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  • 6500 系列精确质量数四极杆 G6520BA
    产品特点:Agilent 6500 系列精确质量数四极杆-飞行 时间液质联用系统* 低于 1 ppm 的 MS 和 2-4 ppm 的 MS/MS 质量准确度提高了小分子鉴定的可信度,降低了蛋白质数据库检索的假阳性率* 埃托摩尔到低飞摩尔的超高灵敏度有助于您分析痕量化合物* 每秒高达 20 张谱图的数据采集速率保证了与快速 LC 和高通量方法的最大兼容性* 25-20,000 m/z 的宽质量范围适用于小分子、多肽或全蛋白的分析* 在 6530 精确质量数四极杆-飞行时间液质联用系统上具有安捷伦的喷雾流技术,为多种应用提供最高的灵敏度, 包括候选药物分析和痕量食品污染物、代谢产物或生物标志物的分析* MassHunter 工作站软件的完全自动化数据分析方法可以充分发掘来自安捷伦四极杆-飞行 时间液质联用系统的精确质量数质谱数据的海量信息订购信息:Agilent 6500 系列精确质量数四极杆-飞行时间液质联用系统说明部件号6520 精确质量数四极杆-飞行时间液质联用系统G6520BA6530 精确质量数四极杆-飞行时间液质联用系统G6530AA
  • 三重串联四极杆 LC/MS 系统 G6410BA
    产品特点:Agilent 6400 系列三重串联四极杆 LC/MS 系统* 飞克级灵敏度,适合各种应用 – 最大的离子化效率和全质量范围的离子传输效率,保证了各种样品分析的最低检测限和定量限* 快速灵敏的多反应监测 (MRM) – 创新的碰撞池设计消除了交叉污染,使得多种成分同时分析成为可能,如食品中的农药或目标蛋白质定量* 自动方法开发和优化软件使得每个组分都具有最佳的参数,从而获得最高的灵敏度* MassHunter 采集软件具有全面数据相关和目标 MS/MS 功能,以及自动多反应监测方法开发软件(MassHunter 优化软件),为 6400 系列三重串联四极杆 LC/MS 提供定期的多反应监测和 21 CFR Part 11 法规遵循支持订购信息:Agilent 6400 系列三重串联四极杆 LC/MS 系统说明部件号6410 三重串联四极杆 LC/MS 系统G6410BA6460 三重串联四极杆 LC/MS 系统G6460AA
  • Ketone-Based Organic Solvents
    产品名称:Ketone-Based Organic Solvents仪器厂商:Agilent/美国 安捷伦价格:面议库存:是 DescriptionUse WithPart No.Organics tubing kit 5 &ndash axialSeaspray nebulizer and double-passcyclonic spray chamber9910125000Organics tubing kit 5 &ndash radialSeaspray nebulizer and double-passcyclonic spray chamber9910125100Organics tubing kit 6 &ndash axialV-groove nebulizer and Sturman-Mastersspray chamber9910125200Organics tubing kit 6 &ndash radialV-groove nebulizer and Sturman-Mastersspray chamber9910125300
  • Ketone-Based Organic Solvents 9910127100/9910127200/9910127300 9910127400
    产品名称:Ketone-Based Organic Solvents仪器厂商:Agilent/美国 安捷伦价格:面议库存:是 DescriptionNebulizer, Spray ChamberPart No.Organics kit 5 &ndash axialGlass concentric (Conikal) nebulizer, double-passglass cyclonic spray chamber9910127100Organics kit 5 &ndash radialGlass concentric (Conikal) nebulizer, double-passglass cyclonic spray chamber, annealed torch9910127200Organics kit 6 &ndash axialV-groove nebulizer, double-pass Sturman-Mastersspray chamber9910127300Organics kit 6 &ndash radialV-groove nebulizer, double-pass Sturman-Mastersspray chamber, annealed torch9910127400
  • 推杆组件,PTFE-Tipped(Hamilton)| 24919
    产品特点:推杆组件,PTFE-Tipped(Hamilton)Replacement Plunger Assembly, PTFE-Tipped (Hamilton)订货号:24919用于Agilent 7670,7671和7672 ALS自动进样器进样针注意: Restek销售的进样针和针头仅供科学研究和实验室使用,不适合人体内使用。产品名称:推杆组件,PTFE-Tipped (Replacement Plunger Assembly, PTFE-Tipped)类似:Agilent 5181-3358,5181-3365体积:10μL终止:N,RN,LT / LTN供应商:Hamilton 供应商Cat. #:13205
  • 增强型推杆微升进样针(Hamilton)| 24541
    产品特点:增强型推杆微升进样针(Hamilton)Reinforced Plunger Microliter Syringes (Hamilton)● 加强可延长易碎,小直径推杆的使用寿命。● 经济实惠,因为寿命更长 - 即使在恶劣的应用中也是如此。● 手工搭接的推杆确保与针筒完美密封。可更换RN / R针头。注意: Restek销售的进样针和针头仅供科学研究和实验室使用,不适合人体内使用。订货信息:Reinforced Plunger Microliter Syringes (Hamilton)Catalog #VolumeNeedle TerminationNeedle GaugeNeedle LengthNeedle Point StyleVendor Cat. #Vendor ModelUnits24541 5 μLN26s2"/51 mm 28792095ea.245425 μLRN 26s2"/51 mm28792595ea.24543 10 μLN26s2"/51 mm 280360901ea.2454410 μLRN 26s2"/51 mm280370 901ea.
  • Inorganic Anion Solutions Kit
    产品名称:Inorganic Anion Solutions Kit仪器厂商:Agilent/美国 安捷伦价格:面议库存:是DescriptionUnitPart No.Inorganic Anion Solutions Kit 5063-6511Inorganic anion buffer250 mL8500-6797Ultra pure CE water500 mL5062-85780.1 N sodium hydroxide250 mL5062-85751.0 N sodium hydroxide250 mL5062-8576Bare fused-silica capillary, 50 &mu m ID, 72 cm long2/pkG1600-62211Inorganic anion test mixtureIncludes 1000 ppm each of fluoride, chloride, bromide, nitrite,sulfate and 3000 ppm phosphate10 mL5062-8524
  • TSKgel Alpha-2500色谱柱 0018339
    TSKgel Alpha-2500色谱柱TSKgel Alpha Columns for the Analysis of Polar Organic-Soluble PolymersTSKgel Alpha columns are composed of spherical, hydrophilic methacrylate beads. The main application area for TSKgel Alpha columns is the analysis of polymers that are soluble in polar organic solvents. Examples include cellulose derivatives, polyimide, and sodium dodecylsulfate (all in DMF with 10mmol/L DMF), cleansing gel in methanol, and degree of saponification of polyvinylalcohol in HFIP. Figure 1 shows the calibration curves of all Alpha columns.Figure 1: Calibration Curves of TSKgel Alpha ColumnsUnlike TSKgel PW-type columns, which are stable at most to a 50% organic mixed with water, TSKgel Alpha-type columns are stable in a wide variety of organic solvents at concentrations up to 100%. Suitable solvents are shown in Figure 2.Figure 2: Solvent Compatibility for TSKgel Alpha-3000 for Organic SolventsMixed-bed TSKgel Alpha ColumnThe mixed-bed column, TSKgel Alpha-M, has an extended linear calibration range, and is suitable for samples with a broad MW distribution as well as samples with unknown molecular weight.Base Material:hydrophilic methacylateParticle Size (mean):7 μmPore size (mean):2.5 nmExclusion Limit (Polyethylene oxide - Water): 5,000 DaExclusion Limit (Polystyrene - THF):10,000 DaShipping SolventwaterMax. Pressure Drop:4 MPa订货信息:TSKgel Alpha-2500色谱柱货号描述粒径材质内径 (mm)长度 (cm)18339TSKgel Alpha-25007 μmStainless Steel7.83018345Guard Column for P/N 001833913 μmStainless Steel64
  • TSKgel Alpha-M色谱柱 0018344
    TSKgel Alpha-M色谱柱TSKgel Alpha Columns for the Analysis of Polar Organic-Soluble PolymersTSKgel Alpha columns are composed of spherical, hydrophilic methacrylate beads. The main application area for TSKgel Alpha columns is the analysis of polymers that are soluble in polar organic solvents. Examples include cellulose derivatives, polyimide, and sodium dodecylsulfate (all in DMF with 10mmol/L DMF), cleansing gel in methanol, and degree of saponification of polyvinylalcohol in HFIP. Figure 1 shows the calibration curves of all Alpha columns.Figure 1: Calibration Curves of TSKgel Alpha ColumnsUnlike TSKgel PW-type columns, which are stable at most to a 50% organic mixed with water, TSKgel Alpha-type columns are stable in a wide variety of organic solvents at concentrations up to 100%. Suitable solvents are shown in Figure 2.Figure 2: Solvent Compatibility for TSKgel Alpha-3000 for Organic SolventsMixed-bed TSKgel Alpha ColumnThe mixed-bed column, TSKgel Alpha-M, has an extended linear calibration range, and is suitable for samples with a broad MW distribution as well as samples with unknown molecular weight.Base Material:hydrophilic methacylateParticle Size (mean):13 μmExclusion Limit (Polyethylene oxide - water): 107 DaExclusion Limit (Polystyrene - THF): 107 DaShipping SolventwaterMax. Pressure Drop:2 MPa订货信息:TSKgel Alpha-M色谱柱货号描述粒径材质内径 (mm)长度 (cm)18344TSKgel Alpha-M13 μmStainless Steel7.83018345Guard Column for P/N 001834413 μmStainless Steel64
  • TSKgel Alpha-6000色谱柱 0018343
    TSKgel Alpha-6000色谱柱TSKgel Alpha Columns for the Analysis of Polar Organic-Soluble PolymersTSKgel Alpha columns are composed of spherical, hydrophilic methacrylate beads. The main application area for TSKgel Alpha columns is the analysis of polymers that are soluble in polar organic solvents. Examples include cellulose derivatives, polyimide, and sodium dodecylsulfate (all in DMF with 10mmol/L DMF), cleansing gel in methanol, and degree of saponification of polyvinylalcohol in HFIP. Figure 1 shows the calibration curves of all Alpha columns.Figure 1: Calibration Curves of TSKgel Alpha ColumnsUnlike TSKgel PW-type columns, which are stable at most to a 50% organic mixed with water, TSKgel Alpha-type columns are stable in a wide variety of organic solvents at concentrations up to 100%. Suitable solvents are shown in Figure 2.Figure 2: Solvent Compatibility for TSKgel Alpha-3000 for Organic SolventsMixed-bed TSKgel Alpha ColumnThe mixed-bed column, TSKgel Alpha-M, has an extended linear calibration range, and is suitable for samples with a broad MW distribution as well as samples with unknown molecular weight.Base Material:hydrophilic methacylateParticle Size (mean):13 μmPore size (mean):ND Exclusion Limit (Polyethylene oxide - water): 107 Da Exclusion Limit (Polystyrene - THF): 107 DaShipping SolventwaterMax. Pressure Drop:2 MPa订货信息:TSKgel Alpha-6000色谱柱货号描述粒径材质内径 (mm)长度 (cm)18343TSKgel Alpha-600013 μmStainless Steel7.83018345Guard Column for P/N 001834313 μmStainless Steel64
  • TSKgel Alpha-4000色谱柱 0018341
    TSKgel Alpha-4000色谱柱TSKgel Alpha Columns for the Analysis of Polar Organic-Soluble PolymersTSKgel Alpha columns are composed of spherical, hydrophilic methacrylate beads. The main application area for TSKgel Alpha columns is the analysis of polymers that are soluble in polar organic solvents. Examples include cellulose derivatives, polyimide, and sodium dodecylsulfate (all in DMF with 10mmol/L DMF), cleansing gel in methanol, and degree of saponification of polyvinylalcohol in HFIP. Figure 1 shows the calibration curves of all Alpha columns.Figure 1: Calibration Curves of TSKgel Alpha ColumnsUnlike TSKgel PW-type columns, which are stable at most to a 50% organic mixed with water, TSKgel Alpha-type columns are stable in a wide variety of organic solvents at concentrations up to 100%. Suitable solvents are shown in Figure 2.Figure 2: Solvent Compatibility for TSKgel Alpha-3000 for Organic SolventsMixed-bed TSKgel Alpha ColumnThe mixed-bed column, TSKgel Alpha-M, has an extended linear calibration range, and is suitable for samples with a broad MW distribution as well as samples with unknown molecular weight.Base Material:hydrophilic methacylateParticle Size (mean):10 μm Pore size (mean):45 nm Exclusion Limit (Polyethylene oxide - water): 400,000 DaExclusion Limit (Polystyrene - THF):1 million DaShipping SolventwaterMax. Pressure Drop:3 MPa订货信息:TSKgel Alpha-4000色谱柱货号描述粒径材质内径 (mm)长度 (cm)18341TSKgel Alpha-400010 μmStainless Steel7.83018345Guard Column for P/N 001834113 μmStainless Steel64
  • Acclaim Organic Acid LC 色谱柱 070087
    产品特点:Acclaim™ Organic Acid LC 色谱柱使用 Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ Organic Acid LC 色谱柱分离亲水、脂族和芳族有机酸可实现前所未有的性能。 这些高效、反相硅胶色谱柱兼容 100% 水流动相,在低 pH 值时拥有卓越的水解稳定性,在分离有机酸时具有出色的选择性。 在快速运行时间内实现高分离度分离和最少的样品制备。高效、高通量有机酸分析为小分子亲水有机酸、C1 至 C7 脂族酸和亲水芳族酸提供理想选择性分析有机酸类时柱效及峰形出色在低 pH 值条件下具有水解稳定性,非常适合有机酸的反相保留经过使用测试,以确保获得一致的亲水性有机酸分离包装在不含金属的 PEEK 柱体内,消除分析物和柱体之间发生有害的相互作用可选粒径,3.0μm 和 5.0μm;可选直径,2.1mm、3.0mm 和 4.0mm;可选长度,150mm 和 250mm 推荐用于食品、饮料、制药、化学半成品和环境样品的分析和质量检验。关于 Acclaim Specialty HPLC 色谱柱系列Acclaim 专用色谱柱专为满足具体应用的分离需求而进行开发、制造和测试。 这些色谱柱基于新式、独特的化学结构,可提供出色的分离度和易用性。经过测试可确保一致的分离具有理想选择性,适用于分离特定的靶向分析物出色的峰形 其性能经过测试,可确保高质量和可靠性的特定色谱分离Acclaim Organic AcidOptimized and application-tested for the analysis of hydrophilic organic acids* Tested to guarantee consistent hydrophilic organic acid separations * Compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases* Hydrolytic stability at low-pH conditions* Ideal selectivity for separating a wide spectrum of organic acids* Excellent column efficiency and peak shapes for organic acidsThe Acclaim Organic Acid (OA) is a silica-based reversed-phase column designed for high-efficiency, high-throughput organic acids analysis.It offers unparalleled performance for separating hydroxyl aliphatic and aromatic organic acids.The Acclaim OA is the recommended column for determining small hydrophilic organic acids, C1 to C7 aliphatic acids, and hydrophilic aromatic acid and is also valuable for the analysis and quality assurance of food and beverage products, pharmaceutical preparations, plating baths, and manufacturing chemicals, chemical intermediates, and environmental samples.订购信息:Acclaim Organic AcidParticle Size (μm)FormatLength (mm)2.1mm ID3.0mm ID4.0mm ID3HPLC Column150070087070086–5Guard Cartridges(2/pk)10–071987069700HPLC Column150––062903250––062902Acclaim Guard HolderFormatCat.No.Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • TSKgel Alpha-5000色谱柱 0018342
    TSKgel Alpha-5000色谱柱TSKgel Alpha Columns for the Analysis of Polar Organic-Soluble PolymersTSKgel Alpha columns are composed of spherical, hydrophilic methacrylate beads. The main application area for TSKgel Alpha columns is the analysis of polymers that are soluble in polar organic solvents. Examples include cellulose derivatives, polyimide, and sodium dodecylsulfate (all in DMF with 10mmol/L DMF), cleansing gel in methanol, and degree of saponification of polyvinylalcohol in HFIP. Figure 1 shows the calibration curves of all Alpha columns.Figure 1: Calibration Curves of TSKgel Alpha ColumnsUnlike TSKgel PW-type columns, which are stable at most to a 50% organic mixed with water, TSKgel Alpha-type columns are stable in a wide variety of organic solvents at concentrations up to 100%. Suitable solvents are shown in Figure 2.Figure 2: Solvent Compatibility for TSKgel Alpha-3000 for Organic SolventsMixed-bed TSKgel Alpha ColumnThe mixed-bed column, TSKgel Alpha-M, has an extended linear calibration range, and is suitable for samples with a broad MW distribution as well as samples with unknown molecular weight.Base Material:hydrophilic methacylateParticle Size (mean):10 μmPore size (mean):100 nmExclusion Limit (Polyethylene oxide - water): 1 million DaExclusion Limit (Polystyrene - THF):7 million DaShipping SolventwaterMax. Pressure Drop:3 MPa订货信息:TSKgel Alpha-5000色谱柱货号描述粒径材质内径 (mm)长度 (cm)18342TSKgel Alpha-500010 μmStainless Steel7.83018345Guard column for P/N 001834213 μmStainless Steel64
  • TSKgel Alpha-3000色谱柱 0018340
    TSKgel Alpha-3000色谱柱TSKgel Alpha Columns for the Analysis of Polar Organic-Soluble PolymersTSKgel Alpha columns are composed of spherical, hydrophilic methacrylate beads. The main application area for TSKgel Alpha columns is the analysis of polymers that are soluble in polar organic solvents. Examples include cellulose derivatives, polyimide, and sodium dodecylsulfate (all in DMF with 10mmol/L DMF), cleansing gel in methanol, and degree of saponification of polyvinylalcohol in HFIP. Figure 1 shows the calibration curves of all Alpha columns.Figure 1: Calibration Curves of TSKgel Alpha ColumnsUnlike TSKgel PW-type columns, which are stable at most to a 50% organic mixed with water, TSKgel Alpha-type columns are stable in a wide variety of organic solvents at concentrations up to 100%. Suitable solvents are shown in Figure 2.Figure 2: Solvent Compatibility for TSKgel Alpha-3000 for Organic SolventsMixed-bed TSKgel Alpha ColumnThe mixed-bed column, TSKgel Alpha-M, has an extended linear calibration range, and is suitable for samples with a broad MW distribution as well as samples with unknown molecular weight.Base Material:hydrophilic methacylateParticle Size (mean):7 μmPore size (mean):15 nmExclusion Limit (Polyethylene oxide - water): 90,000 DaExclusion Limit (Polystyrene - THF):100,000 DaShipping SolventwaterMax. Pressure Drop:4 MPa订货信息:TSKgel Alpha-3000色谱柱货号描述粒径材质内径 (mm)长度 (cm)18340TSKgel Alpha-30007 μmStainless Steel7.83018345Guard Column for P/N 001834013 μmStainless Steel64
  • TSQ 单四极杆 LC-MS 标准品 50010-30059
    产品信息:TSQ 系列三重四极杆 LC/MS可靠的三重四极杆LC-MS系统,确保对复杂基质中的目标物进行超高灵敏度的定量TSQ 系列三重四极杆 LC-MS 系统提供广泛的分析能力。 从物超所值的 Thermo Scientific™ TSQ Endura™ LC-MS到精准的 Thermo Scientific™ TSQ Quantiva™ LC-MS,我们的质谱仪器与我们的HPLC, UHPLC,和 nano-LC 仪器完美兼容,可以轻松地适应各种复杂的基质。TSQ 系列单四极杆 LC-MS 化学品 订货信息:TSQ 单四极杆 LC-MS 校准品描述数量部件号碘化铯 Cesium iodideHAZMAT,CESIUM IODIDE, 99.999%, 1 GRAM1 x 1g 小瓶HAZMAT-01-00004TSQ Quantum AM 校准套件KIT,CALIBRATION COMPOUNDS,QUANTUM AM170111-62029S利血平 ReserpineHAZ.MAT,CHEM RESERPINE,1GRAM1 x 1g 小瓶00301-12901聚酪氨酸-1,3,6 校准溶液(液体)Polytyrosine-1,3,6 calibration solution (liquid)CAL SOLUTION, TRIPLE QUAD, 10 ml1 x 20mL00301-22924聚酪氨酸-1,3,6 校正标样(固体)Polytyrosine-1,3,6 calibration standard (solid)HAZMAT,POLYTYROSINE,1-3-6 STD SOLID100301-22925FC43 校准液 FC43 calibration liquidFC-43 Ion Trap DSQ1 瓶50010-30059注射泵的进样针适配包 Syringe Adapter Kit for infusion of calibrant170005-62011
  • 螺杆导向性进样针 24542
    螺杆导向性进样针? 小直径的推杆被加固,延长注射器使用寿命.? 即使操作不当,由于其较长的使用寿命,还是比较经济实用的.? Hand-lapped推杆保证了更好的密封性.针头代号:Hamilton:(N) 固定针头(RN) 可替换针头(ASN) 自动进样器固定针头(ASRN) 自动进样器可替换针头(TLL) PTFE Luer锁定针头(KH) 带外螺纹的(LT) Luer针尖(LTN) Luer针尖固定针头SGE:(F) 固定针头(R) 可替换针头(LL) Luer锁定针头(LT) Luer针尖订货信息:Hamilton体积接头 类型针头 规格针头 长度针尖类型Hamilton 型号 Hamilton货号数量Restek 货号5 μLN26s2"/51 mm29587920一件245415 μL*RN26s2"/51 mm29587925一件2454210 μLN26s2"/51 mm290180360一件2454310 μL*RN26s2"/51 mm290180370一件24544*RN/R可替换针头.SGE体积接头 类型针头 规格针长针尖 类型SGE 型号货号数量Restek 货号5 μLF2650mm25F-GP001400一件247695 μL*R2650mm25R-GP001450一件2476610 μLF2650mm210F-GP002400一件2476710 μL*R2650mm210R-GP002450一件24768*RN/R可替换针头
  • 用于 77/7900 系列 ICP-MS 和 8800 ICP 串联四极杆的八极杆反应池系统 (ORS) 池组件
    适用于 7700/7800/7900 和 8800/8900 型 ICP-MS 安捷伦生产了多种用于市场领先的 7700 ICP-MS 系列产品的优质离子透镜。静电离子透镜在离子穿过真空系统进入容纳质谱仪和检测器的最后一个室时,可保持这些离子聚焦成紧密的“离子束”。离子透镜还能将离子与光子、残留的中性物质分离。与其他配置相比,“离轴”离子透镜的离子传输效率更高,质量数范围也更宽。离轴透镜中并没有使用光子挡板,所以仪器总体的离子传输效率更高。安捷伦还提供各种组件和附件。 离子传输效率极高的离轴或 omega 透镜能够将带正电荷的离子与光子和中性颗粒分开。 可提供两种提取透镜。提取透镜的位置正好在截取锥后面,安装在截取锥基座上。它们的作用是提取正离子并将正离子加速传输到 Einzel 透镜。 Omega 透镜由 5 个透镜(omega 偏置、omega (+)、omega (-)、QP 聚焦和板偏置)组成,其作用是将光子和离子分开,引导离子进入四极杆质谱仪。 提供用于提取透镜或 omega 透镜的螺钉和垫片。 可提供各种额外的组件和消耗品:透镜清洁及抛光组件包、八极杆和八极杆组件以及用于反应气的管线。
  • Acclaim Organic Acid 069700液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Organic Acid LC ColumnOptimized and Application-Tested for the Analysis of Hydrophilic Organic AcidsThe Acclaim® OA column offers unparalleled separations of hydrophilic aliphatic and aromatic organic acids using 100% aqueous mobile phase and at low pH, using UV detection. The Acclaim OA column line features a patented polar-embedded stationary phase that is optimized and use-tested for hydroxyl aliphatic organic acid separations.Use-tested to guarantee consistent hydrophilic organic acid separationsCompatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases, optimum for hydrophilic organic acid retentionHydrolytic stability at low-pH conditions, optimum for reversed-phase retention of organic acidsIdeal selectivity for separating a wide spectrum of organic acidsExcellent peak shapes for organic acidsThe Acclaim OA organic acid columns can be operated at low pH and at 100% aqueous mobile phases, conditions ideal for retaining and separating a wide spectrum of organic acids. Acclaim OA columns undergo extensive testing to ensure column-to-column reproducibility, and are shipped with certificates of analysis detailing these tests. The Acclaim OA columns are packed in metal-free PEEK™ column bodies, to eliminate unwanted interaction between the analytes and the column body.Acclaim OA is the recommended column for determining small hydrophilic organic acids, C1 to C7 aliphatic acids, and hydrophilic aromatic acid and is also valuable for the analysis and quality assurance of food and beverage products, pharmaceutical preparations, plating baths, and manufacturing chemicals and chemical intermediates.Acclaim OA Column ApplicationsApplications include analysis of foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, chemical intermediates and environmental samples. For example: aliphatic organic acids in foods (juice, wine, drinks), organic acids in drug preparations, acrylic acid and its oligomers, hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxyphenylacetic acids, arylacetic acids, benzenpolycarboxylic acids and selected amino acids.Acclaim OA Silica-Based Columns for the Separation of Organic Acids SpecificationsParticle size3μm and 5 μmParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Surface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (ppm), Na, Fe, Al10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070086Acclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070087Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical (4 x 250 mm)062902Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical(4 x 150 mm)062903Guard ColumnsAcclaim OA, 5 μm Guard Cartridge (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069700Acclaim OA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071987Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Organic Acid 071987液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Organic Acid LC ColumnOptimized and Application-Tested for the Analysis of Hydrophilic Organic AcidsThe Acclaim® OA column offers unparalleled separations of hydrophilic aliphatic and aromatic organic acids using 100% aqueous mobile phase and at low pH, using UV detection. The Acclaim OA column line features a patented polar-embedded stationary phase that is optimized and use-tested for hydroxyl aliphatic organic acid separations.Use-tested to guarantee consistent hydrophilic organic acid separationsCompatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases, optimum for hydrophilic organic acid retentionHydrolytic stability at low-pH conditions, optimum for reversed-phase retention of organic acidsIdeal selectivity for separating a wide spectrum of organic acidsExcellent peak shapes for organic acidsThe Acclaim OA organic acid columns can be operated at low pH and at 100% aqueous mobile phases, conditions ideal for retaining and separating a wide spectrum of organic acids. Acclaim OA columns undergo extensive testing to ensure column-to-column reproducibility, and are shipped with certificates of analysis detailing these tests. The Acclaim OA columns are packed in metal-free PEEK™ column bodies, to eliminate unwanted interaction between the analytes and the column body.Acclaim OA is the recommended column for determining small hydrophilic organic acids, C1 to C7 aliphatic acids, and hydrophilic aromatic acid and is also valuable for the analysis and quality assurance of food and beverage products, pharmaceutical preparations, plating baths, and manufacturing chemicals and chemical intermediates.Acclaim OA Column ApplicationsApplications include analysis of foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, chemical intermediates and environmental samples. For example: aliphatic organic acids in foods (juice, wine, drinks), organic acids in drug preparations, acrylic acid and its oligomers, hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxyphenylacetic acids, arylacetic acids, benzenpolycarboxylic acids and selected amino acids.Acclaim OA Silica-Based Columns for the Separation of Organic Acids SpecificationsParticle size3μm and 5 μmParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Surface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (ppm), Na, Fe, Al10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070086Acclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070087Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical (4 x 250 mm)062902Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical(4 x 150 mm)062903Guard ColumnsAcclaim OA, 5 μm Guard Cartridge (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069700Acclaim OA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071987Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Organic Acid 070086 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Organic Acid LC ColumnOptimized and Application-Tested for the Analysis of Hydrophilic Organic AcidsThe Acclaim® OA column offers unparalleled separations of hydrophilic aliphatic and aromatic organic acids using 100% aqueous mobile phase and at low pH, using UV detection. The Acclaim OA column line features a patented polar-embedded stationary phase that is optimized and use-tested for hydroxyl aliphatic organic acid separations.Use-tested to guarantee consistent hydrophilic organic acid separationsCompatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases, optimum for hydrophilic organic acid retentionHydrolytic stability at low-pH conditions, optimum for reversed-phase retention of organic acidsIdeal selectivity for separating a wide spectrum of organic acidsExcellent peak shapes for organic acidsThe Acclaim OA organic acid columns can be operated at low pH and at 100% aqueous mobile phases, conditions ideal for retaining and separating a wide spectrum of organic acids. Acclaim OA columns undergo extensive testing to ensure column-to-column reproducibility, and are shipped with certificates of analysis detailing these tests. The Acclaim OA columns are packed in metal-free PEEK™ column bodies, to eliminate unwanted interaction between the analytes and the column body.Acclaim OA is the recommended column for determining small hydrophilic organic acids, C1 to C7 aliphatic acids, and hydrophilic aromatic acid and is also valuable for the analysis and quality assurance of food and beverage products, pharmaceutical preparations, plating baths, and manufacturing chemicals and chemical intermediates.Acclaim OA Column ApplicationsApplications include analysis of foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, chemical intermediates and environmental samples. For example: aliphatic organic acids in foods (juice, wine, drinks), organic acids in drug preparations, acrylic acid and its oligomers, hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxyphenylacetic acids, arylacetic acids, benzenpolycarboxylic acids and selected amino acids.Acclaim OA Silica-Based Columns for the Separation of Organic Acids SpecificationsParticle size3μm and 5 μmParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Surface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (ppm), Na, Fe, Al10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070086Acclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070087Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical (4 x 250 mm)062902Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical(4 x 150 mm)062903Guard ColumnsAcclaim OA, 5 μm Guard Cartridge (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069700Acclaim OA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071987Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Organic Acid 070087液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Organic Acid LC ColumnOptimized and Application-Tested for the Analysis of Hydrophilic Organic AcidsThe Acclaim® OA column offers unparalleled separations of hydrophilic aliphatic and aromatic organic acids using 100% aqueous mobile phase and at low pH, using UV detection. The Acclaim OA column line features a patented polar-embedded stationary phase that is optimized and use-tested for hydroxyl aliphatic organic acid separations.Use-tested to guarantee consistent hydrophilic organic acid separationsCompatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases, optimum for hydrophilic organic acid retentionHydrolytic stability at low-pH conditions, optimum for reversed-phase retention of organic acidsIdeal selectivity for separating a wide spectrum of organic acidsExcellent peak shapes for organic acidsThe Acclaim OA organic acid columns can be operated at low pH and at 100% aqueous mobile phases, conditions ideal for retaining and separating a wide spectrum of organic acids. Acclaim OA columns undergo extensive testing to ensure column-to-column reproducibility, and are shipped with certificates of analysis detailing these tests. The Acclaim OA columns are packed in metal-free PEEK™ column bodies, to eliminate unwanted interaction between the analytes and the column body.Acclaim OA is the recommended column for determining small hydrophilic organic acids, C1 to C7 aliphatic acids, and hydrophilic aromatic acid and is also valuable for the analysis and quality assurance of food and beverage products, pharmaceutical preparations, plating baths, and manufacturing chemicals and chemical intermediates.Acclaim OA Column ApplicationsApplications include analysis of foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, chemical intermediates and environmental samples. For example: aliphatic organic acids in foods (juice, wine, drinks), organic acids in drug preparations, acrylic acid and its oligomers, hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxyphenylacetic acids, arylacetic acids, benzenpolycarboxylic acids and selected amino acids.Acclaim OA Silica-Based Columns for the Separation of Organic Acids SpecificationsParticle size3μm and 5 μmParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Surface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (ppm), Na, Fe, Al10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070086Acclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070087Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical (4 x 250 mm)062902Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical(4 x 150 mm)062903Guard ColumnsAcclaim OA, 5 μm Guard Cartridge (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069700Acclaim OA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071987Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Organic Acid 062902液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Organic Acid LC ColumnOptimized and Application-Tested for the Analysis of Hydrophilic Organic AcidsThe Acclaim® OA column offers unparalleled separations of hydrophilic aliphatic and aromatic organic acids using 100% aqueous mobile phase and at low pH, using UV detection. The Acclaim OA column line features a patented polar-embedded stationary phase that is optimized and use-tested for hydroxyl aliphatic organic acid separations.Use-tested to guarantee consistent hydrophilic organic acid separationsCompatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases, optimum for hydrophilic organic acid retentionHydrolytic stability at low-pH conditions, optimum for reversed-phase retention of organic acidsIdeal selectivity for separating a wide spectrum of organic acidsExcellent peak shapes for organic acidsThe Acclaim OA organic acid columns can be operated at low pH and at 100% aqueous mobile phases, conditions ideal for retaining and separating a wide spectrum of organic acids. Acclaim OA columns undergo extensive testing to ensure column-to-column reproducibility, and are shipped with certificates of analysis detailing these tests. The Acclaim OA columns are packed in metal-free PEEK™ column bodies, to eliminate unwanted interaction between the analytes and the column body.Acclaim OA is the recommended column for determining small hydrophilic organic acids, C1 to C7 aliphatic acids, and hydrophilic aromatic acid and is also valuable for the analysis and quality assurance of food and beverage products, pharmaceutical preparations, plating baths, and manufacturing chemicals and chemical intermediates.Acclaim OA Column ApplicationsApplications include analysis of foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, chemical intermediates and environmental samples. For example: aliphatic organic acids in foods (juice, wine, drinks), organic acids in drug preparations, acrylic acid and its oligomers, hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxyphenylacetic acids, arylacetic acids, benzenpolycarboxylic acids and selected amino acids.Acclaim OA Silica-Based Columns for the Separation of Organic Acids SpecificationsParticle size3μm and 5 μmParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Surface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (ppm), Na, Fe, Al10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070086Acclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070087Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical (4 x 250 mm)062902Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical(4 x 150 mm)062903Guard ColumnsAcclaim OA, 5 μm Guard Cartridge (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069700Acclaim OA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071987Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Organic Acid 062903液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Organic Acid LC ColumnOptimized and Application-Tested for the Analysis of Hydrophilic Organic AcidsThe Acclaim® OA column offers unparalleled separations of hydrophilic aliphatic and aromatic organic acids using 100% aqueous mobile phase and at low pH, using UV detection. The Acclaim OA column line features a patented polar-embedded stationary phase that is optimized and use-tested for hydroxyl aliphatic organic acid separations.Use-tested to guarantee consistent hydrophilic organic acid separationsCompatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases, optimum for hydrophilic organic acid retentionHydrolytic stability at low-pH conditions, optimum for reversed-phase retention of organic acidsIdeal selectivity for separating a wide spectrum of organic acidsExcellent peak shapes for organic acidsThe Acclaim OA organic acid columns can be operated at low pH and at 100% aqueous mobile phases, conditions ideal for retaining and separating a wide spectrum of organic acids. Acclaim OA columns undergo extensive testing to ensure column-to-column reproducibility, and are shipped with certificates of analysis detailing these tests. The Acclaim OA columns are packed in metal-free PEEK™ column bodies, to eliminate unwanted interaction between the analytes and the column body.Acclaim OA is the recommended column for determining small hydrophilic organic acids, C1 to C7 aliphatic acids, and hydrophilic aromatic acid and is also valuable for the analysis and quality assurance of food and beverage products, pharmaceutical preparations, plating baths, and manufacturing chemicals and chemical intermediates.Acclaim OA Column ApplicationsApplications include analysis of foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, chemical intermediates and environmental samples. For example: aliphatic organic acids in foods (juice, wine, drinks), organic acids in drug preparations, acrylic acid and its oligomers, hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxyphenylacetic acids, arylacetic acids, benzenpolycarboxylic acids and selected amino acids.Acclaim OA Silica-Based Columns for the Separation of Organic Acids SpecificationsParticle size3μm and 5 μmParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Surface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (ppm), Na, Fe, Al10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070086Acclaim OA, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070087Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical (4 x 250 mm)062902Acclaim OA, 5 μm Analytical(4 x 150 mm)062903Guard ColumnsAcclaim OA, 5 μm Guard Cartridge (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069700Acclaim OA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071987Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • OPTIMA 17-TG 甘油酯专用柱 726131.25
    OPTIMA 17-TG 甘油酯专用柱更低流失,更高使用温度370℃;17-TG更适合不饱和甘油酯分析,适合不同碳链甘油酸酯的分析Short capillary columns (max. 25 m and 0.32 mm ID) with low-bleeding stationary phasesthermally stable with optimum deactivation OPTIMA® 1-TG 100 % dimethylpolysiloxane USP G1 / G2 / G38offers separation according to carbon number (for an example see application 201790)类似固定相: SPB-1 TG, DB-1 HT, 400-1 HT, HT-5 OPTIMA® 17-TG phenyl-methyl-polysiloxane (50 % phenyl) USP G3offers separation according to degree of unsaturation (see application 201800).Max. temperature for both phases 370 °C订货信息:OPTIMA 17-TG 甘油酯专用柱Length: 10 m 25 mOPTIMA® 1-TG0.25 mm ID (0.4 mm OD)726133.1726133.30.32 mm ID (0.5 mm OD)726132.1726132.3OPTIMA® 17-TG0.32 mm ID (0.5 mm OD)726131.1726131.3
  • OPTIMA 1-TG 甘油酯专用柱 726132.25
    OPTIMA 1-TG 甘油酯专用柱 更低流失,更高使用温度370℃;17-TG更适合不饱和甘油酯分析,适合不同碳链甘油酸酯的分析Short capillary columns (max. 25 m and 0.32 mm ID) with low-bleeding stationary phasesthermally stable with optimum deactivation OPTIMA® 1-TG 100 % dimethylpolysiloxane USP G1 / G2 / G38offers separation according to carbon number (for an example see application 201790)类似固定相: SPB-1 TG, DB-1 HT, 400-1 HT, HT-5 OPTIMA® 17-TG phenyl-methyl-polysiloxane (50 % phenyl) USP G3offers separation according to degree of unsaturation (see application 201800).Max. temperature for both phases 370 °C OPTIMA 1-TG 甘油酯专用柱订货信息:Length: 10 m 25 mOPTIMA® 1-TG0.25 mm ID (0.4 mm OD)726133.1726133.30.32 mm ID (0.5 mm OD)726132.1726132.3OPTIMA® 17-TG0.32 mm ID (0.5 mm OD)726131.1726131.3
  • meinhard 842312051311 ML128012 Organics雾化室
    Organics雾化室 Organics Spray Chamber, with baffle
  • CTC CombiPAL高通量自动进样器推杆
    更换用推杆适用于CTC CombiPAL高通量自动进样器体积Hamilton型号Hamilton 货号包装量Restek 货号1.0 mL1001207114一件265582.5 mL1002207115一件265595.0 mL1005207116一件26560
  • 用于 7800 系列 ICP-MS 的八极杆反应池系统 (ORS) 池组件
    适用于 7700/7800/7900 和 8800/8900 型 ICP-MS 安捷伦生产了多种用于市场领先的 7700 ICP-MS 系列产品的优质离子透镜。静电离子透镜在离子穿过真空系统进入容纳质谱仪和检测器的最后一个室时,可保持这些离子聚焦成紧密的“离子束”。离子透镜还能将离子与光子、残留的中性物质分离。与其他配置相比,“离轴”离子透镜的离子传输效率更高,质量数范围也更宽。离轴透镜中并没有使用光子挡板,所以仪器总体的离子传输效率更高。安捷伦还提供各种组件和附件。 离子传输效率极高的离轴或 omega 透镜能够将带正电荷的离子与光子和中性颗粒分开。 可提供两种提取透镜。提取透镜的位置正好在截取锥后面,安装在截取锥基座上。它们的作用是提取正离子并将正离子加速传输到 Einzel 透镜。 Omega 透镜由 5 个透镜(omega 偏置、omega (+)、omega (-)、QP 聚焦和板偏置)组成,其作用是将光子和离子分开,引导离子进入四极杆质谱仪。 提供用于提取透镜或 omega 透镜的螺钉和垫片。 可提供各种额外的组件和消耗品:透镜清洁及抛光组件包、八极杆和八极杆组件以及用于反应气的管线。
  • 八极杆组件,适用于 Agilent 7700/8000 系列 ICP-MS
    适用于 7700/7800/7900 和 8800/8900 型 ICP-MS 安捷伦生产了多种用于市场领先的 7700 ICP-MS 系列产品的优质离子透镜。静电离子透镜在离子穿过真空系统进入容纳质谱仪和检测器的最后一个室时,可保持这些离子聚焦成紧密的“离子束”。离子透镜还能将离子与光子、残留的中性物质分离。与其他配置相比,“离轴”离子透镜的离子传输效率更高,质量数范围也更宽。离轴透镜中并没有使用光子挡板,所以仪器总体的离子传输效率更高。安捷伦还提供各种组件和附件。 离子传输效率极高的离轴或 omega 透镜能够将带正电荷的离子与光子和中性颗粒分开。 可提供两种提取透镜。提取透镜的位置正好在截取锥后面,安装在截取锥基座上。它们的作用是提取正离子并将正离子加速传输到 Einzel 透镜。 Omega 透镜由 5 个透镜(omega 偏置、omega (+)、omega (-)、QP 聚焦和板偏置)组成,其作用是将光子和离子分开,引导离子进入四极杆质谱仪。 提供用于提取透镜或 omega 透镜的螺钉和垫片。 可提供各种额外的组件和消耗品:透镜清洁及抛光组件包、八极杆和八极杆组件以及用于反应气的管线。
  • Alpha-Q 纯化柱套件
    说明: Alpha-Q 超纯化筒柱套件 商标名: >Alpha-Q >Organex-Q 数量/包装: 1 组件: 1 ea:活性炭和离子交换树脂第一阶段纯化柱,离子交换树脂和 Organex 混合物第二阶段纯化柱 产品名称: Alpha-Q 纯化柱套件
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