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  • 富马酸卢帕他定杂质


  • 理学固定靶与帕纳科、布鲁克、岛津相比的优势?


  • 它山之玉:质量型流量计的检定该流量计的检定


    [font=Tahoma, &][color=#444444] [url=http://www.gfjl.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=256898]qq18116211[/url]问:我公司现有一台公称直径80mm的艾默生0.1级科里奥利质量流量计想问下老师们哪里可以检定啊?[/color][/font][color=#444444] 我问:[font=Tahoma, &][color=#444444]该流量计,给出的累积是质量还是容积?[/color][/font][/color] [url=http://www.gfjl.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=256898]qq18116211[/url][color=#444444]答:[/color][color=#444444][color=#444444]我们要测的是容积。[/color][/color][color=#444444] [url=http://www.gfjl.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=254706]计量-魁[/url]答:[font=Tahoma, &][color=#444444]这个是质量流量计,结果应该是质量流量。应该根据你的实际所用介质换算吧。[/color][/font][/color][color=#444444]我回答[url=http://www.gfjl.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=256898]qq18116211[/url]说:[font=Tahoma, &][color=#444444]这个就很好办了,任一个能检定公称直径80mm的容积式流量计的检定机构都能检定你的该质量型[/color][/font][/color][color=#444444][font=Tahoma, &][color=#444444]流量计,关键是其检定员一定要会检质量型流量计,你要告诉他你计量的介质的密度,他要抄录并验证现有系数;然后按他[/color][/font][/color][color=#444444][font=Tahoma, &][color=#444444]的检定用介质计算应设定的系数,并检定合格与否,如合格则设回原来的系数并施封,给出检定证书,并注明上述情况。[/color][/font][/color][color=#444444][font=Tahoma, &][color=#444444][/color][/font][/color]

  • X荧光光谱仪 布鲁克和帕纳科

    实验室打算采购一台XRF,了解一下进口X荧光光谱仪,主要是用于催化剂元素分析,轻元素和金属元素。看到论坛里帖友分享、讨论比较多的是[b]布鲁克第二代S8 TIGER波长色散荧光仪[/b]和[b]帕纳科Zetium X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF),[/b]这两家的仪器使用感、售后、硬件参数[font=&]有没有比较懂行的朋友说一下。布鲁克S8 TIGER采用的原位进样技术,帕纳科采用的是转盘塔旋转180°双位进样系统,销售说双位进样对样品由于磨损和振动原因导致样品定位不准,对分析结果产生误差,用过帕纳科的小伙伴认为有影响吗?其次,布鲁克是真空系统,帕纳科是空气气路系统,但都安装了防尘保护系统。[/font]

  • 岛津GC2010plus DetAPC1 hydrogen leaks(有更新)

    关于之前十天左右没开机,然后开机后就一直出现氢气泄露的提醒用肥皂泡检查过各个借口都没发现漏气,柱子也都重新切掉一小段安装,但还是这样然后就是氢气发生器上面的输出流量一直波动非常大,瞬间几十到一两百一直这样跳,干燥硅胶这些也都已经换过,氢气设置压力为0.4MPa这个也一直保持稳定但是都无补于事,不知道是氢气的问题还是机器的问题呢3月26日,本人把GC2010Plus主机的里两个流量阀拆了出来,查看各个接口没发现有任何堵塞,然后用吹风筒冷风吹了下(因为南方这边这个时间天气比较潮湿),最后全部按原来的装回去,开机,但是错误GC2010plus DetAPC1 hydrogen leaks依然坚挺。3月27日,将检测器由原来的FID换位FPD,其他环节不变,开机-点火,与FID不同的是,能点着火,但也会时不时提醒错误,这次的错误是DetAPC1 hydrogen valve leaks氢气阀漏气,管路也都经过检漏没发现异常的,还有就是在系统关闭状态下还会出现错误。崩溃,看来我是要报修的节奏了

  • 普析 tas990, 不稳定?

    普析 tas990,石墨炉法,做Ba, Be, Pb三元素,怎么不稳定呀?? 求有使用过的,提供指点!

  • 静态顶空气相色谱:理论与实践(英文原版)Static Headspace-Gas Chromatography: Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition

    静态顶空气相色谱:理论与实践(英文原版)Static Headspace-Gas Chromatography: Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition

    http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2015/11/201511161259_573680_2836608_3.pngStatic Headspace-Gas Chromatography: Theory and Practice, 2nd EditionStatic Headspace-Gas Chromatography: Theory and Practice, 2nd EditionBruno Kolb, Leslie S. EttreISBN: 978-0-471-74944-8Hardcover376 pagesWileyMay 2006The only reference to provide both current and thorough coverage ofthis important analytical technique.Static headspace-gas chromatography (HS-GC) is an indispensabletechnique for analyzing volatile organic compounds, enabling theanalyst to assay a variety of sample matrices while avoiding thecostly and time-consuming preparation involved with traditional GC.Static Headspace-Gas Chromatography: Theory and Practice has long beenthe only reference to provide in-depth coverage of this method ofanalysis. The Second Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflectthe most recent developments and practices, and also includes coverageof solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and the purge-and-traptechnique. Chapters cover:* Principles of static and dynamic headspace analysis, including theevolution of HS-GC methods and regulatory methods using static HS-GC* Basic theory of headspace analysis-physicochemical relationships,sensitivity, and the principles of multiple headspace extraction* HS-GC techniques-vials, cleaning, caps, sample volume, enrichment,and cryogenic techniques* Sample handling* Cryogenic HS-GC* Method development in HS-GC* Nonequilibrium static headspace analysis* Determination of physicochemical functions such as vapor pressures,activity coefficients, and more.Comprehensive and focused, Static Headspace-Gas Chromatography, SecondEdition provides an excellent resource to help the reader achieveoptimal chromatographic results. Practical examples with original datahelp readers to master determinations in a wide variety of areas, suchas forensic, environmental, pharmaceutical, and industrialapplications.Preface. Preface to the First Edition.List of Acronyms and Symbols.1. General introduction.1.1 Principles of headspace analysis .1.2 Types of headspace analysis.1.2.1 Principles of static headspace - gas chromatography (HS-GC).1.2.2 Principles of dynamic headspace -- gas chromatography.1.3 The evolution of the HS-GC methods.1.4 Headspace -- gas chromatography literature.1.5 Regulatory methods utilizing (static) HS-GC.1.6 References.2. Theoretical background of HS-GC and its applications.2.1 Basic theory of headspace analysis.2.2 Basic physicochemical relationships.2.3 Headspace sensitivity.2.3.1 Influence of temperature on vapor pressure and partitioncoefficient.2.3.2 Influence of temperature on headspace sensitivity for compoundswith differing partition coefficients.2.3.3 Influence of sample volume on headspace sensitivity forcompounds with differing partition coefficients.2.3.4 Changing the sample matrix by varying the activity coefficient.2.4 Headspace linearity.2.5 Duplicate analyses.2.6 Multiple headspace extraction (MHE).2.6.1 Principles of MHE.2.6.2 Theoretical background of MHE.2.6.3 Simplified MHE calculation.2.7 References.3. The technique of HS-GC.3.1 Sample vials.3.1.1 Types.3.1.2 Selection of vial volume.3.1.3 Vial cleaning.3.1.4 Wall adsorption effects.3.2 Caps.3.2.1 Pressure on caps.3.2.2 Safety closures.3.3 Septa.3.3.1 Types.3.3.2 Septum blank.3.3.3 Should a septum be pierced twice?.3.4 Thermostatting.3.4.1 Influence of temperature.3.4.2 Working modes.3.5 The fundamentals of headspace sampling systems.3.5.1 Systems using gas syringes.3.5.2 Solid-phase microextraction (SPME). Comparison of the sensitivities in HS-SPME and direct staticHS-GC.3.5.3 Balanced-pressure sampling systems.3.5.4 Pressure/loop systems.3.5.5 Conditions for pressurization systems.3.5.6 The volume of the headspace sample. Sample vol

  • 帕纳科转塔电机问题



  • 【求助】PARSTAT2273无法测阻抗

    PARSTAT2273测阻抗时出现乱点,不能成图形,后来再测差分脉冲也开始出现乱点,在其他的仪器上运行是好的,仪器可以进行cv测定,请问是仪器安装的问题吗?而且打开Pstat control只能进行DC校正,为什么啊,请高手指点下

  • Cretaceous fossil reveals a new pattern in mammalian middle ear evolution

    【序号】:1【作者】:Haibing Wang, Jin Meng & Yuanqing Wang 【题名】:Cretaceous fossil reveals a new pattern in mammalian middle ear evolution【期刊】:Nature 【年、卷、期、起止页码】:volume 576, pages 102–105 (2019)Cite this article【全文链接】:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1792-0

  • 再次求助Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A

    1、Application of hybrid linear ion trap-high resolution mass spectrometry to the analysis ofmycotoxins in beerJ. Ruberta, J. Mañesa, K.J. Jamesb & C. Solera*pages 1438-1446,Volume 28, Issue 10, 2011 Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19440049.2011.5950152、Detection of a new Fusarium masked mycotoxin in wheat grain by high-resolution LC–Orbitrap™ MSH. Nakagawaa*, K. Ohmichib, S. Sakamotob, Y. Sagoa, M. Kushiroa, H. Nagashimaa, M. Yoshidac & T.Nakajimacpages 1447-1456,Volume 28, Issue 10, 2011 Food Additives & Contaminants: Part Ahttp://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19440049.2011.5974343、Evaluation of LC-high-resolution FT-Orbitrap MS for the quantification of selected mycotoxinsand the simultaneous screening of fungal metabolites in foodS.M. Lehnera, N.K.N. Neumanna, M. Sulyoka, M. Lemmensb, R. Krskaa & R. Schuhmachera*pages 1457-1468,Volume 28, Issue 10, 2011 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19440049.2011.599340

  • 【求助】帕纳科Axios光路问题


  • Paleobiology and taphonomy of exceptionally preserved organisms from the Waukesha Biota (Silurian), Wisconsin, USA

    【序号】:1【作者】:Andrew J. Wendruff a, Loren E. Babcock b, Joanne Kluessendorf c, Donald G. Mikulic c【题名】:Paleobiology and taphonomy of exceptionally preserved organisms from the Waukesha Biota (Silurian), Wisconsin, USA【期刊】:Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume 546, 15 May 2020, 109631https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109631【全文链接】:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0031018220300754万分感谢,感谢诸位朋友帮助!!!!

  • ICP-AES系列学习1: Elemental and Matrix Compatibili

    1. Elemental and Matrix CompatibilityQuestions around matrix and elemental compatibility are encountered by all of us on a regular basis. This section addresses this question. Technique and calculations will be discussed in part 3 of this guide.Nitric Acid Matrices Most analysts prefer nitric acid (HNO3) matrices due to the solubility of the nitrates as well as its oxidizing ability and the relative freedom from chemical and spectral interferences as compared to acids containing Cl, S, F, or P. In addition, HNO3 is very popular in acid digestion sample preparations.The elements that are stable/soluble and commonly diluted in aqueous/HNO3 are shaded in red below:[img]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2005/03/200503211927_2841_1633886_3.gif[/img](1) Os should never be mixed with HNO3 due to the formation of the very volatile OsO4.(2) Cl is oxidized to molecular Cl2 which is volatile and adsorbs on plastic.(3) Br and I are oxidized to molecular Br2 and I2 which adsorb onto plastic.(4) Dilutions of Hg and Au in HNO3 below 100 ppm should be stored in borosilicate glass due to Hg+2 adsorption on plastic.(5) Not soluble above concentrations of 1000 礸/mL. (6) Trace levels of HCl or Cl- will form AgCl, which will photoreduce to Ag0.F Denotes that the element can be diluted in HNO3 if complexed with F-.Cl Denotes that the element can be diluted in HNO3 if complexed with Cl-.HF Denotes that the element should have excess HF present when diluted with HNO3.T Denotes that the tartaric acid complex can be diluted in HNO3.Hydrochloric Acid Matrices The use of hydrochloric acid (HCl) is the next most popular acid matrix. HCl is volatile and it is corrosive to the instrument and it's electronics therefore, exposure should be kept to a minimum.The elements that can be diluted in HCl are shaded in blue below:[img]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2005/03/200503211928_2842_1633886_3.gif[/img](1) Concentrated (35%) HCl will keep up to 100 礸/mL of Ag+ in solution as the Ag(Cl)X-(X-1) complex. For more dilute solutions, the HCl can be lowered such that 10% HCl will keep up to 10 礸/mL Ag in solution. NOTE: The Ag(Cl)X-(X-1) complex is photosensitive and will reduce to Ag0 when exposed to light. HNO3 solutions of Ag+ are not photosensitive.(2) Parts-per-billion (ppb) dilutions of Hg+2 in HCl are more stable to adsorption on the container walls than are dilutions in HNO3.F Denotes that the element is more stable to hydrolysis if complexed with F-. In the case of Si and Ge the fluoride complex is generally considered a necessity.Water at pH of 7 Dilutions in water at pH 7 are not as common for most elements but may be required to prevent chemical reactions of some of the compounds containing the element. Please note that solutions at pH 7 may support biological growth and therefore the long-term stability should be questioned.Those elements that may have an advantage to being diluted in water at pH 7 are shaded in yellow below:[img]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2005/03/200503211929_2843_1633886_3.gif[/img]F Denotes that Si is more stable to polymerization forming polysilicic acid when complexed with F-.Hydrofluoric Acid Matrices Hydrofluoric acid (HF) requires the use of HF-resistant introduction systems. These systems are more expensive than glass, have longer washout times, and give a larger measurement precision. However, there are times when the use of HF offers a major advantage over other reagents.Those elements where an HF matrix may be optimal are shaded in green below:[img]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2005/03/200503211930_2844_1633886_3.gif[/img](1) HF is used for Si3N4 preparations and other nitrides.Sulfuric Acid Matrices Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is commonly used in preparations and therefore added to standards in combination with other acids.Elements that either benefit or comfortably tolerate the presence of H2SO4 are shaded in orange below:[img]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2005/03/200503211931_2845_1633886_3.gif[/img](1) Dilutions of Hg and Au in H2SO4 below 100 ppm should be stored in borosilicate glass due to adsorption on plastic.(2) Trace levels of HCl or Cl- will form AgCl, which will photoreduce to Ag0.F Denotes that the element can be diluted in H2SO4 if complexed with F-.Cl Denotes that the element can be diluted in H2SO4 if complexed with Cl-.HF Denotes that the element should have excess HF present when diluted with H2SO4.T Denotes that the tartaric acid complex can be diluted in H2SO4.Phosphoric Acid Matrices Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) is not commonly used in preparations since it attacks glass, quartz, porcelain, and Pt containers at elevated temperatures (greater than 100 °C). However, the presence of 3PO4 will not adversely effect any of the elements at low 礸/mL levels and below.

  • Thecomposites of triple-helix glucan nanotubes/selenium nanoparticles targethepatocellular carcinoma to enhance ferroptosis by depleting glutathione andaugmenting redox imbalance

    [font=宋体][back=white]【序号】:[/back][/font][back=white]1[/back][font=宋体][back=white]【作者】:[/back][/font][back=white]Liqin Cai[/back][font=宋体][back=white]【题名】:[/back][/font][back=white] Thecomposites of triple-helix glucan nanotubes/selenium nanoparticles targethepatocellular carcinoma to enhance ferroptosis by depleting glutathione andaugmenting redox imbalance[/back][font=宋体][back=white]【期刊】:[/back][/font][back=white] ChemicalEngineering Journal[/back][font=宋体][back=white]【年、卷、期、起止页码】:[/back][/font][back=white] Volume446, Part 3, 15 October 2022, 137110[/back][font=宋体][back=white]【全文链接】:[/back][/font][back=white] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.137110[/back]

  • 【求助】关于PARTSTAT2273的循环极化设置问题?


  • PA800plus样品瓶


  • 继续求助Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A

    1、Direct analysis of dithiocarbamate fungicides in fruit by ambient mass spectrometryTomas Cajkaa, Katerina Riddellovaa, Paul Zomerb, Hans Molb & Jana Hajslovaa*pages 1372-1382,Volume 28, Issue 10, 2011 Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19440049.2011.5904562、Rapid screening for pesticides using automated online sample preparation with a high-resolution benchtop Orbitrap mass spectrometerY. Shia*, J.S. Changb, C.L. Espositoa, C. Lafontainea, M.J. Berubea, J.A. Finka & F.A. Espourteilleapages 1383-1392,Volume 28, Issue 10, 2011 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19440049.2011.5908223、 Practical considerations for the rapid screening for pesticides using ambient pressure desorption ionisation with high-resolution mass spectrometryS.E. Edisona*, L.A. Lina & L. Parralesbpages 1393-1404,Volume 28, Issue 10, 2011 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19440049.2011.5961654、 Screening of plant toxins in food, feed and botanicals using full-scan high-resolution (Orbitrap) mass spectrometryH.G.J. Mola*, R.C.J. Van Dama, P. Zomera & P.P.J. Mulderapages 1405-1423,Volume 28, Issue 10, 2011 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19440049.2011.6037045、Quantitative analysis of mycotoxins in cereal foods by collision cell fragmentation-high-resolution mass spectrometry: performance and comparison with triple-stage quadrupole detectionV.M.T. Lattanzioa*, S. Della Gattaa, M. Godulab & A. Viscontiapages 1424-1437,Volume 28, Issue 10, 2011 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19440049.2011.593192

  • 【已应助】Journal of Microcolumn Separations文献求助

    哪位好心人帮忙下载一下下面两片文献,谢谢!1. Narrow (5-50-um i.d.) open tubular columns in liquid chromatography using immobilized polymethyloctadecylsiloxane as stationary phase (p 547-556)Karin Gohlin, Marita LarssonJournal of Microcolumn Separations, 1991, Volume 3 Issue 6 , Pages 547DOI: 10.1002/mcs.12200306102. Preparation and separation properties of open tubular columns with immobilized Carbowax 20M for LC Karel Janák, Marie Horká *, Milo Krejí Journal of Microcolumn Separations, 2005, Volume 3 Issue 2 , Pages 115-120

  • 【版主通讯录修订版征集】版主线下通讯录修订版征集中,欢迎还未加入通讯录的版主们积极报名

    上半年已经征集过2012-2013年度 版主线下通讯录,但部分版主由于种种原因未能及时加入通讯录,本次修订版准备在上次发放的版本基础上做一次更新,就是说之前已加入的保持不变,也无需再发,未加入的此次修订版可申请加入,修订版制作好之后会重新发放给所有在通讯录内的版主(包括之前加入的和本次加入的)。上次由于密码才于复杂,导致很多版主无法打开,这次就弄最简单的密码如何?此通讯录是本着自愿的原则,我们保证所收集的版主通讯录仅发送给通讯录内的版主,所有愿意加入通讯录的版主必须同意以下两个条件:1、同意将自己的联系信息公开给通讯录上注册的版主;2、获得通讯录后不得将通讯录转发给第三人,请尊重他人的隐私和意愿,以诚信待人。有愿意加入通讯录的版主请将下边附件的表格信息填写完整发至capinter@163.com本次通讯录修订版收集工作截止2013年08月31日。备注:1、以下已在通讯录名单内的本次无需再发了,当然如果您的信息有更改就再发来修改下吧。2、只有此次加入通讯录的版主才可以获得通讯录,赶紧来加入吧:)3、版主通讯录修订版将在2013年9月份发放。有部分版主因网络原因无法下载rar版本的,请下载下边的xls版本:2012-2013年度版主线下通讯录.xls http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2017/01/201701191656_647635_1604317_3.gif如有疑问您可通过以下方式联系到我:给我发站内短消息:发送消息QQ联系:http://wpa.qq.com/pa?p=2:858882610:41858882610 E-mail:capinter@163.com飞信/微信:13960711931http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2017/01/201701191656_647635_1604317_3.gif已在通讯录内的版主名单(按ID拼音顺序排列):http://www.fq-hsco.com/instrument/2013-07-31.jpg

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