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  • 赛默飞 戴安 SP6949 阴离子抑制
    Dionex DRS 600 Suppressors抑制器1、Dionex ADRS 600 (2 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088667For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (P/N 082541),Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6948), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061562), ASRS ULTRA (P/N 053947), ASRS I (P/N 043187),and the ASRS II (P/N 046078) suppressors.2、Dionex ADRS 600 (4 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088666For use with 4 and 5 mm anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (4mm) P/N 082540,Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6949), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061561), ASRS (P/N 053946), ASRS I (P/N 043189), and theASRS II (P/N 046081) suppressors.3、Dionex CDRS 600 (2 mm) Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088670For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CERS 500 (2mm) P/N 082543,Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6950), CSRS ULTRA II (P/N 061564), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053949), CSRS I (P/N 043188),and the CSRS II (P/N 046080) suppressors.4、Dionex CDRS 600 (4 mm) P/N 082542 Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088668For use with 4 mm cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6951), CSRS ULTRA II(P/N 061563), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053948), CSRS I (P/N 043190), and the CSRS II (P/N 046079) suppressors. SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM
  • AECS800型阴离子抑制器
    抑制器作为离子色谱的关键部件,在整个离子色谱系统中起化学放大作用。其放大作用由两部分组成:一是将高电导率的淋洗液,转换成低电导率的溶液 二是将样品中的配对离子转换为电导率更高的离子。德合创睿抑制器是一款电化学抑制器,通过电场与高离子交换膜的共同作用进行离子的定向迁移和交换,采用电导检测器尾液产生再生离子,连续循环再生,不需额外加酸或碱。AECS 800阴离子抑制器性能参数型号AECS 800淋洗液体系:碳酸盐/氢氧根工作模式:连续工作死体积:<50μL耐压:6MPa
  • AECS600型阴离子抑制器
    抑制器作为离子色谱的关键部件,在整个离子色谱系统中起化学放大作用。其放大作用由两部分组成:一是将高电导率的淋洗液,转换成低电导率的溶液 二是将样品中的配对离子转换为电导率更高的离子。德合创睿抑制器是一款电化学抑制器,通过电场与高离子交换膜的共同作用进行离子的定向迁移和交换,采用电导检测器尾液产生再生离子,连续循环再生,不需额外加酸或碱。AECS 600阴离子抑制器性能参数型号AECS 600淋洗液体系:碳酸盐/氢氧根工作模式:连续工作死体积:<50μL耐压:6MPa
  • ASRS300阴离子抑制器 赛默飞离子老款抑制器 SP6949
    Dionex DRS 600 Suppressors抑制器1、Dionex ADRS 600 (2 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088667For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (P/N 082541),Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6948), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061562), ASRS ULTRA (P/N 053947), ASRS I (P/N 043187),and the ASRS II (P/N 046078) suppressors.2、Dionex ADRS 600 (4 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088666For use with 4 and 5 mm anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (4mm) P/N 082540,Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6949), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061561), ASRS (P/N 053946), ASRS I (P/N 043189), and theASRS II (P/N 046081) suppressors.3、Dionex CDRS 600 (2 mm) Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088670For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CERS 500 (2mm) P/N 082543,Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6950), CSRS ULTRA II (P/N 061564), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053949), CSRS I (P/N 043188),and the CSRS II (P/N 046080) suppressors.4、Dionex CDRS 600 (4 mm) P/N 082542 Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088668For use with 4 mm cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6951), CSRS ULTRA II(P/N 061563), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053948), CSRS I (P/N 043190), and the CSRS II (P/N 046079) suppressors. SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM
  • SHY-A/C系列阴阳离子抑制器
    抑制器是利用电极电解水生成H+,并且在电场和离子交换膜的共同作用下,实现离子定向迁移和交换,完成抑制作用。通过抑制器的抑制作用,可以降低背景电导,提高待测离子的灵敏度,使样品中的“反离子”进入废液。自再生电解微膜抑制器l 先进的持续自再生薄膜电抑制技术,不需额外的酸或碱;l 高抑制容量,低背景电导,低噪声,基线稳定,免维护;l 具有更小的死体积,更灵敏的响应信号;l 抗污染,耐压高,寿命长;l 兼容100%有机溶剂;l 可匹配国产进口等多款同类型离子色谱产品;l 信号线采用航空接口连接,拆装方便。型号种类电流淋洗液体系耐压适用PH范围死体积SHY-A-6阴离子0-300mACO₃²﹣/HCO₃﹣/OH﹣6Mpa0-14<50μLSHY-C-5阳离子0-300mA甲烷磺酸6Mpa0-14<50μL微型自再生电解微膜抑制器l 适用于匹配细管径低流色谱柱使用,死体积小;l 先进的持续自再生薄膜电抑制技术,不需额外添加酸或碱再生;l 抗污染,耐压高,寿命长;l 兼容100%有机溶剂;l 可匹配国产进口等多款同类型离子色谱产品;l 信号线采用航空接口连接,拆装方便;
  • Dionex ERS 500阴离子再生抑制器 082540
    Dionex ERS 500 电解再生抑制器拥有高容量、低噪音、耐高反压、快速启动,该新一代抑制器专为 IC 新需求而设计。 Thermo Scientific Dionex ERS 500 电解再生抑制器使峰扩散最小化,提高峰效率,配合4μm 色谱柱效果更佳。 该抑制器与高效 4μm 离子交换色谱柱匹配而起开发,在保持卓越分辨率的情况下以更高的流速实现更快的分离,或在保持样品通量的情况下以相同流速实现更高分辨率。该高容量抑制器几乎支持所有分析型 的 IC 应用,可用于阴离子和阳离子分析,提供 2mm 和 4mm 两种规格。 Dionex ERS 500 抑制器在标准孔 (4 mm) 和微孔 (2 mm) 规格下适用于碳酸盐(仅等度)、氢氧化物、甲基磺酸或硫酸淋洗液的等度或梯度应用。 下一代抑制器——专为 IC 应用新需求而造 由于其具有较高的反压耐受性(在高达 900 psi 的情况下无泄漏,在高达 200 psi 时进行操作),提高了联用检测技术的兼容性,特别是质谱仪 较高的温度耐受性(在运输和储存中高达 80°C,操作时为 40°C) 凭借其平面的填充床抑制槽,无电流操作后,无需试剂完全电解再生即可轻松恢复 低峰扩散保持 4μm 色谱柱的峰形效率在无需化学再生的情况下重新启动之后,其高抑制容量可立即产生稳定的峰面积值 低噪音特性使抑制器适用于痕量分析 为更可靠定量提高灵敏度 与 Thermo Scientific? Dionex CRD 300 碳酸盐去除装置配合使用时,Dionex ERS 500 抑制器在碳酸盐淋洗液条件下,能够降低背景电导和噪音、增强分析物响应和检测灵敏度,从而提高定量的可靠性。 对实现 Reagent-Free IC (RFIC) 操作十分重要 无需试剂的完全再生 Dionex ERS 500 抑制器可直接替代 Thermo Scientific Dionex SRS 300自再生抑制器。 订货信息:描述新货号 旧货号Dionex AERS 500 (4 mm) Suppressor阴离子082540 064554Dionex AERS 500 (2 mm) Suppressor082541 064555Dionex CSRS 500 (4 mm) Suppressor阳离子082542 064556Dionex CERS 500 (2 mm) Suppressor082543 064557
  • 082540戴安阴离子抑制器064554
    ANOIN SELF-REGENERATING SUPPRESSOR ASRS 300 4 MM货号082540---AERS 500 (4 mm) (Replaces P/N 064554)037134 PROD,COL,IP,AG5A-5u,4X35MM043010 PROD,COL,DP,PA100,4X250MM 戴安PA100043011 PROD,COL,DP,PA100,9X250MM043015 PROD,COL,IP,CS10,4X250MM 038141 戴安5ml样品管套装064309 Acclaim Explosive E2 250*4.6,120A064149 PROD,COL,IP,AS23,4X250MM 戴安AS阴离子色谱柱082540/064554 戴安阴离子抑制器PROD,ASRS300, 4MM082542/064556 戴安阳离子抑制器PROD,CSRS300,4MM074532 KOH淋洗罐 戴安KOH淋洗液发生器043126 PROD,COL,IP,AG4A,SC,2X50MM043174 PROD,COL,IP,AS4A,SC,4X250MM 043175 PROD,COL,IP,AG4A,SC,4X50MM 074535 MSA淋洗罐 戴安MSA淋洗液发生器055376 PROD,COL,IP,AS16,4X250MM 戴安AS16阴离子色谱柱055377 PROD,COL,IP,AG16,4X50MM 戴安AG16保护柱046124 PROD,COL,IP,AS14,4X250MM 戴安AS14阴离子色谱柱046134 PROD,COL,IP,AG14,4X50MM 戴安AG14保护柱044076 PROD,COL,IP,AS11,4X250MM 戴安AS11阴离子色谱柱044078 PROD,COL,IP,AG11,4X50MM 戴安AG11保护柱035393 PROD,COL,IP,AS7,4X250MM 戴安AS7阴离子色谱柱035394 PROD,COL,IP,AG7,4X50MM 戴安AG7保护柱052960 PROD,COL,IP,AS11-HC,4X250MM 戴安AS11-HC高性能离子柱052962 PROD,COL,IP,AG11-HC,4X50MM 高性能保护柱6074.1110 VWD-3400戴安检测器氘灯
  • 064554阴离子抑制器色谱柱戴安
    上海安帕特实验室仪器有限公司专业提供实验室分析仪器原装配件及耗材,例如:ICP-AES/OES光谱,ICP-MS质谱,AAS原吸、直读光谱,X荧光光谱,碳硫,氧氮等分析仪器配套使用的各种原装零配件及耗材。包括热电(ThermoFisher),珀金埃尔默(PerkinElmer),力可(Leco),戴安,瓦里安(Varian),安捷伦(Agilent),利曼(Leeman),斯派克(Spectro),岛津(Shimadzu)等品牌各种分析仪器的原装配件及耗材。。阴离子抑制器ASRS300 4mm
  • 085091赛默飞ACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM
    Dionex™ CRS™ 500 和 ACRS-ICE 500 化学再生抑制器 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CRS™ 500 和 ACRS-ICE 500 化学再生抑制器噪音低,能降低离子色谱分析 (IC) 检出限。Dionex CRS 500 抑制器具备 2、4 mm 两种规格,其高容量、溶剂相容性设计可处理高度复杂基质。Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 抑制器非常适用于食品和饮料生产、生物学样品、发酵工艺、工业加工用酒和废水。 描述离子交换色谱的高容量、溶剂相容性抑制极低噪声的化学再生抑制器方法检出限低基线稳定性ji佳快速启动和平衡易于使用,使用 DCR 试剂盒操作时无需维护峰效率和性能提高,特别是与 4 μm 柱配合使用时改进热稳定性,从而消除因运输、处理和操作过程中的损坏而造成的安装失败Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 抑制器适用于分析复杂样品或高离子强度样品中的有机酸和醇类。 注:为了使噪音zui低和使用寿命zui长,建议对使用含高效液相色谱 (HPLC) 溶剂的洗脱液的阴离子和阳离子分离使用本款抑制器。 SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)
  • 085090赛默飞ACRS阴离子化学抑制器4MM
    Dionex™ CRS™ 500 和 ACRS-ICE 500 化学再生抑制器 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CRS™ 500 和 ACRS-ICE 500 化学再生抑制器噪音低,能降低离子色谱分析 (IC) 检出限。Dionex CRS 500 抑制器具备 2、4 mm 两种规格,其高容量、溶剂相容性设计可处理高度复杂基质。Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 抑制器非常适用于食品和饮料生产、生物学样品、发酵工艺、工业加工用酒和废水。 描述离子交换色谱的高容量、溶剂相容性抑制极低噪声的化学再生抑制器方法检出限低基线稳定性ji佳快速启动和平衡易于使用,使用 DCR 试剂盒操作时无需维护峰效率和性能提高,特别是与 4 μm 柱配合使用时改进热稳定性,从而消除因运输、处理和操作过程中的损坏而造成的安装失败Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 抑制器适用于分析复杂样品或高离子强度样品中的有机酸和醇类。 注:为了使噪音zui低和使用寿命zui长,建议对使用含高效液相色谱 (HPLC) 溶剂的洗脱液的阴离子和阳离子分离使用本款抑制器。? SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor,CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)
  • Themro Dionex ADRS 600 (4 mm) 阴离子抑制器 088666,082540
    Dionex ADRS 600 (4 mm) 阴离子抑制器 Dionex ADRS 600(4 mm)阴离子电解再生抑制器088666适用于4和5 mm阴离子交换柱。 替代Dionex AERS 500(4mm)P / N 082540,Dionex ASRS 300(P / N SP6949),ASRS ULTRA II(P / N 061561),ASRS(P / N 053946),ASRS I(P / N 043189)和ASRS II(P / N 046081)抑制器。
  • Themro Dionex ADRS 600 (2 mm) 阴离子抑制器 088667,082541
    Dionex ADRS 600 (2 mm)阴离子抑制器 Dionex ADRS 600(2 mm)阴离子抑制器088667适用于2和3毫米微孔阴离子交换柱。 替代Dionex AERS 500(P / N 082541),Dionex ASRS 300(P / N SP6948),ASRS ULTRA II(P / N 061562),ASRS ULTRA(P / N 053947),ASRS I(P / N 043187),和ASRS II(P / N 046078)抑制器。
  • 抑制器
    该高容量抑制器几乎支持所有分析型的 IC 应用,可用于阴离子和阳离子分析,提供 2 mm 和 4 mm 两种规格。Dionex ERS 500 和 Dionex ERS 500e 抑制器在标准孔 (4 mm) 和微孔 (2 mm) 规格下适用于碳酸盐(仅等度)、氢氧化物、甲磺酸或硫酸洗脱液的等度或梯度应用。下一代抑制器——专为 IC 应用新需求而制造由于其具有较高的反压耐受性(在高达 900 psi 的情况下无泄漏,在高达 200 psi 时进行操作),提高了联用检测技术(特别是质谱分析)的兼容性较高的温度耐受性(在运输和储存中高达 80°C,操作时为 40°C)凭借其平面的填充床抑制槽,无电流操作后,无需试剂完全电解再生即可轻松恢复低峰扩散保持 4 μm 色谱柱的峰形效率在无需化学再生的情况下重新启动之后,其高抑制容量可立即产生稳定的峰面积值低噪音特性使抑制器适用于痕量分析Dionex ERS 500e 抑制器 - 专为外加水模式应用而制造 再生室反压降低,便于实施加压储液箱输送。平行的再生剂流可使硼酸盐洗脱液和含有溶剂(高达 40%)的洗脱液的再生剂清除率大化。可用于化学再生剂模式。为更可靠定量提高灵敏度。与 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CRD 300 碳酸盐去除装置配合使用时,Dionex ERS 500 和 Dionex ERS 500e 抑制器配合碳酸盐洗脱液,能够降低背景电导和噪音、增强分析物响应和检测灵敏度,从而提高定量的可靠性。对实现 Reagent-Free™ IC (RFIC™ ) 操作十分重要无需试剂的完全再生Dionex ERS 500 和 Dionex ERS 500e 抑制器可直接替代 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ SRS™ 300 自再生抑制器。
  • 088666赛默飞抑制器用于离子色谱中的电解再生抑制
    Dionex DRS 600 Suppressors抑制器Use the Thermo Scientific&trade Dionex&trade DRS 600 Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor for electrolytically regenerated suppression in ion chromatography (IC) applications requiring high capacity, low noise, high backpressure resiliency, and fast startup. The Dionex DRS 600 Suppressor operates in constant voltage mode as well as the traditional constant current mode. By operating in constant voltage mode, the Dionex DRS 600 Suppressor self-governs electrical current as long as a constant voltage is applied. This suppressor is a fundamental component of a reagent-free ion chromatography (RFIC&trade ) system.描述Dionex DRS 600 makes analysis easier for system operatorsMinimizes training and operation time by eliminating error-prone manual calculation of electrical currentsImproves gradient performance by improving signal-to-noise ratio with gradient eluents by dynamically adapting to the changing eluent compositionCompatible across a wide variety of applicationsThe Dionex ADRS 600 Anion Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor allows external water mode operation and enables analyses requiring IC coupled with mass spectrometry (MS).The Dionex DRS 600 Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor is a direct replacement for the Thermo Scientific&trade Dionex&trade ERS&trade 500 Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor. 1、Dionex ADRS 600 (2 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088667For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (P/N 082541),Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6948), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061562), ASRS ULTRA (P/N 053947), ASRS I (P/N 043187),and the ASRS II (P/N 046078) suppressors.2、Dionex ADRS 600 (4 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088666For use with 4 and 5 mm anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (4mm) P/N 082540,Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6949), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061561), ASRS (P/N 053946), ASRS I (P/N 043189), and theASRS II (P/N 046081) suppressors.3、Dionex CDRS 600 (2 mm) Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088670For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CERS 500 (2mm) P/N 082543,Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6950), CSRS ULTRA II (P/N 061564), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053949), CSRS I (P/N 043188),and the CSRS II (P/N 046080) suppressors.4、Dionex CDRS 600 (4 mm) P/N 082542 Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088668For use with 4 mm cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6951), CSRS ULTRA II(P/N 061563), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053948), CSRS I (P/N 043190), and the CSRS II (P/N 046079)suppressors. SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM
  • 088666赛默飞抑制器用于离子色谱中的电解再生抑制
    Dionex DRS 600 Suppressors抑制器Use the Thermo Scientific&trade Dionex&trade DRS 600 Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor for electrolytically regenerated suppression in ion chromatography (IC) applications requiring high capacity, low noise, high backpressure resiliency, and fast startup. The Dionex DRS 600 Suppressor operates in constant voltage mode as well as the traditional constant current mode. By operating in constant voltage mode, the Dionex DRS 600 Suppressor self-governs electrical current as long as a constant voltage is applied. This suppressor is a fundamental component of a reagent-free ion chromatography (RFIC&trade ) system.描述Dionex DRS 600 makes analysis easier for system operatorsMinimizes training and operation time by eliminating error-prone manual calculation of electrical currentsImproves gradient performance by improving signal-to-noise ratio with gradient eluents by dynamically adapting to the changing eluent compositionCompatible across a wide variety of applicationsThe Dionex ADRS 600 Anion Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor allows external water mode operation and enables analyses requiring IC coupled with mass spectrometry (MS).The Dionex DRS 600 Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor is a direct replacement for the Thermo Scientific&trade Dionex&trade ERS&trade 500 Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor. 1、Dionex ADRS 600 (2 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088667For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (P/N 082541),Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6948), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061562), ASRS ULTRA (P/N 053947), ASRS I (P/N 043187),and the ASRS II (P/N 046078) suppressors.2、Dionex ADRS 600 (4 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088666For use with 4 and 5 mm anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (4mm) P/N 082540,Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6949), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061561), ASRS (P/N 053946), ASRS I (P/N 043189), and theASRS II (P/N 046081) suppressors.3、Dionex CDRS 600 (2 mm) Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088670For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CERS 500 (2mm) P/N 082543,Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6950), CSRS ULTRA II (P/N 061564), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053949), CSRS I (P/N 043188),and the CSRS II (P/N 046080) suppressors.4、Dionex CDRS 600 (4 mm) P/N 082542 Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088668For use with 4 mm cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6951), CSRS ULTRA II(P/N 061563), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053948), CSRS I (P/N 043190), and the CSRS II (P/N 046079)suppressors. SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM
  • Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 阴离子排斥抑制器
    Thermo Scientific Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 化学再生抑制器噪音低,能降低离子色谱分析 (IC) 检出限。Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 抑制器非常适用于食品和饮料生产、生物学样品、发酵工艺、工业加工用酒和废水。离子交换色谱的高容量、溶剂相容性抑制 极低噪声的化学再生抑制器方法检出限低基线稳定性极佳快速启动和平衡易于使用,使用 DCR 试剂盒操作时无需维护峰效率和性能提高,特别是与 4 μm 柱配合使用时改进热稳定性,从而消除因运输、处理和操作过程中的损坏而造成的安装失败Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 抑制器适用于分析复杂样品或高离子强度样品中的有机酸和醇类。 注:为了使噪音最低和使用寿命最长,建议对使用含高效液相色谱 (HPLC) 溶剂的洗脱液的阴离子和阳离子分离使用本款抑制器。
  • 088666(旧货号082540)阴离子抑制器ADRS 600(4MM)赛默飞
    Dionex DRS 600 Suppressors抑制器Use the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ DRS 600 Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor for electrolytically regenerated suppression in ion chromatography (IC) applications requiring high capacity, low noise, high backpressure resiliency, and fast startup. The Dionex DRS 600 Suppressor operates in constant voltage mode as well as the traditional constant current mode. By operating in constant voltage mode, the Dionex DRS 600 Suppressor self-governs electrical current as long as a constant voltage is applied. This suppressor is a fundamental component of a reagent-free ion chromatography (RFIC™ ) system.描述Dionex DRS 600 makes analysis easier for system operatorsMinimizes training and operation time by eliminating error-prone manual calculation of electrical currentsImproves gradient performance by improving signal-to-noise ratio with gradient eluents by dynamically adapting to the changing eluent compositionCompatible across a wide variety of applicationsThe Dionex ADRS 600 Anion Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor allows external water mode operation and enables analyses requiring IC coupled with mass spectrometry (MS).The Dionex DRS 600 Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor is a direct replacement for the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ERS™ 500 Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor. 1、Dionex ADRS 600 (2 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088667For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (P/N 082541),Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6948), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061562), ASRS ULTRA (P/N 053947), ASRS I (P/N 043187),and the ASRS II (P/N 046078) suppressors.2、Dionex ADRS 600 (4 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088666For usewith 4 and 5 mm anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (4mm) P/N 082540,Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6949), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061561), ASRS (P/N 053946), ASRS I (P/N 043189), and theASRS II (P/N 046081) suppressors.3、Dionex CDRS 600 (2 mm) Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088670For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CERS 500 (2mm) P/N 082543,Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6950), CSRS ULTRA II (P/N 061564), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053949), CSRS I (P/N 043188),and the CSRS II (P/N 046080) suppressors.4、Dionex CDRS 600 (4 mm) P/N 082542 Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088668For use with 4 mm cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6951), CSRS ULTRA II(P/N 061563), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053948), CSRS I (P/N 043190), and the CSRS II (P/N 046079)suppressors. SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm) CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM) 088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091 PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM
  • CECS600型阳离子抑制器
    抑制器作为离子色谱的关键部件,在整个离子色谱系统中起化学放大作用。其放大作用由两部分组成:一是将高电导率的淋洗液,转换成低电导率的溶液 二是将样品中的配对离子转换为电导率更高的离子。德合创睿抑制器是一款电化学抑制器,通过电场与高离子交换膜的共同作用进行离子的定向迁移和交换,采用电导检测器尾液产生再生离子,连续循环再生,不需额外加酸或碱。CECS 600阴离子抑制器性能参数型号:CECS 600淋洗液体系:甲烷磺酸工作模式:连续工作死体积:<50μL耐压:6MPa
  • 瑞士万通 IC双抑制器的抑制池 | 6.2838.000
    IC双抑制器的抑制池IC Dual Suppressor Cell订货号: 6.2838.000828双抑制器的备用池
  • Dionex AERS 500e 阴离子抑制器-外接水型 | 302661,302662
    Dionex AERS 500 电解再生抑制器该下一代抑制器拥有高容量、低噪音、耐高反压和快速启动的特点,可满足当前各种离子色谱应用需求。最新的电解抑制器是一款真正的主力设备,几乎适用于所有分析型 IC 应用。拥有高容量、低噪音、耐高反压、快速启动,该新一代抑制器专为 IC 新需求而设计。Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ AERS™ 500 电解再生抑制器使峰扩散最小化,提高峰效率,配合4μm 色谱柱效果更佳。该抑制器与高效 4μm 离子交换色谱柱匹配而起开发,在保持卓越分辨率的情况下以更高的流速实现更快的分离,或在保持样品通量的情况下以相同流速实现更高分辨率。该高容量抑制器几乎支持所有分析型 的 IC 应用,可用于阴离子分析,提供 2mm 和 4mm 两种规格。Dionex AERS 500 抑制器在标准孔 (4 mm) 和微孔 (2 mm) 规格下适用于碳酸盐(仅等度)、氢氧化物、甲基磺酸或硫酸淋洗液的等度或梯度应用。 下一代抑制器——专为 IC 应用新需求而造 由于其具有较高的反压耐受性(在高达 900 psi 的情况下无泄漏,在高达 200 psi 时进行操作),提高了联用检测技术的兼容性,特别是质谱仪 较高的温度耐受性(在运输和储存中高达 80°C,操作时为 40°C) 凭借其平面的填充床抑制槽,无电流操作后,无需试剂完全电解再生即可轻松恢复 低峰扩散保持 4μm 色谱柱的峰形效率在无需化学再生的情况下重新启动之后,其高抑制容量可立即产生稳定的峰面积值 低噪音特性使抑制器适用于痕量分析 为更可靠定量提高灵敏度 与 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CRD 300 碳酸盐去除装置配合使用时,Dionex AERS 500 抑制器在碳酸盐淋洗液条件下,能够降低背景电导和噪音、增强分析物响应和检测灵敏度,从而提高定量的可靠性。 对实现Reagent-Free™ IC (RFIC™ ) 操作十分重要 无需试剂的完全再生 Dionex AERS 500 抑制器可直接替代 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ SRS™ 300 自再生抑制器。 产品规格-适用于 Modes of Operation Supported: -External Water Mode for eluents containing up to 40% solvent. -Chemical Regeneration Mode for eluents containing up to 100% solvent. -Recycled Eluent Mode: for aqueous eluents without solvent. -MPIC (Mobile Phase Ion Chromatography) Mode for ion-pairing eluents 直径 4.8cm (1.9 in.) 流速 Maximum Eluent Flow Rate: 3mL/min 压力 Recommended Backpressure: 30-150 psi 溶剂 External Water Mode Up to 40%Methanol, Ethanol, Acetonitrile, Isopropanol重量(英制) 0.65 lb 重量(公制) 295g 宽度(公制) 4.5cm (1.8 in.) 安培数 500 mA 温度范围 Operational Temperature Range: 15–40°CWhen installed outside the heated column enclosure, suppressors can support applications up to 60°C.Shipping Temperature Range: 0–70°CShort-term only do not store or operate suppressors above 40°C for extended lengths of time. 孔隙体积 Less than 50μL(4mm) Less than 15μL(2mm) 描述 Dionex™ AERS™ 500e Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor for External Water Mode (4mm)
  • DionexAER500阴离子电解还原抑制器(2mm)
    该高容量抑制器几乎支持所有分析型 的 IC 应用,可用于阴离子和阳离子分析,提供 2mm 和 4mm 两种规格。 Dionex ERS 500 抑制器在标准孔 (4 mm) 和微孔 (2 mm) 规格下适用于碳酸盐(仅等度)、氢氧化物、甲基磺酸或硫酸淋洗液的等度或梯度应用。 下一代抑制器——专为 IC 应用新需求而造 由于其具有较高的反压耐受性(在高达 900 psi 的情况下无泄漏,在高达 200 psi 时进行操作),提高了联用检测技术的兼容性,特别是质谱仪 较高的温度耐受性(在运输和储存中高达 80°C,操作时为 40°C) 凭借其平面的填充床抑制槽,无电流操作后,无需试剂完全电解再生即可轻松恢复 低峰扩散保持 4μm 色谱柱的峰形效率在无需化学再生的情况下重新启动之后,其高抑制容量可立即产生稳定的峰面积值 低噪音特性使抑制器适用于痕量分析 为更可靠定量提高灵敏度 与 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CRD 300 碳酸盐去除装置配合使用时,Dionex ERS 500 抑制器在碳酸盐淋洗液条件下,能够降低背景电导和噪音、增强分析物响应和检测灵敏度,从而提高定量的可靠性。 对实现 Reagent-Free™ IC (RFIC™ ) 操作十分重要 无需试剂的完全再生 Dionex ERS 500 抑制器可直接替代 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ SRS™ 300自再生抑制器。产品规格 - Search Display Family Umbrella Brand Thermo Scientific™ 适用于 Modes of Operation Supported: -Recycle: Recommended for aqueous applications without solvent. -EWM: (External Water Mode) for eluents containing 40% solvent, use the chemical regeneration mode.-MPIC:( Mobile Phase Ion Chromatography) or ion-pairing 直径 4.8cm (1.9 in.) 流速 Maximum Eluent Flow Rate: 1mL/min 压力 Recommended Backpressure: 30–60 psi 溶剂 Less than 40% solvents in EWM External Water Mode Solvents for anion eluents include methanol. 长度(公制) 12.1cm (4.25 in.) 重量(英制) 0.65 lb 重量(公制) 295g 宽度(公制) 4.5cm (1.8in.) 安培数 100 mA 物品描述Dionex™ AERS™ 500 Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor (2mm) 温度范围 Operational Temperature Range: 15–40°C When installed outside the heated column enclosure, suppressors can support applications up to 60°C. Shipping Temperature Range: 0–70°C Short-term only do not store or operate suppressors above 40°C for extended lengths of time. 孔隙体积 Less than 15μL 描述 Dionex™ AERS™ 500 Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor (2mm)
  • 电制膜抑制器
    电制膜抑制器仪器参数&bull 型号:ASYK-300&bull 电化学方式自动再生固相抑制器,不使用再生液。动态抑制容量:100 ueq/min&bull 抑制器体积:50uL&bull 抑制背景:0.6 S/cm电流范围:0-300 mA&bull 抑制背景噪声:3-6 ns/cm电流设定分辨率:0.1mA仪器优势&bull 先进的持续自再生薄膜电抑制技术,不需额外的酸或碱 &bull 高抑制容量,低背景电导,低噪声,基线稳定,免维护 &bull 具有更小的体积,更灵敏的响应信号 &bull 抗污染,耐压高,寿命长 &bull 兼容100%有机溶剂 &bull 可匹配国产进口等多款同类型离子色诰产品 &bull 信号线采用航空接口插拔式连接,拆装方便。
  • 电致膜抑制器
    仪器参数 型号:ASYK-300电化学方式自动再生固相抑制器,不使用再生液。动态抑制容量:100 ueq/min抑制器体积:50uL抑制背景:0.6 S/cm电流范围:0-300 mA抑制背景噪声:3-6 ns/cm电流设定分辨率:0.1mA仪器优势 先进的持续自再生薄膜电抑制技术,不需额外的酸或碱 高抑制容量,低背景电导,低噪声,基线稳定,免维护 具有更小的体积,更灵敏的响应信号 抗污染,耐压高,寿命长 兼容100%有机溶剂 可匹配国产进口等多款同类型离子色诰产品 信号线采用航空接口插拔式连接,拆装方便。
  • SP6948赛默飞ASRS300阴离子抑制器-老款2MM
    Dionex DRS 600 Suppressors抑制器1、Dionex ADRS 600 (2 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088667For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (P/N 082541),Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6948), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061562), ASRS ULTRA (P/N 053947), ASRS I (P/N 043187),and the ASRS II (P/N 046078) suppressors.2、Dionex ADRS 600 (4 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088666For use with 4 and 5 mm anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (4mm) P/N 082540,Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6949), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061561), ASRS (P/N 053946), ASRS I (P/N 043189), and theASRS II (P/N 046081) suppressors.3、Dionex CDRS 600 (2 mm) Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088670For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CERS 500 (2mm) P/N 082543,Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6950), CSRS ULTRA II (P/N 061564), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053949), CSRS I (P/N 043188),and the CSRS II (P/N 046080) suppressors.4、Dionex CDRS 600 (4 mm) P/N 082542 Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088668For use with 4 mm cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6951), CSRS ULTRA II(P/N 061563), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053948), CSRS I (P/N 043190), and the CSRS II (P/N 046079) suppressors. SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM
  • SP6949赛默飞ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MM
    Dionex DRS 600 Suppressors抑制器1、Dionex ADRS 600 (2 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088667For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (P/N 082541),Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6948), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061562), ASRS ULTRA (P/N 053947), ASRS I (P/N 043187),and the ASRS II (P/N 046078) suppressors.2、Dionex ADRS 600 (4 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088666For use with 4 and 5 mm anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (4mm) P/N 082540,Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6949), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061561), ASRS (P/N 053946), ASRS I (P/N 043189), and theASRS II (P/N 046081) suppressors.3、Dionex CDRS 600 (2 mm) Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088670For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CERS 500 (2mm) P/N 082543,Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6950), CSRS ULTRA II (P/N 061564), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053949), CSRS I (P/N 043188),and the CSRS II (P/N 046080) suppressors.4、Dionex CDRS 600 (4 mm) P/N 082542 Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088668For use with 4 mm cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6951), CSRS ULTRA II(P/N 061563), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053948), CSRS I (P/N 043190), and the CSRS II (P/N 046079) suppressors. SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM
  • 抑制器
  • Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 阴离子化学再生抑制器
    Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 阴离子化学再生抑制器Thermo Scientific的戴安ACRS-ICE500阴离子化学再生抑制器是专为复杂或高离子强度的样品,包括食品和饮料产品,生物样品,发酵工艺,工业过程酒中有机酸和醇分析,以及处理废水。此抑制剂是非常适合的复杂或高离子强度的样品中有机酸和醇离子排阻层析。它提供了以下优点:高容量和溶剂兼容性设计优化为复杂或高离子强度的样品中的有机酸和醇分析低检测限,高信噪比,和优异的基线稳定性快速启动和平衡Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 阴离子化学再生抑制器订货信息:ACRS-ICE 500 (4 mm) Anion Chemically Regenerated Suppressor084714ACRS-ICE 500 (9 mm) Anion Chemically Regenerated Suppressor084715Chemically-Regenerated Suppressor Optimized for Ion-Exclusion ChromatographyThe Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ACRS-ICE™ 500 Anion Chemically Regenerated Suppressor is designed for the analysis of organic acids and alcohols in complex or high-ionic-strength samples, including food and beverage products,biological samples, fermentation processes, industrial process liquors, and treated wastewaters. This suppressor is ideally suited to ion-exclusion chromatography of organic acids and alcohols in complex or high-ionic-strength samples. It provides the following advantages:High-capacity and solvent compatible designOptimized for organic acid and alcohol analysis in complex or high-ionic-strength samplesLow detection limits, high signal-to-noise ratio, and excellent baseline stabilityFast startup and equilibrationThe Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 suppressor is used in chemical suppression mode with a tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAOH) regenerant. Standard ion suppression converts analytes into their acid or base forms. The Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 suppressor increases analyte conductivity by forming the TBA salt of the weak acid analyte, which is more conductive than the partially ionized acid form of the analyte. The Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 suppressor removes the hydronium ion and any counterions of the analytes from the eluent stream and replaces them with tetrabutylammonium ion. This removal greatly reduces background conductivity. In addition, this mechanism forces the ionization of weak acid analytes, increasing sensitivity. Anion Ion-Exclusion Chemically Regenerated Suppressor (ACRS-ICE 500) SpecificationsPhysical SpecificationsDimensions (l × w × d)14.0 × 4.5 × 4.8 cm (5.5 × 1.8 × 1.9 in.)Weight370 g (0.82 lb)Void Volume50 μL (4 mm) 50 μL (9 mm)Chemical SpecificationsTemperature Range115–40° CRecommended Backpressure40 psiMaximum Eluent Flow Rate3 mL/minEluent Solvent Restrictions290% solvent compatible5Maximum Regenerant EWM3 Flow Rate10 mL/minModes of Operation SupportedChemical, DCR mode1When installed outside the heated column enclosure, all suppressors can support applications up to 60 ?C.2Solvents for anion eluents include methanol. Solvents for cation eluents include acetonitrile and dioxane.3EWM = external water mode for eluents containing 40% solvent, use the chemical regeneration mode.4Recycle recommended for aqueous applications without solvent.5Do not use THF solvent in the eluent.Product Data SheetsThermo Scientific Dionex Eluent Suppressors for Ion ChromatographyManualsACRS-ICE 500 Manual
  • 085092赛默飞CCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM
    Dionex™ CRS™ 500 和 ACRS-ICE 500 化学再生抑制器 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CRS™ 500 和 ACRS-ICE 500 化学再生抑制器噪音低,能降低离子色谱分析 (IC) 检出限。Dionex CRS 500 抑制器具备 2、4 mm 两种规格,其高容量、溶剂相容性设计可处理高度复杂基质。Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 抑制器非常适用于食品和饮料生产、生物学样品、发酵工艺、工业加工用酒和废水。 描述离子交换色谱的高容量、溶剂相容性抑制极低噪声的化学再生抑制器方法检出限低基线稳定性ji佳快速启动和平衡易于使用,使用 DCR 试剂盒操作时无需维护峰效率和性能提高,特别是与 4 μm 柱配合使用时改进热稳定性,从而消除因运输、处理和操作过程中的损坏而造成的安装失败Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 抑制器适用于分析复杂样品或高离子强度样品中的有机酸和醇类。 注:为了使噪音zui低和使用寿命zui长,建议对使用含高效液相色谱 (HPLC) 溶剂的洗脱液的阴离子和阳离子分离使用本款抑制器。 SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)
  • 085093赛默飞CCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM
    Dionex™ CRS™ 500 和 ACRS-ICE 500 化学再生抑制器 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CRS™ 500 和 ACRS-ICE 500 化学再生抑制器噪音低,能降低离子色谱分析 (IC) 检出限。Dionex CRS 500 抑制器具备 2、4 mm 两种规格,其高容量、溶剂相容性设计可处理高度复杂基质。Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 抑制器非常适用于食品和饮料生产、生物学样品、发酵工艺、工业加工用酒和废水。 描述离子交换色谱的高容量、溶剂相容性抑制极低噪声的化学再生抑制器方法检出限低基线稳定性ji佳快速启动和平衡易于使用,使用 DCR 试剂盒操作时无需维护峰效率和性能提高,特别是与 4 μm 柱配合使用时改进热稳定性,从而消除因运输、处理和操作过程中的损坏而造成的安装失败Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 抑制器适用于分析复杂样品或高离子强度样品中的有机酸和醇类。 注:为了使噪音zui低和使用寿命zui长,建议对使用含高效液相色谱 (HPLC) 溶剂的洗脱液的阴离子和阳离子分离使用本款抑制器。 SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)
  • Dionex ACRS 500 阴离子抑制器 | 085090,085091
    Dionex ACRS 500 化学再生阴离子抑制器此款 Dionex ACRS 500 抑制器是一种化学再生抑制器,噪音极低,能快速启动。其高容量、溶剂相容性设计可处理多种复杂基质。Thermo Scientific Dionex ACRS 500 化学再生抑制器噪音低,能降低离子色谱分析 (IC) 检出限。Dionex ACRS 500 抑制器具备 2、4 mm 两种规格,其高容量、溶剂相容性设计可处理高度复杂基质。离子交换色谱的高容量、溶剂相容性抑制 极低噪声的化学再生抑制器方法检出限低基线稳定性极佳快速启动和平衡易于使用,使用 DCR 试剂盒操作时无需维护峰效率和性能提高,特别是与 4 μm 柱配合使用时改进热稳定性,从而消除因运输、处理和操作过程中的损坏而造成的安装失败 注:为了使噪音最低和使用寿命最长,建议对使用含高效液相色谱 (HPLC) 溶剂的洗脱液的阴离子和阳离子分离使用本款抑制器。High-Capacity, Solvent-Compatible, Chemically-Regenerated SuppressorThe Thermo Scienfitic Dionex ACRS 500 suppressor is a chemically-regenerated suppressor and therefore has very low noise and quick startup time. With the new Displacement Chemical Regeneration (DCR) Kit, this classic suppressor provides easier operation. The Dionex ACRS 500 suppressor advantages include:High-capacity and solvent-compatible design capable of handling samples with complex matricesVery low signal-to-noise and excellent baseline stabilityLow method detection limitsFast start-up and equilibrationEasy to use, maintenance-free operation with the DCR kitImproved peak efficiency for improved performance, particularly when coupled with 4 μm based columnsImproved thermal stability to eliminate installation failures due to damage during shipment, handling, and operation The Dionex ACRS 500 suppressor has high capacity and can be used with all Thermo Scienfitic Dionex ion-exchange columns. For lowest noise and longest life, the Dionex ACRS 500 suppressor is recommended for anion and cation separations using eluents containing HPLC solvents. The Dionex ACRS 500 suppressor is available in both 2- and 4 mm formats 3 mm columns should be used with 2 mm suppressors.The Dionex ACRS 500 suppressor produces the lowest noise because it uses non-electrolytic chemical regeneration. Low noise levels translate into lower method detection limits.Chemically Regenerated Suppressor (ACRS 500) SpecificationsACRS 500Physical SpecificationsDimensions (l × w × d)14.0 × 4.5 × 4.8 cm (5.5 × 1.8 × 1.9 in.)Weight370 g (0.82 lb)Void volume4 mm: 50 μL2 mm: 15 μLChemical SpecificationsTemperature Range115–40° CRecommended Backpressure30-100 psiMaximum Eluent Flow Rate3 mL/min (4 mm)0.75 mL/min (2 mm)Eluent Solvent Restrictions2100% solvent compatibleMaximum Regenerant EWM3 Flow Rate10 mL/min (4 mm)5 mL/min (2 mm)Modes of Operation SupportedChemical, DCR ModeMaximum Currentn/a1When installed outside the heated column enclosure, all suppressors can support applications up to 60 ?C.2Solvents for anion eluents include methanol. Solvents for cation eluents include acetonitrile and dioxane.3EWM = external water mode for eluents containing 40% solvent, use the chemical regeneration mode.订货信息:Ordering InformationACRS 500 Suppressor 4 mm085090ACRS 500 Suppressor 2 mm085091
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