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  • 使用电动移液器移取PCR Master Mix的优势
    定量聚合酶链反应(qPCR)分析具有高灵敏度,这是其成功并广泛应用于科学实验室的最重要原因之一。然而,包括移液技术在内的许多因素都会对qPCR分析的结果产生影响。PCR Master Mix 通常在qPCR准备期间使用,但可能很难对其进行准确移液。在本研究中,我们测试了在qPCR中使用电动移液器移取Master Mix。研究证明,使用电动移液器搭配低吸附滤芯吸头或标准滤芯吸头对Master Mix移液,可获得良好的精准性,并能确保移液速度及结果的重现性。从而得出结论,在进行基于PCR的分析时,使用电动移液器移取Master Mix确保得到可重复且可靠的结果。
  • Contamination in Li ion battery raw materials
    SummaryImpurities and contaminants in the material used in the production of Li-ion batteries can havecatastrophic impacts on the finished products. As such, monitoring of the quality and cleanliness ofmaterials throughout the production process is essential if contaminants are to be found and theirsources controlled. This monitoring must start with the raw materials produced at the mine andcontinue through to the final battery grade powders.This application note demonstrates a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) based solution forautomatic detection and identification of impurities in battery raw material powders. By takingsamples at different steps of the production process it is possible to identify where contaminants areintroduced thereby allowing sources to be identified and solutions developed.
  • 梅特勒托利多:聚氨酯DSC与DMA测量的比较
    1. 实验目的:聚氨酯弹性体由含硬段和软段的大分子组成。本实验的目的是比较DMA测量的结果。 2. 样品:工业聚氨酯弹性体。 3. 测试仪器:梅特勒托利多 DSC 821e 和 DMA/SDTA861e。DSC:40 µ L铝坩埚盖钻孔。DMA:剪切夹具。
  • 使用适用于 GC/TQ 的 Agilent MassHunter Optimizer 针对大麻中的农药进行自动化 MRM 方法开发
    本应用展示了如何使用适用于 GC/TQ 的 Agilent MassHunter Optimizer 实现高度自动化的端到端多反应监测 (MRM) 数据采集方法开发。即使在存在色谱干扰的情况下,用于 GC/TQ 的 Optimizer 也可以通过质谱解卷积可靠地鉴定母离子。在开发MRM 数据采集方法时,该工具可节省大量时间并减少手动审查工作。使用美国加利福尼亚州和加拿大规定的 25 种与大麻相关的农药混合物测试该流程。
  • 莱博瑞特柱后衍生系统草甘膦检测
  • NA-EDS for TEM-半导体
    Development and testing of semiconductor devices requires extensive knowledge of local structure and elementalcomposition. With feature sizes of 5 nm, it is often necessary to perform imaging and EDS analysis in a S / TEM.Once in the TEM, there are still many difficulties to be overcome to acquire accurate elemental maps. Elementalanalysis of semiconductors is typically difficult due to strong overlaps of X-ray lines between commonly used elementsand low concentrations of dopants. Not only are concentrations of dopants small but their X-ray lines often overlapwith other materials used in semiconductor processing. This brief shows how AZtecTEM solves these overlaps toachieve an accurate elemental analysis.TEM Semiconductor Mapping in the TEMSolving peak overlaps in real-timeApplication Brief
  • 岛津:GCMSMS法测定蔬菜水果中特丁硫磷砜残留
    本文采用岛津GCMS-TQ8050结合SHIMADZU-GL WondaPak QuEChERS前处理包建立了黄瓜中的特丁硫磷砜等217种农残同时检测的方法。该方法简单方便,分析速度快,抗干扰能力强,检出限低,重现性好,回收率高,能够有效的监测蔬菜水果中217种农残的含量。
  • Microwave-assisted synthesis nanocomposite for supercapacitor(微波辅助合成纳米材料)
    AbstractAn organic–inorganic poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy-thiophene) (PEDOT)/RuO2xH2O nanocomposite (approxi-mately 1 wt.% RuO2) has been successfully prepared for the first time under microwave irradiation within 5 min with power 900 W via in situ chemical polymerization. The morphology and structure of the resultant material is characterized by transmission electron microscope and Fourier transform infrared. Moreover, the electrochemical properties of the synthesized nanocomposite can be controlled by adjusting the annealing temperature, which is definitely illustrated by cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge–discharge, and electrochemical impedance spectra. Electrochemical data have shown that the PEDOT/RuO2xH2O nanocomposite annealed at 150 °C possesses the most favorable charge/discharge ability with a specific capacitance of 153.3 F g?1at a current density of 150 mA g?1 and the high efficient utilization of PEDOT at various current densities. Furthermore, such composite has a less capacitance degradation of 23.8% after 1,000 continuous cycles. The improved electrochemical performance are mainly attributed to the large electroactive surface of nanocomposite and the existence of amorphous RuO2xH2O particles as well as a synergistic effect of the polymer PEDOT and annealed RuO2xH2O. Thus, the PEDOT/RuO2xH2O nanocomposite annealed at 150 °C can act as a promising electroactive material for supercapacitor application
  • 使用Automate-Q40确定苹果汁中的农药残留
    我们知道QuEChERS 是一种快速、简但、廉价、有效、可靠且安全的萃取方式。它可作为农产品中农药残留确定的前处理。尽管已开发了无缓冲发用于植物基质的残留检测,自2003年后,另外开发了两种缓冲法用于其它基质的残留检测,如蔬菜。随着QuEChERS技术的普及和样品检测需求增加对全自动样品萃取技术的推动,Tekmar继而开发了AutoMate-Q40。它整合了两种样品萃取方式,使得液体样品萃取和基质清除整合成全自动的操作流水线。我们使用AutoMate-Q40来提取果汁中农药残留,LC-MS/MS来检测萍果汁中的残留,通过内标法做基质匹配校准曲线来确保定量的精确性。被测样品是基于10,50,100 ng/g质控品浓度来评估以保证AutoMate-40的精度和准确性。 研究证明了AutoMate-Q40全自动QuEChERS方法对于果汁农残分析的可行性。通过全自动液体处理,缓冲液/盐的添加,样品混合,移液和基于VialVision?专利技术的液面感应,使萃取过程更加快速,可靠,简便。这样不仅省去了大量的时间和劳动力,同时还改进了萃取过程的连贯性和重复性。所有的农药显示良好的添加回收率达83.97% 至 113.82% 和1.7% to 21.6%出色的相对偏差
  • Adding Value to the Numismatic Profession
    The word Numismatics comes from Latin origin and means the study or collections of coins, tokens, paper money, and sometimes related objects (such as medals)1. When discussing the value of coins it is important to distinguish between the bullion value of a coin (i.e. the coin’s value based on its precious metal content) and its numismatic value. Coins with numismatic value (“numismatic coins”), are collectible coins valued for their age and rarity rather than, or in addition to their precious metal content. Numismatic coins are typically sold to and traded among collectors, who may be interested in them for their historical, cultural, or investment value. They may be purchased from wholesalers, national and local retail outlets and brokers, and certification labs.
  • Advances in Mass Spectrometry Instrument Intelligence
    There is a global trend towards more self?aware, intelligent tools meant to make life easier. The field of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry is no different with the move to automate difficult and challenging tasks, making mass spectrometry more accessible. These advances increase instrument uptime, streamline workflows, save time with immediate validated results and ultimately reduce cost-of-ownership.
  • Ultimate 3000 液相在精神类药物快速 分析方面的应用——喹硫平
    本文基于赛默飞Ultimate 3000液相色谱DGLC Online-SPE 平台针对血液样本中喹硫平建立了快速检测方法。
  • Analysis Solid State Chemical Reactions
    Composite materials are, by definition, multi-phased.Quite often these phases are not distinguishable by optical microscopy. Raman analysis provides very rapidanalysis that can differentiate phases, even closelyrelated phases such as polymorphs of a given composition,or differing stoichiometries in a solid system. Recently a SiC conversion coating on a carbon-carbon composite used in the space shuttle was analyzed andvarious phases were mapped. The identification of phases, in combination with maps showing the physical proximity of the phases, provide insight into the solid state chemicalreactions that produce the multi-phase coating.
  • 一种用于时间分辨层析PIV的高效准确的MTE-MART算法
  • 固相萃取净化以及三重串联四极杆液质联用法测定猪肉中的马布特罗
  • 月饼馅料糖度测量丨ATAGO(爱拓)馅料专用糖度计MASTER-H系列
  • 固相萃取净化以及三重串联四极杆液质联用法测定猪肉中的马喷特罗
  • 应用用于层析PIV(Tomo-PIV)的运动跟踪增强MART重构算法(MTE-MART)
    A novel technique to increase the accuracy of multiplicative algebraic reconstructiontechnique (MART) reconstruction from tomographic particle image velocimetry (PIV)recordings at higher seeding density than currently possible is presented. The motion trackingenhancement (MTE) method is based on the combined utilization of images from two or moreexposures to enhance the reconstruction of individual intensity fields. The working principle isfirst introduced qualitatively, and the mathematical background is given that explains how theMART reconstruction can be improved on the basis of an improved first guess object obtainedfrom the combination of non-simultaneous views reduced to the same time instant deformingthe 3D objects by an estimate of the particle motion field. The performances of MTE arequantitatively evaluated by numerical simulation of the imaging, reconstruction and imagecorrelation processes. The cases of two or more exposures obtained from time-resolvedexperiments are considered. The iterative application of MTE appears to significantly improvethe reconstruction quality, first by decreasing the intensity of the ghost images and second, byincreasing the intensity and the reconstruction precision for the actual particles. Based oncomputer simulations, the maximum imaged seeding density that can be dealt with is tripledwith respect to the MART analysis applied to a single exposure.
  • 化合物半导体核壳结构纳米金属线的低加速电压SEM/STEM观察/EDX分析
    半导体纳米金属线,因其物理特性可控,所以未来有望应用于光学器件上。尤其是异相聚合机构或者核壳结构的材料,富有多重物理特性,应用范围也会变得更广泛。图1是化合物半导体核壳结构纳米金属线的SE/STEM观察结果。图1(a)是二次电子图像显示了纳米金属线的表面形貌。图1(b)(c)的BF-STEM/DF-STEM图像,可以清楚观察到纳米金属先端的内部构造,可以确认核,内壳层和外壳层的三层结构。图2是化合物半导体核壳结构纳米金属线的EDX面分布。核壳层和外壳层检测到Ga和As,内壳层检测到Al和As,能够清楚地分离出三层的结构的各种成分分布。SU9000与大立体检测角的X-MaxN 100TLE相结合,可实现超高空间分辨率的EDX面分布。
  • 仪真分析仪器:使用Automate-Q40确定苹果汁中的农药残留
    我们知道QuEChERS 是一种快速、简但、廉价、有效、可靠且安全的萃取方式。它可作为农产品中农药残留确定的前处理。尽管已开发了无缓冲发用于植物基质的残留检测,自2003年后,另外开发了两种缓冲法用于其它基质的残留检测,如蔬菜。随着QuEChERS技术的普及和样品检测需求增加对全自动样品萃取技术的推动,Tekmar继而开发了AutoMate-Q40。它整合了两种样品萃取方式,使得液体样品萃取和基质清除整合成全自动的操作流水线。我们使用AutoMate-Q40来提取果汁中农药残留,LC-MS/MS来检测萍果汁中的残留,通过内标法做基质匹配校准曲线来确保定量的精确性。被测样品是基于10,50,100 ng/g质控品浓度来评估以保证AutoMate-40的精度和准确性。 研究证明了AutoMate-Q40全自动QuEChERS方法对于果汁农残分析的可行性。通过全自动液体处理,缓冲液/盐的添加,样品混合,移液和基于VialVision?专利技术的液面感应,使萃取过程更加快速,可靠,简便。这样不仅省去了大量的时间和劳动力,同时还改进了萃取过程的连贯性和重复性。所有的农药显示良好的添加回收率达83.97% 至 113.82% 和1.7% to 21.6%出色的相对偏差
  • 北京康林:风寒咳嗽颗粒中盐酸麻黄碱的含量测定
    风寒咳嗽颗粒中盐酸麻黄碱的含量测定风寒咳嗽颗粒中盐酸麻黄碱的含量测定【性状】 本品为浅褐色的颗粒;气香,味甜、微苦。 【鉴别】 ( 1 )取本品 5g ,加水 20ml ,溶解后置分液漏斗中,用乙醚振摇提取 2 次,每次 20ml ,弃去乙醚液,水液用醋酸乙酯振摇提取 2 次,每次 30ml ,合并醋酸乙酯提取北京康林科技有限责任公司成立于1995年, 是一家以经营进口色谱、质谱仪器及其耗材、实验室仪器、化学及生化试剂和标样为主的高科技企业。在广大用户的支持下,公司经过十年的稳步发展,已经成为国内色谱、质谱、样品前处理和生化产品的主要供应商之一,在业内享有极佳的信誉。 康林公司是美国Sigma-Aldrich集团(Supelco、Sigma、Aldrich、Fluka、RDH)、瑞士Hamilton、日本Tosoh、美国Waters、瑞典 Kromasil、英国 ChromTech 、 美国Corning 、美国 Gast、美国Organomation等世界著名公司及众多专业公司授权的中国一级代理。并经销Agilent、 Shimadzu、 Branson、Tedia、Hypersil、Daicel、Rheodyne、Gelman和Ika等世界著名公司的产品。此外,康林公司还拥有自行开发的产品,已经在市场上树立了优良的品牌形象。为广大用户提供质优价廉的国内外知名产品是我们的目标,公司长期与世界各国的著名生产厂家保持着良好的合作关系 将继续寻求新的国际、国内供应商,并且不断研发新产品,为广大用户提供范围更加广泛、质量更为优良的分析化学、生命科学及临床医学等领域的尖端产品。我们销售的产品都有可靠的质量保证,已通过ISO9001、ISO13485等国际权威机构质量体系认证。spe spme 地址:北京市海淀区长春桥路5号新起点嘉园10号楼1107室邮编: 100089电话: 010-82562233 传真: 010-82562928电子信箱: marketing@sepuke.com kanglin@sepuke.com 公司网址: http://www.sepuke.com http://www.sepuke.net.cn产品展示: http://sepuke.instrument.com.cn
  • 使用AutoMate-Q40检测茶叶中的农残
    QuEChERS 是一种快速、简但、廉价、有效、可靠且安全的萃取方式。它可作为农产品中农药残留确定的前处理。起初该方法的开发是用于植物基质农残的检测,现在通过方法的改进,也可以用于干茶叶中农残的检测。在美国,每年人们要消耗 790亿份的茶水,相当于36亿加仑茶水。而茶叶作为一种植物商品,在培植过程中为了避免虫害的侵扰,肯定会用到农药。所以作为最后成品的茶叶也不可避免的带有农药残留。使用QuEChERS方法萃取茶叶中的农残,具有良好的选择性,同时能提高后续检测的灵敏度。该篇报导主要阐述了,使用AutoMate-Q40对茶叶中的农残萃取,对于茶叶中农残的萃取其方法符合EN15662:2008标准。主要称取干茶叶2.0g,加入50ml离心管中。通过AutoMate-Q40的界面设置后续的工作程序,之后使用LC-MS/MS的方法进行检测。通过分析结果显示,AutoMate进行的萃取,可以大量解放人工劳力,平均回收率达到90.71%,精确度达到6.61%。
  • 固相萃取净化以及三重串联四极杆液质联用法测定猪肉中的特布他林
  • 使用适用于 GC/TQ 的 Agilent MassHunter Optimizer 根据 US EPA 方法 8270 进行自动化 MRM 方法开发
    本应用展示了如何使用适用于 GC/TQ 的 Agilent MassHunter Optimizer 实现高度自动化的整体多反应监测 (MRM) 数据采集方法开发。即使在存在色谱干扰的情况下,用于 GC/TQ 的 Optimizer 也可以通过质谱解卷积可靠地鉴定母离子。在开发MRM 数据采集方法时,该工具可节省大量时间并减少手动审查工作。采用与美国国家环境保护局 (EPA) 方法 8270 相关的 83 种化合物的混合物挑战该工艺,并评估共流出物对 MRM 方法开发的影响。
  • 固相萃取净化以及三重串联四极杆液质联用仪用于猪肉中特布他林的检测
    建立了一种同时分析猪肉中11 种b2 受体激动剂残留——克伦特罗、沙丁胺醇、莱克多巴胺、特布他林、沙美特罗、普萘洛尔、妥洛特罗、西马特罗、马布特罗、马喷特罗和齐帕特罗的方法,并对方法进行了验证。样品中的待测物用液-液萃取(LLE)和固相萃取(SPE) 法制备,然后用液相色谱-三重串联四极杆质谱进行定量分析,采集模式是电喷雾正离子多反应监测模式。本方法对猪肉样品中11 种b2 受体激动剂均获得了pg/g 水平的检测限(LOD),动态校准范围为0.25 - 5 ng/g,总体回收率为82% - 105%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为1.6% - 8.4%。
  • Limits of Detection Obtained in 10g/L Rhodium
    The analysis of impurities in Rhodium samples requires an instrument with high resolution to avoid inter-element correction and obtain lowdetection limits. For this reason the JY ULTIMA was used. This Application Note reports the wavelengths that were used in this difficult matrix and the detection limits obtained.
  • Determination of Mercury in Biological Matrices
    Mercury determination in biological samples has traditionally beendifficult due to the foaming properties of the sample matrix.Digestions with minimal amounts of protein will form a non-wetting,soap-like mixture, which creates a foam when gas is bubbled throughit. The patented design of the M-6000A gas liquid separator (GLS)eliminates this problem.
  • Quantification of 17 Antiepileptics and Their Metabolites in Human Plasma by LCMSMS for Research
    The quantification of a panel of antiepileptic drugs in human plasma has been implemented and analytically validated on a TSQ Quantum Access MAX mass spectrometer using the MassTox TDM Series A kit for antiepileptics from Chromsystems. The TSQ Quantum Access MAX mass spectrometer proved to have the proper sensitivity, accuracy, and precision for the application of this analytical method to clinical research.
  • 莱伯泰科:使用DMA-80直接测汞仪测定临床样品(血液)中的汞含量(英文版)
    Approximately 2700 – 6000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere annually. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand miles from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the land and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous form of mercury.Exposure to high dosage of methylmercury can cause tremors, inability to walk,convulsions and even death. Children exposed to the mercury show a variety ofabnormalities such as delayed onset of walking and talking, cerebral palsy, and slowed neurological reflexes and learning abilities.One of the best indicators of exposure to mercury is testing for concentration in hair and blood. The average concentration of mercury in non-exposed people is about 8 ppb in blood and 2 ppm in hairMercury has traditionally been measured in hair, blood, tissues, and urine by CVAAS (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), which is a time and labor consuming method that relies on complicated wet chemistry sample preparation.The DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer from Milestone eliminates the samplepreparation step, allowing you to rapidly process your samples in minutes, instead of the hours needed for traditional methods. This rapid testing (which is as accurate, if not more so, that CVAAS) gives you the answers you need without consuming valuable time and effort.Other benefits include:Process both liquid and solid samples – no matter how difficult the matrix you will get an accurate total mercury reading. The built-in 40-position autosampler allows unattended operation for a large number of samples The DMA-80 is portable enough to be stationed where you need it most in your laboratory, in a portable testing van, etc... No chemicals are used in the process so no additional toxic wastes are generated. Completely compatible with US EPA Method 7473


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