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  • 小型巴马香猪皮肤
    巴马香猪皮肤品种:巴马香猪猪龄:1~2月龄部位:全身皮肤(腹背部)皮肤类型:全层皮(角质+表皮+真皮)我公司提供的猪皮,包含皮肤完整性相关的关键参数,详细介绍请咨询参考文献Reference:[1]OECD Guidance Document for the conduct of Skin Absorption[2] FDA《In Vitro Permeation Test Studies for Topical Drug Products Submitted in ANDAs Guidance for Industry》[3]CFDA《Technical guidelines for research on topical chemical generic drugs for skin》《皮肤外用化学仿制药研究技术指导原则》
  • Holder for mating an existing
    配件编号:19050262产品名称:Kit, Auto OCI产品规格:19050262仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是配件编号:0056-4XX产品名称:Holder for mating an existing polarizer to Spectra-Tech ARK品牌:Thermo Fisher价格:面议库存:是配件编号:19050287产品名称:Kit, SSl 71 1/8英寸 Split 230V产品规格:19050287仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是
  • 透皮实验猪皮
    关于体外渗透试验或透皮试验(IVPT),EMA在2018年发布的《Draft guideline on quality and equivalence of topical products》中仅推荐使用离体人类皮肤。PMDA规定可以使用离体大鼠、小鼠或猪的皮肤进行试验。在FDA 阿昔洛韦指南和IVPT指南中,均推荐采用离体人类皮肤;但在USP 1724中规定,除采用离体人类皮肤外,因猪的皮肤与人类皮肤具有相对相似的形态,可作为研究的重要选择; 实验用巴马香猪猪皮是一种用于透皮试验、烧伤研究、心血管研究等领域的动物模型。它的皮肤与人类的皮肤非常相似,具有优良的品质和稳定的遗传基因。实验用巴马香猪月龄20 -45天,猪皮的大小约为A4纸大小,厚度1mm左右,无添加化学试剂,全程冷链运输。 有实验动物养殖许可的养殖场,可提供质量合格证,个案信息表 收到后储于-18℃冷冻储存,时间不宜超出三个月,该巴马小猪皮肤已经经过加工处理,皮下组织以及毛发均处理干净,可以直接用于实验。 公司简介:北京元森凯德生物技术有限公司2013年成立于北京中关村科技园,是一家专业从事生命科学类实验仪器研制、生产与销售的科技创新型企业。服务毒理学、药理学、免疫学、生物安全、大气污染物、化学物质毒性鉴定、临床前药物开发与安全性评价、呼吸系统、环境与健康等领域。元森凯德在中国北京、美国宾夕法尼亚均设有技术联络中心,注重仪器的售前、售中、售后沟通,时刻关注行业的最新进展动态,客户群体主要有全国各大高校、实验动物科研单位、药物研发机构、第三方CRO及医院中心实验室等。我们将以领先的技术、优质的产品、完善的服务致力于成为业内优秀的实验仪器设备供应厂商。我们的目标是:服务用户至上,让科研仪器的使用变得更简便和高效。
  • Plating Bath Analysis Buffer(5064-8236)
    产品名称:Plating Bath Analysis Buffer仪器厂商:Agilent/美国 安捷伦价格:面议库存:是DescriptionVolume (mL)Part No.Plating bath analysis buffer2505064-8236
  • 体外透皮实验用猪皮
    关于体外渗透试验或透皮试验(IVPT),EMA在2018年发布的《Draft guideline on quality and equivalence of topical products》中仅推荐使用离体人类皮肤。PMDA规定可以使用离体大鼠、小鼠或猪的皮肤进行试验。在FDA 阿昔洛韦指南和IVPT指南中,均推荐采用离体人类皮肤;但在USP 1724中规定,除采用离体人类皮肤外,因猪的皮肤与人类皮肤具有相对相似的形态,可作为研究的重要选择; 实验用巴马香猪猪皮是一种用于透皮试验、烧伤研究、心血管研究等领域的动物模型。它的皮肤与人类的皮肤非常相似,具有优良的品质和稳定的遗传基因。实验用巴马香猪月龄20 -45天,猪皮的大小约为A4纸大小,厚度1mm左右,无添加化学试剂,全程冷链运输。 有实验动物养殖许可的养殖场,可提供质量合格证,个案信息表 收到后储于-18℃冷冻储存,时间不宜超出三个月,该巴马小猪皮肤已经经过加工处理,皮下组织以及毛发均处理干净,可以直接用于实验。 公司简介:北京元森凯德生物技术有限公司2013年成立于北京中关村科技园,是一家专业从事生命科学类实验仪器研制、生产与销售的科技创新型企业。服务毒理学、药理学、免疫学、生物安全、大气污染物、化学物质毒性鉴定、临床前药物开发与安全性评价、呼吸系统、环境与健康等领域。元森凯德在中国北京、美国宾夕法尼亚均设有技术联络中心,注重仪器的售前、售中、售后沟通,时刻关注行业的最新进展动态,客户群体主要有全国各大高校、实验动物科研单位、药物研发机构、第三方CRO及医院中心实验室等。我们将以领先的技术、优质的产品、完善的服务致力于成为业内优秀的实验仪器设备供应厂商。我们的目标是:服务用户至上,让科研仪器的使用变得更简便和高效。
  • 实验用猪皮
    关于体外渗透试验或透皮试验(IVPT),EMA在2018年发布的《Draft guideline on quality and equivalence of topical products》中仅推荐使用离体人类皮肤。PMDA规定可以使用离体大鼠、小鼠或猪的皮肤进行试验。在FDA 阿昔洛韦指南和IVPT指南中,均推荐采用离体人类皮肤;但在USP 1724中规定,除采用离体人类皮肤外,因猪的皮肤与人类皮肤具有相对相似的形态,可作为研究的重要选择; 实验用巴马香猪猪皮是一种用于透皮试验、烧伤研究、心血管研究等领域的动物模型。它的皮肤与人类的皮肤非常相似,具有优良的品质和稳定的遗传基因。实验用巴马香猪月龄20 -45天,猪皮的大小约为A4纸大小,厚度1mm左右,无添加化学试剂,全程冷链运输。 有实验动物养殖许可的养殖场,可提供质量合格证,个案信息表 收到后储于-18℃冷冻储存,时间不宜超出三个月,该巴马小猪皮肤已经经过加工处理,皮下组织以及毛发均处理干净,可以直接用于实验。 公司简介:北京元森凯德生物技术有限公司2013年成立于北京中关村科技园,是一家专业从事生命科学类实验仪器研制、生产与销售的科技创新型企业。服务毒理学、药理学、免疫学、生物安全、大气污染物、化学物质毒性鉴定、临床前药物开发与安全性评价、呼吸系统、环境与健康等领域。元森凯德在中国北京、美国宾夕法尼亚均设有技术联络中心,注重仪器的售前、售中、售后沟通,时刻关注行业的最新进展动态,客户群体主要有全国各大高校、实验动物科研单位、药物研发机构、第三方CRO及医院中心实验室等。我们将以领先的技术、优质的产品、完善的服务致力于成为业内优秀的实验仪器设备供应厂商。我们的目标是:服务用户至上,让科研仪器的使用变得更简便和高效。
  • Barbed Fitting 1/4-28 x 0.17 ID | 13261400
    Barbed Fitting 1/4-28 x 0.17 ID | 13261400 Barbed Fitting 1/4-28 x 0.17 ID订货信息:部件号品名描述数量13261400Barbed Fitting 1/4-28 x 0.17 IDBarbed Fitting 1/4-28 x 0.17 IDEA
  • Restek色谱配件23423 Base with Mounting Kit
    Restek 瑞思泰康 色谱配件 Base with Mounting Kit For High Power Crimping Tool
  • Fitting Barb 5/32" with O-Ring | 13136800
    Fitting Barb 5/32" with O-Ring | 13136800 Fitting Barb 5/32" with O-Ring适用仪器型号IRIS Intrepid II 订货信息:部件号品名描述数量13136800Fitting Barb 5/32" with O-RingFitting Barb 5/32" with O-RingEA
  • Water Bath, Heating 115V 60Hz
    配件编号:97055-60181产品名称:Assembly, Cage, Capillary Heater,Q00/LO Device产品规格:97055-60181仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是 配件编号:222-219200产品名称:Water Bath, Heating 115V 60Hz适用于美国热电公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific) 仪器配件。配件编号:97055-61010S产品名称:PCB Assembly, Digital产品规格:97055-61010S仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是
  • Male Micro-QT Valve to 1/8” C Fitting
    Product Description: Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 1/8” C Fitting The MQT-200 is a Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 1/4” Compression Fitting designed for air and gas sampling, laboratory gas line inlets, and more. See complete applications list below. For the Silonite™ coated equivalent of this valve simply add an S to the part number. The Micro-QT is a next generation gas valve offering uncompromised leak-tight performance in an ergonomic design. The Micro-QT is also versatile, providing numerous connection options to cover a wide range of applications. After the Micro-QT valve is installed on tubing with a compression fitting, mating male and female valve ends is literally just a “snap”.Originally designed for environmental air sampling and analysis, the Micro-QT has found a place in numerous other applications. Micro-QT’s feature a distinctively bright and colorful Silonite™ coating that prevents gas phase compounds from interacting with the metal surface. The rugged, solid design stands up to thousands of connections while maintaining leak-tight operation. For scientists and professionals working with VOC and SVOCs, the Micro-QT’s compact internal volume reduces exposure to potentially contaminated surfaces and allows for easy cleaning. Entech Micro-QT & standard Micro Valves FeaturesFast ConnectionsZero WeldsLight and Compact DesignInexpensiveLow Inclusion VolumeAutomation FriendlyEasily CleanedClear Connection Indication Popular ApplicationsLaboratory Gas LinesInstrument InletsSampling EquipmentCanister Field SamplingHeadspace Vials and ChambersGas Manifold Connections
  • Male Micro-QT Valve to 3/8” C Fitting
    Product Description:Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 3/8” C FittingThe MQT-600 is a Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 3/8” Compression Fitting designed for air and gas sampling, laboratory gas line inlets, and more. See complete applications list below. For the Silonite™ coated equivalent of this valve simply add an S to the part number.The Micro-QT is a next generation gas valve offering uncompromised leak-tight performance in an ergonomic design. The Micro-QT is also versatile, providing numerous connection options to cover a wide range of applications. After the Micro-QT valve is installed on tubing with a compression fitting, mating male and female valve ends is literally just a “snap”.Originally designed for environmental air sampling and analysis, the Micro-QT has found a place in numerous other applications. Micro-QT’s feature a distinctively bright and colorful Silonite™ coating that prevents gas phase compounds from interacting with the metal surface. The rugged, solid design stands up to thousands of connections while maintaining leak-tight operation. For scientists and professionals working with VOC and SVOCs, the Micro-QT’s compact internal volume reduces exposure to potentially contaminated surfaces and allows for easy cleaning.Entech Micro-QT & standard Micro Valves FeaturesFast ConnectionsZero WeldsLight and Compact DesignInexpensiveLow Inclusion VolumeAutomation FriendlyEasily CleanedClear Connection IndicationPopular ApplicationsLaboratory Gas Lines Instrument InletsSampling EquipmentCanister Field SamplingHeadspace Vials and ChambersGas Manifold Connections
  • ZORBAX Eclipse 多环芳烃(PAH)标准分析柱
    ZORBAX Eclipse 多环芳烃(PAH)标准分析柱 EPA 方法610 中16 种多环芳烃的高分辨分离 多种粒径(1.8,3.5 和5 μm)和尺寸范围,有利于快速、高分离度分离 每批都在预期的操作条件下用PAH 进行了特别测试,以保证获得最高的重现性 Eclipse Plus 柱用高质量的改良硅胶得到了更好性能 适用于要求“峰形选择性”或立体异构体分离的应用安捷伦ZORBAX Eclipse PAH 柱建议用于多环芳烃的分离。多环芳烃是重点监测的污染物,对分析水、土壤和食品中的这类潜在的致癌化合物非常重要。Eclipse PAH 柱可以快速、高分离度地分离EPA 方法610 中的16 种多环芳烃。订货信息:
  • Male Micro-QT Valve to 1/16” C Fitting
    Product Description:The MQT-100 is a Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 1 /16” Compression Fitting designed for air and gas sampling, laboratory gas line inlets, and more. See complete applications list below. For the Silonite™ coated equivalent of this valve simply add an S to the part number. The Micro-QT is a next generation gas valve offering uncompromised leak-tight performance in an ergonomic design. The Micro-QT is also versatile, providing numerous connection options to cover a wide range of applications. After the Micro-QT valve is installed on tubing with a compression fitting, mating male and female valve ends is literally just a “snap”.Originally designed for environmental air sampling and analysis, the Micro-QT has found a place in numerous other applications. Micro-QT’s feature a distinctively bright and colorful Silonite™ coating that prevents gas phase compounds from interacting with the metal surface. The rugged, solid design stands up to thousands of connections while maintaining leak-tight operation. For scientists and professionals working with VOC and SVOCs, the Micro-QT’s compact internal volume reduces exposure to potentially contaminated surfaces and allows for easy cleaning.Entech Micro-QT & standard Micro Valves FeaturesFast ConnectionsZero WeldsLight and Compact DesignInexpensiveLow Inclusion VolumeAutomation FriendlyEasily CleanedClear Connection Indication Popular ApplicationsLaboratory Gas LinesInstrument InletsSampling EquipmentCanister Field SamplingHeadspace Vials and ChambersGas Manifold Connections
  • 安捷伦(Agilent)Zorbax Eclipse Plus 多环芳烃(400bar,5μ m)标准分析柱
    安捷伦(Agilent)Zorbax Eclipse Plus 多环芳烃(400bar,5μm)标准分析柱 方法开发的理想色谱柱,为各种化合物提供出色的分离性能 对以下所有类型的样品均表现出优异的的性能(峰形、柱效、分离度和寿命):酸性、碱性和中性化合物 通过更严格的QA/QC 测试,得到出色的重现性 经过改进的、获得专利的硅胶制造工艺,可以自始至终进行产品控制 为所有分析型、高分离度、快速液相色谱分析提供多种粒径的填料,如1.8 μm、3.5 μm 和5 μm对于硅胶基色谱柱而言,新的Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse Plus 色谱柱具有无与伦比的性能。即使对于非常难分离的碱性化合物,也可获得出色的峰形,从而改善了这些类型的样品的柱效和分离度。由于安捷伦在硅胶制造和键合技术方面进行了改进,因此能够获得这样优异的性能,并且这些技术完全由安捷伦控制。Eclipse Plus 柱的高性能,使其成为对所有样品进行方法开发的首选色谱柱。如果需要进行快速方法开发并获得出色的效率,则可以选择具有高分离度、粒径为1.8 μm 的色谱柱。对于标准方法,常规5 μm 柱和快速分离3.5 μm 柱是您的最佳选择。由于提供各种粒径的填料,因此可以方便地进行方法转换。色谱柱通过严格的QA 和QC 测试,使批与批的重现性也得以改进,从而可以获得所有分析的长期可靠的结果。订货信息:
  • Multiple GC/MS 配件:T Fitting Hose Barb | 76256-0041
    T Fitting Hose Barb | 76256-0041 T Fitting Hose Barb适用仪器型号Multiple GC/MS Instruments 订货信息:部件号品名描述数量76256-0041T Fitting Hose BarbT Fitting Hose BarbEA
  • Zorbax Eclipse Plus 多环芳烃柱
    ZORBAX Eclipse Plus 多环芳烃柱 方法开发的理想色谱柱,为各种化合物提供出色的分离性能 对以下所有类型的样品均表现出优异的的性能(峰形、柱效、分离度和寿命):酸性、碱性和中性化合物 通过更严格的QA/QC 测试,得到出色的重现性 经过改进的、获得专利的硅胶制造工艺,可以自始至终进行产品控制 为所有分析型、高分离度、快速液相色谱分析提供多种粒径的填料,如1.8 μm、3.5 μm 和5 μm对于硅胶基色谱柱而言,新的Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse Plus 色谱柱具有无与伦比的性能。即使对于非常难分离的碱性化合物,也可获得出色的峰形,从而改善了这些类型的样品的柱效和分离度。由于安捷伦在硅胶制造和键合技术方面进行了改进,因此能够获得这样优异的性能,并且这些技术完全由安捷伦控制。Eclipse Plus 柱的高性能,使其成为对所有样品进行方法开发的首选色谱柱。如果需要进行快速方法开发并获得出色的效率,则可以选择具有高分离度、粒径为1.8 μm 的色谱柱。对于标准方法,常规5 μm 柱和快速分离3.5 μm 柱是您的最佳选择。由于提供各种粒径的填料,因此可以方便地进行方法转换。色谱柱通过严格的QA 和QC 测试,使批与批的重现性也得以改进,从而可以获得所有分析的长期可靠的结果。订货信息:
  • 安捷伦(Agilent)ZORBAX Eclipse 多环芳烃(PAH)标准分析柱
    安捷伦(Agilent)ZORBAX Eclipse 多环芳烃(PAH)标准分析柱 EPA 方法610 中16 种多环芳烃的高分辨分离 多种粒径(1.8,3.5 和5 μm)和尺寸范围,有利于快速、高分离度分离 每批都在预期的操作条件下用PAH 进行了特别测试,以保证获得最高的重现性 Eclipse Plus 柱用高质量的改良硅胶得到了更好性能 适用于要求“峰形选择性”或立体异构体分离的应用安捷伦ZORBAX Eclipse PAH 柱建议用于多环芳烃的分离。多环芳烃是重点监测的污染物,对分析水、土壤和食品中的这类潜在的致癌化合物非常重要。Eclipse PAH 柱可以快速、高分离度地分离EPA 方法610 中的16 种多环芳烃。订货信息:
    产品名称:OC Temporary Flow仪器厂商:HACH/美国 哈希价格:面议库存:是产品描述产品货号CONNECTOR,SHORTING BAR,MR TYPE4521CONNECTOR,STRAIGHT PLUG,2 PIN2908CONNECTOR,STRAIGHT PLUG,2 PIN6484CONNECTOR,STRAIGHT PLUG,4 PIN2765COVER,CLEAR,DESSICANT COVER PER2640COVER,DISSOLVED OZONE,842216338COVER,DISSOLVER GAS MONITOR16339COVER,FINISHED,DISSOLVE OXYGEN16402COVER,FLOW METER2551CPU compartment power cable assembly4833CPU compartment power cable assembly4858CPU SMT Printed Circuit Board Assembly3809CPU to base board cable assembly2657CPU, with data log & comm., printed circuit board assembly16421CPU, with data log & comm., printed circuit board assembly16423CRYSTAL,CERAMIC,U/SONIC LEVEL3713Crystal/wire sub assembly for area velocity probe assembly, 3250XTAL 1.03724Current receptacle assembly2675Currrent/pulse interface sub. assembly2086DECAL,WARNING DANGER HIGH V8781
  • 赛默飞配件 6000-109
    产品特点:RheFlex High Pressure FittingsPrecision machined from 316 stainless steelRheFlex Two-Piece PEEK FittingsProvide inert, metal-free connections* Slotted backside of the ferrule is squeezed down onto the tube by the mating conical surface of the nut* May be used on 1/16in metal or plastic tubing reliably up to 5000psi * Reusable ferrule and nut订购信息:RheFlex High Pressure FittingsTypeCat.No.QuantityShort Fittings Set6000-1095 PackShort Fittings Set6000-20910 PackLong Fittings Set6000-1115 PackLong Fittings Set6000-21110 PackExtra Long Fittings Set6000-1625 PackExtra Long Fittings Set6000-26210 Pack1/16in Ferrule6000-1105 Pack1/16in Ferrule6000-21010 PackRheFlex Two-Piece PEEK FittingsTypeCat.No.QuantityFitting set, standard length6000-0545 PackFitting set, short6000-0555 PackFitting set, X-long6000-0661 EachReplacement ferrules6000-0515 Pack
  • Fitting, Ferrule, Swagelok™ , Back
    配件编号:A0101-02500产品名称:Fitting, Ferrule, Swagelok&trade , Back, 1/8产品规格:A0101-02500仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是配件编号:A4967-010产品名称:Screw-Top Vial Kit (Amber - 100 Per Pack)产品规格:A4967-010仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是配件编号:A4969-010产品名称:Screw-Top Cap Septa (Set of 100)产品规格:A4969-010仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是
  • Fitting | 049273
    Fitting - 5/32" x 10.32 PRS | 049273 Fitting - 5/32" x 10.32 PRS订货信息:部件号品名描述数量049273Fitting - 5/32" x 10.32 PRSFitting - 5/32" x 10.32 PRSEA
  • Fitting | 216179
    Fitting - Bulkhead, 1/8" SST | 216179 Fitting - Bulkhead, 1/8" SST订货信息:部件号品名描述数量216179Fitting - Bulkhead, 1/8" SSTFitting - Bulkhead, 1/8" SSTEA
  • Fitting | 067392
    Fitting - 5/32 x 10.32 tube, O-ring, PRS | 067392 Fitting - 5/32 x 10.32 tube, O-ring, PRS订货信息:部件号品名描述数量067392Fitting - 5/32 x 10.32 tube, O-ring, PRSFitting - 5/32 x 10.32 tube, O-ring, PRSEA
  • Fitting | 059427
    Fitting - 5/32" Plug | 059427 Fitting - 5/32" Plug订货信息:部件号品名描述数量059427Fitting - 5/32" PlugFitting - 5/32" PlugEA
  • Fitting | 049270
    Fitting - 5/32 x 1/8"NPT, tube, PRS | 049270 Fitting - 5/32 x 1/8"NPT, tube, PRS订货信息 :部件号品名描述数量049270Fitting - 5/32 x 1/8"NPT, tube, PRSFitting - 5/32 x 1/8"NPT, tube, PRSEA
  • Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve MQT-600S Silonite Male Micro-QT Valve to 3/8” C Fitting
    Product Description: Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 3/8” C FittingThe MQT-600S is a Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 3?8” compression fitting designed for air and gas sampling, laboratory gas line inlets, and more. See complete applications list below. For the uncoated equivalent of this valve simply remove the “S” from the part number. The Micro-QT is a next generation gas valve offering uncompromised leak-tight performance in an ergonomic design. The Micro-QT is also versatile, providing numerous connection options to cover a wide range of applications. After the Micro-QT valve is installed on tubing with a compression fitting, mating male and female valve ends is literally just a “snap”. Originally designed for environmental air sampling and analysis, the Micro-QT has found a place in numerous other applications. Micro-QT’s feature a distinctively bright and colorful Silonite™ coating that prevents gas phase compounds from interacting with the metal surface. The rugged, solid design stands up to thousands of connections while maintaining leak-tight operation. For scientists and professionals working with VOC and SVOCs, the Micro-QT’s compact internal volume reduces exposure to potentially contaminated surfaces and allows for easy cleaning. Entech Micro-QT & standard Micro Valves FeaturesFast ConnectionsZero WeldsLight and Compact DesignInexpensiveLow Inclusion VolumeAutomation FriendlyEasily CleanedClear Connection IndicationPopular ApplicationsLaboratory Gas LinesInstrument InletsSampling EquipmentCanister Field SamplingHeadspace Vials and ChambersGas Manifold Connections
  • 安捷伦(Agilent)Zorbax Eclipse Plus 多环芳烃柱
    安捷伦(Agilent)ZORBAX Eclipse Plus 多环芳烃柱 方法开发的理想色谱柱,为各种化合物提供出色的分离性能 对以下所有类型的样品均表现出优异的的性能(峰形、柱效、分离度和寿命):酸性、碱性和中性化合物 通过更严格的QA/QC 测试,得到出色的重现性 经过改进的、获得专利的硅胶制造工艺,可以自始至终进行产品控制 为所有分析型、高分离度、快速液相色谱分析提供多种粒径的填料,如1.8 μm、3.5 μm 和5 μm对于硅胶基色谱柱而言,新的Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse Plus 色谱柱具有无与伦比的性能。即使对于非常难分离的碱性化合物,也可获得出色的峰形,从而改善了这些类型的样品的柱效和分离度。由于安捷伦在硅胶制造和键合技术方面进行了改进,因此能够获得这样优异的性能,并且这些技术完全由安捷伦控制。Eclipse Plus 柱的高性能,使其成为对所有样品进行方法开发的首选色谱柱。如果需要进行快速方法开发并获得出色的效率,则可以选择具有高分离度、粒径为1.8 μm 的色谱柱。对于标准方法,常规5 μm 柱和快速分离3.5 μm 柱是您的最佳选择。由于提供各种粒径的填料,因此可以方便地进行方法转换。色谱柱通过严格的QA 和QC 测试,使批与批的重现性也得以改进,从而可以获得所有分析的长期可靠的结果。订货信息:
  • Fitting bolt | 074449
    Fitting bolt, 10-32, high pressure (for double-cone ferrule fitting) | 074449 Fitting bolt, 10-32, high pressure (for double-cone ferrule fitting)订货信息:部件号品名描述数量074449Fitting bolt, 10-32, high pressure (for double-cone ferrule fitting)Fitting bolt, 10-32, high pressure (for double-cone ferrule fitting)EA
  • 烃捕集阱 N9301192
    烃捕集阱使用我们的活性炭串联捕集阱可从所输送的氮气、氢气和惰性载气中除去气态烃(C5及以上的重链烃)。本品建议用于涉及高灵敏度FID操作的净化和捕集设备以及涉及痕量分析的GC载气。每个末端的釉料可避免颗粒物进入气流内。捕集阱在运输时充满氦气。最大压力是1000psi(69巴)。包括接头在内的尺寸规格是5x37cm,重量为1.0 kg。烃捕集阱订货信息:产品描述部件编号烃捕集阱N9301192
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