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仪器信息网依鲁替尼专题为您提供2024年最新依鲁替尼价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括依鲁替尼参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的依鲁替尼您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合依鲁替尼相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有依鲁替尼相关的最新资讯、资料,以及依鲁替尼相关的解决方案。


  • 【讨论】尼高力和布鲁克的红外-拉曼整体相比较,哪个更优?


  • 【原创大赛】不同产地鲁索替尼药片的真假比较分析


    鲁索替尼是一种蛋白激酶的小分子抑制剂,其主要适用于治疗中间或高危骨髓纤维化,包括原发性骨髓纤维化,真性红细胞增多症后骨髓纤维化和原发性血小板增多症后骨髓纤维化患者。本试验中共有三个不同的鲁索替尼药片的产地,分别为 1 印度产; 2 香港产;3 土耳其产。三个不同来源的鲁索替尼片由于存在巨大的价格差,用仪器分析的方法判断,三者之间有什么区别。都是真的吗?提取方法:固体称重及溶解方法:采用电子分析天平,分别称取药物0.1g左右于5ml离心管中,并搅碎后,移取2ml乙腈于离心管中,溶解固体,并超声半小时,后静置2小时。将上清液过滤后,取出装进进样小瓶中用液相色谱分析。分析方法:色谱仪器:Agilent 1260 SL检测器:DAD色谱柱:phenomenex SYNERG1 4u POLAR-RP 80A 150*4.6mm色谱条件:乙腈:水=70 :30柱温:30度检测波长:227nm、254nm[align=center]检测结果[/align]1. 在227nm下各药片的液相分析图谱从保留时间看,三者一致![img=图1 印度,597,349]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2017/09/201709302026_01_1617661_3.jpg[/img]图1 印度产[img=图2 香港,602,363]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2017/09/201709302027_01_1617661_3.jpg[/img]图2 香港产[img=图3 土耳其,537,302]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2017/09/201709302027_02_1617661_3.jpg[/img]图3 土耳其产2 三种药片液相3D图[img=,557,349]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2017/09/201709302028_01_1617661_3.jpg[/img]4 印度产[img=,557,349]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2017/09/201709302028_02_1617661_3.jpg[/img]5 香港产[img=,537,335]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2017/09/201709302029_01_1617661_3.jpg[/img]6 土耳其产3 结果分析:1、从色谱分析图可以看出,三种药片的主要组分在相同液相色谱条件下出峰时间均为2.27左右,同时根据色谱3D图可以看出,在三个图在2.77左右的3D图是一样的,因此可以推断,此三种药片的组要组分是同一物质。4 数据分析以香港含量为100%计:[table][tr][td]产地[/td][td]印度[/td][td]香港[/td][td]土耳其[/td][/tr][tr][td]称重质量/g[/td][td]0.1026[/td][td]0.1184[/td][td]0.1016[/td][/tr][tr][td]峰面积%[/td][td]94.615[/td][td]96.182[/td][td]99.394[/td][/tr][tr][td]峰面积[/td][td]10229.7[/td][td]13077.5[/td][td]11064.9[/td][/tr][tr][td]相对含量[/td][td]90.2[/td][td]100[/td][td]98.6[/td][/tr][/table] 从含量结果看,香港与土耳其差别不大,印度含量低,同时感觉其杂质比较多。并且,无论是从色谱图的杂质出峰时间还是从3D图,可以看出,每个产地的药片中的杂质无论是含量还是组成,各不相同。 由于是药片,不好判断, 这些杂质来自辅料还是主药,但山寨的药物价格低廉跟药品的纯度和工艺有关,或许这检测可以提供参考。

  • 石墨炉测Ni的具体方法


  • 一台电脑上同时安装GC Solution和GCMS Solution,你用过没?

    前几天有个帖子,说工作站装在别的电脑上的相关问题,感触较深,其实很多时候由于工作需要,看个图或者后处理个数据啥的 不一定非要在和仪器连接的电脑上进行,在一个闲置的电脑上装上需要的工作站也是个不错的选择。比如,在我们实验室就有个专门存放数据的电脑,这个电脑是数据存放专用的服务器,不和仪器连接,所以在这个电脑上可以看看气相图和气质图之类的,在安装GCSOLUTION和mssolution的时候还有个小插曲,就是二者好像不太兼容,就是安装后,无法运行气相图谱的离线编辑,解决办法是;先安装GCMS solution ,再安装gc solution,问题得到解决,至今没明白为什么需要这样的顺序?有没有类似经历的版友?

  • 你所用的色谱仪外气路管道


  • 开年第一笔!布鲁克收购透射电镜制造商Nion

    [b]仪器信息网讯[/b] 布鲁克公司1月3日宣布[b]收购Nion[/b],一家开发和制造创新型[b]高端扫描透射电子显微镜(STEM)[/b]的私人控股企业,同时也是第一家为STEM仪器引入像差校正的公司。Nion是超高能和空间分辨率电子能量损失谱(EELS)的世界领导者,研制的仪器具备超高分辨率图像和超高稳定性。此次收购增强了布鲁克在在材料科学研究方面的产品和技术组合,并为电子衍射晶体学的应用提供了技术基础。  Nion位于美国华盛顿州柯克兰,由Ondrej Krivanek博士和Niklas Dellby博士于1997年创立。在他们的领导下,Nion发展成为全球材料科学研究人员高端STEM的首要供应商。[b]2023年Nion的收入约为800万美元[/b]。此次交易的财务细节没有披露。  布鲁克AXS部门总裁Frank Burgaezy博士表示:“我们很高兴能将高端STEM产品、电子显微镜技术和Nion的全新专业知识添加到布鲁克的产品组合中。Nion拥有独特的产品,可用于材料科学电子显微镜中最苛刻的研究应用,布鲁克将为Nion提供覆盖全球市场范围的服务,并在基于Nion电子显微镜和布鲁克晶体学技术的电子衍射晶体学新应用方面进行合作。”  Nion联合创始人Ondrej Krivanek博士补充道:“随着像差校正和超高能量分辨率EELS的引入,Nion彻底改变了STEM技术。凭借我们的产品组合,Nion在全球顶尖科学家中树立了高端STEM产品供应商的良好声誉,也使我们对研究人员的需求有了独特的见解。我们很高兴加入布鲁克,这是一家国际知名的仪器公司,其理念、文化和声誉与我们的公司文化和以研究为导向的目标非常一致。”  [b]关于Nion[/b]  Nion是世界级的先进扫描透射电子显微镜(UltraSTEM? 量程)和其他电子光学仪器供应商。自26年前成立以来,Nion一直与客户密切合作,成为推动电子显微镜技术发展的主要力量。该公司设计和制造先进的冷场发射枪、像差校正器、单色仪、样品台、光谱仪和探测器。这使该公司能够确保所有组件无缝协作,并以集成和易于使用的方式提供世界级的仪器,以满足现实世界的需求。  [b]值得一提的是,Nion公司联合创始人Ondrej L. Krivanek同时也是Gatan公司研发总监。他与其他三位科学家因对像差校正电镜技术的发展做出巨大贡献,曾获得2020年度科维理奖(Kavli Prize)。  附拓展阅读:[/b]  [url=https://www.instrument.com.cn/news/20200602/540174.shtml]像差校正电镜四位传奇老人获科维理奖:一段60年理论-实验-商业化典范[/url]  [url=https://www.instrument.com.cn/news/20201112/564599.shtml]【自传】像差校正电镜技术先驱之Ondrej L. Krivanek[/url][来源:仪器信息网] 未经授权不得转载[align=right][/align]

  • 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司诚聘Application Scientist,坐标,你准备好了吗?

    [b]职位名称:[/b]Application Scientist[b]职位描述/要求:[/b]Manage Pre-Sales for the demo, Sample measurement, Workshop and conference etc..ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS:Sample measurement and demonstrationGive the talk on the workshop and conference.Manage Customer for the customer training and guide to get value from Bruker AFM.Support Post-Sales customer‘s satisfaction maintain and application experience sharingVisit potential customers to introduce the core competition advantage of BNS products and help sales and customer make right configuration or the special request to communicate with BU.ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES:Other duties as assignedENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS:50% travel both domestically and internationally on short noticeAble to work in Government sites, cleanroom, production floor, & laboratory environmentsKNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES:Research background and familiar with AFMGood at presentation skill and learning capabilityEnglish, office and basic International trade knowledgeEDUCATIONAL/EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS:PHD degree with 3 Years’ AFM related research or technical support job experience3 years AFM experiences in the PHD researchGood at English writing and speakingGood at communication skill[b]公司介绍:[/b] 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司总部位于美国,是在纳斯达克上市的世界著名的高科技分析仪器跨国企业,以生产质谱仪、核磁共振谱仪、傅立叶红外/拉曼光谱仪,近红外、傅立叶电子顺磁共振波谱仪、原子力显微镜、光学轮廓仪、摩擦磨损测试设备等高水平、高精度分析仪器享誉全球科技界。布鲁克公司创立于 50 多年前,自创立伊始,公司始终秉持一条理念:为每个分析任务提供最佳技术解决方案。如今,公司遍布全球的 6000多名...[url=https://www.instrument.com.cn/job/user/job/position/73445]查看全部[/url]

  • 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司诚聘XRD Application Scientist,坐标北京,你准备好了吗?

    [b]职位名称:[/b]XRD Application Scientist[b]职位描述/要求:[/b]职责描述:- Develops and maintains detailed technical knowledge of the specifications and operations of BRUKER AXS''s XRD instrument systems and software - Carries out training on instrument operation and use as well as related technical knowledge of systems and software to local distributor personnel.- Assists in or carries out selected potential customer’s sample measurements. Assists in or perform the demonstration and write the application report - Answer sales calls and presents technical aspects of products to customers and sales channels - Maintains familiarity with the specifications and operation of competing products through training and self-learning - Carries out customer’s onsite training, Technical supports for distributors through phone calls or emails and in person.- Works closely with customers/distributors to analyze applications in industry and Academia and provides this input to BD and PM manager- Submit written applications-related reports regarding customer problems and other related situations to country manager, BD and PM manager.- Communicates regularly with corporate and business units to enhance the professional knowledge and to gather up-to-date product information.- Attend trade shows and demonstrate product as well as present scientific papers and posters.Identify and perform Application feasibility studies on new locally interesting applications and transfer solutions to the factory任职要求:- Preferred PhD in Material Science, Physics- 1-5 years’ experience in a relevant scientific establishment - Experience with XRD systems desired.- A positive team player, self-motivated with strong analytical skills - Good spoken and written communication skills in both Mandarin and English- Ability to travel in mainland china up to 50%, sometimes at short notice- Ability interact readily and easily with distributors and customers [b]公司介绍:[/b] 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司总部位于美国,是在纳斯达克上市的世界著名的高科技分析仪器跨国企业,以生产质谱仪、核磁共振谱仪、傅立叶红外/拉曼光谱仪,近红外、傅立叶电子顺磁共振波谱仪、原子力显微镜、光学轮廓仪、摩擦磨损测试设备等高水平、高精度分析仪器享誉全球科技界。布鲁克公司创立于 50 多年前,自创立伊始,公司始终秉持一条理念:为每个分析任务提供最佳技术解决方案。如今,公司遍布全球的 6000多名...[url=https://www.instrument.com.cn/job/user/job/position/51409]查看全部[/url]

  • 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司诚聘Application scientist,坐标上海,你准备好了吗?

    [b]职位名称:[/b]Application scientist[b]职位描述/要求:[/b]SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES:Manage Pre-Sales for the demo, Sample measurement, Workshop and conference etc..ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS:➢ Sample measurement and demonstration➢ Give the talk on the workshop and conference.➢ Manage Customer for the customer training and guide to get value from Bruker AFM.➢ Support Post-Sales customer‘s satisfaction maintain and application experience sharing➢ Visit potential customers to introduce the core competition advantage of BNS products and help sales and customer make right configuration or the special request to communicate with BU.ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES:➢ Other duties as assignedENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS:➢ 70% travel both domestically and internationally on short notice➢ Able to work in Government sites, cleanroom, production floor, & laboratory environmentsKNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES:➢ Research background and familiar with AFM➢ Good at presentation skill and learning capability➢ English, office and basic International trade knowledgeEDUCATIONAL/EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS:➢ PHD degree with 3 Years’ AFM related research or technical support job experience➢ 3 years AFM experiences in the PHD research➢ Good at English writing and speaking➢ Good at communication skill[b]公司介绍:[/b] 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司总部位于美国,是在纳斯达克上市的世界著名的高科技分析仪器跨国企业,以生产质谱仪、核磁共振谱仪、傅立叶红外/拉曼光谱仪,近红外、傅立叶电子顺磁共振波谱仪、原子力显微镜、光学轮廓仪、摩擦磨损测试设备等高水平、高精度分析仪器享誉全球科技界。布鲁克公司创立于 50 多年前,自创立伊始,公司始终秉持一条理念:为每个分析任务提供最佳技术解决方案。如今,公司遍布全球的 6000多名...[url=https://www.instrument.com.cn/job/user/job/position/60116]查看全部[/url]

  • 【原创】岛津LC-solution梯度曲线问题

    大家好,我有一套岛津HPLC,工作站是LC-Solution,2个LC-10AD 泵组成高压梯度,但是是当我检查梯度准确性是,发现线性梯度的曲线是弯曲的,而我的梯度曲线值“curve” 是默认的“0”,2个泵流速是准确的,请问是不是梯度曲线的问题啊?改设置为多少呢?

  • 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司诚聘EPR Applications Scientist,坐标,你准备好了吗?

    [b]职位名称:[/b]EPR Applications Scientist[b]职位描述/要求:[/b]Working closely with both NMR and EPR sales teams in Shanghai. This role is responsible for providing high level of pre- and post-sales application and software-related technical expertise to troubleshoot and resolve specific customer issues through consultation with customers during installation, integration, training and maintenance throughout the entire sales process from initial contact to end of system life.• Develops and maintains detailed technical knowledge of the specifications and operations of instrument systems and software.• Maintains familiarity with the specifications and operation of competing products through training and self-learning.• Presents technical aspects of products to customers and sales channels.• Works closely with customers to analyze applications in industry and Science.• Plans, implements and controls measure to improve process yield and throughput for customers.• Organizes, carries out and reports the progress of sample investigations on customer’s samples.• Submit written applications-related reports regarding customer problems and other related situations.• Communicates regularly with corporate and business units to enhance the professional knowledge and to gather up-to-date product information.• Preferred: PH.D in Chemistry, Biology, Physics or related field. 1 years experience in the field of EPR.• Acceptable: Masters in Chemistry, Biology, Physics or related field. 3 years experience in the field of EPR.• A positive team player, self-motivated with strong analytical and problem-solving skills.• Proven excellence in communication, presentation and facilitation skills in English and Chinese[b]公司介绍:[/b] 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司总部位于美国,是在纳斯达克上市的世界著名的高科技分析仪器跨国企业,以生产质谱仪、核磁共振谱仪、傅立叶红外/拉曼光谱仪,近红外、傅立叶电子顺磁共振波谱仪、原子力显微镜、光学轮廓仪、摩擦磨损测试设备等高水平、高精度分析仪器享誉全球科技界。布鲁克公司创立于 50 多年前,自创立伊始,公司始终秉持一条理念:为每个分析任务提供最佳技术解决方案。如今,公司遍布全球的 6000多名...[url=https://www.instrument.com.cn/job/user/job/position/72696]查看全部[/url]

  • 【求助】基于Aspen Plus的氯乙烯精馏过程模拟

    【论文学科】化学工程论文【论文级别】硕士论文,硕士毕业论文,硕士研究生论文【中文关键词】氯乙烯论文; 精馏论文; 模拟论文; 优化论文【中文题名】基于Aspen Plus的氯乙烯精馏过程模拟【英文题名】Simulation of the Vinyl Chloride Rectification Process with Aspen Plus【所属分类】工程科技I,有机化工,基本有机化学工业【英文关键词】vinyl chloride; distillation; simulation; optimization【中文摘要】目前国内氯乙烯单体的合成,按原料来源区分有两条工艺路线,即电石乙炔法和石油乙烯氧氯化法。乙烯氧氯化法制取VCM和PVC产品的生产成本因国际原油价格攀升而大幅提高,而传统的电石乙炔法的生产成本则相对偏低,因此国内各个厂家纷纷对现有装置挖潜改造,扩大生产规模。本课题通过对电石乙炔法分馏系统的工艺流程进行ASPEN PLUS模拟,并对操作参数进行优化,以提高产品质量和降低操作费用。氯乙烯精馏全过程模拟包括压缩、全凝器、尾凝器、低沸塔和高沸塔等模块,并与工业采集数据和分析数据进行比较。模拟结果与工业数据吻合较好。然后对低沸塔和高沸塔的进料位置、回流比、馏出比等操作变量进行灵敏度分析,找出参数变化规律。最后通过对氯乙烯精馏系统及高、低沸塔的操作参数进行优化,在保证产品纯度的前提下,使低沸塔塔顶冷凝器的冷量消耗减少了33. 15%,再沸器的蒸汽消耗量减少了29. 41%,低沸塔的操作费用得到了较大幅度(来源:ABCb9论文网www.abclunwen.com)的减少,并降低了VCM产品的生产成本。电石乙炔法分馏系统的工艺流程的全过程模拟和优化,对工业生产和VCM装置的扩建具有实际指导作用。(来源:Ae6d6BC论文网www.abclunwen.com)【英文摘要】At present there are two processes of the VCM synthesis according to the source of material, one is synthesized by calcium carbide and acetylene, the other is ethylene oxychlorination. The cost of the latter is going up with the crude oil price, while the traditional calcium carbide and acetylene method is relatively cheaper. So most domestic factories are encouraged to expand the current equipments and enlarge the production scale.We represent the model of VCM distillation process using Aspen Plus, including the units of compress, total condenser, last condenser, low-boiler tower and high-tower, to improve the product quality and reduce cost. The simulation result will be compared with the data from the plant, and the simulation results were in good agreement with the plant data. The operation parameters of the high-boiler tower and the low-boiler tower, such as feed location, reflux ratio and distillate to feed ratio were optimized on the basis of sensitivity analysis. The policy could be introduced and might bring factories great profit.Finally, the distillation system of PVC and the high boiler, as well as the low boiler operation parameter, were optimized. On the precondition of guaranteeing the purity of products, the cool energy consumption of the condenser of the low boiler was reduced by 33.15%, whereby the steam consumption of the reboiler by 29.41%. The operation expense of the low boiler was reduced greatly and the cost of VCM products was also decreased.Calcium carbide and acetylene distillation process was simulated and optimized, which is instructive for the industrial production and expansion of current VCM equipment.摘要3-4ABSTRACT4前言7-9第一章 文献综述9-24 1. 1 氯乙烯精馏工艺9-10 1. 2 氯乙烯精馏过程模拟进展10-15 1. 2. 1 氯乙烯精馏塔的研究10-13 1. 2. 2 使用不同软件的氯乙烯精馏过程模拟13-15 1. 3 基于ASPEN PLUS的精馏过程模拟实例分析15-23 1. 3. 1 甲醇-水分离塔的模拟16-18 1. 3. 2 丙烯精馏塔的模拟18-21 1. 3. 3 Aspen Plus的其他应用21-23 1. 4 本课题研究内容的提出23-24第二章 工业装置分析和数据采集24-31 2. 1 工业流程简述24-27 2. 2 工业装置分析27-28 2. 2. 1 全凝器27 2. 2. 2 尾凝器27 2. 2. 3 低沸塔27 2. 2. 4 高沸塔27-28 2. 3 数据采集28-29 2. 3. 1 进料组成28 2. 3. 2 典型操作数据28-29

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  • 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司今日正在招聘,Applications Specialist,坐标,高薪寻找不一样的你!

    [b]职位名称:[/b]Applications Specialist[b]职位描述/要求:[/b]The Bruker Microbiology and Diagnostic business area covers diverse lines of market-leading products serving microbiology and diagnostic industry, including the MALDI Biotyper, the IR Biotyper, molecular diagnostic kits and antibiotic resistance and specialty susceptibility testing platform. The MALDI Biotyper is a revolutionary product which uses Mass spectrometry to produce rapid, accurate and cost effective bacterial identifications. The Applications Scientist will be responsible for customer training pre/post sale support providing applications note and develop expert knowledge supporting customers.职责描述:Manage applications scientists to coordinate their effort for customer training and pre-post sales supportDrive Bruker scientific leadership through research, congress symposia, publications, and educational activitiesCultivate and establish strong collaborative relationships with key opinion and thought leadersProvide scientific, technical expertise to the R&D, Marketing Commercial Operations– for support activities of existing product offerings and identification of new products and their respective developmentMaintain expert working knowledge of the microbiology and infectious disease fields and the technologies and the services provided by BrukerMonitor industry developments to assess competitive activity and identify opportunities for future business opportunities.任职要求:In-depth knowledge of clinical, food, pharma, environmental or veterinary microbiology.Experience in managing applications teams.Strong verbal, written, and technical presentation skills, including MS Office with advanced Excel applications proficiency.Demonstrated ability to independently manage multiple tasks and deliverables.Must be self-motivated and willing to take ownership of projects assigned by the management team.Ability to travel on a routine basis and maintain a current Passport/ VISA as required for international travel. Occasional weekend travel will be required. The CSS must plan and execute individual travel per company travel guidelines and within expense budget objectives.Completed application training for new users and return visit of old users in the responsible area, and timely fed back customer needs with sales, identify business opportunities.Support sales pre-sales training, exhibition explanation and participate in dealer training.Coordinate with the product manager to update the sales tools and assist in writing product promotion articles.Check the product configuration and fill in the order form.Education and/or Experience:Advanced degree in biological sciences or ChemistryExperience is IVD industry is a plus[b]公司介绍:[/b] 布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司总部位于美国,是在纳斯达克上市的世界著名的高科技分析仪器跨国企业,以生产质谱仪、核磁共振谱仪、傅立叶红外/拉曼光谱仪,近红外、傅立叶电子顺磁共振波谱仪、原子力显微镜、光学轮廓仪、摩擦磨损测试设备等高水平、高精度分析仪器享誉全球科技界。布鲁克公司创立于 50 多年前,自创立伊始,公司始终秉持一条理念:为每个分析任务提供最佳技术解决方案。如今,公司遍布全球的 6000多名...[url=https://www.instrument.com.cn/job/user/job/position/75875]查看全部[/url]

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  • 岛津LAB SOLUTION5.92自动保存文件没有数据

    最近使用  LAB SOLUTION5.92,经常出现批处理分析保存的文件没有数据和图谱,数据文件大小也只有正常文件的一半左右,各位朋友有遇到过这种情况吗,是什么原因呢,怎么解决啊?

  • GCMS-SOLUTION的一个bug!

    今天发现GCMS-SOLUTION的一个bug:在后处理 打开一个文件,然后关闭GCMS-SOLUTION,删除包含这个文件的文件夹。再启动GCMS-SOLUTION就无反应,无法进入再解析。重新拷贝回去文件夹才能恢复! 大家可以试试(千万要做好备份哦!) 我用GC-SOLUTION 来试试没发现这个问题!

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