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  • Tydex 太赫兹增透镀膜 THz AR Coatings
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹这增透镀膜 THz AR CoatingsDownload THz AR Coatings Datasheet (PDF, 64 KB)As it is known THz transmittance of crystalline materials is not high (transmittance of HRFZ-Si is only ~54% and of THz-grade crystal quartz is ~70%) due to high reflection losses. However, reflection losses can be reduced by THz AR coating. We offer polyethylene and parylene coatings. We have developed polyethylene coating technology for plane surface. Polyethylene coatings are applied for windows only. The coated windows are mounted for easy handling. Parylene coating technology for plane surfaces is well known in microelectronics. We have improved it to achieve coating on optical surfaces (plane as well as spherical ones). So parylene coatings are used for windows as well as for lenses. AR coating wavelength range is specified by customer. It' s possible to make AR coatings for ranges within the wide interval from 60 &mu m to 1300 &mu m. The following AR coatings are offered:1. Two-sided AR coating It is used for windows and meniscus lenses. Currently AR coatings centered at the following ranges are developed: - polyethylene coatings - 60-80 &mu m, 110-160 &mu m, 160-220 &mu m, 320-430 &mu m, 375-510 &mu m, 480-650 & mu m, 535-725 &mu m, 645-870 &mu m, 695-940 &mu m, and 965-1305 &mu m - parylene coating 99-125 &mu m. HRFZ-Si can be coated by polyethylene as well as by parylene while crystal quartz - by parylene only. Due to AR coating transmittance is &ge 90% within any range mentioned above. Examples of transmission curves of polyethylene coated and uncoated HRFZ-Si windows as well as parylene coated and uncoated crystal quartz windows are shown below. Fig. 1. Transmission of uncoated and two-sided polyethylene coated HRFZ-Si windows. AR coating is centered at 160-220 &mu m.Fig. 2. Transmission of uncoated and two-sided parylene coated crystal quartz windows. AR coating is centered at 99-125 &mu m.2. One-sided AR coating Usually it is applied for hemispherical lenses. Plane lens surface is not coated since the lens is used as photoconductive antenna in THz TDS setup or in superconductive bolometer. Currently AR coating centered at the range of 99 um to 125 um is developed for some specific applications. AR coating increases transmittance of the hemispherical lens by 30 %. Since it' s enough difficult to measure transmission of hemispherical lens due to its shape we have simulated transmission curves of AR coated and uncoated lenses (please see them below). Fig.3. Simulated transmission of uncoated and one-sided (spherical surface) parylene coated hemispherical lenses. AR coating is centered at 99-125 &mu m. Experimental results achieved by one of our customers confirmed increasing of transmission due to AR coating. The gain in power in his instruments while using one-side coated hyper-hemispherical lens was about 30-50% at 111 um. As you see transmittance of uncoated HRFZ-Si hemispherical lens is 6 % only. It is connected with the effect of total internal reflection. The angle of total internal reflection is about 17 deg. Due to high refractive index of silicon and lens geometry major part of penetrated into the lens THz radiation is reflected from plane lens surface-air interface. Therefore clear aperture of the hemispherical lens is 40% only. Polyethylene AR coatings as well as parylene ones centered at wavelength ranges differing from mentioned above are in progress.筱晓(上海)光子技术有限公司Micro photons (Shanghai)Technology Co., LTDEmail:info@microphotons.com上海总部:电话:021-64149583地址:上海市闵行区春都路358弄27号楼504,201108
  • 纳谱分析 SelectCore HLB-B 中药农药专用固相萃取柱 其他专用小柱
    适用品种:色素较多,挥发油较多如:火麻仁、菟丝子、酸枣仁、羌活、川芎、莪术、蛇床子、紫苏叶、姜黄、干姜、陈皮、枳实、青皮、防风、莱菔子、槟榔、当归、小茴香、豆蔻、黄连、黄柏、虎杖、大黄、马钱子、化橘红、当归订货信息:货号产品名称规格HLBB60-060500-1SelectCore HLB-B中药农残专用柱500mg/6mL 30/pkg
  • Insulating Fitting
    配件编号:S429960产品名称:Insulating Fitting适用于美国热电公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific)ARL3460,4460 直读光谱仪配件
  • Tydex 太赫兹增透镀膜 THz AR Coatings
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹这增透镀膜 THz AR Coatings 众所周知高阻硅的透过率只有54%,石英晶体的透过率在50%左右,他们的反射损失都很大。为了减少反射损失,可以镀一层增透膜。 我们能提供聚乙烯和聚对二甲苯AR膜。聚乙烯膜只能用于窗片。聚对二甲苯适用于窗片,也适用于透镜。 AR膜的波长由客户决定,我们能提供60-1300μm。1. 两面镀膜两面镀膜适用于窗片和月牙透镜。镀膜的波长范围如下:聚乙烯: - 60-80 &mu m, 110-160 &mu m, 160-220 &mu m, 320-430 &mu m, 375-510 &mu m, 480-650 &mu m, 535-725 &mu m, 645-870 &mu m, 695-940 &mu m, and 965-1305 &mu m 聚对二甲苯:99-125 &mu m.聚乙烯和聚对二甲苯都能用于高阻硅,但是石英晶体只能镀聚对二甲苯。下图是高阻硅镀聚乙烯和没镀膜的透过率曲线图Fig. 1.高阻硅镀聚乙烯和没镀膜的透过率曲线图 镀膜波长范围160-220μmFig. 2. 石英窗片双面镀聚对二甲苯和没有镀膜的透过率曲线图 镀膜波长范围99-125μm2. 一面镀膜朝半头透镜只能做一面镀膜。镀膜的波长范围是99-125μm。透过率可以增加30%左右。镀膜是镀在球面上不是平面上。Fig.3. 超半球透镜球面镀膜的模拟传播光路。镀膜波长99-125μm
  • THZ线栅起偏器_太赫兹_ Thomas Keating
    Terahertz太赫兹线栅起偏器筱晓光子技术独家代理英国Thomas Keating的THZ太赫兹线栅起偏器,我们根据客户的尺寸,线栅尺度进行定制。欢迎前来定制咨询Photolithographic Polarisers Our photolithographic polarisers are designed for the higher frequency range (i.e. above 3 THz) where free-standing polarisers become less efficient. They are commonly used in polarising FT spectrometers for the far infrared region and in polarisation sensitive receivers such as the higher frequency bands of ALMA. They have also been qualified for use in long-life space-borne projects such as Cassini. A pattern of thin parallel lines is created in metal on the surface of an ultra-thin polymeric substrate. As a consequence of their structure and of the method used to construct them, these polarisers must be circular and are usually mounted in stainless steel support frames. The support substrate is usually 0.9 um or 1.5 um thick Mylar, and the metal ' wires' are copper or gold. The polarisers are mounted in their support frames by means of a press, and each frame design requires pressing tools. We therefore offer a range of standard polariser support frame sizes. Special sizes, up to the maxima indicated in the table below, are still available but costs will include the manufacture of special press tools. We have a range of patterns available with dimensions as follows: Polarisers Polarisers are optical components which convert unpolarised radiation into orthogonal linearly polarised components. We offer two distinct devices for operation throughout the millimetre and far infrared spectral region and at both ambient and cryogenic temperatures.Wire grid polarisers are suitable at frequencies below 3 THz wire is wound across a supporting metal frame and then glued into place. Wire diameters as low as 5 um are available, and we recommend this relatively low-cost option for frequencies up to 3 THz. Diameters up to 500 mm are possible. More information can be found below.At higher frequencies wire grid polarisers become less efficient. For these frequencies we offer lithographic polarisers in which thin metal patterns are deposited onto ultra-thin polymeric substrates. Pattern repeat distances of 2um and 10um are standards and these are available in diameters up to approximately 200 mm. See below for further details.Wire grid polarisers are offered using wire diameters from 5 um upwards. Our computer-controlled grid-winding machine weighs more than one tonne and is capable of winding grids up to 500 mm in diameter. The photograph shows one of the larger wire grid polarisers we have made to date – the winding of a pair like this used more than 6km of wire.Wire is wound across a supporting metal frame and then glued in place (often sandwiched between two frame halves).
  • SupelMIP SPE 多环芳烃(PAH)
    SupelMIP SPE 多环芳烃(PAH) 50mg/3ml,50支/盒 开发用于从食用油(如橄榄油、花生油、玉米油)以及相关的样品基质中进行多环芳烃 (PAH) 的分类选择性萃取。经测试的 PAH 包括:屈、苯并[a]蒽、苯并[k]荧蒽、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并(a)芘、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘、二苯并[a,h]蒽和苯并[ghi]苝。 SupelMIP 固相萃取 &mdash PAH 不适合萃取较小的 PAH 化合物(2-3 环);以及芘的定量萃取。 SupelMIP 固相萃取相由 MIP Technologies AB 所开发,它是分子印迹聚合物的的领导者和商业先锋之一。此固定相可用于大规模分离、分析色谱和样品制备。 SupelMIP 固相萃取产品线是由高度交联聚合物组成。该类特殊的固定相对提取单个目标分析物或结构相似的分析物具有极高的选择性。在 MIP 合成过程中模仿目标分析物设计模板分子,该模板分子形成的洞穴或印记正好与目标分析物的立体和化学结构相匹配,这使得在 MIP 合成中引入选择性成为可能。精心设计的印迹点是通过分子模拟、实验设计或筛选方法形成的,该印记点或洞穴能够提供多种与目标分析物的相互作用点。这可实现固相和分析物之间更强的相互作用。从而,在固相萃取方法中可允许更苛刻的冲洗条件,最终得到更干净的萃取物。由于萃取选择性得到显著提高,观察到的背景更低,使得分析物的检测限更低。
  • Fitting - Y pressure | 049330
    Fitting - Y pressure , 5/32" | 049330 Fitting - Y pressure , 5/32"订货信息:部件号品名描述数量049330Fitting - Y pressure , 5/32"Fitting - Y pressure , 5/32"EA
  • Seta 配件:绝缘盖 Insulating Lid | 82103-2
    产品特点:Insulating Lid - 82103-2订货号:82103-2适用仪器:● Setaflash Series 8 ActiveCool Flash Point Tester ● Setaflash Series 8 ActiveCool Flash Point Tester – Corrosion Resisting CupInsulating lid for use use with the Series 8 ActiveCool Flash Point Testers 82150-2 and 82100-2.
  • SupelMIP 分子印记固相萃取SPE小柱— 多环芳烃PAH
    SupelMIP SPE——分子印记聚合物 SupelMIP SPE固定相是由MIP Tech AB公司开发的,它是分子印记聚合物的领导者和商业先锋之一,此固定相可用于大规格分离。分析色谱和样品制备。 SupelMIP SPE系列是由高度交联的聚合物组成,该类特殊固定相对提取单个目标分析物或一类结构相似的分析物具有极高的选择性。这是因为在MIP合成过程中模仿目标分析物设计模板分子,该模板分子形成的洞穴或印记正好与目标分析物的立体和化学结构相匹配。 精心设计的印记点是通过分子模拟,实验设计或筛选方法形成的。该印记点或洞穴能够提供多种与目标分析物相互作用点(离子交换,聚合物基质的反相作用和氢键作用)。MIP相互作用点同时与目标分析物的化学结构和空间结构相匹配,这导致了在固定相和分析物之间的较强相互作用。因此,在SPE方法中,为获得较为洁净的提取物, 即便较为苛刻的冲洗条件也能使用。因此提取选择性很高,检测背景很低,分析者能得到更低的检测限。 产品特点和优点: ? 极高的选择性能获得更低的检测限 ? 在色质联用中减少离子抑制效应 ? 快速可靠的方法,省时又降低费用 ? 很少或无需方法开发 ? 在高温下和宽的pH范围内稳定 ? 严格的质量控制条件
  • Seta 配件:绝缘夹头 Insulating Collets | 34300-014
    产品特点:Insulating Collets (pack of 2) - 34300-014订货号:34300-014Insulating cable for use with the Cleveland Multiflash Flash Point Module (34300-2).
  • Anion Self-Regenerating Suppressor ASRS 300 | 064555
    Anion Self-Regenerating Suppressor ASRS 300 2 mm | 064555 Anion Self-Regenerating Suppressor ASRS 300 2 mm订货信息:部件号品名描述数量064555Anion Self-Regenerating Suppressor ASRS 300 2 mmAnion Self-Regenerating Suppressor ASRS 300 2 mmEA
  • Restek接头21542 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8" Cross Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21547 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4" to 1/8" Tube End Reducer Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21554 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8" to 1/4" NPT Male Connector Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21552 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4" to 1/4" NPT Male Connector Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21551 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8" to 1/8" NPT Male Connector Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21557 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4" to 1/4" NPT Female Connector Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21558 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4" to 1/8" NPT Female Connector Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21559 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8" to 1/4" NPT Female Connector Sulfinert Coated
  • Fitting - Elbow - Gas Pressure | 049274
    Fitting - Elbow - Gas Pressure, Autoseal, Relief Vavle, 5/32" x 10.32 fitting | 049274 Fitting - Elbow - Gas Pressure, Autoseal, Relief Vavle, 5/32" x 10.32 fitting订货信息:部件号品名描述数量049274Fitting - Elbow - Gas Pressure, Autoseal, Relief Vavle, 5/32" x 10.32 fittingFitting - Elbow - Gas Pressure, Autoseal, Relief Vavle, 5/32" x 10.32 fittingEA
  • Restek接头21550 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8" to 1/4" Port Connector Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21548 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8" Port Connector Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21549 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4" Port Connector Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21546 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8" to 1/4" Tube End Reducer Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21545 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4" to 1/16" Tube End Reducer Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21543 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4" Cross Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21544 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8" to 1/16" Tube End Reducer Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21541 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/4" Plug Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21540 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/8" Plug Sulfinert Coated
  • Restek接头21553 Sulfinert Fitting 1/16"
    Restek 瑞思泰康 接头 Sulfinert Fitting 1/16" to 1/8" NPT Male Connector Sulfinert Coated
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