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  • Chemplex帕纳科液体样品杯
    RF样品杯、X荧光光谱仪样品杯、射线荧光样品器、美国Chemplex样品杯1850# 品名:XRF样品杯Sample Cups 型号: CAT. NO1850 品牌:美国Chemplex(原装进口) 货期:现货 起订量:1包以上(100个/包)。一、美国Chemplex XRF样品杯: 美国Chemplex Industries有限公司专业从事样品前处理设备、耗材研发和生产的公司,是X射线光谱仪(XRF)配件耗材领域的全球知名厂商。 Chemplex XRF样品杯用于RoHS、WEEE专业测试仪器盛放小颗粒固体,粉末,液体,适用于各种品牌的X射线荧光光谱仪。Chemplex的许多XRF样本杯被列为新颖独特的设计和应用,并被美国专利商标局授予知识产权地位。 二、Chemplex 样品杯特点: Chemplex样本杯由专为该应用配制的专用高密度聚乙烯注模制成。该材料的特点有:1、符合RoHS指令;2、不含有可能影响X射线数据的“白化”因子;3、光滑,能够促进薄膜样本支撑窗口的光滑和稳固附着;4、耐热和抗辐射的物理性能特点;5、能抵抗与无法确定的样本材料物质接触时产生的化学污染;6、低微量元素杂质。 三、适用于各种品牌X荧光光谱仪XRF:日本岛津shimadzu、牛津仪器Oxford、斯派克Spectro、布鲁克Bruker、日本精工SII、日本电子JEOL、日本理学Rigaku、日本堀场Horiba、热电Thermo、帕纳科Panalytical、尼通Niton、伊诺斯Innox-X、天瑞Skyray、Jordan Valley、ARL、Asoma、Kevex、Metorex、Siemens、Spectrace、Philips、Fisons。
  • 石墨纳米颗粒 Graphite Nanoparticles
    石墨纳米颗粒 Graphite Nanoparticles制备方法:球磨法外观:黑色灰分含量:0.5%水含量:0.2%形态:片状APS:D1001000nm D50400nm厚度:40nmTEM of Natural GraphiteNanoparticles
  • DNAPac PA200
    DNAPac PA200 DNAPac PA200 是一种强阴离子交换柱,可提供无可比拟的合成寡核苷酸的高分离度分析和纯化。寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离。可实现寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离。解析次级结构的寡核苷酸。分析硫代磷酸酯纯度。通过调节洗脱液 pH、盐和溶剂来进行选择性控制。可解析具有不同于正常 SS-RNA 的异常链 (2in–5in) 的 RNA。DNAPac PA200 可解析从 n–1、n+1 以及其他失败序列起全长度的寡核苷酸,这是其他色谱柱所不能的。订货信息:DNAPac PA200 HPLC 色谱柱粒径 (μm)柱长 (mm)2.0mm 内径4.0mm 内径9.0mm 内径22.0mm 内径8.0250063425063000063421SP6734
  • DNAPac PA100
    DNAPac PA100设计用于合成寡核苷酸的高分离度分析和纯化的强阴离子交换柱。寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离。可进行寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离。解析次级结构的寡核苷酸。与溶剂、高 pH 和高温相容。分析基于硫代磷酸酯的临床样品。可轻松升级。DNAPac PA100 可解析从 n–1、n+1 以及其他失败序列起全长度的寡核苷酸。订货信息:DNAPac PA100 HPLC 色谱柱粒径 (μm)柱长 (mm)2.0mm 内径4.0mm 内径9.0mm 内径22.0mm 内径13.0250SP3686043010043011SP2091
  • Thermo/热电 DNAPac PA200 色谱柱
    DNAPac PA200DNAPac PA200 是一种强阴离子交换柱,用于分析和纯化合成的寡核苷酸,具有无可比拟的性能和分离度。 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可实现寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 分析硫代磷酸酯纯度 通过调节洗脱液 pH、盐和溶剂来进行选择性控制 可解析具有不同于正常 SS-RNA 的异常链 (2in-5in) 的 RNA 分离脱氧核苷酸的非对应异构体 自动化脱盐之后可以进行 HR/AM AXLC/MS 分析DNAPac PA200 是 8 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex?MicroBeads?结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA200可解析从 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列起全长度的寡核苷酸,这是其他色谱柱所不能的。订货信息:
  • 赛默飞 DNAPac PA200 色谱柱
    DNAPac PA200DNAPac PA200 是一种强阴离子交换柱,用于分析和纯化合成的寡核苷酸,具有无可比拟的性能和分离度。 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可实现寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 分析硫代磷酸酯纯度 通过调节洗脱液 pH、盐和溶剂来进行选择性控制 可解析具有不同于正常 SS-RNA 的异常链 (2in-5in) 的 RNA 分离脱氧核苷酸的非对应异构体 自动化脱盐之后可以进行 HR/AM AXLC/MS 分析DNAPac PA200 是 8 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex?MicroBeads?结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA200可解析从 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列起全长度的寡核苷酸,这是其他色谱柱所不能的。订货信息:
  • DNAPac PA200 色谱柱
    DNAPac PA200DNAPac PA200 是一种强阴离子交换柱,用于分析和纯化合成的寡核苷酸,具有无可比拟的性能和分离度。 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可实现寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 分析硫代磷酸酯纯度 通过调节洗脱液 pH、盐和溶剂来进行选择性控制 可解析具有不同于正常 SS-RNA 的异常链 (2in-5in) 的 RNA 分离脱氧核苷酸的非对应异构体 自动化脱盐之后可以进行 HR/AM AXLC/MS 分析DNAPac PA200 是 8 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex?MicroBeads?结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA200可解析从 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列起全长度的寡核苷酸,这是其他色谱柱所不能的。订货信息:
  • 赛默飞 DNAPac PA100 色谱柱
    DNAPac PA100用于分析和纯化合成寡核苷酸的阴离子交换柱,具有高分离度 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可进行寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 与溶剂、高 pH 和高温相容 分析基于硫代磷酸酯的临床样品 色谱柱内径 2.0mm 至 22mm ID column (100x),方法可轻易放大DNAPac PA100 是高分离度的阴离子交换色谱柱,可分离仅相差一个碱基的化合物。色谱柱在变性条件下稳定、耐用、可靠,方法可轻易放大。DNAPac PA100 是 13 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? MicroBeads? 结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA100 可分离 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列的全长度的寡核苷酸订货信息:
  • Thermo/热电 DNAPac PA100 色谱柱
    DNAPac PA100用于分析和纯化合成寡核苷酸的阴离子交换柱,具有高分离度 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可进行寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 与溶剂、高 pH 和高温相容 分析基于硫代磷酸酯的临床样品 色谱柱内径 2.0mm 至 22mm ID column (100x),方法可轻易放大DNAPac PA100 是高分离度的阴离子交换色谱柱,可分离仅相差一个碱基的化合物。色谱柱在变性条件下稳定、耐用、可靠,方法可轻易放大。DNAPac PA100 是 13 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? MicroBeads? 结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA100 可分离 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列的全长度的寡核苷酸订货信息:
  • 赛默飞 DNAPac PA100 液相柱
    DNAPac PA100用于分析和纯化合成寡核苷酸的阴离子交换柱,具有高分离度 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可进行寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 与溶剂、高 pH 和高温相容 分析基于硫代磷酸酯的临床样品 色谱柱内径 2.0mm 至 22mm ID column (100x),方法可轻易放大DNAPac PA100 是高分离度的阴离子交换色谱柱,可分离仅相差一个碱基的化合物。色谱柱在变性条件下稳定、耐用、可靠,方法可轻易放大。DNAPac PA100 是 13 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? MicroBeads? 结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA100 可分离 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列的全长度的寡核苷酸订货信息:
  • DNAPac PA200 HPLC 保护柱
    DNAPac PA200 DNAPac PA200 是一种强阴离子交换柱,可提供无可比拟的合成寡核苷酸的高分离度分析和纯化。寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离。可实现寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离。解析次级结构的寡核苷酸。分析硫代磷酸酯纯度。通过调节洗脱液 pH、盐和溶剂来进行选择性控制。可解析具有不同于正常 SS-RNA 的异常链 (2in–5in) 的 RNA。DNAPac PA200 可解析从 n–1、n+1 以及其他失败序列起全长度的寡核苷酸,这是其他色谱柱所不能的。订货信息:粒径 (μm)柱长 (mm)2.0mm 内径4.0mm 内径9.0mm 内径22.0mm 内径8.050063423062998063419SP6731
  • Thermo/热电 DNAPac PA100 液相柱
    DNAPac PA100用于分析和纯化合成寡核苷酸的阴离子交换柱,具有高分离度 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可进行寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 与溶剂、高 pH 和高温相容 分析基于硫代磷酸酯的临床样品 色谱柱内径 2.0mm 至 22mm ID column (100x),方法可轻易放大DNAPac PA100 是高分离度的阴离子交换色谱柱,可分离仅相差一个碱基的化合物。色谱柱在变性条件下稳定、耐用、可靠,方法可轻易放大。DNAPac PA100 是 13 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? MicroBeads? 结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA100 可分离 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列的全长度的寡核苷酸订货信息:
  • DNAPac PA100 色谱柱
    DNAPac PA100用于分析和纯化合成寡核苷酸的阴离子交换柱,具有高分离度 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可进行寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 与溶剂、高 pH 和高温相容 分析基于硫代磷酸酯的临床样品 色谱柱内径 2.0mm 至 22mm ID column (100x),方法可轻易放大DNAPac PA100 是高分离度的阴离子交换色谱柱,可分离仅相差一个碱基的化合物。色谱柱在变性条件下稳定、耐用、可靠,方法可轻易放大。DNAPac PA100 是 13 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? MicroBeads? 结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA100 可分离 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列的全长度的寡核苷酸订货信息:
  • ThermoScientific DNAPac PA200 色谱柱
    DNAPac PA200DNAPac PA200 是一种强阴离子交换柱,用于分析和纯化合成的寡核苷酸,具有无可比拟的性能和分离度。 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可实现寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 分析硫代磷酸酯纯度 通过调节洗脱液 pH、盐和溶剂来进行选择性控制 可解析具有不同于正常 SS-RNA 的异常链 (2in-5in) 的 RNA 分离脱氧核苷酸的非对应异构体 自动化脱盐之后可以进行 HR/AM AXLC/MS 分析DNAPac PA200 是 8 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex?MicroBeads?结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA200可解析从 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列起全长度的寡核苷酸,这是其他色谱柱所不能的。订货信息:
  • Thermo/热电 DNAPac PA200 强阴离子交换柱
    DNAPac PA200DNAPac PA200 是一种强阴离子交换柱,用于分析和纯化合成的寡核苷酸,具有无可比拟的性能和分离度。 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可实现寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 分析硫代磷酸酯纯度 通过调节洗脱液 pH、盐和溶剂来进行选择性控制 可解析具有不同于正常 SS-RNA 的异常链 (2in-5in) 的 RNA 分离脱氧核苷酸的非对应异构体 自动化脱盐之后可以进行 HR/AM AXLC/MS 分析DNAPac PA200 是 8 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex?MicroBeads?结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA200可解析从 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列起全长度的寡核苷酸,这是其他色谱柱所不能的。订货信息:
  • DNAPac PA200 寡核苷酸柱
    DNAPac PA200 寡核苷酸柱使用 Thermo Scientific DNAPac PA200 寡核苷酸柱,可实现对合成型寡核苷酸进行高分离度分析和纯化所需的强阴离子交换。描述可对寡核苷酸进行 n、n-1 分离解析次级结构的寡核苷酸分析硫代磷酸酯纯度通过调节洗脱液 pH、盐和溶剂来进行选择性控制可解析具有不同于正常 SSRNA 的异常链 (2' – 5' ) 的 RNADNAPac PA200 寡核苷酸柱订货信息:RSLC 分析柱DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,Fast Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082508DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm, Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)082509DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,High Resolution Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082510分析柱DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (2 x 250 mm)063425DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)063000DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (9 x 250 mm)063421DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Semi-Preparative (22 x 250 mm)SP6734保护柱DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (2 x 50 mm)063423DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)062998DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (9 x 50 mm)063419DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (22 x 50 mm)SP6731Ultrahigh-Resolution Separations of OligonucleotidesThe Thermo Scientific™ DNAPac™ PA200 and PA200 RS are strong anion-exchange columns developed to provide unsurpassed high-resolution analysis and purification of synthetic oligonucleotides. Both supports are designed to resolve full length from n–1, n+1, and other failure sequences not possible with other columns. Retention times and selectivity can be controlled by choice of salt, pH, and solvent. Therefore, the separation can be tailored to the requirements of many different oligonucleotide analysis challenges. Achieve n, n-1 resolution for oligonucleotides.Resolve oligonuleotide linkage and stereoisomers.Assay phosphorothioate purity.Attain selectivity control with eluent pH, salt, and solvent.Resolve RNA with aberrant (2’–5’) links from normal SSRNA.The DNAPac PA200 is packed with a pellicular anion-exchange resin composed of an 8 μm diameter nonporous polymeric substrate to which quaternary amine-functionalized Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ MicroBeads™ are bound. The rapid mass transport characteristics of this resin result in high-resolution oligonucleotide separations. The DNAPac PA200 RS is smaller, with 4 μm diameter resin for bio-UHPLC separations. These rapid separation (RS) columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system, with an operational backpressure limit of 10,000 psi. Columns packed with smaller particles improve resolution and offer better performance.The DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS can be operated under denaturing conditions, such as high temperature (up to 85 °C), high-pH eluents (up to pH 12.5), or by the inclusion of chaotropic agents (such as Urea).These columns offer the highest-quality phase stability over a broad pH range, deliver exceptional resolution, and support high-throughput separations. DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS columns support resolution of normal-length oligonucleotides (8- to 30- mer), extended-length oligonucleotides (30- to 70-mer), linear double-stranded DNA, and supercoiled versus nicked/linear DNA.Analytical separations on the DNAPac PA200, 8μm, 4 mm diameter column can be scaled directly to larger diameter columns so preparative methods can be conveniently developed using small samples. Scaling the flow rate and sample size up for the 9 × 250 mm and 22 × 250 mm column yields essentially identical chromatography.Column SpecificationsDNAPac PA 200DNAPac PA 200 RSColumn Chemistry55% crosslinked nonporous polymer with Quaternary amine functionalized latex MicroBeadsParticle Size8 μm4 μmIon Exchange Capacity~ 14 μeq/mL~ 20 μeq/mLpH Range4 to 10 (12.5 with salt, see manual)Pressure Maximum4,000 psi10,000 psiTemperature rangeRecommended operating temperature: Controlled ambient Temperature limit: 85 °CFlow RatesRecommend 0.1 to 1.5 mL/minOrganic Solvent Limit100% acetonitrile or methanol for cleaningTypical EluentsHigh purity water (18 megohm-cm), sodium chloride, sodium perchlorate, buffers, sodium acetate and sodium hydroxide.Detergent CompatibilityCompatible with nonioinic, cationic or zwitterionic detergents.Resolution of oligonucleotides using DNAPac PA200 column (8μm). Separation of oligonucleotides by length using DNAPac PA200 column (8μm). Influence of pH on Oligonucleotide Retention: NaCl Eluent ±20% CH3CN. Improved Stability to Alkaline Conditions: Comparison of Capacity upon Exposure to pH 12.4 at Elevated Temperature. Improved oligonucleotide sensitivity using the 4μm DNAPac PA200 RS column.Fast separation of 46 oligonucleotides using the4μm, DNAPac PA200 RS column. Comparison of 4μm, DNAPac PA200 RS column throughput. Separation of three identical sequence oligonucleotides harboring zero, one, or two 2' ,5' -linkages using the 4μm, DNAPac PA200 RS columns of different lengths. Product Data SheetsDNAPac PA200 Column Data SheetGuidesDNAPac PA200 Analytical Column ManualDNAPac PA200 RS 4μm Columns Quick StartApplicationsAN 21093: Ultra-High-Resolution Separation of Oligonucleotides on Pellicular Anion-Exchange UHPLC ColumnsAN 20996: High-Resolution Separation of Oligonucleotides on a Pellicular Anion-Exchange ColumnAN 1021: Pellicular Anion-Exchange Oligonucleotide Chromatography Coupled with High-Resolution Accurate Mass (HRAM) Mass SpectrometryAN 162: Determination of Nucleotides by Ion Chromatography with UV Absorbance DetectionArticlesHigh-Resolution Nucleic Acid Separations by High-Performance Liquid ChromatographyPostersPerformance Improvements for High Resolution Anion-Exchange Oligonucleotide Separations Using Small Particle SubstratesChromatographic Assessment of Oligonucleotide PurityIdentification of RNA Linkage Isomers by Anion-Exchange Purification with ESI-MS of Automatically-Desalted Phosphodiesterase-II DigestsHigh-Resolution RNA and DNA Analyses by Anion-Exchange Liquid Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryImplementing Novel Technologies in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Oligonucleotide DevelopmentOn-Line Preparation of Anion-Exchange Separated Oligonucleotides for Mass SpectrometryHigh-speed, High-resolution Oligonucleotide Separations UsingSmall Particle Anion-Exchangers
  • DNAPac PA100 HPLC 保护柱
    DNAPac PA100设计用于合成寡核苷酸的高分离度分析和纯化的强阴离子交换柱。寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离。可进行寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离。解析次级结构的寡核苷酸。与溶剂、高 pH 和高温相容。分析基于硫代磷酸酯的临床样品。可轻松升级。DNAPac PA100 可解析从 n–1、n+1 以及其他失败序列起全长度的寡核苷酸。订货信息:DNAPac PA100 HPLC 保护柱粒径 (μm)柱长 (mm)2.0mm 内径4.0mm 内径13.050SP4016043018
  • 赛默飞 DNAPac PA200 强阴离子交换柱
    DNAPac PA200DNAPac PA200 是一种强阴离子交换柱,用于分析和纯化合成的寡核苷酸,具有无可比拟的性能和分离度。 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可实现寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 分析硫代磷酸酯纯度 通过调节洗脱液 pH、盐和溶剂来进行选择性控制 可解析具有不同于正常 SS-RNA 的异常链 (2in-5in) 的 RNA 分离脱氧核苷酸的非对应异构体 自动化脱盐之后可以进行 HR/AM AXLC/MS 分析DNAPac PA200 是 8 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex?MicroBeads?结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA200可解析从 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列起全长度的寡核苷酸,这是其他色谱柱所不能的。订货信息:
  • Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶
    Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶产品型号:pull-250/220Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶产品介绍:可经过:NAS1638和IS04406、GJB380、GJB420/B、GB/T14039、SD/T313、DL/T1096验证,完全符合IS03722《液压传动· 取样容器清洗方法的鉴定》清洗专用器具的标准要求。耐高温高压,耐酸碱/有机试剂/浓硫酸+重铬酸钾配置的洗液浸泡,防漏外旋盖,瓶口o形防滴漏圈!Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶瓶盖颜色还有蓝色、橙色、粉红色可供选择!优质材料,高硬度,高透明度!全自动设别生产,品质优良一致!可替代进口产品!(仅限玻璃瓶)Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶,颗粒度检测仪专用取样瓶适用于各种液体颗粒度测试的采样,又称取样瓶、净化瓶、无菌瓶、洁净瓶、滤液瓶。颗粒计算器专用取样瓶是采用高精度超声波清洗剂清洗、十万级洁净风风淋,烘干密封等一整套工艺制作而成。Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶取样瓶清洁度:NAS1638-0~4级,是颗粒计算器进行液体污染度测试的专用采样容器。(玻璃瓶)Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶技术阐述:容积:250毫升(玻璃瓶)220毫升(塑料瓶)Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶产地:英国 普研检测代工Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶材质:高硅硼(玻璃瓶)、PC(塑料瓶)Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶耐温度:150度(玻璃瓶)Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶耐压:0.1mpa(玻璃瓶)Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶洁净度:NAS 0~4级可定制(玻璃瓶)、 塑料瓶只有4级Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶供应:现货供应(1天可发货)Nas1638颗粒度专用取样瓶可配套:油液取样器,颗粒度计数器
  • 默克filtrationapparatusflask SYNF100004
    默克filtrationapparatusflask SYNF100004属性 包装 pkg of 1 ea 制造商/商品名称 Synthware F100004 容量 1000 mL默克filtrationapparatusflask SYNF100004Synthware&trade 47 mm filtration apparatus flask 是一种实验室过滤设备,具有以下特点:容量:这个烧瓶的容量为1升。用途:它适用于过滤腐蚀性溶液、从HPLC溶剂中去除颗粒物,以及使用固相提取盘进行过滤分析。材质:烧瓶由硼硅酸盐玻璃(3.3)制成,这种材料耐热、耐化学腐蚀。标准接口:它具有40/35的标准锥形接口。其他特点:这个烧瓶是可重复使用的,具有珠状口和扁平底部,且标有刻度。这些特点使得Synthware&trade 47 mm filtration apparatus flask非常适合于实验室中的各种过滤需求,特别是在需要处理腐蚀性溶液或有高精度要求的过滤操作中 3 Synthware Flask for Filtration Apparatus Flask for Filtration Apparatus, | Fisher Scientific
  • DNAPac PA200和PA200 RS核酸柱 082510
    DNAPac PA200 & PA200 RS Nucleic Acid ColumnUltrahigh-Resolution Separations of OligonucleotidesThe Thermo Scientific™ DNAPac™ PA200 and PA200 RS are strong anion-exchange columns developed to provide unsurpassed high-resolution analysis and purification of synthetic oligonucleotides. Both supports are designed to resolve full length from n–1, n+1, and other failure sequences not possible with other columns. Retention times and selectivity can be controlled by choice of salt, pH, and solvent. Therefore, the separation can be tailored to the requirements of many different oligonucleotide analysis challenges. Achieve n, n-1 resolution for oligonucleotides.Resolve oligonuleotide linkage and stereoisomers.Assay phosphorothioate purity.Attain selectivity control with eluent pH, salt, and solvent.Resolve RNA with aberrant (2’–5’) links from normal SSRNA. The DNAPac PA200 is packed with a pellicular anion-exchange resin composed of an 8 μm diameter nonporous polymeric substrate to which quaternary amine-functionalized Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ MicroBeads™ are bound. The rapid mass transport characteristics of this resin result in high-resolution oligonucleotide separations. The DNAPac PA200 RS is smaller, with 4 μm diameter resin for bio-UHPLC separations. These rapid separation (RS) columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system, with an operational backpressure limit of 10,000 psi. Columns packed with smaller particles improve resolution and offer better performance.The DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS can be operated under denaturing conditions, such as high temperature (up to 85 °C), high-pH eluents (up to pH 12.5), or by the inclusion of chaotropic agents (such as Urea). These columns offer the highest-quality phase stability over a broad pH range, deliver exceptional resolution, and support high-throughput separations. DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS columns support resolution of normal-length oligonucleotides (8- to 30- mer), extended-length oligonucleotides (30- to 70-mer), linear double-stranded DNA, and supercoiled versus nicked/linear DNA.Analytical separations on the DNAPac PA200, 8μm, 4 mm diameter column can be scaled directly to larger diameter columns so preparative methods can be conveniently developed using small samples. Scaling the flow rate and sample size up for the 9 × 250 mm and 22 × 250 mm column yields essentially identical chromatography.Column SpecificationsDNAPac PA 200DNAPac PA 200 RSColumn Chemistry55% crosslinked nonporous polymer with Quaternary amine functionalized latex MicroBeadsParticle Size8 μm4 μmIon Exchange Capacity~ 14 μeq/mL~ 20 μeq/mLpH Range4 to 10 (12.5 with salt, see manual)Pressure Maximum4,000 psi10,000 psiTemperature rangeRecommended operating temperature: Controlled ambient Temperature limit: 85 °CFlow RatesRecommend 0.1 to 1.5 mL/minOrganic Solvent Limit100% acetonitrile or methanol for cleaningTypical EluentsHigh purity water (18 megohm-cm), sodium chloride, sodium perchlorate, buffers, sodium acetate and sodium hydroxide.Detergent CompatibilityCompatible with nonioinic, cationic or zwitterionic detergents.Thermo Scientific DNAPac PA200 HPLC (8μm) and DNAPac PA200 RS (Rapid Separation) UHPLC (4μm) columns for high-resolution separations of ssDNA and RNA.RSLC Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,Fast Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082508DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm, Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)082509DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,High Resolution Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082510Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (2 x 250 mm)063425DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)063000DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (9 x 250 mm)063421DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Semi-Preparative (22 x 250 mm)SP6734Guard ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (2 x 50 mm)063423DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)062998DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (9 x 50 mm)063419DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (22 x 50 mm)SP6731
  • DNAPac PA200和PA200 RS核酸柱062998
    DNAPac PA200 & PA200 RS Nucleic Acid ColumnUltrahigh-Resolution Separations of OligonucleotidesThe Thermo Scientific™ DNAPac™ PA200 and PA200 RS are strong anion-exchange columns developed to provide unsurpassed high-resolution analysis and purification of synthetic oligonucleotides. Both supports are designed to resolve full length from n–1, n+1, and other failure sequences not possible with other columns. Retention times and selectivity can be controlled by choice of salt, pH, and solvent. Therefore, the separation can be tailored to the requirements of many different oligonucleotide analysis challenges. Achieve n, n-1 resolution for oligonucleotides.Resolve oligonuleotide linkage and stereoisomers.Assay phosphorothioate purity.Attain selectivity control with eluent pH, salt, and solvent.Resolve RNA with aberrant (2’–5’) links from normal SSRNA. The DNAPac PA200 is packed with a pellicular anion-exchange resin composed of an 8 μm diameter nonporous polymeric substrate to which quaternary amine-functionalized Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ MicroBeads™ are bound. The rapid mass transport characteristics of this resin result in high-resolution oligonucleotide separations. The DNAPac PA200 RS is smaller, with 4 μm diameter resin for bio-UHPLC separations. These rapid separation (RS) columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system, with an operational backpressure limit of 10,000 psi. Columns packed with smaller particles improve resolution and offer better performance.The DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS can be operated under denaturing conditions, such as high temperature (up to 85 °C), high-pH eluents (up to pH 12.5), or by the inclusion of chaotropic agents (such as Urea). These columns offer the highest-quality phase stability over a broad pH range, deliver exceptional resolution, and support high-throughput separations. DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS columns support resolution of normal-length oligonucleotides (8- to 30- mer), extended-length oligonucleotides (30- to 70-mer), linear double-stranded DNA, and supercoiled versus nicked/linear DNA.Analytical separations on the DNAPac PA200, 8μm, 4 mm diameter column can be scaled directly to larger diameter columns so preparative methods can be conveniently developed using small samples. Scaling the flow rate and sample size up for the 9 × 250 mm and 22 × 250 mm column yields essentially identical chromatography.Column SpecificationsDNAPac PA 200DNAPac PA 200 RSColumn Chemistry55% crosslinked nonporous polymer with Quaternary amine functionalized latex MicroBeadsParticle Size8 μm4 μmIon Exchange Capacity~ 14 μeq/mL~ 20 μeq/mLpH Range4 to 10 (12.5 with salt, see manual)Pressure Maximum4,000 psi10,000 psiTemperature rangeRecommended operating temperature: Controlled ambient Temperature limit: 85 °CFlow RatesRecommend 0.1 to 1.5 mL/minOrganic Solvent Limit100% acetonitrile or methanol for cleaningTypical EluentsHigh purity water (18 megohm-cm), sodium chloride, sodium perchlorate, buffers, sodium acetate and sodium hydroxide.Detergent CompatibilityCompatible with nonioinic, cationic or zwitterionic detergents.Thermo Scientific DNAPac PA200 HPLC (8μm) and DNAPac PA200 RS (Rapid Separation) UHPLC (4μm) columns for high-resolution separations of ssDNA and RNA.RSLC Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,Fast Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082508DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm, Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)082509DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,High Resolution Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082510Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (2 x 250 mm)063425DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)063000DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (9 x 250 mm)063421DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Semi-Preparative (22 x 250 mm)SP6734Guard ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (2 x 50 mm)063423DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)062998DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (9 x 50 mm)063419DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (22 x 50 mm)SP6731
  • DNAPac PA200和PA200 RS核酸柱 082509
    DNAPac PA200 & PA200 RS Nucleic Acid ColumnUltrahigh-Resolution Separations of OligonucleotidesThe Thermo Scientific™ DNAPac™ PA200 and PA200 RS are strong anion-exchange columns developed to provide unsurpassed high-resolution analysis and purification of synthetic oligonucleotides. Both supports are designed to resolve full length from n–1, n+1, and other failure sequences not possible with other columns. Retention times and selectivity can be controlled by choice of salt, pH, and solvent. Therefore, the separation can be tailored to the requirements of many different oligonucleotide analysis challenges. Achieve n, n-1 resolution for oligonucleotides.Resolve oligonuleotide linkage and stereoisomers.Assay phosphorothioate purity.Attain selectivity control with eluent pH, salt, and solvent.Resolve RNA with aberrant (2’–5’) links from normal SSRNA. The DNAPac PA200 is packed with a pellicular anion-exchange resin composed of an 8 μm diameter nonporous polymeric substrate to which quaternary amine-functionalized Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ MicroBeads™ are bound. The rapid mass transport characteristics of this resin result in high-resolution oligonucleotide separations. The DNAPac PA200 RS is smaller, with 4 μm diameter resin for bio-UHPLC separations. These rapid separation (RS) columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system, with an operational backpressure limit of 10,000 psi. Columns packed with smaller particles improve resolution and offer better performance.The DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS can be operated under denaturing conditions, such as high temperature (up to 85 °C), high-pH eluents (up to pH 12.5), or by the inclusion of chaotropic agents (such as Urea). These columns offer the highest-quality phase stability over a broad pH range, deliver exceptional resolution, and support high-throughput separations. DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS columns support resolution of normal-length oligonucleotides (8- to 30- mer), extended-length oligonucleotides (30- to 70-mer), linear double-stranded DNA, and supercoiled versus nicked/linear DNA.Analytical separations on the DNAPac PA200, 8μm, 4 mm diameter column can be scaled directly to larger diameter columns so preparative methods can be conveniently developed using small samples. Scaling the flow rate and sample size up for the 9 × 250 mm and 22 × 250 mm column yields essentially identical chromatography.Column SpecificationsDNAPac PA 200DNAPac PA 200 RSColumn Chemistry55% crosslinked nonporous polymer with Quaternary amine functionalized latex MicroBeadsParticle Size8 μm4 μmIon Exchange Capacity~ 14 μeq/mL~ 20 μeq/mLpH Range4 to 10 (12.5 with salt, see manual)Pressure Maximum4,000 psi10,000 psiTemperature rangeRecommended operating temperature: Controlled ambient Temperature limit: 85 °CFlow RatesRecommend 0.1 to 1.5 mL/minOrganic Solvent Limit100% acetonitrile or methanol for cleaningTypical EluentsHigh purity water (18 megohm-cm), sodium chloride, sodium perchlorate, buffers, sodium acetate and sodium hydroxide.Detergent CompatibilityCompatible with nonioinic, cationic or zwitterionic detergents.Thermo Scientific DNAPac PA200 HPLC (8μm) and DNAPac PA200 RS (Rapid Separation) UHPLC (4μm) columns for high-resolution separations of ssDNA and RNA.RSLC Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,Fast Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082508DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm, Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)082509DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,High Resolution Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082510Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (2 x 250 mm)063425DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)063000DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (9 x 250 mm)063421DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Semi-Preparative (22 x 250 mm)SP6734Guard ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (2 x 50 mm)063423DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)062998DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (9 x 50 mm)063419DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (22 x 50 mm)SP6731
  • DNAPac PA200和PA200 RS核酸柱 063421
    DNAPac PA200 & PA200 RS Nucleic Acid ColumnUltrahigh-Resolution Separations of OligonucleotidesThe Thermo Scientific™ DNAPac™ PA200 and PA200 RS are strong anion-exchange columns developed to provide unsurpassed high-resolution analysis and purification of synthetic oligonucleotides. Both supports are designed to resolve full length from n–1, n+1, and other failure sequences not possible with other columns. Retention times and selectivity can be controlled by choice of salt, pH, and solvent. Therefore, the separation can be tailored to the requirements of many different oligonucleotide analysis challenges. Achieve n, n-1 resolution for oligonucleotides.Resolve oligonuleotide linkage and stereoisomers.Assay phosphorothioate purity.Attain selectivity control with eluent pH, salt, and solvent.Resolve RNA with aberrant (2’–5’) links from normal SSRNA. The DNAPac PA200 is packed with a pellicular anion-exchange resin composed of an 8 μm diameter nonporous polymeric substrate to which quaternary amine-functionalized Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ MicroBeads™ are bound. The rapid mass transport characteristics of this resin result in high-resolution oligonucleotide separations. The DNAPac PA200 RS is smaller, with 4 μm diameter resin for bio-UHPLC separations. These rapid separation (RS) columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system, with an operational backpressure limit of 10,000 psi. Columns packed with smaller particles improve resolution and offer better performance.The DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS can be operated under denaturing conditions, such as high temperature (up to 85 °C), high-pH eluents (up to pH 12.5), or by the inclusion of chaotropic agents (such as Urea). These columns offer the highest-quality phase stability over a broad pH range, deliver exceptional resolution, and support high-throughput separations. DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS columns support resolution of normal-length oligonucleotides (8- to 30- mer), extended-length oligonucleotides (30- to 70-mer), linear double-stranded DNA, and supercoiled versus nicked/linear DNA.Analytical separations on the DNAPac PA200, 8μm, 4 mm diameter column can be scaled directly to larger diameter columns so preparative methods can be conveniently developed using small samples. Scaling the flow rate and sample size up for the 9 × 250 mm and 22 × 250 mm column yields essentially identical chromatography.Column SpecificationsDNAPac PA 200DNAPac PA 200 RSColumn Chemistry55% crosslinked nonporous polymer with Quaternary amine functionalized latex MicroBeadsParticle Size8 μm4 μmIon Exchange Capacity~ 14 μeq/mL~ 20 μeq/mLpH Range4 to 10 (12.5 with salt, see manual)Pressure Maximum4,000 psi10,000 psiTemperature rangeRecommended operating temperature: Controlled ambient Temperature limit: 85 °CFlow RatesRecommend 0.1 to 1.5 mL/minOrganic Solvent Limit100% acetonitrile or methanol for cleaningTypical EluentsHigh purity water (18 megohm-cm), sodium chloride, sodium perchlorate, buffers, sodium acetate and sodium hydroxide.Detergent CompatibilityCompatible with nonioinic, cationic or zwitterionic detergents.Thermo Scientific DNAPac PA200 HPLC (8μm) and DNAPac PA200 RS (Rapid Separation) UHPLC (4μm) columns for high-resolution separations of ssDNA and RNA.RSLC Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,Fast Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082508DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm, Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)082509DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,High Resolution Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082510Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (2 x 250 mm)063425DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)063000DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (9 x 250 mm)063421DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Semi-Preparative (22 x 250 mm)SP6734Guard ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (2 x 50 mm)063423DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)062998DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (9 x 50 mm)063419DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (22 x 50 mm)SP6731
  • Thermo/热电 DNAPac PA100 阴离子交换柱
    DNAPac PA100用于分析和纯化合成寡核苷酸的阴离子交换柱,具有高分离度 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可进行寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 与溶剂、高 pH 和高温相容 分析基于硫代磷酸酯的临床样品 色谱柱内径 2.0mm 至 22mm ID column (100x),方法可轻易放大DNAPac PA100 是高分离度的阴离子交换色谱柱,可分离仅相差一个碱基的化合物。色谱柱在变性条件下稳定、耐用、可靠,方法可轻易放大。DNAPac PA100 是 13 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? MicroBeads? 结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA100 可分离 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列的全长度的寡核苷酸订货信息:
  • 赛默飞 DNAPac PA100 阴离子交换柱
    DNAPac PA100用于分析和纯化合成寡核苷酸的阴离子交换柱,具有高分离度 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可进行寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 与溶剂、高 pH 和高温相容 分析基于硫代磷酸酯的临床样品 色谱柱内径 2.0mm 至 22mm ID column (100x),方法可轻易放大DNAPac PA100 是高分离度的阴离子交换色谱柱,可分离仅相差一个碱基的化合物。色谱柱在变性条件下稳定、耐用、可靠,方法可轻易放大。DNAPac PA100 是 13 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? MicroBeads? 结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA100 可分离 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列的全长度的寡核苷酸订货信息:
  • ThermoScientific DNAPac PA100 色谱柱
    DNAPac PA100用于分析和纯化合成寡核苷酸的阴离子交换柱,具有高分离度 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可进行寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 与溶剂、高 pH 和高温相容 分析基于硫代磷酸酯的临床样品 色谱柱内径 2.0mm 至 22mm ID column (100x),方法可轻易放大DNAPac PA100 是高分离度的阴离子交换色谱柱,可分离仅相差一个碱基的化合物。色谱柱在变性条件下稳定、耐用、可靠,方法可轻易放大。DNAPac PA100 是 13 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? MicroBeads? 结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA100 可分离 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列的全长度的寡核苷酸订货信息:
  • DNAPac PA200 Guard Column
    我司主要代理全球闻名的德国J.Engelsmann AG公司;澳大利亚Glass Expansion公司;美国CARVER公司;SPEX公司;ThermoFisher赛默.飞世尔;PerkinElmer珀金埃尔默;Agilent安捷伦(Varian瓦里安);Spectron公司;KD Scientific公司;NORELL公司;以及PIKE公司生产的实验室器材、消耗品等科技产品。以下为美国戴安(dionex)产品配件,如有需要可与我们联系。062923 Perchlorate O-18 Internal Standard, 1 mg/L, 10 mL062925 Acclaim OA, 5 μm Guard Cartridges (4.3 x 10 mm), 2 ea 062948 OnGuard II Na Cartridges, 1 cc, Pkg of 48062962 OnGuard II Na Cartridges, 2.5 cc, Pkg of 48062964 IonPac Fast Anion IIIA Analytical Column (3 x 250 mm)062966 IonPac Fast Anion IIIA Guard Column (3 x 50 mm)062983 CRD 200 (4 mm)062986 CRD 200 (2 mm)062998 DNAPac PA200 Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)063000 DNAPac PA200 Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)063009 IonPac AS21 Analytical Column (2 x 250 mm)063065 IonPac AS20 Analytical Column (2 x 250 mm)063066 IonPac AG20 Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)063071 IonPac AG21 Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)063079 UTAC-LP1 Ultra Trace Anion Concentrator Low Pressure (4 x 35 mm)063097 IonPac AS7 Analytical Column (2 x 250 mm)063099 IonPac AG7 Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)063148 IonPac AS20 Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)063154 IonPac AG20 Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)063174 Acclaim PA, 3 μm Analytical (2.1 x 50 mm)063175 EPM Electroytic pH Modifier063187 Acclaim PA2, 3 μm Analytical, (2.1 x 150 mm)063189 Acclaim PA2, 3 μm Analytical, (4.6 x 50 mm)063191 Acclaim PA2, 3 μm Analytical, (4.6 x 150 mm)063193 (REPLACE BY 069692)PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,PA2,C18,5UM,2.0X10MM,2EA063195 PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,PA2,C18,5UM,4.3X10MM,2EA063197 Acclaim PA2, 5 μm Analytical, (4.6 x 150 mm)063199 Acclaim PA2, 5 μm Analytical, (4.6 x 250 mm)063201 Acclaim Surfactant, 5 μm Analytical, (4.6 x 150 mm)
  • DNAPac PA200和PA200 RS核酸柱 082508
    DNAPac PA200 & PA200 RS Nucleic Acid ColumnUltrahigh-Resolution Separations of OligonucleotidesThe Thermo Scientific™ DNAPac™ PA200 and PA200 RS are strong anion-exchange columns developed to provide unsurpassed high-resolution analysis and purification of synthetic oligonucleotides. Both supports are designed to resolve full length from n–1, n+1, and other failure sequences not possible with other columns. Retention times and selectivity can be controlled by choice of salt, pH, and solvent. Therefore, the separation can be tailored to the requirements of many different oligonucleotide analysis challenges. Achieve n, n-1 resolution for oligonucleotides.Resolve oligonuleotide linkage and stereoisomers.Assay phosphorothioate purity.Attain selectivity control with eluent pH, salt, and solvent.Resolve RNA with aberrant (2’–5’) links from normal SSRNA. The DNAPac PA200 is packed with a pellicular anion-exchange resin composed of an 8 μm diameter nonporous polymeric substrate to which quaternary amine-functionalized Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ MicroBeads™ are bound. The rapid mass transport characteristics of this resin result in high-resolution oligonucleotide separations. The DNAPac PA200 RS is smaller, with 4 μm diameter resin for bio-UHPLC separations. These rapid separation (RS) columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system, with an operational backpressure limit of 10,000 psi. Columns packed with smaller particles improve resolution and offer better performance.The DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS can be operated under denaturing conditions, such as high temperature (up to 85 °C), high-pH eluents (up to pH 12.5), or by the inclusion of chaotropic agents (such as Urea). These columns offer the highest-quality phase stability over a broad pH range, deliver exceptional resolution, and support high-throughput separations. DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS columns support resolution of normal-length oligonucleotides (8- to 30- mer), extended-length oligonucleotides (30- to 70-mer), linear double-stranded DNA, and supercoiled versus nicked/linear DNA.Analytical separations on the DNAPac PA200, 8μm, 4 mm diameter column can be scaled directly to larger diameter columns so preparative methods can be conveniently developed using small samples. Scaling the flow rate and sample size up for the 9 × 250 mm and 22 × 250 mm column yields essentially identical chromatography.Column SpecificationsDNAPac PA 200DNAPac PA 200 RSColumn Chemistry55% crosslinked nonporous polymer with Quaternary amine functionalized latex MicroBeadsParticle Size8 μm4 μmIon Exchange Capacity~ 14 μeq/mL~ 20 μeq/mLpH Range4 to 10 (12.5 with salt, see manual)Pressure Maximum4,000 psi10,000 psiTemperature rangeRecommended operating temperature: Controlled ambient Temperature limit: 85 °CFlow RatesRecommend 0.1 to 1.5 mL/minOrganic Solvent Limit100% acetonitrile or methanol for cleaningTypical EluentsHigh purity water (18 megohm-cm), sodium chloride, sodium perchlorate, buffers, sodium acetate and sodium hydroxide.Detergent CompatibilityCompatible with nonioinic, cationic or zwitterionic detergents.Thermo Scientific DNAPac PA200 HPLC (8μm) and DNAPac PA200 RS (Rapid Separation) UHPLC (4μm) columns for high-resolution separations of ssDNA and RNA.RSLC Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,Fast Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082508DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm, Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)082509DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,High Resolution Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082510Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (2 x 250 mm)063425DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)063000DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (9 x 250 mm)063421DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Semi-Preparative (22 x 250 mm)SP6734Guard ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (2 x 50 mm)063423DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)062998DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (9 x 50 mm)063419DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (22 x 50 mm)SP6731
  • DNAPac PA200和PA200 RS核酸柱 063000
    DNAPac PA200 & PA200 RS Nucleic Acid ColumnUltrahigh-Resolution Separations of OligonucleotidesThe Thermo Scientific™ DNAPac™ PA200 and PA200 RS are strong anion-exchange columns developed to provide unsurpassed high-resolution analysis and purification of synthetic oligonucleotides. Both supports are designed to resolve full length from n–1, n+1, and other failure sequences not possible with other columns. Retention times and selectivity can be controlled by choice of salt, pH, and solvent. Therefore, the separation can be tailored to the requirements of many different oligonucleotide analysis challenges. Achieve n, n-1 resolution for oligonucleotides.Resolve oligonuleotide linkage and stereoisomers.Assay phosphorothioate purity.Attain selectivity control with eluent pH, salt, and solvent.Resolve RNA with aberrant (2’–5’) links from normal SSRNA. The DNAPac PA200 is packed with a pellicular anion-exchange resin composed of an 8 μm diameter nonporous polymeric substrate to which quaternary amine-functionalized Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ MicroBeads™ are bound. The rapid mass transport characteristics of this resin result in high-resolution oligonucleotide separations. The DNAPac PA200 RS is smaller, with 4 μm diameter resin for bio-UHPLC separations. These rapid separation (RS) columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system, with an operational backpressure limit of 10,000 psi. Columns packed with smaller particles improve resolution and offer better performance.The DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS can be operated under denaturing conditions, such as high temperature (up to 85 °C), high-pH eluents (up to pH 12.5), or by the inclusion of chaotropic agents (such as Urea). These columns offer the highest-quality phase stability over a broad pH range, deliver exceptional resolution, and support high-throughput separations. DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS columns support resolution of normal-length oligonucleotides (8- to 30- mer), extended-length oligonucleotides (30- to 70-mer), linear double-stranded DNA, and supercoiled versus nicked/linear DNA.Analytical separations on the DNAPac PA200, 8μm, 4 mm diameter column can be scaled directly to larger diameter columns so preparative methods can be conveniently developed using small samples. Scaling the flow rate and sample size up for the 9 × 250 mm and 22 × 250 mm column yields essentially identical chromatography.Column SpecificationsDNAPac PA 200DNAPac PA 200 RSColumn Chemistry55% crosslinked nonporous polymer with Quaternary amine functionalized latex MicroBeadsParticle Size8 μm4 μmIon Exchange Capacity~ 14 μeq/mL~ 20 μeq/mLpH Range4 to 10 (12.5 with salt, see manual)Pressure Maximum4,000 psi10,000 psiTemperature rangeRecommended operating temperature: Controlled ambient Temperature limit: 85 °CFlow RatesRecommend 0.1 to 1.5 mL/minOrganic Solvent Limit100% acetonitrile or methanol for cleaningTypical EluentsHigh purity water (18 megohm-cm), sodium chloride, sodium perchlorate, buffers, sodium acetate and sodium hydroxide.Detergent CompatibilityCompatible with nonioinic, cationic or zwitterionic detergents.Thermo Scientific DNAPac PA200 HPLC (8μm) and DNAPac PA200 RS (Rapid Separation) UHPLC (4μm) columns for high-resolution separations of ssDNA and RNA.RSLC Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,Fast Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082508DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm, Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)082509DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,High Resolution Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082510Analytical ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (2 x 250 mm)063425DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)063000DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (9 x 250 mm)063421DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Semi-Preparative (22 x 250 mm)SP6734Guard ColumnsDNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (2 x 50 mm)063423DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)062998DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (9 x 50 mm)063419DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (22 x 50 mm)SP6731
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