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  • Seta 配件:剪切稳定头 Shear Stability Head | 19820-3
    产品特点:Shear Stability Head - 19820-3订货号:19820-3适用仪器:● Seta-Shell Four Ball Lubricant Tester ● Seta-Shell Four Ball Tester-AutoloadMETHODS CEC L-45-99,ISO 26422CEC L-45-99 Shear stability of polymer-containing lubricating oils by the Four-Ball tester using a tapered roller bearing.ISO 26422 Determination of shear stability of lubricating oils containing polymers using a tapered roller bearingThe Shear Stability Head fits into the Seta-Shell 4-Ball Lubricant Testers (19800-7 and 19900-3) for measuring viscosity shear stability to CEC L-45-A-99 and ISO 26422. The test allows the prediction of in service permanent viscosity loss.A compact and robust design for long term use and specially designed to fit the Seta-Shell 4 Ball Testers. Temperature control is achieved using an integral control thermocouple for external connection to a Seta Temperature Control System (19830-5). Hoses are connected via quick release valved connectors for convenient handling. A separate safety overtemperature thermocouple and controller is linked to the 4 Ball and will shut off the drive motor in the event of coolant flow failure. A knurled cap allows for easy hand tightening.Supplied with Tapered roller bearing and jacketDrive lugControl thermocoupleSafety thermocouple and controllerBearing padPlunger spacer diskNote:requires Temperature Control System (19830-5).
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱13785
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱: General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column fits PerkinElmer 8000, 9000, AutoSystem, XL, and Clarus 500 (Not On-Column Injection).Packed column percolates the carrier gas through the porous bed. In a packed column, separation is achieved by moving the solutes apart. Packed columns are made up of two main materials stainless steel and Pyrex glass. Metal packed columns are more suitable for long and high carrier gas flow rates to tolerate the elevated pressuresCarbopack B, better known as graphitized carbon black has nonporous, nonpolar and homogeneous surface. This adsorbent is suitable as stationary phase in both packed and capillary columns. Carbopack B cartridges are more efficient than C-18 for extracting phenols.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 6.0 ft (1.8 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 Porapak Q supportmatrix active group none phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱13744-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱: General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column fits PerkinElmer 8000, 9000, AutoSystem, XL, and Clarus 500 (Not On-Column Injection).Packed column percolates the carrier gas through the porous bed. In a packed column, separation is achieved by moving the solutes apart. Packed columns are made up of two main materials stainless steel and Pyrex glass. Metal packed columns are more suitable for long and high carrier gas flow rates to tolerate the elevated pressuresCarbopack B, better known as graphitized carbon black has nonporous, nonpolar and homogeneous surface. This adsorbent is suitable as stationary phase in both packed and capillary columns. Carbopack B cartridges are more efficient than C-18 for extracting phenols.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 15.0 ft (4.6 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 60/80 Carboxen-1000 supportmatrix active group none phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱13778
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱: General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column fits PerkinElmer 8000, 9000, AutoSystem, XL, and Clarus 500 (Not On-Column Injection).Packed column percolates the carrier gas through the porous bed. In a packed column, separation is achieved by moving the solutes apart. Packed columns are made up of two main materials stainless steel and Pyrex glass. Metal packed columns are more suitable for long and high carrier gas flow rates to tolerate the elevated pressuresCarbopack B, better known as graphitized carbon black has nonporous, nonpolar and homogeneous surface. This adsorbent is suitable as stationary phase in both packed and capillary columns. Carbopack B cartridges are more efficient than C-18 for extracting phenols.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 6.0 ft (1.8 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 100/120 Chromosorb W AW supportmatrix active group 10% SP-2330 phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱13769
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱: General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column fits PerkinElmer 8000, 9000, AutoSystem, XL, and Clarus 500 (Not On-Column Injection).Packed column percolates the carrier gas through the porous bed. In a packed column, separation is achieved by moving the solutes apart. Packed columns are made up of two main materials stainless steel and Pyrex glass. Metal packed columns are more suitable for long and high carrier gas flow rates to tolerate the elevated pressuresCarbopack B, better known as graphitized carbon black has nonporous, nonpolar and homogeneous surface. This adsorbent is suitable as stationary phase in both packed and capillary columns. Carbopack B cartridges are more efficient than C-18 for extracting phenols.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 6.0 ft (1.8 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 100/120 SUPELCOPORT supportmatrix active group 10% SP-2100 phasecolumn type packed GC
  • 安捷伦 顶空进样器UltiMetal Plus 惰性样品探针G4556-60125
    7697A 顶空进样器备件分流放空外部捕集阱,带3 个吸附柱,1/8 英寸Swagelock 接头 RDT-1020泄漏测试工具包:包括使用说明书、无孔密封垫、1/8 英寸尼龙管接头、顶空泄漏测试样品瓶、1/16 英寸不锈钢零死体积接头、11 mm 低流失隔垫(5/包) G4556-67010UltiMetal Plus 惰性样品探针 G4556-60125 6 通阀,可更换转子,WT 系列,300 psi,350 °C 1535-4952安捷伦新型7697A 顶空进样器采用行业领先的气相色谱设计。顶空进样器能够使几乎任何样品基质中的挥发性化合物进入GC 或GC/MS,同时将不需要分析的组分留在一次性样品瓶中。7697A 具有多达111 个样品瓶位和可拆卸的样品瓶架,可以支持几乎不间断的分析,以满足最繁忙实验室的要求。• 内置独特的安捷伦气路,具有优异的控制性能和易于安装的特性• 享有盛誉的阀和进样定量环技术• 全自动样品瓶泄漏检测并可提供条形码读出器,有助于确保更可靠的方法兼容性• 仪器控制软件完全集成到安捷伦的数据系统中• 有利于节省资源的可编程仪器任务安排功能
  • Biotage ISOLUTE PAH 专用柱
    从天然水和其他含有极性干扰(如腐殖酸)的水样中提取多环芳烃。这些分层柱从最终提取中去除极性干扰,因此它们不会干扰后续分析。订货信息:Part No.DescriptionPack Size927-0150-CISOLUTE® PAH 1.5 g/6 mL30927-0075-BISOLUTE® PAH 750 mg/3 mL50
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱13730-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱: General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column fits PerkinElmer 8000, 9000, AutoSystem, XL, and Clarus 500 (Not On-Column Injection).Packed column percolates the carrier gas through the porous bed. In a packed column, separation is achieved by moving the solutes apart. Packed columns are made up of two main materials stainless steel and Pyrex glass. Metal packed columns are more suitable for long and high carrier gas flow rates to tolerate the elevated pressuresCarbopack B, better known as graphitized carbon black has nonporous, nonpolar and homogeneous surface. This adsorbent is suitable as stationary phase in both packed and capillary columns. Carbopack B cartridges are more efficient than C-18 for extracting phenols.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 8.0 ft (2.4 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 60/80 Carbopack B supportmatrix active group 1% SP-1000 phasesuitability suitable for 601 per US EPAcolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 12543-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 6.0 ft (1.8 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 60/80 Carbopack B supportmatrix active group 1% SP-1000 phasesuitability suitable for 624 per US EPAcolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 12449
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 1.7 ft (0.52 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 SUPELCOPORT supportmatrix active group 3% Petrocol B phasesuitability suitable for D2887 per ASTMcolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱13734-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱: General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column fits PerkinElmer 8000, 9000, AutoSystem, XL, and Clarus 500 (Not On-Column Injection).Packed column percolates the carrier gas through the porous bed. In a packed column, separation is achieved by moving the solutes apart. Packed columns are made up of two main materials stainless steel and Pyrex glass. Metal packed columns are more suitable for long and high carrier gas flow rates to tolerate the elevated pressuresCarbopack B, better known as graphitized carbon black has nonporous, nonpolar and homogeneous surface. This adsorbent is suitable as stationary phase in both packed and capillary columns. Carbopack B cartridges are more efficient than C-18 for extracting phenols.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 10.0 ft (3.0 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/120 Carbopack B supportmatrix active group 3% SP-1500 phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 12455
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steelapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 1.7 ft (0.52 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 SUPELCOPORT supportmatrix active group 10% Petrocol C phasesuitability suitable for D5307 per ASTMcolumn type packed GC
  • 磁共振大鼠头部固定器SRP-AR2
    磁共振大鼠头部固定器SRP-AR2是一款可用于核磁共振环境中的大鼠头部固定装置,是大鼠脑立体定位固定实验和核磁共振实验的理想工具。磁共振大鼠头部固定器SRP-AR2可连接到SR系列固定装置。这样的连接,确保头部的固定极其稳定。当拆卸仪器用于MRI测量时,仪器材料是100%塑料使拆卸过程更容易。可以把标记插入该机械 ,简单地通过对准测量点与测量对象,操作者就能操作MRI测量。一旦MRI测量完成后,该磁共振大鼠头部固定器SRP-AR2可以很容易地恢复其作为固定仪器的功能,即保持动物的固定。两种型号可供选择:SRP-AR 用于大鼠, 和SRP-AM2 用于小鼠。磁共振大鼠头部固定器SRP-AR2规格配件六角扳手安装把手耳柱口、鼻夹尺寸大小/重量宽300 x 深120 x 高85mm, 850g
  • IonPac UTAC-ULP2超痕量阴离子浓缩柱
    Dionex IonPac UTAC-ULP2超痕量阴离子浓缩柱利用 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? UTAC-2 系列超痕量阴离子浓缩柱简化低压、超低压、极低压、痕量高纯水分析。 这些色谱柱为通用型超清洁(低硫酸盐含量)阴离子浓缩柱,特征与 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? UTAC-1 系列柱相似,但改善了反压弹性,从而无需在负载泵上安装脉冲阻尼器;基质弹性也得到了改善,从而可以对包含发电行业中使用的聚丙烯酸添加剂在内的样品进行直接进样。描述将水分析的检测限降低 2-5 个数量级Dionex IonPac 阴离子浓缩柱主要为高纯水分析而设计。 浓缩柱可以从已测得体积的水性样品基质中保留阴离子,从而浓缩分析物,并将检测限降低 2-5 个数量级。有三种压力规格可供选择:Dionex IonPac UTAC-LP2 (4x35mm) 低压(60 psi at 2mL/min) anion concentratorDionex IonPac UTAC-ULP2 (5x23mm) 超低压(30 psi at 2mL/min) anion concentratorDionex IonPac UTAC-XLP2 (6x16mm) 极低压(10 psi at 2mL/min) anion concentrator色谱分析性能出色推荐用于氢氧化物、碳酸盐/碳酸氢盐和硼酸盐淋洗液,带或不带溶剂25.0μeq/柱容量低死体积 (~145μL)适用于 4mm 或 2mm 应用兼容 Dionex AS、AS-DV、AS-AP、AS-HV 自动进样器、加压瓶、注射器和单活塞样品传送泵(Dionex AXP 辅助泵)Dionex IonPac UTAC-ULP2超痕量阴离子浓缩柱订货信息:UTAC-ULP2 Ultra Trace Anion Concentrator- Ultra Low Pressure (5 x 23mm)709918The IonPac? UTAC-ULP2 Ultra Trace Anion Concentrator Column is an anion-exchange concentrator column with low void volume of approximately 145 μL. The UTAC-ULP2 is a general purpose concentrator for use with syringe or autosampler loading. This ultralow backpressure concentrator can be used with the AS-DV, AS-HV, or AS Autosamplers, and with single piston sample delivery pumps including the AXP. It is compatible with carbonate/bicarbonate, borate, and hydroxide eluents. Backpressure resilience has been improved to eliminate the need for a pulse dampener on the loading pump, and matrix resilience has been improved to allow direct injection of samples containing polyacrylic acid additives.Ultra-Low backpressure columnCompatible with the AS, AS-HV and AS-DV Autosamplers, and Loading PumpsUltraclean (low sulfate) concentrator columnSupports carbonate/bicarbonate, borate, and hydroxide eluentsIonPac UTAC-ULP2 Ultratrace Anion Concentrator Column 2--Ultra Low Pressure SpecificationsDimensions:5 x 23 mmMobile Phase Compatibility:Hydroxide, carbonate/bicarbonate, or borate eluents 0-100% HPLC solventsSubstrate Characteristics:Bead Diameter: 20 μmCrosslinking (%DVB): 55%Functional Group: Alkanol quaternary ammoniumLatex Characteristics:N/ACapacity:25 μeq/colVoid Volume:145 μLProduct Data SheetsConcentrator and Trap Columns Data SheetReagent-Free Ion Chromatography Systems with Eluent Regeneration Data SheetManualsIonPac UTAC 2 and AC-ER Concentrator Columns Product ManualApplicationsAB 151: Determination of Trace Anions in Nuclear Power Plant Secondary Feed Water Containing Polyacrylic Acid
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱14067-U
    产品特点及订货信息:Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column fits Agilent 5880, 5890, 6820, 6890, 7820, and 7890 (configuration C, not-on-column injection, all detectors except TCD).Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically used when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to remove any corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 8.0 ft (2.4 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 60/80 Molecular Sieve 5A supportmatrix active group none phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱14069-U
    产品特点及订货信息:Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column fits Agilent 5880, 5890, 6820, 6890, 7820, and 7890 (configuration C, not-on-column injection, all detectors except TCD).Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically used when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to remove any corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material nickel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 3.0 ft (0.91 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 HayeSep Q supportmatrix active group none phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱14068-U
    产品特点及订货信息:Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column fits Agilent 5880, 5890, 6820, 6890, 7820, and 7890 (configuration C, not-on-column injection, all detectors except TCD).Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically used when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to remove any corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 3.0 ft (0.91 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 HayeSep Q supportmatrix active group none phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 13986-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnL × O.D. × I.D. 2.5 ft (0.76 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 Chromosorb P NAW supportmatrix active group 1.2% DC-200 (500 cstks) phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 13976-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnL × O.D. × I.D. 1.5 ft (0.46 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 Chromosorb P NAW supportmatrix active group 30% DC-200 (500 cstks) phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 12437
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 6.0 ft (1.8 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 Porapak Q supportmatrix active group none phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 13037-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 6.0 ft (1.8 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 Porapak Q supportmatrix active group none phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 13979-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 10.0 ft (3.0 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 Porapak Q supportmatrix active group none phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 13271-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material copper columndescription 3 in. coilapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 20.0 ft (6.1 m) × 1/8 in. × 1.7 mmmatrix 60/80 Carbopack B supportmatrix active group 5% Krytox 143AC phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 12495-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 6.0 ft (1.8 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 Carbopack C supportmatrix active group 0.1% SP-1000 phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 12592
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 10.0 ft (3.0 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/120 Carbopack B supportmatrix active group 3% SP-1500 phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 13860-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 6.0 ft (1.8 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 60/80 Carbopack C supportmatrix active group 0.2% Carbowax 1500 phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 12087-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 3.0 ft (0.91 m) × 1/16 in. × 1.25 mm, Preconditionedmatrix 60/80 Carbopack B supportmatrix active group 5% Carbowax 20M phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 13977-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 24.0 ft (7.3 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 Chromosorb P NAW supportmatrix active group 30% DC-200 (500 cstks) phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 13981-U
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 10.0 ft (3.0 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 45/60 Molecular Sieve 13X supportmatrix active group none phasecolumn type packed GC
  • Metal Packed 气相色谱柱 12212
    产品特点及订货信息: Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:General descriptionAn economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column is of a general configuration, and can be carefully bent to fit most instruments.Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically employed when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to removeany corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.material stainless steel columnapplication(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. × I.D. 6.0 ft (1.8 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mmmatrix 80/100 Chromosorb W AW supportmatrix active group 10% Carbowax 20M phasecolumn type packed GC
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