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  • 美国Telaire-7001 TEL 7001新风量二氧化碳测定仪
    现货供应美国Telaire-7001 TEL 7001新风量二氧化碳测定仪,技术指标,办事处,现货,总代,销售热线量 程:CO2: 0~10000ppm 温 度:0~50℃新风量:0-75ftm分 辨 率:CO2: 1 ppm 温度:0.1℃新风量:0.1ftm准 确 性:5%读数重 线 性:20ppm年度漂移:≤20ppm反应时间:≤60秒操作条件;0~50℃ 0~95%RH输 出;CO2:0~4000mV 1mV/ppm温度:0~4V(0~40℃)输出阻抗:100欧姆外接电源:6V AC/DC转换器重 量:297克尺 寸:160×75×35现货供应美国Telaire-7001 TEL 7001新风量二氧化碳测定仪,特 点,操作说明书,总代手持式,大屏幕显示新风量,CO2和 温度值。具有标定模式,校准仪器方便。省电,四节5号电池可连续开机7昼夜。RS-232接口,方便的进行数据处理。交直两用,适应任何场合。仪器后设支架,使用方便。可设定室外CO2值,测量更准确。
  • 冷原子相关产品汇总
    冷原子相关产品汇总产品信息 所属类别: 应用解决方案 冷原子物理相关产品所属品牌:产品简介冷原子物理是最近二十多年发展起来的光学和原子物理的一个交叉学科。在这个日新月异飞速发展的新兴领域中,物理家们使用激光把原子系综的温度降低到毫开尔文(千分之一热力学温标,多普勒冷却)、微开尔文(百万分之一热力学温标,亚多普勒冷却)并对原子的质心运动进行囚禁。而射频蒸发冷却技术可以将原子的温度降低至纳开尔文量级(十亿分之一热力学温标)。通过对原子的质心动能和动量的精确控制,物理家们可以实现对原子在微观尺度上运动的约束,并对原子的量子态进行精密操控。由于对激光冷却原子研究的杰出贡献, 美国斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)的华裔科学家朱棣文(S.Chu)教授,巴黎高等师范学校(ENS)的科昂-塔努基(C.Cohen-Tannoudji)教授和美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)的菲利普斯(W.Phillips)博士获得1997年获得诺贝尔物理奖。 冷原子物理的另一为世人所瞩目的贡献是用人工的方法在地球上创造出宇宙中最冷的物质。随着其温度的降低,原子的波动性将越来越显著,当综合使用激光冷却和其它能量转移技术手段后,物理学家们制造出了气态"玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体"。气态"玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体"是总自旋为整数的气态原子在超低温下所呈现的特殊量子状态。这是一种宏观量子现象,也就是说,宏观尺度的系统具有了微观客体才有的量子特性。气态"玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体"的制备对于低温物理,凝聚态物理,乃至宇宙学等一系列重要领域的研究都非常有利。尽管玻色和爱因斯坦八十多年前就预言了凝聚体的存在,但直到1995年这一神奇的现象才在实验室中得到充分的显示。美国科罗拉多JILA的维曼(C.Wieman)教授及康乃尔(E.Cornell)博士,和美国麻省理工学院(MIT)的凯特利(W.Ketterle)教授因在"稀薄气态碱金属原子的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚"的开创性工作而获得2001年诺贝尔物理奖。 筱晓光子致力于为冷原子客户提供各种配套的产品及解决方案,我们相关产品包括:产品名称:声光调制器(AO Modulator)/声光移频器(AO Shifter)所属类别: 调制器 声光调制器/AOTF所属品牌:美国CTI公司产品简介:声光调制器主要用于调节与控制激光的光强。布拉格衍射效应产生了一级衍射光,其强度与射频控制信号直接相关。调制器的上升沿时间由声波穿过激光光束的渡越时间决定。为了得到高速调制的效果,需要将激光光束进行汇聚,使其穿过调制器的光束直径最小。CTI声光调制器为激光信号的强度调制提供了经济可靠的解决方案。经过声光调制器的一级衍射光会产生移频,所移频率正好等于加载其上的射频信号的频率。因此,每一款声光调制器都可 [详细介绍]产品名称:宽带法拉第隔离器所属类别:光学部件 隔离器所属品牌:美国ConOptics公司产品简介:美国Conoptics公司高隔离度、宽波长范围法拉第隔离器(Isolator) 法拉第隔离器又叫光隔离器,光学隔离器,激光隔离器,激光法拉第隔离器。美国Conoptics公司是世界最知名的法拉第隔离器生产厂商。其700系列法拉第隔离器被广泛用于冷原子、冷离子、冷分子等研究领域。产品特点: 宽调谐范围(如:714型可覆盖680~1080nm,通用性极强)高隔离度(37-40dB,超高隔 [详细介绍]产品名称:铌酸锂(LiNbO3)电光强度调制器所属类别: 调制器 铌酸锂(LiNbO3)电光调制器所属品牌:法国Photline公司产品简介:Photline 铌酸锂强度调制器,40Gbps/40GHz高速调制器,工作波长涵盖了800nm,1060nm,1300nm,1550nm和2um。 关键词:强度调制器、铌酸锂强度调制器,光纤耦合电光调制器,铌酸锂高速调制器、高速铌酸锂电光调制器,高速调制器、G赫兹调制器,GHz调制器铌酸锂调制器,铌酸锂电光调制器,Photline,photoline,LiNbO3调制器,iNbO3电光调制器。[详细介绍]产品名称:高频电光相位调制器(100MHz/1GHz)所属类别: 调制器 电光调制器/电光Q开关所属品牌:产品简介:电光移频器:PM50-100(50MHz~100MHz) 英国Leysop公司PM50-100型电光移频器采用Brewstercutlithiumtantalatecrystal晶体,及射频驱动源,可提供50MHz到100MHz电光相位调制(移频)。PM50-100型电光移频器适用于各种需要锁频的应用,例如PDH激光稳频(Pound- Drever-Hall),边带锁频及其他各种激光稳频领域。[详细介绍]产品名称:超高真空腔(冷原子用)所属类别: 光学部件 超高真空腔所属品牌:日本Japan cell公司产品简介:JapanCell 公司提供的超高真空腔(UHVCell)具有真空度高、表面平整度好、镀膜性能优秀、性价比高等特点,并且我们擅长根据客户要求提供各种定制产品! 关键字:真空腔、超高真空腔,真空室,真空气室,超高真空室,气体池、流体池、UHVCell,VacuumChambers,冷原子用真空腔,原子钟,冷原子,原子冷却超高真空腔是分子量子力学,冷原子物理研究中、利用Bose-E [详细介绍]产品名称:高速、超高分辨率光谱仪(0.005nm)所属类别: 光谱仪及成像光谱仪 便携式光纤光谱仪所属品牌:法国Resolution Spectra公司产品简介:世界上首款可实时测量的超高分辨率光谱仪-----ZOOMSpectra 超高分辨率、高速采集、紧凑型光纤光谱仪! ZOOMSpectra是一款世界首创的可以同时实现高速测量和高分辨率测量的紧凑型光纤光谱仪,分辨率最高可达到~5pm(0.005nnm),探测速率30kHz(实时测量)。广泛用于监视连续、脉冲激光,以及观察传统光谱仪不能解决的识别模式或物理现象。关键字:超高分辨率光谱仪。[详细介绍]产品名称:XY系列向列液晶空间光调制器所属类别: 调制器 空间光调制器所属品牌:美国BNS公司产品简介:我们根据客户的应用要求,提供个性化的定制方案! 6000Hz底板刷新率,有效消除相位纹波,液晶响应速度世界领先,相位调制量最高可达6π,光能利用效率达95%,损伤阈值高,可实现纯相位调制,纯振幅调制,相位振幅混合调制。 关键词:LM,Spatiallightmodulator,Lcos,液晶空间光调制器,空间光调制器,Si-Lcos,硅基液晶,液晶光阀,DMD,BN [详细介绍]产品名称:1.5um/1.0um单频光纤激光模块所属类别: 激光器 光纤激光器/光纤放大器所属品牌:产品简介:目前世界上噪声最低的激光器!单频光纤激光器,线宽窄至0.2kH! 关键词:单频光纤激光器、超窄线宽光纤激光器、窄线宽光纤激光器、激光雷达 来自OLW公司的ES系列激光器代表了现阶段光学振荡器的最新工艺水平。具有突破性创新的“VirtualRing”激光技术使得行波振荡在一个紧凑、线性的腔内。从而导致激光输出更高功率(350mW),更高的信噪比(80dB)和更高的边模抑制比 [详细介绍]产品名称:1.0um&1.5um连续单频保偏光纤放大器所属类别: 激光器 光纤激光器/光纤放大器所属品牌:法国manlight公司产品简介:ML- YFA/EYFA-CW-SLM-P-TKS是一款紧凑型连续光纤放大器,1.0um输出功率可达为15W,1.5um输出功率可达10W。具有接近衍射极限的线偏振高光束质量M21.3。ML-YFA/EYFA-CW-SLM-P-TKS保偏输出功率可达20W。ML-YFA-CW-R-TKS 与ML-YFA-CW-P-TKS是为线宽(FWHM)10kHz的单纵模激光器优化设计的。该放大器的 …[详细介绍]产品名称:MgO Doped PPLN所属类别: ? 晶体 ? 周期极化铌酸锂(PPLN)所属品牌:美国CTI公司产品简介:MgO:PPLN 能够成功地用于产生绿光与蓝光,并且具有很好的转化效率。我们能够生产一系列的产品,所有的关键生产步骤都是在超净室完成的。我们晶体的生长方法已经很成熟,并适合于大批量生产。低廉的生产成本使得我们的产品能够适用于大规模的市场应用例如激光显示等消费类电子产品。原料的纯度与晶体生长过程中的各项参数都被严格控制,以确保稳定的质量与光学性能. 我们标准的MgO:PPLN晶片上有三个周期,可供用 …[详细介绍]分享到 :人人网 腾讯微博 新浪微博 搜狐微博 网易微博
  • Acclaim Surfactant LC 色谱柱 070085
    产品特点: Acclaim™ Surfactant LC 色谱柱用 Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ Surfactant LC 色谱柱实现各类表面活性剂的分离,效果卓越。 这些硅胶基质的高效色谱柱为使用 UV-Vis、蒸发光散射检测器 (ELSD) 或折射率 (RI) 检测器的 HPLC 分离提供卓越的分离度和通量。 独特的表面化学键合技术提供了独特的极性,相比传统的 C18 色谱柱,它优化了乙氧基表面活性剂中单低聚物的分离度。当您想要使用电喷雾检测器 (CAD) 或质谱(MS) 进行表面活性剂分析时,选择 Acclaim Surfactant Plus LC 色谱柱 该高分离度、高效、高通量色谱柱有与 Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱相似的选择性,但拥有超低流失率,便于与高灵敏度检测器使用时的优化。 分离各类表面活性剂的无与伦比的性能为分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂提供理想选择性与高水性流动相条件兼容保留高疏水性化合物,如助水溶物极佳峰形,尤其是对阳离子表面活性剂在多种条件下实现分离,坚固耐用备有粒径为 3.0 和 5.0 μm、直径为 2.1、3.0 和 4.6 mm 以及长度为 150 和 250 mm 的选项可供选择 关于 Acclaim Specialty HPLC 色谱柱系列Acclaim 专用色谱柱专为满足具体应用的分离需求而进行开发、制造和测试。 这些色谱柱基于新式、独特的化学作用,可提供出色的分离度 和易用性。经过测试可确保一致的分离具有理想选择性,适用于分离特定的靶向分析物出色的峰形 其性能经过测试,可确保高质量和可靠性的特定色谱分离 Acclaim SurfactantExcellent performance for separating a broad range of surfactants* Ideal selectivity for separation of anionic, nonionic, cationic and amphoteric surfactants* Excellent peak shapes, especially for cationic surfactants * Compatible with highly aqueous mobile phases* Improved resolution for ethoxylated surfactants* Rugged separations under a variety of conditionsThe Acclaim Surfactant columns are the first generation high-efficiency, silica-based columns designed specifically for separating a wide variety of surfactants, including anionic, cationic, nonionic, ethoxylated and amphoteric surfactants using UV, ELSD or RI detection.Surfactants are widely used in industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical markets, in products as diverse as pesticides, detergent powders, petroleum products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The Acclaim Surfactant column was designed specifically for HPLC separationof these surfactants. 订购信息:Acclaim SurfactantParticle Size (μm)FormatLength (mm)2.1mm ID3.0mm ID4.6mm ID3HPLC Column150070085070084–5Guard Cartridges(2/pk)10069693071991069701HPLC Column150068123–063201250––063203Acclaim Guard HolderDescriptionCat.No.Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相色谱柱使用高灵敏度检测功能进行表面活性剂分析时,首选色谱柱是 Thermo Scientific Acclaim Surfactant Plus LC 色谱柱。 这种新一代高效率硅胶基色谱柱的特点是流失率超低,可与带电气溶胶检测器(CAD)和质谱仪(MS)配合使用。 这类色谱柱的选择性与 Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱相似,可灵敏分离各种表面活性剂。 其先进的表面化学键合可同时提供反相机制和阴离子交换保留机制,从而显著提高表面活性剂的分离度。 描述产品特性:性能和多用性改善,表面活性剂的分析通量提高为同步分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂提供理想选择性在高水性流动相条件下具有抗去湿作用可对强亲水性化合物(如二甲苯磺酸盐的异构体)实现卓越分离与蒸发光散射检测器(ELSD)、抑制型电导检测器(SCD)和紫外-可见光检测器(UV)兼容 可在多种条件下实现稳健分离非金属 Thermo Scientific? PEEK? 硬件对 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? 离子色谱系统的兼容性最佳可选粒径,3.0μm 和 5.0μm;可选直径,2.1mm、3.0mm 、4.0mm(PEEK 主体)和 4.6mm;可选长度,100mm、150mm 和 250mm关于 Acclaim Specialty HPLC 色谱柱系列Acclaim 专用色谱柱专为满足具体应用的分离需求而进行开发、制造和测试。 这些色谱柱基于新式、独特的化学作用,可提供出色的分离度 和易用性。经过测试可确保一致的分离具有理想选择性,适用于分离特定的靶向分析物出色的峰形其性能经过测试,可确保高质量和可靠性的特定色谱分离Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相色谱柱订货信息:Surfactant Plus Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (4.6x150mm)078950Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x150mm)078951Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x100mm)078952Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x250mm)078953Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x150mm)078954Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x100mm)078955Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm, Analytical, PEEK body (4x150mm)078956Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)082768Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)082767Surfactant Plus Guard ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (3.0x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580078959Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (4.6x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580082773Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188Sensitive Separation of All Classes of SurfactantsThe New Thermo Scientific Acclaim? Surfactant Plus columns are high-efficiency silica-based HPLC columns for separating a wide variety of surfactants, including anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amphoteric surfactants. The advanced surface chemistry provides both reversed-phase and anion-exchange retention mechanisms which significantly improves resolution of these surfactants.The New Acclaim Surfactant Plus Columns are designed for use with charged aerosol detectors (CAD) and mass spectrometers (MS). Additionally, these columns can be used with evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD), suppressed conductivity detectors (SCD), and UV-Vis detectors (UV). They are resistant to dewetting under highly aqueous mobile phase conditions, and thus can be used to provide excellent resolution between strongly hydrophilic compounds, such as isomers of xylene sulfonate.Ideal selectivity for simultaneous separation of anionic, nonionic, cationic, and amphoteric surfactantsWell suited for the determination of cationic surfactantsCapable of retaining highly hydrophilic compounds, such as hydrotropesExcellent resolution for ethoxylated surfactantsRugged separations under a variety of conditionsMethods compatible with multiple detectors Broad Range of ApplicationsSurfactants are widely used in industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical markets, and in products as diverse as pesticides, detergents powders, petroleum products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns have been designed specifically for the HPLC separation of these surfactants.The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns can be used for the HPLC separation of anionic surfactants (alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkyl sulfates, alkylether sulfates) and cationic surfactants (alkyl quaternary ammonium salts, benzylalkylammonium salts, pyridinium salts, and quaternary imidazolium compounds) nonionic surfactants, and polyethylene glycols (PEGs). Acclaim Surfactant Plus Column SpecificationsParticle shapeSphericalEndcappedYespH range2.5–7.5Temperature limit 50 oCStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 μmProduct Data SheetsAcclaim Surfactant Plus Column Product ManualAcclaim Surfactant Plus Column QuickStart GuideAcclaim Surfactant Plus Product ManualApplicationsAN 1080: Automated Solid-Phase Extraction of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in Wastewater Using a Weak Anion-Exchange Cartridge Followed by HPLC with UV DetectionAU 190: Rapid Determination of Benzalkonium Chloride in a Cosmetic
  • Acclaim Surfactant 液相柱
    Acclaim Surfactant在分离所有类别表面活性剂方面提供无可匹敌的优异性能 是分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 极佳峰形,尤其分离阳离子表面活性剂时 与高比例水相兼容 为乙氧基化表面活性剂提供更好的分离度 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂,包括阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此色谱柱采用新式化学键合技术,表现出独特的极性,与传统 C18 色谱柱相比,显著改进了乙氧基化表面活性剂单低聚物的分离度。Acclaim Surfactant 还兼容高比例水相,因此对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。表面活性剂广泛用于工业、农业和制药市场,存在于农药、洗衣粉、石油产品、化妆品以及药物等多种多样的产品中。Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱专门设计用于这些表面活性剂的 HPLC 分离。订货信息:
  • Acclaim Surfactant HPLC 保护柱
    Acclaim Surfactant在分离所有类别表面活性剂方面提供无可匹敌的优异性能 是分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 极佳峰形,尤其分离阳离子表面活性剂时 与高比例水相兼容 为乙氧基化表面活性剂提供更好的分离度 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂,包括阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此色谱柱采用新式化学键合技术,表现出独特的极性,与传统 C18 色谱柱相比,显著改进了乙氧基化表面活性剂单低聚物的分离度。Acclaim Surfactant 还兼容高比例水相,因此对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。表面活性剂广泛用于工业、农业和制药市场,存在于农药、洗衣粉、石油产品、化妆品以及药物等多种多样的产品中。Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱专门设计用于这些表面活性剂的 HPLC 分离。订货信息:
  • 感烟温探测器拆装置器
    感烟探测器拆装器,感温探测器拆装器,探测器折装工具, 消防专用拆卸工具,感烟探测器功能试验器拆卸工具烟温探测器拆装器专门用来海湾消防烟温感二次拆装,特别适宜先装设备底座及大面积拆装、或探测器下方有障碍物——诸如,楼梯坡道、桌椅、床铺、吊灯上方等及特别高的场所,可规避高空作业安全,节省了登高设施使用费及大量的人工准备工时费。实为不可多得的划时代安装工具。此产品出现可颠覆现有施工安装程序,可在穿线完毕的同时先安装接线固定底座,最后在测量线路无故障后再使用拆装器安装设备,施工效率高,且测试线路绝缘时不用考虑已经安装部分设备而有所顾忌。 高压配电室、配电机柜上方、内燃机组上方、变压器上等特殊无法触及到的场合,以及高架仓库、高空超高位置安装的探测器,出现误报后无法更换,造成整个火灾报警系统运行不稳定。
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus LC 色谱柱 069580
    产品特点: Acclaim™ Surfactant Plus LC 色谱柱使用高灵敏度检测功能进行表面活性剂分析时,首选色谱柱是 Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ Surfactant Plus LC 色谱柱。 这种新一代高效率硅胶基色谱柱的特点是流失率超低,可与带电气溶胶检测器(CAD)和质谱仪(MS)配合使用。 这类色谱柱的选择性与 Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱相似,可灵敏分离各种表面活性剂。 其先进的表面化学键合可同时提供反相机制和阴离子交换保留机制,从而显著提高表面活性剂的分离度。产品特性: 性能和多用性改善,表面活性剂的分析通量提高为同步分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂提供理想选择性在高水性流动相条件下具有抗去湿作用可对强亲水性化合物(如二甲苯磺酸盐的异构体)实现卓越分离与蒸发光散射检测器(ELSD)、抑制型电导检测器(SCD)和紫外-可见光检测器(UV)兼容可在多种条件下实现稳健分离非金属 Thermo Scientific™ PEEK™ 硬件对 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ 离子色谱系统的兼容性最佳可选粒径,3.0μm 和 5.0μm;可选直径,2.1mm、3.0mm 、4.0mm(PEEK 主体)和 4.6mm;可选长度,100mm、150mm 和 250mm关于 Acclaim Specialty HPLC 色谱柱系列Acclaim 专用色谱柱专为满足具体应用的分离需求而进行开发、制造和测试。 这些色谱柱基于新式、独特的化学作用,可提供出色的分离度 和易用性。经过测试可确保一致的分离具有理想选择性,适用于分离特定的靶向分析物出色的峰形其性能经过测试,可确保高质量和可靠性的特定色谱分离 Acclaim Surfactant PlusColumn of choice for surfactant analysis using higher sensitivity detection: performance, versatility, throughput* Ideal selectivity for simultaneous separation of anionic, nonionic, cationic, and amphoteric surfactants* Compatible with multiple detectors including MS, CAD, ELSD and UV * Well suited for the determination of cationic surfactants* High efficiency and fast analysis* Rugged separations under a variety of conditionsAcclaim Surfactant Plus is a new generation of columns offering improved performance and higher throughput for analyzing surfactants. These columns exhibit exceptionally low bleed and are ideal for use with charged aerosol detectors (CAD) and mass spectrometers (MS). These columns can be used to separate a wide variety of surfactants including anionic, cationic, nonionic and amphoteric surfactants, as well as isomers of xylene sulfonate.These columns can be used with evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD), suppressed conductivity detectors (SCD), and UV-Vis detectors (UV). Non-metallic PEEK hardware is available for best compatibility with Dionex ion chromatography systems. 订购信息: Acclaim Surfactant PlusParticle Size (μm)FormatLength (mm)2.1mm ID 3.0mm ID4.6mm ID4.0mm ID PEEK3HPLC Column 100078955078952––150078954078951078950 –250078953–––5Guard Cartridges(2/pk) 10078960078959082773–HPLC Column250 ––082767–150––082768078956 Acclaim Guard HolderDescriptionCat.No.Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707 Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus 色谱柱
    Acclaim Surfactant Plus用于分离表面活性剂,具有更高灵敏度、更高性能、更通用、具有更高通量 分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 与多种检测器,包括 MS, CAD, ELSD 和 UV 兼容 适用于分离阳离子表面活性剂 高柱效和快速分离 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant Plus 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂。选择性与 Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱类似,但流失更低,为电雾式 (CAD) 和质谱检测器 (MS) 优化。该色谱柱可以用于分离阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此外,这些色谱柱还可用于蒸发光散射 (ELSD)、电导抑制检测器(SCD)、和 UV-Vis 检测器 (UV)。这些色谱柱耐高比例水相,因此,对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。非金属的 PEEK 柱管与 Dionex 离子色谱系统具有最好的兼容性。订货信息:
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus
    我司主要代理全球闻名的德国J.Engelsmann AG公司;澳大利亚Glass Expansion公司;美国CARVER公司;SPEX公司;ThermoFisher赛默.飞世尔;PerkinElmer珀金埃尔默;Agilent安捷伦(Varian瓦里安);Spectron公司;KD Scientific公司;NORELL公司;以及PIKE公司生产的实验室器材、消耗品等科技产品。以下为美国戴安(dionex)产品配件,如有需要可与我们联系。078953 Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x250mm)078954 Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x150mm)078955 Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x100mm)078959 Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (3.0x10mm), 2 ea078960 Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (2.1x10mm), 2 ea078990 PROD,COL,PP,SAX10HT,4X50MM080024 ASE Prep CR, Na Form, Mineral Acid Neutralizer, 500 g080135 Electroytic pH Modifier (EPM III)080150 STD,GLUCOSE,10% SOLUTION,100mLSP2089 CarboPac PA100 Column (9 x 250 mm)SP2667 CarboPac PA100 Column (22 x 250 mm)SP2866 CarboPac PA1 Semi-Preparative Column (22 x 250 mm)SP4356 IonPac NG1-10 μm Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)SP4670 IonPac CS12A Analytical Column (3 x 250mm)SP5578 AminoTrap Column (2 x 50 mm)SP5598 ProPac WAX-10 Semi-Preparative Column (22 x 250 mm)SP5678 AminoPac PA10 Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)SP5680 AminoPac PA10 Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)SP5727 ProPac SCX-10 Lot Select Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP5728 ProPac SCX-10 Lot Select Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (3 Lots of Resin)SP5729 ProPac SAX-10 Lot Select Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP5730 ProPac SAX-10 Lot Select Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (3 Lots of ResinSP5731 ProPac WAX-10 Lot Select Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP5732 ProPac WAX-10 Lot Select Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (3 Lots of Resin)SP6223 SP PROD,STD,CAFFEINE,100ML,SET/6SP6294 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM 300,4.0X150MM,PEEKSP6299 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,120,C18,5UM,4X250MM,PKSP6770 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,300,C18,3UM,10X150MMSP6771 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,WAX-1,5UM,4.6X50MMSP6772 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,WAX-1,5UM,2.1X50MMSP6773 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,WCX-1,5UM,4.6X50MMSP6774 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM MIX-MODE,WCX-1,5UM,2.1X50MMSP6775 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,PA2,5UM,4.6X50MMSP6776 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,PA2,5UM,2.1X50MMSP6777 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM MIX-MODE,HILIC-1,5UM,4.6X50MMSP6778 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM MIX-MODE,HILIC-1,5UM,2.1X50MMSP6788 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,HILIC-1,5UM,10X250MMSP6801 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,120,C18,5UM,4.6X300MMSP6861 Dionex IonPac AS10 Capillary Column (0.4 x 250 mm)SP6864 MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP6876 SP PROD,CMD 300,1MMSP6901 SP PROD,COL,ACCLAIM,CARBAMATE,5UM,4.6X250MM
  • Thermo/热电 Acclaim Surfactant HPLC 保护柱
    Acclaim Surfactant在分离所有类别表面活性剂方面提供无可匹敌的优异性能 是分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 极佳峰形,尤其分离阳离子表面活性剂时 与高比例水相兼容 为乙氧基化表面活性剂提供更好的分离度 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂,包括阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此色谱柱采用新式化学键合技术,表现出独特的极性,与传统 C18 色谱柱相比,显著改进了乙氧基化表面活性剂单低聚物的分离度。Acclaim Surfactant 还兼容高比例水相,因此对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。表面活性剂广泛用于工业、农业和制药市场,存在于农药、洗衣粉、石油产品、化妆品以及药物等多种多样的产品中。Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱专门设计用于这些表面活性剂的 HPLC 分离。订货信息:
  • 赛默飞 Acclaim Surfactant 液相柱
    Acclaim Surfactant在分离所有类别表面活性剂方面提供无可匹敌的优异性能 是分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 极佳峰形,尤其分离阳离子表面活性剂时 与高比例水相兼容 为乙氧基化表面活性剂提供更好的分离度 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂,包括阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此色谱柱采用新式化学键合技术,表现出独特的极性,与传统 C18 色谱柱相比,显著改进了乙氧基化表面活性剂单低聚物的分离度。Acclaim Surfactant 还兼容高比例水相,因此对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。表面活性剂广泛用于工业、农业和制药市场,存在于农药、洗衣粉、石油产品、化妆品以及药物等多种多样的产品中。Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱专门设计用于这些表面活性剂的 HPLC 分离。订货信息:
  • 赛默飞 Acclaim Surfactant HPLC 保护柱
    Acclaim Surfactant在分离所有类别表面活性剂方面提供无可匹敌的优异性能 是分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 极佳峰形,尤其分离阳离子表面活性剂时 与高比例水相兼容 为乙氧基化表面活性剂提供更好的分离度 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂,包括阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此色谱柱采用新式化学键合技术,表现出独特的极性,与传统 C18 色谱柱相比,显著改进了乙氧基化表面活性剂单低聚物的分离度。Acclaim Surfactant 还兼容高比例水相,因此对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。表面活性剂广泛用于工业、农业和制药市场,存在于农药、洗衣粉、石油产品、化妆品以及药物等多种多样的产品中。Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱专门设计用于这些表面活性剂的 HPLC 分离。订货信息:
  • Thermo/热电 Acclaim Surfactant HPLC 色谱柱
    Acclaim Surfactant在分离所有类别表面活性剂方面提供无可匹敌的优异性能 是分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 极佳峰形,尤其分离阳离子表面活性剂时 与高比例水相兼容 为乙氧基化表面活性剂提供更好的分离度 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂,包括阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此色谱柱采用新式化学键合技术,表现出独特的极性,与传统 C18 色谱柱相比,显著改进了乙氧基化表面活性剂单低聚物的分离度。Acclaim Surfactant 还兼容高比例水相,因此对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。表面活性剂广泛用于工业、农业和制药市场,存在于农药、洗衣粉、石油产品、化妆品以及药物等多种多样的产品中。Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱专门设计用于这些表面活性剂的 HPLC 分离。订货信息:
  • Thermo/热电 Acclaim Surfactant 液相柱
    Acclaim Surfactant在分离所有类别表面活性剂方面提供无可匹敌的优异性能 是分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 极佳峰形,尤其分离阳离子表面活性剂时 与高比例水相兼容 为乙氧基化表面活性剂提供更好的分离度 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂,包括阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此色谱柱采用新式化学键合技术,表现出独特的极性,与传统 C18 色谱柱相比,显著改进了乙氧基化表面活性剂单低聚物的分离度。Acclaim Surfactant 还兼容高比例水相,因此对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。表面活性剂广泛用于工业、农业和制药市场,存在于农药、洗衣粉、石油产品、化妆品以及药物等多种多样的产品中。Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱专门设计用于这些表面活性剂的 HPLC 分离。订货信息:
  • Acclaim Surfactant HPLC 色谱柱
    Acclaim Surfactant在分离所有类别表面活性剂方面提供无可匹敌的优异性能 是分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 极佳峰形,尤其分离阳离子表面活性剂时 与高比例水相兼容 为乙氧基化表面活性剂提供更好的分离度 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂,包括阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此色谱柱采用新式化学键合技术,表现出独特的极性,与传统 C18 色谱柱相比,显著改进了乙氧基化表面活性剂单低聚物的分离度。Acclaim Surfactant 还兼容高比例水相,因此对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。表面活性剂广泛用于工业、农业和制药市场,存在于农药、洗衣粉、石油产品、化妆品以及药物等多种多样的产品中。Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱专门设计用于这些表面活性剂的 HPLC 分离。订货信息:
  • Acclaim Surfactant HPLC 保护柱柱套
    Acclaim Surfactant HPLC 色谱柱在分离所有类别表面活性剂方面提供无可匹敌的优异性能。为分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂提供理想选择性。极佳峰形,尤其是对阳离子表面活性剂。与高水溶液流动相兼容。为乙氧基化表面活性剂提供改善的分离度。在多种条件下实现分离,坚固耐用。订货信息:Acclaim Surfactant HPLC 保护柱柱套描述目录编号Acclaim SST 保护柱柱套 V-2069580Acclaim 保护柱套件(柱套和连接器)V-2069707保护柱与分析柱连接器 V-2074188
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相柱
    Acclaim Surfactant Plus用于分离表面活性剂,具有更高灵敏度、更高性能、更通用、具有更高通量 分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 与多种检测器,包括 MS, CAD, ELSD 和 UV 兼容 适用于分离阳离子表面活性剂 高柱效和快速分离 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant Plus 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂。选择性与 Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱类似,但流失更低,为电雾式 (CAD) 和质谱检测器 (MS) 优化。该色谱柱可以用于分离阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此外,这些色谱柱还可用于蒸发光散射 (ELSD)、电导抑制检测器(SCD)、和 UV-Vis 检测器 (UV)。这些色谱柱耐高比例水相,因此,对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。非金属的 PEEK 柱管与 Dionex 离子色谱系统具有最好的兼容性。订货信息:
  • Acclaim Surfactant HPLC 保护柱
    Acclaim Surfactant HPLC 色谱柱在分离所有类别表面活性剂方面提供无可匹敌的优异性能。为分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂提供理想选择性。极佳峰形,尤其是对阳离子表面活性剂。与高水溶液流动相兼容。为乙氧基化表面活性剂提供改善的分离度。在多种条件下实现分离,坚固耐用。订货信息:Acclaim Surfactant HPLC 保护柱粒径 (μm)柱长 (mm)2.1mm 内径3.0mm 内径4.6mm 内径5.010069693071991069701
  • Thermo/热电 Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相柱
    Acclaim Surfactant Plus用于分离表面活性剂,具有更高灵敏度、更高性能、更通用、具有更高通量 分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 与多种检测器,包括 MS, CAD, ELSD 和 UV 兼容 适用于分离阳离子表面活性剂 高柱效和快速分离 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant Plus 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂。选择性与 Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱类似,但流失更低,为电雾式 (CAD) 和质谱检测器 (MS) 优化。该色谱柱可以用于分离阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此外,这些色谱柱还可用于蒸发光散射 (ELSD)、电导抑制检测器(SCD)、和 UV-Vis 检测器 (UV)。这些色谱柱耐高比例水相,因此,对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。非金属的 PEEK 柱管与 Dionex 离子色谱系统具有最好的兼容性。订货信息:
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus HPLC色谱柱
    Acclaim Surfactant Plus用于分离表面活性剂,具有更高灵敏度、更高性能、更通用、具有更高通量 分离阴离子、非离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂的理想选择 与多种检测器,包括 MS, CAD, ELSD 和 UV 兼容 适用于分离阳离子表面活性剂 高柱效和快速分离 在多种条件下实现分离,可靠、耐用Acclaim Surfactant Plus 色谱柱是一种高效硅胶基质色谱柱,专门设计用于分离多种表面活性剂。选择性与 Acclaim Surfactant 色谱柱类似,但流失更低,为电雾式 (CAD) 和质谱检测器 (MS) 优化。该色谱柱可以用于分离阴离子、阳离子、非离子以及两性表面活性剂。此外,这些色谱柱还可用于蒸发光散射 (ELSD)、电导抑制检测器(SCD)、和 UV-Vis 检测器 (UV)。这些色谱柱耐高比例水相,因此,对强亲水性化合物,例如二甲苯磺酸盐具有极好的分离度。非金属的 PEEK 柱管与 Dionex 离子色谱系统具有最好的兼容性。订货信息:
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相色谱柱078954
    Sensitive Separation of All Classes of SurfactantsThe New Thermo Scientific Acclaim™ Surfactant Plus columns are high-efficiency silica-based HPLC columns for separating a wide variety of surfactants, including anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amphoteric surfactants. The advanced surface chemistry provides both reversed-phase and anion-exchange retention mechanisms which significantly improves resolution of these surfactants.The New Acclaim Surfactant Plus Columns are designed for use with charged aerosol detectors (CAD) and mass spectrometers (MS). Additionally, these columns can be used with evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD), suppressed conductivity detectors (SCD), and UV-Vis detectors (UV). They are resistant to dewetting under highly aqueous mobile phase conditions, and thus can be used to provide excellent resolution between strongly hydrophilic compounds, such as isomers of xylene sulfonate. Ideal selectivity for simultaneous separation of anionic, nonionic, cationic, and amphoteric surfactantsWell suited for the determination of cationic surfactantsCapable of retaining highly hydrophilic compounds, such as hydrotropesExcellent resolution for ethoxylated surfactantsRugged separations under a variety of conditionsMethods compatible with multiple detectors Broad Range of ApplicationsSurfactants are widely used in industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical markets, and in products as diverse as pesticides, detergents powders, petroleum products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns have been designed specifically for the HPLC separation of these surfactants. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns can be used for the HPLC separation of anionic surfactants (alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkyl sulfates, alkylether sulfates) and cationic surfactants (alkyl quaternary ammonium salts, benzylalkylammonium salts, pyridinium salts, and quaternary imidazolium compounds) nonionic surfactants, and polyethylene glycols (PEGs).Acclaim Surfactant Plus Column SpecificationsParticle shapeSphericalEndcappedYespH range2.5–7.5Temperature limit 50 oCStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 μmSurfactant Plus Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (4.6x150mm)078950Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x150mm)078951Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x100mm)078952Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x250mm)078953Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x150mm)078954Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x100mm)078955Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm, Analytical, PEEK body (4x150mm)078956Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)082768AcclaimSurfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)082767Surfactant Plus Guard ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (3.0x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580078959Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (4.6x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580082773Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相色谱柱082768
    Sensitive Separation of All Classes of SurfactantsThe New Thermo Scientific Acclaim™ Surfactant Plus columns are high-efficiency silica-based HPLC columns for separating a wide variety of surfactants, including anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amphoteric surfactants. The advanced surface chemistry provides both reversed-phase and anion-exchange retention mechanisms which significantly improves resolution of these surfactants.The New Acclaim Surfactant Plus Columns are designed for use with charged aerosol detectors (CAD) and mass spectrometers (MS). Additionally, these columns can be used with evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD), suppressed conductivity detectors (SCD), and UV-Vis detectors (UV). They are resistant to dewetting under highly aqueous mobile phase conditions, and thus can be used to provide excellent resolution between strongly hydrophilic compounds, such as isomers of xylene sulfonate. Ideal selectivity for simultaneous separation of anionic, nonionic, cationic, and amphoteric surfactantsWell suited for the determination of cationic surfactantsCapable of retaining highly hydrophilic compounds, such as hydrotropesExcellent resolution for ethoxylated surfactantsRugged separations under a variety of conditionsMethods compatible with multiple detectors Broad Range of ApplicationsSurfactants are widely used in industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical markets, and in products as diverse as pesticides, detergents powders, petroleum products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns have been designed specifically for the HPLC separation of these surfactants. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns can be used for the HPLC separation of anionic surfactants (alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkyl sulfates, alkylether sulfates) and cationic surfactants (alkyl quaternary ammonium salts, benzylalkylammonium salts, pyridinium salts, and quaternary imidazolium compounds) nonionic surfactants, and polyethylene glycols (PEGs).Acclaim Surfactant Plus Column SpecificationsParticle shapeSphericalEndcappedYespH range2.5–7.5Temperature limit 50 oCStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 μmSurfactant Plus Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (4.6x150mm)078950Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x150mm)078951Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x100mm)078952Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x250mm)078953Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x150mm)078954Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x100mm)078955Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm, Analytical, PEEK body (4x150mm)078956Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)082768AcclaimSurfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)082767Surfactant Plus Guard ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (3.0x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580078959Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (4.6x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580082773Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相色谱柱082773
    Sensitive Separation of All Classes of SurfactantsThe New Thermo Scientific Acclaim™ Surfactant Plus columns are high-efficiency silica-based HPLC columns for separating a wide variety of surfactants, including anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amphoteric surfactants. The advanced surface chemistry provides both reversed-phase and anion-exchange retention mechanisms which significantly improves resolution of these surfactants.The New Acclaim Surfactant Plus Columns are designed for use with charged aerosol detectors (CAD) and mass spectrometers (MS). Additionally, these columns can be used with evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD), suppressed conductivity detectors (SCD), and UV-Vis detectors (UV). They are resistant to dewetting under highly aqueous mobile phase conditions, and thus can be used to provide excellent resolution between strongly hydrophilic compounds, such as isomers of xylene sulfonate. Ideal selectivity for simultaneous separation of anionic, nonionic, cationic, and amphoteric surfactantsWell suited for the determination of cationic surfactantsCapable of retaining highly hydrophilic compounds, such as hydrotropesExcellent resolution for ethoxylated surfactantsRugged separations under a variety of conditionsMethods compatible with multiple detectors Broad Range of ApplicationsSurfactants are widely used in industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical markets, and in products as diverse as pesticides, detergents powders, petroleum products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns have been designed specifically for the HPLC separation of these surfactants. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns can be used for the HPLC separation of anionic surfactants (alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkyl sulfates, alkylether sulfates) and cationic surfactants (alkyl quaternary ammonium salts, benzylalkylammonium salts, pyridinium salts, and quaternary imidazolium compounds) nonionic surfactants, and polyethylene glycols (PEGs).Acclaim Surfactant Plus Column SpecificationsParticle shapeSphericalEndcappedYespH range2.5–7.5Temperature limit 50 oCStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 μmSurfactant Plus Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (4.6x150mm)078950Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x150mm)078951Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x100mm)078952Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x250mm)078953Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x150mm)078954Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x100mm)078955Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm, Analytical, PEEK body (4x150mm)078956Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)082768AcclaimSurfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)082767Surfactant Plus Guard ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (3.0x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580078959Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (4.6x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580082773Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相色谱柱078952
    Sensitive Separation of All Classes of SurfactantsThe New Thermo Scientific Acclaim™ Surfactant Plus columns are high-efficiency silica-based HPLC columns for separating a wide variety of surfactants, including anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amphoteric surfactants. The advanced surface chemistry provides both reversed-phase and anion-exchange retention mechanisms which significantly improves resolution of these surfactants.The New Acclaim Surfactant Plus Columns are designed for use with charged aerosol detectors (CAD) and mass spectrometers (MS). Additionally, these columns can be used with evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD), suppressed conductivity detectors (SCD), and UV-Vis detectors (UV). They are resistant to dewetting under highly aqueous mobile phase conditions, and thus can be used to provide excellent resolution between strongly hydrophilic compounds, such as isomers of xylene sulfonate. Ideal selectivity for simultaneous separation of anionic, nonionic, cationic, and amphoteric surfactantsWell suited for the determination of cationic surfactantsCapable of retaining highly hydrophilic compounds, such as hydrotropesExcellent resolution for ethoxylated surfactantsRugged separations under a variety of conditionsMethods compatible with multiple detectors Broad Range of ApplicationsSurfactants are widely used in industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical markets, and in products as diverse as pesticides, detergents powders, petroleum products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns have been designed specifically for the HPLC separation of these surfactants. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns can be used for the HPLC separation of anionic surfactants (alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkyl sulfates, alkylether sulfates) and cationic surfactants (alkyl quaternary ammonium salts, benzylalkylammonium salts, pyridinium salts, and quaternary imidazolium compounds) nonionic surfactants, and polyethylene glycols (PEGs).Acclaim Surfactant Plus Column SpecificationsParticle shapeSphericalEndcappedYespH range2.5–7.5Temperature limit 50 oCStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 μmSurfactant Plus Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (4.6x150mm)078950Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x150mm)078951Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x100mm)078952Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x250mm)078953Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x150mm)078954Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x100mm)078955Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm, Analytical, PEEK body (4x150mm)078956Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)082768AcclaimSurfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)082767Surfactant Plus Guard ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (3.0x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580078959Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (4.6x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580082773Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • 主动激光束稳定系统 (激光束的调整、稳定、定位和对准,含转向镜,探测器等电子组件)
    原理简介简洁型激光稳定系统可用于抵消或纠正由振动、冲击震动、热量漂移,或其他对激光方位有不良影响的因素引起的变化。该系统可应用于所有激光设备和激光系统中。如果激光系统中有您不期望的波动或移位,而您的激光应用需要有很高的精确性和稳定性,那么激光稳定系统可帮助您来达到这一目的。 激光方位是由探测器来确定的。探测器可以是一个四象限光电二极管(4- QD) 或 一个PSD。该稳定系统只需利用用户设备中已有的高反光镜后的一小部分微弱的透射光就足以来稳固激光。 图 1 激光稳定原理 系统中的一个闭循环控制器不断探测激光光线的实际方位与应有方位的偏差,同时借助于一个快速传动装置使一个转向镜把激光光线稳定在所需位置上。 两个不同型号的系统可提供用户使用。“双轴控制系统”包括一个探测器和一个转向镜,其中转向镜可 在两个不同方向轴上转动。这样,激光的位置就可通过转向镜的转动被确定在由探测器设定的位置上。但这种情况下,激光的方向还会有偏移的可能。因为即使激光最后射到探测器上的位置虽然一致,但 该光线射到转向镜上的点位还是可以不同,所以这个系统只能定位但不能定向。相比之下“四轴控制 系统”包含两个探测器和两个转向镜。此系统中两个探测器把激光固定在两个不同的预先确定的位置 上。由此激光的位置和方向都被稳固住了。独立系统,可轻松安装到激光束路径。它的特点是简单的处理和集成。紧凑型系统可实现可靠且非常精确的光束位置和方向稳定性,并可补偿干扰。压电驱动反射镜可以放置在装置现有反射镜的位置。 我们提供用于实时稳定、对准、定位和调整激光束的系统。我们的系统极其精确、快速且非常稳定。不需要用户交互。它们配备有用的操作和安全功能,可快速集成到不同的激光器设置中。使用我们的光束稳定系统,激光始终稳定在所需的目标位置和光束方向。请不要犹豫与我们联系。我们期待在选择、规划和整合方面为您提供帮助。 技术参数典型应用非常精确、快速和可靠的光束对准主动光束位置和光束方向控制激光束指向补偿精确的运动和振动控制自动调整激光束将激光束快速传送到不断变化的应用OEM 解决方案:例如激光材料加工中的在线精度控制 特征有源闭环控制模拟系统内核以最低的相移实现最高的控制性能无需数字化步骤的最高分辨率无需用户交互,无需计算机提供 USB 接口(以太网、RS-232)和软件连续和脉冲激光器的精确定位也适用于超短脉冲激光器(ps、fs) 提供 OEM 版本优异的性价比
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相色谱柱078956
    Sensitive Separation of All Classes of SurfactantsThe New Thermo Scientific Acclaim™ Surfactant Plus columns are high-efficiency silica-based HPLC columns for separating a wide variety of surfactants, including anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amphoteric surfactants. The advanced surface chemistry provides both reversed-phase and anion-exchange retention mechanisms which significantly improves resolution of these surfactants.The New Acclaim Surfactant Plus Columns are designed for use with charged aerosol detectors (CAD) and mass spectrometers (MS). Additionally, these columns can be used with evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD), suppressed conductivity detectors (SCD), and UV-Vis detectors (UV). They are resistant to dewetting under highly aqueous mobile phase conditions, and thus can be used to provide excellent resolution between strongly hydrophilic compounds, such as isomers of xylene sulfonate. Ideal selectivity for simultaneous separation of anionic, nonionic, cationic, and amphoteric surfactantsWell suited for the determination of cationic surfactantsCapable of retaining highly hydrophilic compounds, such as hydrotropesExcellent resolution for ethoxylated surfactantsRugged separations under a variety of conditionsMethods compatible with multiple detectors Broad Range of ApplicationsSurfactants are widely used in industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical markets, and in products as diverse as pesticides, detergents powders, petroleum products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns have been designed specifically for the HPLC separation of these surfactants. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns can be used for the HPLC separation of anionic surfactants (alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkyl sulfates, alkylether sulfates) and cationic surfactants (alkyl quaternary ammonium salts, benzylalkylammonium salts, pyridinium salts, and quaternary imidazolium compounds) nonionic surfactants, and polyethylene glycols (PEGs).Acclaim Surfactant Plus Column SpecificationsParticle shapeSphericalEndcappedYespH range2.5–7.5Temperature limit 50 oCStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 μmSurfactant Plus Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (4.6x150mm)078950Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x150mm)078951Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x100mm)078952Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x250mm)078953Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x150mm)078954Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x100mm)078955Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm, Analytical, PEEK body (4x150mm)078956Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)082768AcclaimSurfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)082767Surfactant Plus Guard ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (3.0x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580078959Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (4.6x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580082773Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相色谱柱078959
    Sensitive Separation of All Classes of SurfactantsThe New Thermo Scientific Acclaim™ Surfactant Plus columns are high-efficiency silica-based HPLC columns for separating a wide variety of surfactants, including anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amphoteric surfactants. The advanced surface chemistry provides both reversed-phase and anion-exchange retention mechanisms which significantly improves resolution of these surfactants.The New Acclaim Surfactant Plus Columns are designed for use with charged aerosol detectors (CAD) and mass spectrometers (MS). Additionally, these columns can be used with evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD), suppressed conductivity detectors (SCD), and UV-Vis detectors (UV). They are resistant to dewetting under highly aqueous mobile phase conditions, and thus can be used to provide excellent resolution between strongly hydrophilic compounds, such as isomers of xylene sulfonate. Ideal selectivity for simultaneous separation of anionic, nonionic, cationic, and amphoteric surfactantsWell suited for the determination of cationic surfactantsCapable of retaining highly hydrophilic compounds, such as hydrotropesExcellent resolution for ethoxylated surfactantsRugged separations under a variety of conditionsMethods compatible with multiple detectors Broad Range of ApplicationsSurfactants are widely used in industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical markets, and in products as diverse as pesticides, detergents powders, petroleum products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns have been designed specifically for the HPLC separation of these surfactants. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns can be used for the HPLC separation of anionic surfactants (alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkyl sulfates, alkylether sulfates) and cationic surfactants (alkyl quaternary ammonium salts, benzylalkylammonium salts, pyridinium salts, and quaternary imidazolium compounds) nonionic surfactants, and polyethylene glycols (PEGs).Acclaim Surfactant Plus Column SpecificationsParticle shapeSphericalEndcappedYespH range2.5–7.5Temperature limit 50 oCStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 μmSurfactant Plus Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (4.6x150mm)078950Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x150mm)078951Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x100mm)078952Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x250mm)078953Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x150mm)078954Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x100mm)078955Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm, Analytical, PEEK body (4x150mm)078956Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)082768AcclaimSurfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)082767Surfactant Plus Guard ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (3.0x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580078959Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (4.6x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580082773Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相色谱柱078955
    Sensitive Separation of All Classes of SurfactantsThe New Thermo Scientific Acclaim™ Surfactant Plus columns are high-efficiency silica-based HPLC columns for separating a wide variety of surfactants, including anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amphoteric surfactants. The advanced surface chemistry provides both reversed-phase and anion-exchange retention mechanisms which significantly improves resolution of these surfactants.The New Acclaim Surfactant Plus Columns are designed for use with charged aerosol detectors (CAD) and mass spectrometers (MS). Additionally, these columns can be used with evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD), suppressed conductivity detectors (SCD), and UV-Vis detectors (UV). They are resistant to dewetting under highly aqueous mobile phase conditions, and thus can be used to provide excellent resolution between strongly hydrophilic compounds, such as isomers of xylene sulfonate. Ideal selectivity for simultaneous separation of anionic, nonionic, cationic, and amphoteric surfactantsWell suited for the determination of cationic surfactantsCapable of retaining highly hydrophilic compounds, such as hydrotropesExcellent resolution for ethoxylated surfactantsRugged separations under a variety of conditionsMethods compatible with multiple detectors Broad Range of ApplicationsSurfactants are widely used in industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical markets, and in products as diverse as pesticides, detergents powders, petroleum products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns have been designed specifically for the HPLC separation of these surfactants. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns can be used for the HPLC separation of anionic surfactants (alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkyl sulfates, alkylether sulfates) and cationic surfactants (alkyl quaternary ammonium salts, benzylalkylammonium salts, pyridinium salts, and quaternary imidazolium compounds) nonionic surfactants, and polyethylene glycols (PEGs).Acclaim Surfactant Plus Column SpecificationsParticle shapeSphericalEndcappedYespH range2.5–7.5Temperature limit 50 oCStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 μmSurfactant Plus Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (4.6x150mm)078950Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x150mm)078951Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x100mm)078952Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x250mm)078953Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x150mm)078954Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x100mm)078955Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm, Analytical, PEEK body (4x150mm)078956Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)082768AcclaimSurfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)082767Surfactant Plus Guard ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (3.0x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580078959Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (4.6x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580082773Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Surfactant Plus 液相色谱柱082767
    Sensitive Separation of All Classes of SurfactantsThe New Thermo Scientific Acclaim™ Surfactant Plus columns are high-efficiency silica-based HPLC columns for separating a wide variety of surfactants, including anionic, cationic, nonionic, and amphoteric surfactants. The advanced surface chemistry provides both reversed-phase and anion-exchange retention mechanisms which significantly improves resolution of these surfactants.The New Acclaim Surfactant Plus Columns are designed for use with charged aerosol detectors (CAD) and mass spectrometers (MS). Additionally, these columns can be used with evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD), suppressed conductivity detectors (SCD), and UV-Vis detectors (UV). They are resistant to dewetting under highly aqueous mobile phase conditions, and thus can be used to provide excellent resolution between strongly hydrophilic compounds, such as isomers of xylene sulfonate. Ideal selectivity for simultaneous separation of anionic, nonionic, cationic, and amphoteric surfactantsWell suited for the determination of cationic surfactantsCapable of retaining highly hydrophilic compounds, such as hydrotropesExcellent resolution for ethoxylated surfactantsRugged separations under a variety of conditionsMethods compatible with multiple detectors Broad Range of ApplicationsSurfactants are widely used in industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical markets, and in products as diverse as pesticides, detergents powders, petroleum products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns have been designed specifically for the HPLC separation of these surfactants. The Acclaim Surfactant Plus columns can be used for the HPLC separation of anionic surfactants (alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkyl sulfates, alkylether sulfates) and cationic surfactants (alkyl quaternary ammonium salts, benzylalkylammonium salts, pyridinium salts, and quaternary imidazolium compounds) nonionic surfactants, and polyethylene glycols (PEGs).Acclaim Surfactant Plus Column SpecificationsParticle shapeSphericalEndcappedYespH range2.5–7.5Temperature limit 50 oCStarting materialUltrapure silicaParticle size3 μmSurfactant Plus Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (4.6x150mm)078950Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x150mm)078951Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (3.0x100mm)078952Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x250mm)078953Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x150mm)078954Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 3um Analytical (2.1x100mm)078955Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm, Analytical, PEEK body (4x150mm)078956Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 150mm)082768AcclaimSurfactant Plus, 5μm Analytical (4.6 x 250mm)082767Surfactant Plus Guard ColumnsAcclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (3.0x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580078959Acclaim Surfactant Plus, 5um, Guard Cartridges, (4.6x10mm), 2 ea requires holder 069580082773Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
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