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  • 【分享】分析科学中的萃取技术Extraction Techniques in Analytical Sciences.pdf

    Publisher: Wiley Number Of Pages: 308 Publication Date: 2010-01-19 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0470772859 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780470772850Product Description:This book covers one of the most important areas in analytical sciences, i.e. that of extraction techniques for organic compounds in environmental and related matrices, e.g. food. This text discusses all of the key stages for analysing a sample for organic compounds from the initial sampling protocols through to the range of different extraction techniques used for solid, liquid and air samples and finally through to the final chromatographic analysis. The text provides detailed information on specific extraction techniques to prepare samples for organic compound analysis.The topics covered include the following:Initial steps for solid, aqueous and air sampling. Extraction techniques for aqueous samples, including LLE, purge and trap, SPE, SPME, SBSE, SDME, membrane microextraction and MEPS. Extraction techniques for solid samples, including Soxhlet, "Soxtec", shake-flask, sonication, PFE, MAE, SFE and MSPD. Extraction techniques for air sampling, including whole air, enrichment approaches and desorption techniques. Pre-concentration approaches for post-extraction. Practical aspects for chromatographic analysis (GC and HPLC) of organic compounds. Quality assurance aspects of analysis. Health and safety considerations.

  • 求助: EN71-3前處理萃取問題

    實驗室導入EN71-3方法, 遇到前處理的一些問題, 求助大家.實驗用材料為塑料顆粒, 經過粉碎.1) 加入萃取鹽酸溶液, 樣品粉末浮在溶液上, 經過搖擺, 粉末還會黏在溶器內壁上, 這樣會影響萃取量, 怎麼解決? 2) 是否可以加入浸潤劑? 請推薦可用的浸潤劑, 實驗需添加多少量?3) 有沒有標準物質用來做回收率驗証?新接觸這個方法, 請大家分享一些經驗, 謝謝

  • 【讨论】做EN1811遇到的問題!


  • 赛默飞世尔科技(中国)有限公司集团展位今日正在招聘,Application Scientist, EM Life Science 电镜 生命科学,坐标,高薪寻找不一样的你!

    [b]职位名称:[/b]Application Scientist, EM Life Science 电镜 生命科学[b]职位描述/要求:[/b]Responsibility:• Performing high quality product demonstrations, including the development of new techniques and applications for Thermo Fisher Scientific partners and customers. Technical product expert assisting with all phases of the sales cycle.• Cultivating positive customer relationships and acting as a high level customer interface for specific instrument/applications issues, acting as a technical expert, explaining complex technology details, giving in depth presentations, and assisting in technique development.• Supporting and training customers after the sale has been made and the system is signed off. Assisting THERMOFISHER SCIENTIFIC Service Engineers on instrument sign offs and specific application techniques.• Providing continuous feedback to the product groups on system performance, features, and problems while collaborating with marketing/development groups on future product developments.• This customer focused position is ideal for an experienced technologist wanting to be involved with a dynamic team and exposed to a constant variety of customer application areas.Requirements:• Typically requires a university degree in a life science discipline.• Doctoral degree is greatly preferred.• Experience in a relevant commercial/research/production establishment with recent experience utilizing Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) technology in sample characterization.• Knowledge of advanced technology and troubleshooting as well as operational optimization experience of analytical equipment for life science application such as structural biology or cell biology.• Excellent, enthusiastic, clear communication skills, both written and verbal, with a diverse audience are critical to the success of this position.• Excellent customer interfacing and technical sales skills a must.• Proven ability to interact with cross - functional and cross - cultural teams.• Ability to travel both domestically as well as internationally and possession of a valid passport.• Language: fluent English and Chinese a must (or at least the ability of learning Chinese within a short period)[b]公司介绍:[/b] 赛默飞世尔科技简介赛默飞世尔科技(纽约证交所代码:TMO)是科学服务领域的世界领导者。公司年销售额超过240亿美元,在全球拥有约70000名员工。我们的使命是帮助客户使世界更健康、更清洁、更安全。我们帮助客户加速生命科学领域的研究、解决在分析领域所遇到的复杂问题与挑战,促进医疗诊断发展、加速药物上市进程、提高实验室生产力。借助于首要品牌Thermo Scientific、Applied...[url=https://www.instrument.com.cn/job/user/job/position/69915]查看全部[/url]

  • 求英文书Quality assurance in environmental monitoring: Instrumental methods

    序号】:Print ISBN: 9783527286829【作者】:G. Subramanian【题名】:Quality assurance in environmental monitoring: Instrumental methods【期刊】:Online ISBN: 9783527615131【年、卷、期、起止页码】:【全文链接】:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.au/book/10.1002/9783527615131没有权限哪位老大帮忙 谢谢Product InformationAbout The ProductEnvironmental technology plays an increasingly important role in today's world. This has led to many new developments in legislation and monitoring of environmental pollutants.A comprehensive treatment of these current trends is presented in this book. The reader is helped by a sound understanding of modern instrumental methods such as GC/MS, thermal desorption and purge-trap methods, that are available to meet these legal requirements. Many practical applications assist familiarization with these techniques. This work pays particular attention to methods of monitoring different types of chemicals ranging from pesticides to industrial pollutants. The description of the different design aspects of instruments and their effects on analysis aids the development of precise instrumental methods for the various specific problems in quality assurance.

  • 【求助】液体油漆用 EN71-3 怎么做呢?有经验的指点一下...

    我看了一下国标18582和18581,里面对液体涂料的制样过程是先把涂料制作成漆膜。我对比了下EN 71-3 ,第8.9部分“油漆、清漆、生漆和固态或液态状的类似材料”,上面好像没有象国标那样把液态油漆制成漆膜。那该怎么处理呢?是不是直接称液态的油漆然后水浴溶出呢?还有那固态的油漆该怎么处理?

  • 【感谢有你】感恩父母亲


    今天是感恩节,我感恩生命中让我遇到的每一个人,你也许是我的亲人,也许是朋友,也许只是一面之缘,也许至今都不曾见过,都要感恩,是大家用爱心和宽容组成了我生活的点点滴滴,感激这个世界的魅力,感激你的存在,感激我们的相识。更要感恩我的父母亲。是父母亲给了我生命,才有了我今天的一切![img]http://simg.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/brow/em23.gif[/img][img]http://simg.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/brow/em25.gif[/img][img]http://simg.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/brow/em20.gif[/img] 我的父亲1955年出生在陕西的一个小农村;我的母亲1958年出生在四川的一个小山村。九十世纪八十年代经人介绍,两人认识,后面母亲从四川远嫁到陕西。[img]http://simg.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/brow/em27.gif[/img] 母亲怀胎十月,1984年我出生了,这本是一件高兴的事,但是没过多久,父亲应工作时身体大面积烫伤而住进了医院。母亲一边要照顾病床上的父亲,一边还要照顾嗷嗷待哺的我。由于母亲的辛勤奔波,奶水很快就没有了,我只能饿了喝面糊糊,就这样从小缺少营养,造就现在我的体弱,免疫力低下,也常常感冒咳嗽,导致肺炎,去医院也就成了家常便饭,当时交通不便,母亲不管刮风下雨都要抱着我步行去县医院,我们都成了医院的常客![img]http://simg.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/brow/em43.gif[/img] 由于父亲一人上班要养活一家四口,那些年工资一月就几十元,而且我和妹妹还要上学交学费,再加家里的开销,很是吃紧,为了缓解家里的经济压力,母亲就四处跟人打零工,卖苦力。在我记事起,母亲就起早贪黑没日没夜的干活,晚上12点睡觉,早上4点多就又起床,在我们乡镇的小砖厂就干了好多年。家里还养着牛,猪,羊,兔,鸡,猫狗。为了少花钱,母亲自己种菜,由于浇水不便,每天都要肩挑背扛的挑水种菜! 父亲平时上班,下班回家,为了省钱,不管刮风下雨,还是春夏秋冬都是骑着自行车十几里路回家。回到家也不闲着,就利用下班时间以及节假日就在家喂牛羊。父亲在一次用铡草机铡草时不小心铡去了右手的半个掌。为了我们这个家父母亲付出了太多太多。[img]http://simg.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/brow/em48.gif[/img] 如今虽然父亲已经退休在家,但是在家里还是不闲着,在家里还种着地,养着羊、鸡和猫。为了这个家,母亲也落下了好多病症!虽然这样,母亲还依然跟人出去打零工,我们兄妹都为这事劝了母亲好多次,母亲就是性格犟闲不住!干了一辈子活,如果不干活, 就感觉浑身不自在!就这样,我的父亲母亲也很快就变苍老了,背也驼了。 千言万语也表达不了我对父母亲的感恩之情,很是惭愧!我们只能用实际行动,常回家看看,有事没事打个电话问问家中的父母亲安好![img]http://simg.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/brow/em28.gif[/img][img]http://simg.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/brow/em24.gif[/img] 作为儿子,我只能默默地在感恩节来临之际,祝福我的父母亲及全天下的人,开开心心,健健康康的过好每一天![img]http://simg.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/brow/em20.gif[/img][img=,650,703]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2017/11/201711231538_01_2911392_3.jpg!w650x703.jpg[/img]

  • 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司今日正在招聘,Application Scientist-广州市,坐标广州市,高薪寻找不一样的你!

    [size=16px][color=#ff0000][b][url=https://www.instrument.com.cn/job/position-82592.html]立即投递该职位[/url][/b][/color][/size][b]职位名称:[/b]Application Scientist-广州市[b]职位描述/要求:[/b]概述As one of the world’s leading analytical instrumentation companies, Bruker covers a broad spectrum of advanced solutions in all fields of research and development. All our systems and instruments are designed to improve safety of products, accelerate time-to-market and support industries in successfully enhancing quality of life. We’ve been driving innovation in analytical instrumentation for 50 years now. Today, worldwide more than 6,000 employees are working on this permanent challenge, at over 70 locations on all continents. The Bruker Nano Analytics (BNA) Division, headquartered at Bruker Nano GmbH in Berlin, Germany, develops, manufactures and markets X-ray systems and components for elemental and structural analysis on the micro- and nano-scale. BNA's product range comprises analytical tools for electron microscopes, including energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometers (EDS), wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectrometers (WDS), electron backscatter diffraction systems (EBSD), micro-spot X-ray sources for Micro-XRF on SEM and micro computed tomography (Micro-CT) accessories, as well as mobile and bench-top micro X-ray fluorescence (Micro-XRF) and total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectrometers We are looking for the candidate with solid experience with EDS/EBSD analysis, is responsible for providing technical expertise in the support of sales team and wanting to be involved with a dynamic team and exposed to a constant variety of customer application areas.职责Accompanies sales representatives on sales calls or on customers’ site to provide technical and applications expertise in response to customer inquiriesPerforms product demonstrations as requested by sales representativesProvides technical training to sales representatives and collaborates with them to develop technical selling strategiesDelivers advanced applications training classes to customers and demonstrates proper operating procedures, support customers through on-site visits and telephone communicationPrepares and presents seminars to customers and potential customers as requestedWorks in trade show/conference booths to present our products and gather informationAttends technical training and scientific meetings to gather information on new trends, products and discoveries affecting our business资质Minimum Master degree in Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry or related major, PhD is preferredMore than 3-year experience with EDS/EBSD microanalysis, international study or work experience is preferredProfound experience in electron microscope (SEM or TEM) operations and EDS, EBSD techniques (theoretical and practical knowledge)Proven analytical and problem solving skillsAble and willing to learning new technology and new skillWell communication skills required, either to internal colleagues and customersWell oral and written English skillMust be able to work independent and as part of the teamAble to travel both domestically and internationally up to 40% of time[b]公司介绍:[/b] 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司总部位于美国,是在纳斯达克上市的世界著名的高科技分析仪器跨国企业,以生产质谱仪、核磁共振谱仪、傅立叶红外/拉曼光谱仪,近红外、傅立叶电子顺磁共振波谱仪、原子力显微镜、光学轮廓仪、摩擦磨损测试设备等高水平、高精度分析仪器享誉全球科技界。布鲁克公司创立于 50 多年前,自创立伊始,公司始终秉持一条理念:为每个分析任务提供最佳技术解决方案。如今,公司遍布全球的 6000多名...[url=https://www.instrument.com.cn/job/position-82592.html]查看全部[/url][align=center][img=,178,176]https://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2021/08/202108160948175602_3528_5026484_3.png!w178x176.jpg[/img][/align][align=center]扫描二维码,关注[b][color=#ff0000]“仪职派”[/color][/b]公众号[/align][align=center][b]即可获取高薪职位[/b][/align]

  • [感谢有你】家人篇-为人父,方知父母艰和恩

    昨天中午打完电话回去后,晚上读幼儿园大班的女儿打视频过来,刚开始以为是母亲打过来的视频(看微信头像),当母亲说是我女儿自己打来的时候,心里惊了一下,年纪这么小,既然记得爸爸的微信头像,能自己打视频给爸爸,很懂事。接通视频后,女儿就直接说“爷爷奶奶外公外婆爸爸妈妈,节日快乐,你们辛苦了,我爱你们”,虽然知道这话是幼儿园老师教小朋友的,但通过女儿说出来,很感动,心里莫名的愧疚,由于我和妻子在外工作,女儿在家读幼儿园由爷爷奶奶照顾着,知道心中的想念和牵挂。女儿接着说“爸爸,今天在幼儿园,老师教大家唱了一首歌(感恩的心),好多小朋友哭了,刚开始是一个小朋友哭,接着另一个小朋友哭(女儿记得哭的小朋友的名字),最后我也哭了。”是啊,一首大人唱的歌,小朋友也懂的它的意义,能产生共鸣,可想对父母的思念是那么深。俗话说的好:为人父,方知父母艰和恩,这需细细体会。父母、爱人:你们辛苦了; 女儿,你很懂事、聪明,爸爸也爱你。

  • 【感恩有你】做感恩之人




    有兴趣的来,没兴趣的跳过。1058 ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENT QUALIFICATION INTRODUCTION A large variety of laboratory equipment, instruments, and computerized analytical systems, ranging from simple nitrogen evaporators to complex multiple-function technologies (see Instrument Categories), are used in the pharmaceutical industry to acquire data to help ensure that products are suitable for their intended use. An analyst's objective is to consistently obtain reliable and valid data suitable for the intended purpose. Depending on the applications, users validate their procedures, calibrate their instruments, and perform additional instrument checks, such as system suitability tests and analysis of in-process quality control check samples to help ensure that the acquired data are reliable. With the increasing sophistication and automation of analytical instruments, an increasing demand has been placed on users to qualify their instruments.Unlike method validation and system suitability activities, analytical instrument qualification (AIQ) currently has no specific guidance or procedures. Competing opinions exist regarding instrument qualification and validation procedures and the roles and responsibilities of those who perform them. Consequently, various approaches have been used for instrument qualification, approaches that require varying amounts of resources and generate widely differing amounts of documentation. This chapter provides a scientific approach to AIQ and considers AIQ as one of the major components required for generating reliable and consistent data. Note that the amount of rigor applied to the qualification process will depend on the complexity and intended use of the instrumentation. This approach emphasizes AIQ's place in the overall process of obtaining reliable data from analytical instruments.Validation versus Qualification In this chapter, the term validation is used for manufacturing processes, analytical procedures, and software procedures and the term qualification is used for instruments. Thus, the phrase “analytical instrument qualification” (AIQ) is used for the process of ensuring that an instrument is suitable for its intended application.

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