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  • ASTM D2247 - 11 Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in 100% Relative Humidity

    ASTM D2247 - 11 Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in 100% Relative HumiditySignificance and UseWater can cause the degradation of coatings, so knowledge of how a coating resists water is helpful for assessing how it will perform in actual service. Failure in tests at 100 % relative humidity may be caused by a number of factors including a deficiency in the coating itself, contamination of the substrate, or inadequate surface preparation. This practice is therefore useful for evaluating coatings alone or complete coating systems.Tests at 100 % relative humidity are used for specification acceptance, quality control, and research and development for coatings and substrate treatments. Some tests are used for a pass or fail determination at an arbitrary time. A coating system is considered to pass if there is no evidence of water-related failure after a period of time. Other tests are used to monitor degree of failure as a function of exposure time.谁有这个标准啊?急用。谢谢

  • 【分享】降雨预期补充阿根廷玉米和大豆种植区的土壤水分

    一气象学家周二称,上周阿根廷玉米和大豆种植区出现的降雨将补充土壤水分,并帮助作物经受住拉尼娜气候造成的干燥天气条件。 该南美国家是全球最大的豆油和豆粕供应国,亦是第三大未压榨大豆出口国,因此市场正密切关注干燥天气破坏产量的迹象。 拉尼娜气候尚未造成今年年初所担忧的影响,但农业天气预报员表示,其将导致12月至2月之间的降雨量减少。 Weather and Water Institute的气象学家Cesar Rebella称:“地下水储量处于非常好的水平,这意味着在不出现严重问题的情况下,作物能够经受住干旱时期。” 他称,上周多个地区获得了需要的降雨,包括科尔多瓦省部分地区,该省是阿根廷最大的玉米和大豆生产省。 Rebella补充说:“当前的天气对积累水分储备有利。我们正接近作物用水量最高的时期,尤其是中部-北部地区。” 圣达菲省(Santa Fe)Rafaela地区的农户Daniel Christiansen称,许多作物不久将进入到决定最终单产的生长阶段。 “11月是作物需要水分来完全生长的时期,”他称,“此刻,玉米作物不需要大量的水分,但在15或20天内,将需要大量的降水。” 在周度天气报告中,Bahia Blanca谷物交易所预报布宜诺斯艾利斯省将有大范围降雨。该省是阿根廷最大的玉米和大豆供应区,并且是最重要的小麦种植区。 优于预期的天气条件已提升了阿根廷2010/11年度作物产量的预估。 阿根廷农业部长Julian Dominguez预估大豆产量为5200万吨,与上一年度产量5270万吨几近持平。 政府亦预估玉米产量将从上年度的2250万吨攀升至2600万吨纪录高位。 小麦产量预估为1210万吨,远高于上一年度因干旱影响的750万吨产量。

  • 【原创】拉米夫定简介

    拉米夫定由英国葛兰素史克公司(GlaxoSmithKline)开发研制生产,1995年首次在加拿大、美国上市销售,1998年在中国上市,商品名贺普丁。目前,在我国市场上销售的拉米夫定及其复方制剂是由史克公司独家销售。拉米夫定及其片剂和口服液于1999年4月10日授权在中国获得药品行政保护,保护期将于2006年10月终止。拉米夫定全球专利将于2006年9月到期。拉米夫定是近年新上市的一种抗乙肝病毒新药,其英文名称为Lamivudine,又称3—TC。是一种核苷类抗病毒药,对人类免疫缺陷病毒和乙型肝炎病毒均具有显著的抑制活性,是治疗艾滋病和乙型肝炎的具有显著疗效的药物。拉米夫定是第一个经美国FDA以及中国食品药品监督管理局批准的口服抗乙肝病毒药物。由于拉米夫定问世时间早,很长一段时间都是临床药物研究的“宠儿”,又由于其临床相对比较安全,应用较为广泛。现阶段,拉米夫定是乙肝病毒感染的一线治疗药物。拉米夫定的缺点:拉米夫定易出现耐药现象。但并未影响该药的销售额。据中国医药商业协会最新报道,2003年全国 28家主要医药批发公司畅销药品中,拉米夫定排名第13位,销售额为3.06亿元,在46种抗感染药品中占4.33%。2002年贺普丁世界性销售额为2.95亿英镑,2003 年为2.93亿英镑,折合4.8亿美元。2003年,贺普丁在我国16城市样本医院销售额排名41位,用药金额8011万元,其中进口药品占60.62%,是英国葛兰素和WELLCOME(UK)两家公司,该药在全国市场的销售额约为8亿多元。2004年为7311.43万元,仍占全身用抗病毒药物的38%,而在全国医院销售额已达到6亿~8亿元的市场规模。2005年上半年样本医院购入药物是苏州葛兰素史克、英国葛兰素史克和WELLCOME(UK)公司的药物,各厂商分别占据了51.03%、47.92%和1.05%的份额。迄今为止,全球每年约有80万人使用贺普丁,拉米夫定目前在中国的终端销售额达到10亿元人民币左右,在中国药品市场单品销售排行榜上位列第二。 拉米夫定原料药及其制剂目前均为进口药品。目前原料药及其制剂,国内尚未有生产厂家上市销售,也未有公司进行国内新药申报。另外英国GlaxoSmithKline公司在中国分公司(葛兰素史克制药(苏州)有限公司)也在中国已经获得生产批件,批准文号:国药准字H20030581。目前国内有,拉米夫定原料药以及拉米夫定片(两种规格)、拉米夫定口服液(两种规格)两种进口剂型上市销售。

  • 醚后碳四生产混合芳烃项目


  • PAN基碳纳米纤维的拉曼光谱如下(纤维放在Si片上的,碳化温度是900度)



  • Chemical Analysis and Simulated Pyrolysis of Tobacco Heating System 2.2 Compared to Conventional Cigarettes

    [b]【作者】Xiangyu Li, PhD, Yanbo Luo,, Xingyi Jiang, Hongfei Zhang, Fengpeng Zhu, Shaodong Hu, Hongwei Hou,, Qingyuan Hu,, Yongqiang Pang, 【题名】:Chemical Analysis and Simulated Pyrolysis of Tobacco Heating System 2.2 Compared to Conventional Cigarettes 【期刊】:advance materials 【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume36, Issue32 August 8, 2024 2404630 【全文链接】:[/b]https://academic.oup.com/ntr/article-abstract/21/1/111/4793230?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false

  • 分光光度器(Microplate Luminometer)徵求分銷商

    分光光度器(Microplate Luminometer)徵求分銷商

    [em01] [img]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2005/06/200506241402_5945_1296401_3.jpg[/img]LumiMax-C : Attomoles LuminometerDetecting Proteins and Nucleic Acids with Ultra-SensitivityBy Maxwell Sensors Inc. (562) 801-2088 USA, http://www.maxwellsensors.com LumiMax-C is a compact model designed for ultra-sensitive chemiluminescence and bioluminescence detection. The system measures luminescence intensity in a 96-well microplate (black, white, or opaque). These microplates have microwells with clear bottoms, allowing the luminescence to be detected from the bottom of the well. Many companies, such as Nunc, Costar, Corning, BD Biosciences, Perkin Elmer, etc., have microplates for luminescence applications. Because LumiMax-C uses a state-of-the-art photoncounting multiplier tube as the detector, the system is extremely light sensitive. LumiMax-C has the ability to accurately count the number of photons generated from a chemiluminescent or bioluminescent experiment, allowing the system to detect very small amounts of analyte, in the range of attomoles, in the samples. The detector is sensitive in all visible ranges. LumiMax-C combines the latest, low-noise detector and electronic circuitry to provide very low background noise and very high signal levels. Its broad dynamic range covers over 6 orders of magnitude. The superior mechanical design eliminates most of the cross-talk down to ~ 10-5 between the adjacent wells. The system is flexible and easy to use. The user can select to scan any one or any set of the 96 wells, at a measuring time of 0.1-10 seconds per well. The system can also be used for kinetic and luminescence time profile studies. After clicking on the “Go” button, the system will automatically and quickly scan all of the reactions in the microwells and display the results.LumiMax-C utilizes a Windows-based PC or notebook as its microprocessor. The system is interfaced to a computer by a simple plug-in (serial port or USB) connection. A CD, with user-friendly software, is provided for easy installation. The resulting data is displayed as a spreadsheet in Microsoft-Excel or other format. The data, reported as number of optical counts, is displayed as it is collected. The system also offers software with easy click on data processing for routine calibration or operation. The system dimensions are approximately 16” x 11 “ x 4” and at 20 lb, it is easily portable for sharing between laboratories or researchers.

  • Chemistry Is Not a Laboratory Science

    以后可以不做实验了[em05] 化学不需要实验? [ 日期:2005-10-06 ] [ 来自:论文阅读 ]俄勒冈州州立大学的Stephen J. Hawkes发表在J. Chem. Educ.(2004)上的一篇文章,认为化学实验教学既不能加深学生对基础理论的理解,甚至对于提高学生的其他技巧也没有帮助,只学到了一些最基本的操作技能,而这些技能他们早就会了,因此没有必要再次掌握;特别是对于非化学专业的学生就更加没有必要;对于一些基本的操作和实验效果,完全可以通过计算机模拟来解决;反之,开展过多的实验既浪费时间也浪费资源,甚至学生也不会喜欢(看来美国的学生愿意读化学的人也很少 )。 Chemistry Is Not a Laboratory Science by Stephen J. Hawkes Chemistry existed before there were laboratories, before there were humans, before there was life. Chemistry is the combination of principles and facts that caused the formation of the earth and its layering, that governs the ecosystem, and that underlie the properties of materials and of living organisms. Duplicating what we chemists do in our laboratories (or what chemists of earlier generations used to do) does not enhance students’ understanding of chemistry’s centrality, but makes chemistry an irrelevance. Laboratory classes do not help students to understand how chemical principles affect their universe. If labs are cleverly arranged and courageously taught, they can help in promoting interpretation and design of experiment but they are not useful in learning other aspects of chemistry. Interpretation and design of experiment is effectively taught using computer simulations (1), avoiding the great expense and frustration of a lab. Non-majors have no use for the manipulative skills that they may learn in a chemistry laboratory. For research on the effectiveness and usefulness of laboratory instruction, we may look to McKeachie’s reviews of laboratory classes in science (2). Several studies showed that laboratory work made no significant difference in tests of information, practical application, scientific attitude, or laboratory performance. McKeachie concludes, “While reviews of research on laboratory teaching find that laboratory courses are effective in improving skills in handling apparatus or in visual-motor skills, laboratories are not very effective in teaching scientific method.” However, McKeachie goes on to cite other studies that show “that the effectiveness of the laboratory depends on the manner in which the work is taught.” Problem-solving methods are superior to more conventional systems in teaching to “apply principles of physics in interpreting phenomena” and in developing ability “to design an experiment.” I do not believe that these skills are useful enough to non-majors that they should be required to take a lab course, or that we should provide it in preference to the other teaching for which time and resources could be used. If it is held that we should, then McKeachie’s findings, which can be assumed to apply also to chemistry, support the lab-centered curriculum and the inquiry approach in specifically meeting these two objectives. However, at least one of them and probably both of them can be met by computer simulations. It is often urged that chemistry is a laboratory science, and that students therefore need a hands-on laboratory experience. Whether this follows depends on the students’ reasons for studying chemistry. The non-major presumably studies chemistry in order to gain a better understanding of the universe, the earth, its ecosystem, and the mechanisms of life. The available evidence fails to show that this is enhanced by hands-on laboratory instruction. Honesty should demand such evidence before students are compelled to such instruction. Some students would profit by understanding how the chemical structure of a substance affects its macro-properties such as its viscosity, malleability, permeability, color, or susceptibility to corrosion and how these may be enhanced or reduced by chemical manipulation. These relations are readily illustrated by reference to students’ experience with familiar phenomena such as the viscosity of molasses, the malleability of lead, the permeability of plastic to water as in a water bed, and the corrosibility of iron. It has not been shown that such understanding is improved by laboratory work and, judging from McKeachie’s review, it is not. The enormous expenditure of time and treasure and student dislike of laboratory teaching demands substantial evidence that it has value commensurate with its cost and with the loss of subject matters that must be omitted to make time for it. If we insist on it, we need a better excuse than the assertion that chemistry is a laboratory science. For the overwhelming majority of our students, it is not. Literature Cited 1. Martinéz-Jimenez, P. Pontes-Pedrajas, A. Polo, J. Climent- Bellido, M. S. J. Chem. Educ. 2003, 80, 346–352. 2. McKeachie, W. J. Teaching Tips: A Guidebook for the Beginning College Teacher, 7th ed. D. C. Heath: Lexington, MA, 1978, Chapter 16. Gibbs, G. McKeachie, W. J. Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers, 10th ed. Houghton-Mifflin: Boston, 1999, Chapter 12.

  • 玉米浸泡液提取菲汀


  • 白米饭是垃圾食品之王?

    连日来,一则题为“白米饭是垃圾食品之王”的文章在网上疯传,称“大米饭几乎不含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、矿物质,只有淀粉和糖”,易引发包括糖尿病在内的各种慢性病……网传的这些说法是否靠谱?http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1000/20140417/00130244bb9a14b96f1d22.jpg 对于国人来说,这个白米饭是从小吃到大的,突然成了“垃圾食物”,真是难以接受。 米饭中虽然含有大量的淀粉,但这并不是导致疾病的根本原因,只要做到合理摄入、粗细搭配,才是最合理的主食结构。 你怎么看呢?

  • Classical electrodynamics

    求助以下电子书一篇【序号】:1【作者】:Jackson J.D【题名】:Classical electrodynamics【期刊】:【年、卷、期、起止页码】:【全文链接】:https://www.doc88.com/p-4139689396023.html

  • 欣赏一下瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉的皮拉图斯山独特风光


    [b][color=#cc0000]此次旅游去了[b][color=#cc0000]瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉的皮拉图斯山,[/color][/b]欣赏一下皮拉图斯山的独特风光:[/color][color=#cc0000]皮拉图斯山(Mt. Pilatus)是一座俯瞰瑞士中部名城琉森(卢塞恩)的阿尔卑斯山峰。皮拉图斯山由数座山峰组成,海拔2128米的Tomlishorn峰,海拔2119米的Esel峰位于皮拉图斯齿轨登山列车站的上方。整个山体位于上瓦尔登州、下瓦尔登州和琉森(卢塞恩)州交界处。在琉森(卢塞恩)的卡佩尔廊桥边一抬头就能看见流传着龙的传说的巍峨险峻的皮拉图斯山。皮拉图斯山被认为是琉森(卢塞恩)的门户,在琉森有皮拉图斯大街、皮拉图斯电台、皮拉图斯直升机公司,可见人们对皮拉图斯山的钟爱。皮拉图斯山以拥有世界最陡的齿轨登山列车和“金色环游”项目而成为世界级的景点。沿途能欣赏到高山植被的变化,雄奇的山体和偶尔从眼前掠过的羚羊。山顶有龙道、餐厅、酒店、纪念品商店、观景台和名为“龙之论坛”的设备完善的会议大厅。[/color][/b][color=#cc0000][b]一、高空索道(高空吊仓)门票1[/b][/color][color=#cc0000][b][img=,400,]http://ng1.17img.cn/bbsfiles/images/2017/10/201710131824_01_1841897_3.jpg[/img][/b][/color]

  • 【原创】拉曼测量谈纳米管


  • 【资料】化学中的纳米材料(英文版)-Kenneth J. Klabunde

    生物芯片是研究生物分子物理特性器件,但是由于分子的尺寸在纳米尺度内,所以纳米材料不论是在生物分子的识别还是器件的制作方面都具有不可低估的作用。下面给大家介绍一本Willy出版的新书。本书分为以下9章(下面给出目录以及相应的作者):1 Introduction to the Nanoworld 1Kenneth J. Klabunde2 Metals 15Gunter Schmid3 Semiconductor Nanocrystals 61M. P. Pileni4 Ceramics 85Abbas Khaleel and Ryan M. Richards5 Metal Nanoparticles: Double Layers, Optical Properties, andElectrochemistry 121Paul Mulvaney6 Magnetism 169C. M. Sorensen7 Chemical and Catalytic Aspects of Nanocrystals 223Kenneth J. Klabunde and Ravichandra S. Mulukutla8 Specific Heats and Melting Points of Nanocrystalline Materials 263Olga Koper and Slawomir Winecki9 Applications of Nanocrystals[img]http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=21570]Nanoscale.Materials.in.Chemistry[/url]

  • Portulaca oleracea L. Extract AmelioratesIntestinal Inflammation by Regulating Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress andAutophagy

    [back=white] [/back][back=white] [/back][font=宋体][back=white]【序号】:[/back][/font][back=white]1[/back][font=宋体][back=white]【作者】:[/back][/font][back=white] Portulaca oleracea L. Extract AmelioratesIntestinal Inflammation by Regulating Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress andAutophagy[/back][b][font=宋体][back=white]【题名】:[/back][/font][/b][back=white]Ziwei Zhang,[/back][font=宋体][back=white]【期刊】:[/back][/font][back=white]Molecular Nutrition & Food Research[/back][font=宋体][back=white]【年、卷、期、起止页码】:[/back][/font][back=white] Volume66, Issue5,March 2022[/back][font=宋体][back=white]【全文链接】:[/back][/font][back=white]https://doi.org/10.1002/mnfr.202100791[/back]

  • 【求助】招聘:ICP Senior Engineer-Chemical Lab (圣戈班上海研发中心)

    Job Duties:-Set up discipline of high quality results and provide training and guidance to technical staff in Chemical Analysis Lab -Solve analytical problems (both chemistry and equipment related), conduct application tests and experiments for internal/external customers Provide technical support for research groups, plants and other labs -Develop new methods for special materials and reverse engineering. Ensure laboratory work is completed consistently, accurately and reproducibly to generate data that meets customer requirements -Identify and learn new testing methods and testing apparatus -Assure adequate documentation and especially reporting of test results -Provide training for technicians and operators in chemical lab. Requiments:- Ph.D degree and above, major in Chemistry Analysis - Expert of ICP - English: Fluent technical communication with native speakers good command in report writing and assessment.Contact 联系人:圣戈班上海研发中心 人力资源部 LeafEmail 电子邮件: leaf.ye@saint-gobain.com

  • 【分享】男子十米气步枪宾得拉夺冠朱启南第二

    [em0815] 银牌....北京时间8月11日,2008年北京奥运会射击项目继续在北京射击馆进行。在刚刚结束的男子10米气步枪决赛中,卫冕冠军、中国名将朱启南以699.7环的成绩屈居亚军。来自印度的选手宾德拉则以700.5环的出色成绩勇夺冠军,这也是印度代表团在本届北京奥运会上的首枚金牌,资格赛排名榜首的芬兰选手海基宁以699.4环摘得银牌。 作为中国射击的传统优势项目,男子10米气步枪一直都是中国在奥运会赛场的夺金重点。在2000年悉尼奥运会上,蔡亚林为中国队实现了男子10米气步枪金牌零的突破后,2004年的雅典,朱启南又成为该项目的新科状元。两届奥运会,在该项目上人才济济的中国射击队都没有让这枚金牌旁落。在上午结束的资格赛中,卫冕冠军中国名将朱启南虽然在前四轮收获了满环,不过却在后两轮表现平平,最终以总成绩597环的成绩名列资格赛第二,挺进决赛。而另外一员中国小将曹逸飞尽管也发挥出了自身水平,但毕竟大赛经验和实力都稍逊一筹,最终以593环的成绩名列所有参赛选手的第14位,无缘决赛。欧锦赛冠军、芬兰选手海基宁则以598环的成绩名列所有选手第一,晋级决赛。 根据资格赛的成绩来看,海基宁和朱启南之间仅相差1环,进入决赛的前八位选手之间也只有3环的差距,因此可以想象决赛的竞争将会异常激烈。 第一轮,朱启南打出了10.2环的成绩,海基宁也打出了10.1环,双方的差距依旧非常小,印度名将宾德拉则在首枪表现神勇,打出了10.7环的好成绩,一下就将和朱启南差距缩小至了0.5环。 随后的几轮比赛,朱启南的状态依旧平在第三轮只打出9.9环后,排名已经被印度选手宾德拉超越,排名下滑至第三位。而宾德拉的状态则愈发神勇,接连打出了10.5环的高分,已经逼近了榜首的海基宁。赛程过半,朱启南已经落后排名第一的海基宁1.6环,落后宾德拉也已经达到了1环。 第六轮,朱启南的状态终于有所回升,打出了10.7环的高分,不过海基宁和宾德拉的表现也非常稳健,分别打出了10.3环和10.5环的成绩,继续占据着前两位的位置。 第七轮,朱启南又打出了10.1环的平平成绩,而印度选手宾德拉则打出了10.6环的好成绩,芬兰选手海基宁则仅打出了10环的成绩,宾德拉也乘机以0.2环的优势一举超越海基宁,首次登上第一的位置。 随后的两轮,赛场上的竞争氛围更加激烈,朱启南在连续打出10.6环和10.4环的成绩后,距离排名榜首的选手仍然还有0.5环的差距。而海基宁和宾德拉则在前九轮过后,总成绩均为689.7环,并列排名榜首。 最后一轮,宾德拉打出了10.8环的惊人成绩后,最终以总成绩700.5环勇夺金牌,卫冕冠军、中国名将朱启南则以699.7环,0.8环的差距屈居亚军,资格赛排名榜首的芬兰选手海基宁以699.4环摘得银牌。

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