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  • MAS方法测新生牛血清中的雷尼替丁,样品处理推荐固相萃取小柱GH-Cleanext-SPE-C18/SCX
    MAS方法测新生牛血清中的雷尼替丁,样品处理推荐固相萃取小柱GH-Cleanext-SPE-C18/SCX 将新生牛血清样品通过固相萃取小柱得到样品,将样品经过适当处理后采用液相色谱进行检测。 需要详细的信息请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息: www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 技尔InertCap AQUATIC-2气相色谱柱GL Sciences
    AQUATIC-2相比AQUATIC-1,耐受温度被提高到了260°C。分离能力与AQUATIC-1相近,但对于少数化合物的选择性稍有不同。 技尔(上海)商贸有限公司是由日本色谱耗材、分析仪器生产厂商GL Sciences在中国设立的全资子公司。我们秉承“以用户需求为先”的理念,将GL Sciences在色谱行业积累的经验与不断发展的进步科技相结合,为中国色谱行业用户提供解决方案与优质服务,让您的色谱分析工作更便捷、更高效。 GL Sciences扎根分析领域五十余年,旗下产品覆盖环境、医药、材料、食品、化工、生命科学等多个领域,可为客户提供分析中所需的各类仪器及耗材。
  • Liquid Nitrogen Thermos
    配件编号:70111-60044S产品名称:Assembly Contact Block RF Lens产品规格:70111-60044S仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是 配件编号:470-064700产品名称:Liquid Nitrogen Thermos适用于美国热电公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific) 仪器配件。配件编号:70111-60056S产品名称:Assembly, Power Entry Module产品规格:70111-60056S仪器厂商:ThermoFisher/热电价格:面议库存:是
  • Preventive Maintenance Kit for Nicolet 330/370/380 | 699-0
    Preventive Maintenance Kit for Nicolet 330/370/380 | 699-098800 Preventive Maintenance Kit for Thermo Scientific Nicolet 330/370/380 instruments.适用仪器型号 Avatar 330Nicolet 380Avatar 370订货信息:部件号品名描述数量699-098800Preventive Maintenance Kitfor Nicolet 330/370/380Preventive Maintenance Kit for Thermo Scientific Nicolet 330/370/380 instruments.EA
  • 用于Omni采样器的液体电池附件 0028-850
    用于Omni采样器的液体电池附件仪器兼容性指南:Delta ADVDelta plus XLDelta plusDelta V (Plus & Advantage)Delta Plus ADV当您需要快速、简单地测量多种不同类型的样品(固体或液体)时,Thermo Scientific™ Smart OMNI-Sampler 是您的理想之选。Smart OMNI-Sampler 是单次反射的锗 ATR 进样附件,可以满足众多应用需求。除了可以分析常规固体和液体外,Smart OMNI-Sampler 还可以用于分析难以处理的样品,如:深色充碳样品、单个高分子微球、硬聚合物和玻璃基上涂层。Smart OMNI-Sampler 是金刚石进样附件的经济、高效型替代品。它使用方便,只需“定位、单击和扫描”。描述性能特点锗 ATR 晶体非常坚固,光谱范围为 4000cm 至 675cm-1圆顶晶体设计可使光束直径缩小大约 2 倍:可提高灵敏度、能够测定更小的样品并能够通过向样品施加更大的压力来确保最佳接触状态,点对点接触便于分析坚硬、刚性、不易弯曲和难以分析的样品。锗晶体的透射深度较浅,是高吸收型充碳样品和薄层表面分析的理想选择后倾式压力塔可方便地接触晶体以进行清洁并定位样品,滑动离合器装置确保每次施加适当的压力液体支架安装方便,非常适合于小体积样品,并且易于清洁规格晶体材料:锗;小至 675 cm 的光谱数据-1样品区域:2mm 直径晶体角度:45°(单次反射)透射深度:波长 2000cm 下约为 0.67μm-1有效 pH 范围1 至 14样品体积:1.86mL压力装置:后倾式压力塔或 Lightning Viewer 均有故障保险装置,可防止晶体损坏。借助 Lightning Viewer 选件可以将非常小的样品精确定位在锗表面上。Lightning Viewer 具有蓝宝石表面,与标准压力装置一样,可以施加“转动单击”"式滑动离合器压力。推荐用途:单个高分子微球单丝成形的坚硬聚合物漆屑印刷电路板纸/污染物充碳材料(O 形环)液体,包括水溶液、腐蚀品和腐蚀剂订货信息SKUProductDescriptionPackaging0028-850Liquid Cell Assembly for Omni SamplerLiquid Cell Assembly for Omni SamplerEA
  • NiPS3 crystals 三硫化磷镍晶体
    NiPSe3 is a quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet in the bulk form while it' s magnetic response in the monolayer limit remain largely unknown.NiPS3 crystals all crystallize in C2/m space group geometry. These crystals were grown by a vapor transport at our faciltilies to bring defect free vdw crystals. Based on our experience, the amount of vacancy defects plan a vital role is their stability as well as FM response.Perfect crystallization: In our growth process, we pay close attention to creating perfect crystals, each and every crystal is handled and characterized under vacuum or Argon environment.Sample packaging: Samples are purged with Ar gas multiple times, pumped down to 1E-6 Torr pressures to ensure crystals do not interact with the residual gases.Fresh samples: Crystals are always freshly grown and immediately shipped out. Full characterization: Samples are characterized using variety of techniques all under inert gas conditions to confirm the crystalline quality.Properties of NiPS3 crystals
  • ThermoScientific Dionex OmniPac 液相柱
    Dionex OmniPacDBV 聚合物色谱柱适用于同时进行离子交换和反相分离 兼容酸、碱和溶剂,pH 0 到 14 非常适合分离高分子量有机酸 优化疏水性极强的阴离子的分离 优化卤代阴离子的分离 同时分离中性和离子分析物 对极性和离子有机分析物有独特选择性 优化有机、疏水和卤代阳离子的分离Thermo Scientific Dionex OmniPac? PAX-100 色谱柱用于分离疏水性阴离子分析物,如分子较大的有机酸。Dionex OmniPac PAX-500 色谱柱可同时分离阴离子和中性分析物。Dionex OmniPacPCX-100 色谱柱可分离低分子量疏水性阳离子。Dionex OmniPac PCX-500 色谱柱可在一次运行中同时分离阳离子和中性样本。Dionex OmniPac PAX- 与 PCX-100 和 500 是采用硅胶基质的色谱柱。两种PAX色谱柱的离子交换能力约为 40 μeq,具有相同的阴离子交换分离能力。PCX 色谱柱的离子交换能力约为120 μeq 。PAX- 和 PCX-500 色谱柱既可通过离子交换也可通过反相机制来分离分析物,因为它们具有相 PAX- 和 PCX-100 色谱柱更高的反相分离能力。订货信息:
  • TS-1 Source Enhanced Nitrogen Selectivity | 46500250
    TS-1 Source Enhanced Nitrogen Selectivity (ENS) | 46500250 TS-1 Source Enhanced Nitrogen Selectivity (ENS)适用仪器型号TRACE GC 订货信息:部件号品名描述数量46500250TS-1 Source Enhanced Nitrogen Selectivity (ENS)TS-1 Source Enhanced Nitrogen Selectivity (ENS)EA
  • Titan3 尼龙针头过滤器
    @1img Thermo Scientific Titan3 尼龙针头过滤器专门挑选低萃取率的聚丙烯树脂外壳,经过 HPLC 性能测试,采用颜色编码,可轻松选择正确的滤膜和孔径。强化的luer Lock接头,可防止泄漏。大多数 30 mm 装置随附 1 mm 硼硅酸盐玻璃预过滤器,耐压高达120psi。这对含有较大颗粒的高固体含量样品特别有用。内部的圈可进一步增加外壳强度,以防止渗漏和爆裂。Titan3 针头过滤器包装为重复使用、坚固、透明的颜色编码容器。 外径 (mm) 孔径 (μm)预过滤器部件号 数量40.2否42204-NN100支/包 0.45否44504-NN 100支/包 170.2否42213-NN 200支/包 0.45否44513-NN 200支/包 300.2是42225-NN 100支/包 0.45是44525-NN 100支/包 0.45否44526-NN100支/包 1.5否41225-NN100支/包 5否45025-NN 100支/包
  • LiNbO3 太赫兹晶体 铌酸锂晶体
    Lithium Niobate ( LiNbO3) is notable by a favourable balance of electro-optic, acoustic, piezoelectric, pyroelectric and non-linear optical attributes and is therefore the best material for applications in electro-optical, non-linear optical, and acoustic devices, high-temperature acoustic transducers, receivers-transmitters of acoustic vibrations, air force acceleration meters, acoustic wave delay lines, deflectors, generators of non-linear distorted waves, acoustic filters, electro-optical modulators (Q-switches), converters, frequency doublers and resonators in laser systems, non-linear elements in parametric light generators, and many others. The listed devices can be found anywhere from consumer electronics (TV sets and cell phones) and medical instruments (surgical and therapeutical appliances) to advanced laboratory and scientific equipment (biotechnology, frequency standards, metal cutting, shaping, scribing).LiNbO3 blanks and substrates for SAW and transducer applicationsDiameter5-76.2 mmThickness/=0.15 mmOrientationYX 36, YX 42, YX 49, YX 64, YX 128, YX 136, YZ, Z, X, YMaterial quality For Acoustoelectronics or Optoelectronics applicationsSurface qualityAs-cut, fine-ground, lapped, 20/10 polishedPlease check our Optics stock.
  • ThermoScientific Dionex OmniPac HPLC 色谱柱
    Dionex OmniPacDBV 聚合物色谱柱适用于同时进行离子交换和反相分离 兼容酸、碱和溶剂,pH 0 到 14 非常适合分离高分子量有机酸 优化疏水性极强的阴离子的分离 优化卤代阴离子的分离 同时分离中性和离子分析物 对极性和离子有机分析物有独特选择性 优化有机、疏水和卤代阳离子的分离Thermo Scientific Dionex OmniPac? PAX-100 色谱柱用于分离疏水性阴离子分析物,如分子较大的有机酸。Dionex OmniPac PAX-500 色谱柱可同时分离阴离子和中性分析物。Dionex OmniPacPCX-100 色谱柱可分离低分子量疏水性阳离子。Dionex OmniPac PCX-500 色谱柱可在一次运行中同时分离阳离子和中性样本。Dionex OmniPac PAX- 与 PCX-100 和 500 是采用硅胶基质的色谱柱。两种PAX色谱柱的离子交换能力约为 40 μeq,具有相同的阴离子交换分离能力。PCX 色谱柱的离子交换能力约为120 μeq 。PAX- 和 PCX-500 色谱柱既可通过离子交换也可通过反相机制来分离分析物,因为它们具有相 PAX- 和 PCX-100 色谱柱更高的反相分离能力。订货信息:
  • Environmental Express尼龙滤膜
    Environmental Express尼龙滤膜与水样样品的广泛相容性– 适用 HPLC 应用和一般实验室过滤尼龙膜具有坚固,固有亲水性,低可提取性,并兼容广泛的水溶液,包括用于 HPLC 作业的醇和溶剂。与酸和碱不相兼容。Environmental Express尼龙滤膜产品描述滤器直径孔径数量/包货号尼龙滤膜47 mm0.20 μm100F47020N尼龙滤膜47 mm0.45 μm100F47045N尼龙滤膜90 mm0.45 μm50F90045N
  • 超导体与金属复合材料 铌钛(NbTi)超导体
    主要用途NbTi线材的主要市场是临床磁共振成像(MRI),迄今为止生产的线材超过100万公里,安装的系统超过3万套。其它主要用途是核磁共振(NMR)光谱学、高能物理学的粒子加速器和聚变反应堆的磁体。FeaturesToday, Bruker NbTi wires are applied at a large scale in clinical magnet resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (NMR), and high energy physics. Customers worldwide use Bruker LTS materials to push technological limits and rely on our experts to tailor conductors precisely to specific requirements. And we look forward to discussing yours!BenefitsNbTi superconductor wires manufactured by Bruker EAS are rugged high-performance products which have proven their qualities for decades in widening spectrum of applications. Economical performance costs, excellent ductility, and favorable processing properties as well as durability and reliability make NbTi the unrivalled workhorse of today’s superconductor industry.Operated under standard conditions at temperatures of 4.2 Kelvin, they carry current densities of up to 3,000A/mm² and enable magnetic fields up to approx. 9.5T.The principal NbTi wire market is clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with over 1 million kilometers of wire produced and more than 30.000 systems installed to date. Other major utilizations are in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, particle accelerators for high energy physics, and magnets for fusion reactors.Bruker EAS offers a broad range of multifilament round and rectangular shaped NbTi wires matched by a choice of insulations like braided or varnish insulation. Both monolithic and wire-in-channel conductors are available. We customize wires to specifications and advise our clients on adapting wire designs to individual applications.Infact, an average annual wire output of several ten thousand kilometers and plus more than half a century of experience with supplying to leading research facilities, health care, and analytics companies make us one of the world’s most qualified providers of NbTi conductors.Please download our Low Tc superconductor product overview brochure for further information and contact us with any questions or specific inquiries you may have.
  • NbS2 二硫化铌晶体 (Niobium Disulfide)
    100% environmentally stable metallic NbS2 (niobium disulfide) crystals: NbS2 displays metallic and superconducting behavior. Undergoes superconducting transition at low temperatures and exhibits CDW behavior. Our NbS2 crystals are grown by two distinct methods as summarized below (CVT vs flux zone). Clean and defect free crystal growth enabled us to create the only commercially available NbS2 vdW crystals with guaranteed CDW and superconducting responses.If your research needs atomically flat NbS2 samples for scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements please contact us.Properties of NbS2 crystals by 2Dsemiconductors USA Growth method matters Flux zone or CVT growth method? Contamination of halides and point defects in layered crystals are well known cause for their reduced electronic mobility, reduced anisotropic response, poor e-h recombination, low-PL emission, and lower optical absorption. Flux zone technique is a halide free technique used for synthesizing truly semiconductor grade vdW crystals. This method distinguishes itself from chemical vapor transport (CVT) technique in the following regard: CVT is a quick (~2 weeks) growth method but exhibits poor crystalline quality and the defect concentration reaches to 1E11 to 1E12 cm-2 range. In contrast, flux method takes long (~3 months) growth time, but ensures slow crystallization for perfect atomic structuring, and impurity free crystal growth with defect concentration as low as 1E9 - 1E10 cm-2. During check out just state which type of growth process is preferred. Unless otherwise stated, 2Dsemiconductors ships Flux zone crystals as a default choice.
  • Male Double-Ended Micro-QT™ Valve MQT-2S Male Double-Ended Micro-QT Valve (w/ Silonite
    Product Description: Male Double-Ended Micro-QT™ Valve (w/ Silonite™ ) The Micro-QT™ Valve is designed exclusively for “through the valve” sampling . This valve is optimized for volatile or even light semivolatile compounds when performing rapid sampling. Like the Micro-QT2™ Valve below, the Micro-QT™ Valve is compatible with all existing Entech sampling devices by simply adding a female QT to 1/4” adapter (PN 30-22800). The Micro-QT2™ Valve is a two-piece valve that can be removed in the field to draw in a sample “around the valve” without requiring a separate sampling device. This allows recovery of the heavier semivolatile compounds that might otherwise condense in the valve on the way into the canister. The ability to sample around the valve is unique to the Micro-QT2™ valve design. This valve can also be sampled “through the valve” using a Restricted or Time Integrated Sampler. The HDS Micro-QT2™ Valve is a two-piece valve that can be removed in the field to perform time integrated sampling from hours to weeks without requiring a separate sampling device.
  • 技尔InertSep ME-1固相萃取产品GL Sciences
    InertSep ME-1是以甲基丙烯酸的聚合物为基体,导入亚氨基二乙酸型弱阳离子交换基团的固相萃取小柱。亲水性高,不保留1价的Na,K离子,适合选择性浓缩2价以上的金属阳离子。此外,还可定制用于蛋白质精制的Ni亲和板等。 技尔(上海)商贸有限公司是由日本色谱耗材、分析仪器生产厂商GL Sciences在中国设立的全资子公司。我们秉承“以用户需求为先”的理念,将GL Sciences在色谱行业积累的经验与不断发展的进步科技相结合,为中国色谱行业用户提供解决方案与优质服务,让您的色谱分析工作更便捷、更高效。 GL Sciences扎根分析领域五十余年,旗下产品覆盖环境、医药、材料、食品、化工、生命科学等多个领域,可为客户提供分析中所需的各类仪器及耗材。
  • NbTe2 crystals 二碲化铌晶体
    100% environmentally stable metallic NbTe2 crystals: In the bulk form, niobium ditelluride is metallic. Similar to molybdenum disulfide, it has layered structure (lamellar) with weak interlayer coupling. NbTe2 displays metallic and superconducting behavior. Undergoes superconducting transition around 1.1 K in bulk, but predicted to higher for thinner sheets. Unlike other sources, our NbTe2 crystals are grown by defect and impurity free flux zone technique (see the comparison between chemical vapor transport [CVT] below). Clean and defect free nature enabled researchers to observe clean superconductivity, phase transitions, and perform quantum transport measurements with confidence in the crystal.If your research needs atomically flat NbTe2 samples for scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements please contact us.Properties of NbTe2 crystals by 2Dsemiconductors USAGrowth method matters Flux zone or CVT growth method? Contamination of halides and point defects in layered crystals are well known cause for their reduced electronic mobility, reduced anisotropic response, poor e-h recombination, low-PL emission, and lower optical absorption. Flux zone technique is a halide free technique used for synthesizing truly semiconductor grade vdW crystals. This method distinguishes itself from chemical vapor transport (CVT) technique in the following regard: CVT is a quick (~2 weeks) growth method but exhibits poor crystalline quality and the defect concentration reaches to 1E11 to 1E12 cm-2 range. In contrast, flux method takes long (~3 months) growth time, but ensures slow crystallization for perfect atomic structuring, and impurity free crystal growth with defect concentration as low as 1E9 - 1E10 cm-2. During check out just state which type of growth process is preferred. Unless otherwise stated, 2Dsemiconductors ships Flux zone crystals as a default choice.
  • Acclaim Trinity Q1 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Trinity Q1 液相色谱柱Acclaim Trinity Q1 采用专利的纳米微球- 硅胶杂化技术(NSH),一个颗粒上集成了三种分离模式,专门用于敌草快/ 百草枯的分析。可靠性和耐用性质量和可靠性对确保成功分析至关重要。每个 Acclaim 色谱柱都经过大量测试,因此色谱工作者们在使用时可充满信心。制造过程始于超纯硅胶基质,我们仅挑选符合严格物理参数的批次。独特的设计使得键合过程清洁、可重复,不会出现意外的性能变化。每一键合硅胶批次都经过针对其预期用途的全套验证测试。键合硅胶采用高度可靠工艺装填于精密抛光的 316 不锈钢硬件中。每根装填的色谱柱都经过测试以确保每次使用都能获得出色性能。针对硅胶批次验证和色谱柱性能的分析认证报告说明测试方案、列出了分析方法、色谱柱规格,并提供实际色谱图。性能指标Acclaim 色谱柱满足当今实验室所需的高质量标准。创新的表面化学键合相对多种分析物提供优异的峰形和柱效。为确保最优性能,所有 Acclaim 产品都使用多个性能指标进行充分表征,包括键合相表面覆盖率、金属杂质、空间选择性、柱极性、柱疏水性以及针对碱类的低硅醇基活性。专用柱还经过了针对其专用分析的应用测试,以确保每一批次的键合硅胶都能提供高性能分离。Acclaim Trinity Q1 液相色谱柱订货信息:Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Trinity Q1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 50mm)083242Acclaim Trinity Q1, 3μm, Analytical (3.0 x 50mm)083241Guard ColumnsAcclaim Trinity Q1, 5μm, Guard (2.1 x 10mm) 2 ea requires holder 069580083244Acclaim Trinity Q1, 5μm, Guard (3.0 x 10mm) 2 ea requires holder 069580079719Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188 Separation of Diquat and ParaquatThermo Scientific? Acclaim? Trinity? Q1 columns are unique, high-efficiency, silica-based columns designed for the separation of the herbicides diquat and paraquat. These quaternary amines are widely used as nonselective contact herbicides. Due to their toxicity, they are monitored in drinking water and wastewater for agricultural exposure. The Acclaim Trinity Q1 columns can quickly and easily separate these compounds. The separation is compatible with mass spectrometry detection, which significantly improves sensitivity for the analytes and provides conformation at the same time.Column features include:Excellent resolution of diquat and paraquatGood peak shapeFast analysisLC/MS compatibilityNo ion-pairing reagent neededEase of useThis new column, based on Nanopolymer Silica Hybrid (NSH) technology, provides multiple retention mechanisms, including reversed-phase, anion-exchange, and cation-exchange. The NSH technology ensures distinctive spatial separation of the anion-exchange and cation-exchange regions, which results in maximum flexibility in method development. The chromatography can be easily optimized by adjusting mobile phase buffer concentration, pH, and solvent content, concurrently or independently. The easy-to-optimize selectivity can be used to accelerate chromatographic separations and increase productivity.Nano Silica Hybrid (NSH) Chromatographic FeaturesMultiple retention mechanisms, including reversed-phase, anion-exchange, and cation-exchangeAdjustable selectivity by mobile phase ionic strength, electrolyte type, pH, and organic solventIdeal selectivity for simultaneous separation of basic, neutral, and acidic analytesSeparation of hydrophilic ionic and ionizable analytes without ion-pairing reagentAcclaim Trinity Q1 Column – SpecificationsColumn chemistryWCX, WAX and RP Mixed-ModeBase materialSpherical, high-purity, porous silicaParticle size3 μmSurface area100 m2/gPore size300 ?Operating pressure limit4000 psiOperating pH range2.5–7.0Operating flow rate range0.3 – 0.90 mL/min for 3.0 mm i.d. formats0.15–0.45 mL/min for 2.1 mm i.d. formatsLC/UV Separation of Diquat andParaquat LC/MS/MS Separation of Diquat and ParaquatData SheetsAcclaim Trinity Q1 Columns for Trace Analysis of Diquat and Paraquat Product SpecificationsManualsThermo Scientific Acclaim Trinity Q1 Product ManualAcclaim Trinity Q1 QuickStartPostersSimultaneous Determination of Paraquat and Diquat in Environmental Water Samples by HPLC-MS/MSApplication NotesAN 1051: Sensitive and Rapid Determination of Paraquat and Diquat in Tap and Environmental Waters
  • Dionex Aquion Preventive Maintenance Kit | 057954
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    产品特点:ENVI-8 DSK 固相萃取圆助留机理:反相。样品基质相容性:水溶液(饮用水)。等同于 ENVI-18 和 ENVI-8 填充床固相萃取吸附剂的固相萃取膜。内含 C18 或 C8 改性二氧化硅颗粒的多孔玻璃纤维膜。从饮用水样品中提取有机污染时,比 PTFE 圆片的流速更快,堵塞更少。典型应用包括多环芳烃 (PAH)、多氯联苯 (PCB)、邻苯二甲酸酯、半挥发性有机物、百草枯和杀草快、农药和除草剂。订购信息: ENVI-8 DSK 固相萃取圆盘描述货号包装ENVI-8 DSK固相萃取圆盘diam. 47 mm5717224 eaENVI-18 DSK固相萃取圆盘diam. 90 mm57170-U12 eadiam. 47 mm5717124 ea
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