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  • 铌酸锂晶体
    我们提供的优质进口LiNbO3 晶体,铌酸锂晶体,铌酸锂是声光级和光学级的高质量LiNbO3晶体。 采用Czochralsky 方法生长,沿着Z轴极化的晶体棒长度可达100mm,我们也可提供其他方向的铌酸锂晶体,铌酸锂晶体棒,用于SAW衬底和 压电传感器/piezotransducers。透光范围:350-5500nm长度公差:+0/-0,1mm孔径公差:+0/-0,1mm切割角定位精度:30arcmin表面质量:S/D10-5平整度:L/8@633nm平行度:20arcsec垂直度:5arcmin激光损伤阈值:250MW/cm2 for 10ns pulses @ 1064 nmLiNbO3晶体,铌酸锂晶体广泛地用作1微米以上激光倍频器和OPO光学参量振荡器,以及准相位匹配器件。LiNbO3晶体和铌酸锂晶体也是光电子器件的最为优秀材料之一。人们利用铌酸锂独特的电光,光弹,压电和非线性特性,以及良好的机械和光学稳定性,宽广的透光范围,制造了许多光电子器件。 领先的进口精密激光光学器件旗舰型服务商--孚光精仪!LiNbO3晶体,铌酸锂晶体由孚光精仪进口,孚光精仪是中国最大的进口精密光学材料器件和仪器供应商!所销售的LiNbO3晶体,铌酸锂晶体,铌酸锂系高质量进口晶体, 经过在国外生长, 严格切割抛光加工和国外高质量的镀膜,并进行严格的质量控制后进口到国内,质量非常可靠。我们已经为上海光机所, 中科院物理所,南开大学,中国工程物理研究院等诸多单位提供大量的激光晶体和非线性光学晶体。
  • LISe 硒铟锂 (LilnSe2) NIR-IR近红外非线性晶体
    LISe 硒铟锂 (LilnSe2) NIR-IR近红外非线性晶体通过定向凝固生长单晶。典型的生长晶体长约 20 毫米,直径约 10 毫米,呈深红色。晶格常数被确定为a = 7.218 埃, b= 8.441 ?,c = 6.772 ?,粉末 X 射线衍射。通过差热分析确定熔点为904℃。LiInSe 的能带隙2在室温下,通过光传输测量估计为 1.88 eV。典型的室温电阻率为 2.67 × 1011 Ω cm 具有 n 型电导率。双轴硒化锂铟(LiInSe 2或 LISe)非线性光学晶体的光谱透明度范围和高双折射使人们能够实现所有广泛使用的中红外激光器的倍频。它们的效率与AgGaS 2 晶体的效率相同,是LiInS 2晶体的效率的两倍。LiInSe 2晶体的优势在于可以创建由近红外固态激光器(特别是 Nd:YAG 激光器)辐射泵浦的中红外参量光振荡器,其效率比 AgGaS 2高一倍以上和 LiInS使用了2个晶体。还值得注意的是,LiInSe 2 晶体在飞秒脉冲频率转换方面的潜在优势超过了所有已知晶体,无论是在中红外区域,还是在飞秒 Ti:蓝宝石和 Cr:镁橄榄石激光的辐射直接转换到中红外区域. 技术参数主要特性复合物LilnSe2透光率, μm0.43– 13.2 非线性系数, pm/Vd31=11.78, d24=8.17 @2.3 μm 对称度斜方(晶系), mm2 point group 晶胞参数, ?a=7.192, b=8.412, c=6.793 带隙, eV2.86典型反射系数10.0 μm 5.0 μmnx=2.2015, ny=2.2522, nz=2.2566 nx=2.2370, ny=2.2772, nz=2.2818用于SHG的基频x-y, Type II, eoe2.73 –8.24x-z, Type I, ooe2.08 – 12.4y-z, Type II, oeo2.73 – 3.07y-z Type II, oeo7.66 – 8.24Total interval covered2.08 – 12.4光学损坏阈值, GW/cm21064 nm (t=10 ns)~40 热导率k, WM/M°Ckx=4.73 ± 0.3 ky=4.67 ± 0.3 kz=5.45 ± 0.3室温带隙, eV Eg = 2.730.2透明度级别的远红外吸收边缘1.24 THz at 240 μm 光学元件参数定向精度, arc min 30平行度, arc sec 30平面度546 nmλ/4表面质量, scratch/dig30/20 应用Ti: Sappire 激光泵浦下的光学参量振荡器 (范围 1 – 13 μm)中红外(2-13μm)的差频产生 对于所有晶体,我们能够为特定应用提供合适的防反射/保护涂层,以及反射率曲线。
  • Nitrate IntelliCAL Ion Selective
    产品名称:Nitrate IntelliCAL Ion Selective Electrode (ISE)仪器厂商:HACH/美国 哈希价格:面议库存:是产品描述产品货号IntelliCAL&trade ISENO3181 Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode (ISE), 1 meter cableISENO318101IntelliCAL&trade ISENO3181 Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode (ISE), 3 meter cableISENO318103IntelliCAL&trade Nitrate ISE Analysis PackageISENO3181AP
  • NiPS3 crystals 三硫化磷镍晶体
    NiPSe3 is a quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet in the bulk form while it' s magnetic response in the monolayer limit remain largely unknown.NiPS3 crystals all crystallize in C2/m space group geometry. These crystals were grown by a vapor transport at our faciltilies to bring defect free vdw crystals. Based on our experience, the amount of vacancy defects plan a vital role is their stability as well as FM response.Perfect crystallization: In our growth process, we pay close attention to creating perfect crystals, each and every crystal is handled and characterized under vacuum or Argon environment.Sample packaging: Samples are purged with Ar gas multiple times, pumped down to 1E-6 Torr pressures to ensure crystals do not interact with the residual gases.Fresh samples: Crystals are always freshly grown and immediately shipped out. Full characterization: Samples are characterized using variety of techniques all under inert gas conditions to confirm the crystalline quality.Properties of NiPS3 crystals
  • LIS 硫铟锂 (LiInS2) NIR-IR近红外非线性光学晶体
    硫铟锂(LiInS2或LIS)晶体的非线性特性与AgGaS2和AgGaS2相近,但其晶体结构不同。LiInS2是一种热释电材料,其电光参数是将其用作有效电光材料的基础。技术参数主要特性复合物LiInS2透光率, μm0.35– 13.2非线性系数, pm/Vd31=7.25, d24=5.66 @2.3 对称度斜方晶系, mm2 point group晶胞参数, ?a=6.893, b=8.0578, c=6.4816典型反射系数1064 nm532 nmnx=2.1305, ny=2.1668, nz=2.1745nx=2.2353, ny=2.2841, nz=2.2919用于SHG的基频 x-y, Type II, eoe2.35–6.11x-z, Type I, ooe1.78–8.22y-z, Type II, oeo2.35–2.67y-z Type II, oeo5.59–6.11总间隔时间1.617–8.71光学损坏阈值, GW/cm21064 nm (t=14 ns)40 热导率k, WM/M°Ckx=6.1 ± 0.3 ky=5.9 ± 0.3 kz=7.4 ± 0.30.2透明度级别的远红外吸收边缘2.58 THz at 118 μm 光学元件参数定向精度, arc min 30平行度, arc sec 30平面度546 nmλ/6表面质量, scratch/dig30/20 应用Ti: Sappire 激光泵浦的光学参量振荡器(范围 1 – 12 μm)用于使用OPO的可调谐固态激光器,由Nd:YAG和其他1.2-10μm范围内的激光器泵浦中红外(2-12μm)的差频产生 ,将CO2激光辐射图像上转换为近红外或可见光区域• 中红外范围(2-12μm)的不同频率发生器 1-12μm泵浦Al2O3:Ti的光学参量振荡器席中红外区频率混频对于所有晶体,我们能够为特定应用提供合适的防反射/保护涂层,以及反射率曲线。
  • Whatman 沃特曼7592-104 大气采样膜
    Whatman 沃特曼 尼龙膜高质量的尼龙膜适用于过滤水溶液和大多数有机溶液,广泛应用于生物学样品准备以及其他膜不适合或很难用的过滤。尼龙膜亲水性好,无需润湿剂,润湿剂在过滤水溶液时会被萃取。尼龙膜柔韧性好、耐用、抗撕扯,能在135℃下高温灭菌。应用组织培养基、微生物介质、缓冲溶液和溶解过滤过滤水和有机流动相真空泵排气沃特曼 尼龙膜 产品名称描述 产品编号尼龙膜 NYL 13MM 0.2uM 100/PK 7402-001尼龙膜 NYL 25MM 0.2uM 100/PK 7402-002尼龙膜 NYL 47MM 0.2uM 100/PK 7402-004尼龙膜 NYL 90MM 0.2uM 50/PK 7402-009 尼龙膜 NYL 13MM 0.45uM 100/PK 7404-001 尼龙膜 NYL 25MM 0.45uM 100/PK 7404-002尼龙膜 NYL 47MM 0.45uM 100/PK 7404-004尼龙膜 NYL 90MM 0.45uM 50/PK 7404-009 尼龙膜 NYL 47MM 0.8uM 100/PK 7408-004 尼龙膜 NYL 47MM 1.0uM 100/PK 7410-004
  • LiNbO3 太赫兹晶体 铌酸锂晶体
    Lithium Niobate ( LiNbO3) is notable by a favourable balance of electro-optic, acoustic, piezoelectric, pyroelectric and non-linear optical attributes and is therefore the best material for applications in electro-optical, non-linear optical, and acoustic devices, high-temperature acoustic transducers, receivers-transmitters of acoustic vibrations, air force acceleration meters, acoustic wave delay lines, deflectors, generators of non-linear distorted waves, acoustic filters, electro-optical modulators (Q-switches), converters, frequency doublers and resonators in laser systems, non-linear elements in parametric light generators, and many others. The listed devices can be found anywhere from consumer electronics (TV sets and cell phones) and medical instruments (surgical and therapeutical appliances) to advanced laboratory and scientific equipment (biotechnology, frequency standards, metal cutting, shaping, scribing).LiNbO3 blanks and substrates for SAW and transducer applicationsDiameter5-76.2 mmThickness/=0.15 mmOrientationYX 36, YX 42, YX 49, YX 64, YX 128, YX 136, YZ, Z, X, YMaterial quality For Acoustoelectronics or Optoelectronics applicationsSurface qualityAs-cut, fine-ground, lapped, 20/10 polishedPlease check our Optics stock.
  • Ammonia IntelliCAL Ion Selective
    产品名称:Ammonia IntelliCAL Ion Selective Electrode (ISE)仪器厂商:HACH/美国 哈希价格:面议库存:是产品描述产品货号IntelliCAL ISENH3181 Ammonia Ion Selective Electrode (ISE) Replacement Membranes, pack of 35812711IntelliCAL&trade Ammonia ISE Analysis PackageISENH3181APIntelliCAL&trade Ammonia ISE Electrode with 1m CableISENH318101IntelliCAL&trade Ammonia ISE Electrode with 3m CableISENH318103
  • Thermo Finnigan Split/Splitless 37-44010
    Coated Thermo Finnigan Split/Splitless w/ Recessed Gooseneck & WoolSKU: 37-44010Silonite Coated Thermo Finnigan Split/Splitless w/ Recessed Gooseneck & Wool 79.5 x 5mm, 3mm ID Additional InformationWeight1 lbsDiameter/Length79.5 x 5mm, 3mmUnitEA
  • NbS2 二硫化铌晶体 (Niobium Disulfide)
    100% environmentally stable metallic NbS2 (niobium disulfide) crystals: NbS2 displays metallic and superconducting behavior. Undergoes superconducting transition at low temperatures and exhibits CDW behavior. Our NbS2 crystals are grown by two distinct methods as summarized below (CVT vs flux zone). Clean and defect free crystal growth enabled us to create the only commercially available NbS2 vdW crystals with guaranteed CDW and superconducting responses.If your research needs atomically flat NbS2 samples for scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements please contact us.Properties of NbS2 crystals by 2Dsemiconductors USA Growth method matters Flux zone or CVT growth method? Contamination of halides and point defects in layered crystals are well known cause for their reduced electronic mobility, reduced anisotropic response, poor e-h recombination, low-PL emission, and lower optical absorption. Flux zone technique is a halide free technique used for synthesizing truly semiconductor grade vdW crystals. This method distinguishes itself from chemical vapor transport (CVT) technique in the following regard: CVT is a quick (~2 weeks) growth method but exhibits poor crystalline quality and the defect concentration reaches to 1E11 to 1E12 cm-2 range. In contrast, flux method takes long (~3 months) growth time, but ensures slow crystallization for perfect atomic structuring, and impurity free crystal growth with defect concentration as low as 1E9 - 1E10 cm-2. During check out just state which type of growth process is preferred. Unless otherwise stated, 2Dsemiconductors ships Flux zone crystals as a default choice.
  • Coated Varian Split w/Quartz Wool
    Coated Varian Split w/ Quartz WoolSKU: 37-42150Silonite Coated Varian Split w/ Quartz Wool 72 x 6.3mm, 4mm ID Additional InformationWeight1 lbsDiameter/Length72 x 6.3mm, 4mmUnitEA
  • Nickel Validation Standard
    配件编号:9423VAL00011产品名称:Nickel Validation Standard适用于美国热电公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific)ICAP 6000 系列 或 ICE 3000 系列
  • LGS 硫镓锂 (LiGaS2) NIR-IR非线性光学晶体
    LGS 是一种最近提出的 IR 新型非线性材料,具有纤锌矿型结构,UV 透射率低至 0.32。OPO、OPA、DFG 获得 mid-IR。LiBC 2族晶体具有一组重要的物理参数,如带隙大、二光子吸收低、透光范围宽,包括太赫兹窗口、低群速度失配、高导热率、低热膨胀系数各向异性、等,这导致在宽光谱范围内的可调谐激光系统中有效使用。 技术参数主要特性复合物LiGaS2透光率, μm0.33 – 11.6对称度mm2带隙, eV4.15非线性极化率, pm/V (at 2.3 μm)d31=5.8 d24=5.1 d33= -10.70.2透明度级别的远红外吸收边缘μm92THz3.25光学损坏阈值, MW/cm21064 nm (t=14 ns)240热导系数 k, WM/M°C6-8 calc.光学倍频截止1.47 - 7.53 光学元件参数复合物LiGaS2定位精度, arc min 30平行度, arc sec 30平面度546 nmλ/4 表面质量, scratch/dig30/20 下载
  • Coated Agilent Split w/ Quartz Wool
    Coated Agilent Split w/ Quartz WoolSKU: 37-45060Silonite Coated Agilent Split w/ Quartz Wool. Also fits Varian 1177 InjectorAdditional InformationWeight1 lbsDiameter/Length78.5 x 6.3mm, 4mmUnitEA
  • 00473552Silicone Two-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing - 0.76 mm
    Recommended for use with organic solvents.SpecificationsColorBlack/BlackInner Diameter0.76 mmMaterialSiliconeProduct GroupPeristaltic Pump TubingpumpTypeStandard PumpStyleStandardTechnology TypeICP-MS, ICP-OESTypeStandard Two-Stop
  • 掺铁铌酸锂晶体(Fe:LiNbO3)
    产品名称:掺铁铌酸锂晶体(Fe:LiNbO3)产品规格:浓度:0.07mol% Fe:LiNbO3尺寸:dia2"x0.5mm ,10x10x0.5mm;抛光情况:单抛及双抛注:可按照客户要求加工尺寸及方向。标准包装:1000级超净室100级超净袋 性能参数 Fe:LiNbO3晶体是一种很好的光折变材料,具有很高的光折变性,理想的电光性能和化学机械性能,广泛用于全息存储,光学存储和信息加工等研发和器件应用领域。科晶公司采用提拉法生长晶体,可获得低成本,大尺寸,全极化,高光学质量的晶体和基片,选择不同的掺杂浓度可适应不同客户的需求。 分子式LiNbO3掺杂离子Fe2+, Fe3+掺杂浓度(mol.% Fe2O3)0.005 0.02 0.05 0.1或其他浓度晶体结构三方,3m密度, g/cm34.64莫氏硬度5熔点,℃1255 (Tc=1140 )透过波段,nm0.35 – 5.5折射率@lambda=0.63 nm2.29 (no)2.20 (ne)电光系数,pm/V (at lambda=0.63 nm)32 (r33) 6.8 (r22)10 (r31)介电常数85 (e11)
  • Chemical Ionization | 119263-0001
    Chemical Ionization | 119263-0001 Chemical Ionization订货信息:部件号品名描述数量119263-0001Chemical IonizationChemical IonizationEA
  • Restek玻璃棉24324 Deactivated Wool 10 g
    Restek 瑞思泰康 玻璃棉 Deactivated Wool 10 g
  • 二碲化铌晶体(99.995%) NbTe2(Niobium Selenide)
    二碲化铌晶体 NbTe2(Niobium Selenide) 晶体尺寸:~8毫米电学性能:金属,半导体(TC ~ 0.7k)晶体结构:单斜晶系,C晶胞参数:a=1.470 nm,b=0.364,c=0.935 nm,α=γ=90°,β=108°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995% X-ray diffraction on a NbTe2 single crystal aligned along the (101) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (h 0 l), with h = l = 1, 2, 3, 4Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal NbTe2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal NbTe2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal NbTe2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.
  • 玻璃棉 Glass Wool 501-081
    产品特点:General Combustion SuppliesReagents/Packing Material订购信息:Reagents/Packing MaterialPart No.DescriptionContents501-081Glass Wool454 g (1 lb.) box501-170Rare Earth Copper Oxide50 g bottle501-171-HAZAnhydrone454 g (1 lb.) bottle501-609-HAZFurnace Reagent (Calcium Oxide/Kaolin)100 g bottle502-049Nitrogen Catalyst50 g bottle502-174-HAZLecosorb (20/30 Mesh)500 g bottle502-177Quartz Wool50 g package502-188Alumina Oxide Pellets200 g bottle502-189Copper Sticks100 g ampule502-190Copper Oxide Wire100 g bottle502-196Carbon Black Powder10 g bottle502-226Silver Vanadate10 g bottle502-228Graphite PadOne 21/ 1 4" x 2 /4"pad502-283Sorbit® (TruSpec Micro)500 per package502-844Copper Sticks100 g bottle502-310Steel Wool454 g (1 lb.) package502-351Halogen Scrubber50 g bottle502-359Magnesium Oxide Reagent200 g bottle502-644Furnace Reagent, Micro60 g bottle502-656Copper Turnings60 g bottle608-379Quartz Wool StripsTen 15-inch strips763-265Glass Wool227 g (1/2 lb.) package769-608-HAZAntimony200 g bottle769-610F/Cl Absorbent Material225 g bottle
  • Titan3 尼龙针头过滤器
    @1img Thermo Scientific Titan3 尼龙针头过滤器专门挑选低萃取率的聚丙烯树脂外壳,经过 HPLC 性能测试,采用颜色编码,可轻松选择正确的滤膜和孔径。强化的luer Lock接头,可防止泄漏。大多数 30 mm 装置随附 1 mm 硼硅酸盐玻璃预过滤器,耐压高达120psi。这对含有较大颗粒的高固体含量样品特别有用。内部的圈可进一步增加外壳强度,以防止渗漏和爆裂。Titan3 针头过滤器包装为重复使用、坚固、透明的颜色编码容器。 外径 (mm) 孔径 (μm)预过滤器部件号 数量40.2否42204-NN100支/包 0.45否44504-NN 100支/包 170.2否42213-NN 200支/包 0.45否44513-NN 200支/包 300.2是42225-NN 100支/包 0.45是44525-NN 100支/包 0.45否44526-NN100支/包 1.5否41225-NN100支/包 5否45025-NN 100支/包
  • 二硫化铌晶体 NbS2(2H-Niobium Disulfide)
    二硫化铌晶体 2H-NbS2(Niobium Disulfide)晶体尺寸:2毫米电学性能:金属,superconductor (Tc~6K), charge density waves (CDW) system.晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.332 nm, c = 1.197 nm, α = β = 90, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a single crystal 2H-NbS2 aligned along the (001) plane. XRD diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8 Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal 2H-NbS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.
  • LGSe硒镓锂(LiGaSe2) NIR-IR近红外非线性光学晶体
    LGSe是一种新型非线性红外材料,具有纤锌矿型结构,紫外透射率可降至0.38。LiBC2基团中红外晶体的OPO、OPA、DFG具有一组重要的物理参数,如带隙大、双光子吸收低、透明范围宽(包括THz窗镜)、群速度失配低、导热系数高、热膨胀系数各向异性低等,从而可以有效应用于宽光谱范围的可调谐激光系统。 技术参数主要特性复合物LiGaSe2透光率, μm0.37 – 13.2对称度mm2带隙, eV (300K)3.57非线性极化率, pm/V (at 2.3 μm)d31=9.9 d24=7.7 @2,3 μm0.2透明度级别的远红外吸收边缘μm218THz1.37热导率k, WM/M°C4.8-5.8 calc.光学倍频截止1.57 - 11.72光学元件参数 定位精度, arc min 30平行度, arc sec 30平面度546 nmλ/4表面质量, scratch/dig30/20
  • CERS 500 Cation Electronically | 082542
    CERS 500 4 mm Cation Electronically-Regenerated Suppressor, Replaces # 064556 | 082542 CERS 500 4 mm Cation Electronically-Regenerated Suppressor, Replaces # 064556订货信息:部件号品名描述数量082542CERS 500 4 mm Cation Electronically-Regenerated Suppressor, Replaces # 064556CERS 500 4 mm Cation Electronically-Regenerated Suppressor, Replaces # 064556EA
  • 尼龙过滤袋/尼龙单丝过滤袋/液体过滤袋
    尼龙过滤袋/过滤器/尼龙单丝过滤袋/液体过滤袋由上海书培实验设备有限公司生产提供,产品规格齐全,量多从优,欢迎客户来电咨询选购。尼龙过滤袋/尼龙单丝过滤袋/液体过滤袋/过滤器产品介绍:尼龙单丝过滤袋是利用过滤袋表面过滤的原理,将比过滤袋本身网眼大的颗粒进行隔离拦截,产品采用不变形单丝线按照特定的式样编织成网,四线交接点以溶接焊紧增加强度,从而过滤等级达到了绝对精度,适用于树脂、汽油、墨水以及涂料等行业中需要高精度的使用要求,产品可提供不同微米等级及材料,过滤袋底部及侧面连接的地方加上了斜纹布以防止针孔的旁漏。 尼龙过滤袋/尼龙单丝过滤袋/液体过滤袋/过滤器产品特点孔径介绍:尼龙过滤袋精度:25um-120um。1000(7目)、800(15目)、600(30目)、400(40目)、300(50目)、250(60目)、200(76目)、150(100目)、125(120目)、100(140目)、80(200目)、50(270目)、25(500目)。尼龙单丝过滤袋可以进行反复清洗,节约过滤成本。 尼龙过滤袋/尼龙单丝过滤袋/液体过滤袋/过滤器技术参数:L=五线缝--口环材质(普通镀锌钢材,不锈钢材) A=1号袋、B=2号袋、C=3号袋、D=4号袋、E=5号袋 过滤面积:1号袋=0.25、2号袋=0.5、3号袋=0.1、4号袋=0.15、5号袋=0.3 最高操作压差:0.4,0.3,0.2 最高操作温度(℃):尼龙180℃ 外形尺寸公差mm:≥0.3-0.8 过滤细度(UM微米): 产品技术表格:过滤袋材质产品特性过滤精度过滤程度PP(聚丙烯)耐高温(90℃)耐酸碱0.5-200纯毛细纤维,深度过滤聚酯耐碱、溶剂、耐高温160℃0.5-200纯毛细纤维,深层过滤聚四氟乙烯耐酸碱、溶剂、耐高温260℃0.5-200纯毛细纤维,深层过滤 活性炭滤袋可有效吸除气味和色素尼龙耐酸碱、溶剂、耐高温150℃5-800绝对精度的表面过滤不锈钢304耐高温高压、可反复清洗使用25-1200绝对过滤不锈钢316耐高温高压、可反复清洗使用25-1200绝对过滤吸油滤袋由纯毛细纤维和吸油材料制成,既可过滤又有吸油功能 产品相关规格表格:产品名称规格(直径*长度)产品单价PP、PE过滤袋180mm*430mm40元PP、PE过滤袋180mm*810mm45元尼龙单丝过滤袋80mm*430mm75元尼龙单丝过滤袋180mm*810mm80元尼龙单丝过滤袋300目以上140元PTFE滤袋80mm*430mm150元PTFE滤袋180mm*810mm165元不锈钢丝网滤袋304材质80mm*430mm185元不锈钢丝网滤袋304材质180mm*810mm225元不锈钢丝网滤袋316材质80mm*430mm245元不锈钢丝网滤袋316材质180mm*810mm275元
  • CERS 500 Cation Electronically | 082543
    CERS 500 2 mm Cation Electronically-Regenerated Suppressor, Replaces # 064557 | 082543 CERS 500 2 mm Cation Electronically-Regenerated Suppressor, Replaces # 064557订货信息:部件号品名描述数量082543CERS 500 2 mm Cation Electronically-Regenerated Suppressor, Replaces # 064557CERS 500 2 mm Cation Electronically-Regenerated Suppressor, Replaces # 064557EA
  • 耶拿 氮校准试剂盒 Nitrogen Calibration Kit | 402-889.075
    氮校准试剂盒货号描述402-889.075Nitrogen Calibration Kit (0.10 - 25 mg/l) incl. blankreplaced 402-889.069multi EA 5000 N/S: all calibration kits available with AJ certificate of analysis
  • 二硒化铌晶体(99.995%) 2H-NbSe2(Niobium Selenide)
    二硒化铌晶体 2H-NbSe2(Niobium Selenide)晶体尺寸:~10毫米电学性能:金属,半导体(TC ~ 7.2k) Charge Density Waves (CDW) system, Tcdw ~33K晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.344 nm, c = 1.255 nm, α = β = 90°, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a 2H phase NbSe2 single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond,from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal 2H NbSe2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal 2H NbSe2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Raman spectrum of a single crystal 2H NbSe2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.
  • Surf Titrando NIO 2.905.2010
    Surf Titrando NIO 订货号: 2.905.2010Surf Titrando NIO 以 905 Titrando 为基础,可为您提供用于所有常规产品分析的完整套件。除滴定软件 light 外,您还会获得有详细说明的测定方法和用于滴定的整套附件。
  • FT-NIR 液体样品池和夹具 L1181303
    FT-NIR 液体样品池和夹具我们提供一整套可用于珀金埃尔默FT-NIR仪器的FT-NI R样品池,您也可以在这份目录的紫外光谱部分找到这些样品池。FT-NIR 液体样品池和夹具订货信息:产品描述光路部件编号柱形样品池的夹具10 mmL1181303柱形样品池的夹具50 mmN9302620矩形样品池的夹具50 mmN9302640矩形样品池的夹具50 mm02200550
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