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仪器信息网氨基三甲叉膦酸四钠专题为您提供2024年最新氨基三甲叉膦酸四钠价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括氨基三甲叉膦酸四钠参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的氨基三甲叉膦酸四钠您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合氨基三甲叉膦酸四钠相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有氨基三甲叉膦酸四钠相关的最新资讯、资料,以及氨基三甲叉膦酸四钠相关的解决方案。


  • 草酸玻璃微珠采样管-三甲胺测定采样
    用途:用于气相色谱法空气质量 三甲胺的测定用涂着草酸的玻璃微珠作为吸附剂,装填在采样管中,用于采集恶臭污染源排气和厂界环境空气中的三甲胺
  • 用于三甲胺的草酸涂覆的玻璃微珠采样管
    使用草酸和甘油对经浓盐酸蒸煮的玻璃微珠涂覆后干燥去水可用于三甲胺的固定。? Use for? ? 空气质量 三甲胺的测定 气象色谱法 GBZ/T 14676-93 三甲胺 填充量:100/75 目数:60-80 外径×长度:1ml玻璃注射器 最小包装:10支/盒
  • 用于三甲胺的草酸涂覆的玻璃微珠采样管
    使用草酸和甘油对经浓盐酸蒸煮的玻璃微珠涂覆后干燥去水可用于三甲胺的固定。? Use for? ? 空气质量 三甲胺的测定 气象色谱法 GBZ/T 14676-93 三甲胺 填充量:100/75 目数:60-80 外径×长度:1ml玻璃注射器 最小包装:10支/盒
  • TMSI 硅烷化试剂 | 三甲基硅咪唑| 三甲基碘硅烷
    产品特点:N-Trimethylsilylimidazole (TMSI) UN1993, 25 grams三甲基硅咪唑, 三甲基碘硅烷SKU: 140-25 Categories: 硅烷化试剂 ,Tag: TMSI三甲基硅咪唑 用途硅烷化试剂三甲基硅咪唑是硅烷化羟基的最强的硅烷化试剂;能够快速、平顺地与羟基和羧基发生反应。不与胺或酰胺发生反应,所以可以用于制备既含有羟基又含有氨基的化合物的多重衍生物。在存在少量水的情况下可用于硅烷化糖;当需要将糖作为糖浆剂来分析的时候是硅烷化糖的理想选择。能够衍生不被阻碍和被严重阻碍的大多数的甾类羟基。用途 用作抗菌素中间体、特强的硅烷化剂用途 高效硅烷化试剂,特别适合用于醇、酰基咪唑类的合成,在氨基存在的条件下保护羟基基团。抗菌素中间体。用途 用于合成各种酰基咪唑的重要中间体,也是合成吡藜酰胺的重要中间体;在胺功能化条件下,保护羟基的硅烷化试剂;强有力的硅烷化试剂、特别针对醇类;酰基咪唑啉的合成用途 甲硅烷基化试剂,在氨基存在的条件下保护羟基基团。抗菌素中间体。特点● UN Number: 1993
  • TMSI 硅烷化试剂 | 三甲基硅咪唑 | 三甲基碘硅烷
    产品特点:Trimethylsilylimidazole (TMSI) UN1993, 100 grams三甲基硅咪唑 | 三甲基碘硅烷SKU: 140-100Categories: TMSI 硅烷化试剂三甲基硅咪唑 性质熔点 -42 °C沸点 93-94 °C14 mm Hg(lit.)密度 0.957 g/mL at 20 °C折射率 n20/D 1.475(lit.)闪点 42 °F储存条件 2-8°C形态Liquid颜色Clear colorless to yellow水溶解性 decomposes敏感性 Moisture SensitiveBRN 606148CAS 数据库18156-74-6(CAS DataBase Reference)NIST化学物质信息1h-Imidazole, 1-(trimethylsilyl)-(18156-74-6)EPA化学物质信息1H-Imidazole, 1-(trimethylsilyl)-(18156-74-6)三甲基硅咪唑 用途硅烷化试剂三甲基硅咪唑是硅烷化羟基的最强的硅烷化试剂;能够快速、平顺地与羟基和羧基发生反应。不与胺或酰胺发生反应,所以可以用于制备既含有羟基又含有氨基的化合物的多重衍生物。在存在少量水的情况下可用于硅烷化糖;当需要将糖作为糖浆剂来分析的时候是硅烷化糖的理想选择。能够衍生不被阻碍和被严重阻碍的大多数的甾类羟基。用途 用作抗菌素中间体、特强的硅烷化剂用途 高效硅烷化试剂,特别适合用于醇、酰基咪唑类的合成,在氨基存在的条件下保护羟基基团。抗菌素中间体。用途 用于合成各种酰基咪唑的重要中间体,也是合成吡藜酰胺的重要中间体;在胺功能化条件下,保护羟基的硅烷化试剂;强有力的硅烷化试剂、特别针对醇类;酰基咪唑啉的合成用途 甲硅烷基化试剂,在氨基存在的条件下保护羟基基团。抗菌素中间体。特点● UN Number: 1993
  • SAX 三甲基氨丙基固相萃取柱
    产品名称: SAX 三甲基氨丙基固相萃取柱产品特点:Hopes SAX 是在高纯硅胶基质上键合三甲基氨丙基(-Si(CH2)3NCl(CH3)3)的强阴离子交换吸附剂,主要保留机理为强阴离子交换作用。无端基封尾,40&mu m不规则形状,平均孔径60Å ,孔体积0.8cm3/g,比表面积480 m2 /g,碳载量7.5%,pH适用范围2~9,交换容量0.85meq/g。由于官能团上的所有碳原子都被胺屏蔽,所以SAX的非极性作用是最弱的。SAX的官能团是带正电荷的季胺基,是最强的阴离子交换吸附剂,对于在弱阴离子交换吸附剂上保留较差的弱阴离子化合物(如羧酸等),可在SAX上得到适当的保留。SAX相上的平衡离子是氯离子,用户可以使用适当的缓冲液进行活化,来改变吸附剂的萃取性能,即置换氯离子得到更高或更弱的选择性。产品优点:● 产品质量稳定,重现性好,装量相对标准偏差(RSD)<5%● 填料洁净,完全没有空白背景干扰● 回收率高,加样10~100ppm回收率在90%~110%的范围内● 产品性价比在全球同类产品中名列前茅应用范围:● 可用于从水和非水溶液中萃取带有负电荷的化合物,最适合于弱酸的提取● 水溶性样品,生物体液和有机反应基质典型应用:● 用于除掉样品中的强阳离子(磺酸根,无机离子)● 生物大分子脱盐● 有机酸,核酸,核苷酸, 表面活性剂质量承诺:● 保证每一支产品均优质合格,采用严格的质量控制标准,实施批批全检● 保证每一支产品均无空白干扰,加样回收率优于国家规定,达到同类产品最高水平
  • TMSI 硅烷化试剂 | 三甲基硅咪唑 | 三甲基碘硅烷 140-50 Trimethylsilylimidazole (TMSI) UN1993, 50 grams
    产品特点:Trimethylsilylimidazole (TMSI) UN1993, 50 grams三甲基硅咪唑 | 三甲基碘硅烷SKU: 140-50 Categories: TMSI 硅烷化试剂三甲基硅咪唑 性质熔点 -42 °C沸点 93-94 °C14 mm Hg(lit.)密度 0.957 g/mL at 20 °C折射率 n20/D 1.475(lit.)闪点 42 °F储存条件 2-8°C形态Liquid颜色Clear colorless to yellow水溶解性 decomposes敏感性 Moisture SensitiveBRN 606148CAS 数据库18156-74-6(CAS DataBase Reference)NIST化学物质信息1h-Imidazole, 1-(trimethylsilyl)-(18156-74-6)EPA化学物质信息1H-Imidazole, 1-(trimethylsilyl)-(18156-74-6)三甲基硅咪唑 用途硅烷化试剂三甲基硅咪唑是硅烷化羟基的最强的硅烷化试剂;能够快速、平顺地与羟基和羧基发生反应。不与胺或酰胺发生反应,所以可以用于制备既含有羟基又含有氨基的化合物的多重衍生物。在存在少量水的情况下可用于硅烷化糖;当需要将糖作为糖浆剂来分析的时候是硅烷化糖的理想选择。能够衍生不被阻碍和被严重阻碍的大多数的甾类羟基。用途 用作抗菌素中间体、特强的硅烷化剂用途 高效硅烷化试剂,特别适合用于醇、酰基咪唑类的合成,在氨基存在的条件下保护羟基基团。抗菌素中间体。用途 用于合成各种酰基咪唑的重要中间体,也是合成吡藜酰胺的重要中间体;在胺功能化条件下,保护羟基的硅烷化试剂;强有力的硅烷化试剂、特别针对醇类;酰基咪唑啉的合成用途 甲硅烷基化试剂,在氨基存在的条件下保护羟基基团。抗菌素中间体。特点● UN Number: 1993
  • 【特价】岛津SGLC Shim-pack AMINO-NA分析色谱柱 氨基酸专用柱 228-18837-91
    Shim-pack AMINO-NA AMINO NA 6.0mmx100mm 氨基酸分析色谱柱聚苯乙烯基质,Na型磺酸基固定相,适合氨基酸分析 货号228-18837-91SKU编号228-18837-91型号氨基酸分析色谱柱上市时间2000年1月 国家日本
  • 三甲硅基咪唑 for gas chromatography
    三甲硅基咪唑 for gas chromatography
  • 双(三甲硅基)三氟乙酰胺 for gas chromatography unit
    双(三甲硅基)三氟乙酰胺 for gas chromatography
  • 双(三甲硅基)三氟乙酰胺 for gas chromatography
    双(三甲硅基)三氟乙酰胺 for gas chromatography
  • 硫酸氢十六基三甲基铵 for ion pair chromatography LiChropur
    硫酸氢十六基三甲基铵 for ion pair chromatography LiChropur
  • 双(三甲硅基)乙酰胺 for gas chromatography unit
    双(三甲硅基)乙酰胺 for gas chromatography
  • 双(三甲硅基)乙酰胺 for gas chromatography
    双(三甲硅基)乙酰胺 for gas chromatography
  • 北京绿百草科技现货供应三菱化学氨基酸专用树脂WA-2
    北京绿百草科技现货供应三菱化学氨基酸专用树脂WA-2 关键词:三菱化学,氨基酸专用树脂,WA-2,赖氨酸 北京绿百草科技专业提供三菱氨基酸专用树脂WA-2。WA-2是采用全新的"一次致孔的二次聚合"工艺开发的专门用于提取赖氨酸的新型特种树脂。由于WA-2骨架结构合理、孔径分布均匀,并同时拥有特定的微孔构造,因而树脂交换容量大、抗渗透能力强、机械强度好。WA-2对赖氨酸的吸附表现为吸咐量大、吸附和洗脱速度快、抗污染能力强、使用寿命长等特点。洗脱剂用量1.5-2倍树脂体积,树脂WA-2主要应用于氨基酸的提取,如赖氨酸、谷氨酸、谷氨酰胺等的提取。北京绿百草科技可以提供三菱氨基酸专用树脂WA-2的详细信息。 需要详细的信息请和绿百草科技联系:010-51659766 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 2,4,6-三甲基吡啶 GR for analysis
    2,4,6-三甲基吡啶 GR for analysis
  • AdvanceBio 氨基酸分析 (AAA) 柱
    AdvanceBio 氨基酸分析 (AAA) 柱安捷伦的 AdvanceBio 氨基酸分析 (AAA) 柱可对蛋白质水解产物以及细胞培养基中的氨基酸实现快速、灵敏且可重现的分离。AdvanceBio AAA包括用于氨基酸衍生化的验证试剂、即开即用型氨基酸标准试剂盒、采用安捷伦创新 Poroshell 技术的色谱柱,以及安捷伦专家支持。除 Agilent InfinityLab LC 系列仪器外,AdvanceBio AAA 为氨基酸分析提供了完整的解决方案。Agilent AdvanceBio AAA 是 Agilent AdvanceBio 系列产品的最新成员,是专用于生物分子表征的创新型解决方案。特性— 更可靠的结果:由高效 Poroshell 颗粒形态实现的高分离度分离— 更低的成本:稳定、耐高 pH 的化学改性硅胶延长了色谱柱寿命— 更强的灵活性:2.7 μm 粒径颗粒实现对 HPLC 和 UHPLC 系统的兼容性— 更高的可靠性:使用氨基酸标准品进行了批次测试,可确保色谱柱的质量和性能— 便捷的试剂和标准品套装,可轻松订购— 安捷伦分析型进样系统提供可靠的自动在线衍生化性能指标键合相粒径孔径温度上限pH 范围 封端压力上限C182.7 μm100 A60?C3.0–11.0双封端600 Bar
  • 氨基酸专用分析方法包
    博纳艾杰尔科技推出的Venusil AA 氨基酸分析方法是基于目前广泛使用的PITC( 异硫氰酸苯酯) 衍生剂的HPLC 氨基酸分析方法。简化了衍生方法,衍生方便、快速,衍生物单一、稳定,-20 可贮存数月;4 水溶液3 天;分析时间短;结果准确,试剂、副产物、溶剂等多种干扰因素可通过快速蒸发去除;紫外检测(254nm) 灵敏度高,可达到1 pmol;一、二级氨基酸均可检测。是目前氨基酸分析中最具吸引力的分析方法。本法已拓展至磷酸氨基酸、硫酸氨基酸等修饰氨基酸与不同组织氨基酸分析。Venusil AA氨基酸分析方法包中提供的试剂量和相应的包装,均经过准确计算,仅需按照说明书操作,加入相应量的溶剂即可得到所需浓度的试剂,省却了繁琐的计算过程。Venusil AA 氨基酸分析方法包提供:Venusil AA 氨基酸分析专用柱(4.6×250,5μm),1支;氨基酸标准溶液,2瓶,1mL/瓶(含17种氨基酸,其中天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、丝氨酸、甘氨酸、组氨酸、精氨酸、苏氨酸、丙氨酸、脯氨酸、酪氨酸、缬氨酸、蛋氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸为2.5μmol/mL,胱氨酸1.25μmol/mL);内标物正亮氨酸(Nle),一瓶,100mg/瓶;异硫氰酸苯酯(PITC),10 瓶,25μL/瓶;三乙胺(TEA),2瓶,1.4mL/瓶;Venusil AA 氨基酸分析专用柱分析方法手册;
  • 2,4,6-三甲基吡啶 GR for analysis 1.02635.0050 unit
    2,4,6-三甲基吡啶 GR for analysis
  • 岛津AMINO-NA AMINO NA氨基酸色谱柱228-18837-91
    Shim-pack AMINO-NA AMINO NA 6.0mmx100mm氨基酸分析专用色谱柱。聚苯乙烯基质,Na型磺酸基固定相,适合氨基酸分析。提示:由于产品导入时候,产品粒径、内径、长度、PH值范围、耐温范围、压力上限等技术参数可能有误,准确的参数,请确认需要采购的产品货号后,联系我司。此处参数仅作为参考,不作为产品实际的参数,给各位带来不便,请谅解。
  • Dionex CarboPac PA10 糖和氨基酸分析柱
    Dionex CarboPac PA10 糖和氨基酸分析柱 用途和特点AminoPac PA10柱结合阴离子交换,梯度淋洗以及脉冲电化学检测,可以分离多种氨基酸。分离氨基酸的同时,还可检测氨基糖及碳水化合物。此外,还可分离多种糖类,磷酸化氨基酸,以及含硫氨基酸的普通氧化产物,如磺基丙氨酸。其柱填料为疏水性高聚物薄壳型阴离子交换剂,可在pH0-14范围内使用。填料独特的pH稳定性允许使用的淋洗液,有助于氨基酸在金电极的阳极氧化。 Dionex CarboPac PA10 糖和氨基酸分析柱订货信息:分析柱CarboPac PA10 Analytical Column (2 x 250 mm)057180CarboPac PA10 Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)046110CarboPac PA10 Semi-Preparative (9 X 250 mm)SP4216保护柱CarboPac PA10 Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)057181AminoTrap Column (2 x 50 mm)SP5578CarboPac PA10 Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)046115Amino Trap Column (4 x 50 mm)046122Borate Trap Column047078Amino Trap Column (3 x 30 mm)060146 For Sensitive Analysis of Mono- and DisaccharidesThe Thermo Scientific? CarboPac? PA10 column line has been expanded to include a new 0.4 × 250 mm capillary column. As with all CarboPac PA10 columns, the new capillary format is the ideal choice for mono- and disaccharides in foods, drugs and plants.The CarboPac PA10 is an ideal choice for separations of mono- and disaccharides found in mammalian glycoproteins. Fucose is well resolved from the system void and from protein hydrolysate interferents. The CarboPac PA10 allows oxygen to elute after mannose, eliminating interference with monosaccharides. It is ideal for the analysis ofmono- and disaccharides in foods, drugs, and plants, and separates sialic acids with the addition of sodium acetate to the eluent.For the quantification of acidic, neutral, and aminomonosaccharidesSimple, isocratic separationsSuperior selectivity for common monosaccharides compared to the CarboPac PA1No derivatization requiredGradient compatibleThe CarboPac PA10 is an anion-exchange column designed specifically for high-resolution separations of mono- and disaccharides. Separation is accomplished with a simple isocratic eluent, and detection is accomplished with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD). No derivatization is required. CarboPac PA10 Column for Monosaccharide and Disaccharide Analysis SpecificationsDimensionsCarboPac PA10 Analytical Column:4 × 250 mm, 2 × 250 mm and 0.4 × 250 mmCarboPac PA10 Guard Column:4 × 50 mm, 2 × 50 mm and 0.4 × 50 mmMaximum operating pressure3500 psi (24.5 MPa)Temperature range4–55 °CRecommended operating temperature: ambientTypical operating conditions1900 psi at 1.0 mL/min (4 mm analytical and guard columns)Recommended flow rate: 1.0 mL/min (4 mm), 0.25 mL/min (2 mm) or 0.010 mL/min (0.4 mm)Mobile phase compatibilitypH 0–14 up to 90% of common HPLC solvents.Avoid anionic detergents and 100% water.Acetate or hydroxide eluents only.Resin composition10-μm diameter substrate (ethylvinylbenzene 55% cross-linked with divinylbenzene) agglomerated with 460-nm MicroBead? difunctional quaternary ammonium ion (5% cross-linked).Anion-exchange capacityApproximately:100 μeq/column (4 × 250 mm analytical column)25 μeq/column (2 × 250 mm analytical column)1 μeq/column (0.4 × 250 mm analytical column)Column constructionPEEK with 10-32 threaded ferrule-style end fittings.All components are nonmetallic.Monosaccharide analysis of fetuin hydrolysate sample using the Dionex CarboPac PA10. High-sensitivity analysis using the CarboPac PA10. Sialic acid analysis of bovine transferrin on the Dionex CarboPac PA10. The Dionex CarboPac PA10 resolves mixtures of glycols, sugar alcohols, and carbohydrates in a pharmaceutical formulation.ManualsDionex CarboPac PA10 Column Product ManaulProduct Data SheetsCarboPac PA10 Column for Mono- and Disaccharide Analysis Product SpecificationsApplication NotesAN 117: Quantification of Carbohydrates and Glycols in PharmaceuticalsApplication UpdatesAU 141: Improved Long-Term Stability of N-Acetylneuraminic Acid and N-Glycolylneuraminic Acid Peak Area Responses Using Waveform A, a Quadruple Potential WaveformTechnical NotesTN 41: Analysis of Sialic Acids Using High-Performance Anion-Exchange ChromatographyTN 40: Glycoprotein Monosaccharide Analysis Using HPAE-PAD with Eluent GenerationTN 20: Analysis of Carbohydrates by High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (HPAE-PAD)
  • 锂型氨基酸专用分析柱
    两年前的三聚氰胺事件让家长们仍心有余悸,近日"皮革奶"的消息又让人“谈奶色变”。 皮革水解蛋白是从动物皮毛中水解出来的物质,能增加食品中氨基酸的含量,但皮革水解物含有危害人体健康的重金属六价铬。不能用于食品加工,如果被人体吸收的话,可能导致中毒,关节肿大,关节疏松肿大。专家称长期食用“皮革奶”可能致癌。国家卫生部最新印发了《食品中可能违法添加的非食用物质名单(第二批)》,明令禁止在乳及乳制品中添加皮革水解蛋白。皮革水解蛋白与三聚氰胺不同,是正的蛋白质,弱添加到食品中,则检测起来难度更大。 针对这个事件,岛津的分析专家发布了皮革奶的分析解决方案。岛津-GL也将为用户提供锂型氨基酸专用分析柱:Shim-Pack AMINO-Li(6.0mmID×100mmL) 锂型捕氨柱Shim-Pack ISC-30 Li(4.0mmID×50mmL) 。
  • Dionex CarboPac PA1 糖和氨基酸分析柱
    Dionex CarboPac PA1 糖和氨基酸分析柱对于各种基质中单糖、双糖和线性多糖的测定,使用耐用的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? CarboPac? PA1 分析和保护柱。 这款专用的阴离子交换柱与脉冲电流检测技术 (PAD) 结合使用,可提供高分辨率的分离。 Dionex CarboPac PA1 树脂的独特 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? MicroBead? 薄壳结构,使其在所有缓冲盐溶液中可保持 pH 0–14 的稳定性。 薄壳的树脂结构提供出色的质量传递优秀的传质,从而实现快速的梯度再平衡。描述用于碳水化合物分离的耐用型柱 经验证适用于各种正式的食物分析方法特别适合针对营养标签进行的食物分析非常适用于中性与酸性单糖的分离灵敏度低于 Dionex CarboPac PA10 或 PA20 柱提供微孔、标准孔和半制备规格关于 Dionex CarboPac 柱系列Dionex CarboPac 系列提供精选的高性能液相色谱 (HPLC) 柱,每一款均为不同类别化合物而优化。 与能够检测碳水化合物而不产生衍生物的 PAD 配合使用,这些色谱柱支持简单可靠的糖醇、单糖和双糖、多糖和低聚糖分离技术。 Dionex CarboPac 柱提供以下成分的高分辨率分离:膳食纤维中的糖蛋白单糖和复合碳水化合物,包括果聚糖、麦芽糊精和支链淀粉单糖,例如从糖蛋白水解物和植物水解物得到的单糖单糖和双糖 用途和特点AminoPac PA1柱用于氨基酸的快速分离。特别适用于分析酸性和酸不稳定性氨基酸,以及用阳离子交换分离不完全的氨基酸对。Dionex CarboPac PA1 糖和氨基酸分析柱订货信息:分析柱CarboPac PA1 Analytical Column (2 x 250 mm)057178CarboPac PA1 Analytical Column (4 X 250 mm)035391CarboPac PA1 Semi-Preparative Column (9 x 250 mm)039686CarboPac PA1 Semi-Preparative Column (22 x 250 mm)0SP2866保护柱CarboPac PA1 Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)057179CarboPac PA1 Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)043096CarboPac PA1 Guard (9 x 50 mm)063501 Ideal Column for the Separation of Neutral and Acidic MonosaccharidesThe CarboPac? PA1 is an anion-exchange column for the separation of mono-, disaccharides, and specific oligosaccharides using an isocratic eluent. Sialic acid analysis has also been demonstrated on this column. General-purpose column for isocratic determination of monosaccharides and disaccharidesDetection by pulsed amperometric detection no derivatization neededApproved for use in a variety of official methods for the analysis of foodsThe unique MicroBead? pellicular structure of the CarboPac PA1 resin gives it stability from pH 0–14 at all concentrations of buffer salts. The pellicular resin structure allows excellent mass transfer resulting in fast gradient reequilibration.The CarboPac PA1 column is used with pulsed amperometric detection no derivatization is required. Sensitivity on the PA1 is not as high as with the CarboPac PA20 or PA10 for monosaccharide analysis. Thus the CarboPac PA1 is well suited for the analysis of foods for nutritional labeling. The CarboPac PA1 has been approved for use in a number of official methods. CarboPac PA1 Column for Routine Carbohydrate Analysis SpecificationsDimensionsCarboPac PA1 Analytical Column:4 × 250 mm and 2 × 250 mmCarboPac PA1 Guard Column:4 × 50 mm and 2 × 50 mmCarboPac PA1 Semipreparative Column:22 × 250 mmMaximum operating pressure4000 psi (27.9 MPa)Temperature range4–55 °CRecommended operating temperature: ambientTypical operating conditions1500 psi at 1.0 mL/min (analytical and guard columns)Recommended flow rate: 1.0 mL/min (for 4 × 250 mm)Mobile phase compatibilitypH 0–14 up to 2% of common HPLC solvents.Acetate or hydroxide eluents only.Resin composition10-μm-diameter substrate (polystyrene 2% cross-linked with divinylbenzene) agglomerated with 500-nm MicroBead quaternary ammonium functionalized latex (5% cross-linked).Anion-exchange capacityApproximately 100 μeq/column (4 × 250 mm analytical column)Column constructionPEEK with 10-32 threaded-ferrule-style end fittings.All components are nonmetallic.Chromatographic analysis of purified inulin. Analysis of mono- and diphosphorylated monosaccharides on the CarboPac PA1. Isocratic Separation of Sugars Found in Sugarcane Molasses Using the CarboPac PA1 ColumnManualsDionex CarboPac PA1 Column Product ManualProduct Data SheetsDionex CarboPac PA1 Column for Mono-, Di- and Oligosaccharide AnalysisApplication NotesAN 186: Analysis of Paromomycinby HPAE-IPADAN 155: Determination of Trans-Galactooligosaccharides in Foods by AOAC Method 2001.02AN 147: Determination of Polydextrose in Foods by AOAC Method 2000.11AN 92: Determination of Sugars in Molasses by High Performance Anion Exchange with Pulsed Amperometric DetectionAN 82: Analysis of Fruit Juice Adulterated with Medium Invert Sugar from BeetsAN 67: Determination of Plant-Derived Neutral Oligo- and PolysaccharidesAN 66: Determination of Neomycin B and Impurities Using HPAE-PADAN 61: Determination of Tobramycin and Impurities Using HPAE-PAD Application UpdatesAU 150: Determination of Plant-Derived Neutral Oligo- and Polysaccharides Using the CarboPac PA200Technical NotesTN 116: Determination of Bromate by ISO Method 11206TN 36: Analysis of Exoglycosidase Digestions of N-Linked Oligosaccharides Using HPAE-PADTN 30: Monosaccharide and Oligosaccharide Analysis of Glycoproteins Electrotransferred onto Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) MembranesTN 20: Analysis of Carbohydrates by High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (HPAE-PAD)
  • Dionex AminoPac PA1 氨基酸分析柱
    Dionex AminoPac PA1 氨基酸分析柱用途和特点AminoPac PA1柱用于氨基酸的快速分离。特别适用于分析酸性和酸不稳定性氨基酸,以及用阳离子交换分离不完全的氨基酸对。Dionex AminoPac PA1 氨基酸分析柱订货信息:分析柱AminoPac PA1 Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)037022保护柱AminoPac PA1 Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)037023For Specialized Amino Acid Applications with Postcolumn DerivatizationThe AminoPac® PA1 column is a high-speed, pellicular, strong, anion-exchange column. The PA1 delivers high-efficiency separations as a result of its nonporous-core particle. Its strong anion-exchange characteristics are imparted by agglomerating surface MicroBead™ particles that are functionalized with the quaternary ammonium functional group, resulting in a higher capacity than typically offered by nonporous resins.Resolves phosphorylated and other amino acids by anion-exchange chromatographySeparates acid-labile amino acids under basic pH conditionsSeparates strongly acidic amino acidsRequires OPA or ninhydrin postcolumn derivatizationThe anion-exchange selectivity of the AminoPac PA1 can be used to resolve peaks that cannot be resolved using a cation-exchange column. For example, O-phosphorylated amino acids are resolved and eluted near the end of a hydrolysate chromatogram. Arogenic acid, a precursor to tyrosine and phenylalanine, decomposes under the acidic conditions required for cation-exchange separation or PITC derivatization, but it is stable in alkaline eluents used with AminoPac PA1 column.The PA1 is particularly well suited for acidic and acid-labile amino acids and for amino acid pairs not completely resolved by cation-exchange chromatography. AminoPac PA1 Column for Specialized Amino Acid Applications with Postcolumn Derivatization SpecificationsDimensionsAminoPac PA1 Analytical Column:4 × 250 mmAminoPac PA1 Guard Column:4 × 50 mmMaximum operating pressure4000 psi (27.9 MPa)Recommended operating temperatureAmbientTypical operating conditions1.0 mL/min gradientRecommended flow rate: 1.0 mL/minMobile phase compatibilityCompatible with up to 5% common organic solvents.Recommended eluents: hydroxide, borate, and acetate.Resin composition10-μm-diameter, pellicular substrate (2% cross-linked)agglomerated with a 180 nm MicroBead alkyl quaternary ammonium functionalized latex (20% cross-linked).Anion-exchange capacityN/AColumn constructionPEEK with 10-32 threaded ferrule-style end fittings.All components are nonmetallic.Gradient sepration of amino acid hydrolysate. Amino Acids by Anion Exchange Using The AminoPac® PA1 Column. Anion-Exchange Separation of O-Phosphorylated Amino Acids Using the AminoPac® PA1 Column.GuidesAminoPac PA1 Analytical Column Manual
  • 氨基酸分析专用色谱柱
    氨基酸是构成蛋白质的基本单位,是生物、医药、卫生、农牧业、食品、饮料及饲料等行业生产和科研中必须的分析测试项目,并且随着中国加入WTO后国家相关行业标准的制定和完善,氨基酸的定性和定量分析必将成为企业的必备检测项目。由于氨基酸种类较多,结构接近,没有紫外或荧光响应,使得氨基酸分析一直是高效液相色谱领域较难解决的问题之一。大连依利特分析仪器有限公司在完成国家九五攻关项目“高效液相色谱仪的研制与技术开发”的基础上,在国家十五攻关项目“专用高效液相色谱仪及配件”的资助下,结合中国科学院大连化学物理研究所国家色谱分析研究中心的研究成果和本公司多年来的实际开发经验,针对国内科研与生产单位的实际需要,开发了此氨基酸分析系统。 本公司开发的氨基酸分析系统具有如下特点:●柱前衍生与梯度程序结合能够很好地分离十八种氨基酸,达到理想的分辨率,满足定性和定量分析要求;●紫外检测器检测,是HP LC 中常用的检测器,不需要附加检测器或其它设备。●极好的定性和定量稳定性: 1. 十八种氨基酸中所有组分保留时间的重现性:RSD 0.22~1.2% 2. 十八种氨基酸中所有组分峰面积的重现性:RSD 0.53~2.66%●极高的方法灵敏度:8pmol(Arg)●运行成本低: 采用常见的缓冲溶液和有机溶剂作为流动相,不需要特殊试剂,使得分析成本非常低;●有力的技术支持:公司的色谱仪器专家和分析化学家为用户提供技术保证。●高质价比,是您的实验室理想的选择。 订货资料: 品牌 规格订货号氨基酸分析专用色谱柱ID4.6×250mm31110091氨基酸保护柱ID4.6×10mm氨基酸试剂盒31990001氨基酸标准品18种×5mg31990002
  • Dionex AminoPac PA10 氨基酸分析柱
    Dionex AminoPac PA10 氨基酸分析柱用途和特点AminoPac PA10柱结合阴离子交换,梯度淋洗以及脉冲电化学检测,可以分离多种氨基酸。分离氨基酸的同时,还可检测氨基糖及碳水化合物。此外,还可分离多种糖类,磷酸化氨基酸,以及含硫氨基酸的普通氧化产物,如磺基丙氨酸。其柱填料为疏水性高聚物薄壳型阴离子交换剂,可在pH0-14范围内使用。填料独特的pH稳定性允许使用的淋洗液,有助于氨基酸在金电极的阳极氧化。Dionex AminoPac PA10 氨基酸分析柱订货信息:分析柱AminoPac PA10 Analytical Column (2 x 250 mm)055406AminoPac PA10 (22 x 250 mm)SP5488AminoPac PA10 (9 x 250 mm)SP5490AminoPac PA10 Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)SP5678保护柱AminoPac PA10 Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)055407AminoPac PA10 Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)SP5680配件AAA-Direct Installation Kit059539Carbohydrate Removal Cartridge (CRC) for AAA-Direct068598For High-Resolution Separations of Free Amino Acids by AAA-DirectThe AminoPac® PA10 column is packed with a hydrophobic, polymeric, pellicular, anion-exchange resin that is stable over the range of pH 0–14. The unique pH stability allows the use of eluents that are conducive to anodic oxidation of amino acids at gold electrodes. This column is recommended for use with the AAA-Direct™ Amino Acid Analyzer, allowing direct detection of primary and secondary amino acids by IPAD, with no need for pre- or postcolumn derivatization.Derivatization not requiredCarbohydrates and amino acids separated and detected simultaneouslyMid-femtomole to low-picomole detection limitsCompatible with all commonly used hydrolysis proceduresCan be configured for on-line analysisAAA-Direct is a technique that eliminates the need for any form of derivatization, and is therefore compatible with on-line monitoring of cell cultures and fermentation broths. The AminoPac PA10 column is optimized for separations of free amino acids by AAA-Direct. Vitamins, amino sugars, and carbohydrates can be detected simultaneously with amino acids. Additional capabilities include separation of a wide range of sugars, phosphorylated amino acids, and common oxidation products of sulfur-containing amino acids, such as cysteic acid, methionine sulfone, and methionine sulfoxide. AminoPac PA10 Column for Amino Acid Analysis by AAA-Direct SpecificationsRecommended operating temperature30 °CTypical operating conditions0.25 mL/min gradientRecommended flow rate: 0.25 mL/minMobile phase compatibilitypH 0–14 100% compatible with common organic solvents.Dionex sodium acetate ionic form eluents only.Resin composition8.5-μm-diameter microporous (10 ?) bead (55% cross-linked)agglomerated with an 80-nm microbead alkyl ammonium functionalized latex (1% cross-linked).Anion-exchange capacity60 μeq/column (2 × 250 mm analytical column)Column constructionPEEK with 10-32 threaded ferrule-style end fittings.All components are nonmetallic.DimensionsAminoPac PA10 Analytical Column:2 × 250 mmAminoPac PA10 Guard Column:2 × 50 mmMaximum operating pressure4000 psi (27.9 MPa)Determination of amino acids and carbohydrates in LB broth supernatant. Amino acids and sugars in red wine. "High Glucose" Fermentation Broth (1:250 Dilution) Separation of an Amino Acid Standard Mixture Containing 100 pmol of Each Component. Comparison of Amino Acid Concentrations for Collagen Measured by Integrated Amperometry and Ninhydrin Methods.Application NotesAN 179: Carbohydrate and Amino Acid Analysis Using 3-D AmperometryAN 150: Determination of Amino Acids in Cell Cultures and Fermentation BrothsAN 142: Determination of Tryptophan Using AAA-DirectAN 130: Identification of a Hydroxylysine-Containing Peptide Using AAA-DirectTechnical NotesTN 55: Screening of Sample Matrices and Individual Matrix Ingredients for Suitability in AAA-DirectTN 50: Determination of the Amino Acid Content of Peptides by AAA-DirectGuidesAminoPac PA10 Analytical Column AAAAAA Direct System Installation Guide
  • 氨基酸分析专用色谱柱
    ACQUITY UPLC 生物分离色谱柱 氨基酸分析专用色谱柱 &bull 氨基酸分析的整体解决方案,专门针对需要精确结果,稳定方法的和高灵敏度的分析需求而设计 &bull 10分钟内可完成近20种氨基酸的分析 &bull 已经证明在蛋白质定性、细胞培养液监控和食品及饲料检测方面性能稳定 氨基酸分析专用色谱柱 产品描述   部件号 UPLC AAA应用功能拓展套件   176001279 配合标准ACQUITY UPLC系统用于氨基酸分析, 包括AccQ· Tag Ultra试剂包、色谱柱、洗脱液、 应用手册和所需要的配件     AccQ· Tag Ultra ACQUITY UPLC氨基酸分析方法包   176001235 此方法包包括: AccQ· Tag Ultra衍生试剂,可进行250次分析 186003836 AccQ· Tag Ultra色谱柱,2.1× 100mm,1.7µ m 186003837 AccQ· Tag Ultra洗脱液A(浓缩液),950 mL 186003838 AccQ· Tag Ultra洗脱液B,950 mL 186003839 衍生管,4× 72/包 WAT007571 水解氨基酸标样,10× 1 mL安瓿管 WAT088122 全回收样品瓶,100个样品瓶/包,共三包   186000384C
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    氯三甲基硅烷 for gas chromatography
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    氯三甲基硅烷 for gas chromatography
  • 艾杰尔agela-氨基酸专用分析柱
    Venusil AA氨基酸分析方法包 Venusil AA氨基酸分析的原理为目前广泛使用的PITC(异硫氰酸苯酯)衍生法。经过简化后的衍生方法有很多优点:方便、快捷,只需室温反应30min;衍生物单一、稳定,-20℃可贮存数月;分析时间短;结果准确;试剂、副产物、溶剂等多种干扰因素可通过快速萃取去除;紫外检测(254nm)灵敏度高,可达1pmol;一、二级氨基酸均可检测,是目前氨基酸分析法中最具有吸引力的一种。本法已拓展至磷酸氨基酸、硫酸氨基酸等修饰氨基酸与不同组织氨基酸分析。 Venusil AA氨基酸分析方法包中提供的实际量和相应的包装,均经过准确计算,仅需按照说明书操作,加入相应量的溶剂即可得到所需浓度的试剂,省却了繁琐的计算过程。 Venusil AA氨基酸分析方法包提供: Venusil AA氨基酸分析专用柱(4.6*250,5um),1支; 氨基酸标准溶剂,2瓶,1ml/瓶(含17种氨基酸,其中天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、丝氨酸、甘氨酸、组氨酸、精氨酸、苏氨酸、丙氨酸、脯氨酸、络氨酸、缬氨酸、蛋氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸为2.5umol/mL,胖氨酸1.25umol/mL); 内标物正亮氨酸(Nle),一瓶,100mg/瓶; 异硫氰酸苯酯(PITC),10瓶,25uL/瓶; 三乙胺(TEA),2瓶,1.4mL/瓶; Venusil AA氨基酸分析专用柱分析方法手册(咨询客服); 此色谱柱的适用情况或产品详情,请咨询客服400-0717-168.
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