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仪器信息网普拉格雷专题为您提供2024年最新普拉格雷价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括普拉格雷参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的普拉格雷您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合普拉格雷相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有普拉格雷相关的最新资讯、资料,以及普拉格雷相关的解决方案。


  • 氯吡咯雷专用柱 USPL57
    Ultron ES-OVM,粒径5&mu m,孔径120Å ,规格有150*2.0mm、150*4.6mm、150*6.0mm,手性固定相为卵粘蛋白化学键合到硅胶表面,符合USP L57。北京绿百草科技发展有限公司独家代理日本信和化工色谱产品。Ultron ES-OVM有很多手性识别位点,使得该柱子适用于大范围内的对映体化合物的分离,Ultron ES-OVM色谱柱可用于痕量分析,是硫酸氢氯比格雷的专用手性柱。国家药品标准中规定,Ultron ES-OVM色谱柱作为苯磺酸左旋氨氯地平光学异构体测定的专用柱。Ultron ES-OVM色谱柱还可以以下物质:1,2二苯基乙基胺 1,2-二苯基乙基胺&beta -阻滞剂 氧烯洛尔 心得平&beta -阻滞剂 Bunitrolol布尼洛尔&beta -阻滞剂 Alprenolol阿普洛尔 心得舒&beta -阻滞剂 Arotinolol&beta -阻滞剂 Pindolol吲哚洛尔&beta -阻滞剂 Propranolol普萘洛尔 萘心安&beta -阻滞剂 Propranolol 普萘洛尔 萘心安钙拮抗剂 Bay K 8644 钙拮抗剂 Verapamil 维拉帕米 异博定钙拮抗剂 Prenylamine 普尼拉明 心可定支气管扩张药 Clorprenaline 氯丙那林局部麻醉药 Bupivacaine 布比卡因肌肉松弛剂 Chlormezanone 氯美扎酮肌肉松弛剂 Tolperisone 托哌酮利尿剂 Ethiazide 乙噻嗪抗抑郁药 曲米帕明消炎药 Flurbiprofen 氟比洛芬消炎药 Ibuprofen 布洛芬消炎药 Ketoprofen 酮洛芬消炎药 Pranoprofen 普拉洛芬消炎药 Zaltoprofen 扎拉洛芬胆碱能阻滞剂 Glycopyrronium bromide 格隆溴铵胆碱能阻滞剂 Mepenzolate bromide 溴美喷酯抗精神病药 Thioridazine 硫利达嗪抗癫痫药 Mephobarbital 甲苯比妥抗癫痫药 乙酰苯丁酰脲 抗帕金森药 Biperiden 比哌立登抗帕金森药 Profenamine 普鲁芬胺抗帕金森药 Trihexyphenidyl 苯海索抗组织胺药 Alimemazine 阿利马嗪抗组织胺药 Chlorpheniramine 马来酸氯苯那敏抗组织胺药 Dimethindene maleate 二甲茚定抗组织胺药 Homochlorcyclizine 高氯环秦抗组织胺药 Promethazine 普鲁米近 异丙嗪抗焦虑剂 Hydroxyzine 羟嗪 安泰乐抗心律不齐药 Disopyramid 双异丙吡胺安眠药 Glutethimide 格鲁米特安眠药 Hexobarbital 海索比妥抗消化溃疡剂 Proglumide 丙谷胺The central neuron stimulant Methylphenidate 哌甲酯甲状腺素 甲状腺素镇咳药 Benproperine 苯丙哌林美克洛嗪抗组胺药 美克洛嗪抗组胺药窄孔柱应用药物分析华法林抗凝药黄酮类 Flavanone 二氢黄酮安息香 安息香肌肉松弛剂 Chlorphenesin 氯丙炔典肌肉松弛剂 Eperisone 乙哌立松 镇咳药 Cloperastin 氯哌啶抗抑郁药 三甲丙咪嗪需要详细的信息请和绿百草科技联系或登录网站获得更多产品信息
  • 卵粘蛋白手性柱Ultron ES-OVM
    北京绿百草科技发展有限公司独家代理日本信和化工色谱产品。Ultron ES-OVM,粒径5&mu m,孔径120Å ,规格有150*2.0mm、150*4.6mm、150*6.0mm,手性固定相为卵粘蛋白化学键合到硅胶表面,符合USP L57。Ultron ES-OVM有很多手性识别位点,使得该柱子适用于大范围内的对映体化合物的分离,可用于痕量分析,是硫酸氢氯比格雷的专用手性柱。国家药品标准中规定,Ultron ES-OVM色谱柱作为苯磺酸左旋氨氯地平光学异构体测定的专用柱。还可以分析&beta -阻滞剂如氧烯洛尔、布尼洛尔、普奈洛尔、吲哚洛尔等,消炎药如布洛芬、酮洛芬、氟比洛芬、普拉洛芬,抗癫痫药如甲苯比妥、乙酰苯丁酰脲,安眠药格鲁米特,乙哌立松,华法林抗凝药。
  • 氯吡格雷手性柱Ultron ES-OVM
    北京绿百草专业提供分析氯吡格雷、草酸依地普伦手性柱Ultron ES-OVM。Ultron ES-OVM固定相为卵粘蛋白键合硅胶(固定相专利US:6027648),手性识别范围广,可用于痕量分析,符合USP L57,是分析草酸依地普伦和氯吡格雷的指定手性柱。UltronES-OVM色谱柱(5&mu m, 4.6× 150mm)有现货提供。
  • 雷磁231-01型pH通用型指示电极
    雷磁231-01型pH通用型指示电极名称pH玻璃电极型号231-01型范围0~14材质玻璃工作温度5~60 ℃尺寸Φ12×120 mm接口BNC(Q9)注:指示电极需和参比电极配合适用
  • 雷磁231-01型pH通用型指示电极
    雷磁231-01型pH通用型指示电极名称pH玻璃电极型号231-01型范围0~14材质玻璃工作温度5~60 ℃尺寸Φ12×120 mm接口BNC(Q9)注:指示电极需和参比电极配合适用
  • 400目蕾丝支持膜,Lacey纯碳膜
    400目蕾丝支持膜,Lacey纯碳膜 没有方华膜(Formvar)支撑,在蕾丝碳膜上镀一层更薄的碳膜(厚度小于3nm),是可用的最薄纯碳支持膜。由400目铜网支撑的蕾丝碳膜,是不规则碳膜,碳膜上的孔洞花样不一,真正的“镂空”透视设计。碳支持层覆在蕾丝碳膜上,可以得到支撑,而且几乎不干扰TEM成像。非常适合观察纳米管,病毒颗粒和其他小颗粒物质,是高分辨率显微镜及透射电子显微镜的理想选择。订购信息:货号产品名称规格01824Ultrathin Carbon Film on Lacey Carbon Support Film, 400 mesh, Copper25个/盒
  • 硫酸氢氯吡格雷专用手性柱- ULTRON ES-OVM
    信和化工ULTRON ES-OVM手性柱,填料基体是卵粘蛋白键合硅胶,符合USP L57,该填料具有广泛的手性识别能力,分离效果好,在医药分析中具有广泛应用。中国药典(2015版)明确规定使用Ultron ES-OVM色谱柱作为分析硫酸氢氯吡格雷及其光学异构体检测的专用手性柱;国标中指定使用Ultron ES-OVM分析苯磺酸左旋氨氯地平及其光学异构体。信和化工ULTRON ES-OVM系列又添新品,可以为新老客户提供ULTRON ES-OVM-3手性柱。ULTRON ES-OVM-3使用3μm填料做为填充剂,使得分析更加快速、高效,并且可以得到更高的理论塔板数和分离度。
  • TSKgel Chelate-5PW色谱柱 0014440
    TSKgel Chelate-5PW色谱柱亲和色谱法亲和色谱法(AFC)分离是通过键合在填料上的配体与酶或其它生物分子发生生物亲合作用来完成的。 几乎所有生物分子都能根据其化学或物理结构与之相应的配体之间发生特殊相互作用来进行提纯。它们通常为抗原与抗体、酶与辅酶、糖类与凝集素。因为通过与蛋白质发生的特殊相互作用来完成分离或提纯,因此亲和色谱法有别于反相或离子交换色谱法。 在亲和色谱法中,酶不会只与一个配体起作用,因此,亲和色谱法并不专一,但它却是最具选择性的蛋白质分离方法。正如在抗体与抗原的相互作用中,选择性常常基于“锁钥”的原理。 选择性较低的通用配体对整类蛋白质都具有亲合力,所以常需使用其它色谱法共同完成分离提纯某种蛋白。“生物选择性吸附”已成为亲和色谱法的别名。亲和色谱在分离提纯生物分子时能发挥最大潜在特异性和选择性。为强化该优势,东曹生命科学研发出三种专一性的配体及一种化学活性配体。所有TSKgel AFC色谱柱配体均键合在10um刚性TSKgel G5000PW树脂上。该树脂具有1000?空隙,其估计排阻界限10,000,000道尔顿,而且在pH值为2~9的范围内稳定性良好。应用:与Zn+2, Cu+2 和 Ni+2 金属离子螯合并与含有组氨酸残基的蛋白质结合。TSKgel Chelate-5PW色谱柱参数规格粒径:10 μm 、 13 μm 孔径:100 nm官能团:iminodiacetic acidpH值范围:2.0 - 12.0排阻限(估计值): 10,000,000 Da globular proteins 配体浓度:20 mmol/L resin订货信息:TSKgel Chelate-5PW色谱柱货号描述粒径材质内径 (mm)长度 (cm)14440TSKgel Chelate-5PW10 μmGlass5514441TSKgel Chelate-5PW10 μmGlass87.514442TSKgel Guardgel kit for P/N 001441—Glass——8645TSKgel Chelate-5PW10 μmStainless Steel7.5 7.5 8647TSKgel Guardgel kit for P/N 0008645—Stainless Steel——8646TSKgel Chelate-5PW13 μmStainless Steel21.51520022TSKgel BioAssist Chelate10 μmPEEK7.85
  • 雷磁pH通用型二复合电极
    雷磁pH通用型二复合电极名称pH复合电极pH复合电极pH复合电极pH复合电极pH复合电极pH复合电极pH复合电极型号E-201型E-201-C型E-201F型E-201-L型E-201-D型E-201-CF型65-1C型(玻壳)范围0~140~140~140~140~140~140~14材质聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯(带拆卸保护脚)聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯玻璃液接界聚甲醛纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥陶瓷砂芯敏感膜玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡参比结构Ag/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgCl参比填充液不可充3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl3M KCl工作温度5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃尺寸Φ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mm接口BNC(Q9)BNC(Q9)BNC(Q9)BNC(Q9)BNC(Q9)BNC(Q9)(防水型)BNC(Q9)可选试剂&配件电极补充溶液(100ml(3mol/L KCl溶液))/●●●●●●电极补充溶液(250ml(3mol/L KCl溶液))/●●●●●●
  • 雷磁pH通用型三复合电极
    雷磁pH通用型三复合电极名称pH三复合电极pH三复合电极pH三复合电极pH三复合电极pH三复合电极型号E-301-QC型E-301-D型E-301F型E-301G型E-301-CF型范围0~140~140~140~140~14材质聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯(带拆卸保护脚)聚碳酸酯敏感膜玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡液接界纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥参比结构Ag/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgCl参比填充液3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl测量温度5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃尺寸Φ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mm温补元件2.25KΩ2.25KΩ2.25KΩ2.25KΩ2.25KΩ接口BNC(Q9)& 四芯航空插BNC(Q9)+BNC(Q6)BNC(Q9)+BNC(Q6)BNC(Q9)+BNC(Q6)BNC(Q9)(防水)+BNC(Q6)(防水)可选试剂&配件电极补充溶液(100ml,3mol/L KCl溶液))●●●●●电极补充溶液(250ml,3mol/L KCl溶液))●●●●●
  • 探地雷达
    LTD-2100/2200型探地雷达主机是我所最新研制的探地雷达主机,可挂接我所现有的八种不同天线对地下隐蔽目标进行探测(其中LTD-2200可同时挂接2副不同型号的天线),已广泛应用于工程检测和地质勘察等军用和民用领域。 一、 基本原理 LTD探地雷达由一体化主机、天线及相关配件组成(图1)。相对于探地雷达所用的高频电磁脉冲而言,通常工程勘探和检测中所遇到的介质都是以位移电流为主的低损耗介质。在这类介质中,反射系数和波速主要取决于介质的介电常数&epsilon ,空气的相对介电常数为1,最小;水的相对介电常数为81,最大。雷达工作时,向地下介质发射一定强度的高频电磁脉冲(几十兆赫至上千兆赫),电磁脉冲遇到不同电性介质的分界面时即产生反射或散射,探地雷达接收并记录这些信号,再通过进一步的信号处理和解释即可了解地下介质的情况(图2)。 二、 主要特点 1、产品优势 1) 以军工技术和充足的资金支持作后盾,经过连续20年的技术研发,LTD系列产品紧跟国外同类领先技术的发展方向,技术水平处于国内领先地位,先后获省级和部级科技进步一等奖等多项奖励; 2) 与国外同类产品性能接近,价格只是国外同类产品的 ; 3) 采集和后处理软件采用全中文界面,操作简单,易学易用; 4) 首家承诺质保三年,及时快捷提供仪器维修和技术支持;采集和后处理软件终生免费升级,终生提供探地雷达技术支持。 2、性能特点 1) 一体化设计,体积小、重量轻、功耗低; 2) 基于WinCE平台实时控制软件,启动快; 3) 程序固化在FLASH存储器中,运行稳定可靠; 4) 内嵌高速DSP,实现滤波、放大等实时处理; 5) SD卡取代硬盘,故障率低,数据输出方便; 6) 全数字化程控时钟控制,最小时间间隔10ps; 7) 基于Windows操作系统开发的雷达软件都是全中文界面,操作简便、易上手; 8) 具备连续、点测或测量轮控制等测量方式,实时二维图像显示;事后处理二维或三维成像; 9) 随仪器为用户提供仪器操作和数据处理解释的多媒体演示和典型工程探测图谱,使用户很快成为行家里手。 三、 技术指标 1、探地雷达主机的技术指标 1) LTD-2100型雷达主机为单通道模式; 2) LTD-2200型雷达主机为单、双通道模式可选,分时工作; 3) 兼容性:兼容LTD2000型雷达的全系列天线; 4) 连续工作时间:&ge 4小时; 5) 体积:&le 311 mm× 212 mm× 61 mm(含航空插座) 6) 主机重量:&le 2.5 kg 7) 整机功耗:15W,内置16.8V、65Wh锂电池供电或外部电源供电9V~18V; 8) 天线自动识别范围: 50MHz~1.5GHz天线; 9) 扫描速率:16Hz,32Hz,64Hz,128Hz可调; 记录道长度:256,512,1024,2048可调; 10) 脉冲重复频率:16kHz,32kHz,64kHz,128kHz可调; 11) 时窗范围:5ns~1us,连续可调; 12) 输入带宽:1Hz~16kHz; 13) 动态范围:-7dB~130dB; 14) 雷达信号输入范围:± 10V; 15) 系统信噪比:大于70dB; 16) 软件处理功能:滤波、放大、道间平均、去背景处理; 17) 测量方式:逐点测量,距离触发测量,连续测量可选; 18) 显示方式:伪彩图、堆积波形或灰度图; 19) 冲击振动:满足GJB74.6~85要求; 20) 工作温度:-10℃~+50℃; 21) 储存温度:-20℃~+60℃; 22) 湿热条件:+30℃,90%。 2、探地雷达配套天线的种类及技术指标 LTD探地雷达天线有屏蔽型、非屏蔽型(平板式)和喇叭天线三种类型: 1) 屏蔽型天线主要用于中等深度和浅表层目标探测(公路面积层厚度检测、地下管线查找、路基缺陷探测等),有GC400MHz、GC900MHz、GC1500 MHz等三种型号; 2) 平板天线主要用于深层目标探测(公路施工前的地质勘察、隧道超前预报、冻土层探测等领域),有GC50MHz、GC100MHz、GC200MHz等三种型号; 3) 喇叭形天线主要用于公路层厚探测,有AL1000MHz、AL1500MHz、AL2000MHz和AL2500MHz四种型号。
  • 雷磁pH通用型三复合电极
    雷磁pH通用型三复合电极名称pH三复合电极pH三复合电极pH三复合电极pH三复合电极pH三复合电极型号E-301-QC型E-301-D型E-301F型E-301G型E-301-CF型范围0~140~140~140~140~14材质聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯(带拆卸保护脚)聚碳酸酯敏感膜玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡液接界纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥参比结构Ag/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgCl参比填充液3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl测量温度5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃尺寸Φ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mm温补元件2.25KΩ2.25KΩ2.25KΩ2.25KΩ2.25KΩ接口BNC(Q9)& 四芯航空插BNC(Q9)+BNC(Q6)BNC(Q9)+BNC(Q6)BNC(Q9)+BNC(Q6)BNC(Q9)(防水)+BNC(Q6)(防水)可选试剂&配件电极补充溶液(100ml,3mol/L KCl溶液))●●●●●电极补充溶液(250ml,3mol/L KCl溶液))●●●●●
  • 雷磁pH通用型二复合电极
    雷磁pH通用型二复合电极名称pH复合电极pH复合电极pH复合电极pH复合电极pH复合电极pH复合电极pH复合电极型号E-201型E-201-C型E-201F型E-201-L型E-201-D型E-201-CF型65-1C型(玻壳)范围0~140~140~140~140~140~140~14材质聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯(带拆卸保护脚)聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯玻璃液接界聚甲醛纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥纤维单盐桥陶瓷砂芯敏感膜玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡玻璃球泡参比结构Ag/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgClAg/AgCl参比填充液不可充3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl3 M KCl工作温度5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃5~60 ℃尺寸Φ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120 mm接口BNC(Q9)BNC(Q9)BNC(Q9)BNC(Q9)BNC(Q9)BNC(Q9)(防水型)BNC(Q9)可选试剂&配件电极补充溶液(100ml(3mol/L KCl溶液))/●●●●●●电极补充溶液(250ml(3mol/L KCl溶液))/●●●●●●
  • 东曹TSKgel Chelate-5PW色谱柱
    TSKgel Chelate-5PW 色谱柱的典型应用:与Zn+2, Cu+2 和 Ni+2 金属离子螯合并与含有组氨酸残基的蛋白质结合。通常用于外源凝集素、血清蛋白(如免疫球蛋白和转铁蛋白)、乳蛋白、膜蛋白和肽的分析。产品参数:粒径:10 µ m 、13 µ m 孔径:100 nm官能团:亚氨基二乙酸pH 值范围:2.0 - 12.0排阻界限: 10,000,000 Da 球状蛋白 配基浓度:20 mmol/L resin 货号产品名称粒径柱身材质内径(mm)柱长(cm)14440TSKgel Chelate-5PW10 µ mGlass5514441TSKgel Chelate-5PW10 µ mGlass87.514442TSKgel Guardgel kit for P/N 001441Glass8645TSKgel Chelate-5PW10 µ mStainless Steel7.5 7.5 8647TSKgel Guardgel kit for P/N 0008645Stainless Steel8646TSKgel Chelate-5PW13 µ mStainless Steel21.51520022TSKgel BioAssist Chelate10 µ mPEEK7.85亲和色谱法亲和色谱法(AFC)分离是通过键合在填料上的配基与酶或其它生物分子发生生物亲和作用来完成的。 几乎所有生物分子都能根据其化学或物理结构与之相应的配基之间发生特异性相互作用来进行提纯。它们通常为抗原与抗体、酶与辅酶、糖类与凝集素。因为通过与蛋白质发生的特异性相互作用来完成分离或提纯,因此亲和色谱法有别于反相或离子交换色谱法。在亲和色谱法中,酶不会只与一个配基起作用,因此,亲和色谱法并不专一,但它却是最具选择性的蛋白质分离方法。正如在抗体与抗原的相互作用中,选择性常常基于 “锁钥” 的原理。选择性较低的通用配基对整类蛋白质都具有亲合力,所以常需使用其它色谱法共同完成分离提纯某种蛋白。“ 生物选择性吸附 ”已成为亲和色谱法的别名。 亲和色谱在分离提纯生物分子时能发挥最大潜在特异性和选择性。为强化该优势,东曹生命科学研发出三种专一性的配基及一种化学活性配基。所有TSKgel AFC色谱柱的配基均键合在10 µ m刚性TSKgel G5000PW树脂上。该树脂孔径为1000Ã ,其估计排阻界限 10,000,000 kDa,而且在pH 2~9 范围内稳定性良好。
  • 气相色谱柱〖CP-Volamine〗
    气相色谱柱〖CP-Volamine〗 .安捷伦(Agilent) 色谱科 瓦里安(Varian) SGE 毛细柱 毛细管柱 金属毛细柱 保护柱 惰性 手性 极性 耗材. Chrompack特有MPD工艺提供惰性最好的毛细柱 将本公司特有的脱活和稳定化技术-MPD,用于普通的低流失/亚芳基型固定相,可成功的分析微量胺。熔融石英管柱的酸性表面可以使用一种本公司产权专属的脱活试剂进行去活。该试剂能提供多目的去活作用。此外,该脱活试剂也能提供屏蔽效应,可降低在柱壁表面的硅氧桥相互作用。该脱活试剂中还包含一个活性的碱性集团,可降低酸-碱相互作用,从而降低微量胺类的吸附。 可分离碳数高至C10的胺类;宜于分析二甲胺(DMA)、三甲胺(TMA)和单甲胺(MMA);可连续进样分析含水和胺的样品,而不损害柱的性能;很宽的浓度适用范围;可分析包括诸如醇类、水和氨等极性化合物;适用分析微量胺。 CP-Volamine柱是专为分析从C1&mdash C10范围的挥发性有机胺而设计的。由于使用了MPD技术,故得到了高惰性的毛细柱。除胺外,MPD的脱活作用对醇类分析也不成问题。 高极性、高沸点有机胺 应用号1584是这款高惰性柱对AEEA(2-胺乙基-乙醇胺)的应用实例。该高极性胺很难得到一个尖锐的峰形,但使用CP-Volamine或CP-Sil 8 CB for amines柱,就能得到几近对称的峰形。AEEA的沸点为238度,远低于CP-Volamine柱的最高使用温度(265度)。实际上,该柱可用来分析沸点近300度的胺类。 分析含水样品,CP-Volamine柱对水中的醇类和胺类具有显著的抗降解能力。共分析了七类PH范围在9-13之间的样品,柱的稳定性非常出色 气相色谱柱〖CP-Volamine〗 内径(mm) 长度(m) 膜厚((&mu m) 温度限(℃) 部件号 0.32 15 -- 265/300 CP7446 30 -- 265/300 CP7447 60 -- 265/300 CP7448
  • PolarGel-L 液相色谱柱
    PolarGel 中等极性表面和高机械稳定性 可使用广泛的溶剂组合 有两个分离区域可供选择,PolarGel-L 和PolarGel-M PolarGel 系列适用于使用极性溶剂的分析,如二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)和二甲亚砜(DMSO),并且适用于混合溶剂,如四氢呋喃溶剂与水的组合。这些流动相在GPC/SEC 分离极性物质时非常有用,这些物质如极性树脂、改性多糖或复杂的极性聚合物等,在使用传统SEC 溶剂时(如单独使用四氢呋喃)是难以进行分析的。PolarGel-L 适用于低分子量极性聚合物,PolarGel-M 适用于高分子量极性聚合物。 当使用极性溶剂和传统非极性聚苯乙烯/二乙烯基苯柱时,极性聚合物的强极性基团将产生非特异性相互作用和次级分离机理。通常需要添加剂和/或柱再生,以减少这类相互作用的发生。PolarGel则没有这些干扰,也不会有这类相互作用和次级效应带来的色谱图失真。 这类PolarGe “混合柱床” 色谱柱都具有中等极性表面和高机械稳定性。可以使用广泛的溶剂组合,大大提高了对无需水溶的极性聚合物的分析能力。PolarGel 有两种分离范围可供选择,以满足您对精确分析的需求。订货信息:
  • PolarGel-M 液相色谱柱
    PolarGel 中等极性表面和高机械稳定性 可使用广泛的溶剂组合 有两个分离区域可供选择,PolarGel-L 和PolarGel-M PolarGel 系列适用于使用极性溶剂的分析,如二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)和二甲亚砜(DMSO),并且适用于混合溶剂,如四氢呋喃溶剂与水的组合。这些流动相在GPC/SEC 分离极性物质时非常有用,这些物质如极性树脂、改性多糖或复杂的极性聚合物等,在使用传统SEC 溶剂时(如单独使用四氢呋喃)是难以进行分析的。PolarGel-L 适用于低分子量极性聚合物,PolarGel-M 适用于高分子量极性聚合物。 当使用极性溶剂和传统非极性聚苯乙烯/二乙烯基苯柱时,极性聚合物的强极性基团将产生非特异性相互作用和次级分离机理。通常需要添加剂和/或柱再生,以减少这类相互作用的发生。PolarGel则没有这些干扰,也不会有这类相互作用和次级效应带来的色谱图失真。 这类PolarGe “混合柱床” 色谱柱都具有中等极性表面和高机械稳定性。可以使用广泛的溶剂组合,大大提高了对无需水溶的极性聚合物的分析能力。PolarGel 有两种分离范围可供选择,以满足您对精确分析的需求。订货信息:
  • Rtx-Volatile Amine 色谱柱(熔融石英)
    Rtx-Volatile Amine 色谱柱(熔融石英)1、Rtx-Volatile Amine 色谱柱(熔融石英) 独特的选择性,使所有挥发性胺类基线分离。2、Rtx-Volatile Amine 色谱柱(熔融石英) 优异的惰性保证挥发性胺类包括游离氨的精确度和灵敏度。3、Rtx-Volatile Amine 色谱柱(熔融石英) 足够坚固以抵挡重复注水,从而延长柱的使用寿命。4、Rtx-Volatile Amine 色谱柱(熔融石英) 高热稳定性(290℃),以确保胺类洗脱至C16以及使被“烘焙”出的污染物从柱中除去。Rtx-Volatile Amine 色谱柱专门用于分析难挥发介质中的挥发性胺类,例如水。这种独特的失活的基质为那些敏感的化合物创建了一个异常惰性的表面,产生高度对称峰使检测限低。稳定的键合固定相形成的色谱柱,不仅是具有惰性,还对一些化合物具有高度选择性,但仍然足够坚固以抵挡重复的水进样。由客户进行日常的挥发性胺类试验比较,显示Rtx-Volatile Amine色谱柱优于其他特定胺类的色谱柱,尤其是对峰的形状和色谱柱的寿命。每根Rtx-Volatile Amine色谱柱都按照严格的质量规范生产,并配有专门设计的测试混合物,包括碱性化合物来测试,以确保卓越的惰性,可靠性和可重复性。这些质量保证一致的性能以及使Rtx-Volatile Amine柱成为挥发性胺类分析的最佳选择。类似固定相CP-Volamine请注意我们建议使用Rtx-Volatile Amine 色谱柱时配合使用碱性去活熔融石英保护柱和碱性去活衬管。ID 温度限 15米 30米 60米0.32 mm -60 to 270/290 °C 18076 18077 18078Rtx-Volatile Amine (60 m x 0.32 mm ID)挥发性胺类测试混合物色谱柱 Rtx-Volatile Amine, 60 m, 0.32 mm ID (货号 18078) GC_PC1228样品 挥发性胺柱测试混合物(货号 35008)稀释剂: 甲醇:二氯甲烷 (50:50)浓度: 900-1,800 μg/mL snap and shoot进样进样体积: 1 μL 分流(分流比 17.8:1)衬管: Sky 4 mm 单锥形 w/wool (货号 23303.1)进样口温度: 250 °C分流出口流速: 60 mL/min柱温箱柱温: 160 °C (维持21 min)以40 °C/min升至290 °C (维持10 min)载气 He, 恒流流速: 3.4 mL/min检测器 FID @ 300 °C尾吹气流速: 30 mL/min尾吹气体类型: N2数据传输速率: 50 Hz仪器 Agilent/HP6890 GC峰 tR (min)1. 吡啶 5.292. 1,2-丁二醇 6.153. 正壬烷 8.144. 二乙烯三胺 11.825. 二乙醇胺 12.696. 2-壬醇 15.817. 2,6-二甲基胺 21.628. 十二烷 22.73
  • 新型激光地雷探测器配件
    新型激光地雷探测器配件使用LIBS技术,大大提高排雷的速度和准确度,是全球领先的激光地雷探测仪,新型激光地雷探测器配件是专业为扫雷,排雷等工作地雷的探测而研发,是欧洲防务系统中明显产品。激光地雷探测器实物图地雷的探测与排查依然是现代社会的一个难题。多数情况下,人们对地雷的排查和探测依靠简单的排查戳探杆(Mine searching prodder),排雷人员通过寻找其前面的土壤电阻异常来排查地雷。这种方法当然可以百分之百寻找到地雷,但是,这种办法存在极高频率的错误报警问题,导致排雷速度非常缓慢。 一种防步兵地雷为了减少传统排雷方式中的极高的误报警问题,我们提供了一种新型的高科技激光地雷探测仪。这种激光地雷探测器是在一种激光诱导击穿光谱传感器前加上光纤传感 器,可以与传统的排雷方法一起使用。遇到隐藏在地面下的不明物体时,排雷人员可以使用这种新型的激光地雷探测器向不明物体表面发出激光束,激光地雷探测仪 通过分析不明物表面反射的光谱信息就可以分辨出是地雷还是铁块,从而大大提高排雷的速度和准确度。中国领先的进口精密光谱仪器旗舰型服务商--孚光精仪!
  • 雷磁溶解氧电极 极谱法
    雷磁溶解氧电极 极谱法电极名称DO-957-Q 型溶解氧电极(新品)DO-957 型溶解氧电极DO-957F 型溶解氧电极DO-958-Q 型溶解氧电极(新品)DO-958-L 型溶解氧电极DO-958-BF 型溶解氧电极DO-958-S 型溶解氧电极原理极谱法极谱型/覆膜式极谱型/覆膜式极谱法极谱型/覆膜式极谱型/覆膜式极谱型/覆膜式溶解氧范围0~20 mg/L0~20 mg/L0~20 mg/L0~20 mg/L ;0~50 mg/L(配套指定仪器)0~20 mg/L0~20 mg/L0~20 mg/L测量温度范围5~40 ℃5~40 ℃5~40 ℃5~40 ℃5~40 ℃5~40 ℃5~40 ℃材质ABSABSABSABSABSABSABS工作温度5~40 ℃5-40℃5-40℃5~40 ℃5-40℃5-40℃5-40℃尺寸Φ12×120 mmΦ12×120mmΦ12×120mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120mmΦ12×120mmΦ12×120mm接口四芯航空插小四芯航空插小四芯航空插(防水)四芯航空插Mini DIN 6芯大四芯航空插(防水)大四芯航空插线缆1米1米1米1米1米1米1米可选试剂&配件零氧校准液(大瓶)(无水亚硫酸钠,粉剂,瓶。加纯水可配置成100ml的5%亚硫酸钠溶液)●●●●●●●溶氧电解液(100mL)●●●●●●●溶解氧电极沉降套●●●●●●●溶解氧电极膜套(3个/盒)DO-957系列DO-957系列DO-957系列DO-958系列DO-9
  • 肉类取样器
  • 雷磁溶解氧电极 极谱法
    雷磁溶解氧电极 极谱法电极名称DO-957-Q 型溶解氧电极(新品)DO-957 型溶解氧电极DO-957F 型溶解氧电极DO-958-Q 型溶解氧电极(新品)DO-958-L 型溶解氧电极DO-958-BF 型溶解氧电极DO-958-S 型溶解氧电极原理极谱法极谱型/覆膜式极谱型/覆膜式极谱法极谱型/覆膜式极谱型/覆膜式极谱型/覆膜式溶解氧范围0~20 mg/L0~20 mg/L0~20 mg/L0~20 mg/L ;0~50 mg/L(配套指定仪器)0~20 mg/L0~20 mg/L0~20 mg/L测量温度范围5~40 ℃5~40 ℃5~40 ℃5~40 ℃5~40 ℃5~40 ℃5~40 ℃材质ABSABSABSABSABSABSABS工作温度5~40 ℃5-40℃5-40℃5~40 ℃5-40℃5-40℃5-40℃尺寸Φ12×120 mmΦ12×120mmΦ12×120mmΦ12×120 mmΦ12×120mmΦ12×120mmΦ12×120mm接口四芯航空插小四芯航空插小四芯航空插(防水)四芯航空插Mini DIN 6芯大四芯航空插(防水)大四芯航空插线缆1米1米1米1米1米1米1米可选试剂&配件零氧校准液(大瓶)(无水亚硫酸钠,粉剂,瓶。加纯水可配置成100ml的5%亚硫酸钠溶液)●●●●●●●溶氧电解液(100mL)●●●●●●●溶解氧电极沉降套●●●●●●●溶解氧电极膜套(3个/盒)DO-957系列DO-957系列DO-957系列DO-958系列DO-958系列DO-958系列DO-958系列
  • Acclaim PolarAdvantage 061318 反相色谱柱
    Sulfonamide-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for Separating Polar CompoundsAcclaim® PolarAdvantage (PA) columns feature a patented bonding chemistry that incorporates a polar sulfonamide group near the surface of the silica particle. This unique chemistry provides good hydrolytic stability and allows a single column to resolve a wide variety of polar and nonpolar analytes. The Acclaim PA is compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases and supports LC/MS analysis. Low silanol activity for excellent peak shape with basic compounds Novel polar-embedded column chemistry Compatible with 0–100% organic solvent mobile phases High selectivity for hydrophobic aromatic compounds Wide range of applicationsConventional C18 phases are not compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases, due to dewetting. The Acclaim PA column by design has a mildly hydrophilic surface, which remains in contact with aqueous-only mobile phases, negating the problems of dewetting common with conventional reversed-phase columns.Acclaim PA columns are available both in 3 and 5 μm particle sizes and 4.6, 3.0, and 2.1 mm diameters, with an average pore diameter of 120 ?. Acclaim PA is also available in 2.2μm RSLC format (see Acclaim Rapid Separation LC (RSLC) Columns section for more details). Acclaim PA may be used for LC/MS applications. ApplicationsThe Acclaim PA column can be used in a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical, environmental, food testing, and product-quality testing. These columns also give efficient separations with good peak shapes for compounds of life science (nucleic acid and bases) and pharmaceutical interest (sulfonamides) using highly aqueous mobile phases.Acclaim PolarAdvantage: Rugged Polar-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for the Analysis of Polar and Nonpolar Compounds SpecificationsSurface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (Na, Fe, Al)10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 and 5 μParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Standard particle sizes are 3 and 5 μm. Available in 2.1, 3.0, and 4.6 mm i.d. Lengths are 50, 100, and 150 mm. Capillary formats are available in 75 and 300 μm, 1.0 mm, and custom diameters, and in 50, 150, or 250 mm lengths. Microprecolumn and nano precolumn cartridges are available in several formats. Guard columns in both 2.0 and 4.3 mm sizes packed with 5 μm particles are recommended. Columns for fast LC are listed in the RSLC section.Analytical ColumnsAcclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 50 mm)063174Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 100 mm)061316Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 150 mm)061317Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)076215Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 100mm)076214Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim PA, 3 μm, Analytical, (3.0 x 250 mm)070079Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061318Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 100mm)076216Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 50 mm)061319Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061320Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 250 mm)061321Guard ColumnsAcclaim PA, 5μm,2mm Guard Cartridges, (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069691Acclaim PA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071983Acclaim PA, 5 μm Guard Cartridges, (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069698Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188Acclaim RSLC PA Analytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 33 mm)066274Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 75 mm)066275Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 50 mm072622Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 30 mm072621Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 100 mm072623Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 150 mm072624Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)074813Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 30mm072625Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 100mm072627Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 50mm072626
  • Acclaim PolarAdvantage 072623反相色谱柱
    Sulfonamide-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for Separating Polar CompoundsAcclaim® PolarAdvantage (PA) columns feature a patented bonding chemistry that incorporates a polar sulfonamide group near the surface of the silica particle. This unique chemistry provides good hydrolytic stability and allows a single column to resolve a wide variety of polar and nonpolar analytes. The Acclaim PA is compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases and supports LC/MS analysis. Low silanol activity for excellent peak shape with basic compounds Novel polar-embedded column chemistry Compatible with 0–100% organic solvent mobile phases High selectivity for hydrophobic aromatic compounds Wide range of applicationsConventional C18 phases are not compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases, due to dewetting. The Acclaim PA column by design has a mildly hydrophilic surface, which remains in contact with aqueous-only mobile phases, negating the problems of dewetting common with conventional reversed-phase columns.Acclaim PA columns are available both in 3 and 5 μm particle sizes and 4.6, 3.0, and 2.1 mm diameters, with an average pore diameter of 120 ?. Acclaim PA is also available in 2.2μm RSLC format (see Acclaim Rapid Separation LC (RSLC) Columns section for more details). Acclaim PA may be used for LC/MS applications. ApplicationsThe Acclaim PA column can be used in a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical, environmental, food testing, and product-quality testing. These columns also give efficient separations with good peak shapes for compounds of life science (nucleic acid and bases) and pharmaceutical interest (sulfonamides) using highly aqueous mobile phases.Acclaim PolarAdvantage: Rugged Polar-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for the Analysis of Polar and Nonpolar Compounds SpecificationsSurface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (Na, Fe, Al)10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 and 5 μParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Standard particle sizes are 3 and 5 μm. Available in 2.1, 3.0, and 4.6 mm i.d. Lengths are 50, 100, and 150 mm. Capillary formats are available in 75 and 300 μm, 1.0 mm, and custom diameters, and in 50, 150, or 250 mm lengths. Microprecolumn and nano precolumn cartridges are available in several formats. Guard columns in both 2.0 and 4.3 mm sizes packed with 5 μm particles are recommended. Columns for fast LC are listed in the RSLC section.Analytical ColumnsAcclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 50 mm)063174Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 100 mm)061316Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 150 mm)061317Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)076215Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 100mm)076214Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim PA, 3 μm, Analytical, (3.0 x 250 mm)070079Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061318Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 100mm)076216Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 50 mm)061319Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061320Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 250 mm)061321Guard ColumnsAcclaim PA, 5μm,2mm Guard Cartridges, (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069691Acclaim PA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071983Acclaim PA, 5 μm Guard Cartridges, (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069698Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188Acclaim RSLC PA Analytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 33 mm)066274Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 75 mm)066275Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 50 mm072622Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 30 mm072621Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 100 mm072623Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 150 mm072624Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)074813Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 30mm072625Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 100mm072627Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 50mm072626
  • Acclaim PolarAdvantage 069698反相色谱柱
    Sulfonamide-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for Separating Polar CompoundsAcclaim® PolarAdvantage (PA) columns feature a patented bonding chemistry that incorporates a polar sulfonamide group near the surface of the silica particle. This unique chemistry provides good hydrolytic stability and allows a single column to resolve a wide variety of polar and nonpolar analytes. The Acclaim PA is compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases and supports LC/MS analysis. Low silanol activity for excellent peak shape with basic compounds Novel polar-embedded column chemistry Compatible with 0–100% organic solvent mobile phases High selectivity for hydrophobic aromatic compounds Wide range of applicationsConventional C18 phases are not compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases, due to dewetting. The Acclaim PA column by design has a mildly hydrophilic surface, which remains in contact with aqueous-only mobile phases, negating the problems of dewetting common with conventional reversed-phase columns.Acclaim PA columns are available both in 3 and 5 μm particle sizes and 4.6, 3.0, and 2.1 mm diameters, with an average pore diameter of 120 ?. Acclaim PA is also available in 2.2μm RSLC format (see Acclaim Rapid Separation LC (RSLC) Columns section for more details). Acclaim PA may be used for LC/MS applications. ApplicationsThe Acclaim PA column can be used in a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical, environmental, food testing, and product-quality testing. These columns also give efficient separations with good peak shapes for compounds of life science (nucleic acid and bases) and pharmaceutical interest (sulfonamides) using highly aqueous mobile phases.Acclaim PolarAdvantage: Rugged Polar-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for the Analysis of Polar and Nonpolar Compounds SpecificationsSurface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (Na, Fe, Al)10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 and 5 μParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Standard particle sizes are 3 and 5 μm. Available in 2.1, 3.0, and 4.6 mm i.d. Lengths are 50, 100, and 150 mm. Capillary formats are available in 75 and 300 μm, 1.0 mm, and custom diameters, and in 50, 150, or 250 mm lengths. Microprecolumn and nano precolumn cartridges are available in several formats. Guard columns in both 2.0 and 4.3 mm sizes packed with 5 μm particles are recommended. Columns for fast LC are listed in the RSLC section.Analytical ColumnsAcclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 50 mm)063174Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 100 mm)061316Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 150 mm)061317Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)076215Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 100mm)076214Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim PA, 3 μm, Analytical, (3.0 x 250 mm)070079Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061318Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 100mm)076216Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 50 mm)061319Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061320Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 250 mm)061321Guard ColumnsAcclaim PA, 5μm,2mm Guard Cartridges, (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069691Acclaim PA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071983Acclaim PA, 5 μm Guard Cartridges, (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069698Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188Acclaim RSLC PA Analytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 33 mm)066274Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 75 mm)066275Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 50 mm072622Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 30 mm072621Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 100 mm072623Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 150 mm072624Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)074813Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 30mm072625Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 100mm072627Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 50mm072626
  • Acclaim PolarAdvantage 070079反相色谱柱
    Sulfonamide-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for Separating Polar CompoundsAcclaim® PolarAdvantage (PA) columns feature a patented bonding chemistry that incorporates a polar sulfonamide group near the surface of the silica particle. This unique chemistry provides good hydrolytic stability and allows a single column to resolve a wide variety of polar and nonpolar analytes. The Acclaim PA is compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases and supports LC/MS analysis. Low silanol activity for excellent peak shape with basic compounds Novel polar-embedded column chemistry Compatible with 0–100% organic solvent mobile phases High selectivity for hydrophobic aromatic compounds Wide range of applicationsConventional C18 phases are not compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases, due to dewetting. The Acclaim PA column by design has a mildly hydrophilic surface, which remains in contact with aqueous-only mobile phases, negating the problems of dewetting common with conventional reversed-phase columns.Acclaim PA columns are available both in 3 and 5 μm particle sizes and 4.6, 3.0, and 2.1 mm diameters, with an average pore diameter of 120 ?. Acclaim PA is also available in 2.2μm RSLC format (see Acclaim Rapid Separation LC (RSLC) Columns section for more details). Acclaim PA may be used for LC/MS applications. ApplicationsThe Acclaim PA column can be used in a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical, environmental, food testing, and product-quality testing. These columns also give efficient separations with good peak shapes for compounds of life science (nucleic acid and bases) and pharmaceutical interest (sulfonamides) using highly aqueous mobile phases.Acclaim PolarAdvantage: Rugged Polar-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for the Analysis of Polar and Nonpolar Compounds SpecificationsSurface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (Na, Fe, Al)10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 and 5 μParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Standard particle sizes are 3 and 5 μm. Available in 2.1, 3.0, and 4.6 mm i.d. Lengths are 50, 100, and 150 mm. Capillary formats are available in 75 and 300 μm, 1.0 mm, and custom diameters, and in 50, 150, or 250 mm lengths. Microprecolumn and nano precolumn cartridges are available in several formats. Guard columns in both 2.0 and 4.3 mm sizes packed with 5 μm particles are recommended. Columns for fast LC are listed in the RSLC section.Analytical ColumnsAcclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 50 mm)063174Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 100 mm)061316Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 150 mm)061317Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)076215Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 100mm)076214Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim PA, 3 μm, Analytical, (3.0 x 250 mm)070079Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061318Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 100mm)076216Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 50 mm)061319Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061320Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 250 mm)061321Guard ColumnsAcclaim PA, 5μm,2mm Guard Cartridges, (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069691Acclaim PA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071983Acclaim PA, 5 μm Guard Cartridges, (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069698Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188Acclaim RSLC PA Analytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 33 mm)066274Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 75 mm)066275Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 50 mm072622Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 30 mm072621Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 100 mm072623Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 150 mm072624Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)074813Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 30mm072625Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 100mm072627Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 50mm072626
  • Acclaim PolarAdvantage 061319反相色谱柱
    Sulfonamide-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for Separating Polar CompoundsAcclaim® PolarAdvantage (PA) columns feature a patented bonding chemistry that incorporates a polar sulfonamide group near the surface of the silica particle. This unique chemistry provides good hydrolytic stability and allows a single column to resolve a wide variety of polar and nonpolar analytes. The Acclaim PA is compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases and supports LC/MS analysis. Low silanol activity for excellent peak shape with basic compounds Novel polar-embedded column chemistry Compatible with 0–100% organic solvent mobile phases High selectivity for hydrophobic aromatic compounds Wide range of applicationsConventional C18 phases are not compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases, due to dewetting. The Acclaim PA column by design has a mildly hydrophilic surface, which remains in contact with aqueous-only mobile phases, negating the problems of dewetting common with conventional reversed-phase columns.Acclaim PA columns are available both in 3 and 5 μm particle sizes and 4.6, 3.0, and 2.1 mm diameters, with an average pore diameter of 120 ?. Acclaim PA is also available in 2.2μm RSLC format (see Acclaim Rapid Separation LC (RSLC) Columns section for more details). Acclaim PA may be used for LC/MS applications. ApplicationsThe Acclaim PA column can be used in a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical, environmental, food testing, and product-quality testing. These columns also give efficient separations with good peak shapes for compounds of life science (nucleic acid and bases) and pharmaceutical interest (sulfonamides) using highly aqueous mobile phases.Acclaim PolarAdvantage: Rugged Polar-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for the Analysis of Polar and Nonpolar Compounds SpecificationsSurface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (Na, Fe, Al)10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 and 5 μParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Standard particle sizes are 3 and 5 μm. Available in 2.1, 3.0, and 4.6 mm i.d. Lengths are 50, 100, and 150 mm. Capillary formats are available in 75 and 300 μm, 1.0 mm, and custom diameters, and in 50, 150, or 250 mm lengths. Microprecolumn and nano precolumn cartridges are available in several formats. Guard columns in both 2.0 and 4.3 mm sizes packed with 5 μm particles are recommended. Columns for fast LC are listed in the RSLC section.Analytical ColumnsAcclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 50 mm)063174Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 100 mm)061316Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 150 mm)061317Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)076215Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 100mm)076214Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim PA, 3 μm, Analytical, (3.0 x 250 mm)070079Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061318Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 100mm)076216Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 50 mm)061319Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061320Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 250 mm)061321Guard ColumnsAcclaim PA, 5μm,2mm Guard Cartridges, (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069691Acclaim PA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071983Acclaim PA, 5 μm Guard Cartridges, (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069698Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188Acclaim RSLC PA Analytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 33 mm)066274Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 75 mm)066275Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 50 mm072622Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 30 mm072621Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 100 mm072623Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 150 mm072624Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)074813Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 30mm072625Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 100mm072627Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 50mm072626
  • Acclaim PolarAdvantage 069691反相色谱柱
    Sulfonamide-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for Separating Polar CompoundsAcclaim® PolarAdvantage (PA) columns feature a patented bonding chemistry that incorporates a polar sulfonamide group near the surface of the silica particle. This unique chemistry provides good hydrolytic stability and allows a single column to resolve a wide variety of polar and nonpolar analytes. The Acclaim PA is compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases and supports LC/MS analysis. Low silanol activity for excellent peak shape with basic compounds Novel polar-embedded column chemistry Compatible with 0–100% organic solvent mobile phases High selectivity for hydrophobic aromatic compounds Wide range of applicationsConventional C18 phases are not compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases, due to dewetting. The Acclaim PA column by design has a mildly hydrophilic surface, which remains in contact with aqueous-only mobile phases, negating the problems of dewetting common with conventional reversed-phase columns.Acclaim PA columns are available both in 3 and 5 μm particle sizes and 4.6, 3.0, and 2.1 mm diameters, with an average pore diameter of 120 ?. Acclaim PA is also available in 2.2μm RSLC format (see Acclaim Rapid Separation LC (RSLC) Columns section for more details). Acclaim PA may be used for LC/MS applications. ApplicationsThe Acclaim PA column can be used in a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical, environmental, food testing, and product-quality testing. These columns also give efficient separations with good peak shapes for compounds of life science (nucleic acid and bases) and pharmaceutical interest (sulfonamides) using highly aqueous mobile phases.Acclaim PolarAdvantage: Rugged Polar-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for the Analysis of Polar and Nonpolar Compounds SpecificationsSurface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (Na, Fe, Al)10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 and 5 μParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Standard particle sizes are 3 and 5 μm. Available in 2.1, 3.0, and 4.6 mm i.d. Lengths are 50, 100, and 150 mm. Capillary formats are available in 75 and 300 μm, 1.0 mm, and custom diameters, and in 50, 150, or 250 mm lengths. Microprecolumn and nano precolumn cartridges are available in several formats. Guard columns in both 2.0 and 4.3 mm sizes packed with 5 μm particles are recommended. Columns for fast LC are listed in the RSLC section.Analytical ColumnsAcclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 50 mm)063174Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 100 mm)061316Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 150 mm)061317Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)076215Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 100mm)076214Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim PA, 3 μm, Analytical, (3.0 x 250 mm)070079Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061318Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 100mm)076216Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 50 mm)061319Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061320Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 250 mm)061321Guard ColumnsAcclaim PA, 5μm,2mm Guard Cartridges, (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069691Acclaim PA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071983Acclaim PA, 5 μm Guard Cartridges, (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069698Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188Acclaim RSLC PA Analytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 33 mm)066274Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 75 mm)066275Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 50 mm072622Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 30 mm072621Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 100 mm072623Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 150 mm072624Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)074813Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 30mm072625Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 100mm072627Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 50mm072626
  • Acclaim PolarAdvantage 063693 反相色谱柱
    Sulfonamide-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for Separating Polar CompoundsAcclaim® PolarAdvantage (PA) columns feature a patented bonding chemistry that incorporates a polar sulfonamide group near the surface of the silica particle. This unique chemistry provides good hydrolytic stability and allows a single column to resolve a wide variety of polar and nonpolar analytes. The Acclaim PA is compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases and supports LC/MS analysis. Low silanol activity for excellent peak shape with basic compounds Novel polar-embedded column chemistry Compatible with 0–100% organic solvent mobile phases High selectivity for hydrophobic aromatic compounds Wide range of applicationsConventional C18 phases are not compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases, due to dewetting. The Acclaim PA column by design has a mildly hydrophilic surface, which remains in contact with aqueous-only mobile phases, negating the problems of dewetting common with conventional reversed-phase columns.Acclaim PA columns are available both in 3 and 5 μm particle sizes and 4.6, 3.0, and 2.1 mm diameters, with an average pore diameter of 120 ?. Acclaim PA is also available in 2.2μm RSLC format (see Acclaim Rapid Separation LC (RSLC) Columns section for more details). Acclaim PA may be used for LC/MS applications. ApplicationsThe Acclaim PA column can be used in a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical, environmental, food testing, and product-quality testing. These columns also give efficient separations with good peak shapes for compounds of life science (nucleic acid and bases) and pharmaceutical interest (sulfonamides) using highly aqueous mobile phases.Acclaim PolarAdvantage: Rugged Polar-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for the Analysis of Polar and Nonpolar Compounds SpecificationsSurface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (Na, Fe, Al)10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 and 5 μParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Standard particle sizes are 3 and 5 μm. Available in 2.1, 3.0, and 4.6 mm i.d. Lengths are 50, 100, and 150 mm. Capillary formats are available in 75 and 300 μm, 1.0 mm, and custom diameters, and in 50, 150, or 250 mm lengths. Microprecolumn and nano precolumn cartridges are available in several formats. Guard columns in both 2.0 and 4.3 mm sizes packed with 5 μm particles are recommended. Columns for fast LC are listed in the RSLC section.Analytical ColumnsAcclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 50 mm)063174Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 100 mm)061316Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 150 mm)061317Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)076215Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 100mm)076214Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim PA, 3 μm, Analytical, (3.0 x 250 mm)070079Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061318Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 100mm)076216Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 50 mm)061319Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061320Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 250 mm)061321Guard ColumnsAcclaim PA, 5μm,2mm Guard Cartridges, (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069691Acclaim PA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071983Acclaim PA, 5 μm Guard Cartridges, (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069698Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188Acclaim RSLC PA Analytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 33 mm)066274Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 75 mm)066275Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 50 mm072622Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 30 mm072621Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 100 mm072623Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 150 mm072624Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)074813Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 30mm072625Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 100mm072627Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 50mm072626
  • Acclaim PolarAdvantage 066274 反相色谱柱
    Sulfonamide-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for Separating Polar CompoundsAcclaim® PolarAdvantage (PA) columns feature a patented bonding chemistry that incorporates a polar sulfonamide group near the surface of the silica particle. This unique chemistry provides good hydrolytic stability and allows a single column to resolve a wide variety of polar and nonpolar analytes. The Acclaim PA is compatible with 100% aqueous mobile phases and supports LC/MS analysis. Low silanol activity for excellent peak shape with basic compounds Novel polar-embedded column chemistry Compatible with 0–100% organic solvent mobile phases High selectivity for hydrophobic aromatic compounds Wide range of applicationsConventional C18 phases are not compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases, due to dewetting. The Acclaim PA column by design has a mildly hydrophilic surface, which remains in contact with aqueous-only mobile phases, negating the problems of dewetting common with conventional reversed-phase columns.Acclaim PA columns are available both in 3 and 5 μm particle sizes and 4.6, 3.0, and 2.1 mm diameters, with an average pore diameter of 120 ?. Acclaim PA is also available in 2.2μm RSLC format (see Acclaim Rapid Separation LC (RSLC) Columns section for more details). Acclaim PA may be used for LC/MS applications. ApplicationsThe Acclaim PA column can be used in a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical, environmental, food testing, and product-quality testing. These columns also give efficient separations with good peak shapes for compounds of life science (nucleic acid and bases) and pharmaceutical interest (sulfonamides) using highly aqueous mobile phases.Acclaim PolarAdvantage: Rugged Polar-Embedded Reversed-Phase Columns for the Analysis of Polar and Nonpolar Compounds SpecificationsSurface coverage2.7 μmol/m2End-cappedYesMetal impurity (Na, Fe, Al)10.0 ppm Total Metal3.0 ppm Individual MetalPore volume1.0 mL/gAverage pore diameter120 ?Surface area300 m2/gpH range2–8Temperature60 °CStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 and 5 μParticle shapeSphericalParticle size distribution (40/90)1.3Total carbon content17%Standard particle sizes are 3 and 5 μm. Available in 2.1, 3.0, and 4.6 mm i.d. Lengths are 50, 100, and 150 mm. Capillary formats are available in 75 and 300 μm, 1.0 mm, and custom diameters, and in 50, 150, or 250 mm lengths. Microprecolumn and nano precolumn cartridges are available in several formats. Guard columns in both 2.0 and 4.3 mm sizes packed with 5 μm particles are recommended. Columns for fast LC are listed in the RSLC section.Analytical ColumnsAcclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 50 mm)063174Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 100 mm)061316Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 150 mm)061317Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)076215Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 100mm)076214Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim PA, 3 μm, Analytical, (3.0 x 250 mm)070079Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061318Acclaim 120, PA, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 100mm)076216Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 50 mm)061319Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)061320Acclaim PA, 5 μm Analytical (4.6 x 250 mm)061321Guard ColumnsAcclaim PA, 5μm,2mm Guard Cartridges, (2.1 x 10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580069691Acclaim PA, 5μm Guard Cartridges (3 x 10mm), 2ea, requires holder 069580071983Acclaim PA, 5 μm Guard Cartridges, (4.6 x 10 mm), 2 ea (use V-2 Holder)069698Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188Acclaim RSLC PA Analytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 33 mm)066274Acclaim PA, 3μm Analytical, (3.0 x 50mm)068972Acclaim RSLC PA, 3 μm Analytical (3.0 x 75 mm)066275Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analyitcal (3.0 x 150 mm)063693Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 50 mm072622Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 30 mm072621Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 100 mm072623Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 2.1 x 150 mm072624Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 250mm)074813Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 30mm072625Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 100mm072627Acclaim RSLC PA, 2.2μm, 3 x 50mm072626
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