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  • 恩格列净手性柱
    关键词:大赛璐手性柱;恩格列净、艾帕列净,IF手性柱艾帕列净(Empagliflozin、恩格列净) 属于一类用于降低 T2D 成年患者的血糖水平的在研治疗药物中的一种。大赛璐IF手性柱,具有很高的分离能力,耐受性好、流动相种类无限制、产品寿命长等优点。大赛璐手性柱IF手性柱对于艾帕列净(Empagliflozin、恩格列净)有很好的分离效果,柱校高、峰型好,是分析艾帕列净(Empagliflozin、恩格列净)的首选手性柱。需要详细色谱分离条件请联系北京绿百草
  • Fittings, Ferrules and Supplies
    产品名称:Fittings, Ferrules and Supplies仪器厂商:Agilent/美国 安捷伦价格:面议库存:是Ferrule ID (mm)UnitPart No.Internal nut G2855-20530Swaging nut G2855-20555Tee, inert G3184-60065Column storage fitting G2855-20590SilTite metal ferrules, 0.10-0.25 mm ID capillary columns10/pk5188-5361SilTite metal ferrules, 0.32 mm ID capillary columns10/pk5188-5362SilTite metal ferrules, 0.53 mm ID capillary columns10/pk5188-5363Ferrule pre-swaging tool G2855-60200
  • Allied金刚石筛格砂纸
    金属聚合-金刚石砂纸:用于较难磨的材料,如陶瓷、复合材料、硬质合金和金属复合材料树脂聚合-金刚石砂纸:适合于多种材料,包括较硬金属和非金属涂层这两种既可用于带背胶的标准研磨盘,也可用于支持磁性系统的磁性研磨盘。 树脂聚合-刚硬金刚石砂纸:用于粗糙/平面的韧性材料研磨。金刚石网格面积大且厚,提供更高的耐磨性,从而延长了产品的使用寿命。在金刚石网格之间距离较宽,允许水来快速冲洗碎屑、有效地帮助缩短研磨时间,减少使用量,并产生优异的样品平整度。用于硬质合金,陶瓷,坚硬的合金(维氏硬度大于150 ),和光学玻璃等材料的粗磨,特点包括:1. 金相封装试样极好的平滑性和边缘保持 2. 卓越的材料研磨力3. 无与伦比的产品寿命,降低整体成本只支持磁性盘,砂纸背面有高抓力涂层,可防止样品在高转动下位移,厚的、刚性的不锈钢片可粘附在任何的磁性盘上。 金属聚合-金刚石网格砂纸 磁性砂纸带背胶砂纸8”10”12”等级8”10”12”50-50000M50-50100M50-51000M260 um50-5000050-5010050-5100050-50005M50-50105M50-51005M125 um50-5000550-5010550-5100550-50010M50-50110M50-51010M70 um50-5001050-5011050-5101050-50015M50-50115M50-51015M30 um50-5001550-5011550-5101550-50025M50-50125M50-51025M15 um50-5002550-5012550-5102550-50035M50-50135M50-51035M9 um50-5003550-5013550-5103550-50040M50-50140M50-51040M6 um50-5004050-5014050-51040 树脂聚合-金刚石网格砂纸 磁性砂纸带背胶砂纸8”10”12” 等级8”10”12”50-80800M50-81000M50-81200M80 目50-8080050-8100050-8120050-80805M50-81005M50-81205M120 目50-8080550-8100550-8120550-80810M50-81010M50-81210M220 目 50-8081050-8101050-8121050-80815M50-81020M50-81220M40 um 50-8082050-8102050-8122050-80825M50-81025M50-81225M25 um 50-8082550-8102550-8122550-80835M50-81030M50-81235M9 um 50-8083550-8103050-81235 树脂聚合-刚性金刚石砂纸 磁性砂纸8”10”12”等级50-70805M50-71005M50-71205M120 目50-70810M50-71010M50-71210M220 目
    产品名称:Permenant Samplers Service仪器厂商:HACH/美国 哈希价格:面议库存:是产品描述产品货号Refrigerator, Marvel, 115VAC, Stainless Steel998Refrigerator, Marvel, 230VAC, Almond7874SCREEN,LOUVERED BACK PANEL,AWS9008SHAFT, DIPPER ARM1922SHROUD,R134A REFRIG SYSTEM,AWS8554Spacer, Controller Heater Mounting8834Strain Relief, 900 Refrigerated8940Strain Relief, All Weather Refrigerated Sampler8889Strain Relief, All Weather Refrigerated Sampler Cabinet8743TANK,DIPPER TANK2338Thermal Control Enclosure, All Weather Refrigerated Sampler8618THERMAL,CUTOUT SWITCH RETROFIT KIT4534Thermostat assembly1604THERMOSTAT CONTROLLED 200W HEATER6264THERMOSTAT, CONTRL, 200W HEATER6265TRANSITION PLATE,900 REFRIG.8892Weir plate tank assembly1950Wire Form, Tubing Support, All Weather Refrigerated Sampler8827Bracket, Lid Latch Back Up, All Weather Refrigerated Sampler8887Door Seal Gasket, All Weather Refrigerated Sampler Cabinet8716
  • 8453 Dissolution Testing Supplies
    产品名称:8453 Dissolution Testing Supplies仪器厂商:Agilent/美国 安捷伦价格:面议库存:是 DescriptionPart No.Multicell system tubing kit5042-1330Valve tubing kit for one bath5042-1331Dissolution probes kit, 0.9 mm ID, tubes with fittings5042-13321/16 in. PEEK fittings and ferrules for 8-port valve, 10/pk5042-13378-port valve for dissolution system5063-6575Rotor seal for 5063-6575 valve (UV-Vis) dissolution system5067-1539Dissolution filters for 1/8 in. probe, 45 &mu m pore size, 1000/pk5181-1246
  • 衍射光栅-相干光栅阵列
    衍射光栅-相干光栅阵列图1。照片LightSmyth单片光栅阵列单片式单基片硅栅阵列(图1)提供独特的高分辨率连续获得超出所能获得的单个光栅的光带宽。这种光栅须不能有移动部件。单片光栅阵列是一致的单次数据采集与许多宽带应用,例如激光诱导击穿光谱,可以帮助系统元件数显著减少。每个阵列由的所有相干在单一基板上形成的多个主光栅。母光栅有连续且轻度重叠的有效光谱范围。此外,在基底的顶部和底部的辅助光栅产生直接的校准的输出区域用于使用一个单一参考波长,如氦氖激光器的波长的光输出。 图2。示意图说明操作的单片光栅阵列光谱仪与2D检测器设置在图2给出在一个简单的光谱仪装置的光栅阵列。一个二维检测器阵列被用来记录的光栅阵列的输出。图3示出了照射时由白色光源和一个共同传播的氦氖激光器的二维探测器阵列上看到的光栅阵列输出的示意图。每个附近的水平行包括四个主光栅中的一个的输出端,并对应于光谱范围表示。此外,还显示为红点是6个辅助光栅校准参考标记,当暴露在氦氖光。进一步详细描述了设备的运行和设计说明请点击http://www.lightsmyth.com/downloads/product_info/LS_MonoGrat_Array.pdf。图3。阵列输出信号检测原理图校准/准直功能特性 顶部和底部的六个小光栅阵列(参见图1)提供了用于校准的光谱输出,以及协助系统对齐标记,这里的校准标记用于氦氖照明,见示意图4。校准标记提供了两个主要的功能:第一,它们表示在主光栅输出的校准部分的开始和结束点。因此,它们允许用户校准波长作为位置的函数的沿着各母光栅色散线 - 注意,校准点所表示的波长范围内是独立的光栅输入角度,使光栅阵列具备各种不同可能的样式。第二,辅助光栅辅助系统调整。当所述检测器表面被适当地定位在焦平面阵列后聚焦镜,两对对准标记设计为一致性和适当远场操作指示。中心两个标记阵列探测器表面使得水平正确的准直方式。更多单片光栅阵列技术细节请参考http://www.lightsmyth.com/downloads/product_info/LS_MonoGrat_Array.pdf。单片硅平面阵列硅基底具有0.73毫米厚度。基板的高度和宽度公差是0.3毫米。光栅基片:单晶硅。光栅镀膜:铝(其它镀膜类型额外收费)。Primary GratingCalibration Markers 1Line/mmSizePart NumberPrice first 99 units 2,3Unit price 100+1381, 522 nm178812.5mm x12.5mmSAG-1212A-Al$96.00 ea.$25.00 ea.2509, 696 nm13413683, 935 nm9984929, 1271 nm7341The calibration markers listed are produced by a HeNe laser incident on the small calibration gratings. Use of a different calibration light source having a different wavelength will produce markers (see Fig. 4) coinciding with different values of the dispersed spectra of the four primary gratings. Using a common input angle for calibration light and signal, the calibration marks delineate spectral output ranges of the primary gratings that are independent of grating input angle.2 For orders with the total product value below $250.00, a handling charge of $75.00 will be added.3 Academic discounts are available for eligible institutions. To determine eligibility complete an account application procedure.
  • Fitting - Reducer -Relief Valve Vent | 049331
    Fitting - Reducer -Relief Valve Vent, 1/4" x 5/32" | 049331 Fitting - Reducer -Relief Valve Vent, 1/4" x 5/32"订货信息:部件号品名描述数量049331Fitting - Reducer -Relief Valve Vent, 1/4" x 5/32"Fitting - Reducer -Relief Valve Vent, 1/4" x 5/32"EA
  • Fitting - Reducer - Relief Valve Vent | 049607
    Fitting - Reducer - Relief Valve Vent, 1/4" x 1/8" | 049607 Fitting - Reducer - Relief Valve Vent, 1/4" x 1/8"订货信息:部件号品名描述数量049607Fitting - Reducer - Relief Valve Vent, 1/4" x 1/8"Fitting - Reducer - Relief Valve Vent, 1/4" x 1/8"EA
  • 石英纤维纱
    石英纤维纱一、产品介绍:石英纤维纱是由高纯二氧化硅和天然石英晶体制成的连续长纤维,其SiO2 含量可达99.95%以上,是目前介电性能最低、耐温最高的柔性无机材料,可替代无碱玻纤、高硅氧、玄武岩纤维等,可部分替代芳纶、碳纤维等,在超高温及航空航天领域具有得天独厚的优势;另外,石英纤维的线膨胀系数较小,而且具有弹性模量随温度增高而增加的罕见特性。另有特殊工艺制成的空心石英纤维纱(YWSJ103)可供选择。二、产品特点:1、介电性能优异:介电常数仅为3.74,介电损耗仅为0.0002,是最优秀的透波材料2、耐超高温:长期使用温度1050~1200℃,软化点温度1700℃,抗热冲击,使用寿命更长。3、低导热:热膨胀系数小,仅为0.54×10-6∕K,是普通玻纤的十分之一,既耐热更隔热。4、高强度:表面无微裂纹,拉伸强度高达6000Mpa,是高硅氧纤维的5倍,比E玻纤提高76.47%。5、绝缘性能良好:在20℃~1000℃下电阻率为1×1018Ωcm~1×106Ωcm,电阻率高,是良好的绝缘材料。6、化学性能稳定:能长期适应酸性、碱性、高温、寒冷、拉伸等恶劣工况,耐腐蚀。三、产品应用范围:1、透波材料(导弹、飞机卫星雷达罩、电子对抗装置);2、隐身材料(飞行器、导弹、无人机、战斗机、轰炸机、舰艇、潜艇等);3、高性能电路板(高频电路板、高速电路板);4、耐烧蚀材料(航天飞行器热防护材料、导弹排气管)5、耐高温隔热保温(飞机发动机、机身防火隔断,半导体、光纤制造)6、高温催化剂载体材料(汽车尾气处理、工业空气净化器)7、玻璃制造(玻璃及汽车玻璃钢化炉保温材料)8、高温及热酸气体液体过滤9、牙桩及假骨骼增强材料10、代替高硅氧纤维、陶瓷纤维、玻璃纤维。四、产品规格单丝直径μm7.5、9、11、13密度tex50、72、95、133、190、195、220、360浸润类型环氧型 尼龙型
  • Fitting - Reducer -Relief Valve Vent | 052956
    Fitting - Reducer -Relief Valve Vent, Transducer, 5/16" x 1/4" | 052956 Fitting - Reducer -Relief Valve Vent, Transducer, 5/16" x 1/4"订货信息:部件号品名描述数量052956Fitting - Reducer -Relief Valve Vent, Transducer, 5/16" x 1/4"Fitting - Reducer -Relief Valve Vent, Transducer, 5/16" x 1/4"EA
  • 蛋白质微阵列芯片制作打印机配件
    蛋白质微阵列芯片制作打印机配件是全球领先的微阵列芯片制作仪器,是专业为蛋白质芯片或DNA芯片,基因芯片等微阵列芯片而设计的微阵列芯片制作打印机器,在全球各大实验室已经安装使用的设备超过500多台。nanoprint微阵列芯片制作打印机全自动化和可编程,采用了先进的线性伺服电机技术,在X,Y方向实现高达500nm的分辨率,在Z轴方向实现250nm分辨率,并具有纳米尺度的定位精度。nanoprint微阵列芯片制作打印机具有高精度湿度和温度控制系统,具有方便用户操作的软件,可以全面和高效地打印微阵列和用于分子生物学研究和诊断应用的各种芯片。微阵列芯片制作打印机具有除湿功能可供用户选择配备,除湿功能可让用户在潮湿环境下操作。微阵列芯片制作打印机可打印高达384个微孔的微孔板,最多可以打印60个标准玻璃芯片底片。也可以打印各种微孔板,1“X3”的芯片和其他任何微流体生物芯片。纳米打印机系统提供先进的微孔板,位于微孔板下的 Peltier将其进行冷却。微阵列芯片制作打印机兼容任何PIN生物材料:DNA,蛋白质,抗体,小分子,肽核酸(PNA),碳水化合物,以及许多其他样品。这些引脚基于由美国专利6101946保护 ArrayIt专有工程和表面化学的技术 这样的设计使打印高效,经过数百万的印刷周期依然耐用。 BioTray根据研究结果提供了3种主要的PIN材料。微阵列芯片制作打印机有两种型号:纳米打印机LM60有384个微孔,最多可以打印60个标准玻璃芯片底片;纳米打印机LM210有384个微孔,最多可以打印210个标准玻璃芯片底片。LM60和LM210对可以打印一种特殊的蛋白质种类。 General Specifications Dimensions (L x P x H, cm) LM60 (110 x 85 x 56 cm) LM120 (164 x 85 x 56 cm) Weight LM60 (150 Kg), LM120 (200 Kg) Positional resolution (X,Y-Axis) 500 nanometers Printing speed 48 spots per second or 192 Spots second according to the pins and printhead technology Printing technology Arrayit Pro, 946 or Stealth pins and printheads Number of pins Configurable 1 to 48 at 4.5 mm centers or 1 to 192 at 2.25mm Spot diameter 65 microns or larger to meet all applications Minimum spot spacing 50 microns Pre-printing User definable Wash/dry station Ultrasonic with 2 wash positions and a dry station Number of microplates Three standard 384-well sample microplates, customizable on the worktable Microplates to be printed into : - 15 96-wells microplates (LM60) - 45 96-wells microplates (LM120) Number of slides 60 glass slide substrates (LM60) 120 glass slide substrates (LM120) Microplate cooling Cool 1-3 microplates with a Peltier system, for protein microarray applications Environment control Fully enclosed, HEPA filtration and user-defined humidity control NanoPrint™ uses 3 linear drives for X, Y and Z axis positioning combined with a proprietary linear drive motion control technology for superior positional resolution and accuracy The X, Y - axis positional resolution is 500 nm. The high speed, high precision linear servo control system of the NanoPrint™ produces superior instrument performance that is essentially free of friction, noise and thermal emission. NanoPrint™ uses a Z-axis encoder reading at 250-nanometers resolution leading to a superior Z-Axis Resolution for Optimum Spot Morphology. NanoPrint™ offers highly precise resolution, repeatability and computer control over the speed and acceleration settings to ensure optimal printing onto any surface taking into account the biological samples to be printed. Optimal parameters are set at the factory but can be easily changed by the user for printing onto many different surfaces with different samples. The user gets a license to be allowed to use this patented technology. The figure above shows 3 Z-Axis moves to configure distance, speed and acceleration are the parameters to set : Z Profile: High speed Z Extend: Printing speed Z Retract: Quick returnFig.1Fig.2Fig.1: this picture shows three 348-wells microplates, the wash/dry module with sonicator (upper part of the picture) and the printhead and pins printing onto glass substrates (middle left). NanoPrint™ deck is configured in a module manner, allowing different worktables to be inserted and removed from the deck allowing users to easily switch between different printing applications such as glass substrates, microplates, and proprietary cassettes and cartridges or other types of substrates.Fig.2: NanoPrint™ is equipped with a Pin Cleaning Module that has a station providing pin washing, drying and sonication (downwards). The sonicator is filled and emptied during the print run in a completely automated manner.Systems sensors prevent splashing and overflowing for pin and deck safety. Drying is accomplished by vacuum using a quiet but powerful ACM-controlled (Accessory Module Control) function. The Pin Cleaning Module is rugged, durable and easy to maintain.Fig.3Fig.4Fig.3: Here the deck is configured with a capacity of three 384-well sample microplates printing onto 60 standard glass slide substrates using a printhead loaded with 48 pins. A 192-pin printhead can also be used instead of the 48-pin printhead.Fig.4: The screenshot shows a worktable allowing printing into 15 microplates (96-well) for the NanoPrint™ LM60. On the left part, three 348-well sample microplates with the pin cleaning module (wash/dry station with sonicator) can be seen.Fig.5Fig.6Fig.5: The ACM (Accessory Control Module) unit provides computer control for the wash/dry, humidity, and ultrasonication stations on the deck of the NanoPrint™ . Accurate sensing of the humidity inside the chamber assures that proper humidity levels are achieved andmaintained during the entire duration of each print run. Humidity is maintained in a user-specified manner of ±1%. HEPA filtration protect the deck from dust to assure the necessary printing quality. Printing onto the worktables and control of the Pin Cleaning Module and the humidity are easily specified in software using the Microarray Manager.Fig.6: Easy connectivity (pump, tubing and connectors) between the ACM and the robot provides proper humidity and tigthness levels.Fig.7: Humidity SensingFig.8: Peltier systemFig.7: A RH sensor monitors the humidity inside the chamber with high accuracy.Together with the ACM, it assures that proper humidity levels are achieved and maintained during the entire duration of each print run. The humidification and dehumidification systems are triggered by the RH sensor that automatically maintain the levels set by the user.Fig.8: NanoPrint™ systems offer sophisticated sample microplates cooling via Peltier s an affordable and highly recommended option in order to minimize sample evaporation during printing. Microplate cooling is highly recommended for protein microarray applications to minimize protein denaturation andmicrobial growth in recombinant protein samples. The Peltier module fits directly beneath the 348-well sample microplate for highly efficient cooling while maintaining a low deck profile.
  • 格列齐特的测定,推荐色谱柱 Cosmosil C8-MS
    格列齐特的测定,推荐色谱柱 Cosmosil C8-MS 关键词:格列齐特,辛烷基硅烷键合硅胶,中国药典,北京绿百草 2010年中国药典标准:格列齐特色谱条件:照高效液相色谱法(附录Ⅴ D)测定,用辛烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以水-乙腈-三乙胺-三氟醋酸为流动相,检测波长为235nm。理论板数按格列齐特峰计算不低于3000,格列齐特峰与杂质I峰的分离度应大于1.8。(中国药典二部P810) 需要详细的药典标准请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息: www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 铬母沙伯G AW-DMCS
    铬母沙伯G AW-DMCS 铬母沙伯G AW-DMCS 其他担体产品: 铬母沙伯P AW-DMCS G.C. (60-80)目 进口 G-铬 100g 铬母沙伯P NAW(F.G.C) (30-60)目 进口 G-铬 100g 铬母沙伯W NAW (80-100)目 进口 G-铬 100g 铬母沙伯W AW G.C. (30-60)目 进口 G-铬 100g GDX-101 气相色谱固定相(40-60)目 G-GDX 25g GDX-101 气相色谱固定液(80-100)目 G-GDX 25g GDX-102 气相色谱固定相(40-60)目 G-GDX 25g GDX-102 气相色谱固定相(60-80)目 G-GDX 25g GDX-102 气相色谱固定相(80-100)目 G-GDX 25g GDX-102 气相色谱固定相(100-120)目 G-GDX 25g GDX-105 气相色谱固定相(40-60)目 G-GDX 25g GDX-203 气相色谱固定相(60-80)目 G-GDX 25g GDX-203 气相色谱固定相(80-100)目 G-GDX 25g
  • Purged Packed Inlet Supplies
    产品名称:7890/6890/6850 Purged Packed Inlet Supplies仪器厂商:Agilent/美国 安捷伦价格:面议库存:是DescriptionUnitPart No.QuickPick Purged Packed Inlet PM KitIncludes 5 non-stick BTO septa, 1 O-ring, 1 ferrule,and 1 disposable glass liner 5188-6498Merlin Microseal 5182-3444Microseal high pressure nut 5182-3445Septum retainer nut 18740-6083511 mm Certified BTO septa50/pk5183-4757Top insert weldment 19243-80570O-ring, Fluorocarbon12/pk5080-8898Disposable glass liner, 170 &mu L internal volume25/pk5080-8732Disposable glass insert, deactivated, 170 &mu L internal volume5/pk5181-3382Ferrule, 1/4 in. Vespel10/pk5080-87741/4 in. nut, brass10/pk5180-4105530 &mu m column adapter for use with glass liners 19244-805401/8 in. column adapter for use with glass liners 19243-805301/4 in. column adapter for use with glass liners 19243-80540Insulating cup 19234-60720Universal column nut2/pk5181-8830
  • 10% Apiezon L on 酸洗硅烷化铬姆沙伯 W
    气相色谱填充柱〖10% Apiezon(阿匹松) L on 酸洗硅烷化铬姆沙伯 W〗部件号描述规格LDPC40096-02010% Apiezon(阿匹松) L on 酸洗硅烷化铬姆沙伯 W 60-80mesh 填充柱4mmOD*3mmID*2m1. 柱管无特殊说明均为进口不锈钢管,有PEEK管、镍管、惰化管等柱管材料可选2. 采用进口优质填料,填装均匀3. 柱长度可依据客户要求订做4. 色谱柱两端的螺母压环等连接件均可选购,请及时沟通,以免无法连接
  • Fitting - Reducer. Reliev Valve Vent | 048825
    Fitting - Reducer. Reliev Valve Vent, Static Valve, Tube 1/16" x 1/32" | 048825 Fitting - Reducer. Reliev Valve Vent, Static Valve, Tube 1/16" x 1/32"订货信息:部件号品名描述数量048825Fitting - Reducer. Reliev Valve Vent, Static Valve, Tube 1/16" x 1/32"Fitting - Reducer. Reliev Valve Vent, Static Valve, Tube 1/16" x 1/32"EA
  • 太赫兹光电导天线阵列 交叉指型光电导天线
    BATOP不仅提供单带隙天线,还包括整合了微透镜的高能大狭缝交叉天线阵列和整套的太赫兹光谱仪。 产品特点:— 高太赫兹输出功率(最高可至280uW)— 大面积发射/探测— 高的转换效率~ 10-4(100μW THz / 1 W optical power)— 谱宽 0.1 – 3 THz— 封装有超半球Si透镜和SiO2透镜阵列iPCA working principleAn extended gap along the finger electrodes of the iPCA is illuminated by a short pulse laser beam. By using the microlens array only every second gap between the finger structure is excited by the laser. The fill factor of the lens array of 73.5 % ensures, that nearly the total optical laser energy is used for excitation of carriers. Despite of the large emitting area the needed voltage for the carrier excitation is low ( 35 V) because of the small gap of only 5 μm. The coherent excitation of the single emitters located at every microlens spot results in a constructive interference of the radiated THz waves in the far field.Mounting:iPCA chip, size 4 mm x 4 mm, thickness 625μm, mounted on 25.4 mm diameter black aluminium mount with prealigned hyperhemispherical silicon lens ? 12 mm and prealigned fused silica lens array, size 2 mm x 2 mm, and 1 m coaxial cable (RG 178) with BNC or SMA connector.
  • Allied砂轮切割锯片
    聚合锯片类型:树脂聚合锯片切割产生更少的阻力和摩擦,保证了产生热量更少,与橡胶锯片相比不会有橡胶烧焦气味产生。橡胶聚合锯片适用于要求耐用性和使用寿命更长的生产环境下的理想选择。橡胶/树脂聚合锯片提供耐久性高和产生热量低的双重特点。金属聚合锯片(金刚石)提供在更高表面光洁度要求下更长的使用寿命和耐久度。 编号锯片直径切割的材料(洛氏硬度)研磨料聚合物厚度,英寸(mm) 数量80-500009"(225 mm)工具钢(60+)氧化铝橡胶/树脂0.062"(1.6)10片/包80-500019"(225 mm)树脂0.062"(1.6)80-500109"(225 mm)淬硬钢/合金钢(45-60)橡胶0.062"(1.6)80-500159"(225 mm)0.040"(1.0)80-500229"(225 mm)碳钢/中等硬度钢(30-45)树脂0.062"(1.6)80-500259"(225 mm)橡胶0.060"(1.5)80-500309"(225 mm)0.040"(1.0) 80-500359"(225 mm)精密切割橡胶0.032"(0.8)80-500409"(225 mm)软/退火钢树脂0.080"(2.0)80-50045 9"(225 mm)硬的非铁金属/钛合金碳化硅树脂0.055"(1.4)80-500559"(225 mm)橡胶0.062"(1.6)80-500609"(225 mm)0.040"(1.0)80-500659"(225 mm) 软的非铁金属/铝/铜合金橡胶/树脂0.062"(1.6)80-4000010"(250 mm)工具钢(60+)氧化铝橡胶/树脂0.062"(1.6)10片/包80-4000110"(250 mm)树脂0.060"(1.5)80-40010 10"(250 mm)淬硬钢/合金钢(45-60)橡胶 0.062"(1.6)80-4001510"(250 mm)0.040"(1.0)80-4002110"(250 mm)碳钢/中等硬度钢 (30-45)树脂0.040"(1.0)80-4002210"(250 mm)0.060"(1.5) 80-4002510"(250 mm)橡胶0.062"(1.6)80-4003010"(250 mm)0.040"(1.0)80-4003510"(250 mm)精密切割橡胶0.032"(0.8)80-4004010"(250 mm)软/退火钢碳化硅树脂0.080"(2.0)80-4004510"(250 mm)硬的非铁金属/钛合金树脂0.055"(1.4)80-4005410"(250 mm)0.040"(1.0)80-4005510"(250 mm)橡胶0.062"(1.6)80-4006010"(250 mm)0.040"(1.0)80-4006510"(250 mm) 软的非铁金属/铝/铜合金橡胶/树脂0.062"(1.6)60-4007010"(250 mm)陶瓷/复合材料金刚石金属0.050"(1.3)1片装60-4007510"(250 mm)碳化物/易碎非金属树脂0.050"(1.3)60-4008010"(250 mm)淬硬钢/Rc 60+碳化硼树脂 0.050"(1.3)80-3000012"(300 mm)工具钢(60+)氧化铝橡胶/树脂0.090"(2.3)10片/包80-30001 12"(300 mm)树脂0.070"(1.8)80-3000812"(300 mm)淬硬钢/合金钢(45-60)树脂0.070"(1.8)80-3001012"(300 mm) 橡胶0.062"(1.6)80-3001512"(300 mm)0.040"(1.0)80-3002312"(300 mm)碳钢/中等硬度钢(30-45)树脂0.070"(1.8)80-3002512"(300 mm)橡胶0.062"(1.6)80-3003012"(300 mm)0.040"(1.0)80-3003512"(300 mm)软/退火钢树脂0.080"(2.0)80-30045 12"(300 mm)硬的非铁金属/钛合金碳化硅树脂 0.040"(1.0)80-3006012"(300 mm)软的非铁金属树脂0.062"(1.6)60-30075
  • 镍网 657-300-NI 正交阵列,2μm孔 - 2μm间隔, 300M
    正交阵列,2μm孔 - 2μm间隔, 300M 镍网
  • 镍网 658-300-NI 正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔,300M
    正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔, 300M 镍网
  • 镍网 658-300-NI 正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔,300M
    正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔, 300M 镍网
  • 铜网 658-200-CU 正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔, 200M
    正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔, 200M 铜网
  • 铜网 657-200-CU 正交阵列,2μm孔 - 2μm间隔, 200M 铜网
    正交阵列,2μm孔 - 2μm间隔, 200M 铜网
  • 铜网 657-200-CU 正交阵列,2μm孔 - 2μm间隔, 200M 铜网
    正交阵列,2μm孔 - 2μm间隔, 200M 铜网
  • 金网 658-300-AU 正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔, 300M
    正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔, 300M 金网
  • 高效切割片,砂轮切割片,
    *产品名称*品牌*产品规格*产品价格高效切割片德国古莎铂标(碳化硅 250×32×1.5)10片/盒 2000高效切割片德国古莎铂标(碳化硅 305×32×2)10片/盒 2000高效切割片德国古莎铂标(碳化硅 350×32×2.5)10片/盒 3000高效切割片德国古莎铂标(碳化硅 400×32×3)10片/盒 4000高效切割片德国古莎绿标(氧化铝 250×32×1.5)10片/盒 2000高效切割片德国古莎绿标(氧化铝 305×32×2)10片/盒 2000高效切割片德国古莎绿标(氧化铝 350×32×2.5)10片/盒 3000高效切割片德国古莎绿标(氧化铝 400×32×3)10片/盒 4000高效切割片德国古莎黄标(氧化铝 250×32×1.5)10片/盒 2000高效切割片德国古莎黄标(氧化铝 305×32×2)10片/盒2000高效切割片德国古莎黄标(氧化铝 350×32×2.5)10片/盒3000高效切割片德国古莎黄标(氧化铝 400×32×3)10片/盒4000 高效切割片分为三种:绿色、黄色和白色切割片严格按照设计程序生产,带给使用者最优的切割表现,可与市场上所有切割机配套使用,极佳的切割表现,最大程度的缩短了后续制样时间,提升制样效率,特别适合进行生产切割和对大尺寸样品进行切割,降低切割成本,德国古莎切割片一致的切割效果,保证切割过程严格可控,有利于提高制样效果 下表为高效切割片根据试样材料属性的应用指南:
  • 金网 657-300-AU 正交阵列,2μm孔 - 2μm间隔, 300M
    正交阵列,2μm孔 - 2μm间隔, 300M 金网
  • 金网 658-200-AU 正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔, 200M
    正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔, 200M 金网
  • 金网 657-300-AU 正交阵列,2μm孔 - 2μm间隔, 300M
    正交阵列,2μm孔 - 2μm间隔, 300M 金网
  • 金网 658-300-AU 正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔, 300M
    正交阵列,1.2μm孔 - 1.3μm间隔, 300M 金网
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