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  • 赛多利斯凝胶膜 (GMF)
    凝胶膜 (GMF)空气微生物检测-凝胶膜凝胶膜与MD8 采样仪组合(凝胶膜法)可用于采集空气中的微生物和病毒。抛弃型凝胶膜单元是预灭菌的独立包装,包含凝胶膜和支架,可直接与MD8采样仪连接。凝胶膜是圆片型的,配合过滤支架 17655(80mm 直径)用于MD8 airscan® 采样仪,还有更小直径的膜片可供选择。凝胶膜与MD8 采样仪联用具有非常明显的优势和特点: - “绝对”截留率(99.9995%对Bac.sub.niger.spores,99.94%对T3病毒)。 - 凝胶膜维持了所收集微生物的存活,从而提供长达8小时的连续采样时间。 - 凝胶膜是完全水溶性的,所以同一个样品中的微生物可以在不同的培养基上培养。样品不受抑制剂的影响。 - 凝胶膜的可溶性是病毒采样的先决条件。技术参数凝胶膜水溶性凝胶膜,标称孔径3 μm,凝胶膜直径80mm,凝胶膜厚度 250 μm,属于深层过滤耐热最高 60°C空气流量Approx. 2.7 l/min./cm2 at ΔP = 0.05 bar细菌和病毒截留率1. 0.25m/s入口速度,Bac.sub.niger.spores,截留率为99.9995%,2. 80%相对湿度和 0.3m/s入口速度下,T3病毒截留率为99.94%过滤面积38.5 cm2工作环境要求最高温度30°C,最大相对湿度85%灭菌方式Gamma 射线灭菌 欲了解更多内容,请在商铺中给我们留言或登陆赛多利斯官网
  • 美国ACT克莱斯勒橘皮板
    美国ACT克莱斯勒桔皮板ACT manufactures sets of panels with graduated degrees of orange peel (flow) and powder smoothness from rough to smooth. Thousands of customers use these panels to visually evaluate the appearance of painted parts using a consistent, known standard. Each set consists of ten 4x6 inch panels which are painted black and labeled with their corresponding orange peel (flow) rating or powder smoothness from 1 to 10. THESE PANELS ARE VISUAL STANDARDS ONLY.他们分成10个等级,并有证书,尺寸是4 x6英寸,涂成了黑色。ACT Orange Peel Standards ACT桔皮板 Chrysler Orange Peel Standards 克莱斯勒桔皮板 These panels are reproduced from the same master set and then approved by Chrysler for use by their suppliers in evaluating the appearance of painted parts.克莱斯勒桔皮板是克莱斯勒认可的,用来评估喷漆部分的外观。ACT Test Panels&ndash Premium Grade 优等品面板 ACT TRU Panels&ndash Utility Grade通用品面板 美国ACT克莱斯勒桔皮板 美国ACT福特桔皮板 美国ACT GM桔皮板 美国ACT PCI标准 粉末平滑性 美国ACT 福特汽车公司色卡 美国ACT GM腐蚀片 质量损失片 美国ACT GM腐蚀片支架 质量损失片支架 美国ACT Grit Trough Solution Mix 沙砾混合粉尘 美国ACT Ford Cross Hatch Panel 福特划格板 美国ACT Scribe Tool 划格刀盐雾箱腐蚀测试片、盐雾箱标准测试片、盐雾箱校准片、盐雾试验校准板、盐雾箱校准板、GMW14872腐蚀片、GMW14872测试片、GMW1487校准板、GMW1487校准片、GMW14872标准腐蚀片、ISO9227腐蚀片、ISO9227测试片、ISO9227校准板、ISO9227校准片、ISO9227标准腐蚀片、GM9540P腐蚀片、GM9540P测试片、GM9540P校准板、GM9540P校准片、GM9540P标准腐蚀片、SAEJ2334腐蚀片、SAEJ2334测试片、SAEJ2334校准板、SAEJ2334校准片、SAEJ2334标准腐蚀片、ASTM B368腐蚀片、ASTM B368测试片、ASTM B368校准板、ASTM B368校准片、ASTM B368标准腐蚀片硬质合金手持式划线器 标准测试板支架,PTI粉尘、JIS粉尘、DMT粉尘、ISO粉尘 ACT测试面板 ACT经济面板 -hansi-font-family:宋体 mso-bidi-font-family: Arial mso-font-kerning:0pt'
  • 现货供应辽宁分析石墨管-辽宁分析石墨管价格
    原子吸收石墨管(Platform)简介石墨炉原子吸收光谱法是目前测定多种物料中痕量及超痕量无机成分的有效手段,已广泛用于国民经济中相关行业。石墨原子化器是将样品中的离子或分子变成待测元素基态原子的核心部件,其质量直接关系到原子化效率,关系到定量分析的准确度,积多年实验研究成果,为获得优良的特定的耐抗性和热特性而采用特殊的高品质石墨基础材料经过特殊工艺研制而成的LT系列石墨原子化器,具有灵敏度高、精度好、重现性好、使用寿命长、性价比高的特点,其各项测试性能指标均能达到国内外水平。的原料、精确的研磨、充分的混合、适当的压制、正确的热处理、全过程的净化控制、精准的机械加工、特殊的涂覆技术、严格的性能检测保证了龙天LTT系列石墨原子化器的品质。 公司备有覆盖国内外所有品牌原子吸收光谱仪用各型号石墨原子化器(石墨管、石墨锥),包括配套于美国PE、美国瓦里安Varian、美国赛默飞 热电Thermo、美国惠普HP、美国安捷伦Agilent、日本日立Hitachi、日本岛津Shimadzu、澳大利亚GBC等纵向加热型及美国PE、德国耶拿Analytik Jena、澳大利亚GBC、加拿大欧罗拉Aurora等横向加热型国外原子吸收光谱仪用石墨管、石墨锥。同时包括配套于北分瑞利、普析通用、东西分析、北京浩天晖、北京华洋、科创海光、博晖创新、北京纳克、北京美诚、北京瑞昌、上海天美、上海精科(上分厂)、上海光谱、上海仪电、上海森谱、浙江福立、江苏天瑞、安徽皖仪、武汉天虹、辽宁分析、沈阳华光等国内原子吸收光谱仪用石墨管、石墨锥。特殊型号的石墨管、石墨锥也可来图来样来料订货加工。公司石墨管产品按照不同的分类,可分为横向加热石墨管、纵向加热石墨管;普通石墨管、热解石墨管;标准石墨管、涂层石墨管;长寿命石墨管、直筒石墨管、平台石墨管、凹台石墨管、杯型石墨管。产品完全配套于国内外各型号原子吸收光谱仪石墨原子化器,产品除供给国内各大仪器厂家配套的产品外,还向销往世界各地。
  • 宫血宁胶囊的测定,推荐色谱柱 Cosmosil C8-MS
    宫血宁胶囊的测定,推荐色谱柱 Cosmosil C8-MS 关键词:宫血宁胶囊;辛烷基键合硅胶;北京绿百草;2010年药典 2010年中国药典:宫雪宁胶囊的测定:照高效液相色谱法(附录Ⅵ D)测定,用辛烷基键合硅胶为填充剂,以乙腈-水为流动相。检测波长为203nm。理论板数按重楼皂苷Ⅵ峰计算应不低于5000。(药典一部P962). 需要详细供货信息请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息: www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • Firstline斯特莱茵F80-300S玻璃钢膜壳端盖
  • 莱克多巴胺免疫亲和柱
    使用对象 莱克多巴胺免疫亲和柱能够特异性的纯化样品中的莱克多巴胺,它采用了柱状琼脂糖凝胶作为固相载体,琼脂糖凝胶与莱克多巴胺抗体偶联形成免疫吸附剂,装柱制成免疫亲和柱。它能够特异性的纯化样品中的莱克多巴胺。莱克多巴胺免疫亲和柱广泛地应用于饲料、动物源性食品、水产品、尿液等样品的提取,该方法速度快、操作简单、准确性高,对提高食品的质量和安全性起到十分重要的作用。 原理 莱克多巴胺免疫亲和柱能够特异性的纯化样品中的莱克多巴胺,将样品与提取液混合、提取、过滤,然后将滤液通过亲和柱。此时,莱克多巴胺药物键合在亲和柱中的抗体上。用蒸馏水将免疫亲合柱上的杂质除去。用甲醇通过分离柱,将莱克多巴胺药物从抗体上分离下来。最后,将过滤的甲醇溶液注入HPLC或LC-MS进行测定。
  • Sephadex LH-20葡聚糖凝胶
    Sephadex 葡聚糖凝胶通过表氯醇交联多个葡聚糖得到。葡聚糖是以蔗糖为底物的细菌Leuconsostocmesenteroides(删)的代谢产物,为线性高度聚合碳水化合物的总称。由于每个葡聚糖单元含有三个羟基,因此葡聚糖易溶于水。要使葡聚糖不溶于水,而成为可以在水中溶涨的凝胶,就必须与双官能团的表氯醇交联。表氯醇的比例越大,交联成分越高,胶的溶涨能力就越小,排阻极限就越低,这时的产品为G-10、G-25等。我们知道G-10、G-25这些葡聚糖凝胶是在水溶液中使用,若要用有机溶剂作为流动相,只有通过羟丙基化将Sephadex G转化为可在有机溶剂中溶涨的葡聚糖凝胶。这时的产品为Sephardex LH-20.层析原理:凝胶过滤--------依赖于分子的大小和形状吸附层析-----依赖于被分离化合物与凝胶之间的氢键数量和质量分配层析----------------依赖于被分离化合物在流动相(溶剂)和固定相(凝胶)之间的分配,这主要由样品的极性和溶剂的极性决定的。 特点:适合用有机溶剂分离嗜脂性分子,可以非常经济地大规模制备各种天然产物结合凝胶过滤、分配色谱及吸附性层析于一身,分离结构非常相近的分子载量可高达300mg样品/ml凝胶,极少需要再生,分离效果可保持十几年不变
  • Thermo/热电 Acclaim Explosives 液相柱
    Acclaim Explosives用于爆炸物分析(EPA 方法 8330)的最佳解决方案 Acclaim E1 和 E2 色谱柱均对 EPA 方法 8330 的全部 14 种目标化合物实现基线分离 E1 和 E2 色谱柱具有互补选择性 等度洗脱条件简易 色谱柱坚固耐用,批次间可重现性良好Acclaim Explosives E1 和 E2 色谱柱专门设计用于通过 HPLC 解析“EPA SW-846 方法 8330:硝酸酯和硝胺”中列出的全部 14 种爆炸物。这些色谱柱采用的新式、独特化学键合相提供优异分离度,并具有互补选择性。Acclaim Explosives E1 推荐用于在初次分析中直接替代 ODS 色谱柱。Acclaim Explosives E2 可用作初次分析色谱柱或确认色谱柱。Acclaim Explosives E2 色谱柱独特的选择性和多功能性提供较广的应用范围,包括对美国 EPA 方法 8330 (ISO22478) 中规定之外的爆炸物的分析。订货信息:
  • Acclaim混合模式WAX-1 LC色谱柱071908
    Reversed-Phase and Weak Anion-Exchange Properties on a Single ColumnThe novel column chemistry of the Acclaim® Mixed-Mode WAX-1 results in a multimode separation mechanism including hydrophobic, anion-exchange, and cation-exclusion interactions. Consequently, retention of basic, neutral, and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvent content in the mobile phase.Adjustable selectivitySelectivity orthogonal to reversed-phase (RP) columnsIdeal selectivity for anionic moleculesSimultaneous separation of acidic, basic, and neutral moleculesMultimode retention mechanisms: reversed- and normal phase, anion-exchange, cation-exclusion, and HILIC modesThe Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column combines hydrophobic and anion-exchange characteristics, on a 5 μm high-purity, porous silica with 120-? diameter pores. Because of this unique chemistry, the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column also provides complimentary selectivity to C18 reversed-phase columns.Hydrophilic organic acids are often difficult to separate with common RP columns, since hydrophobic retention alone is inadequate to differentiate molecules with similar hydrophobicities. This can be overcome using the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column it provides sufficient retention, and ideal selectivity for a variety of anionic molecules, even for weakly charged molecules.Multi-Mode Separation MechanismRetention of basic, neutral and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvents content in the mobile phase. The presence of anion-exchange functionality control through electrostatic attraction (anions), repulsion (cations). The alkyl chain controls separation by hydrophobic interaction.A broad range of samples in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries can be separated. Separation of basic active ingredients and its counter-ion can be simultaneously determined, as well as separation of ingredients containing basic, neutral, and acidic ingredients.Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 Columns: A simple solution to difficult separations SpecificationsColumn ChemistryAlkyl amineBase silicaSpherical, high-purityParticle size5 μmPore size120 ?Surface area300 m2/gAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070088Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)071908Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070089Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 150 mm)064984Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 250 mm)064985Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm, 2.1 x 150 mm067084Guard ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069704Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm Guards (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071909Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm, Guards (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069686Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2
  • Acclaim混合模式WAX-1 LC色谱柱069704
    Reversed-Phase and Weak Anion-Exchange Properties on a Single ColumnThe novel column chemistry of the Acclaim® Mixed-Mode WAX-1 results in a multimode separation mechanism including hydrophobic, anion-exchange, and cation-exclusion interactions. Consequently, retention of basic, neutral, and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvent content in the mobile phase.Adjustable selectivitySelectivity orthogonal to reversed-phase (RP) columnsIdeal selectivity for anionic moleculesSimultaneous separation of acidic, basic, and neutral moleculesMultimode retention mechanisms: reversed- and normal phase, anion-exchange, cation-exclusion, and HILIC modesThe Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column combines hydrophobic and anion-exchange characteristics, on a 5 μm high-purity, porous silica with 120-? diameter pores. Because of this unique chemistry, the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column also provides complimentary selectivity to C18 reversed-phase columns.Hydrophilic organic acids are often difficult to separate with common RP columns, since hydrophobic retention alone is inadequate to differentiate molecules with similar hydrophobicities. This can be overcome using the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column it provides sufficient retention, and ideal selectivity for a variety of anionic molecules, even for weakly charged molecules.Multi-Mode Separation MechanismRetention of basic, neutral and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvents content in the mobile phase. The presence of anion-exchange functionality control through electrostatic attraction (anions), repulsion (cations). The alkyl chain controls separation by hydrophobic interaction.A broad range of samples in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries can be separated. Separation of basic active ingredients and its counter-ion can be simultaneously determined, as well as separation of ingredients containing basic, neutral, and acidic ingredients.Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 Columns: A simple solution to difficult separations SpecificationsColumn ChemistryAlkyl amineBase silicaSpherical, high-purityParticle size5 μmPore size120 ?Surface area300 m2/gAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070088Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)071908Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070089Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 150 mm)064984Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 250 mm)064985Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm, 2.1 x 150 mm067084Guard ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069704Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm Guards (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071909Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm, Guards (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069686Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2
  • Acclaim混合模式WAX-1 LC色谱柱070089
    Reversed-Phase and Weak Anion-Exchange Properties on a Single ColumnThe novel column chemistry of the Acclaim® Mixed-Mode WAX-1 results in a multimode separation mechanism including hydrophobic, anion-exchange, and cation-exclusion interactions. Consequently, retention of basic, neutral, and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvent content in the mobile phase.Adjustable selectivitySelectivity orthogonal to reversed-phase (RP) columnsIdeal selectivity for anionic moleculesSimultaneous separation of acidic, basic, and neutral moleculesMultimode retention mechanisms: reversed- and normal phase, anion-exchange, cation-exclusion, and HILIC modesThe Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column combines hydrophobic and anion-exchange characteristics, on a 5 μm high-purity, porous silica with 120-? diameter pores. Because of this unique chemistry, the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column also provides complimentary selectivity to C18 reversed-phase columns.Hydrophilic organic acids are often difficult to separate with common RP columns, since hydrophobic retention alone is inadequate to differentiate molecules with similar hydrophobicities. This can be overcome using the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column it provides sufficient retention, and ideal selectivity for a variety of anionic molecules, even for weakly charged molecules.Multi-Mode Separation MechanismRetention of basic, neutral and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvents content in the mobile phase. The presence of anion-exchange functionality control through electrostatic attraction (anions), repulsion (cations). The alkyl chain controls separation by hydrophobic interaction.A broad range of samples in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries can be separated. Separation of basic active ingredients and its counter-ion can be simultaneously determined, as well as separation of ingredients containing basic, neutral, and acidic ingredients.Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 Columns: A simple solution to difficult separations SpecificationsColumn ChemistryAlkyl amineBase silicaSpherical, high-purityParticle size5 μmPore size120 ?Surface area300 m2/gAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070088Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)071908Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070089Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 150 mm)064984Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 250 mm)064985Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm, 2.1 x 150 mm067084Guard ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069704Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm Guards (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071909Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm, Guards (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069686Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2
  • Acclaim混合模式WAX-1 LC色谱柱069686
    Reversed-Phase and Weak Anion-Exchange Properties on a Single ColumnThe novel column chemistry of the Acclaim® Mixed-Mode WAX-1 results in a multimode separation mechanism including hydrophobic, anion-exchange, and cation-exclusion interactions. Consequently, retention of basic, neutral, and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvent content in the mobile phase.Adjustable selectivitySelectivity orthogonal to reversed-phase (RP) columnsIdeal selectivity for anionic moleculesSimultaneous separation of acidic, basic, and neutral moleculesMultimode retention mechanisms: reversed- and normal phase, anion-exchange, cation-exclusion, and HILIC modesThe Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column combines hydrophobic and anion-exchange characteristics, on a 5 μm high-purity, porous silica with 120-? diameter pores. Because of this unique chemistry, the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column also provides complimentary selectivity to C18 reversed-phase columns.Hydrophilic organic acids are often difficult to separate with common RP columns, since hydrophobic retention alone is inadequate to differentiate molecules with similar hydrophobicities. This can be overcome using the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column it provides sufficient retention, and ideal selectivity for a variety of anionic molecules, even for weakly charged molecules.Multi-Mode Separation MechanismRetention of basic, neutral and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvents content in the mobile phase. The presence of anion-exchange functionality control through electrostatic attraction (anions), repulsion (cations). The alkyl chain controls separation by hydrophobic interaction.A broad range of samples in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries can be separated. Separation of basic active ingredients and its counter-ion can be simultaneously determined, as well as separation of ingredients containing basic, neutral, and acidic ingredients.Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 Columns: A simple solution to difficult separations SpecificationsColumn ChemistryAlkyl amineBase silicaSpherical, high-purityParticle size5 μmPore size120 ?Surface area300 m2/gAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070088Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)071908Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070089Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 150 mm)064984Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 250 mm)064985Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm, 2.1 x 150 mm067084Guard ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069704Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm Guards (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071909Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm, Guards (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069686Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2
  • Acclaim混合模式WAX-1 LC色谱柱069580
    Reversed-Phase and Weak Anion-Exchange Properties on a Single ColumnThe novel column chemistry of the Acclaim® Mixed-Mode WAX-1 results in a multimode separation mechanism including hydrophobic, anion-exchange, and cation-exclusion interactions. Consequently, retention of basic, neutral, and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvent content in the mobile phase.Adjustable selectivitySelectivity orthogonal to reversed-phase (RP) columnsIdeal selectivity for anionic moleculesSimultaneous separation of acidic, basic, and neutral moleculesMultimode retention mechanisms: reversed- and normal phase, anion-exchange, cation-exclusion, and HILIC modesThe Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column combines hydrophobic and anion-exchange characteristics, on a 5 μm high-purity, porous silica with 120-? diameter pores. Because of this unique chemistry, the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column also provides complimentary selectivity to C18 reversed-phase columns.Hydrophilic organic acids are often difficult to separate with common RP columns, since hydrophobic retention alone is inadequate to differentiate molecules with similar hydrophobicities. This can be overcome using the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column it provides sufficient retention, and ideal selectivity for a variety of anionic molecules, even for weakly charged molecules.Multi-Mode Separation MechanismRetention of basic, neutral and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvents content in the mobile phase. The presence of anion-exchange functionality control through electrostatic attraction (anions), repulsion (cations). The alkyl chain controls separation by hydrophobic interaction.A broad range of samples in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries can be separated. Separation of basic active ingredients and its counter-ion can be simultaneously determined, as well as separation of ingredients containing basic, neutral, and acidic ingredients.Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 Columns: A simple solution to difficult separations SpecificationsColumn ChemistryAlkyl amineBase silicaSpherical, high-purityParticle size5 μmPore size120 ?Surface area300 m2/gAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070088Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)071908Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070089Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 150 mm)064984Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 250 mm)064985Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm, 2.1 x 150 mm067084Guard ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069704Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm Guards (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071909Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm, Guards (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069686Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2
  • Acclaim混合模式WAX-1 LC色谱柱070088
    Reversed-Phase and Weak Anion-Exchange Properties on a Single ColumnThe novel column chemistry of the Acclaim® Mixed-Mode WAX-1 results in a multimode separation mechanism including hydrophobic, anion-exchange, and cation-exclusion interactions. Consequently, retention of basic, neutral, and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvent content in the mobile phase.Adjustable selectivitySelectivity orthogonal to reversed-phase (RP) columnsIdeal selectivity for anionic moleculesSimultaneous separation of acidic, basic, and neutral moleculesMultimode retention mechanisms: reversed- and normal phase, anion-exchange, cation-exclusion, and HILIC modesThe Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column combines hydrophobic and anion-exchange characteristics, on a 5 μm high-purity, porous silica with 120-? diameter pores. Because of this unique chemistry, the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column also provides complimentary selectivity to C18 reversed-phase columns.Hydrophilic organic acids are often difficult to separate with common RP columns, since hydrophobic retention alone is inadequate to differentiate molecules with similar hydrophobicities. This can be overcome using the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column it provides sufficient retention, and ideal selectivity for a variety of anionic molecules, even for weakly charged molecules.Multi-Mode Separation MechanismRetention of basic, neutral and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvents content in the mobile phase. The presence of anion-exchange functionality control through electrostatic attraction (anions), repulsion (cations). The alkyl chain controls separation by hydrophobic interaction.A broad range of samples in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries can be separated. Separation of basic active ingredients and its counter-ion can be simultaneously determined, as well as separation of ingredients containing basic, neutral, and acidic ingredients.Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 Columns: A simple solution to difficult separations SpecificationsColumn ChemistryAlkyl amineBase silicaSpherical, high-purityParticle size5 μmPore size120 ?Surface area300 m2/gAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070088Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)071908Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070089Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 150 mm)064984Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 250 mm)064985Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm, 2.1 x 150 mm067084Guard ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069704Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm Guards (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071909Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm, Guards (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069686Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2
  • Acclaim混合模式WAX-1 LC色谱柱067084
    Reversed-Phase and Weak Anion-Exchange Properties on a Single ColumnThe novel column chemistry of the Acclaim® Mixed-Mode WAX-1 results in a multimode separation mechanism including hydrophobic, anion-exchange, and cation-exclusion interactions. Consequently, retention of basic, neutral, and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvent content in the mobile phase.Adjustable selectivitySelectivity orthogonal to reversed-phase (RP) columnsIdeal selectivity for anionic moleculesSimultaneous separation of acidic, basic, and neutral moleculesMultimode retention mechanisms: reversed- and normal phase, anion-exchange, cation-exclusion, and HILIC modesThe Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column combines hydrophobic and anion-exchange characteristics, on a 5 μm high-purity, porous silica with 120-? diameter pores. Because of this unique chemistry, the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column also provides complimentary selectivity to C18 reversed-phase columns.Hydrophilic organic acids are often difficult to separate with common RP columns, since hydrophobic retention alone is inadequate to differentiate molecules with similar hydrophobicities. This can be overcome using the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column it provides sufficient retention, and ideal selectivity for a variety of anionic molecules, even for weakly charged molecules.Multi-Mode Separation MechanismRetention of basic, neutral and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvents content in the mobile phase. The presence of anion-exchange functionality control through electrostatic attraction (anions), repulsion (cations). The alkyl chain controls separation by hydrophobic interaction.A broad range of samples in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries can be separated. Separation of basic active ingredients and its counter-ion can be simultaneously determined, as well as separation of ingredients containing basic, neutral, and acidic ingredients.Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 Columns: A simple solution to difficult separations SpecificationsColumn ChemistryAlkyl amineBase silicaSpherical, high-purityParticle size5 μmPore size120 ?Surface area300 m2/gAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070088Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)071908Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070089Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 150 mm)064984Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 250 mm)064985Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm, 2.1 x 150 mm067084Guard ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069704Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm Guards (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071909Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm, Guards (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069686Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2
  • Acclaim混合模式WAX-1 LC色谱柱064985
    Reversed-Phase and Weak Anion-Exchange Properties on a Single ColumnThe novel column chemistry of the Acclaim® Mixed-Mode WAX-1 results in a multimode separation mechanism including hydrophobic, anion-exchange, and cation-exclusion interactions. Consequently, retention of basic, neutral, and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvent content in the mobile phase.Adjustable selectivitySelectivity orthogonal to reversed-phase (RP) columnsIdeal selectivity for anionic moleculesSimultaneous separation of acidic, basic, and neutral moleculesMultimode retention mechanisms: reversed- and normal phase, anion-exchange, cation-exclusion, and HILIC modesThe Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column combines hydrophobic and anion-exchange characteristics, on a 5 μm high-purity, porous silica with 120-? diameter pores. Because of this unique chemistry, the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column also provides complimentary selectivity to C18 reversed-phase columns.Hydrophilic organic acids are often difficult to separate with common RP columns, since hydrophobic retention alone is inadequate to differentiate molecules with similar hydrophobicities. This can be overcome using the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column it provides sufficient retention, and ideal selectivity for a variety of anionic molecules, even for weakly charged molecules.Multi-Mode Separation MechanismRetention of basic, neutral and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvents content in the mobile phase. The presence of anion-exchange functionality control through electrostatic attraction (anions), repulsion (cations). The alkyl chain controls separation by hydrophobic interaction.A broad range of samples in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries can be separated. Separation of basic active ingredients and its counter-ion can be simultaneously determined, as well as separation of ingredients containing basic, neutral, and acidic ingredients.Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 Columns: A simple solution to difficult separations SpecificationsColumn ChemistryAlkyl amineBase silicaSpherical, high-purityParticle size5 μmPore size120 ?Surface area300 m2/gAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070088Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)071908Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070089Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 150 mm)064984Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 250 mm)064985Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm, 2.1 x 150 mm067084Guard ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069704Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm Guards (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071909Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm, Guards (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069686Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2
  • Acclaim混合模式WAX-1 LC色谱柱071909
    Reversed-Phase and Weak Anion-Exchange Properties on a Single ColumnThe novel column chemistry of the Acclaim® Mixed-Mode WAX-1 results in a multimode separation mechanism including hydrophobic, anion-exchange, and cation-exclusion interactions. Consequently, retention of basic, neutral, and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvent content in the mobile phase.Adjustable selectivitySelectivity orthogonal to reversed-phase (RP) columnsIdeal selectivity for anionic moleculesSimultaneous separation of acidic, basic, and neutral moleculesMultimode retention mechanisms: reversed- and normal phase, anion-exchange, cation-exclusion, and HILIC modesThe Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column combines hydrophobic and anion-exchange characteristics, on a 5 μm high-purity, porous silica with 120-? diameter pores. Because of this unique chemistry, the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column also provides complimentary selectivity to C18 reversed-phase columns.Hydrophilic organic acids are often difficult to separate with common RP columns, since hydrophobic retention alone is inadequate to differentiate molecules with similar hydrophobicities. This can be overcome using the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column it provides sufficient retention, and ideal selectivity for a variety of anionic molecules, even for weakly charged molecules.Multi-Mode Separation MechanismRetention of basic, neutral and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvents content in the mobile phase. The presence of anion-exchange functionality control through electrostatic attraction (anions), repulsion (cations). The alkyl chain controls separation by hydrophobic interaction.A broad range of samples in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries can be separated. Separation of basic active ingredients and its counter-ion can be simultaneously determined, as well as separation of ingredients containing basic, neutral, and acidic ingredients.Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 Columns: A simple solution to difficult separations SpecificationsColumn ChemistryAlkyl amineBase silicaSpherical, high-purityParticle size5 μmPore size120 ?Surface area300 m2/gAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070088Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)071908Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070089Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 150 mm)064984Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 250 mm)064985Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm, 2.1 x 150 mm067084Guard ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069704Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm Guards (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071909Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm, Guards (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069686Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2
  • Acclaim混合模式WAX-1 LC色谱柱069707
    Reversed-Phase and Weak Anion-Exchange Properties on a Single ColumnThe novel column chemistry of the Acclaim® Mixed-Mode WAX-1 results in a multimode separation mechanism including hydrophobic, anion-exchange, and cation-exclusion interactions. Consequently, retention of basic, neutral, and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvent content in the mobile phase.Adjustable selectivitySelectivity orthogonal to reversed-phase (RP) columnsIdeal selectivity for anionic moleculesSimultaneous separation of acidic, basic, and neutral moleculesMultimode retention mechanisms: reversed- and normal phase, anion-exchange, cation-exclusion, and HILIC modesThe Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column combines hydrophobic and anion-exchange characteristics, on a 5 μm high-purity, porous silica with 120-? diameter pores. Because of this unique chemistry, the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column also provides complimentary selectivity to C18 reversed-phase columns.Hydrophilic organic acids are often difficult to separate with common RP columns, since hydrophobic retention alone is inadequate to differentiate molecules with similar hydrophobicities. This can be overcome using the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column it provides sufficient retention, and ideal selectivity for a variety of anionic molecules, even for weakly charged molecules.Multi-Mode Separation MechanismRetention of basic, neutral and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvents content in the mobile phase. The presence of anion-exchange functionality control through electrostatic attraction (anions), repulsion (cations). The alkyl chain controls separation by hydrophobic interaction.A broad range of samples in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries can be separated. Separation of basic active ingredients and its counter-ion can be simultaneously determined, as well as separation of ingredients containing basic, neutral, and acidic ingredients.Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 Columns: A simple solution to difficult separations SpecificationsColumn ChemistryAlkyl amineBase silicaSpherical, high-purityParticle size5 μmPore size120 ?Surface area300 m2/gAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070088Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)071908Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070089Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 150 mm)064984Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 250 mm)064985Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm, 2.1 x 150 mm067084Guard ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069704Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm Guards (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071909Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm, Guards (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069686Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2
  • Acclaim混合模式WAX-1 LC色谱柱064984
    Reversed-Phase and Weak Anion-Exchange Properties on a Single ColumnThe novel column chemistry of the Acclaim® Mixed-Mode WAX-1 results in a multimode separation mechanism including hydrophobic, anion-exchange, and cation-exclusion interactions. Consequently, retention of basic, neutral, and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvent content in the mobile phase.Adjustable selectivitySelectivity orthogonal to reversed-phase (RP) columnsIdeal selectivity for anionic moleculesSimultaneous separation of acidic, basic, and neutral moleculesMultimode retention mechanisms: reversed- and normal phase, anion-exchange, cation-exclusion, and HILIC modesThe Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column combines hydrophobic and anion-exchange characteristics, on a 5 μm high-purity, porous silica with 120-? diameter pores. Because of this unique chemistry, the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column also provides complimentary selectivity to C18 reversed-phase columns.Hydrophilic organic acids are often difficult to separate with common RP columns, since hydrophobic retention alone is inadequate to differentiate molecules with similar hydrophobicities. This can be overcome using the Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column it provides sufficient retention, and ideal selectivity for a variety of anionic molecules, even for weakly charged molecules.Multi-Mode Separation MechanismRetention of basic, neutral and acidic molecules can be either independently or concurrently adjusted by changing ionic strength, pH, and organic solvents content in the mobile phase. The presence of anion-exchange functionality control through electrostatic attraction (anions), repulsion (cations). The alkyl chain controls separation by hydrophobic interaction.A broad range of samples in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries can be separated. Separation of basic active ingredients and its counter-ion can be simultaneously determined, as well as separation of ingredients containing basic, neutral, and acidic ingredients.Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1 Columns: A simple solution to difficult separations SpecificationsColumn ChemistryAlkyl amineBase silicaSpherical, high-purityParticle size5 μmPore size120 ?Surface area300 m2/gAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 150mm)070088Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)071908Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150mm)070089Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 150 mm)064984Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm (4.6 x 250 mm)064985Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm, 2.1 x 150 mm067084Guard ColumnsAcclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069704Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm Guards (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071909Acclaim Mixed-Mode WAX-1, 5μm, Guards (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069686Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2
  • 164534赛默飞Acclaim PepMap C18液相色谱柱
    Acclaim™ PepMap™ 100 C18 液相色谱柱使用 Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ PepMap™ 100 C18 液相色谱柱对胰蛋白酶肽、天然肽和合成肽进行高分辨率肽图分析。这些色谱柱通常用于蛋白鉴定、生物标记物发现和系统生物学的 LC-MS/MS 肽图分析。Acclaim PepMap 100 C18 色谱柱载样能力高,因此非常适合分析复杂蛋白组学样品中的低丰度肽。大多数 C18 色谱柱都预先组装了 Thermo Scientific™ nanoViper™ 手拧接头,可实现轻松安装。另外也可提供传统色谱柱。 164534完整参数产品规格 Each Search Display Family Umbrella Brand Thermo Scientific™ 碳载量 15% Column Format Analytical Column, NanoViper 色谱柱类型 Reversed Phase 直径(公制) 0.075 mm 封端 Yes 流速 300 nL/min 长度(公制) 150 mm 材料 Fused Silica 最大压力 800bar 包装材料 Silica, Spherical Fully Porous Ultrapure 粒径 2 μm pH 2 to 8 孔径 100 ? 表面积 450 m2/g 温度 60°C 类型 Analytical Column, NanoViper USP 分类 L1 固定相 C18 描述色谱柱接头分析柱入口处配有标准的 1/32"接头nanoViper 色谱柱入口处配有 nanoViper 接头,出口上有 10 mm 可用熔融石英nanoViper FS 色谱柱入口处配有 nanoViper 接头,出口处配有 45 mm 可用熔融石英,以便与 Peek 套管和 MicroTight 两通更好地兼容nanoViper 接头的主要优点使用方便,小号毛细管没有套管组装时不需使用工具不会因过紧而损坏色谱柱:可承受高达 1000 bar 的压力,兼容第三方阀门和两通不会因连接不当而导致试验失败最适合对胰蛋白酶肽、天然肽和合成肽进行高分辨率肽图分析,以及进行关于蛋白质鉴定、生物标记发现和系统生物学的 LC-MS/MS 肽图分析。高载样量用来分析经常存在于复杂蛋白质组学样品中的低丰度肽根据通量、灵敏度和样品可用量,选择色谱柱的长度和内径。可选择长度 50、150、250、500 mm,内径 50、75、300 和 1000 μm卓越的蛋白和多肽分离。不含三氟乙酸 (TFA) 的 LC/MS 为提高 MS 灵敏度,使抑制效应最小化卓越的分离效率卓越的分离度和回收率使用 nanoViper™ 手旋接头轻松安装PepMap 纳米色谱柱还可预装 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ nanoViper™ 手拧接头,以零死体积的状态连接至 1000 bar。无需工具实现几乎零死体积连接承受压力最高可达 1000 bar关于纳米、毛细和微型 Acclaim PepMap 色谱柱纳米 (75 μm)、毛细 (300 μm) 和微型 (1000 μm) 色谱柱适用于蛋白和肽分析。通常,对样品量有限制,较小内径的色谱柱可以在样品有限的情况下提高灵敏度。当纳米 LC 色谱柱常用于蛋白组学时,毛细色谱柱和微型色谱柱的浓缩效应对代谢组学或推进 LC-MS 连接有益。Thermo Scientific Acclaim PepMap 色谱柱在各类针对肽和蛋白分析的化学作用中提供纳米柱、毛细柱和微型柱。在借助质谱检测功能进行液相色谱分离之前,可使用 PepMap Trap 色谱柱进行肽脱盐和预富集。捕获柱可为一维肽图分析和二维液相色谱分析提供最高效率。
  • 四氟冷凝管PTFE冷凝管耐氢氟酸可定制
    四氟冷凝管四氟冷凝管,主要用于实验中有氢氟酸而替代玻璃冷凝管,目前是配套反应瓶、接收瓶、恒压分液漏斗一起使用,主要使用单位有制药行业,化工行业,以及高校实验室,他的原理和玻璃的类似,利用热交换原理使冷凝性气体冷却凝结为液体的一种四氟仪器 冷凝管的内管两端有驳口,可连接实验装置(接收瓶),让较热的气体或液体流经内管而冷凝。外管则通常在两旁有一上一下的开口,接驳出连接水管。使用时,外管的下开口通常接驳到水龙头,因为水在冷凝管中会遇热而自动流往上方,达至较大的冷却功效,目前冷凝管可以有冷凝回流作用,也可以用于收集冷凝后的液体材质:PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)耐受强酸(氢氟酸)强碱长度:350mm口径:24口外观:纯白色不透明四氟系列产品:取样瓶,烧杯、坩埚、离心管、消解管、试管、试管架、培养皿、蒸发皿、表面皿、镊子、药勺、铲子、烧瓶、三角瓶、研钵、搅拌棒、搅拌桨、消解瓶、消化罐、消解罐内衬、反应釜内胆、烧瓶塞、药典专用砝码、漏斗、布氏漏斗、抽滤瓶及装置、球磨罐、阀门接头、四氟管类、仪器配件、耗材配件、微波消解罐、盖子、垫片、塞子、反应柱、储液罐、四氟桶、各种方盘、圆盘、水槽、连续反应装置、容量瓶以及各种定制配件、耗材等等产品。详情请来电咨询!
  • 半井 COSMOSIL 5Diol-300-II 高速凝胶过滤色谱柱 Silica柱
    COSMOSIL 高速凝胶过滤色谱柱 38050-51 COSMOSIL Diol-120-II和Diol-300-II高速凝胶过滤色谱柱是根据被分析物质的分子体积(或分子量)大小,按顺序被洗脱出色谱柱,以达到复杂混合物的分离目的。COSMOSIL Diol-120-II和Diol-300-II凝胶过滤色谱柱是蛋白质和其他水溶性聚合物分离的理想选择。Diol-120-II和Diol-300-II高速凝胶过滤色谱柱可测定蛋白质的分子量范围为 5,000-700,000,水溶性聚合物为300-300,000。材料性质订货信息:● 分析柱 (粒径 5 μm)COSMOSIL 5Diol-120-II 色谱柱色谱柱尺寸 内径 x 长度 (mm)货号7.5×30038050-517.5×60038051-41COSMOSIL 5Diol-120-II 保护柱色谱柱尺寸 内径 x 长度 (mm)货号7.5×5038049-91COSMOSIL 5Diol-300-II 色谱柱色谱柱尺寸 内径 x 长度 (mm)货号7.5×30038053-217.5×60038054-11COSMOSIL 5Diol-300-II 保护柱色谱柱尺寸 内径 x 长度 (mm)货号7.5×5038052-31
  • 半井 COSMOSIL 5Diol-120-II 高速凝胶过滤色谱柱 Silica柱
    COSMOSIL 高速凝胶过滤色谱柱 38050-51 COSMOSIL Diol-120-II和Diol-300-II高速凝胶过滤色谱柱是根据被分析物质的分子体积(或分子量)大小,按顺序被洗脱出色谱柱,以达到复杂混合物的分离目的。COSMOSIL Diol-120-II和Diol-300-II凝胶过滤色谱柱是蛋白质和其他水溶性聚合物分离的理想选择。Diol-120-II和Diol-300-II高速凝胶过滤色谱柱可测定蛋白质的分子量范围为 5,000-700,000,水溶性聚合物为300-300,000。材料性质订货信息:● 分析柱 (粒径 5 μm)COSMOSIL 5Diol-120-II 色谱柱色谱柱尺寸 内径 x 长度 (mm)货号7.5×30038050-517.5×60038051-41COSMOSIL 5Diol-120-II 保护柱色谱柱尺寸 内径 x 长度 (mm)货号7.5×5038049-91COSMOSIL 5Diol-300-II 色谱柱色谱柱尺寸 内径 x 长度 (mm)货号7.5×30038053-217.5×60038054-11COSMOSIL 5Diol-300-II 保护柱色谱柱尺寸 内径 x 长度 (mm)货号7.5×5038052-31
  • 凝胶成像仪配件
    凝胶成像仪配件是一款简单而紧凑的凝胶成像系统,带有数字化控制面板,凝胶成像仪配件可用于琼脂糖和其它光凝胶,彩色凝胶,放射自显影薄片,印迹膜的荧光成像。凝胶成像仪配件包含了一个高达1400万像素的超级相机和8' ' 彩色TFT屏,非常方便直观地观测图像,非常适合安装空间有限,预算有限的用户使用。凝胶成像仪配件特色安全防护:前门打开时紫外透照台自动关闭。图像文件可保存为多种格式,包括RAW格式。1000万像素相机高分辨率8' ' 显示屏数字控制面板轻巧便携多个聚焦面积选择内置紫外透照台不需要计算机可自行操作可连接热敏打印机直接打印结果内部2x3W白光LED照明可选配凝胶分析软件通用电压100-240V凝胶成像仪配件参数相机:佳能Power Shop G11数字照相机像素: 1000万像素, 1/1.7' ' 高密度CCD最大光圈: F/2.8(W)--F/4.5(T)辅助照明光源:LED白灯电源: 110-240V孚光精仪是全球领先的进口科学仪器和实验室仪器领导品牌服务商,产品技术和性能保持全球领先,拥有包括凝胶成像仪在内的全球最为齐全的实验室和科学仪器品类,世界一流的生产工厂和极为苛刻严谨的质量控制体系,确保每个一产品是用户满意的完美产品。我们海外工厂拥有超过3000种仪器的大型现代化仓库,可在下单后12小时内从国外直接空运发货,我们位于天津保税区的进口公司众邦企业(天津)国际贸易公司为客户提供全球零延误的进口通关服务。更多关于凝胶成像仪价格等诸多信息,孚光精仪会在第一时间更新并呈现出来,了解更多内容请关注孚光精仪官方网站方便获取!
  • 美国ACT汽车克莱斯勒桔皮板
    美国ACT汽车克莱斯勒桔皮板ACT manufactures sets of panels with graduated degrees of orange peel (flow) and powder smoothness from rough to smooth. Thousands of customers use these panels to visually evaluate the appearance of painted parts using a consistent, known standard. Each set consists of ten 4x6 inch panels which are painted black and labeled with their corresponding orange peel (flow) rating or powder smoothness from 1 to 10. THESE PANELS ARE VISUAL STANDARDS ONLY.他们分成10个等级,并有证书,尺寸是4 x6英寸,涂成了黑色。ACT Orange Peel Standards ACT桔皮板 Chrysler Orange Peel Standards 克莱斯勒桔皮板 These panels are reproduced from the same master set and then approved by Chrysler for use by their suppliers in evaluating the appearance of painted parts. 克莱斯勒桔皮板是克莱斯勒认可的,用来评估喷漆部分的外观。四种型号: 美国ACT克莱斯勒桔皮板 美国ACT福特桔皮板 美国ACT GM通用桔皮板 美国ACT 标准桔皮板
  • 辽宁分析石墨管 沈阳华光石墨管
    北京龙天韬略科技公司备有覆盖国内外所有品牌原子吸收光谱仪用各型号石墨原子化器(石墨管、石墨锥),具有灵敏度高、使用寿命长、性价比高的特点。 专业提供国产原子吸收光谱仪AAS/原子吸收分光光度计AAS各型号石墨管,仪器品牌如下: 北分瑞利石墨管、普析通用石墨管、东西电子石墨管、瀚时制作所石墨管、北京华洋石墨管、科创海光石墨管、博晖创新石墨管、北京纳克石墨管、北京美诚石墨管、北京瑞昌石墨管、上海天美石墨管、上海精科(上分厂)石墨管、上海光谱石墨管、浙江福立石墨管、江苏天瑞石墨管、安徽皖仪石墨管、武汉天虹石墨管、辽宁分析石墨管、沈阳华光石墨管、等国内原子吸收光谱仪用石墨管。 专业提供进口原子吸收光谱仪AAS/原子吸收分光光度计AAS各型号石墨管,仪器品牌如下: 瓦里安Varian石墨管、安捷伦Agilent石墨管、日立Hitachi石墨管、热电Thermo石墨管、岛津Shimadzu石墨管、珀金埃尔默PerkinElmer石墨管、加拿大欧罗拉Aurora、德国耶拿Analytik Jena石墨管, 澳大利亚GBC石墨管、美国惠普HP石墨管、日本分光Jasco石墨管等的原装进口石墨管。 价格优惠,欢迎来电咨询!
  • 凝胶过滤层析填料
    凝胶过滤层析简介凝胶过滤是一种根据生物分子的大小及形状来分离物质的层析方法,凝胶过滤填料为多孔的网状结构,生物分子越小进入填料内部越深,故在填料中的停留时间越长。每种填料的孔径都有一定的范围,所以选择凝胶过滤填料关键在于选择合适的分离范围,其次要考虑填料的机械性能和可放大性。凝胶过滤层析特点非吸附方法 容易操作 仅需一种缓冲液凝胶过滤层析分类及各自特点组分离(脱盐/交换缓冲液):上样体积可达柱体积30%。 精细分离(聚集体去除,分离不同大小分子量的蛋白):上样体积为柱体积0.5-4%,柱床高度高于60cm。凝胶过滤分离范围一览表
  • 特氟龙冷凝回馏装置四氟反应瓶四氟冷凝管反应器蒸馏瓶
    聚四氟乙烯冷凝回馏装置1、本装置主要用于钒的氯氧化物混合物体系的分离纯化实验。2、用途:用于钒的氯氧化合物混合物体系的分离纯化,即通过蒸馏-冷凝装置,实现目标产物与杂质间的高效分离。3、产品质量:整套设备所有部件,均需高纯聚四氟材质;装置具备良好的密封性能。一、装置清单及说明:1. 四氟反应瓶材质为PTFE聚四氟乙烯,纯白不透明,耐受强酸强碱,特别是HF反应瓶毫升为常用500ml 1000ml,其他规格等可自行选择,若需要3颈及以上建议选择500ml以上规格,可根据要求选择有液位计,可大概看出瓶内液体量,瓶颈和瓶体螺纹密封,拆卸安装方便,便于清洗,可根据客户要去加工口径(17口/19口/24口)。2. 接收瓶装置500ml目前接收瓶装置可以选择2种,第一种是四氟反应瓶做接收装置,第二种是选择FEP试剂瓶做接收瓶,第二种FEP试剂瓶的链接处需要多一些接头,但是FEP材质耐受酸碱透明可视里面的溶液,四氟反应瓶也是耐受酸碱,但是不透明,不好观察瓶内状态。3. 四氟冷凝管四氟冷凝管是根据玻璃冷凝管的构造改进的,基本的原理和玻璃的是一样的,冷凝管内可以加上填充物,如四氟圆球,增加冷凝回流的面积,可以和烧瓶直接连接做冷凝回流装置,也可以和四氟转接头连接,冷凝回收到接收瓶中。4. 四氟恒压分液漏斗四氟恒压滴液漏斗又名恒压分液漏斗,也是分液漏斗的一种。它和其他分液漏斗一样,都可以进行分液、萃取等操作。与其他分液漏斗不同的是,恒压分液漏斗可以保证内部压强不变,一是可以防止倒吸,二是可以使漏斗内液体顺利流下,三是减小增加的液体对气体压强的影响,从而在测量气体体积时更加准确。 恒压滴液漏斗包括斗体,盖在斗体上口的斗盖。斗体的下口安装一两通通结构的活塞,活塞的两通分别与两下管连接。实验操作过程利于控制,减少劳动强度,当需要分离的液体量大时,只需搬动活塞的三通便可将斗体内的两种液体同时流至下管,无需更换容器便可一次完成。5. FEP分液漏斗 漏斗壁对溶剂无粘贴性和吸附,可完全排空,分界面清晰可见,密封性好,可防止分液漏斗中的化学品渗透;活塞装置易于拆除,方便清洁;透明度高,方便使用人员在实际样品分离中,观察腔体内的液体变化;采用高纯实验级聚四氟乙烯材质的加工的控制阀,能够灵活控制流量;与玻璃分液漏斗相比,优势是可以分离HF,且不易损坏,可长期使用,内壁光滑,不粘附任何物质,清洗简单二、连接方式:四氟反应瓶+四氟冷凝管+接收瓶 四氟反应瓶+四氟恒压分液漏斗+四氟冷凝管+接收瓶
  • Acclaim PepMap RSLC 柱
    Acclaim PepMap RSLC 柱使用 Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ PepMap™ 100 C18 液相色谱柱对胰蛋白酶肽、天然肽和合成肽进行高分辨率肽图分析。 这些色谱柱通常用于蛋白鉴定、生物标记物发现和系统生物学的 LC-MS/MS 肽图分析。 Acclaim PepMap 100 C18 色谱柱载样能力高,因此非常适合分析复杂蛋白组学样品中的低丰度肽。 大多数 C18 色谱柱都预先组装了 Thermo Scientific™ nanoViper™ 手拧接头,可实现轻松安装。 另外也可提供传统色谱柱。描述为蛋白质鉴定、生物标记发现和系统生物学提供高分辨率其特定的载荷能力可在 LC/MS 中实现最高灵敏度设计用于无 TFA 的 LC-MS,最大限度减少离子抑制作用为接入 ESI/MS 和 MALDI-MS 进行过优化柱间重现性最高使用方便,尖端微型化 HPLC预装 nanoViper 柱入口接头,便于安装色谱柱nanoViper 接头的主要优点使用方便,小号毛细管没有套管组装时不需使用工具不会因过紧而损坏色谱柱:可承受高达 1000 bar 的压力,兼容第三方阀门和两通不会因连接不当而导致试验失败最适合对胰蛋白酶肽、天然肽和合成肽进行高分辨率肽图分析,以及进行关于蛋白质鉴定、生物标记发现和系统生物学的 LC-MS/MS 肽图分析。 高载样量用来分析经常存在于复杂蛋白质组学样品中的低丰度肽根据通量、灵敏度和样品可用量,选择色谱柱的长度和内径。可选择长度 50、150、250、500 mm,内径 50、75、300 和 1000 μm卓越的蛋白和多肽分离。不含三氟乙酸 (TFA) 的 LC/MS 为提高 MS 灵敏度,使抑制效应最小化卓越的分离效率卓越的分离度和回收率使用 nanoViper™ 手旋接头轻松安装PepMap 纳米色谱柱还可预装 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ nanoViper™ 手拧接头,以零死体积的状态连接至 1000 bar。无需工具实现几乎零死体积连接承受压力最高可达 1000 bar关于纳米、毛细和微型 Acclaim PepMap 色谱柱纳米 (75 μm)、毛细 (300 μm) 和微型 (1000 μm) 色谱柱适用于蛋白和肽分析。 通常,对样品量有限制,较小内径的色谱柱可以在样品有限的情况下提高灵敏度。 当纳米 LC 色谱柱常用于蛋白组学时,毛细色谱柱和微型色谱柱的浓缩效应对代谢组学或推进 LC-MS 连接有益。 Thermo Scientific Acclaim PepMap 色谱柱在各类针对肽和蛋白分析的化学作用中提供纳米柱、毛细柱和微型柱。在借助质谱检测功能进行液相色谱分离之前,可使用 PepMap Trap 色谱柱进行肽脱盐和预富集。 捕获柱可为一维肽图分析和二维液相色谱分析提供最高效率。Acclaim PepMap RSLC 柱订货信息:Nano LC ColumnsAcclaim PepMap RSLC C18, 2 μm, 100 A, 50 μm i.d. x 5 cm, nanoViper164561Acclaim PepMap RSLC C18, 2 μm, 100 A, 50 μm i.d. x 15 cm, nanoViper164562Acclaim PepMap RSLC C18, 2 μm, 100 A, 75 μm i.d. x 5 cm, nanoViper164563Acclaim PepMap RSLC C18, 2 μm, 100 A, 75 μm i.d. x 15 cm, nanoViper164534Acclaim PepMap RSLC C18, 2 μm, 100 A, 75 μm i.d. x 25 cm, nanoViper164536Acclaim PepMap RSLC C18, 2 μm, 100 A, 75 μm i.d. x 50 cm, nanoViper164540Capillary LC ColumnsAcclaim PepMap RSLC C18, 2 μm, 100 A, 300 μm i.d. x 5 cm, nanoViper,164560Acclaim PepMap RSLC C18, 2 μm, 100 A, 300 μm i.d. x 15 cm, nanoViper164537Nano Trap ColumnsNano Trap Column, 100 μm i.d. x 2 cm, packed with Acclaim PepMap100 C18, 5 μm, 100A (set of 2), nanoViper164564Nano Trap Column filled with Acclaim PepMap100 C18, 3 μm, 100A, Separation Bed 75 μm i.d. x 2 cm, Total Length 120 mm with nanoViper Connections, Set of 2164535The Acclaim® PepMap™ RSLC column sets the new benchmark in peptide separation. Acclaim PepMap RSLC columns have 2 μm particle sizes, 100 ? pore sizes, and are available in nano and capillary LC column formats. The nanoViper™ fingertight fittings allow for easy column installation without tools.Acclaim PepMap RSLC SpecificationsColumn typeNanoCapillaryColumn i.d.50 and 75 μm300 μmColumn length50, 150, 250 and 500 mm50 and 150 mmRecommended flow rate300 nl/min6 μl/minMaximum pressure800 bar (11600 psi)800 bar (11600 psi)Maximum Temperature60°C60°CPacking materialC18, 100 ?, 2 μmC18, 100 ?, 2 μmColumnPEEK shielded fused silicaGlass lined tubingColumn inletnanoVipernanoViperColumn outletFused silica 20 μm i.d./280 μm o.d.Fused silica 20 μm i.d./280 μm o.d.Data SheetsAcclaim PepMap and Acclaim PepMap RSLC Columns for High-Resolution Peptide Mapping Data Sheet
  • 凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)
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