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  • 曼彻斯特机场ANOMS系统噪声管理
  • 拉曼光谱检测真假燕窝
    燕窝的营养较高,含 50%蛋白质,30%糖类和一些矿物质。是中国传统名贵食品之一。吃燕窝的人越来越多,但目前市场鱼目混珠现象很多,假燕窝也非常多,造假的原料大多是淀白木耳和猪皮,二者都富含胶原蛋白,且颜色与燕窝相当,煮烂后很稠,形状上也与真燕窝类似,但价钱就相差近百倍。还有一些不法商贩用淀粉、豆粉、植物枝叶等制造假燕窝,只能蒙骗那些不懂燕窝或初次买燕窝的顾客。
  • 拉曼光谱+纳米材料+TERS成像
    2021年 10 月,厦门大学化学与化工学院任斌教授课题组在 Anal.Chem. 上发表题为《Collaborative Low-Rank Matrix Approximation-Assisted Fast Hyperspectral Raman Imaging and Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Imaging》的论文,开发了协同低秩矩阵逼近(CLRMA)算法,加快高光谱拉曼成像(HRI)和针尖增强拉曼技术(TERS)成像速度。
  • 贝克曼库尔特:在陶瓷业中的再利用
    花岗岩浆料在砖块与地面瓷砖配方中的循环利用本文为天然花岗岩切割过程中所产生的浆料可作为砖块及地面瓷砖配方中的原料应用的报告。对该种浆料的物理化学特性和矿物学特性的描述,可以弄清楚主要的技术局限和详细解释浆料的前处理的要求。首先,须要仔细地分选不同的原料,如大理石与花岗岩石。然后,将收集到的不同时期批次的原料处理、混合,与一般天然原料的做法一样。研究发现直接使用浆料有很大的缺点,浆料水分含量高(超过50-wt.%)和干燥后收缩值很高。因而生产者最好先作前处理烘干的步骤,可使这些问题出现率降至最小。一旦达到的这些要求, 砖块类型(BT)或地面瓷砖类型(FTT)的配方中的该种原料的含量就可大大提高(达到50% 以上),通过 对比干燥与煅烧的功能特性将显示出这种可能性(例如,机械阻力、吸水性、收缩性)。浆料的表征 ……平均粒径与粒径分布……由库尔特公司LS230来测量(英国库尔特仪器公司-注:即现在美国贝克曼库尔特公司的前身)……
  • Two Refineries App Note
    Fire assay is an established and proven method for testing the purity of gold jewelry and other objects. Nevertheless, it is a destructive and time-consuming process requiring the use of hazardous chemicals. X-ray fluorescence has emerged as a non-destructive alternative to the fire assay method, with comparable accuracy in just minutes. XRF instrumentation is now available in portable units ideally suited for countertop use in retail environments for accurate testing of any precious metal. In a test against two different refineries using fire assay to evaluate two gold ingots from the same melt, an XRF analyzer provided results just as accurate as one refinery, and even more accurate than the second refinery. The test results provided in this article were performed using the Thermo Scientific? Niton? DXL Precious Metal Analyzer.
  • Raman Characterization of Polymers
    For many years Raman spectroscopy has been applied to characterisationof polymers. However, the applications have tended to be research-oriented,rather than designed for routine analysis. With the revolutionarydevelopments in Raman instrumentation, it is now possible to acquirespectra quite rapidly on equipment that is much more affordable and easierto use than in the past. The following will summarise how Ramanspectroscopy has been used successfully for the study of polymers,and will indicate which effects can be monitored on a routine basis forindustrial analytical purposes.
  • 使用倒置显微镜对微反应器通道进行拉曼分析
    The flexibility provided by the inverted microscope configuration of the LabRAM INV is ideally suited to in situ Raman measurements within microreactor channels.Information on flow properties, mixing and reactions within channel networks can be obtained, allowing reactions to be fully optimised. In particular, the Raman concentration imaging method described in this application note provides a valuable tool for testing and validating mathematical models of organic reactions in these microchannel systems. reactions within channel networks can be obtained, allowing reactions to be fully optimized, In particular, the Raman concentration imaging method described in this application note provides a valuable tool for testing and validating mathematical models of organic reactions in these microchannel systems.
  • Timegate时间门控拉曼光谱仪用于研究材料在高温条件下的相变过程
  • 人类皮肤活体拉曼测量
    Thanks to confocal Raman spectroscopy we have been able to investigate in vivo the epidermis chemical composition in its thickness. In depth measurements allowed us to observe modifications of the relative concentration of some components (water, proteins) depending on the depth in the skin and on its state of hydration.The use of larger numerical aperture objectives would be helpful to emphasize the in-depth variations because of the possible gain in axial resolution and therefore in-depth discrimination. Indeed, the operator could then probe in depth with a smaller step size.As a possible gain on the above measurements, the use of more powerful commercially available NIR diode lasers would yield up to ten times more laser power at the sample (60-80 mW) and would result in a tremendous improvement in terms of signal collection and integration time.?
  • 使用Serstech手持式拉曼光谱仪检测芬太尼
    芬太尼(Fentanyl)是一种强效的类阿片止痛剂,截至2012年,芬太尼是医学中使用最广泛的合成阿片类药物。其特点是起效迅速且作用时间极短,静脉注射后1分钟起效,4分钟达高峰,维持作用30分钟;肌内注射后约7分钟起效,维持约1~2小时。它是脑中μ -阿片受体的强力激动剂,芬太尼比吗啡效力高50~100倍,是海洛因的50倍;而其衍生物卡芬太尼(carfentanil)的药效是芬太尼的100倍,海洛因的5000倍,吗啡的10000倍,只要0.02克,就足以使一个成年人毙命。本应用主要介绍如何使用Serstech手持式拉曼光谱仪检测芬太尼。
  • 拉曼光谱在笔迹鉴定领域的应用
    拉曼光谱技术是一种无损伤、灵敏度高、操作简捷的测试手段,实验设备采用我公司的“Finder Vista”微曼系列显微共聚焦拉曼光谱仪系统;激光器波长为532nm;光谱仪参数:500焦距,600g/mm;扫描物镜100X。采集时间与采集次数根据样本的拉曼光谱情况而定。
  • 拉曼光谱+远古化石+碳元素检测
    查亚使用拉曼光谱仪来识别化石,他使用的是HORIBA的 T64000 三光栅拉曼光谱仪 。“你可以把含有化石的岩石薄片放在拉曼光谱仪搭配的显微镜物镜之下,把激光聚焦在上面,通过显示的光谱,我能知道细菌是否存在有机碳。”
  • High-Performance Biopharma Analysis
    The growing complexity of biopharma analysis calls for innovation that delivers excellence across the Beiopharmaceutical workflow.The Agilent InfinityLab Bio LC Solutions comprise a full range of entirely biocompatible and bio-inert LC systems that enables robust, accurate bioanalysis from drug discovery and development to QA/QC. By combining these systems with bio columns, MS detection,software, and services, we can help you create a complete solution to meet your biopharma challenges.This application compendium comprises a list of currentapplications demonstrating the high performance and versatility of the InfinityLab Bio LC Solutions for bioanalysis.
  • 高分辨表面增强拉曼光谱剖析血栓症机理
    ΑIIbβ3 is a key mediator in the thrombotic process and has been studied extensively. This current work reports the first Raman spectrum of the protein, and examines changes in conformation during activation. Using three common agonists (DTT, Mn(II) and EDTA), the results indicate that in each case activation is caused by reduction of disulfide links, but suggests that different disulfides are activated according to the reagent used. The histopathological correlation to these findings has yet to be determined.
  • Steinernema kraussei 线虫的共聚焦拉曼高分辨快速成像
  • 漩涡诱导圆柱体振动:降低拖曳阻力和运动幅度的实验研究
    Reducing the deleterious effect of Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) in marine risers is animportant task for ocean engineers and many competing factors exist in the design ofVIV suppression devices. This thesis explores the experimental minimization of the dragforce and the disruption of v0l1ex formation by utilizing VIV suppression devices.Two series of tests are conducted-both utilizing separate testing designs. The first testsare the flexible cylinder experiments, detailed in Chapter 2, which determine the dragforce and vibration amplitude of numerous, original testing configurations. The secondseries of tests are the rigid cylinder, PIV experiments, detailed in Chapter 3. These testsmeasure both the drag force on the cylinder and the oscillating component of the liftforce, the latter of which is a good indication of v011ex formation. The Chapter 3 testsalso image the test section wake-providing helpful insight into the physical process ofvortex formation.In brief, this thesis presents a detailed description and results of the two series of originalVIV suppression tests. Many original configurations are tested, and the results arecontained herein.
  • 马其顿斯科普里教堂壁画颜料的显微拉曼分析
    The present study of mediaeval pigments using micro-Raman spectroscopy provides important information on the inorganic and organic type of pigments used in the wall paintings in the remains of the church in Skopsko Kale (Skopje Fortress). In general, the variety of pigments found and their allocation to different time periods confirms the assumption of the archaeologists that the sacral building has been reconstructed in the 19th century. Mostrewarding was the analysis of the yellow pigments: Indian yellow, in use in 15th―19th century.All this information documented an important stage in the life of the Skopje Fortress. Despite the fully applied political and military power of the Ottoman Empire, the renovation confirms a subtle coexistence of the two communities, Muslim and Christian, in the city.
  • 拉曼光谱用于乳剂聚合反应的实时监控-—建模和化学计量学
    Raman spectra, in conjunction with Multivariate (Chemometric) Analysis, have been demonstrated to provide real-time information on the progress of a polymerisation reaction. As shown by this example, these results can provide unexpected information on the details of the reaction. in this case, the inequivalent reaction rates of the two monomers. Such information ultimately enables the process engineer to optimise his process.
  • Multi-residue Method Development Using Agilent 6475 LC/TQ System Implemented with Intelligent Optimization Software: Application to Forensic Drug Screening
    Developing Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM)-based screening methods for routine analysis is a common operation in analytical laboratories. To maximize analytical performance, researchers often need to optimize many LC and MS parameters. An intelligent software could assist method development from several aspects, such as cutting method development time, automating workflow, auto-selecting optimal parameters, tracking system to meet compliance requirement, etc.
  • 4喷嘴直喷发动机中涡旋对空燃混合过程的影响
    The effect on fuel consumption and emissions of switching from two-valve to single-valve EIVC operation inorder to generate swirl intake structures in a four-valve, pent-roof gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine hasbeen investigated. Mie imaging of the fuel spray propagation, along with PIV measurements of the intake flowfield have been taken in an optical engine, and fuel economy and emissions measurements have been made on athermodynamic engine with identical geometry and ancillary systems.The measurements show that fuel economy can be improved substantially when EIVC valve operation is employed,and results differ when only a single inlet valve is activated. Bulk swirl structures are generated in theengine cylinder which affect the atomisation and transportation of the fuel spray and engine performance. Forfuel injection after the inlet valve closing point, the reduction in shear forces and mixing from the intake airstructures is sufficient to cause engine misfires.
  • 碳元素不同形态对拉曼光谱的影响
    The Raman spectra of the various forms of elemental carbon are very sensitive to the type of nearest neighbour bonding, and to intermediate and long range order. In many cases Raman spectroscopy is the technique of choice for characterisation of carbon materials. Correlation of Raman spectral features with tribological properties can facilitate the deposition of carbon films.
  • 碳纳米管——拉曼光谱能提供什么信息?
    This note demonstrates that depending on the configuration of the Raman system used, one can extract different types of information about Carbon Nanotubes. A multiexcitation, low frequency, high spectral and spatial resolution Raman system is the best solution to collect the maximum information. Raman has shown a high potential in characterising the SWCNTs ‘ structure. The correlation between knowledge about structure with physical and chemical properties about the tubes make the technique extremely powerful to control the quality of the SWCNTs for specific applications. Raman spectrometer capabilities like spatial resolution, spectral resolution and excitation wavelength versatility have been examined. Beside Raman, preliminary fluorescence studies are describing the potential of the technique.
  • 拉曼+石墨烯+振动探测
    近日,与中国科学技术大学罗毅、南京大学谢代前、复旦大学段赛等团队合作,南京大学化学化工学院的徐伟高团队提出了力学拉曼光谱技术(mechano-Raman spectroscopy, MRS),成功建立了力学拉曼散射技术的理论模型和实验方法。该成果以 “Direct characterization of shear phonons in layered materials by mechano-Raman spectroscopy” 为题于《自然光子学》杂志发表 [Nature Photonics (2023)],并受到 Nat.Photon. 审稿人们的高度肯定——称该项技术是“拉曼光谱领域里程碑式的成就”。
  • 使用IR和拉曼的二维相关光谱和时程测量
    本应用中,使用即时粘合剂(cyanoacrylate)作为测试材料,并观察固化过程中的光谱变化。使用Spectra Manager?中的2D相关程序分析IR和拉曼光谱数据.
  • 采用相干反斯托克斯拉满散射和其他非线性光学机制进行光学成像
    In this work multimodal operation of commercially available CARSmicrospectrometer (EKSPLA CARSCOPE) equipped with a picoseconddual wavelength laser source (EKSPLA PT259) was demonstrated forthe imaging of various biological objects using coherent anti‑ StokesRaman scattering (CARS), two photon excited fluorescence (TPEF)and second harmonic generation (SHG) contrast mechanisms.Obtained CARS‑ images of yeast cell and flower pollen clearlydemonstrate label‑ free and 3D imaging capabilities of CARS technique.Multi‑ contrast images of green algae and plants containing starchdemonstrate a variety of research facilities, where the method can beapplied.
  • 从拉曼光谱推导硬碳薄膜的物理性质
    The DiskRam has been designed to automate the collection of Raman spectra from hard carbon coatings on computer hard disk media and the extraction of parameters that are well correlated with the properties of the films. The extracted information is output in spreadsheet format for SPC at a manufacturing facility.
  • Derivation of Physical Parameters from Raman Spectra
    The Raman spectra of elemental carbon materials are known to be sensitive to polymorphy. For hard carbon films, the spectra of amorphous and diamond-like carbons can be band-fit to separate the contributions of the "graphitic carbon" (G band) from the "disordered carbon" (D band). The spectral behaviour of carbon films has been empirically correlated with thin film physical properties such as hardness, durability, optical transparency, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance, and can be ofuse for prediction of these properties without extensive alternative testing.
  • 刻蚀在高分子薄膜上的全息光栅的拉曼成像
    Raman image (Figure 1) from a thin film of azobenzene-containing polymer thin film (300 nm) that is periodically structured (periodicity of ~1 µ m). Raman measurements were recorded with a Labram HR 800 (HORIBA JobinYvon) spectrometer combined with an inverted microscope (Olympus IX 71) and a X,Y Piezoelectric stage to position the sample with the best accuracy and repeatability. A 100X, 0.9 NA microscope objective was used. A Raman spectrum (Fig. 2) was recorded every 100 nm along the X and Y directions with an integration time of 5 seconds per spectrum (λ excitation=752.4 nm). The variation of the Raman signal was integrated over the [10601180]cm-1 spectral domain (Figure 3). It must pointed out that details on the Raman profile are obtained with a spatial resolution better than λ /2 (at the diffraction limit).
  • 从拉曼光谱推导硬碳薄膜的物理性质
    The DiskRam has been designed to automate the collection of Raman spectra from hard carbon coatings on computer hard disk media and the extraction of parameters that are well correlated with the properties of the films. The extracted information is output in spreadsheet format for SPC at a manufacturing facility.
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