不能保证把局部的土提取干净。 3.专门制作的根钻,呈螺旋状钻入土地内,形成大小更好的洞孔,并会将多余的土运到地面上。五、埋置根管图示1.地上根管露出部分为375px,根管埋置角度可以自己调节(一般角度为30°、45°、90°)2.地上露出根管处配有黑色盖子,为防止透光影响土壤和根系生长环境,还需安装遮光隔热层。 3.分层扫描获取不同深度根系生长信息。六、多方向埋置根管 如果根系研究需要做更加精准的监测,也可在植株多个方向埋置多个根管。 有很多老师反映,原位扫描装置伸入根管的时候,不慎进水,导致仪器无法使用。严重耽误实验进程。进水的原因在于普通根管没有专门的防水措施,在长期地下埋放中,土壤水分通过渗透浸入根管内形成积水。现在有了新型的防水红口管,可以有效消除管底漏水现象的发生。红口防水根管
  • 407-233.916 12 德国耶拿pieces pump tubing for reducing agent
    407-233.916 12 德国耶拿pieces pump tubing for reducing agent公司产品与国内外各品牌仪器完全配套,完全配套于北分瑞利、普析通用、东西电子、瀚时制作所、北京华洋、科创海光、博晖创新、北京纳克、北京美诚、北京瑞昌、上海天美、上海精科(上分厂)、上海光谱、上海森谱、浙江福立、江苏天瑞、安徽皖仪、武汉天虹、辽宁分析(辽分)、沈阳华光、沈阳仪通(沈分)等国内,同时完全兼容配套于美国PE、美国瓦里安Varian、美国热电Thermo(Unicam)、美国惠普HP、美国安捷伦Agilent、美国巴克Buck、美国利曼Leeman、美国力可Leco、美国贝尔德Baird、美国沃特世Waters、德国耶拿Analytic Jena、德国斯派克Spectro、、澳大利亚GBC、加拿大欧罗拉Aurora、英国可林kwicklink、英国派尤尼堪(尤里卡)、日本日立Hitachi、日本岛津Shimadzu 、日本掘场Horib等国外。国产产品与原装产品兼营,零售批发兼营。402-820.123Ferrule for injection needle, vertical operation, 1 pieceA402-889.180Injection head for GSS, LPG and GSS/LPG, vertical operation, complete402-823.056Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesmulti EA 5000: removeable injection needle for vertical operation mode402-815.058Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)multi EA 5000: for bubble vessel402-881.116O-ring, i.d. = 6 mm x 3 mmmulti EA 5000: for screw cap GL 14 bubble vessel402-889.423Septum perforated for special needle PEEK in horizontal operation mode402-890.018Special needle for GSS,LPG and GSS/LPG, horizontal operation mode, PEEK402-889.061Extended Sulfur Calibration Kit 0,05 - 10 mg/l402-889.060Extended Nitrogen Calibration Kit 0,05 - 10 mg/l 402-889.070Sulfur Calibration Kit (0.1 - 10 mg/l) incl. blank402-889.167Sulfur Calibration Kit (10 - 100 mg/l) incl. blank402-889.164Sulfur Calibration Kit (100 - 500 mg/l)402-889.069Nitrogen Calibration Kit ( 0.1 - 10 mg/l) incl. blank402-889.165Nitrogen Calibration Kit (10 - 100 mg/l) incl. blank402-889.162Nitrogen Calibration Kit (100 - 500 mg/l)402-823.048Membrane dryer402-815.030O-ring 3.0 mm x 1.5 mm (3 mm x 6 mm) set of 10 piecesmulti EA 5000: sealing for inner part of membrane dryerSulfur Coulometer402-889.313Absorber tube for Sulfur coulometer, glass402-820.110Connecting hose 1/8", (sold by meter), 1m402-889.302Diaphragma for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer402-889.308Sealing for screw cap with hole, GL 32, Sulfur coulometer402-889.309Sealing for screw cap with hole, GL 14, Sulfur coulometer402-889.307Sealing for screw cap with hole, GL 18, Sulfur coulometer402-889.311Gas introduction tube for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer, glass402-520.137Glass screw joint (gray)multi EA 5000: (Screw joint for tube 8 mm)402-889.301Indicator electrode for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer 402-889.303Cathode for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer402-889.310Stirrer bar, titration cell, Sulfur coulometer402-884.015Packet with one charge of silver wool402-889.305 Screw cap with hole, GL 14 for gas introduction tube and electrodes, Sulfur coulometer402-889.306Screw cap with hole, GL 18402-889.304Screw cap with hole, GL 32 Diaphragma, Sulfur coulometer402-889.314Septa for titration cell for Sulfur Coulometer, set a 50 pieces402-889.300Titration cell for Sulfur coulometer, glass402-889.312Fitting GL zz, for absorber tube, sulfur coulometer402-886.311Syringe graduated 500 μl with removable needle for manual injection402-885.019Halogen absorber, complete with U-tube 402-810.050Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)402-885.017High-temperature mat, set of 3 pieces402-823.056Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesmulti EA 5000: removeable injection needle for vertical operatio402-889.657Condensation coil
  • SC632 配件 大试剂管 Large Reagent Tube 619-455
    产品特点: COMBUSTION TUBES/GLASSWARE 订购信息: 货号产品描述619-455Large Anhydrone Reagent Tube
  • 407-401.241 6 德国耶拿es pump tubings for reducing agent / waste
    公司产品与国内外各品牌仪器配套,配套于北分瑞利、普析通用、东西电子、瀚时制作所、北京华洋、科创海光、博晖创新、北京纳克、北京美诚、北京瑞昌、上海天美、上海精科(上分厂)、上海光谱、上海森谱、浙江福立、江苏天瑞、安徽皖仪、武汉天虹、辽宁分析(辽分)、沈阳华光、沈阳仪通(沈分)等国内,同时兼容配套于美国PE、美国瓦里安Varian、美国热电Thermo(Unicam)、美国惠普HP、美国安捷伦Agilent、美国巴克Buck、美国利曼Leeman、美国力可Leco、美国贝尔德Baird、美国沃特世Waters、德国耶拿Analytic Jena、德国斯派克Spectro、、澳大利亚GBC、加拿大欧罗拉Aurora、英国可林kwicklink、英国派尤尼堪(尤里卡)、日本日立Hitachi、日本岛津Shimadzu 、日本掘场Horib等国外。国产产品与原装产品兼营,零售批发兼营。407-401.241 6 德国耶拿es pump tubings for reducing agent / waste402-810.050Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)402-885.017High-temperature mat, set of 3 pieces402-823.056Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesmulti EA 5000: removeable injection needle for vertical operatio402-889.657Condensation coil402-810.059Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refills402-810.048Special catalyst platinum, one refill402-886.318Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces402-884.005Pump hose for peristaltic pump, waste402-881.006Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 g402-825.044Quartz wool, 1 packet402-889.659Septum TIC vesselno picture available402-889.658Septum combustion tube402-881.245Set of TC prefilter and water trap402-889.594Syringe 250 μl with vent and removable needle402-889.593Syringe 500 μl with vent and removable needle402-889.656TIC vessel402-825.150U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber402-889.655Combustion tube402-815.831Hose to connect suction extractor at workplace or ventlengh 70 cm402-889.549Connecting part (metal) for gas transfer linewith outside thread402-825.123Beaker for sulfuric acid vessel402-889.561Replacement hose for heated gas transfer line402-820.053Ferrule for connecting part (metal)for gas transfer line with outside thread402-820.055Ferrule for screw jointgas transfer line with inside thread402-889.559Gas transfer hose402-889.071 Calibration Kit ( 0.1 - 10 mg/l) incl. blank B402-889.166 Calibration Kit (10 - 100 mg/l) incl. blank402-889.163 Calibration Kit (100 - 500 mg/l)402-520.177ferrule set, 1/4" TFE402-30003Ferrule set, 1/8" PTFE 402-825.124Petri dish for sulfuric acid vessel402-889.569Tubing inside sulfuric acid vessel with ferrule402-889.508sulfuric acid vessel with outlet402-889.507Safety cowl for the sulfuric acid tank402-825.108Funnel for sulfuric acid vessel402-889.573Connector sulfuric acid vessel402-30031Swagelok screw fitting, 1/4" onto 1/8", PTFEdetection with module high sensitive402-890.007Storage vessel for sensor electrodeA402-889.085Mounting to connect suction extractor at workplace, NS14.5 brown glass402-99998preamplifier for sensor electrode402-889.123Gas introduction tube402-889.124Set of rubber plugs 1 x NS14, 1 x NS7402-889.112Internal electrolyte sensor electrode, 50 ml402-815.023Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, 30 mm x 6 mm, 1 piece402-889.006Platinum electrode402-889.184Electrolyte bridge402-889.110Salt solution to make up 100 ml electrolyte402-889.002Sensor electrode 402-889.536Silver electrodedetection with titration cells sensitive and high concentration402-889.538Storage vessel for combination electrode402-880.605Disposable tube 18 mm x 6 mm, filledpacket of 10 pieces, for AOX determination (column method)402-890.610Disposable quartz tubes 18 x 6, filled set á 100 pieces for AOX determination (column method) 402-880.211Combination electrode (ceramic)402-815.022Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, 15 mm x 6 mm, 1 piece402-889.673Sample boat, special, with downholder for special applications(e. g. AOX by batch method, EC/OC determination), 10 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.
  • Nalgene 6303 螺旋装订现场笔记本,有涂层的PolyPaper 页面
    Nalgene 6303 螺旋装订现场笔记本,有涂层的PolyPaper 页面;蓝色聚乙烯封面理想的现场作业用大型笔记本,适用于潮湿或有化学侵蚀的任何环境。灵活耐用的封面,内页采用牢固的螺旋装订方式。该笔记本带有标题页和目录页,页码从1标至96,双面都有1/4-in. 的绿色细网格线。每一页上都有填写日期、研究记录的操作员与见证人的签名位置。 订货信息:Nalgene 6303 螺旋装订现场笔记本,有涂层的PolyPaper 页面;蓝色聚乙烯封面目录编号 6303-1000总尺寸,mm235×286×11总尺寸,in.9-1/4×11-1/4×7/16页面尺寸,mm229×286页面尺寸,in.9×11-1/4每盒数量1每箱数量6
  • Eluent Regeneration Startup Kit, Cation | 069569
    Eluent Regeneration Startup Kit, Cation, for ICS-1100 and ICS-1600 | 069569 Eluent Regeneration Startup Kit, Cation, for ICS-1100 and ICS-1600订货信息:部件号品名描述数量069569Eluent Regeneration Startup Kit, Cation, for ICS-1100 and ICS-1600Eluent Regeneration Startup Kit, Cation, for ICS-1100 and ICS-1600EA
  • Restek气体发生器20677 Nitrogen Generator Gene
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Nitrogen Generator General Purpose N2-14 Does not Ship UPS or Fed Ex (Ships on Skid) Domestic Orders Drop Ship from Manufacturer 12 Month Warranty from Date of Purchase (Dim L22"H53"155#)
  • Restek气体发生器22156 Generator Nitrogen Mai
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Nitrogen Maitenance Kit for NitroFlow Lab Includes: Carbon Adsorber Drop Ships from Manufacturer
  • Nalgene 6565Nalgene 四合一EZ Tote,波纹塑料
    Nalgene 6565Nalgene 四合一EZ Tote,波纹塑料可使试剂瓶和其它实验室必需品的运送操作变得更安全、更容易,其设计正处于专利申请中。Nalgene 四合- EZ Tote 用途广泛、经久耐用且质轻。随附预组合隔板,每个手提篮上都印有组装说明。建议在冰箱温度到室温的环境下使用。请勿进行高温高压灭菌。专利申请中?万能手提篮可以携带8×500 mL、6×1 L 或2×4L 试剂瓶?最大承受重量达28 磅/12.7 公斤?易于组装,可折平存放?由坚固、质轻且耐用的波纹塑料制成 订货信息:Nalgene 6565Nalgene 四合一EZ Tote,波纹塑料目录编号 6565-0001L×W×H,in.(标称)13×8×13-1/2L×W×H,mm(标称)330×203×343颜色蓝色每箱数量4
  • Restek气体发生器22147 Generator Hydrogen PEM
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Hydrogen PEMPD Model H2PEMPD-650-175 650 cc/min generating capacity Warranty: 1yr on system and 3yrs on cell life. Domestic orders drop shipped from manufacturer. Must Ship Via Next Day Ai
  • Restek气体发生器22153 Generator Hydrogen PEM
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Hydrogen PEMPD Model H2PEMPD-1300-175 1300 cc/min generating capacity Warranty: 1yr on system and 3yrs on cell life. Domestic orders drop shipped from manufacturer. Must Ship Via Next Day
  • Restek气体发生器22145 Generator Hydrogen PEM
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Hydrogen PEMPD Model H2PEMPD-510-175 510 cc/min generating capacity Warranty: 1yr on system and 3yrs on cell life. Domestic orders drop shipped from manufacturer. Must Ship Via Next Day Ai
  • Restek气体发生器22144 Generator Hydrogen PEM
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Hydrogen PEMPD Model H2PEMPD-510-100 510 cc/min generating capacity Warranty: 1yr on system and 3yrs on cell life. Domestic orders drop shipped from manufacturer. Ships via truck only. Mus
  • Restek气体发生器22150 Generator Hydrogen PEM
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Hydrogen PEMPD Model H2PEMPD-1100-100 1100 cc/min generating capacity Warranty: 1yr on system and 3yrs on cell life. Domestic orders drop shipped from manufacturer. Must Ship Via Next Day
  • Combi: Oxygen/Moisture Stainless Steel Trap with 1/8" SS Connector (2)
    Combi: Oxygen/Moisture Stainless Steel Trap with 1/8" SS Connector (2)
  • Combi: Oxygen/Moisture Stainless Steel Trap with 1/8" Brass Connector (2)
    Combi: Oxygen/Moisture Stainless Steel Trap with 1/8" Brass Connector (2)
  • Indicating Glass Triple Trap, Oxygen/Moisture/hydrocarbons with 1/8" SS Connector (2)
    Indicating Glass Triple Trap, Oxygen/Moisture/hydrocarbons with 1/8" SS Connector (2)
  • 407-401.241 6德国耶拿es pump tubings for reducing agent / waste
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司产品与国内外各品牌仪器配套,配套于北分瑞利、普析通用、东西电子、瀚时制作所、北京华洋、科创海光、博晖创新、北京纳克、北京美诚、北京瑞昌、上海天美、上海精科(上分厂)、上海光谱、上海森谱、浙江福立、江苏天瑞、安徽皖仪、武汉天虹、辽宁分析(辽分)、沈阳华光、沈阳仪通(沈分)等国内品牌,同时兼容配套于美国PE、美国瓦里安Varian、美国热电Thermo(Unicam)、美国惠普HP、美国安捷伦Agilent、美国巴克Buck、美国利曼Leeman、美国力可Leco、美国贝尔德Baird、美国沃特世Waters、德国耶拿Analytic Jena、德国斯派克Spectro、、澳大利亚GBC、加拿大欧罗拉Aurora、英国可林kwicklink、英国派尤尼堪(尤里卡)、日本日立 、日本岛津Shimadzu 、日本掘场Horib等国外品牌。国产产品与原装产品兼营,零售批发兼营。407-401.241 6德国耶拿es pump tubings for reducing agent / waste德国耶拿产品序号产品货号产品货号1402-886.333115:090.122402-881.006407-230.0733AJV00001810-5-3810004590402-880.609402-950.0134402-881.244450-900.4035702-889.545480-450.0016702-808.765480-450.0317402-884.019407-A81.0118402-881.229480-450.0019402-810.058480-450.001C1010-405-810480-450.03111115:090.12480-450.031C12407-230.073115:090.1213402-880.609402-950.013407-230.07314402-886.333407-A81.01115402-881.006407-A81.30316AJV00001810-5-3810004590407-152.02317402-881.244407-152.31518702-889.545407-152.31419702-808.76511-0402-001-2120402-884.019407-111.86021402-881.229480-450.06722402-810.058480-450.0092310-405-810480-450.04124115:090.12407-111.50125407-230.073418-13-410-40126402-880.609402-950.013407-A81.01127402-886.333407-A81.30328402-881.006407-152.02329AJV00001810-5-3810004590407-152.31530402-881.244407-152.31431702-889.54511-0402-001-2132702-808.765407-111.86033402-884.019480-450.06734402-881.229480-450.00935402-810.058480-450.0413610-405-810407-111.501402-889.423Septum perforated for special needle PEEK in horizontal operation mode402-890.018Special needle for GSS,LPG and GSS/LPG, horizontal operation mode, PEEK402-889.061Extended Sulfur Calibration Kit 0,05 - 10 mg/l402-889.060Extended Nitrogen Calibration Kit 0,05 - 10 mg/l 402-889.070Sulfur Calibration Kit (0.1 - 10 mg/l) incl. blank402-889.167Sulfur Calibration Kit (10 - 100 mg/l) incl. blank402-889.164Sulfur Calibration Kit (100 - 500 mg/l)402-889.069Nitrogen Calibration Kit ( 0.1 - 10 mg/l) incl. blank402-889.165Nitrogen Calibration Kit (10 - 100 mg/l) incl. blank402-889.162Nitrogen Calibration Kit (100 - 500 mg/l)402-823.048Membrane dryer402-815.030O-ring 3.0 mm x 1.5 mm (3 mm x 6 mm) set of 10 piecesmulti EA 5000: sealing for inner part of membrane dryerSulfur Coulometer402-889.313Absorber tube for Sulfur coulometer, glass402-820.110Connecting hose 1/8", (sold by meter), 1m402-889.302Diaphragma for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer402-889.308Sealing for screw cap with hole, GL 32, Sulfur coulometer402-889.309Sealing for screw cap with hole, GL 14, Sulfur coulometer402-889.307Sealing for screw cap with hole, GL 18, Sulfur coulometer402-889.311Gas introduction tube for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer, glass402-520.137Glass screw joint (gray)multi EA 5000: (Screw joint for tube 8 mm)402-889.301Indicator electrode for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer402-889.303Cathode for titration cell of Sulfur coulometer402-889.310Stirrer bar, titration cell, Sulfur coulometer402-884.015Packet with one charge of silver wool402-889.305 Screw cap with hole, GL 14 for gas introduction tube and electrodes, Sulfur 北京龙天韬略科技有限公司的诚信、实力和过硬的产品质量、 合理的价格、 严格的交货期和周到的服务获得业界人士的认可,欢迎您的光临!
  • Kit, for Nitrogen Or Oxygen Analysis
    配件编号:1040440产品名称:T-Stü ck, 1/32英寸, Zt.5J ( Without Ferrule)产品规格:1040440仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是配件编号:OEH-E13A产品名称:Kit, for Nitrogen Or Oxygen Analysis适用于美国热电公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific) 仪器配件。配件编号:1040460产品名称:Ferrule, FSR 25 VICI产品规格:1040460仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是
  • Restek气体发生器22146 Generator Hydrogen PEM
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Hydrogen PEMPD Model H2PEMPD-650-100 650 cc/min generating capacity Warranty: 1yr on system and 3yrs on cell life. Domestic orders drop shipped from manufacturer. Can not ship UPS ground
  • Restek气体发生器22148 Generator Hydrogen PEM
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Hydrogen PEMPD Model H2PEMPD-850-100 850 cc/min generating capacity Warranty: 1yr on system and 3yrs on cell life. Domestic orders drop shipped from manufacturer. Must Ship Via Next Day Ai
  • Restek气体发生器22149 Generator Hydrogen PEM
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Hydrogen PEMPD Model H2PEMPD-850-175 850 cc/min generating capacity Warranty: 1yr on system and 3yrs on cell life. Domestic orders drop shipped from manufacturer. Must Ship Via Next Day Ai
  • Restek气体发生器22152 Generator Hydrogen PEM
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Hydrogen PEMPD Model H2PEMPD-1300-100 1300 cc/min generating capacity Warranty: 1yr on system and 3yrs on cell life. Domestic orders drop shipped from manufacturer. Must Ship Via Next Day
  • Restek气体发生器22151 Generator Hydrogen PEM
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Hydrogen PEMPD Model H2PEMPD-1100-175 1100 cc/min generating capacity Warranty: 1yr on system and 3yrs on cell life. Domestic orders drop shipped from manufacturer. Ships by truck only Mu
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