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仪器信息网右旋四氢巴马汀专题为您提供2024年最新右旋四氢巴马汀价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括右旋四氢巴马汀参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的右旋四氢巴马汀您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合右旋四氢巴马汀相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有右旋四氢巴马汀相关的最新资讯、资料,以及右旋四氢巴马汀相关的解决方案。


  • 巴马小香猪皮肤
    巴马小香猪皮肤品种:巴马小香猪猪龄:1~2月龄部位:全身皮肤(腹背部)皮肤类型:全层皮(角质+表皮+真皮)我公司提供的猪皮,包含皮肤完整性相关的关键参数,详细介绍请咨询参考文献Reference:[1]OECD Guidance Document for the conduct of Skin Absorption[2] FDA《In Vitro Permeation Test Studies for Topical Drug Products Submitted in ANDAs Guidance for Industry》[3]CFDA《Technical guidelines for research on topical chemical generic drugs for skin》《皮肤外用化学仿制药研究技术指导原则》
  • 凝胶色谱柱测定右旋糖酐40/右旋糖酐70和右旋糖酐铁
    凝胶色谱柱测定右旋糖酐40/右旋糖酐70和右旋糖酐铁 关键词:右旋糖酐40,右旋糖酐70,右旋糖酐铁,分子量分布,分子排阻 2010中国药典标准:照分子排阻色谱法(附录 V H),以亲水性球形高聚物为填充剂(如TSK G PWXL或 Shodex Ohpak SB HQ柱)。 需要详细的药典标准请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 天然冰片中右旋龙脑含量的测定,色谱柱 HR-20M/ PEG-20M
    天然冰片中右旋龙脑含量的测定,色谱柱 HR-20M/ PEG-20M 关键词:天然冰片,2010年药典,右旋龙脑,PEG-20M,聚乙二醇20000 2010年中国药典标准:右旋龙脑色谱条件:照气相色谱法(附录Ⅵ E)测定,以聚乙二醇20000(PEG-20M)为固定相,涂布浓度为10%,柱温为170℃.理论板数按右旋龙脑峰计算应不低于2000.(中国药典一部P56) 需要详细的药典标准请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 凝胶色谱柱分离右旋糖酐20(Dextran 20)色谱柱TSK G3000PWXL
    凝胶色谱柱分离右旋糖酐20(Dextran 20)色谱柱TSK G3000PWXL 关键词:右旋糖酐20,葡萄糖,分子排阻,凝胶色谱柱 本品系蔗糖经肠膜状串珠菌L.-M-1226号菌(Leucomostoc mesenteroides)发酵后生成的高分子葡萄糖聚合物。经处理精制而得。右旋糖酐20的重均分子量应为16000-24000. 2010年中国药典标准,测定分子量及分子量分布,照分子排阻色谱法(附录 V H),以亲水性球型高聚物为填充剂(如TSK G PWXL或Shodex OH pak SB HQ),以硫酸钠为流动相,柱温35℃,示差折光检测器。(药典二部 P111) 需要详细的药典标准请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cN
  • 透皮实验猪皮
    关于体外渗透试验或透皮试验(IVPT),EMA在2018年发布的《Draft guideline on quality and equivalence of topical products》中仅推荐使用离体人类皮肤。PMDA规定可以使用离体大鼠、小鼠或猪的皮肤进行试验。在FDA 阿昔洛韦指南和IVPT指南中,均推荐采用离体人类皮肤;但在USP 中规定,除采用离体人类皮肤外,因猪的皮肤与人类皮肤具有相对相似的形态,可作为研究的重要选择;实验用巴马香猪猪皮是一种用于透皮试验、烧伤研究、心血管研究等领域的动物模型。它的皮肤与人类的皮肤非常相似,具有优良的品质和稳定的遗传基因。实验用巴马香猪月龄20 -45天,猪皮的大小约为A4纸大小,厚度1mm左右,无添加化学试剂,全程冷链运输。有实验动物养殖许可的养殖场,可提供质量合格证,个案信息表收到后储于-18℃冷冻储存,时间不宜超出三个月,该巴马小猪皮肤已经经过加工处理,皮下组织以及毛发均处理干净,可以直接用于实验。公司简介:北京元森凯德生物技术有限公司2013年成立于北京中关村科技园,是一家专业从事生命科学类实验仪器研制、生产与销售的科技创新型企业。服务毒理学、药理学、免疫学、生物安全、大气污染物、化学物质毒性鉴定、临床前药物开发与安全性评价、呼吸系统、环境与健康等领域。元森凯德在中国北京、美国宾夕法尼亚均设有技术联络中心,注重仪器的售前、售中、售后沟通,时刻关注行业的最新进展动态,客户群体主要有全国各大高校、实验动物科研单位、药物研发机构、第三方CRO及医院中心实验室等。我们将以领先的技术、优质的产品、完善的服务致力于成为业内优秀的实验仪器设备供应厂商。我们的目标是:服务用户至上,让科研仪器的使用变得更简便和高效。
  • Plating Bath Analysis Buffer(5064-8236)
    产品名称:Plating Bath Analysis Buffer仪器厂商:Agilent/美国 安捷伦价格:面议库存:是DescriptionVolume (mL)Part No.Plating bath analysis buffer2505064-8236
  • 测定右旋糖酐40色谱柱TSK G3000PWXL
    北京绿百草科技专业提供测定右旋糖酐40分子量及分布的尺寸排阻色谱柱TSKGEL G3000PWXL。TSKGEL G3000PWXL色谱柱填料是亲水、刚性、球型多孔的甲基丙烯酸甲酯高聚物,化学和机械性能好,粒径7&mu m,孔径200A,PH值范围2-12,可以使用含有50%的混合有机溶剂为流动相。2010版中国药典推荐使用TSKGEL GPWXL测定右旋糖酐40分子量以及分子量的分布。
  • 测定右旋糖酐70色谱柱TSK G4000PWXL
    北京绿百草科技专业提供测定右旋糖酐70分子量及分布的尺寸排阻色谱柱TSKGEL G4000PWXL。TSKGEL G4000PWXL色谱柱填料是亲水、刚性、球型多孔的甲基丙烯酸甲酯高聚物,化学和机械性能好,粒径10&mu m,孔径500A,PH值范围2-12,可以使用含有50%的混合有机溶剂为流动相。2010版中国药典推荐使用TSKGEL GPWXL测定右旋糖酐70分子量以及分子量的分布。
  • 体外透皮实验用猪皮
    关于体外渗透试验或透皮试验(IVPT),EMA在2018年发布的《Draft guideline on quality and equivalence of topical products》中仅推荐使用离体人类皮肤。PMDA规定可以使用离体大鼠、小鼠或猪的皮肤进行试验。在FDA 阿昔洛韦指南和IVPT指南中,均推荐采用离体人类皮肤;但在USP 中规定,除采用离体人类皮肤外,因猪的皮肤与人类皮肤具有相对相似的形态,可作为研究的重要选择;实验用巴马香猪猪皮是一种用于透皮试验、烧伤研究、心血管研究等领域的动物模型。它的皮肤与人类的皮肤非常相似,具有优良的品质和稳定的遗传基因。实验用巴马香猪月龄20 -45天,猪皮的大小约为A4纸大小,厚度1mm左右,无添加化学试剂,全程冷链运输。有实验动物养殖许可的养殖场,可提供质量合格证,个案信息表收到后储于-18℃冷冻储存,时间不宜超出三个月,该巴马小猪皮肤已经经过加工处理,皮下组织以及毛发均处理干净,可以直接用于实验。公司简介:北京元森凯德生物技术有限公司2013年成立于北京中关村科技园,是一家专业从事生命科学类实验仪器研制、生产与销售的科技创新型企业。服务毒理学、药理学、免疫学、生物安全、大气污染物、化学物质毒性鉴定、临床前药物开发与安全性评价、呼吸系统、环境与健康等领域。元森凯德在中国北京、美国宾夕法尼亚均设有技术联络中心,注重仪器的售前、售中、售后沟通,时刻关注行业的最新进展动态,客户群体主要有全国各大高校、实验动物科研单位、药物研发机构、第三方CRO及医院中心实验室等。我们将以领先的技术、优质的产品、完善的服务致力于成为业内优秀的实验仪器设备供应厂商。我们的目标是:服务用户至上,让科研仪器的使用变得更简便和高效。
  • 实验用猪皮
    关于体外渗透试验或透皮试验(IVPT),EMA在2018年发布的《Draft guideline on quality and equivalence of topical products》中仅推荐使用离体人类皮肤。PMDA规定可以使用离体大鼠、小鼠或猪的皮肤进行试验。在FDA 阿昔洛韦指南和IVPT指南中,均推荐采用离体人类皮肤;但在USP 中规定,除采用离体人类皮肤外,因猪的皮肤与人类皮肤具有相对相似的形态,可作为研究的重要选择;实验用巴马香猪猪皮是一种用于透皮试验、烧伤研究、心血管研究等领域的动物模型。它的皮肤与人类的皮肤非常相似,具有优良的品质和稳定的遗传基因。实验用巴马香猪月龄20 -45天,猪皮的大小约为A4纸大小,厚度1mm左右,无添加化学试剂,全程冷链运输。有实验动物养殖许可的养殖场,可提供质量合格证,个案信息表收到后储于-18℃冷冻储存,时间不宜超出三个月,该巴马小猪皮肤已经经过加工处理,皮下组织以及毛发均处理干净,可以直接用于实验。公司简介:北京元森凯德生物技术有限公司2013年成立于北京中关村科技园,是一家专业从事生命科学类实验仪器研制、生产与销售的科技创新型企业。服务毒理学、药理学、免疫学、生物安全、大气污染物、化学物质毒性鉴定、临床前药物开发与安全性评价、呼吸系统、环境与健康等领域。元森凯德在中国北京、美国宾夕法尼亚均设有技术联络中心,注重仪器的售前、售中、售后沟通,时刻关注行业的最新进展动态,客户群体主要有全国各大高校、实验动物科研单位、药物研发机构、第三方CRO及医院中心实验室等。我们将以领先的技术、优质的产品、完善的服务致力于成为业内优秀的实验仪器设备供应厂商。我们的目标是:服务用户至上,让科研仪器的使用变得更简便和高效。
  • 测定右旋糖酐20色谱柱TSK G3000PWXL
    北京绿百草科技专业提供测定右旋糖酐20分子量及分布的尺寸排阻色谱柱TSKGEL G3000PWXL。TSKGEL G3000PWXL色谱柱填料是亲水、刚性、球型多孔的甲基丙烯酸甲酯高聚物,化学和机械性能好,粒径7&mu m,孔径200A,PH值范围2-12,可以使用含有50%的混合有机溶剂为流动相。2010版中国药典推荐使用TSKGEL GPWXL测定右旋糖酐20分子量以及分子量的分布。
  • GS-氧化铝 轻烃分析PLOT柱
    产品特点: &bull &ldquo 极性&rdquo 最强的氧化铝固定相 &bull 采用专利技术脱活的氧化铝 &bull 用于轻烃- C1 到C8 烃类异构体分析的优选通用色谱柱 &bull 分离C1 到C4 饱和和不饱和烃类 &bull 最适用于分离丙烯中的环丙烷 &bull 较同类填充柱更快速、更高效、灵敏度更高 &bull 所需老化时间最短 &bull 由于其再生性能,所以是用硫酸钠脱活氧化铝的首选替代品 相似的固定相:Al2O3/KCl, Al2O3/Na2SO4, Rt-Alumina PLOT, Alumina PLOT 注意:氧化铝色谱柱具有吸附水和CO2 的趋势,时间久了会导致保留时间变化。我们使 用一种先进的专利脱活方法,可使色谱柱快速再生。完全水饱和的GS-氧化铝色谱柱可在 低于200º C 下7 小时内再生。 产品应用: 适用范围:在天然气、炼厂气、燃料气、合成气、二烯类中的C2到C6烃类。 GS-氧化铝柱的色谱图 石油 &bull 1,3-丁二烯的纯度 &bull 扩展的烃分析I &bull 丙烯 订货信息: GS-Alumina 氧化铝 内径(mm) 长度(m) 膜厚(&mu m) 温度范围(º C) 部件号 0.53 30  ~ -60 至200 115-3532 0.53 50  ~ -60 至200 115-3552
  • 轻烃化合物分析/不饱和轻烃专用色谱柱
    不饱和轻烃分析专用柱色谱柱不饱和轻烃专用柱1、快速分离C1到C4烃类。2、Res-Sil 填料代替 Porasil 填料。正辛烷/Res-Sil 填充柱此款填充柱对分析不饱和轻烃具有独特的选择性。 (见图 1).OPN/Res-Sil C填充柱此款填充柱可分析轻烃,可使顺-2-丁烯和1,3- 丁二烯达到基线分离(见图2)。2abc 炼厂气GC柱套件这是一个3支柱套件,结合切换阀系统以解决轻烃分析。当在适当的切换阀系统中使用时, C5在C1前馏出(见图3)。图 1: 正辛烷/ Res-Sil C填充柱对不饱和轻烃类分析具有独特的选择性色谱柱 正辛烷,SilcoSmooth 柱管,80/100 目/Res-Sil C,20 英尺, 1/8 英寸外径 , 2 毫米内径(货号 80436-800)样品 炼厂气 C1-C5进样进样体积: 20 μL 非柱头进样进样温度: 150 °C柱温箱柱温: 60 °C载气 氦气,恒流流速: 30 mL/min色谱峰甲烷 2. 乙烷 3. 乙烯 4. 乙炔 5. 丙烷 6. 丙烯 7. 异丁烷 8. 正丁烷 9. 1-丁烯 10. 戊烷 11. 异丁烯 12. 1,3-丁二烯 13. 1-戊烯 14. 反式-2-戊烯 15. 顺式-2-戊烯16. 2-甲基-2-丁烯OPN/Res-SilC填充柱此款填充柱可分析轻烃,可使顺-2-丁烯和1,3- 丁二烯达到基线分离(图2)。图 2: OPN /Res-Sil C 填充柱对顺-2-丁烯和 1,3-丁二烯具有独特的分离度。色谱柱 OPN, SilcoSmooth 柱管, 80/100 目 / Res-SilC 填料, 12 英尺, 1/8 英寸 外径,2 mm 内径 (货号80437-800)样品 炼厂气浓度: 0.1-6 绝对摩尔百分比进样进样体积: 20 μL 柱头进样进样温度: 200 °C柱温箱柱温: 50 °C载气 氦气,恒流流速: 30 mL/min检测器 FID @ 200 °C2abc 炼厂气GC柱套件这是一个3支柱套件,结合切换阀系统以解决轻烃分析。 当在适当的切换阀系统中使用时,C5在C1前馏出(图3)。图 3: 采用炼厂气填充柱套件分析炼厂气校准标准品色谱柱 炼厂气柱套件 (3支柱): 2a 2b 2c ,Silcosteel 柱管(货号88000-875)样品 炼厂气进样进样体积: 1,000 μL 非柱头进样进样温度: 150 °C柱温箱柱温: 60 °C载气: 氦气,恒流流速: 30 mL/min检测器 FID @ 150 °C色谱峰1. C5-C6+ 2. 甲烷 3. 乙烷 4. 乙烯 5. 丙烷 6. 乙炔 7. 丙烯 8. 环丙烷 9. 异丁烷10. 丙二烯 11. 正丁烷 12. 1-丁烯 13. 异丁烯 14. 反式-2-丁烯 15. 顺式-2-丁烯16. 1,3-丁二烯 17. 异戊烷 18. 正戊烷说明 货号* 正辛烷/Res-Sil C,80/100 (20' , 2.0 mm 内径, 1/8" 80436-OPN/Res-Sil C, 80/100 (12' , 2.0 mm内径, 1/8" Silcosmooth 80437-2abc 炼厂气GC柱套件 (3 支柱套件)** 88000-2.1% Carbowax 1540 Porasil C (反吹柱)*** 88004-*订货时请在仪器构型货号后面添加后缀号。见此页图表.**此款柱套件适用于切换阀系统,因此填料被填充到柱末端。***将2abc 炼厂气柱套件 (货号 88000-)反吹和防止C6烃类进入柱套件。注意: 柱子的起始2" 英寸长是空的以便插针。订购完全填充的色谱柱(不包括柱头) 加后缀 -901。*带-810 后缀号的色谱柱亦包括检测器一端有1段 1/2" 英寸长的空管。
  • 瑞思泰康 Ultra Carbamate 氨基酸专用柱
    Ultra Carbamate 液相色谱柱产品特点:粒径(μm):3、5,球型孔径(A):100PH范围:2.5 - 8温度上限(°C):80专用于氨基甲酸酯分析。10分钟内完成10种氨基甲酸酯的分析。这款色谱柱可以与荧光检测器或LC/MS检测器配合使用。一支Ultra Carbamate色谱柱一小时能完成3至4个样品的分析,普通色谱柱一小时只能完成2个样品专门为氨基甲酸盐分析设计的,效率可以达到普通C18柱的两倍在使用4.6mm 内径,柱后检测器为视差/荧光检测器时,总死体积(包括柱后反应器)不得大于650μL.对于标准的柱后反应系统,建议使用 250mm x 4.6mm, 5μm 柱。Restek 化学家为分析氨基甲酸盐专门研制了Ultra 氨基甲酸盐色谱柱。独特的填料仅需要10分钟即可完成10种氨基甲酸盐的分离。这种色谱柱可与荧光检测器或LC/MS检测器兼容*。Ultra 氨基甲酸盐色谱柱每小时可以完成三到四次进样,而通用的C18 色谱柱每小时只能完成不到两次进样。此外,样品通过量也有所增加,这种快捷的分析方法大大减少了溶剂用量以及处理废弃溶剂所需成本。订货信息:货号粒径长度内径改装包装91773523 μm50 mm2.1 mmea.91773123 μm100 mm2.1 mmea.91773543 μm50 mm4.0 mmea.91773553 μm50 mm4.6 mmea.91773153 μm100 mm4.6 mmea.91775755 μm250 mm4.6 mmea.9177355-7003 μm50 mm4.6 mmwith Trident Inlet Fittingea.9177315-7003 μm100 mm4.6 mmwith Trident Inlet Fittingea.9177575-7005 μm250 mm4.6 mmwith Trident Inlet Fittingea.917735E3 μm50 mm3.0 mmea.917731E3 μm100 mm3.0 mmea.
  • 1007506巴固Sperian V-Maxx护目镜|斯博瑞安Sperian V-Maxx护目镜
    1007506巴固Sperian V-Maxx护目镜|斯博瑞安Sperian V-Maxx护目镜的产品介绍:180 度全景最大视野护目镜,不会产生视觉变形间接通风,防止撞击和液体飞溅可以配合校正眼镜和多数半面罩呼吸器使用可选头带材料角度可调节弹性头带,方便与安全帽配合使用,在不同位置均能保持舒适符合中国GB,美国ANSI及欧洲标准1007506巴固Sperian V-Maxx护目镜|斯博瑞安Sperian V-Maxx护目镜的主要特点:运动风格越来越得到穿戴者的青睐。适合多种工作人员,并且可以佩戴处方眼镜和多数半面罩呼吸器。1007506巴固Sperian V-Maxx护目镜|斯博瑞安Sperian V-Maxx护目镜的建议的行业/用途:化学,建筑业,制造业,焊接,职业危害,磨损,空中悬浮微粒,生物危害,化学毒气、蒸汽、烟雾,撞击,低可见度,飞溅,1007506巴固Sperian V-Maxx护目镜|斯博瑞安Sperian V-Maxx护目镜的标准:- ANSI Z87+,GB标准货号 名称 规格型号 单位 市价 数量 AB94-0401 斯博瑞安(巴固)Sperian V-Maxx护目镜 1006193 PC镜片透明 防刮 防雾 副 52.00 AB94-0402 斯博瑞安(巴固)Sperian V-Maxx护目镜 1007506 PC镜片透明 防刮 防雾 副 67.00
  • ESI N8145017 ME2501-PPM1 Male barb CTFE接头
    Male barb CTFE接头 Male barb CTFE fitting
  • Markes 多环芳烃不锈钢热脱附管
    产品描述Markes 不锈钢热脱附管由高规格的材料制成,广泛适用于不同种类和浓度的空气 VOC 监测应用。 产品符合官方标准方法,如美国 EPA TO-17 方法和 EN ISO 16017 等。*先进的标记选项Markes 吸附管上都有标记,方便跟踪样品和存储。不锈钢管上的标记包含序列号,条形码和采样方向箭头。附加的标签和跟踪选项有:zui多可以在金属管一侧激光蚀刻10个字母数字字符,例如:吸附剂类型,公司及项目名称。金属管可以永 久标记多达五个种类,以便快速识别。Markes的TubeTAG&trade 射频识别(RFID)技术外场观测提供故障安 全跟踪管理–吸附管信息管理*关键之处。推荐的吸附管针对空气中的多环芳烃(C2-AAXX-5138):通过较大的采样体积和优化的分析方法,该吸附管可用于以监测 ppt 级的多环芳烃。材料排放/室内空气(C3-AAXX-5304):该产品符合 ISO 16000-6,可用于同时监测极易挥发,易挥发和半挥发性有机物(VVOC,VOC 和 SVOC),尤其适用于监测室内空气质量、测试产品和材料释放的化学品。土壤气体/气体入侵(C3-AAXX-5304):该产品包含用于监测地下污染和气体入侵的*佳吸附剂组合,适用于 C4 碳氢化合物到中度挥发性的燃油蒸馏液以及高湿度空气。吸附萃取和直接脱附(C0-AXXX-0000):空的吸附管非常适用于从 HiSorb 吸附萃取探针中释放挥发性有机物,以及均质材料小样品的直接热脱附。属性分类货号产品中文名称应用标准方法热脱附管C2-AXXX-5138多环芳烃,不锈钢材质,一盒十支SVOCsISO 16000-13, ISO 16232, ISO 12884常见应用的吸附管Application应用Standard methods标准方法Analyte range分析物范围Sampling采样方式Tube type吸附管Tubematerial吸附管材质Tube number吸附管型号环境空气空气质量HJ 644*, US EPA TO-17, ISO16017-1,EN 14662-1C2 –C14主动(泵)Universal不锈钢C3-AAXX-5266Air toxics玻璃/不锈钢C2-BAXX-5259/C2-AAXX-5270HJ 583*苯系物主动(泵)Tenax TA不锈钢C1-AAXX-5003ISO 16017-2, EN 14662-2C2 –C14被动(扩散)取决于目标物HJ 759*, US EPA TO-15C2 –C10苏玛罐臭氧前体物 (不包括极性化合物)C2 –C12在线PAMS (可包括极性化合物)SVOCsC6 –C40主动(泵)SVOC air不锈钢C1-AAXX-5342ISO 16000-13, ISO 16232, ISO 12884PAH 多环芳烃主动(泵)PAH不锈钢C2-AAXX-5138未知空气样品C2 –C15主动(泵)Universal – SafeLok不锈钢C3-DAXX-5266填埋场、土壤土壤中的挥发性气体C4 –C32主动(泵)Soil gas不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304土壤气体侵入测试ASTM D7663C3 –C30主动(泵)Odour/Sulfur惰性涂层C2-CAXX-5314ADTM D7758C4 –C32被动(扩散)取决于目标物工作环境工作场所MDHS 72, EN 1076, ISO 16017-1C2 –C14主动(泵)Universal不锈钢C3-AAXX-5266Air toxics玻璃/不锈钢C2-BAXX-5259/C2-AAXX-5270EN 838, ISO 16017-2, MDHS 80C2 –C14被动(扩散)取决于目标物室内空气车内ISO 12219 series, OEM-specifiedC4 –C32主动(泵)Material emissions不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304室内ISO 16000-6, ISO 16017-1, ASTM D6196C4 –C16主动(泵)Material emissions不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304C6 –C30主动(泵)Indoor air – Tenax不锈钢C1-AAXX-5003材料挥发产品和材料ISO 16000-6, ASTM D6196C4 –C32主动(泵)Material emissions不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304汽车材料 - 直接热脱附VDA 278C6 –C25 C14 –C32直接脱附Empty玻璃, 30mm 处限流C0-NXXX-0000无菌室VDI 2083-17C4 –C32主动(泵)Material emissions不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304汽车材料ISO 12219, ISO 16000-6C4 –C32主动(泵)Material emissions不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304工业污染源废气填埋场气体LFTGN 04Thiols硫醇类主动(泵)Odour/Sulfur惰性涂层C2-CAXX-5314工业污染源排放HJ 734*C3 –C12主动(泵)Universal不锈钢C3-AAXX-5266石油冶炼US EPA 325, UK Protocol苯系物 &butadiene被动(扩散)EPA 325不锈钢及TubeTAGC1-ACAX-5020臭味气体Thiols硫醇类主动(泵)Odour/Sulfur惰性涂层C2-CAXX-5314Markes 热脱附管和配件购买或咨询,欢迎来电广州绿百草或填写产品留言吧...
  • Markes 多环芳烃,不锈钢热脱附管
    产品描述Markes 不锈钢热脱附管由高规格的材料制成,广泛适用于不同种类和浓度的空气 VOC 监测应用。 产品符合官方标准方法,如美国 EPA TO-17 方法和 EN ISO 16017 等。*先进的标记选项Markes 吸附管上都有标记,方便跟踪样品和存储。不锈钢管上的标记包含序列号,条形码和采样方向箭头。附加的标签和跟踪选项有:zui多可以在金属管一侧激光蚀刻10个字母数字字符,例如:吸附剂类型,公司及项目名称。金属管可以永 久标记多达五个种类,以便快速识别。Markes的TubeTAG&trade 射频识别(RFID)技术外场观测提供故障安 全跟踪管理–吸附管信息管理*关键之处。推荐的吸附管针对空气中的多环芳烃(C2-AAXX-5138):通过较大的采样体积和优化的分析方法,该吸附管可用于以监测 ppt 级的多环芳烃。材料排放/室内空气(C3-AAXX-5304):该产品符合 ISO 16000-6,可用于同时监测极易挥发,易挥发和半挥发性有机物(VVOC,VOC 和 SVOC),尤其适用于监测室内空气质量、测试产品和材料释放的化学品。土壤气体/气体入侵(C3-AAXX-5304):该产品包含用于监测地下污染和气体入侵的*佳吸附剂组合,适用于 C4 碳氢化合物到中度挥发性的燃油蒸馏液以及高湿度空气。吸附萃取和直接脱附(C0-AXXX-0000):空的吸附管非常适用于从 HiSorb 吸附萃取探针中释放挥发性有机物,以及均质材料小样品的直接热脱附。属性分类货号产品中文名称热脱附管C2-AAXX-5138多环芳烃,不锈钢材质,预老化/加黄铜帽,一盒十支常见应用的吸附管Application应用Standard methods标准方法Analyte range分析物范围Sampling采样方式Tube type吸附管Tubematerial吸附管材质Tube number吸附管型号环境空气空气质量HJ 644*, US EPA TO-17, ISO16017-1,EN 14662-1C2 –C14主动(泵)Universal不锈钢C3-AAXX-5266Air toxics玻璃/不锈钢C2-BAXX-5259/C2-AAXX-5270HJ 583*苯系物主动(泵)Tenax TA不锈钢C1-AAXX-5003ISO 16017-2, EN 14662-2C2 –C14被动(扩散)取决于目标物HJ 759*, US EPA TO-15C2 –C10苏玛罐臭氧前体物 (不包括极性化合物)C2 –C12在线PAMS (可包括极性化合物)SVOCsC6 –C40主动(泵)SVOC air不锈钢C1-AAXX-5342ISO 16000-13, ISO 16232, ISO 12884PAH 多环芳烃主动(泵)PAH不锈钢C2-AAXX-5138未知空气样品C2 –C15主动(泵)Universal – SafeLok不锈钢C3-DAXX-5266填埋场、土壤土壤中的挥发性气体C4 –C32主动(泵)Soil gas不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304土壤气体侵入测试ASTM D7663C3 –C30主动(泵)Odour/Sulfur惰性涂层C2-CAXX-5314ADTM D7758C4 –C32被动(扩散)取决于目标物工作环境工作场所MDHS 72, EN 1076, ISO 16017-1C2 –C14主动(泵)Universal不锈钢C3-AAXX-5266Air toxics玻璃/不锈钢C2-BAXX-5259/C2-AAXX-5270EN 838, ISO 16017-2, MDHS 80C2 –C14被动(扩散)取决于目标物室内空气车内ISO 12219 series, OEM-specifiedC4 –C32主动(泵)Material emissions不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304室内ISO 16000-6, ISO 16017-1, ASTM D6196C4 –C16主动(泵)Material emissions不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304C6 –C30主动(泵)Indoor air – Tenax不锈钢C1-AAXX-5003材料挥发产品和材料ISO 16000-6, ASTM D6196C4 –C32主动(泵)Material emissions不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304汽车材料 - 直接热脱附VDA 278C6 –C25 C14 –C32直接脱附Empty玻璃, 30mm 处限流C0-NXXX-0000无菌室VDI 2083-17C4 –C32主动(泵)Material emissions不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304汽车材料ISO 12219, ISO 16000-6C4 –C32主动(泵)Material emissions不锈钢C3-AAXX-5304工业污染源废气填埋场气体LFTGN 04Thiols硫醇类主动(泵)Odour/Sulfur惰性涂层C2-CAXX-5314工业污染源排放HJ 734*C3 –C12主动(泵)Universal不锈钢C3-AAXX-5266石油冶炼US EPA 325, UK Protocol苯系物 &butadiene被动(扩散)EPA 325不锈钢及TubeTAGC1-ACAX-5020臭味气体Thiols硫醇类主动(泵)Odour/Sulfur惰性涂层C2-CAXX-5314Markes 热脱附管和配件购买或咨询,欢迎来电广州绿百草或填写产品留言吧...
  • ESI N8145018 ME2501-PPF1 Female barb CTFE接头
    Female barb CTFE接头 Female barb CTFE fitting
  • 美国珀金埃尔默PE样品导入工具备件包原装进口配件耗材perkinelmer N8145017/N8145018 Male Barb CTFE Fittting
    我公司专业提供美国KDS及LEGATO系列微量注射泵,CENTRIFAN PE小型全能蒸发器,美国QAS便携式中红外光谱仪等实验室仪器,ThermoFisher(热电)、perkinelmer(PE)、dionex(戴安)、Agilent(安捷仑)、LECO(力可)、CEM(培安)、cortest等各仪器公司分析仪器的原装配件和消耗品。多年来一直致力于为实验室提供最优性价比实验室仪器及ICP,ICPMS,AA等实验室分析仪器的消耗品及零配件 。。。。。。 详情请咨询:021-60833920QQ:755160584联系人:罗小姐配件编号:N8145017产品名称:Male Barb CTFE Fittting产品规格:N8145017仪器厂商:美国PE/珀金埃尔默价格:面议库存:是配件编号:N8145018产品名称:Female Barb CTFE Fitting产品规格:N8145018仪器厂商:美国PE/珀金埃尔默价格:面议库存:是
  • Acclaim Carbamate 072927 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Carbamate LC ColumnThe Acclaim Carbamate column is designed for baseline separation of carbamates (N-methylcarbamate and N-methylcarbamoyloxime pesticides) specified in US EPA Method 531.2. Carbamate pesticides are widely used throughout the world. Drinking water and raw surface water is monitored for the presence of carbamate pesticides and related compounds using an established EPA Method 531.2 that uses HPLC with postcolumn derivatization. LC-MS is the method of choice for the ultimate sensitivity.Baseline separation of carbamate pesticides specified in US EPA Method 531.2Use with either LC/postcolumn derivatization/fluorescence or LC/MS detection.Compatible with both binary (methanol/water) and ternary (acetonitrile/methanol/water) mobile phase gradients.High efficiency, extremely low column bleed, and rugged column packingAcclaim Carbamate columns are available in a variety of column formats: The 5 μm, 4.6 × 250 mm column sets the standard for the highest resolution with postcolumn reaction (PCR) and fluorescence detection (FLD) the 3 μm, 4.6 × 150 mm column saves time and increases sample throughput the 3 μm, 3.0 × 150 mm column saves time and reduces solvent consumption and the 3 μm, 2.1 × 150 mm column is for LC/MS, to achieve the lowest possible detection limits. Two RSLC, 2.2 μm columns are available for high-resolution, high-throughput separations: 2.1 × 100 mm and 2.1 × 150 mm.Acclaim Carbamate Column SpecificationsColumn chemistryProprietary alkyl groupOperating pressure limit (recommended)6000 psi (4000 psi)Operating pH range (recommended)2.5–8.0 (3.0–7.0)Operating flow rate range (recommended)0.5–3.0 (0.8–1.6) mL/min for 4.6 mm i.d. formats0.3–1.5 (0.4–0.8) mL/min for 3.0 mm i.d. formats0.15–0.80 (0.2–0.4) mL/min for 2.1 mm i.d. formatsAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)075596Acclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 100mm)075597Acclaim Carbamate, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)072924Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)072925Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 150mm)072926Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)072927Guard ColumnsAcclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (4.6 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072928Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (3.0 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072929Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (2.1 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072930Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Carbamate 072928 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Carbamate LC ColumnThe Acclaim Carbamate column is designed for baseline separation of carbamates (N-methylcarbamate and N-methylcarbamoyloxime pesticides) specified in US EPA Method 531.2. Carbamate pesticides are widely used throughout the world. Drinking water and raw surface water is monitored for the presence of carbamate pesticides and related compounds using an established EPA Method 531.2 that uses HPLC with postcolumn derivatization. LC-MS is the method of choice for the ultimate sensitivity.Baseline separation of carbamate pesticides specified in US EPA Method 531.2Use with either LC/postcolumn derivatization/fluorescence or LC/MS detection.Compatible with both binary (methanol/water) and ternary (acetonitrile/methanol/water) mobile phase gradients.High efficiency, extremely low column bleed, and rugged column packingAcclaim Carbamate columns are available in a variety of column formats: The 5 μm, 4.6 × 250 mm column sets the standard for the highest resolution with postcolumn reaction (PCR) and fluorescence detection (FLD) the 3 μm, 4.6 × 150 mm column saves time and increases sample throughput the 3 μm, 3.0 × 150 mm column saves time and reduces solvent consumption and the 3 μm, 2.1 × 150 mm column is for LC/MS, to achieve the lowest possible detection limits. Two RSLC, 2.2 μm columns are available for high-resolution, high-throughput separations: 2.1 × 100 mm and 2.1 × 150 mm.Acclaim Carbamate Column SpecificationsColumn chemistryProprietary alkyl groupOperating pressure limit (recommended)6000 psi (4000 psi)Operating pH range (recommended)2.5–8.0 (3.0–7.0)Operating flow rate range (recommended)0.5–3.0 (0.8–1.6) mL/min for 4.6 mm i.d. formats0.3–1.5 (0.4–0.8) mL/min for 3.0 mm i.d. formats0.15–0.80 (0.2–0.4) mL/min for 2.1 mm i.d. formatsAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)075596Acclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 100mm)075597Acclaim Carbamate, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)072924Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)072925Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 150mm)072926Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)072927Guard ColumnsAcclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (4.6 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072928Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (3.0 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072929Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (2.1 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072930Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Carbamate 072930 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Carbamate LC ColumnThe Acclaim Carbamate column is designed for baseline separation of carbamates (N-methylcarbamate and N-methylcarbamoyloxime pesticides) specified in US EPA Method 531.2. Carbamate pesticides are widely used throughout the world. Drinking water and raw surface water is monitored for the presence of carbamate pesticides and related compounds using an established EPA Method 531.2 that uses HPLC with postcolumn derivatization. LC-MS is the method of choice for the ultimate sensitivity.Baseline separation of carbamate pesticides specified in US EPA Method 531.2Use with either LC/postcolumn derivatization/fluorescence or LC/MS detection.Compatible with both binary (methanol/water) and ternary (acetonitrile/methanol/water) mobile phase gradients.High efficiency, extremely low column bleed, and rugged column packingAcclaim Carbamate columns are available in a variety of column formats: The 5 μm, 4.6 × 250 mm column sets the standard for the highest resolution with postcolumn reaction (PCR) and fluorescence detection (FLD) the 3 μm, 4.6 × 150 mm column saves time and increases sample throughput the 3 μm, 3.0 × 150 mm column saves time and reduces solvent consumption and the 3 μm, 2.1 × 150 mm column is for LC/MS, to achieve the lowest possible detection limits. Two RSLC, 2.2 μm columns are available for high-resolution, high-throughput separations: 2.1 × 100 mm and 2.1 × 150 mm.Acclaim Carbamate Column SpecificationsColumn chemistryProprietary alkyl groupOperating pressure limit (recommended)6000 psi (4000 psi)Operating pH range (recommended)2.5–8.0 (3.0–7.0)Operating flow rate range (recommended)0.5–3.0 (0.8–1.6) mL/min for 4.6 mm i.d. formats0.3–1.5 (0.4–0.8) mL/min for 3.0 mm i.d. formats0.15–0.80 (0.2–0.4) mL/min for 2.1 mm i.d. formatsAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)075596Acclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 100mm)075597Acclaim Carbamate, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)072924Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)072925Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 150mm)072926Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)072927Guard ColumnsAcclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (4.6 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072928Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (3.0 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072929Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (2.1 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072930Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Carbamate 072926液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Carbamate LC ColumnThe Acclaim Carbamate column is designed for baseline separation of carbamates (N-methylcarbamate and N-methylcarbamoyloxime pesticides) specified in US EPA Method 531.2. Carbamate pesticides are widely used throughout the world. Drinking water and raw surface water is monitored for the presence of carbamate pesticides and related compounds using an established EPA Method 531.2 that uses HPLC with postcolumn derivatization. LC-MS is the method of choice for the ultimate sensitivity.Baseline separation of carbamate pesticides specified in US EPA Method 531.2Use with either LC/postcolumn derivatization/fluorescence or LC/MS detection.Compatible with both binary (methanol/water) and ternary (acetonitrile/methanol/water) mobile phase gradients.High efficiency, extremely low column bleed, and rugged column packingAcclaim Carbamate columns are available in a variety of column formats: The 5 μm, 4.6 × 250 mm column sets the standard for the highest resolution with postcolumn reaction (PCR) and fluorescence detection (FLD) the 3 μm, 4.6 × 150 mm column saves time and increases sample throughput the 3 μm, 3.0 × 150 mm column saves time and reduces solvent consumption and the 3 μm, 2.1 × 150 mm column is for LC/MS, to achieve the lowest possible detection limits. Two RSLC, 2.2 μm columns are available for high-resolution, high-throughput separations: 2.1 × 100 mm and 2.1 × 150 mm.Acclaim Carbamate Column SpecificationsColumn chemistryProprietary alkyl groupOperating pressure limit (recommended)6000 psi (4000 psi)Operating pH range (recommended)2.5–8.0 (3.0–7.0)Operating flow rate range (recommended)0.5–3.0 (0.8–1.6) mL/min for 4.6 mm i.d. formats0.3–1.5 (0.4–0.8) mL/min for 3.0 mm i.d. formats0.15–0.80 (0.2–0.4) mL/min for 2.1 mm i.d. formatsAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)075596Acclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 100mm)075597Acclaim Carbamate, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)072924Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)072925Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 150mm)072926Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)072927Guard ColumnsAcclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (4.6 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072928Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (3.0 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072929Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (2.1 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072930Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Carbamate 075596 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Carbamate LC ColumnThe Acclaim Carbamate column is designed for baseline separation of carbamates (N-methylcarbamate and N-methylcarbamoyloxime pesticides) specified in US EPA Method 531.2. Carbamate pesticides are widely used throughout the world. Drinking water and raw surface water is monitored for the presence of carbamate pesticides and related compounds using an established EPA Method 531.2 that uses HPLC with postcolumn derivatization. LC-MS is the method of choice for the ultimate sensitivity.Baseline separation of carbamate pesticides specified in US EPA Method 531.2Use with either LC/postcolumn derivatization/fluorescence or LC/MS detection.Compatible with both binary (methanol/water) and ternary (acetonitrile/methanol/water) mobile phase gradients.High efficiency, extremely low column bleed, and rugged column packingAcclaim Carbamate columns are available in a variety of column formats: The 5 μm, 4.6 × 250 mm column sets the standard for the highest resolution with postcolumn reaction (PCR) and fluorescence detection (FLD) the 3 μm, 4.6 × 150 mm column saves time and increases sample throughput the 3 μm, 3.0 × 150 mm column saves time and reduces solvent consumption and the 3 μm, 2.1 × 150 mm column is for LC/MS, to achieve the lowest possible detection limits. Two RSLC, 2.2 μm columns are available for high-resolution, high-throughput separations: 2.1 × 100 mm and 2.1 × 150 mm.Acclaim Carbamate Column SpecificationsColumn chemistryProprietary alkyl groupOperating pressure limit (recommended)6000 psi (4000 psi)Operating pH range (recommended)2.5–8.0 (3.0–7.0)Operating flow rate range (recommended)0.5–3.0 (0.8–1.6) mL/min for 4.6 mm i.d. formats0.3–1.5 (0.4–0.8) mL/min for 3.0 mm i.d. formats0.15–0.80 (0.2–0.4) mL/min for 2.1 mm i.d. formatsAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)075596Acclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 100mm)075597Acclaim Carbamate, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)072924Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)072925Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 150mm)072926Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)072927Guard ColumnsAcclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (4.6 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072928Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (3.0 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072929Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (2.1 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072930Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Barbed Fitting 1/4-28 x 0.17 ID | 13261400
    Barbed Fitting 1/4-28 x 0.17 ID|13261400Barbed Fitting 1/4-28 x 0.17 ID订货信息:部件号品名描述数量13261400Barbed Fitting 1/4-28 x 0.17 IDBarbed Fitting 1/4-28 x 0.17 IDEA
  • Acclaim Carbamate 072924 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Carbamate LC ColumnThe Acclaim Carbamate column is designed for baseline separation of carbamates (N-methylcarbamate and N-methylcarbamoyloxime pesticides) specified in US EPA Method 531.2. Carbamate pesticides are widely used throughout the world. Drinking water and raw surface water is monitored for the presence of carbamate pesticides and related compounds using an established EPA Method 531.2 that uses HPLC with postcolumn derivatization. LC-MS is the method of choice for the ultimate sensitivity.Baseline separation of carbamate pesticides specified in US EPA Method 531.2Use with either LC/postcolumn derivatization/fluorescence or LC/MS detection.Compatible with both binary (methanol/water) and ternary (acetonitrile/methanol/water) mobile phase gradients.High efficiency, extremely low column bleed, and rugged column packingAcclaim Carbamate columns are available in a variety of column formats: The 5 μm, 4.6 × 250 mm column sets the standard for the highest resolution with postcolumn reaction (PCR) and fluorescence detection (FLD) the 3 μm, 4.6 × 150 mm column saves time and increases sample throughput the 3 μm, 3.0 × 150 mm column saves time and reduces solvent consumption and the 3 μm, 2.1 × 150 mm column is for LC/MS, to achieve the lowest possible detection limits. Two RSLC, 2.2 μm columns are available for high-resolution, high-throughput separations: 2.1 × 100 mm and 2.1 × 150 mm.Acclaim Carbamate Column SpecificationsColumn chemistryProprietary alkyl groupOperating pressure limit (recommended)6000 psi (4000 psi)Operating pH range (recommended)2.5–8.0 (3.0–7.0)Operating flow rate range (recommended)0.5–3.0 (0.8–1.6) mL/min for 4.6 mm i.d. formats0.3–1.5 (0.4–0.8) mL/min for 3.0 mm i.d. formats0.15–0.80 (0.2–0.4) mL/min for 2.1 mm i.d. formatsAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)075596Acclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 100mm)075597Acclaim Carbamate, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)072924Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)072925Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 150mm)072926Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)072927Guard ColumnsAcclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (4.6 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072928Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (3.0 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072929Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (2.1 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072930Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Carbamate 072929 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Carbamate LC ColumnThe Acclaim Carbamate column is designed for baseline separation of carbamates (N-methylcarbamate and N-methylcarbamoyloxime pesticides) specified in US EPA Method 531.2. Carbamate pesticides are widely used throughout the world. Drinking water and raw surface water is monitored for the presence of carbamate pesticides and related compounds using an established EPA Method 531.2 that uses HPLC with postcolumn derivatization. LC-MS is the method of choice for the ultimate sensitivity.Baseline separation of carbamate pesticides specified in US EPA Method 531.2Use with either LC/postcolumn derivatization/fluorescence or LC/MS detection.Compatible with both binary (methanol/water) and ternary (acetonitrile/methanol/water) mobile phase gradients.High efficiency, extremely low column bleed, and rugged column packingAcclaim Carbamate columns are available in a variety of column formats: The 5 μm, 4.6 × 250 mm column sets the standard for the highest resolution with postcolumn reaction (PCR) and fluorescence detection (FLD) the 3 μm, 4.6 × 150 mm column saves time and increases sample throughput the 3 μm, 3.0 × 150 mm column saves time and reduces solvent consumption and the 3 μm, 2.1 × 150 mm column is for LC/MS, to achieve the lowest possible detection limits. Two RSLC, 2.2 μm columns are available for high-resolution, high-throughput separations: 2.1 × 100 mm and 2.1 × 150 mm.Acclaim Carbamate Column SpecificationsColumn chemistryProprietary alkyl groupOperating pressure limit (recommended)6000 psi (4000 psi)Operating pH range (recommended)2.5–8.0 (3.0–7.0)Operating flow rate range (recommended)0.5–3.0 (0.8–1.6) mL/min for 4.6 mm i.d. formats0.3–1.5 (0.4–0.8) mL/min for 3.0 mm i.d. formats0.15–0.80 (0.2–0.4) mL/min for 2.1 mm i.d. formatsAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)075596Acclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 100mm)075597Acclaim Carbamate, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)072924Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)072925Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 150mm)072926Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)072927Guard ColumnsAcclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (4.6 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072928Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (3.0 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072929Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (2.1 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072930Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Carbamate 072925 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Carbamate LC ColumnThe Acclaim Carbamate column is designed for baseline separation of carbamates (N-methylcarbamate and N-methylcarbamoyloxime pesticides) specified in US EPA Method 531.2. Carbamate pesticides are widely used throughout the world. Drinking water and raw surface water is monitored for the presence of carbamate pesticides and related compounds using an established EPA Method 531.2 that uses HPLC with postcolumn derivatization. LC-MS is the method of choice for the ultimate sensitivity.Baseline separation of carbamate pesticides specified in US EPA Method 531.2Use with either LC/postcolumn derivatization/fluorescence or LC/MS detection.Compatible with both binary (methanol/water) and ternary (acetonitrile/methanol/water) mobile phase gradients.High efficiency, extremely low column bleed, and rugged column packingAcclaim Carbamate columns are available in a variety of column formats: The 5 μm, 4.6 × 250 mm column sets the standard for the highest resolution with postcolumn reaction (PCR) and fluorescence detection (FLD) the 3 μm, 4.6 × 150 mm column saves time and increases sample throughput the 3 μm, 3.0 × 150 mm column saves time and reduces solvent consumption and the 3 μm, 2.1 × 150 mm column is for LC/MS, to achieve the lowest possible detection limits. Two RSLC, 2.2 μm columns are available for high-resolution, high-throughput separations: 2.1 × 100 mm and 2.1 × 150 mm.Acclaim Carbamate Column SpecificationsColumn chemistryProprietary alkyl groupOperating pressure limit (recommended)6000 psi (4000 psi)Operating pH range (recommended)2.5–8.0 (3.0–7.0)Operating flow rate range (recommended)0.5–3.0 (0.8–1.6) mL/min for 4.6 mm i.d. formats0.3–1.5 (0.4–0.8) mL/min for 3.0 mm i.d. formats0.15–0.80 (0.2–0.4) mL/min for 2.1 mm i.d. formatsAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)075596Acclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 100mm)075597Acclaim Carbamate, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)072924Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)072925Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 150mm)072926Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)072927Guard ColumnsAcclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (4.6 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072928Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (3.0 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072929Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (2.1 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072930Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Carbamate 075597 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Carbamate LC ColumnThe Acclaim Carbamate column is designed for baseline separation of carbamates (N-methylcarbamate and N-methylcarbamoyloxime pesticides) specified in US EPA Method 531.2. Carbamate pesticides are widely used throughout the world. Drinking water and raw surface water is monitored for the presence of carbamate pesticides and related compounds using an established EPA Method 531.2 that uses HPLC with postcolumn derivatization. LC-MS is the method of choice for the ultimate sensitivity.Baseline separation of carbamate pesticides specified in US EPA Method 531.2Use with either LC/postcolumn derivatization/fluorescence or LC/MS detection.Compatible with both binary (methanol/water) and ternary (acetonitrile/methanol/water) mobile phase gradients.High efficiency, extremely low column bleed, and rugged column packingAcclaim Carbamate columns are available in a variety of column formats: The 5 μm, 4.6 × 250 mm column sets the standard for the highest resolution with postcolumn reaction (PCR) and fluorescence detection (FLD) the 3 μm, 4.6 × 150 mm column saves time and increases sample throughput the 3 μm, 3.0 × 150 mm column saves time and reduces solvent consumption and the 3 μm, 2.1 × 150 mm column is for LC/MS, to achieve the lowest possible detection limits. Two RSLC, 2.2 μm columns are available for high-resolution, high-throughput separations: 2.1 × 100 mm and 2.1 × 150 mm.Acclaim Carbamate Column SpecificationsColumn chemistryProprietary alkyl groupOperating pressure limit (recommended)6000 psi (4000 psi)Operating pH range (recommended)2.5–8.0 (3.0–7.0)Operating flow rate range (recommended)0.5–3.0 (0.8–1.6) mL/min for 4.6 mm i.d. formats0.3–1.5 (0.4–0.8) mL/min for 3.0 mm i.d. formats0.15–0.80 (0.2–0.4) mL/min for 2.1 mm i.d. formatsAnalytical ColumnsAcclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)075596Acclaim RSLC Carbamate, 2.2μm Analytical (2.1 x 100mm)075597Acclaim Carbamate, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)072924Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)072925Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (3.0 x 150mm)072926Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Analytical (2.1 x 150mm)072927Guard ColumnsAcclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (4.6 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072928Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (3.0 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072929Acclaim Carbamate, 3μm Guard (2.1 x 10mm) 2ea (Use Holder V-2)072930Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
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