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仪器信息网隐色体硫化蓝专题为您提供2024年最新隐色体硫化蓝价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括隐色体硫化蓝参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的隐色体硫化蓝您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合隐色体硫化蓝相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有隐色体硫化蓝相关的最新资讯、资料,以及隐色体硫化蓝相关的解决方案。


  • Ag(银)Titrode,带硫化涂层
    带 pH 玻璃膜的组合式银环形电极,用作参比电极。银环具有硫化物 (Ag2S) 涂层,其适用于较高的灵敏度和更好的指示极限。该免维护电极适用于 pH 值恒定的沉积滴定(硝酸银滴定剂),例如: 氯化物、溴化物、碘化物硫化物硫化氢硫醇氰化物该电极存放在蒸馏水中。
  • Ag(银)Titrode,带硫化涂层 6.0430.100S
    Ag(银)Titrode,带硫化涂层 订货号: 6.0430.100S用于沉淀滴定法,不更改 pH 值。硫化涂层允许较低的指示极限 隔膜Diaphragm type电极插头Metrohm plug-in head G指示电极形式Ring/hemisphere指示电极类型Ag分接元件类型-测量范围-2000...2000测量单位mV最小浸没深度(mm)20磨口套管灵活下部杆径(mm)12上部杆径(mm)12电极杆材料Glass长时温度范围(°C)0...80短时温度范围(°C)0...80
  • 瑞士万通 Ag(银)Titrode,带硫化涂层 | 6.0430.100S
    Ag(银)Titrode,带硫化涂层订货号:6.0430.100S带 pH 玻璃膜的组合式银环形电极,用作参比电极。银环具有硫化物 (Ag2S) 涂层,其适用于较高的灵敏度和更好的指示极限。该免维护电极适用于 pH 值恒定的沉积滴定(硝酸银滴定剂),例如:● 氯化物、溴化物、碘化物● 硫化物● 硫化氢● 硫醇● 氰化物该电极存放在蒸馏水中。技术参数上部杆径(mm)12下部杆径(mm)12分接元件类型-指示电极形式Ring/hemisphere指示电极类型Ag最小浸没深度(mm)20测量单位mV测量范围-2000...2000电极插头Metrohm plug-in head G电极杆材料Glass短时温度范围(°C)0...80磨口套管灵活长时温度范围(°C)0...80隔膜Diaphragm type
  • Ag Titrode,带 Ag2S 硫化银膜,复合银环电极(镀硫),600430100S,6.00430.100S
    带 pH 玻璃膜的组合式银环形电极,用作参比电极。银环具有硫化物 (Ag2S) 涂层,其适用于较高的灵敏度和更好的指示极限。该免维护电极适用于 pH 值恒定的沉积滴定(硝酸银滴定剂),例如: 氯化物、溴化物、碘化物硫化物硫化氢硫醇氰化物该电极存放在蒸馏水中。
  • 二硫化钛晶体 TiS2
    二硫化钛晶体 TiS2(Tantalum Sulfide) 晶体结构:六边形晶体尺寸:~10毫米电学性能:半金属,逆磁性晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.340 nm, c = 0.570 nm, α = β = 90°, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a TiS2 single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 1, 2, 3, 4Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal TiS2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal TiS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.Raman spectrum of a single crystal TiS2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.
  • 二硫化钛(TiS2)
    1、企业介绍泰州巨纳新能源有限公司:巨纳集团(Sunano Group)是能源行业的知名品牌。泰州巨纳新能源有限公司(Sunano Energy)是国内最早的从事石墨烯制备、性能检测及应用产品开发的公司之一,注册资本11000万元,有办公用房300多平方米,厂房和洁净室3000多平方米。核心研发团队主要由国内外知名高校博士组成,部分成员来自于2010年诺贝尔物理学奖小组,项目技术处于国际领先地位,在石墨烯领域拥有专利30余项。企业管理团队有丰富的成功创业经验,创新意识强,公司客户遍布全球。2、高质量二维晶体材料简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料。巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合荷兰HQ Graphene为全球客户提供高质量的类石墨烯二维晶体材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。 名称:二硫化钛(TiS2) 纯度:>99.995% 尺寸:~10 mm 属性:半金属
  • 二硫化铌晶体 NbS2
    二硫化铌晶体 2H-NbS2(Niobium Disulfide)晶体尺寸:2毫米电学性能:金属,superconductor (Tc~6K), charge density waves (CDW) system.晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.332 nm, c = 1.197 nm, α = β = 90, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a single crystal 2H-NbS2 aligned along the (001) plane. XRD diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal 2H-NbS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.
  • 二硫化钨晶体 2H-WS2
    二硫化钨晶体 2H-WS2(Tungsten Disulfide)晶体结构:六边形晶体尺寸:~10毫米电学性能:N型半导体晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.315 nm, c = 1.227 nm, α = β = 90, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 5 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal 2H-WS2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal 2H-WS2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal 2H-WS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.
  • 二硫化钨钼晶体 MoWS2
    二硫化钨钼晶体 MoWS2(Molybdenum Tungsten Disulfide alloy)晶体尺寸:~6毫米电学性能:半导体晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:取决于合金成分:a = b = 0.31 -0.33 nm and c = 1.21 -1.29 nm, α = β = 90°, γ =120° 晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a MoWS2 single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 5 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal MoWS2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal MoWS2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal MoWS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.
  • 二硫化钽晶体 1T-TaS2
    二硫化钽晶体(1T) TaS2(Tantalum Sulfide) -1T晶体尺寸:~8毫米电学性能:半导体,电荷密度波(CDW),Mott相晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.336 nm, c = 0.590 nm, α = β = 90°, γ = 120° 晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a Tantalum Disulfide single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD on the 1T-TaS2 was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 5 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal 1T-TaS2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal 1T-TaS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.
  • 二硫化铼晶体 ReS2
    二硫化铼晶体 ReS2 (Rhenium Disulfide)晶体结构:三斜晶晶体尺寸:~8毫米电学性能:N型半导体晶体结构:三斜晶系晶胞参数:a = 0.634, b = 0.640 nm, c = 0.645 nm, α = 106.74°, β = 119.03°, γ = 89.97° 晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a ReS2 single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 5 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal ReS2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal ReS2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal ReS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.
  • 二硫化钼晶体 MoS2
    二硫化钼晶体(天然) MoS2(Molybdenum Disulfide)晶体结构:六边形类型:天然晶体尺寸:~10mm-20mm纯度:99% 属性:半导体
  • 硫化镓晶体(99.995%) GaS(Gallium Sulfide)
    硫化镓晶体 GaS(Gallium Sulfide)晶体尺寸:~10毫米电学性能:半导体晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = 0.360, b = 0.640 nm, c = 1.544 nm, α = β = 90°, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995% X-ray diffraction on a GaS single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 5 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal GaS. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal alpha phase GaS by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal GaS. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.
  • 二硫化钨钼晶体(99.995%) MoWS2
    二硫化钨钼晶体 MoWS2(Molybdenum Tungsten Disulfide alloy)晶体尺寸:~6毫米电学性能:半导体晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:取决于合金成分:a = b = 0.31 -0.33 nm and c = 1.21 -1.29 nm, α = β = 90°, γ =120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a MoWS2 single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 5 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal MoWS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal MoWS2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal MoWS2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman systemat room temperature.
  • 21Gastec便携式气体检测管硫化羰检测管
    21Gastec便携式气体检测管硫化羰检测管(COS)被检物质和化学式检测管型号和名称 抽气颜色变化保存备注 检测范围次数期限管理范围(ppm)(n)检测前检测后(年)(ppm)硫化羰21硫化羰100-2001/2青色黄色2﹡+ COS10-100① 5-10221LA硫化羰50-125,Gastec便携式气体检测管硫化羰检测管(COS) 21Gastec便携式气体检测管硫化羰检测管(COS)的详细介绍 21Gastec便携式气体检测管硫化羰检测管(COS)被检物质和化学式检测管型号和名称 抽气颜色变化保存备注 检测范围次数期限管理范围(ppm)(n)检测前检测后(年)(ppm)硫化羰21硫化羰100-2001/2青色黄色2﹡+ COS10-100① 5-10221LA硫化羰50-125,Gastec便携式气体检测管硫化羰检测管(COS) Gastec便携式气体检测管硫化羰检测管(COS)的详细介绍: 被检物质和化学式 检测管型号和名称   抽气 颜色变化 保存 备注   检测范围 次数 期限 管理范围 (ppm) (n) 检测前 检测后 (年) (ppm) 硫化羰 21 硫化羰 100-200 1/2 青色 黄色 2﹡ +   COS 10-100 ①      5-10 2 21LA 硫化羰 50-125 1/2 青紫色 白色 2﹡ +T 5-50 ① 2-5 2 T:需要温度校正 H:需要湿度校正 +:双管 ++:9支管 *:冷藏储存 气体检测管,迅速、简单、准确地对所有气体进行检测和测定的直读式气体检测管。 直读式气体检测管 检测管式气体检测器是由检测管和气体采集器两部分构成。在一定直径的玻璃管内紧密地装填检测剂,将两端密封,然后在玻璃管表面印制表示浓度的刻度,就制成了一支检测管。在对检测目标气体进行检测时,先将检测管两端切断,通过采集器将一定量需要检测的气体抽入检测管内,检测管内就会立刻与检测试剂发生反应,并出现颜色的变化。通过变化层所在的相应位置,读取该气体的浓度。 检测试剂是通过在硅胶或氧化铝等物质表面附着显色试剂的方法制成的。显色试剂遇到被检测气体时会发生特定的反应,而且这种检测试剂具有相当的稳定性。 反应可分为两种,一种是被检测气体与检测试剂直接发生反应,产生变色。另一种是将被测气体转变为其他气体,转变后的气体再与检测试剂反应,产生变色。
  • 单层二硫化钨-单层二硫化钨
    参数:制备方法:锂基插层法组成:单层二硫化钨外观:黑色粉末或分散体直径:0.1-4um厚度:1纳米单分子层比例:95%Parameter:Preparation Method:Lithium-based Intercalation MethodComposition: Monolayer Tungsten disulfideAppearance: Black Powder or dispersionDiameter: 0.1-4 μmThickness: ~1 nmMonolayer ratio: =95%
  • 硫化锗
    简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料,巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合美国2D Semiconductors为全球客户提供高质量的二维晶体材料、粉体、溶液、薄膜等材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。硫化锗GeS
  • 二硫化锡晶体 2H-SnS2
    二硫化锡晶体 2H-SnS2(Tin Sulfide)晶体尺寸:~8毫米电学性能:半导体(~ 2.2ev)晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.364, c = 0.589 nm, α = β = 90°, γ = 120° 晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a 2H phase Tin Disulfide single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 1, 2, 3, 4Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal 2H-SnS2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal 2H-SnS2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal 2H-SnS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.
  • 硫化砷
    简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料,巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合美国2D Semiconductors为全球客户提供高质量的二维晶体材料、粉体、溶液、薄膜等材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。硫化砷As?S?
  • 二硫化钽晶体 2H-TaS2
    二硫化钽晶体(2H) TaS2(Tantalum Sulfide) -2H晶体尺寸:~10毫米电学性能:Metal, Charge density waves (CDW) system below ~75K, Superconductor with Tc ~1K 金属、电荷密度波(CDW)晶体结构:六边形晶胞参数:a = b = 0.331 nm, c = 1.207 nm, α = β = 90, γ = 120°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995%X-ray diffraction on a 2H phase Tantalum Disulfide single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 2, 4, 6, 8Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal 2H-TaS2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).Raman spectrum of a single crystal 2H-TaS2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal 2H-TaS2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.
  • 硫化镓
    简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料,巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合美国2D Semiconductors为全球客户提供高质量的二维晶体材料、粉体、溶液、薄膜等材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。硫化镓Gallium Sulfide (GaS)
  • 硫化锗晶体(99.995%) GeS(Germanium Sulfide)
    硫化锗晶体 GeS(Germanium Sulfide)晶体尺寸:~10毫米电学性能:半导体晶体结构:斜方晶系晶胞参数:a = 1.450, b = 0.364 nm, c = 0.430 nm, α = β = γ = 90°晶体类型:合成晶体纯度:>99.995% X-ray diffraction on a single crystal GeS aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (h00) with h = 2, 4, 6, 8Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal GeS. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal GeS by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Raman spectrum of a single crystal GeS. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.
  • 二硫化铪
    简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料,巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合美国2D Semiconductors为全球客户提供高质量的二维晶体材料、粉体、溶液、薄膜等材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。二硫化铪HfS?
  • 单层二硫化钼-单层二硫化钼
    参数:制备方法:锂基插层法组成:单层二硫化钼外观:黑色粉末或分散体直径:0.2~5um,主要集中在1um-3um厚度:1纳米单分子层比例:95%Parameter:Preparation Method:Lithium-based Intercalation MethodComposition:Monolayer Molybdenum disulfideAppearance: Black Powder or dispersionDiameter: 0.2-5 μm, mainly concentrate in 1μm-3μmThickness: ~1 nmMonolayer ratio: =95%
  • 硫化锗(GeS)
    1、企业介绍泰州巨纳新能源有限公司:巨纳集团(Sunano Group)是能源行业的知名品牌。泰州巨纳新能源有限公司(Sunano Energy)是国内最早的从事石墨烯制备、性能检测及应用产品开发的公司之一,注册资本11000万元,有办公用房300多平方米,厂房和洁净室3000多平方米。核心研发团队主要由国内外知名高校博士组成,部分成员来自于2010年诺贝尔物理学奖小组,项目技术处于国际领先地位,在石墨烯领域拥有专利30余项。企业管理团队有丰富的成功创业经验,创新意识强,公司客户遍布全球。2、高质量二维晶体材料简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料。巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合荷兰HQ Graphene为全球客户提供高质量的类石墨烯二维晶体材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。 名称:硫化锗(GeS)纯度:>99.995% 尺寸:可定制 属性:半导体
  • 二硫化钨
    简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料,巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合美国2D Semiconductors为全球客户提供高质量的二维晶体材料、粉体、溶液、薄膜等材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。二硫化钨Tungsten Disulfide (WS?)
  • 二硫化钨钼
    简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料,巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合美国2D Semiconductors为全球客户提供高质量的二维晶体材料、粉体、溶液、薄膜等材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。二硫化钨钼Molybdenum Tungsten Disulfide (MoWS?)
  • 二硫化铌
    简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料,巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合美国2D Semiconductors为全球客户提供高质量的二维晶体材料、粉体、溶液、薄膜等材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。二硫化铌Niobium Disulfide (NbS?)
  • 二硫化钽
    简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料,巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合美国2D Semiconductors为全球客户提供高质量的二维晶体材料、粉体、溶液、薄膜等材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。二硫化钽Tantalum Disulfide (TaS?)
  • 二硫化锡
    简介:二维晶体材料指的是以石墨烯为代表的单原子层及少数原子层厚度的晶体材料,巨纳集团除了提供石墨烯材料、设备、检测等一体化服务外,还联合美国2D Semiconductors为全球客户提供高质量的二维晶体材料、粉体、溶液、薄膜等材料,并提供定制服务,以满足客户的不同需求。二硫化锡Tin Disulfide (SnS?)
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