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  • NbS2 二硫化铌晶体 (Niobium Disulfide)
    100% environmentally stable metallic NbS2 (niobium disulfide) crystals: NbS2 displays metallic and superconducting behavior. Undergoes superconducting transition at low temperatures and exhibits CDW behavior. Our NbS2 crystals are grown by two distinct methods as summarized below (CVT vs flux zone). Clean and defect free crystal growth enabled us to create the only commercially available NbS2 vdW crystals with guaranteed CDW and superconducting responses.If your research needs atomically flat NbS2 samples for scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements please contact us.Properties of NbS2 crystals by 2Dsemiconductors USA Growth method matters Flux zone or CVT growth method? Contamination of halides and point defects in layered crystals are well known cause for their reduced electronic mobility, reduced anisotropic response, poor e-h recombination, low-PL emission, and lower optical absorption. Flux zone technique is a halide free technique used for synthesizing truly semiconductor grade vdW crystals. This method distinguishes itself from chemical vapor transport (CVT) technique in the following regard: CVT is a quick (~2 weeks) growth method but exhibits poor crystalline quality and the defect concentration reaches to 1E11 to 1E12 cm-2 range. In contrast, flux method takes long (~3 months) growth time, but ensures slow crystallization for perfect atomic structuring, and impurity free crystal growth with defect concentration as low as 1E9 - 1E10 cm-2. During check out just state which type of growth process is preferred. Unless otherwise stated, 2Dsemiconductors ships Flux zone crystals as a default choice.
  • 酮体(Ketonic)酶法分析试剂盒
    1、产品介绍产品名称:酮体(Ketonic)酶法分析试剂盒英文名称:Ketonic Assay Kit货号:RP071 产品规格:50T/100T酶法分析是利用酶的专一性、催化效率高等特点来进行食品生化分析的分析方法。常用于复杂组分中结构和物理化学性质比较相近的同类物质的分离、检测和分析,目前主要广泛应用于医药、临床、食品和生化分析检测中。 饲料中淀粉含量检测的酶法,可以测定旋光法不适用的饲料样品,是对饲料中淀粉含量的检测方法的有力补充。2、PriboFast检测试剂盒可提供如下产品:试剂盒产品检测范围D-葡萄糖(D-Glucose)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-5g/L淀粉总量(Total Starch)酶法分析试剂盒100T0-1000mg/gL-苹果酸(L-Malic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-3g/LL-乳酸(L-Lactic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1.5g/L乙酸(Acetic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1g/L甘油(Glycerol)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1g/L酒石酸(Tartaric acid)酶法分析试剂盒130T0-12g/LD一葡萄糖酸(Gluconic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-4g/L柠檬酸(Citric acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T 0-1g/LL一抗坏血酸(L-AScorbic acid)酶法分析试剂盒80T0-0.3g/L 3、关于普瑞邦 普瑞邦(Pribolab)专注于食品检测产品的研发与应用,以认证认可的检测实验室为技术依托,先后建立四个专业性技术研发与产品应用平台,产品覆盖真菌毒素、蓝藻/海洋毒素、食品过敏原、转基因、酶法食品分析、维生素、违禁添加物等领域。尤其在生物毒素类标准品、稳定同位素内标(13C,15N)、免疫亲和柱、多功能净化柱、ELISA试剂盒/胶体金检测试纸及样品前处理仪器等产品在不同行业得到广泛应用和认可。 Pribolab始终以持续创新的态度,致力于食品安全每一天!4、联系我们:电话:400-6885349/0532-84670748官网:https://www.pribolab.cn/邮箱:info@pribolab.cn
  • 二硫化铌晶体 NbS2(2H-Niobium Disulfide)
    二硫化铌晶体 2H-NbS2(Niobium Disulfide)晶体尺寸:2毫米电学性能:金属,superconductor (Tc~6K), charge density waves (CDW) system.晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.332 nm, c = 1.197 nm, α = β = 90, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a single crystal 2H-NbS2 aligned along the (001) plane. XRD diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8 Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal 2H-NbS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.
  • PALL Biodyne尼龙转印膜
    PALL Biodyne尼龙转印膜订购信息 Biodyne A膜 部件 说明 包装 60113 0.2µ m,30cm× 3m卷 1个/包装 60102 0.45µ m,82mm盘 50个/包装 60103 0.45µ m,85mm盘 50个/包装 60104 0.45µ m,132mm盘 50个/包装 60105 0.45µ m,137mm盘 50个/包装 60101 0.45µ m,7× 8.5cm的片 10个/包装 60100 0.45µ m,20× 20cm的片 10个/包装 60120 0.45µ m,20cm× 3m卷 1个/包装 60106 0.45µ m,30cm× 3m卷 1个/包装 60108 1.2µ m,30× 3mm卷 1个/包装 Biodyne B膜 部件 说明 包装 60202 0.45µ m,82mm盘 50个/包装60203 0.45µ m,85mm盘 50个/包装 60204 0.45µ m,132mm盘 50个/包装 60205 0.45µ m,137mm盘 50个/包装 60201 0.45µ m,7× 8.5cm的片 10个/包装 60200 0.45µ m,20× 20cm的片 10个/包装 60209 0.45µ m,20cm× 1m卷 1个/包装 60208 0.45µ m,20cm× 3m卷 1个/包装 60207 0.45µ m,30cm× 3m卷 1个/包装 Biodyne C膜 部件 说明 包装 60316 0.45µ m,82mm盘 50个/包装 60317 0.45µ m,85mm盘 50个/包装 60318 0.45µ m,132mm盘 50个/包装 60319 0.45µ m,137mm盘 50个/包装 60315 0.45µ m,7× 8.5cm的片 10个/包装60314 0.45µ m,20× 20cm的片 10个/包装 60336 0.45µ m,24cm× 3m卷 1个/包装 Biodyne Plus膜 部件 说明 包装 60402 0.45µ m,82mm盘 50个/包装 60403 0.45µ m,85mm盘 50个/包装 60404 0.45µ m,132mm盘 50个/包装 60405 0.45µ m,137mm盘 50个/包装 60401 0.45µ m,7× 8.5cm的片 10个/包装 60400 0.45µ m,20× 20cm的片 10个/包装 60406 0.45µ m,24cm× 3m卷 1个/包装 PALL Biodyne 尼龙转印膜介绍 具有较高的灵敏度和较低的本底,能够增强检测和解析能力 ◇ 非常适用于核酸检测。 ◇ 在反复多次杂交、洗脱和再标记后不会破裂、收缩或者损耗。 ◇ 固有的亲水性使其便于润湿。 ◇ 具有良好性能的放射 (Biodyne B膜)和非放射(Boidyne A膜)检测系统。 应用 四种化学成分提供了通用的吸附性能: Biodyne A膜:可以通过改变pH值来调整膜电势。适用于单探针或多次杂交以及存在本底问题的应用场合 Biodyne B膜:通过高密度的季铵组来增加孔的表面。我们所生产的尼龙膜具有最高的灵敏度,适用于各种核酸应用 Biodyne C膜:可以通过孔表面的羧基组耦合反应来导出 Biodyne Plus膜:在用于特定的非放射性检测系统时,它比Biodyne A膜的敏感度更高,而本底比Biodyne B膜更低 技术规格 介质 Biodyne A膜:两性尼龙6,6 Biodyne B膜和Biodyne Plus膜:正电的尼龙6,6 Biodyne C膜:负电的尼龙6,6 孔的尺寸:0.2、0.45或者1.2µ m 典型的厚度:6.0± 0.5mils 溶剂兼容性:能够抵抗普通溶剂,比如丙酮、酒精、氯化脂肪族烃、甲酰胺、2M氢氧化钠、DMSO以及二甲基甲酰胺。与浓缩蚁酸(50%)、盐酸(4摩尔)、氧化剂不兼容,不能长时间(数天到数周)暴露于pH2的环境中。
  • 二碲化铌晶体(99.995%) NbTe2(Niobium Selenide)
    二碲化铌晶体 NbTe2(Niobium Selenide) 晶体尺寸:~8毫米电学性能:金属,半导体(TC ~ 0.7k)晶体结构:单斜晶系,C晶胞参数:a=1.470 nm,b=0.364,c=0.935 nm,α=γ=90°,β=108°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995% X-ray diffraction on a NbTe2 single crystal aligned along the (101) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (h 0 l), with h = l = 1, 2, 3, 4Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal NbTe2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal NbTe2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal NbTe2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.
  • 二硒化铌晶体(99.995%) 2H-NbSe2(Niobium Selenide)
    二硒化铌晶体 2H-NbSe2(Niobium Selenide)晶体尺寸:~10毫米电学性能:金属,半导体(TC ~ 7.2k) Charge Density Waves (CDW) system, Tcdw ~33K晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.344 nm, c = 1.255 nm, α = β = 90°, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a 2H phase NbSe2 single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond,from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal 2H NbSe2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal 2H NbSe2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Raman spectrum of a single crystal 2H NbSe2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.
  • 《Cationic surfactant》电极 6.0507.150
    《Cationic surfactant》电极 订货号: 6.0507.150Cationic Surfactant 电极,G 型万通插头技术参数:最小浸没深度(mm)20指示电极类型Ionic surfactants指示电极形式Pin测量范围tensidabh?ngig电极插头Metrohm plug-in head G磨口套管灵活的磨口套管下部杆径(mm)2.5上部杆径(mm)12长时温度范围(°C)0 ... 40短时温度范围(°C)0 ... 40最大安装长度(mm)123pH 范围0 ... 12电极杆材料PVC
  • Bi2S3 硫化铋晶体 (Bismuth Sulfide)
    Bismuth sulfide (Bi?S?) Developed at our facilities in the last five (5) years to optimize the perfect stoichiometry. Bi2S3 has layered (lamellar) structure much similar to other 2D crystals such as graphite, MoS2, and Sb2Te3. They can be exfoliated down to monolayers through standard mechanical exfoliation technique. Bi2S3 is stabilized in orthorhombic phase and has semiconducting behavior (~1.35 eV gap). Bi2S3 crystals come with perfect 0001 basal plane cleavage meaning it is ready for exfoliation without any further processing. The crystals were characterized and confirmed by x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman, photoluminescence, SIMS, and Auger electron spectroscopy techniques.Properties of vdW Bi2S3 crystals
  • Biodiesel Simulated Distillation Set 生物柴油模拟蒸馏设置
    Biodiesel Simulated Distillation Set生物柴油模拟蒸馏设置 生物柴油模拟蒸馏设置产品货号产品描述D2887柴油燃料组成的参考设置:一定数量的六2毫升密封的胺瓶
  • D-甘露醇(D-Mannitol)酶法分析试剂盒
    1、产品介绍产品名称:D-甘露醇(D-Mannitol)酶法分析试剂盒英文名称:D-Mannitol Assay Kit货号:RP063 产品规格:50T/100T酶法分析是利用酶的专一性、催化效率高等特点来进行食品生化分析的分析方法。常用于复杂组分中结构和物理化学性质比较相近的同类物质的分离、检测和分析,目前主要广泛应用于医药、临床、食品和生化分析检测中。 饲料中淀粉含量检测的酶法,可以测定旋光法不适用的饲料样品,是对饲料中淀粉含量的检测方法的有力补充。2、PriboFast检测试剂盒可提供如下产品:试剂盒产品检测范围D-葡萄糖(D-Glucose)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-5g/L淀粉总量(Total Starch)酶法分析试剂盒100T0-1000mg/gL-苹果酸(L-Malic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-3g/LL-乳酸(L-Lactic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1.5g/L乙酸(Acetic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1g/L甘油(Glycerol)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1g/L酒石酸(Tartaric acid)酶法分析试剂盒130T0-12g/LD一葡萄糖酸(Gluconic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-4g/L柠檬酸(Citric acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T 0-1g/LL一抗坏血酸(L-AScorbic acid)酶法分析试剂盒80T0-0.3g/L 3、关于普瑞邦 普瑞邦(Pribolab)专注于食品检测产品的研发与应用,以认证认可的检测实验室为技术依托,先后建立四个专业性技术研发与产品应用平台,产品覆盖真菌毒素、蓝藻/海洋毒素、食品过敏原、转基因、酶法食品分析、维生素、违禁添加物等领域。尤其在生物毒素类标准品、稳定同位素内标(13C,15N)、免疫亲和柱、多功能净化柱、ELISA试剂盒/胶体金检测试纸及样品前处理仪器等产品在不同行业得到广泛应用和认可。 Pribolab始终以持续创新的态度,致力于食品安全每一天!4、联系我们:电话:400-6885349/0532-84670748官网:https://www.pribolab.cn/邮箱:info@pribolab.cn
  • Restek气体发生器22129 Generator Nitrogen Nit
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Nitrogen NitroFlow Lab Model for LC/MS 32 L/min Generating Capacity 12 month warranty from date of purchase Domestic orders drop shipped from manufacturer Ships via freight UPS or FedEx
  • 赛多利斯 Biosart® 100 Monitors过滤装置
    Biosart® 100 Monitors过滤装置容量为100ml的即用型无菌过滤装置。Biosart® 100 Monitors过滤装置包含漏斗、盖子、过滤器底座、网格膜和纤维素垫。优势包括:- 无需对漏斗和底座进行高压灭菌,可节省时间,减少操作步骤- 显著降低二次污染的风险- 提供不同孔径和颜色的过滤膜 - 具有不同种类的安瓿瓶培养基用于水测试
  • Bi2Se1.5Te1.5 碲化硒铋晶体 (Bismuth Selenide Telluride)
    Bismuth Selenide Telluride (Bi?Se?.?Te?.?) is developed at our facilities. Selenium to tellurium ratio is fixed at 50-50% [Bi2Se3(1-x)Te3x x=0.5] Topological insulator is a new class of material, in which its bulk is insulating while its surface states are conducting. The surface states of topological insulator are robust against any external perturbation because such states are protected by time-reversal symmetry. Similar to transition metal dichalgonides and graphite, Bi?Se?.?Te?.? is also layered material with weak interlayer coupling. Our crystals are develop in our laboratories last year and has been perfected to provide you with the best quality and reliability. Crystals are easy to exfoliate and get down to single layer unit cell thickness. The order also comes with detailed exfoliation technique allowing you to boost exfoliation rate.
  • Restek气体发生器22156 Generator Nitrogen Mai
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Nitrogen Maitenance Kit for NitroFlow Lab Includes: Carbon Adsorber Drop Ships from Manufacturer
  • 二硫化铌晶体(99.995%) 3R-NbS2(Niobium Disulfide)
    二硫化铌晶体 3R-NbS2(Niobium Disulfide)晶体尺寸:4毫米电学性能:金属晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.330 nm, c = 1.792 nm, α = β = 90, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a single crystal 3R-NbS2 aligned along the (001) plane. XRD diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. 5 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal 3R-NbS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal 3R-NbS2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).
  • Bi4Te1.5S1.5 硫化碲铋晶体 (Bismuth Telluride Sulfide)
    Bismuth Telluride Sulfide (Bi?Te?.?S?.?) is developed at our facilities. Sulfur to tellurium ratio is fixed at 50-50% [Bi?Te?(1-x)S?x x=0.5] Topological insulator is a new class of material, in which its bulk is insulating while its surface states are conducting. The surface states of topological insulator are robust against any external perturbation because such states are protected by time-reversal symmetry. Similar to transition metal dichalgonides and graphite, Bi4Te1.5S1.5) is also layered material with weak interlayer coupling. Our crystals are develop in our laboratories last year and has been perfected to provide you with the best quality and reliabilityCrystals are easy to exfoliate and get down to single layer unit cell thickness. The order also comes with detailed exfoliation technique allowing you to boost exfoliation rate.
  • Restek气体发生器22135 Generator Nitrogen Mai
    Restek 瑞思泰康 气体发生器 Generator Nitrogen Maintenance Kit w/Carbon Filter Domestic orders drop ship from manufacturer via UPS
  • Bi2Se3 硒化铋晶体-未掺杂 (Undoped Bismuth Selenide)
    Bismuth Selenide (Bi?Se?) Developed at our facilities since early 2011 to optimize the perfect stoichiometry and stabilize the topological insulator state.Topological insulator is a new class of material, in which its bulk is insulating while its surface states are conducting. The surface states of topological insulator are robust against any external perturbation because such states are protected by time-reversal symmetry. Similar to transition metal dichalgonides and graphite, Bi?Se? is also layered material with weak interlayer coupling. Our crystals are develop in our laboratories in last two years and are highly crystalline. Raman spectrum displays very sharp and clear modes with FWHM less than 4cm-1. If your research needs doping in Bi2Se3, we can also incorporate Ca, Nb, Ni, and Au dopants in Bi2Se3 crystals. Please also see our doped p-type and n-type Bi2Se3 crystals.Characteristics of Bi2Se3 crystals
  • Niobium Nb 空心阴极灯
    配件编号:942339020411产品名称:Niobium Nb适用于美国热电公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific)ICAP 6000 系列 或 ICE 3000 系列。
  • 尿素/氨(Urea/Ammoniac)酶法分析试剂盒
    1、产品介绍产品名称:尿素/氨(Urea/Ammoniac)酶法分析试剂盒英文名称:Urea/Ammoniac Assay Kit货号:RP070 产品规格:50T/100T酶法分析是利用酶的专一性、催化效率高等特点来进行食品生化分析的分析方法。常用于复杂组分中结构和物理化学性质比较相近的同类物质的分离、检测和分析,目前主要广泛应用于医药、临床、食品和生化分析检测中。 饲料中淀粉含量检测的酶法,可以测定旋光法不适用的饲料样品,是对饲料中淀粉含量的检测方法的有力补充。2、PriboFast检测试剂盒可提供如下产品:试剂盒产品检测范围D-葡萄糖(D-Glucose)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-5g/L淀粉总量(Total Starch)酶法分析试剂盒100T0-1000mg/gL-苹果酸(L-Malic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-3g/LL-乳酸(L-Lactic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1.5g/L乙酸(Acetic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1g/L甘油(Glycerol)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1g/L酒石酸(Tartaric acid)酶法分析试剂盒130T0-12g/LD一葡萄糖酸(Gluconic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-4g/L柠檬酸(Citric acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T 0-1g/LL一抗坏血酸(L-AScorbic acid)酶法分析试剂盒80T0-0.3g/L 3、关于普瑞邦 普瑞邦(Pribolab)专注于食品检测产品的研发与应用,以认证认可的检测实验室为技术依托,先后建立四个专业性技术研发与产品应用平台,产品覆盖真菌毒素、蓝藻/海洋毒素、食品过敏原、转基因、酶法食品分析、维生素、违禁添加物等领域。尤其在生物毒素类标准品、稳定同位素内标(13C,15N)、免疫亲和柱、多功能净化柱、ELISA试剂盒/胶体金检测试纸及样品前处理仪器等产品在不同行业得到广泛应用和认可。 Pribolab始终以持续创新的态度,致力于食品安全每一天!4、联系我们:电话:400-6885349/0532-84670748官网:https://www.pribolab.cn/邮箱:info@pribolab.cn
  • 氨基氮(Amino nitrogen)酶法分析试剂盒
    1、产品介绍产品名称:氨基氮(Amino nitrogen)酶法分析试剂盒英文名称:Amino nitrogen Assay Kit货号:RP073 产品规格:50T/100T酶法分析是利用酶的专一性、催化效率高等特点来进行食品生化分析的分析方法。常用于复杂组分中结构和物理化学性质比较相近的同类物质的分离、检测和分析,目前主要广泛应用于医药、临床、食品和生化分析检测中。 饲料中淀粉含量检测的酶法,可以测定旋光法不适用的饲料样品,是对饲料中淀粉含量的检测方法的有力补充。2、PriboFast检测试剂盒可提供如下产品:试剂盒产品检测范围D-葡萄糖(D-Glucose)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-5g/L淀粉总量(Total Starch)酶法分析试剂盒100T0-1000mg/gL-苹果酸(L-Malic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-3g/LL-乳酸(L-Lactic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1.5g/L乙酸(Acetic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1g/L甘油(Glycerol)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1g/L酒石酸(Tartaric acid)酶法分析试剂盒130T0-12g/LD一葡萄糖酸(Gluconic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-4g/L柠檬酸(Citric acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T 0-1g/LL一抗坏血酸(L-AScorbic acid)酶法分析试剂盒80T0-0.3g/L 3、关于普瑞邦 普瑞邦(Pribolab)专注于食品检测产品的研发与应用,以认证认可的检测实验室为技术依托,先后建立四个专业性技术研发与产品应用平台,产品覆盖真菌毒素、蓝藻/海洋毒素、食品过敏原、转基因、酶法食品分析、维生素、违禁添加物等领域。尤其在生物毒素类标准品、稳定同位素内标(13C,15N)、免疫亲和柱、多功能净化柱、ELISA试剂盒/胶体金检测试纸及样品前处理仪器等产品在不同行业得到广泛应用和认可。 Pribolab始终以持续创新的态度,致力于食品安全每一天!4、联系我们:电话:400-6885349/0532-84670748官网:https://www.pribolab.cn/邮箱:info@pribolab.cn
  • BiTe 碲化铋晶体 (Bismuth Telluride)
    Bismuth telluride is one of our latest addition to 2D metals family. BiTe has been theoretically predicted and recently experimentally demonstrated to be 2D thermoelectric material [1,2]. This material also exhibit rather unusual material properties including topological response, low temperature superconductivity, as well as CDWs. BiTe crystals come at perfect 001 orientation ready for mechanical exfoliation. Crystals are rated at 99.9999% (6N electronic grade purity) which is ideal for research purposes.BiTe single crystal characteristics References[1] The structures and thermoelectric properties of the infinitely adaptive series (Bi2)m(Bi2Te3)n [Article PDF][2] Control of crystal growth and thermoelectric properties of sputter-deposited BiTe thin films embedded with alumina nanoparticles CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 9281–9285
  • 安捷伦 6890气相色谱 0101-0639 液体进样阀,0.5 μL,Nitronic 60,75 ℃ 下最大 50
    通用液体进样阀部件号 :0101-0639液体进样阀,0.5 μL,Nitronic 60,75 ℃ 下最大 5000 psi
  • 瑞士万通 Cationic Surfactant 电极 | 6.0507.150
    Cationic Surfactant 电极订货号: 6.0507.150 (旧货号:6.0504.150)这种表面活性剂电极必须搭配参比电极使用,并且适用于例如:● 水性基质中阴离子表面活性剂滴定● 水性基质中阳离子表面活性剂滴定电极通过固定在薄膜中的离子载体表现出极佳的响应表现,并且针对阳离子表面活性剂进行了优化。技术参数pH 范围0 ... 12上部杆径(mm)12下部杆径(mm)2.5指示电极形式Pin指示电极类型Ionic surfactants最大安装长度(mm)123最小浸没深度(mm)20测量范围tensidabh?ngig电极插头Metrohm plug-in head G电极杆材料PVC短时温度范围(°C)0 ... 40磨口套管灵活的磨口套管长时温度范围(°C)0 ... 40
  • 南京瑞尼克现货PFA材质酸纯化器1000ml替代Savillex
    酸纯化器一、产品简介酸纯化器:亦称高纯酸蒸馏纯化器、酸蒸馏器、亚沸腾蒸馏装置,简称酸纯化器(南京-瑞尼克-科技)是超净化实验产品,后期提取的高纯酸、高纯水可以配套我们公司Teflon系列的器皿使用。二、工作原理酸纯化器是利用热辐射原理,采用环保节能加热片加热,保持液体温度低于沸点温度蒸发,再将其酸蒸气冷凝从而制备高纯水和高纯酸等高纯试剂。三、产品说明 可以满足ICP、ICP-MS低的检测限需要及苛刻的分析应用中提供实验室级超纯酸,容器均采用Teflon耐腐蚀无吸附塑料,可以处理HNO3、HCL、HF等实验室的常用酸。实验证明将金属杂质含量约10PPB的酸经过一次蒸馏后,金属杂质含量可以降低到0.01PPB左右。若对酸要求更高,可增加提纯次数。用于地质、光伏、质检、半导体材料、第三方检测等行业的痕量、超痕量分析。四、高纯酸蒸馏纯化器特点 1、酸纯化器是制备高纯水和高纯酸或试剂的氟塑料仪器,它具有技术,结构合理,安装简单,(安装在实验室的通风厨中)、操作方便,维修简便等特点。2、石英亚沸蒸馏水器虽避免了玻璃杂质的污染,但价格昂贵,容易破碎,对有些强酸有局限;离子交换水,又因有机物质的溶解带入有机物的干扰。3、我公司的酸纯化器全部采用聚四氟乙烯材质及FEP试剂瓶,无石英部件,无污染和腐蚀,因此能降低空白值,在进行测定(原子吸收光谱、气相色谱、同位素、ICP-MS等)痕量元素及微量有机物时,是重要的配套仪器设备。五、技术参数1.自动控制功率,易于编辑的温度控制程序;2.用于痕量分析中超纯酸(HNO3、HCL、HF)的制备;3.采用高纯的TeflonPFA 、PTFE材质;4.可以排除废液,可视液位;全部特氟龙材质;5.控温:±1℃,控温范围:室温-200℃;6.酸纯化过程在密闭环境下进行,避免仪器本身实验环境二次污染,整个流程没有酸气逸出;7.可持续加酸,取纯酸;不怕蒸干,具有过热保护功能;不用冷却水;8、规格参考表:品名型号规格(ml)材质产率(ml/h)功率(W)电压酸纯化器CHL-II1000FEP、PTFE80400w220v六、产品特征1.用纯度较高的PTFE,FEP,PFA的材质的容器PTFE,TeflonFEP PFA材质的容器组合而成,无腐蚀,且纯化过程都在密闭的环境下进行,减少实验室污染;2.采环保节能加热片加热,温度可控,稳定,连续,均匀,样品回收率高; 3.酸纯化系统体积小,安全,可置于实验室的通风橱;4.操作简便、可拆卸、废液清洗方便; 5.将金属杂质含量约10PPb的酸经过一次蒸馏后,金属杂质含量可以降低到0.01PPb左右;6.用于痕量分析中超纯酸的制备,通过纯化低成本的酸试剂到高纯酸,节省成本多达90%。7.数据参考:经我公司酸纯化器亚沸蒸馏后,经ICP-MS检测出HNO3中杂质的含量:元素测量浓度(ng/g=ppb)分析方法元素测量浓度(ng/g=ppb)分析方法Be<0.01ICP-MSCe<0.01ICP-MSSc<0.01GFAASPr<0.01GFAASV<0.02ICP-MSNd<0.01ICP-MSCr<0.22ICP-MSSm<0.01ICP-MSCo<0.03ICP-MSEu <0.01ICP-MSCu<0.29ICP-MSGd<0.01ICP-MSZn<0.07ICP-MSTd<0.01ICP-MSCa<0.02GFAASDy<0.01GFAASRb<0.02ICP-MSHo<0.01ICP-MSSr<0.1ICP-MSEr<0.01ICP-MSY<0.01ICP-MSTm<0.01ICP-MSZr<0.01ICP-MSYb<0.01ICP-MSNb<0.01GFAASLu<0.01GFAASMo<0.05ICP-MSHf<0.01ICP-MSCd<0.05ICP-MSTa<0.01ICP-MSSn<0.1ICP-MSW<0.01ICP-MSCs<0.01ICP-MSTl<0.01 ICP-MSBa<0.05GFAASPb<0.05GFAASLa<0.01ICP-MS
  • Orbit Sample Tips (Set of 3) | 699-080200
    Orbit Sample Tips (Set of 3) | 699-080200 Orbit Sample Tips (Set of 3)适用仪器型号 Avatar 320Avatar 360fAvatar 370Nexus 870Nicolet 4700Nicolet 8700Avatar 330Avatar 360GNexus 470Nexus EuroNicolet 5700Nicolet 8700-USBAvatar 360Avatar 360nNexus 670Nicolet 380Nicolet 6700 Nicolet iS10订货信息:部件号品名描述数量699-080200Orbit Sample Tips (Set of 3)Orbit Sample Tips (Set of 3)EA
  • NiPS3 crystals 三硫化磷镍晶体
    NiPSe3 is a quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet in the bulk form while it' s magnetic response in the monolayer limit remain largely unknown.NiPS3 crystals all crystallize in C2/m space group geometry. These crystals were grown by a vapor transport at our faciltilies to bring defect free vdw crystals. Based on our experience, the amount of vacancy defects plan a vital role is their stability as well as FM response.Perfect crystallization: In our growth process, we pay close attention to creating perfect crystals, each and every crystal is handled and characterized under vacuum or Argon environment.Sample packaging: Samples are purged with Ar gas multiple times, pumped down to 1E-6 Torr pressures to ensure crystals do not interact with the residual gases.Fresh samples: Crystals are always freshly grown and immediately shipped out. Full characterization: Samples are characterized using variety of techniques all under inert gas conditions to confirm the crystalline quality.Properties of NiPS3 crystals
  • 比约纳克斯 Smoke Pen 220发烟笔/美国发烟笔/发烟笔芯
    比约纳克斯 发烟笔产品说明:本产品是外观新颖的无毒燃烧烟雾发生器,由发烟笔和燃芯组成。使用烟雾测风流法(Smoke-Stick),是读取气流数据的理想设备.用来检测空气流通性和各种气体(有毒、无毒)泄露;也可用来检查密闭容器的封闭情况和锅炉的压力及消防安全检查等(如:锅炉托管的泄露、烟雾报警系统检查)。发烟器通过一根插入发烟管的燃芯释放出烟雾。燃芯被火柴或打火机点燃后,发烟笔就能持续地放出烟雾。通过套上保护盖烟雾就会熄灭。发烟器可反复使用。燃芯无毒且燃烧后无残留物。 发烟笔在美国的各个行业均有使用,如实验室、洁净室、密闭性容器(如锅炉);宾馆、医院、办公楼、工程验收、家庭等的门窗密闭性检测和空气流通性检测产品。 主要使用范围:制药厂洁净室;工程验收时的门窗密闭性检测;楼宇、普通房间(如:宾馆、教室)、特殊房间(如:实验室)空气流通性;节能环保用(密闭容器的封闭情况和锅炉的压力检查)等。 发烟笔特点:&bull 没有很强的烟蒸气=极低的热干扰&bull 揭示了很小的泄漏或空气流&bull 检查通风系统是否完好&bull 测试烟雾警报器&bull 试验负或正气压&bull 烟雾和燃芯无毒,无航运限制&bull 每根燃芯做30分钟连续燃烧或20秒九十次测试(大约每根可做100次测试)。&bull 六根燃芯,可提供3小时的持续烟雾或者是360次单独的燃烧时间为30秒的测试。&bull 稳定和持续的烟流,可轻易的将燃烧的燃芯熄灭,下次测试仍可正常使用&bull 气体平衡,空气平衡配比 发烟笔基本参数重量 : 0.05kg左右尺寸 : 14(mm) 左右测量对象 : 楼宇、普通房间(如:宾馆、教室)、特殊房间(如:实验室)空气流通性;节能环保用(密闭容器的封闭情况和锅炉的压力检查)等。测量范围 : 气密性测试场所 产品名称和型号是SMOKE PEN。S220是厂家货号,不会在包装和实物上体现。欢迎索取实物照片。 笔芯的尺寸长度:7.85cm左右
  • 南京瑞尼克PFA洗气瓶特氟龙鼓泡瓶气体吸收瓶
    南京瑞尼克科技开发有限公司销售部: 苏阳 手机:138 138 88792
  • L-抗坏血酸(L-Ascorbic)酶法分析试剂盒
    1、产品介绍产品名称:L-抗坏血酸(L-Ascorbic)酶法分析试剂盒英文名称:L-Ascorbic Assay Kit货号:RP038 产品规格:50T/100T酶法分析是利用酶的专一性、催化效率高等特点来进行食品生化分析的分析方法。常用于复杂组分中结构和物理化学性质比较相近的同类物质的分离、检测和分析,目前主要广泛应用于医药、临床、食品和生化分析检测中。 饲料中淀粉含量检测的酶法,可以测定旋光法不适用的饲料样品,是对饲料中淀粉含量的检测方法的有力补充。2、PriboFast检测试剂盒可提供如下产品:试剂盒产品检测范围D-葡萄糖(D-Glucose)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-5g/L淀粉总量(Total Starch)酶法分析试剂盒100T0-1000mg/gL-苹果酸(L-Malic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-3g/LL-乳酸(L-Lactic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1.5g/L乙酸(Acetic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1g/L甘油(Glycerol)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-1g/L酒石酸(Tartaric acid)酶法分析试剂盒130T0-12g/LD一葡萄糖酸(Gluconic acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T0-4g/L柠檬酸(Citric acid)酶法分析试剂盒135T 0-1g/LL一抗坏血酸(L-AScorbic acid)酶法分析试剂盒80T0-0.3g/L 3、关于普瑞邦 普瑞邦(Pribolab)专注于食品检测产品的研发与应用,以认证认可的检测实验室为技术依托,先后建立四个专业性技术研发与产品应用平台,产品覆盖真菌毒素、蓝藻/海洋毒素、食品过敏原、转基因、酶法食品分析、维生素、违禁添加物等领域。尤其在生物毒素类标准品、稳定同位素内标(13C,15N)、免疫亲和柱、多功能净化柱、ELISA试剂盒/胶体金检测试纸及样品前处理仪器等产品在不同行业得到广泛应用和认可。 Pribolab始终以持续创新的态度,致力于食品安全每一天!4、联系我们:电话:400-6885349/0532-84670748官网:https://www.pribolab.cn/邮箱:info@pribolab.cn
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