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  • 普析通用横向整体高灵敏度弧型平台涂层石墨管
    普析通用横向整体高灵敏度弧型平台涂层石墨管(货号032) 本公司生产的普析通用横向石墨管和美国PE公司石墨管相同,“装溶液50微升”是我公司独家研发产品一、管结构自从李沃夫提出在普通石墨管中镶嵌入一块热解石墨片而制成具有恒温效应以改善原子化气氛的石墨管以来,这种“插入式平台管”一直使用在原子吸收石墨炉分析中,上世纪末美国PerKin-Elmer公司才在它的原子吸收仪上使用了呈“弧形状”的“弧形平台”石墨管。由于石墨平台呈“弧状”,不可能以普通平台那样的方式镶嵌在石墨管内,为了尽量降低平台与管壁的接触面以实际尽可能真实的“辐射加热”而采取了“点接触”的固定方式。这样在这种“弧形平台管”加工制造上提出了极高的工艺要求,首先它必须是整体制造的,即是由一整块石墨加工成的,而不是先制成一块“弧形平台”后再“插入”普通石墨管中。其次,“弧形平台”与管壁的间隙仅有0.3mm,几乎是在弧度达180度、长度达10mm的管壁上“掏”出一个半圆形的石墨片来,这片弧形片的端部仅仅与管壁有一个约1.8mm的接点,故加工技术要求极高。第三,这种整体弧形平台管是早期弧形平台管的改进型,是第二代弧形平台管,对提高灵敏度特别是高温元素的灵敏度有明显的改善。不论是横向加热式还是纵向加热式,在用高密度石墨加工成功后均进行热解涂层,所以这种整体石墨管的热力学参数完全相同。二、优点及特性1.这种一体化的弧形平台和管壁是“点”接触,因而平台的加热完全是靠管内气体的辐射热加热的,优化了管内温度的延迟,这种更符合李沃夫对原子化环境的要求。2.由于它是一体化的结构,故它的各种物理参数比“插入式平台”管更加稳定,管与管间的再现性非常好。比如它的通光性比“插入式平台管”高,即通过石墨管的光线受到的阻挡小,有利于光能量的发挥。同样也有利于氩气的流通,对带走干扰物和保护石墨管有利。3.一体化弧形平台管的元素分析灵敏度比“插入式平台管”更高,以下是几个元素(代表不同原子化温度)以20微升进样时弧形平台管和“插入式平台管”的灵敏度对比: 插入式平台管与整体弧形平台管灵敏度比较:(吸光度)定元素及温度插入式平台管整体弧形平台管整体弧形管/插入式平台管镉,1700℃0.09200.10470.1047/0.092×100=13.8﹪铜,2300℃0.25840.31630.3163/0.2584×100=22.41﹪锰,2500℃0.08480.08900.0890/0.0848×100=5.0﹪铅,1800℃0.06470.09550.0955/0.0647×100=14.7﹪可见,从低温元素到中,高温元素的灵敏度要升高5﹪~20﹪左右。这样可以不必更换不同的石墨管就能在稳温平台条件下用同一只弧形管上完成不同温度的元素分析而灵敏度更好。4.由于弧形平台管的表面积比插入式平台的表面积大得多,所以弧形平台能容纳更多的样品溶液,通常最大能加入50微升的溶液,而插入式平台最大才20微升!这对于含量极低的溶液分析十分有利。由于弧形平台面积大,溶液液面低,所以加热特性与普通石墨管及插入式平台管不同,通常,干燥温度要高些(110℃,130℃两步干燥更好)。另一方面,由于弧形平台管的升温速率比普通管更快,所以,即使像钒、钼这样的高温元素也能在弧形平台上原子化。但我们建议通常使用的最高温度以下不高于2700℃为宜。三、使用建议 尽管我们在出厂时已做过处理,但我们还是建议在使用弧形平台管时按如下加热程序与“预处理”后使之达到“稳态”后再进行正常分析:步骤温度℃时间,秒气体斜坡升温保持12200605在所有步步骤都通入最大流量的氩气22012032200101042012052300101062012072400101082012092500 1010
  • Solution-E6100 Dual Detector
    Solution-E6100 Dual Detector
  • 2100 N台式浊度仪
    唐海红 13120400643 2100 N台式浊度仪 2100AN和2100AN IS 测量浊度可超大范围及增强的比例测量: 1) 用途:实验室浊度计用于测量污水处理厂中水处理过程的浊度;(2) 组成:比色计、样品瓶、校正标准液;(3) ★测量原理:90° 散射光;(4) ★光源:钨灯,使用寿命8800小时;(5) ★测量范围:0-4000 NTU;(6) 分辨率:0.001NTU;(7) ★精度:0~1000:± 2%,1000~4000:± 5%;(8) 重现性:± 1%;(9) 显示:LCD液晶显示屏;(10) ★数据接口:RS232;(11) 操作环境:0.0~50℃,0~90%相对湿度,无冷凝;
  • Cal Plus 自动管理平台
    Cal Plus 自动管理平台产品参数:所支持的监测器:GasBadge? Plus配置:单件单件,带内部打印机尺寸:3" x 9.3" x 7.6" 单件(7.6 cm x 23.6 cm x 19.3 cm)尺寸:3" x 14.55" x 7.6" 单件(带打印机)(7.6 cm x 37 cm x 19.3 cm)气体进口:一个空气进口,一个进气孔泵流速:0.25 LPM电源输入:通用电源信息指示:板载指示灯显示状态(成功、失败)。多语液晶显示器显示Cal Plus?的工作状态及菜单设置。GasBadge?Plus显示实时读数。内存:可存储多达 200个通气测试报告及校准报告。报告包括序列号、时间、日期、传感器信息、成功/失败、跨度值及通气测试值(用于通气测试)。支持断电信息保留。Cal Plus 自动管理平台
  • TiTe2 二碲化钛晶体 (Titanium Ditelluride)
    Similar to graphene and MoS2, TiTe? is also layered material (layered transition metal dichalcogenide) crystallizing in the 1T-CdI2 structure. It is a semimetal but very small gap (~50-100 meV) opens up as a result of charge density waves (CDW) formation.Owing to weak interlayer couple can be isolated to monolayers on variety substrates. From few- to monolayers, TiTe? possesses various interesting physical properties ranging from unusual - extraordinary Raman spectra and electrical conductivity. Each sample is characterized by various techniques such as electrical conductivity, Raman spectrum, XRD, XPS, AES, and ARPES to provide the highest quality samples for your research needs.Our TiTe2 crystals are stabilized in 2H-phase (semimetallic and CDW metallic phase). They are grown using two different techniques through chemical vapor transport (CVT) or flux zone growth (see description of these two methods below). These crystals are treated as gold standards in 2D materials field owing to perfected electronic behavior with guaranteed electronic response and low zero temperature resistance values. Our TiTe2 crystals exhibit low impurity resistance (zero temperature resistance), high carrier mobility, extremely clean and sharp XRD peaks, and negligible amount of defects (see published results as well as CVT vs. Flux based methods below ). TiTe2 crystals come ready for exfoliation without any preparation. If you research needs STM grade surfaces or even STM samples (TiTe2 mounted on conductive STM holders) please contact us, we will be happy to arrange these samples.Properties of vdW TiTe2 crystalsGrowth method matters Flux zone or CVT growth method? Contamination of halides and point defects in layered crystals are well known cause for their reduced electronic mobility, reduced anisotropic response, poor e-h recombination, low-PL emission, and lower optical absorption. Flux zone technique is a halide free technique used for synthesizing truly semiconductor gradevdW crystals. This method distinguishes itself from chemical vapor transport (CVT) technique in the following regard: CVT is a quick (~2 weeks) growth method but exhibits poor crystalline quality and the defect concentration reaches to 1E11 to 1E12 cm-2 range. In contrast, flux method takes long (~3 months) growth time, but ensures slow crystallization for perfect atomic structuring, and impurity free crystal growth with defect concentration as low as 1E9 - 1E10 cm-2. During check out just state which type of growth process is preferred. Unless otherwise stated, 2Dsemiconductors ships Flux zone crystals as a default choice.
  • 941 Eluent Production Module 2.941.0010
    941 Eluent Production Module订货号: 2.941.0010941 Eluent Production Module 可自动制备淋洗液。 能够在无需人工干涉的情况下进行持续地不间断工作,并确保稳定的保留时间。 可与所有的万通离子色谱仪组合应用,并由 MagIC Net 进行操控。
  • SP-3104 Plus-SP3104plus,美国华瑞RAE,有毒气体检测仪
    SP-3104 Plus-SP3104plus,美国华瑞RAE,有毒气体检测仪,主要特点,办事处,售后服务:咨询热线,15300030867,010-82752485-815张经理,欢迎您的来电咨询!本质安全技术保证本仪器可以使用于“爆炸性气体混合物连续或长时间存在的场所”(0区)智能传感器技术采用智能化处理平台和数字化传感器技术,实现了传感器互换、离线标定和环境自适应功能,及多量程灵活设置选择性好具有很好的选择性,避免了其他气体对被检测气体的干扰 多种信号输出可微调标准4~20mA(两线制),可方便接入PLC/DCS等工控系统友好的人机操作界面直观、清晰的大字符LCD液晶显示和本地报警指示磁棒操作,免开盖操作防止误操作 仪器具有超量程、反极性保护,能避免人为操作不当引起的危险SP-3104 Plus-SP3104plus,美国华瑞RAE,有毒气体检测仪,主要特点,办事处,售后服务,技术参数:
  • SP-3104 Plus 有毒气体检测仪 SP-3104 Plus 有毒气体检测仪
    SP-3104 Plus 有毒气体检测仪产品参数:SP-3104 Plus 有毒气体检测仪
  • 离子色谱装备:Eluent Production Module 上的附加淋洗液设备
    离子色谱装备:Eluent Production Module 上的附加淋洗液设备IC equipment: Additional eluent on the Eluent Production Module订货号:6.5330.090Eluent Production Modul 的附件组。包括扩展淋洗功能的所有部件。液位传感器必须根据应用单独订购。
  • Restek色谱配件20412 Dual-Column Direct Inje
    Restek 瑞思泰康 色谱配件 Dual-Column Direct Injection Tee Kit Deact. Tee
  • Restek色谱配件20411 Dual-Column Direct Inje
    Restek 瑞思泰康 色谱配件 Dual-Column Direct Injection Tee Deact. ea
  • 二硫化钛晶体(99.995%) TiS2(Tantalum Sulfide)
    二硫化钛晶体 TiS2(Tantalum Sulfide) 晶体结构:六边形晶体尺寸:~10毫米电学性能:半金属,逆磁性晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.340 nm, c = 0.570 nm, α = β = 90°, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995% X-ray diffraction on a TiS2 single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 1, 2, 3, 4Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal TiS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal TiS2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal TiS2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.
  • 钛宝石晶体
    Ti:Sapphire晶体和掺钛蓝宝石晶体由孚光精仪进口,孚光精仪中国进口激光器件的第一品牌, 最大的进口精密光学器件和仪器供应商!精通光学,服务科学.提供的Ti:Sapphire晶体和钛宝石晶体系高质量原装进口晶体, 在国外生长, 切割,抛光,高质量的镀膜,并进行严格的质量控制后进口到国内,质量非常优异,在中科院上海光机所,安徽光机所,中国工程物理研究院等单位成功使用。 掺钛蓝宝石晶体规格钛宝石晶体切割方向:a-cut钛宝石晶体Ti2O3 浓度:0.03-0.25wt %钛宝石晶体FOM值:150 ( 300 available on requests)钛宝石晶体端面:平/平切割或布儒斯特角切割钛宝石晶体平整度:λ/10@633nm掺钛蓝宝石晶体平行度:10 arcsec钛宝石晶体光洁度:10/5 scratch/dig钛宝石晶体波前畸变:λ/4 inch掺钛蓝宝石晶体,又被简称为钛宝石晶体或Ti:Sapphire晶体,是最广泛地用于产生超短飞秒脉冲激光,高增益和高功率激光的晶体。同时,掺钛蓝宝石晶体也是调谐激光的最常用晶体。Ti:Sapphire晶体可以有效地被短脉冲闪光灯泵浦, Ti:Sapphire晶体或钛宝石晶体广泛用于产生超短飞秒激光脉冲,高增益,高功率激光产生等。掺钛蓝宝石晶体也广泛用于波长调谐激光,是飞秒激光的理想工作物质。Ti:Sapphire晶体还能够被短脉冲闪光灯泵浦产生高能激光。我们提供的掺钛蓝宝石晶体和钛宝石晶体具有良好的物理和光学性能,具有宽广的激光激发范围。在660-1050nm具有非凡的长稳定性寿命. 在医疗激光,激光雷达,激光光谱学,Kerr型和锁模型飞秒激光等领域具有良好的应用前景。领先的进口精密激光光学器件旗舰型服务商--孚光精仪!
  • 二碲化钛晶体(99.995%) TiTe2(Titanium Ditelluride)
    二碲化钛晶体 TiTe2(Titanium Ditelluride)晶体尺寸:~8毫米电学性能:半金属晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.377 nm, c = 0.649 nm, α = β = 90°, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995% X-ray diffraction on a TiTe2 single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 3, 4, 5 Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal TiTe2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal TiTe2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal TiTe2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.
  • 镀金不锈钢基片(镀金样本台)
    镀金不锈钢基片(镀金样本台)镀金样本台具有抗电迁徙、高导电性、高导热性等优秀性能,所以可作为AFM/STM(原子力显微镜/扫描隧道显微镜)等电镜样本支撑的首选。黄金是最惰性的金属,它和聚合物的粘合是很困难的,除非使用UV光和等离子辉光处理。 在磁性不锈钢圆盘表面镀金膜,圆盘厚度约0.76mm,金膜厚度0.25微米,全包被。圆盘大小有4种直径可选。订购信息:货号产品描述规格TP16207镀金不锈钢基片(镀金样本台),10mm20个TP16208镀金不锈钢基片(镀金样本台),12mm20个TP16218镀金不锈钢基片(镀金样本台),15mm16个TP16219镀金不锈钢基片(镀金样本台),20mm4个同时提供EMS公司的盒装镀金不锈钢基片,磁性不锈钢圆盘表面镀金膜,筋膜厚度1um。同样具有抗电迁徒,高导电性、高导热性等优秀性能。货号产品描述规格75011-10镀金不锈钢基片(镀金样本台),10mm4个/盒75011-12镀金不锈钢基片(镀金样本台),12mm4个/盒75011-15镀金不锈钢基片(镀金样本台),15mm4个/盒75011-20镀金不锈钢基片(镀金样本台),20mm4个/盒
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083270
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083275
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083272
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083274
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 085349
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083380
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083376
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 085349083381
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 085346
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083378
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 085348
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 085022
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083273
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
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