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  • 2018年低维材料应用与标准研讨会第二轮通知
    p style=" text-align: center " strong 2018年低维材料应用与标准研讨会 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong (第二轮通知) /strong /p p style=" text-align: center "   Symposium on Low-Dimensional Material Application and Standardization (2018),LDMAS 2018 /p p style=" text-align: center "   (2018年10月18-20日 江苏 南京) /p p   低维材料应用与标准研讨会是由全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组发起的全国性学术会议,每年举行一次。本届会议将由南京邮电大学、南京大学、东南大学和国家纳米科学中心联合承办,定于2018年10月18-20日在江苏省南京市召开。会议的主要目的是为我国低维材料相关领域的高校、科研院所、企事业单位提供交流与合作的平台。届时,将就我国低维材料(如量子点/纳米晶、纳米线/管、二维材料等)的最新研究进展和发展趋势、产业化应用及标准化工作进行深入、广泛的交流。会议将邀请相关领域的知名专家、学者做专题报告,并邀请企事业单位、检测机构、仪器设备厂商的人员到会展示技术成果,洽谈合作。会议期间也将召开低维标准工作组委员扩大会议,并讨论相关国家标准的申报和起草等事项。欢迎广大学者和科技人员参加会议。 /p p    strong 一、会议主题 /strong /p p   1. 低维材料的制备、调控和表征分析技术 2. 低维信息与能源功能材料 /p p   3. 半导体低维结构及器件 4. 低维传感和发光材料 /p p   5. 低维材料应用探索 6. 低维材料产业化和标准化 /p p    strong 二、会议时间和地点 /strong /p p   时间:2018年10月18日-20日。10月18日:全天报到。地点:江苏· 南京 /p p   strong  三、会议组织 /strong /p p   span style=" text-decoration: none " strong   /strong /span span style=" text-decoration: underline " strong 主办单位 /strong /span /p p   全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组 /p p    strong span style=" text-decoration: underline " 承办单位 /span /strong /p p   南京邮电大学 /p p   南京大学 /p p   东南大学 /p p   国家纳米科学中心 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp span style=" text-decoration: underline " strong 支持媒体 /strong /span /p p   仪器信息网 /p p    strong span style=" text-decoration: underline " 会议主席 /span /strong /p p   刘鸣华 研究员(国家纳米科学中心) /p p   汪联辉 教授(南京邮电大学) /p p    strong span style=" text-decoration: underline " 组委会 /span /strong /p p   马延文 教授(南京邮电大学) /p p   葛广路 研究员(国家纳米中心) /p p   王欣然 教授(南京大学) /p p   倪振华 教授(东南大学) /p p   缪 峰 教授(南京大学) /p p   孙立涛 教授(东南大学) /p p   胡伟达 研究员(中国科学院上海技术物理研究所) /p p   吴忠帅 研究员(中国科学院大连化学物理研究所) /p p   朱彦武 教授(中国科技大学) /p p    strong 四、会议日程 /strong /p p   2018年10月18日:全天报道 2018年10月19日-20日:全天大会,特邀报告、专题研讨会、分会场报告、颁奖 2018年10月20日下午召开低维标准工作组委员扩大会议。 /p p    strong 五、会议注册和投稿 /strong /p p   注册费2000元(人民币)/位,包括参会费、资料费,学生代表凭学生证1000元(人民币)/位。请参会代表务将会议注册表(详见附件1)于 span style=" color: rgb(255, 0, 0) " strong 2018年8月10日 /strong /span 前通过Email发送给会议注册联系人,以便做好会议安排。 /p p   会议也将设置墙报(Poster)展示单元,并从中评选出优秀墙报奖,欢迎大家投稿。 /p p   会议代表可在报到现场填写入会申请表,申请成为全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组通讯成员和单位成员,工作组将根据申请单位及人员的具体情况讨论决定是否增选。 /p p    strong 六、付款方式 /strong /p p    span style=" text-decoration: underline " 1. 银行汇款 /span /p p   户名:泰州石墨烯研究检测平台有限公司 账号:7357310182600040666 /p p   开户行:中信银行泰州新区支行 /p p   * 汇款请写清汇款人姓名、单位,并注明“LDMAS2018注册费+单位+姓名” /p p    span style=" text-decoration: underline " 2. 支付宝支付(可扫描右侧二维码) /span img style=" float: right " src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201808/insimg/108f98fb-5c46-4e45-9bf0-2d41aeec2cb3.jpg" title=" 2.png" / span style=" text-decoration: underline " /span br/ /p p   账户名称:泰州石墨烯研究检测平台有限公司 /p p   账号: span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " ldmas2018@163.com /span /p p   * 请注明“LDMAS2018注册费+单位+姓名” /p p    span style=" text-decoration: underline " 3. 会议现场支付 /span /p p   七、会议联系方式 /p p   会议网址: a style=" text-decoration: underline color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " title=" " target=" _self" href=" http://dw.tc279.cn/tongzhigonggao/82.html" span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " http://dw.tc279.cn/tongzhigonggao/82.html /span /a /p p   会议联系人: /p p   李谊,15951813268,Email: span style=" text-decoration: underline color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " iamyli@njupt.edu.cn /span /p p   吕俊鹏,13585112878,Email: span style=" text-decoration: underline color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " phyljp@seu.edu.cn /span /p p   黄佳慧,15895863368,Email: span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) text-decoration: underline " jhhuang@nju.edu.cn /span /p p   梁铮,18936799578,E-mail: span style=" text-decoration: underline color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " liangzheng@graphene-center.org /span /p p   会议注册联系人: /p p   邵悦,13914543362,E-mail: span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) text-decoration: underline " ldmas2018@163.com /span /p p   赞助/参展联系人: /p p   袁文军13761090949, span style=" text-decoration: underline color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " zzldmas@163.com /span /p p style=" line-height: 16px "    strong 附件1 /strong : img src=" /admincms/ueditor1/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_doc.gif" / a href=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/files/201808/ueattachment/8e70904b-0110-4f99-bfef-eb0e31e45de1.docx" “2018年低维材料应用与标准研讨会”注册表.docx /a /p p style=" line-height: 16px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp strong 附件2 /strong : img src=" /admincms/ueditor1/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_doc.gif" / a href=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/files/201808/ueattachment/152866d4-2303-4986-a8c6-2b9b9e1cd1aa.docx" 2018年低维材料应用与标准研讨会(第二轮通知)2018年7月v1.2.docx /a /p p style=" text-align: right "   2018年低维材料应用与标准研讨会组委会 /p p style=" text-align: right "   全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会 /p p style=" text-align: right "   低维纳米结构与性能工作组 /p p style=" text-align: right "   2018年7月 /p
  • 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕
    p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " span style=" text-indent: 2em " 2019年11月17日,由全国纳米技术标准化委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组(下简称低维工作组)和西北工业大学联合主办,西北工业大学分析测试中心承办的第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会(LDMAS2019)在西安广成大酒店成功落幕。两天的会议,300余低维材料精英们共见证了5个大会报告,55个邀请报告、9个口头报告,以及31个张贴报告。 /span /p p style=" text-align:center" span style=" text-indent: 2em " img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/3fb9eec0-5685-4a12-b992-a57e3f715d4d.jpg" title=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕.JPG" alt=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕.JPG" / /span /p p style=" text-align: center " strong span style=" text-indent: 2em " 会议现场 /span /strong /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 大会报告环节由全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会常务副主任、国家纳米科学中心葛广路研究员主持。香港理工大学黄维扬教授和中国科学院半导体研究所谭平恒研究员分别带来了精彩的大会压轴报告。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/2b5e6e9f-5181-46cd-a624-bca2e6c95c53.jpg" title=" IMG_6728.JPG" alt=" IMG_6728.JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 报告人:香港理工大学黄维扬教授 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 报告题目:《Functional Metal-Based Nanomaterials Metallopolymers》 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/fa276801-cf53-404f-a18c-6308fa8a522a.jpg" title=" IMG_6813.JPG" alt=" IMG_6813.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 报告人:中国科学院半导体研究所谭平恒研究员 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 报告题目:《二维晶体薄片层数的拉曼光谱表征》 /strong /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 当前我国石墨烯及相关二维材料产业快速发展,但也存在丛生乱象,亟需建立国家认可的检验标准进行认可,层数表征是其中的重要方法,常见的表征方法有透射电子显微镜、扫描隧道显微镜、原子力显微镜、瑞利散射、光学衬度、拉曼光谱等。报告中谭平恒从样品选择、测量要求等维度讲解了如何利用拉曼光谱快速无损地表征石墨烯及相关二维材料的层数。他介绍了三种石墨烯相关二维材料适于标准的三种拉曼光谱表征方法,以及由此衍生的正在制定的相关国家标准。谭平恒强调拉曼光谱是一种快速无损的检测方法,可以提供多种参数分别独立表征二维材料的层数并且相互印证,是鉴别二维材料层数的重要实验手段。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 664px height: 664px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/487ec608-7704-49b2-a72e-7a19d1ddf44c.jpg" title=" 未命名3.png" alt=" 未命名3.png" width=" 664" height=" 664" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 报告交流环节 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/d0ac118c-8925-45d5-9ca3-3e113ff31310.jpg" title=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕 (4).JPG" alt=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕 (4).JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 甘雪涛副主任 /strong br/ /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/d4fcc034-ae51-47a9-beb6-16ec4e8779d9.jpg" title=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕 (5).JPG" alt=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕 (5).JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 优秀墙报奖颁奖典礼 /strong br/ /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 随着大会报告的结束,这场专属于低维材料的产、学、研年度盛宴也接近美好的尾声,大会进入颁奖仪式和闭幕式时刻,由西北工业大学分析测试中心甘雪涛副主任主持。本届LDMAS2019一共评选出6位优秀墙报奖。葛广路研究员、黄维扬教授、谭平恒研究员为获奖的青年学者颁奖。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/c96bd378-c89b-46d1-ad8f-afc9c7795062.jpg" title=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕 (2).JPG" alt=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕 (2).JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 汪联辉副校长 /strong br/ /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 大会共同主席、南京邮电大学汪联辉副校长致辞,他感谢各位专家学者远道而来,对与会嘉宾们两天来高涨的学术研讨热情表示由衷的欢欣。他祝贺LDMAS2019的成功召开,希望今后与与所有参会同仁一起,把中国低维材料应用与标准化的工作提升到更高的台阶。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/645dfa53-4c51-4775-91d8-4fedea28f74f.jpg" title=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕 (3).JPG" alt=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕 (3).JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 葛广路研究员 /strong br/ /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 葛广路研究员致辞,他认为LDMAS2019不仅是学术盛会,更是促进低维材料工业发展的路由器,要切切实实为我国纳米材料产业化发展做出贡献。他强调,低维材料工作组在未来要继续与学术大咖、企业精英们共同努力,把LDMAS发扬光大,将之打造成为低维材料产、学、研界研讨交流的世界品牌。 /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 谭平恒研究员作为大会分会主席致辞,他表示标准的制定匹夫有责,希望今后与参会嘉宾们携手并进,推动我国低维纳米材料的标准制定工作,向前冲,使劲干,让中国科学家在国际二维材料领域的标准制定上占据更高的地位。 /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 两天的时间,大家脚步匆匆穿梭于各会场中间,交流了学术与思想,收获了合作与成长,充分展现了我国低维材料领域一线科研学者们扎实的学术功底、创新的学术成果和昂扬的精神面貌。会议期间,专家们碰撞出无数灵感和思维的火花,对我国低维纳米材料应用与标准化未来的发展方向达成众多共识。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/dc7c054c-e1cf-4734-a5ff-032e8ec12b5e.jpg" title=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕 (7).JPG" alt=" 低维材料盛宴圆满落幕 2020重聚南京——第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会闭幕 (7).JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 陶立副院长 /strong br/ /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 相聚是美好的,但也是短暂的,幸好岁风周流从来都是绵延不息的。每一个美好的结束,往往也意味着另一个美好的开始。闭幕式最后,东南大学材料科学与工程学院副院长陶立从甘雪涛副主任手中领过交接棒,他宣布:第三届低维材料应用与标准研讨会(LDMAS2020)将由东南大学承办,重回南京(第一届LDMAS举办地)召开。2020,我们再相聚! /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/0a132379-4a53-4f12-88f6-de818b9c53fc.jpg" title=" 未命名.jpg" alt=" 未命名.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong span style=" text-indent: 2em " 闭幕式后,参会嘉宾们前往西北工业大学分析测试中心参观学习 /span /strong br/ /p
  • 2021年第四届低维材料应用与标准研讨会 (第一轮通知)
    2021年第四届低维材料应用与标准研讨会(第一轮通知)Symposium on Low-Dimensional Material Application and Standardization (2021),LDMAS 2021(2021年10月8-10日 北京)低维材料应用与标准研讨会由全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组(以下简称“工作组”)发起,每年举行一次,既是低维材料领域的高水平国际学术会议,也是低维材料应用与标准的研讨会。在历届会议成功举办的基础上,2021年第四届低维材料应用与标准研讨会(LDMAS2021) 定于2021年10月8日至10日在北京西郊宾馆召开。本届会议由工作组和中国科学院半导体研究所主办,中国科学院半导体研究所和中国科学院大学材料科学与光电技术学院承办,北京化工大学联合承办,西安电子科技大学、国家纳米科学中心、南京邮电大学、南京大学、东南大学、仪器信息网、南京国科会展服务有限公司协办。会议关注纳米能源与催化材料等低维材料以及低维半导体电子/光电子器件等领域的研究、应用及标准化,为低维材料与器件相关领域的专家、学者、企业家交流最新研究成果、探讨产业发展方向提供一个广泛的平台。会议期间将召开全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组2021年会及委员扩大会议,讨论相关国际标准、国家标准的申报和起草等事项,举办低维材料标准新项目论证会。会议将邀请国内外知名专家学者做专题报告,并邀请企事业单位、检测机构、仪器设备厂商的人员到会展示最新技术成果,洽谈合作。参会规模300 余人。诚邀欢迎广大学者、企业代表和学生参加会议。会议网址 http://ldmas2021.csp.escience.cn一、会议主题1、低维材料的制备和微纳加工2、低维半导体电子/光电子器件3、低维材料测试与表征4、纳米能源与催化材料5、低维材料应用与标准化二、会议时间和地点时间:2021年10月8日-10日。10月8日报到,10月9、10日全天会议。地点:北京西郊宾馆三、会议组织主办单位 全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组中国科学院半导体研究所承办单位中国科学院半导体研究所中国科学院大学材料科学与光电技术学院联合承办单位北京化工大学协办单位西安电子科技大学国家纳米科学中心南京邮电大学南京大学东南大学仪器信息网南京国科会展服务有限公司大会主席李树深院士中国科学院,中国科学院大学郝 跃 院士西安电子科技大学,国家自然科学基金委员会赵宇亮 院士国家纳米科学中心,全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会大会共同主席Denis Koltsov博士国际标准化组织纳米技术委员会ISO/TC229主席汪联辉教授 南京邮电大学谭平恒研究员中国科学院半导体研究所组织委员会(按姓氏拼音为序)蔡一茂教授北京大学陈成猛研究员中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所陈广超 教授中国科学院大学狄增峰研究员中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所丁 荣副主任全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组甘雪涛 教授西北工业大学高思田 研究员中国计量科学研究院 葛广路研究员国家纳米科学中心胡伟达研究员中国科学院上海技术物理研究所李 泠研究员中国科学院微电子研究所梁 铮博士泰州石墨烯研究检测平台廖 蕾教授湖南大学刘向峰 教授中国科学院大学骆军委研究员中国科学院半导体研究所吕俊鹏教授东南大学马延文教授南京邮电大学倪振华教授东南大学彭海琳教授北京大学邵晓红教授北京化工大学孙立涛教授东南大学王 维教授北京化工大学王 训教授清华大学王欣然教授南京大学吴忠帅研究员中国科学院大连化学物理研究所徐海阳教授东北师范大学薛春来研究员中国科学院半导体研究所余学功教授浙江大学张 强教授清华大学张进成教授西安电子科技大学张铁锐研究员中国科学院理化技术研究所周 鹏教授复旦大学组委会秘书刘雪璐、邵悦四、分论坛及论坛主席(按姓氏拼音为序)分论坛1:低维材料的制备和微纳加工蔡一茂(北京大学)、陈广超(中国科学院大学)、狄增峰(中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所)、李泠(中国科学院微电子研究所)、彭海琳(北京大学)、余学功(浙江大学)分论坛2:低维半导体电子/光电子器件胡伟达(中国科学院上海技术物理研究所)、邵晓红(北京化工大学)、徐海阳(东北师范大学)、薛春来(中国科学院半导体研究所)、张进成(西安电子科技大学)、周鹏(复旦大学)分论坛3:低维材料测试与表征甘雪涛(西北工业大学)、廖蕾(湖南大学)、骆军委(中国科学院半导体研究所)、吕俊鹏(东南大学)、孙立涛(东南大学)、王维(北京化工大学)分论坛4:纳米能源与催化材料刘向峰(中国科学院大学)、马延文(南京邮电大学)、王训(清华大学)、吴忠帅(中国科学院大连化学物理研究所)、张强(清华大学)、张铁锐(中国科学院理化技术研究所)分论坛5:低维材料应用与标准化陈成猛(中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所)、丁荣(全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组)、高思田(中国计量科学研究院)、葛广路(国家纳米科学中心)、倪振华(东南大学)专题会议:低维标准工作组委员扩大会议论坛主席:王欣然(南京大学)五、会议日程2021年10月8日:全天报道;2021年10月8日下午:低维标准工作组委员扩大会议;2021年10月9日-10日:全天大会,大会报告、邀请报告、口头报告、优秀墙报评选。 六、会议征稿本次会议设立“青年论坛”,欢迎广大青年学者及研究生踊跃投稿。将采用“口头报告”和“墙报展示”两种方式进行学术交流,并设立“优秀报告奖”和“优秀墙报奖”。凡与会议专题相关、并且未在国内外学术刊物或会议上发表过的研究工作均可投稿。论文要反映国内外最新研究进展和成果,主题突出,内容层次分明,数据准确,论述严谨,结论明确,采用法定计量单位。为尊重个人意见和便于组委会安排程序,参会者投稿时请注意选择稿件类型:“口头报告”或“墙报展示”。会议投稿只接受论文摘要,具体格式请参照会议网站提供的摘要模板(http://ldmas2021.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/65558)。投稿摘要包括题目、作者姓名、单位、单位所在地、摘要、关键词和参考文献等,中英文均可,一页A4大小,文件格式为.doc或.docx。七、会议注册1、注册方式:登录会议网站注册 链接:http://ldmas2021.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/655542、注册费标准及缴费方式:注册费标准:2021年8月31日前,注册费2000元/位,学生代表凭学生证1200元/位;2021年8月31日后,注册费2200元/位,学生代表凭学生证1400元/位。缴费方式:(1)在线支付(建议优先使用此方式):登录会议网站查看缴费流程,在线支付并填写开票信息链接:http://ldmas2021.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/70006(2)银行汇款户名:中国科学院半导体研究所账号:0200006209088114331开户行:中国工商银行北京东升路支行* 银行汇款请备注“LDMAS+单位+姓名”,并将缴费凭证、开票信息及电子发票接收邮箱发送至会务组邮箱ldmas2021@163.com。(3)会议现场注册支持微信支付,刷卡支付八、重要时间2021年7月26日开放注册投稿2021年8月20日投稿截止日期2021年8月31日注册优惠截止日期2021年10月8-10日会议召开日期(8日为注册日)九、会议联系方式会议注册联系人: 刘雪璐,18800124191,Email: liuxuelu@semi.ac.cn邵 悦,13914543362,Email: ldmas2021@163.com会议参展联系人: 袁晨曦,17811960949,Email: casexpo@vip.163.com会务组邮箱: ldmas2021@163.com 2021年第四届低维材料应用与标准研讨会组委会全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组 中国科学院半导体研究所2021年7月
  • 2022 年第五届低维材料应用与标准研讨会 (第一轮通知)
    低维材料应用与标准研讨会由全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组发起,每年举行一次,既是低维材料领域的高水平国际学术会议,也是低维材料标准制定的研讨会。在历届会议成功举办的基础上,2022年第五届低维材料应用与标准研讨会(LDMAS2022) 定于2022年12月9日至11日在苏州白金汉爵大酒店(相城店)召开。本届会议由全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组主办,南京大学苏州校区和中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所共同承办,苏州大学、国家纳米科学中心、东南大学、南京邮电大学、南京国科会展服务有限公司协办。会议关注石墨烯、碳纳米管等低维材料的研究、应用及标准化,为低维材料相关领域的专家、学者、企业家交流最新研究成果、探讨产业发展方向提供一个广泛的平台。会议期间将召开全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组2022年会及委员扩大会议,讨论相关国际标准、国家标准的申报和起草等事项,举办石墨烯等低维材料标准新项目论证会。会议将邀请国内外知名专家学者做专题报告,并邀请企事业单位、检测机构、仪器设备厂商的人员到会展示最新技术成果,洽谈合作。诚邀欢迎广大学者、企业代表和学生参加会议。会议网址: https://ldmas2022.casconf.cn 一、会议主题1、低维电子材料制备与微纳加工2、低维电子/光电子器件3、低维材料/器件的测试与表征4、低维材料应用与标准化二、会议时间和地点时间:2022年12月9日-11日。12月9日报到,12月10、11日全天会议。地点:苏州白金汉爵大酒店(相城店)三、会议组织主办单位全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组承办单位南京大学苏州校区中国科学院中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所协办单位苏州大学国家纳米科学中心东南大学南京邮电大学南京国科会展服务有限公司会议组委会大会主席 郝 跃 院士 西安电子科技大学学术委员会主任,国家自然科学基金委信息学部主任赵宇亮 院士 国家纳米科学中心主任,中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所学术所长、全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会主任施 毅 教授 南京大学示范性微电子学院院长大会共同主席Denis Koltsov 博士 国际标准化组织纳米技术委员会ISO/TC229主席汪联辉 教授 南京邮电大学副校长王强斌 研究员 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所副所长(执行)、党委副书记执行主席王欣然 教授 南京大学集成电路学院执行院长、电子科学与工程学院副院长张 凯 研究员 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所科技处处长组织委员会(按姓氏拼音为序)组委会秘书长丁荣 副主任 全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组组委会秘书俞强、黄佳慧、邵悦四、分论坛及论坛主席(按姓氏拼音为序)分论坛1:低维材料的制备和微纳加工戴庆(国家纳米中心)、狄增峰(中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所)、孙立涛(东南大学)分论坛2:低维半导体电子/光电子器件胡伟达(中国科学院上海技术物理研究所)、唐建新(苏州大学)、王枫秋(南京大学)分论坛3:低维材料测试与表征倪振华(东南大学)、谭平恒(中国科学院半导体研究所)、王业亮(北京理工大学)分论坛4:低维材料应用与标准化陈成猛(中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所)、葛广路(国家纳米科学中心)、吕俊鹏(东南大学)专题会议:低维标准工作组委员扩大会议论坛主席:王欣然(南京大学)五、会议日程2022年12月9日:下午报道;2022年12月10日下午:低维标准工作组委员扩大会议;2022年12月10日-11日:全天大会,大会报告、邀请报告、口头报告、优秀墙报评选。六、会议征稿凡与会议专题相关、并且未在国内外学术刊物或会议上发表过的研究工作均可投稿。论文要反映国内外最新研究进展和成果,主题突出,内容层次分明,数据准确,论述严谨,结论明确,采用法定计量单位。本次会议采用“口头报告”和“墙报展示”两种方式进行学术交流。组委会还将继续设立“优秀墙报奖”,以表彰研究水平高、能突出展示研究内容要点、版面编排好、现场讲解清楚及答疑优秀的墙报。为尊重个人意见和便于组委会安排程序,参会者投稿时请注意选择稿件类型:“口头报告”或“墙报展示”。 会议投稿只接受论文摘要,具体格式请参照会议网站提供的摘要模板(https://ldmas2022.casconf.cn)。投稿摘要包括题目、作者姓名、单位、单位所在地、摘要、关键词和参考文献等,中英文均可,一页A4大小,文件格式为.doc或.docx。七、会议注册注册方式:登录会议网站注册链接:https://ldmas2022.casconf.cn八、重要时间2021年10月7日开放注册投稿2021年11月25日投稿截止日期2021年11月11日注册优惠截止日期2021年12月9-11日会议召开日期(9日为注册日)九、会议联系方式会议注册联系人: 俞 强,15050196525,Email: qyu2015@sinano.ac.cn黄佳慧,15895863368,Email: jhhuang@nju.edu.cn邵 悦,13914543362(可加此号微信入会议群),Email: shaoyue@graphene-center.org会议参展联系人: 袁晨曦,17811960949,Email: xiaochen@casexpo.cn会 务 组 邮 箱:ldmas2022@sinano.ac.cn
  • 2018低维材料应用与标准研讨会召开 众咖峰聚南京
    p style=" text-indent: 2em text-align: justify " 2018年10月19日,2018低维材料应用与标准研讨会在江苏省南京市仙林大学城新地酒店隆重召开。众多长江学者、行业专家、标准专家、企业代表齐聚一堂,就我国低维材料的最新研究进展和发展趋势、产业化应用及标准化工作进行了深入、广泛的交流。会议由全国纳米技术标准化委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组和江苏省泰州市质量技术监督局联合主办,南京邮电大学、南京大学、东南大学、国家纳米科学中心联合承办,参会总人数超过600人次。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/4d2ad847-c5c0-45a1-9fb1-1a8c2513c592.jpg" title=" IMG_9535.JPG" alt=" IMG_9535.JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 会场照片 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/bac7e2f1-53c8-46a0-b6fc-4c2cb0284841.jpg" style=" " title=" IMG_9460.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 汪联辉主持开幕式 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/ab42e2fe-4d07-4f97-972d-26b21d6075c9.jpg" style=" " title=" IMG_9525.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 刘鸣华致辞 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/f337dde7-52a5-4b4a-96fb-4c1c5f042730.jpg" title=" IMG_9544.JPG" alt=" IMG_9544.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 洪淼致辞 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/8ce4586e-3717-43f3-b870-be9acc0755a8.jpg" style=" " title=" IMG_9558.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 江峰致辞 /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em text-align: justify " 大会开幕式由南京邮电大学副校长汪联辉主持。国家纳米科学中心主任、全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会主任刘鸣华,江苏省质量技术监督局标准化处处长洪淼,江苏省泰州市质量技术监督局副局长江峰相继做了精彩致辞。 /p p style=" text-indent: 2em text-align: justify " 自上世纪80年代以来,纳米技术取得了飞速发展,近年来,中国纳米科技发展已经与世界同步,某些领域甚至处于世界领跑地位。而作为联接实验室技术和应用技术的重要桥梁,标准对我国纳米技术的创新和突破有着至关重要的作用。目前量子点、碳秘纳米管、石墨烯等低维纳米材料的研究引起了国际上的广泛关注,相关领域标准制定的工作也在全球范围内掀起一股热浪。 /p p style=" text-indent: 2em text-align: justify " 低维材料应用与标准研讨会是由全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组发起的全国性学术会议,每年举行一次。会议旨在为我国低维材料相关领域的高校、科研院所、企事业单位提供交流与合作的平台,将低维纳米材料最新研究成果与标准化工作进一步结合,促进我国低维纳米科技事业登上崭新的台阶。 /p p style=" text-indent: 2em text-align: justify " 作为今年获批创建的标准国际化创新性试点城市,泰州市始终坚持把标准化引领作为产业化发展的主抓手,大力实施标准化战略,近年来泰州市聚焦新材料产业,已成为全国为石墨烯和低维纳米材料检测和标准化服务的专业基地,全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组正是在该市成立,因此本次会议也为泰州市乃至江苏省低维纳米技术的发展提供了良好契机。 /p p style=" text-align: center " strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/8baacea4-3dca-4c73-bf80-1cdde734a552.jpg" style=" " title=" IMG_9578.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 张华主持前半场报告环节 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/f5703089-2729-474d-b7bc-3dab3b56c877.jpg" style=" " title=" IMG_9885.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 邱介山主持后半场报告环节 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/98349028-c328-4355-ac1b-917895dd8b2f.jpg" title=" IMG_9596.JPG" alt=" IMG_9596.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 张锦 /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em text-align: justify " 大会报告环节由新加坡南洋理工大学教授张华和北京化工大学教授、长江学者邱介山先后主持。北京大学教授、长江学者张锦做了题为《纳米碳材料的结构控制生长方法》的报告。他的研究从催化剂、碳管基底、气氛几个界面的调控入手,实现了半导体晶管和纳米金属管的高选择性,也可以实现基底催化剂纳米的的控制、基底碳管的定向和高密度碳管的生长。另外,通过通过催化剂和碳管之间的界面控制,张锦的研究团队还实现了手性控制生长。 /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/d52f7e61-9953-47d0-b34c-6c06d180dab1.jpg" title=" IMG_9668.JPG" alt=" IMG_9668.JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 魏飞 /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em text-align: justify " 清华大学化工系教授、长江学者魏飞首先汇报了其对碳纳米管可控生长的研究,他发现可在TOF达106 1/S条件下实现半米长碳纳米管的无缺陷生长,这一生长过程符合最可几失活关系。并可得到强度高于80GPa的碳纳米管高强纤维束,这种完美结构的碳纳米管可被利用进行单碳碳键断裂的检测及皮牛级力的测量。报告中,魏飞还对碳纳米材料在传感、超级电容、锂电池等方面的应用进行了介绍。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/5fab3289-6e1b-48b9-8204-91c3e403b75a.jpg" title=" IMG_9742.JPG" alt=" IMG_9742.JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 徐东升 /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em text-align: justify " 北京大学教授、长江学者徐东升的最新研究聚焦太阳能转化中的关键科学问题,对高效太阳能转化系统的构筑进行了四方面的探讨:第一个是光催化醇类脱氢反应。通过设计一类非均相光催化剂,实现高量子效率和高选择性醇类直接脱氢到醛或者酮的可见光催化转化反应;第二个是基于居于表面等离激元共振效应的光热增强催化反应,为太阳能全光谱利用提供了新思路;第三个是制备出超过18%且在空气中长期稳定的太杨能电池;第四个是在MAPbBr3钙钛矿太阳能电池中实现了大于1.57V的开路电压。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/2d2902e9-2cac-4151-bff0-d46e3c1fd454.jpg" title=" IMG_9919.JPG" alt=" IMG_9919.JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 俞书宏 /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em text-align: justify " 中国科学技术大学教授,长江学者俞书宏带来了无机材料的仿生合成、组装及应用的报告。实现高质量纳米结构单元及其组装体的可控合成与宏量制备一直是其在能源转换应用技术中的瓶颈之一。俞书宏的研发团队阐明了纳米线的稳定性与其优异的化学活性之间的关系。在此基础上,实现了一系列具有重要功能的无机纳米线及异质的宏量制备,并运用多重模板法进一步制备种复合纳米线(管)和纳米电缆等。该成果可应用于光电转换、透明和柔性导电极、智能变色、弹性道题电催化等领域。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/9edf51cf-b65b-4e2a-a740-8289649b4315.jpg" title=" IMG_9895.JPG" alt=" IMG_9895.JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 张华 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/71c681c6-c851-4d2a-be1b-75cf84e5daab.jpg" style=" " title=" IMG_0006.JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 张浩力 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/091ff6a3-534f-4954-8077-c971ab5faeec.jpg" title=" 111111111111.jpg" alt=" 111111111111.jpg" / /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 0em text-align: center " strong 参会观众与主讲嘉宾现场交流 /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em text-align: justify " 会上,新加坡南洋理工大学教授张华和兰州大学功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室教授张浩力也分别做了题为《Phase Engineering of Novel Nanomaterials》和《二维材料的液相剥离与非线性光学性质研究》的精彩报告。 /p p style=" text-align: center " strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/b22cd98f-a6ab-4d67-9b51-113a5cf5b8d5.jpg" style=" " title=" IMG_0135.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 分会场1 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/094d1066-d4b5-4c81-b91b-3025d7fc124e.jpg" title=" IMG_0191.JPG" alt=" IMG_0191.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 分会场2 /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em text-align: justify " 据了解,本次研讨会聚焦低维材料的制备、调控和表征分析技术;低维信息与能源功能材料;半导体低维结构及器件;低纬传感器和发光材料;低维材料应用探索;低纬材料产业化和标准化六大主题。除了大会报告外,还分设两个分会场进行为期两天42个学术报告的研讨与交流。 /p p style=" text-align: center " strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/4896829d-dd1e-4c2f-813b-2ad6c4676d87.jpg" style=" " title=" IMG_0040.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 墙报公示区 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/56e31316-5e70-4349-933b-bfb1c4be7093.jpg" style=" " title=" IMG_0271.JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 技术成果展区 /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 会议同期还设置了19个低维纳米科技学术成果的墙报公示区,并邀请企、事业单位、检测机构、仪器设备厂商近二十家单位到会展示技术成果,参展的仪器设备厂商包含了HORIBA、上海临点、天美、岛津、牛津仪器等。此外会议期间还将召开低维标准工作组委员会扩大会议,讨论相关国家标准的申报和起草等事项。 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " img src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201810/uepic/b51ab213-3944-44c7-827a-b349a68cfba4.jpg" title=" 111.JPG" alt=" 111.JPG" / /span /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 2018低维材料应用与标准研讨会参会嘉宾合影 /span /strong span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " br/ /span /p
  • 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕
    p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 2019年11月16日,第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会(LDMAS2019)在西安广成大酒店隆重开幕,国内外著名学者、行业应用及标准化专家、企业领袖齐聚一堂,共同探讨我国低维材料领域的产、学、研、用及标准化工作最新进展。会议由全国纳米技术标准化委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组和西北工业大学联合主办,西北工业大学分析测试中心承办,参会人数超过300人次,仪器信息网作为协办媒体对会议进行了全程报道。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/664b934c-f97a-4bce-ad2a-48e6d12b51df.jpg" title=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (3).JPG" alt=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (3).JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 大会现场 /strong br/ /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " LDMAS是我国一年一度的低维材料领域高水平国际学术会议,也是低维材料应用与标准的研讨盛会,始自2018年。会议聚焦石墨烯、碳纳米管等低维材料的制备、表征、物性及器件等基础研究以及相应的产业化应用和标准化,为我国低维材料界同仁提供一个广泛交流的平台。本届会议在大会报告之外,还下设6大分会场,共有55个邀请报告、9个口头报告,以及31个张贴报告。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/37912a22-6d88-4a20-9c2b-2b729a01e273.jpg" title=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (2).JPG" alt=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (2).JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 刘峰 /strong br/ /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 大会开幕式由西北工业大学分析测试中心副主任甘雪涛主持。大会组委会主席、西北工业大学分析测试中心主任刘峰致辞并欢迎各位嘉宾的到来。现如今材料学研究正向低维深入钻研,刘峰呼吁参会嘉宾在LDMAS2019上积极碰撞出灵感的火花,为低维材料的研究与应用贡献更多真知灼见。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/d24a3767-6370-4330-ae38-d027bb475f0c.jpg" title=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (4).JPG" alt=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (4).JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 葛广路 /strong /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会常务副主任、国家纳米科学中心葛广路研究员致辞并预祝大会圆满成功。他从三个方面强调了标准化对低维纳米乃至整个纳米技术产业的重要意义:一是促进成果转化。通过标准化研究稳定地复现纳米材料的独特性能,促进科研成果产业转化;二是提升产品质量。通过共建纳米产品的市场准入门槛与技术标准体系,提升产品研发质控的稳定性和可靠性;三是支撑产业的发展。规范纳米市场秩序,促进低维材料产业间的贸易往来。 /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 据了解,本届会议也是西北工业大学分析测试中心和全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会的第一次合作。双方都表示未来将在纳米技术领域的测试 方法、技术规范、性能评价等方面,开展更密切深入的交流与合作。 /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 开幕式后是大会报告环节,ISO/TC229主席Denis KOLTSOV、东南大学孙立涛教授、西安理工大学施卫教授相继围绕低维材料标准化趋势,原子尺度的制造、表征与应用,太赫兹辐射研究等维度做了精彩的学术报告,分享并与参会嘉宾讨论了最新研究成果。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/f7d12050-9fb9-4e0c-a392-cc21d46fa3fc.jpg" title=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (5).JPG" alt=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (5).JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 报告嘉宾:ISO/TC229主席Denis KOLTSOV /strong /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 报告题目:《Trends and developments in Standards for Low-Dimensional》 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/1c2620ad-4c6f-45a9-88b7-8d4912041ab9.jpg" title=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (6).JPG" alt=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (6).JPG" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 报告嘉宾:东南大学孙立涛教授 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 报告题目:《原子尺度制造与应用》 /strong /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 随着纳米技术与电子信息产业的快速发展,核心材料与元器件的特征加工尺寸已走向7纳米。能够在原子尺度上进行及精准的材料结构表征,探索精准的调控与实现原子尺度制造的方法,是实现相关结构组装与应用的基础。孙立涛介绍了其研究团队自主搭建的可实现原子分辨的原位-多场加载研究系统,并探索了材料原子尺度下的精准表征、制造及其在电子器件、能源和环保领域的应用。孙立涛指出,原子制造是多学科交叉前沿研究的基础和保障,是未来芯片制造的重要支撑,以此为基础的芯片产业前沿研究将带动中国的创新能力持续提升。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/d3216b2c-0423-442c-b66a-bdae25f2cf12.jpg" title=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (9).JPG" alt=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (9).JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 报告嘉宾:西安理工大学施卫教授 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 报告题目:《弱光触发强电场GaAsPCA载流子雪崩猝灭及太赫兹辐射研究》 /strong /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 最新研究表明,微量的细胞、生物大分子在生命环境中的快速变化过程(PS-MS)直接关系到生命体的病变和药理作用,该过程可以用太赫兹时域光谱检测技术实现。而提升太赫兹光电导天线的功率,可以助力相关技术实现对含水样品、飞摩尔量级样品的测量,以及对PS时间分辨的瞬态测量。施卫表示,这一项研究对理解重大生命现象,研究重大疾病致病机理以及研发抗癌化疗药物等新的靶向药物具有重要意义。其研究团队通过用nJ量级弱光飞秒激光出发GAAs PCA,实现了具有载流子雪崩倍增和猝灭的工作模式,这种非线性效应可以产生强太赫兹电磁辐射,进而实现了对太赫兹光电导天线功率的提升。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/36b63f9a-5246-468b-b72e-f7fe75389f7e.jpg" title=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕.JPG" alt=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕.JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 甘雪涛 /strong /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 大会期间,甘雪涛副主任介绍了西北工业大学分析测试中心建设及运行情况。西北工业大学分析测试中心成立于2016年1月,目前已成功构建了以14台套高端先进大型设备为主,20余台套中端通用大型设备为辅的分析测试体系。是西北工业大学为学校科研、教学和社会提供分析测试服务的公共大平台。以双球差矫正透射电镜及配套原位样品杆为例,已成功构成国际领先的电子显微分析平台。甘雪涛表示,中心配备有25人的专业专职检测专家团队,已取得了国军标GJB9001质量体系认证和CNAS检测实验室认可的资质,并且实现了面向全社会的开放共享,可以为校内外科研机构和企业单位提供7× 24小时的优质检测及认证服务。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 664px height: 829px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/1f3d7462-1b74-4c1b-843b-266cb36a3213.jpg" title=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (10).jpg" alt=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (10).jpg" width=" 664" height=" 829" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 同期展览掠影 /strong /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 会议同期还设置了低维材料及仪器设备展区,众多分析测试仪器设备生产企业参展,包括赛默飞、HORIBA、布鲁克、深圳新威尔、上海巨纳、上海谱幂精密仪器等。 /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 664px height: 904px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/5368bb35-dd6d-4eac-ad32-d61e64435d0e.jpg" title=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (11).jpg" alt=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (11).jpg" width=" 664" height=" 904" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 部分分会场热况 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 664px height: 910px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/94421f44-0e9c-4c4e-830e-e9ce992784e1.jpg" title=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (12).jpg" alt=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (12).jpg" width=" 664" height=" 910" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /strong /p p style=" text-align: center text-indent: 0em " strong 张贴海报展区 /strong /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 据悉,LDMAS2019将持续两天,与会专家将围绕低维材料的制备和表征分析,纳米能源与信息功能材料,半导体低维结构及器件,低维纳米光电显示,低维纳米生物与医学,低维宽禁带及超宽禁带半导体材料与应用,低维材料应用探索、产业化和标准化等主题开展专题研讨。全国纳标委低维工作组年会及委员扩大会议也将在大会同期举行,总结并展望规划低维材料相关的国家标准项目。仪器信息网也将全程跟踪,实时带来最新的报道。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/ba33a617-d6f8-46ea-819a-4e537735f9b1.jpg" title=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (7).JPG" alt=" 第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在西安隆重开幕 (7).JPG" / /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 合影留念 /strong /p
  • 2019年第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会(第一轮通知)
    p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:24px font-family:DengXian" 2019 /span span style=" font-size:24px font-family:DengXian" 年第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会 /span /p p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:19px font-family:DengXian" ( /span span style=" font-size:19px font-family:DengXian" 第一轮通知 span ) /span /span /p p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:12px font-family:DengXian" Symposium on Low-Dimensional Material Application and Standardization (2019) /span span style=" font-size:12px font-family:DengXian" , span LDMAS 2019 /span /span /p p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:DengXian" ( span 2019 /span 年 span 11 /span 月 span 15-18 /span 日 西安) /span /p p style=" text-indent: 28px text-align: justify " span style=" font-family:DengXian" 低维材料应用与标准研讨会由全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组发起,每年举行一次 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" ,既是低维材料领域的高水平国际学术会议,也是低维材料应用与标准的研讨会。在首届会议成功举办的基础上, span 2019 /span 年第二届 /span span style=" font-family:DengXian" 低维材料应用与标准研讨会 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" (LDMAS 2019) /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 定于 span 2019 /span 年 span 11 /span 月 span 15 /span 日至 span 18 /span 日在西安 /span span style=" font-family:DengXian" 广成大酒店 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 召开。本届会议 /span span style=" font-family:DengXian" 由西北工业大学、西安电子科技大学、西北大学、陕西省石墨烯联合实验室联合承办。 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 28px text-align: justify " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 会议关注石墨烯、碳纳米管等低维材料的研究、应用及标准化,为低维材料相关领域的专家、学者、企业家交流最新研究成果、探讨产业发展方向提供一个广泛的平台。会议期间将召开全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组委员扩大会议,讨论相关国际标准、国家标准的申报和起草等事项。 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 会议将邀请 span 60 /span 多位知名专家、企业家做专题报告,并邀请 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 企事业单位、检测机构、仪器设备厂商的人员到会展示最新技术成果,洽谈合作,参会规模 span 300 /span 余人。欢迎广大学者、企业代表和学生参加会议。 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 28px text-align: justify " span style=" font-family: DengXian" br/ /span /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-family: DengXian" 一、会议主题 /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 1. /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 低维材料的制备和表征分析 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 2. /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 纳米能源与信息功能材料 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 3. /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 半导体低维结构及器件 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 4. /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 低维纳米光电显示 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 5. /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 低维纳米生物与医学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 6. /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 低维宽禁带及超宽禁带半导体材料与应用 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 7. /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 低维材料应用探索、产业化和标准化 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" br/ /span /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-family: DengXian" 二、会议时间和地点 /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 时间: span 2019 /span /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 年 span 11 /span 月 span 15 /span 日 span -18 /span 日。 /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 11 /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 月 span 15 /span 日报到, span 11 /span 月 span 18 /span 日离会。 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 地点:西安广成大酒店 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" br/ /span /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-family: DengXian" 三、会议组织 /span /strong /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 主办单位 /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 西北工业大学 /span /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 承办单位 /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 西北工业大学分析测试中心 /span /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 联合承办单位 /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 西安电子科技大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 西北大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 陕西省石墨烯联合实验室 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 合作媒体 /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 仪器信息网 /span /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 大会共同主席 /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 黄 span & nbsp /span 维 院士 span & nbsp & nbsp /span 西北工业大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" Denis& nbsp Koltsov /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 教授 国际标准化组织纳米技术委员会 span ISO/TC229 /span 主席 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 郝 span & nbsp /span 跃 院士 span & nbsp & nbsp /span 西安电子科技大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 赵宇亮 院士 & nbsp & nbsp 国家纳米科学中心 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 汪联辉 教授 & nbsp & nbsp 南京邮电大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " strong style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 组委会主席 /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 甘雪涛 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 西北工业大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 葛广路 研究员 国家纳米科学中心 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 王欣然 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 南京大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " strong style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 组织委员会(按姓氏拼音为序) /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 陈 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 伟 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 新加坡国立大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" text-indent: 2em font-family: DengXian " 丁& nbsp 荣 副主任 /span span style=" text-indent: 2em font-family: DengXian color: rgb(21, 21, 21) " 全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 樊海明 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 西北大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 甘雪涛 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 西北工业大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 葛广路 研究员 国家纳米科学中心 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 胡伟达 研究员 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 金一政 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 浙江大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 刘 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 峰 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 西北工业大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 马延文 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 南京邮电大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 倪振华 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 东南大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 邱介山 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 北京化工大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 孙立涛 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 东南大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 谭平恒 研究员 中国科学院半导体研究所 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 王 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 东 副教授 西安电子科技大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 王强斌 研究员 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 王欣然 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 南京大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 吴忠帅 研究员 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 张浩力 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 兰州大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 张进成 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 西安电子科技大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 周 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 鹏 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 复旦大学 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 张 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 帆 教授 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 上海交通大学 /span /p p style=" margin-left: 28px text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" br/ /span /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-family: DengXian" 四、会议日程 /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 2019 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 年 span 11 /span 月 span 15 /span 日:全天报道; /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 2019 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 年 span 11 /span 月 span 16 /span 日 span -17 /span 日:全天大会,特邀报告、专题研讨、分会场报告、颁奖; /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 2019 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 年 span 11 /span 月 span 16 /span 日晚:低维标准工作组委员扩大会议。 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 分论坛一: /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 低维材料的制备和表征分析, /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 论坛主席:谭平恒、孙立涛、倪振华 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 分论坛二: /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 纳米能源与信息功能材料, /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 论坛主席:邱介山、马延文、吴忠帅 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 分论坛三: /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 半导体低维结构及器件, /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 论坛主席:陈伟、胡伟达、周鹏 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 分论坛四: /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 低维纳米光电显示, /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 论坛主席:张浩力、金一政 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 分论坛五: /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 低维纳米生物与医学, /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 论坛主席:王强斌、樊海明 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 分论坛六: /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 低维宽禁带及超宽禁带半导体材料与应用,论坛主席:张进成、王东 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 分论坛七: /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 低维材料应用探索、产业化和标准化,论坛主席:葛广路、张帆、梁铮 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 专题论坛: /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 低维标准工作组委员扩大会议,论坛主席:王欣然 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 专题论坛:纳米生物医学标准研讨 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" 专题论坛:宽禁带半导体材料与器件标准研讨 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: DengXian" br/ /span /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-family: DengXian" 五、会议注册和投稿 /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 2019 /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 年 span 10 /span 月 span 15 /span 日前:注册费 span 2000 /span 元 span / /span 位(外籍 span 350 /span 美金 span / /span 位)、学生代表凭学生证 span 1200 /span 元 span / /span 位(外籍 span 250 /span 美金 span / /span 位); /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 2019 /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 年 span 10 /span 月 span 15 /span 日后:注册费 span 2200 /span 元 span / /span 位(外籍 span 400 /span 美金 span / /span 位)、学生代表凭学生证 span 1400 /span 元 span / /span 位(外籍 span 300 /span 美金 span / /span 位)。 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 会议委托南京国科会展服务有限公司办理会务事宜,请参会人员于 span 2019 /span 年 span 9 /span 月 span 30 /span 日前将会议注册表 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 通过 span Email /span /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 发送给 strong 会议注册联系人 /strong 。会议也将设置墙报 span (Poster) /span 展示单元,并从中评选出优秀墙报奖,欢迎大家投稿。 /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" br/ /span /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-family: DengXian" 六、会议联系方式 /span /strong /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 会议联系人:甘雪涛,13891870294,Email: xuetaogan@nwpu.edu.cn /span /p p style=" margin-bottom: 0px text-indent: 2em " span style=" color: rgb(21, 21, 21) font-family: DengXian text-indent: 2em " 梁铮,18936799578,E-mail: liangzheng@graphene-center.org /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 会议注册联系人: 邵悦,13914543362,E-mail: ldmas2019@163.com /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 赞助/参展联系人:袁文军,13761090949,Email: zzldmas@163.com /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 袁晨曦,17811960949,Email: casexpo@vip.163.com /span /p p br/ /p p style=" text-align:right" strong span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 2019年第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会组委会 /span /strong /p p style=" text-align:right" strong span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 2019年8月28日 /span /strong /p p style=" text-align:right" span style=" font-size:15px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " & nbsp /span /p p style=" text-align: left " span style=" font-family: 黑体 font-size: 19px " 附件: /span /p p style=" text-align: left " span style=" font-family: 黑体 font-size: 19px " br/ /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:10px text-align:center line-height:25px" strong span style=" font-size: 19px font-family: 黑体" “ /span span style=" font-size: 19px font-family: Arial, sans-serif" 2019 /span span style=" font-size: 19px font-family: 黑体" 年第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会 /span span style=" font-size: 19px font-family: Arial, sans-serif" (LDMAS2019) /span span style=" font-size: 19px font-family: 黑体" ” /span /strong /p p style=" margin-bottom:10px text-align:center line-height:25px" strong span style=" font-size: 19px font-family: 黑体" 注册表 /span /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" width=" 584" style=" border: none" align=" center" tbody tr style=" height:30px" class=" firstRow" td width=" 584" colspan=" 8" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 30" p style=" line-height:150%" span style=" line-height:150% font-family:DengXian" 单位名称: /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:30px" td width=" 376" colspan=" 5" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 30" p style=" line-height:150%" span style=" line-height:150% font-family:DengXian" 通讯地址: /span /p /td td width=" 208" colspan=" 3" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 30" p style=" line-height:150%" span style=" line-height:150% font-family:DengXian" 邮 span & nbsp & nbsp /span 箱: /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:30px" td width=" 376" colspan=" 5" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 30" p style=" line-height:150%" span style=" line-height:150% font-family:DengXian" 联系人: /span /p /td td width=" 208" colspan=" 3" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 30" p style=" line-height:150%" span style=" line-height:150% font-family:DengXian" 电 span & nbsp & nbsp /span 话: /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:30px" td width=" 584" colspan=" 8" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 30" p style=" line-height:150%" span style=" line-height:150% font-family:DengXian color:red" 本次会议只开具增值税普票,谢谢! /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:30px" td width=" 584" colspan=" 8" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 30" p style=" line-height:150%" span style=" line-height:150% font-family:DengXian" 发票单位: /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:30px" td width=" 584" colspan=" 8" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 30" p style=" line-height: 150%" span style=" line-height:150% font-family:DengXian" 税号: /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 64" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-family:DengXian" 姓名 /span /p /td td width=" 57" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-family:DengXian" 性别 /span /p /td td width=" 123" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-family:DengXian" 职务或学生证号 /span /p /td td width=" 95" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-family:DengXian" 手机 /span /p /td td width=" 75" colspan=" 2" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-family:DengXian" 邮箱 /span /p /td td width=" 66" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:12px font-family:DengXian" 是否 /span /p p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:12px font-family:DengXian" 做报告 /span /p /td td width=" 66" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:12px font-family:DengXian" 是否学生 /span /p p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:12px font-family:DengXian" 墙报展示 /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 64" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 57" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 123" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 95" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 75" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td /tr tr td width=" 64" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 57" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 123" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 95" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 75" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td /tr tr td width=" 64" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 57" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 123" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 95" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 75" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td /tr tr td width=" 64" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 57" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 123" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" line-height:150%" span style=" line-height:150% font-family:DengXian" ; /span /p /td td width=" 95" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 75" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td /tr tr td width=" 64" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 57" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 123" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 95" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 75" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td /tr tr style=" height:114px" td width=" 584" colspan=" 8" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 114" p strong span style=" font-family:DengXian" 住宿安排 /span /strong span style=" font-family:DengXian" (参会人员注册成功后,会务公司协助预定,费用自理。房间紧张,先到先得) /span /p p span style=" font-family:DengXian" 豪标( span 370 /span 元 span / /span 间 span / /span 晚,含双早) span & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /p p span style=" font-family:DengXian" 2019 /span span style=" font-family:DengXian" 年 span 11 /span 月 span 15 /span 日,房间数量: span style=" text-decoration:underline " span & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span /p p span style=" font-family:DengXian" 2019 /span span style=" font-family:DengXian" 年 span 11 /span 月 span 16 /span 日,房间数量: span style=" text-decoration:underline " span & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span /p p span style=" font-family:DengXian" 2019 /span span style=" font-family:DengXian" 年 span 11 /span 月 span 17 /span 日,房间数量: span style=" text-decoration:underline " span & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span /p p style=" text-align:center line-height:150%" span style=" line-height:150% font-family: DengXian" & nbsp /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:147px" td width=" 584" colspan=" 8" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 147" p span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 2019 /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 年 span 10 /span 月 span 15 /span 日前:注册费 span 2000 /span 元 span / /span 位、学生代表凭学生证 span 1200 /span 元 span / /span 位; span 2019 /span 年 span 10 /span 月 span 15 /span 日后:注册费 span 2200 /span 元 span / /span 位、学生代表凭学生证 span 1500 /span 元 span / /span 位(含资料费、礼品、大会宴请及会议期间用餐等;交通住宿自理。 strong 为节省报到时间,请尽量提前注册并通过银行转账支付注册费 /strong )。会议委托南京国科会展服务有限公司办理会务事宜,请参会人员于 span 2019 /span 年 span 9 /span 月 span 30 /span 日前将会议注册表 /span span style=" font-family: DengXian" 通过 span Email /span /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 发送给 strong 会议注册联系人 /strong 。 /span /p p span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" & nbsp /span /p p span style=" font-family: DengXian" 汇款信息:转账时请备注 span “LDMAS” /span ,并将付款凭证扫描件发给 strong 会议注册联系人 /strong /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" br/ & nbsp /span span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 单位:南京国科会展服务有限公司, /span /p p span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 开户银行:招商银行江宁支行 /span /p p span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 账户号: span 125910415710801 /span /span /p /td /tr tr height=" 0" td width=" 64" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 57" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 123" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 95" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 38" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 76" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td td width=" 66" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " br/ /td /tr /tbody /table p br/ /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 会议注册联系人: 邵悦, span 13914543362 /span , span E-mail: /span /span span a href=" mailto:ldmas2019@163.com" span style=" font-family:DengXian" ldmas2019@163.com /span /a /span /p p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" 会议也将设置墙报 span (Poster) /span 展示单元,并从中评选出优秀墙报奖,欢迎大家投稿。 /span /p
  • 2018年低维材料应用与标准研讨会(LDMAS)暨低维纳米标准化工作组年会在南京隆重召开
    p style=" text-align: center " strong 2018年低维材料应用与标准研讨会(LDMAS) /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 暨低维纳米标准化工作组年会在南京隆重召开 /strong /p p   10月19日-20日,2018年低维材料应用与标准研讨会(LDMAS)暨全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组(SAC/TC279/WG9,简称低维纳米标准化工作组)年会在江苏南京隆重召开。 /p p   低维材料应用与标准研讨会是由全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组发起的全国性学术会议,每年举行一次。会议旨在为我国低维材料相关领域的高校、科研院所、企事业单位提供交流与合作的平台,将低维纳米材料最新研究成果与标准化工作进一步结合,促进我国低维纳米科技事业登上崭新的台阶。会议由全国纳米技术标准化委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组和江苏省泰州市质量技术监督局联合主办,南京邮电大学、南京大学、东南大学、国家纳米科学中心联合承办。众多知名学者、行业专家、标准专家、企业代表齐聚一堂,就我国低维材料的最新研究进展和发展趋势、产业化应用及标准化工作进行了深入广泛的交流。 /p p   19日上午,2018年低维材料应用与标准研讨会正式开幕。大会开幕式由南京邮电大学副校长汪联辉主持。国家纳米科学中心主任、全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会主任刘鸣华,江苏省质量技术监督局标准化处处长洪淼,江苏省泰州市质量技术监督局副局长江峰相继致辞。北京大学张锦教授、徐东升教授、清华大学魏飞教授、中国科学技术大学俞书宏教授、新加坡南洋理工大学教授张华和兰州大学张浩力教授分别做精彩学术报告。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 汪联辉校长.jpg" alt=" 汪联辉校长.jpg" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201811/uepic/67652e68-834d-4853-99e4-fa307f26c65e.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center "   汪联辉校长主持开幕式 /p p   本次研讨会聚焦低维材料的制备、调控和表征分析技术 低维信息与能源功能材料 半导体低维结构及器件 低纬传感器和发光材料 低维材料应用探索 低纬材料产业化和标准化六大主题。除了大会报告外,还分设两个分会场进行为期两天41个学术报告的研讨与交流。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 参会人员交流.jpg" alt=" 参会人员交流.jpg" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201811/uepic/61c771a4-b3fb-4feb-8795-5d04e82dd635.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center "   参会人员与主讲嘉宾现场交流 /p p   会议同期还设置了19个低维纳米科技学术成果的墙报公示区,并邀请企、事业单位、检测机构、仪器设备厂商近二十家单位到会展示技术成果,参展的仪器设备厂商包含了HORIBA、上海临点、天美、岛津、牛津仪器等。 /p p   20日上午,2018年低维材料应用与标准研讨会(LDMAS2018)圆满落幕,闭幕式由南京邮电大学教授马延文主持,全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会副主任、国家纳米科学中心研究员葛广路做了总结致辞。闭幕式上还揭晓了8名优秀墙报奖得主。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 墙报奖.png" alt=" 墙报奖.png" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201811/uepic/aac5db24-66e8-43a3-98e6-3b1c7713648c.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center "   LDMAS2018优秀墙报奖 /p p   20日下午,全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组(SAC/TC279/WG9,下简称低维纳米标准化工作组)年会召开。会议总结了低维纳米标准化工作组2018年的重要工作,就企业标准化基地及试点项目进行了答辩,并就5项标准化项目进行了预立项评审。会议还对低维纳米标准化工作组2019年的工作重点进行了建议和部署。 /p p   会上,低维纳米标准化工作组秘书长、国家火炬(泰州)石墨烯研究检测平台执行主任梁铮教授对低维纳米标准化工作组的重点工作做了汇报。截至目前,低维纳米标准化工作组累计征集待开展标准化项目41项,其中6项即将参加国标委的立项答辩。此外,2018年,工作组还组织申报IEC标准项目2项,组织了《纳米科技 术语 第13部分:石墨烯及相关二维材料》国家标准和《石墨烯粉体材料检测方法》河北省地方标准的函审。另外,工作组还增补委员两名,组建了官方网站(dw.tc279.cn)和微信公众号低维纳米资讯(LDNanoTech),并积极走访低维纳米技术领域相关单位,参与其他标准化活动的制定。 /p p img title=" 梁铮.png" alt=" 梁铮.png" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201811/uepic/16b12db6-904b-4189-9264-130d48613ad4.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center "   梁铮汇报2018年工作总结 /p p   年会还组织了“低维纳米产品(产业)综合标准化基地”和“石墨烯行为标准化良好行为企业”提名企业的评审测评会。江苏河海纳米科技股份有限公司和山东安恒华盛石墨烯材料科技有限公司分别汇报了“低维纳米产品(产业)综合标准化基地”和“石墨烯行为标准化良好行为企业”两个标准体系建设项目的进展。 /p p & nbsp /p
  • 为产业发展点亮“灯塔”——第四届低维材料应用与标准研讨会在京盛大开幕!
    金秋送爽,丹桂飘香。2021年10月9日,2021年第四届低维材料应用与标准研讨会(简称:LDMAS2021)在北京西郊宾馆盛大开幕。会议由全国纳米技术标准化委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组(以下简称:工作组)与中国科学院半导体研究所主办,中国科学院半导体研究所与中国科学院大学材料科学与广电技术学院承办,北京化工大学联合承办。来自低维材料与器件相关领域的400余名专家学者与企业代表齐聚一堂,聚焦纳米能源与催化材料等低维材料以及低维半导体电子/光电子器件等领域的研究、应用及标准化,深入交流最新研究成果、探讨产业发展方向,为我国低维材料应用研发、产业化发展和标准制定提供智力支撑和技术支持,促进我国科技创新成果转化、提升产品质量和引领新兴产业快速。仪器信息网作为协办单位将全程参与并报道此次盛会。大会现场会议由中国科学院半导体研究所所长谭平恒主持。全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会副主任、国际标准化组织纳米技术委员会材料工作组召集人、国家纳米科学中心研究员葛广路,中国科学院半导体研究所副所长、纪委副书记张韵,工作组主任、南京大学教授王欣然,国际标准化组织纳米技术委员会ISO/TC229主席Denis Koltsov相继致辞。谭平恒主持开幕式葛广路致辞张韵致辞王欣然致辞开幕式后进入大会报告环节,由国家纳米科学中心副主任唐智勇和南京大学微电子学院院长施毅先后主持。南京工业大学先进材料研究院教授 王建浦报告题目:《面向显示技术的钙钛矿发光二极管》信息显示丰富着现代人类生活的方方面面。信息社会的快速发展,对未来显示技术提出了高效率、高亮度、柔性可穿戴等新的要求。传统无机发光二极管难以获得大面积柔性器件,而有机发光二极管因其激子特性难以在大电流下实现高亮度和高效率。金属卤化物钙钛矿材料兼具无机半导体高导电性和有机材料可溶液法制备的优点,且具有高荧光量子效率、高色纯度、带隙简单易调节等特点。近年来,钙钛矿发光二极管效率提升十分迅速,在下一代显示领域极具竞争力。报告系统介绍了未来显示技术面临的挑战、钙钛矿发光二极管的发明和兴起,以及钙钛矿薄膜与界面的优化、多量子阱钙钛矿发光二极管的发现、光场的调控等。南京大学微电子学院院长 施毅报告题目:《狄拉克量子材料、异质结与光电特性》狄拉克量子材料作为一类新型电子材料,其低能元激发谱由相对论狄拉克方程描述,具有无能隙、电子有效质量为零的线性色散关系,颠覆了传统半导体的能带结构,在理论上具有突破传统光电材料带隙限制的潜力。砷化镉(Cd3As2)是一种性能优越的三维狄拉克量子材料,具有拓扑保护的三维狄拉克体态等新颖物性。报告主要介绍了砷化镉异质结及其光电特性。施毅及研究团队基于超高真空分子束外延技术,在获得高质量的晶圆级砷化镉薄膜基础上,进一步制备了砷化镉薄膜P-N 同质结(Zn-doped Cd3As2/Cd3As2)、砷化镉与碲化铋P-N 异质结(Zn-doped Cd3As2/Bi2Te3)、以及在 GaSb、InAs、InSb 等衬底上外延生长砷化镉薄膜异质结,并通过转移技术方法制备了砷化镉与二维材料、有机半导体等异质结。针对不同的异质结构,研究了其对光生载流子过程的调控特征,为高速、高响应宽频段光电探测器件研发提供了材料基础。国家纳米科学中心副主任 唐智勇报告题目:《自组装超粒子在电催化中的应用》纳米超粒子是指两个以上的纳米粒子,通过非共价相互作用自限制组装而形成的超结构。纳米超粒子具有形貌、尺寸和结构可控的特征,并表现出独特的光电磁和催化性质。唐智勇主任结合过去几年课题组的研究工作,系统介绍了如何通过选择功能基元的种类、调控纳米基元在超粒子中的空间分布、以及纳米基元间的电子偶合,实现高效的电催化水分解反应。复旦大学微电子学院副院长 周鹏报告题目:《The Road to Compatible with and Beyond Silicon Circuits for 2D Materials》随着摩尔定律的终结,硅集成电路(ICs)的发展也逐渐放缓。虽然减小晶体管的尺寸可提高集成电路的性能,然而,随着摩尔定律接近物理极限,硅集成电路的高性能增长变得不可持续,面临能源、区域效率和存储困境的挑战。二维(2D)材料的超薄层、多样的能带结构、独特的电子性能和硅兼容工艺,使其有可能持续推动集成电路的先进性能。二维材料的融合,可以创造出超越硅芯片的一体化感知、内存和计算技术,提高系统效率,消除计算能力的瓶颈。报告综述了二维集成电路的研究进展,以及二维集成电路在材料生长、功能器件和集成工艺等方面所面临的技术障碍。LDMAS2021会期两天,9日下午,《低维材料的制备和微纳加工》、《低维半导体电子/光电子器件》、《低维材料测试与表征》、《纳米能源与催化材料》、《低维材料应用与标准化》5个分论坛同步召开,报告嘉宾围绕前沿热点,从“产、学、研、用”多维视角展开分享与研讨,共同为低维材料产业发展点亮灯塔。参会代表合影
  • 岛津积极参加“锂电材料制备与标准化应用技术研讨会”
    发布时间:2021-07-20 阅读次数:5次中国拥有丰富的锂资源和完善的锂电池产业链,以及庞大的基础人才储备,在锂电池及其材料产业发展方面做出了傲人的成绩,在国际上享有盛誉。近几年锂电池产业继续保持快速增长态势,行业创新加速、新产品、新技术不断涌现,各种新电池技术相继问世。如何提高锂电材料制备技术与分析检测标准化就显得尤为重要。 为了提供锂电池行业各个领域之间的技术交流和资源共享的平台,搭建上、中、下游企业在应用与技术的“桥梁”和“纽带”,加强企业对锂电池材料产品标准化工作重视和参与,推动新能源与电池制造行业的持续进步和高质量发展。“锂电材料制备与标准化应用技术研讨会”于2021年7月14-16日在湖南长沙市圆满召开。 岛津分析计测事业部分析中心崔会杰博士发表了《电子探针在锂电池行业中的应用》,为与会者介绍了电子探针,对比了电子探针与扫描电镜+EDS,介绍了电子探针在锂电池行业的典型应用及岛津的综合解决方案。 岛津分析计测事业部分析中心崔会杰ICPE-9800 崔会杰博士的报告同时介绍了岛津的ICPOES,介绍了其独特的真空光室所带来的深紫外区高性能,契合锂电行业的需求,引起与会人员的高度兴趣。 岛津还参加了会议召开的检测标准化讨论会,此次讨论会目的是为了解决锂电正极材料企业目前面临的测试痛点,促进企业标准良好健康发展。岛津将持续关注锂电行业,协助解决行业痛点! 岛津自1875年创立以来始终坚持“以科学技术向社会做贡献”,不断钻研领先时代、满足社会需求的科学技术,开发生产具有高附加值的产品。岛津拥有齐全的分析检测设备,可完整应对锂电池全产业链的检测需求。 岛津展台
  • 下一代电子信息材料与器件高峰论坛暨2020年第三届低维材料应用与标准研讨会(第一轮通知)
    p style=" text-align: center " strong 下一代电子信息材料与器件高峰论坛 /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " strong 暨2020年第三届低维材料应用与标准研讨会(LDMAS2020) /strong /p p style=" text-align: center " (第一轮通知) /p p style=" text-align: center " (2020年12月5-8日 无锡) /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 集成电路是信息产业的基石,也是国家科技和综合实力的重要体现。现阶段,半导体芯片已成为制约我国科技发展、经济建设和国防安全的关键因素。随着后摩尔时代的来临,集成电路特征尺寸逐渐逼近工艺和物理极限,基于新型半导体材料及结构的电子/光电子器件将有可能产生重要的应用。 针对这些可能应用,如何提前规划布局、如何政产研融合推进、如何参与和主导相关标准等,都将成为重要议题。本次会议将围绕低维材料在电子信息器件中的应用、低维材料与硅基工艺的融合、低维材料与器件的标准化工作等进行政、产、研多维视角的研讨,共同推动我国低维电子信息材料与器件的发展、规划及相关标准的制定。 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 会议定于2020年12月5日至8日在无锡召开,由全国纳标委、东南大学和无锡市政府共同主办。会议将邀请院士、长江、杰青等六十多位知名专家、企业家做专题报告,参会规模控制在500余人。欢迎广大学者、企业代表和学生参加会议。 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 一、会议主题 /strong /p p style=" line-height: normal margin-top: 5px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 1.低维电子材料制备与微纳加工 /p p style=" line-height: normal margin-top: 5px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 2.低维电子/光电子器件 /p p style=" line-height: normal margin-top: 5px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 3.低维材料/器件的测试与表征 /p p style=" line-height: normal margin-top: 5px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 4.低维材料应用与标准化 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 二、会议时间和地点 /strong /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 时间:2020年12月5日-8日。12月5日报到,12月8日离会。 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 地点:江苏省无锡市 (无锡融创万达嘉华酒店,地址:中国江苏省无锡市滨湖区万达文化旅游城 3 号) /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 三、会议组织 /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 主办单位 /strong /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 东南大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 无锡市人民政府 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 承办单位 /strong /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 东南大学电子科学与工程学院、微电子学院、信息科学与工程学院、物理学院、材料科学与工程学院、科研院 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 无锡市科技局、教育局、工信局 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 协办单位 /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 南京大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 南京邮电大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 国家纳米科学中心 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 江南大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 江苏省真空学会 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp IEEE纳米技术委员会南京分会 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 大会主席 /strong /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 张广军 & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp 东南大学校长 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 赵宇亮 & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp 国家纳米科学中心主任、全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会主任 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 郝& nbsp 跃 & nbsp 院士 & nbsp & nbsp 西安电子科技大学 国家自然科学基金委信息科学部主任 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 黄& nbsp 如 & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp 北京大学 副校长 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Denis Koltsov博士& nbsp 国际标准化组织纳米技术委员会ISO/TC229主席 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 程序委员会主席 /strong /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 崔铁军& nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp 东南大学 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 程序委员会材料方向主席 /strong /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 汪联辉& nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 南京邮电大学副校长 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 施& nbsp 毅& nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 南京大学 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 程序委员会器件方向主席 /strong /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 黄庆安& nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 东南大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 孙伟锋& nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 东南大学 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 程序委员会标准方向主席 /strong /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 葛广路 & nbsp 研究员 国家纳米科学中心,全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会副主任 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 谭平恒 & nbsp 研究员 中国科学院半导体研究所副所长(主持工作)& nbsp /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 执行主席 /strong /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 孙立涛 教授& nbsp & nbsp 东南大学电子科学与工程学院院长 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 倪振华 教授& nbsp & nbsp 东南大学物理学院院长、全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组副主任 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 陆卫兵 教授& nbsp & nbsp 东南大学科研院常务副院长 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 孙海东 局长 & nbsp & nbsp 无锡市科技局 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 组织委员会 /strong /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 马延文& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 南京邮电大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 王欣然& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 南京大学、全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组主任 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 王建禄& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 研究员& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 龙世兵& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 中国科学技术大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 吕俊鹏& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 东南大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 刘& nbsp 琦& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 复旦大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 周& nbsp 鹏& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 复旦大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 胡伟达& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 研究员& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 陶& nbsp 立& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 东南大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 董晓臣& nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 南京工业大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 廖& nbsp 蕾& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 湖南大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 缪& nbsp 峰& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 南京大学 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 黎大兵& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 研究员& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 /p p & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 丁& nbsp 荣& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 副主任& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px margin-bottom: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 四、会议日程 /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" style=" border-collapse:collapse border:none" tbody tr class=" firstRow" td width=" 140" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" margin-bottom:0 margin-bottom:0" span style=" font-size:15px font-family:& #39 微软雅黑& #39 ,& #39 sans-serif& #39 color:black" 12 /span span style=" font-size:15px font-family:& #39 微软雅黑& #39 ,& #39 sans-serif& #39 color:black" 月 span 5 /span 日(周六) /span /p /td td width=" 429" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" margin-bottom:0 margin-bottom:0 text-align: center" strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 注册报到(欢迎晚宴) /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 140" rowspan=" 2" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" margin-bottom:0 margin-bottom:0 text-align: center" span style=" font-size:15px font-family:& #39 微软雅黑& #39 ,& #39 sans-serif& #39 color:black" 12 /span span style=" font-size:15px font-family:& #39 微软雅黑& #39 ,& #39 sans-serif& #39 color:black" 月 span 6 /span 日(周日) /span /p /td td width=" 161" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" margin-bottom:0 margin-bottom:0 text-align: center" span style=" font-size:15px font-family: & #39 微软雅黑& #39 ,& #39 sans-serif& #39 color:black" 上午( span 8:30-12:00 /span ) /span /p /td td width=" 268" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:15px font-family: Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 开幕式: /span /strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 无锡市委书记、东南大学校长、纳标委、国家基金委等相关领导致辞 strong /strong /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:15px font-family: Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 微纳系统国际创新中心揭牌仪式以及战略咨询委员会聘任仪式 /span /strong /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:15px font-family: Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 大会特邀报告 (院士) /span /strong /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-family:Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 下一代电子信息材料与器件专家互动论坛 & nbsp (院士及参会专家) /span /strong strong /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 161" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" margin-bottom:0 margin-bottom:0 text-align: center" span style=" font-family:等线 color:black" 下午( span 13:30-18:00 /span ) /span /p /td td width=" 268" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:15px font-family: Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 大会邀请报告 /span /strong /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:15px font-family: Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 学术 span / /span 产业 span / /span 标准专家互动论坛三场 span ( /span 材料、器件、产业与标准 span ) /span /span /strong /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:15px font-family: Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 研究生论坛 /span /strong /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-family:Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 纳标委低维工作组年会及国家标准编制工作组成立会议 /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 140" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" margin-bottom:0 margin-bottom:0 text-align: center" span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 12 /span span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 月 span 7 /span 日(周一) /span /p /td td width=" 429" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:15px font-family: Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 大会邀请报告 /span /strong /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:15px font-family: Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 学术 span / /span 产业 span / /span 标准专家互动论坛三场 span ( /span 材料、器件、产业与标准 span ) /span /span /strong /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:15px font-family: Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 研究生论坛 /span /strong /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:15px font-family: Wingdings color:black" span Ø span style=" font:9px & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /span strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 纳标委低维工作组年会及国家标准编制工作组成立会议 /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 140" rowspan=" 2" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" margin-bottom:0 margin-bottom:0 text-align: center" span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 12 /span span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 月 span 8 /span 日(周二) /span /p /td td width=" 161" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" margin-bottom:0 margin-bottom:0" span style=" font-size: 15px font-family:等线 color:black" 上午( span 8:30-12:00 /span ) /span /p /td td width=" 268" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" margin-bottom:0 margin-bottom:0 text-align: center" strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 青年论坛 /span /strong strong /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 161" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" margin-bottom:0 margin-bottom:0" span style=" font-size: 15px font-family:等线 color:black" 下午 /span /p /td td width=" 268" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p style=" margin-bottom:0 margin-bottom:0 text-align: center" strong span style=" font-size:15px font-family:等线 color:black" 离会 /span /strong /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 五、会议注册 /strong br/ /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 会议酒店为无锡融创万达嘉华酒店,会议委托南京国科会展服务有限公司办理会务事宜和订酒店, strong 请参会人员于2020年11月26日前将会议注册表通过Email发送给会议注册联系人。 /strong 会议也将设置青年论坛和研究生论坛,并从中评选出优秀报告奖,欢迎大家报名。 /p p style=" margin-top: 10px margin-bottom: 10px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 2020年11月20日前:注册费2000元/位、学生代表凭学生证1200元/位;2020年11月20日后:注册费2200元/位、学生代表凭学生证1400元/位(含资料费、礼品、会议期间用餐等;交通住宿自理)。 strong 为节省报到时间,请尽量提前注册并通过银行转账或者扫描二维码支付注册费。转账时请备注“LDMAS2020”,并将付款凭证或截图发给会议注册联系人。 /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" style=" border: none" tbody tr class=" firstRow" td width=" 284" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " p span style=" font-family:等线 color:#151515" 付款方式一:对公转账缴费 /span /p p span style=" font-family:等线 color:#151515" & nbsp /span /p p span style=" font-family:等线 color:#151515" 单位:南京国科会展服务有限公司 /span /p p span style=" font-family:等线 color:#151515" 开户银行:平安银行南京江宁支行 /span /p p span style=" font-family:等线 color:#151515" 账号: span 15000105405108 /span /span /p p span style=" font-family:DengXian color:#151515" & nbsp /span /p /td td width=" 284" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px word-break: break-all " p style=" margin-bottom: 10px " span style=" font-family:等线 color:#151515" 付款方式二:扫描以下二维码缴费 /span /p p style=" text-align:center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 149px height: 149px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/202011/uepic/f510b0a8-4dcf-4c8c-8d16-ba72f388b981.jpg" title=" 付款.png" alt=" 付款.png" width=" 149" height=" 149" / /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" margin-top: 10px " strong & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 六、会议联系方式 /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 会议学术联系人:吕俊鹏,13585112878,Email: phyljp@seu.edu.cn br/ & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 陶& nbsp 立,17366037235,Email: tao@seu.edu.cn /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 会议注册联系人:邵& nbsp 悦,13914543362,E-mail: ldmas2020@163.com br/ & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 赞助参展联系人:袁晨曦,17811960949,Email: casexpo@vip.163.com /p p style=" margin-top: 10px " br/ /p p style=" text-align: right " 下一代电子信息材料与器件高峰论坛 /p p style=" text-align: right " 2020年第三届低维材料应用与标准研讨会 /p p style=" text-align: right " 组委会 /p p style=" text-align: right " 2020年11月10日 /p p strong /strong /p p style=" line-height: 16px " img style=" vertical-align: middle margin-right: 2px " src=" /admincms/ueditor1/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_doc.gif" / a style=" font-size:12px color:#0066cc " href=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/files/202011/attachment/0beb4e1d-8a1d-4f20-b18f-7d80c825abbc.docx" title=" 附件一:LDMAS2020注册表.docx" 附件一:LDMAS2020注册表.docx /a /p p strong /strong br/ /p p strong 部分确定参会嘉宾和单位: /strong /p p 许居衍& nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp 中国电子科技集团公司第五十八研究所 /p p 郑有炓& nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp 南京大学 /p p 郝& nbsp & nbsp 跃& nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp 西安电子科技大学 /p p 毛军发& nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp 上海交通大学 /p p 刘& nbsp & nbsp 明& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 中国科学院微电子研究所 /p p 刘忠范& nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp 北京大学 /p p 张广军& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 东南大学 /p p 吴汉明& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 芯创智(北京)微电子有限公司 /p p 杨德仁& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 浙江大学 /p p 黄& nbsp & nbsp 如& nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp 北京大学 /p p 黄& nbsp & nbsp 维& nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 西北工业大学 /p p 崔铁军& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 院士& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 东南大学 /p p 施& nbsp & nbsp 毅& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 南京大学 /p p 汪联辉& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 南京邮电大学副校长 /p p 申德振& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 中科院长春光机所 /p p 谭平恒& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 研究员& nbsp 中国科学院半导体研究所副所长 /p p 黄庆安& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 东南大学 /p p 朱樟明& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 西安电子科技大学 /p p 宋志棠& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 研究员& nbsp 中科院微系统研究所 /p p 许小红& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 山西师范大学副校长 /p p 沈& nbsp 波& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 北京大学 /p p 王新强& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 北京大学 /p p 杜祖亮& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 河南大学 /p p 时兴龙& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 东南大学 /p p 徐& nbsp & nbsp 科& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 中科院苏州纳米所 /p p 汪& nbsp & nbsp 宏& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 南方科技大学& nbsp /p p 龙世兵& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 中国科学技术大学 /p p 张广宇& nbsp & nbsp 研究员& nbsp 中科院物理所 /p p 葛广路& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 研究员& nbsp 国家纳米科学中心 /p p 徐& nbsp & nbsp 骏& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 南京大学 /p p 戴宪起& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 河南师范大学 /p p 何& nbsp & nbsp 军& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 武汉大学 /p p 唐& nbsp & nbsp 江& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 华中科技大学 /p p 王欣然& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 南京大学 /p p 刘& nbsp 琦& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 复旦大学 br/ /p p 彭海琳& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 北京大学 br/ /p p 潘安练& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 湖南大学 /p p 董晓臣& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 南京工业大学 /p p 周& nbsp & nbsp 鹏& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 复旦大学 /p p 胡伟达& nbsp & nbsp 研究员& nbsp 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 /p p 廖& nbsp & nbsp 蕾& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 湖南大学 /p p 缪& nbsp & nbsp 峰& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 南京大学 /p p 单崇新& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 郑州大学 /p p 王建禄& nbsp & nbsp 研究员& nbsp 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 /p p 马延文& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 南京邮电大学 /p p 孙伟锋& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 东南大学 /p p 孙立涛& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp 东南大学电子科学与工程学院院长 /p p 张进成& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 西安电子科技大学 /p p 陆& nbsp & nbsp 海& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 南京大学 /p p 曾晓洋& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 复旦大学 /p p 沈国震& nbsp & nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp 中科院半导体所 /p p 持续更新中& #8230 & #8230 /p
  • 【邀请函】第九届全国微束分析技术国家标准宣贯及其在地矿、材料与生命科学研究中应用研讨会
    全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 38)承担着我国微束分析行业技术标准的制订、宣传、贯彻、推广等任务,旨在为行业技术制定标准和提供技术指导。为进一步推动微束分析技术标准化工作,促进广大电镜技术工作者之间的交流与合作,满足各单位在质量认证、计量认证、实验室认证与认可等工作中的需要,TC38联合中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司举办“第九届全国微束分析技术国家标准宣贯及其在地矿、材料与生命科学研究中应用研讨会”,为我国各微束分析实验室、相关的科研和企事业单位的标准化工作提供指导,促进微束分析行业技术交流。诚邀微束分析相关标准化人员、国家标准使用者、行业相关技术人员、对标准化工作有兴趣的师生研究人员及相关企业代表参会交流。会议组织委员会主办单位全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC38)中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司承办单位广西有色金属学会协办单位(以下单位按拼音排序)北京欧波同光学技术有限公司、北京普瑞赛司仪器有限公司、布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司、桂林电子科技大学材料学院、桂林理工大学、国仪量子(合肥)技术有限公司、捷欧路(北京)科贸有限公司、赛默飞世尔电子技术研发(上海)有限公司*名单可能发生变动,请以会议手册为准会议时间地点2023年10月24日-26日(2023年10月23日报到,10月27日离会)桂林宾馆(地址:广西桂林市象山区榕湖南路14号)会议报告与日程大会报告会议日程会议费与报名会议注册费为1600元,提前汇款或现场付款均可。参会代表用餐及住宿由大会统一安排及预定,费用自理。桂林宾馆为参会贵宾提供以下两种标间房型豪华房(320元/天间含早)湖景房(420元/天间含早)参会人员请在2023年10月10日之前通过报名小程序在线填写注册信息。会务组将按照报名登记信息预定房间。注册费汇款账户信息如下:• 收款单位:中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司• 开户行:中国建设银行股份有限公司桂林高新技术产业开发区支行• 账号:4500 1635 2070 5050 5931• 汇款请注明:桂林宣贯会、单位名称、参会人员姓名会务组联系方式全国微束分析标准化技术委员会王老师,microbeam@iccas.ac.cn,13683643797中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司唐老师,253968217@qq.com ,15717735923
  • 第九届全国微束分析技术国家标准宣贯及其在地矿、材料与生命科学研究中应用研讨会即将召开!
    为进一步推动微束分析技术标准化工作,促进广大电镜技术工作者之间的交流与合作,满足各单位在质量认证、计量认证、实验室认证与认可等工作中的需要,全国微束分析标准化技术委员会定于2023年10月24-26日在广西省桂林市举办第九届全国微束分析技术国家标准宣贯 及其在地矿、材料与生命科学研究中应用研讨会。诚邀微束分析领域国家标准制订者、使用者,行业相关技术人员,对标准化工作有兴趣的相关人员参会交流。会议信息如下:一、组织委员会主办单位:全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC38)、中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司承办单位:广西有色金属学会大会主席:赵 江(全国微束分析标准化技术委员会 主任委员)朱景和(中国有色矿业集团有限公司,ISO/TC202/SC2 主席)杨国高(中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司党委书记 董事长 总经理)常务主席:胡乔帆(中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司 副总经理)会议组织委员会名单:范光、徐坚、杨勇骥、陈振宇、毛骞、刘芬、祝建、龚沿东、丁泽军、孙振亚、曾毅、张作贵、洪健、吴文辉、姚雷、许钫钫、高灵清、洪崧、贺连龙、钟振前、汤斌兵、葛广路、鞠新华、马通达、伍超群、曾荣光、朱如凯、高永翔、权茂华、王华、乔祎、姚文清、娄艳芝、王道岭、陆兴华、韦志伟。会议秘书长:王岩华、王晓曼、唐艳萍、童静芳二、会议时间2023年10月24日-26日(2023年10月23日报到,10月27日离会)三、会议地点桂林宾馆(广西省桂林市象山区榕湖南路14号)四、会议费及培训费会议收取注册费1600元,食宿统一安排,费用自理。注册费汇款账户信息如下:收款单位:中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司开户行:中国建设银行股份有限公司桂林高新技术产业开发区支行账号:4500 1635 2070 5050 5931汇款请注明:桂林宣贯会、单位名称、参会人员姓名五、会议主要内容1. 简介全国微束分析标准化技术委员会2. 简介电子探针、扫描电镜国家标准研制的发展3. 微束分析部分国家标准宣贯4. 微束分析领域相关技术报告5. 国际标准与国家标准制修订相关报告详细会议日程请见第二轮通知及会议手册。六、 参会报名参会人员请在 2023年9月30日 之前在线填写注册信息会务咨询:王老师,13683643797扫描下方二维码填写注册信息
  • 第四届全国微束分析技术标准宣贯及其在材料研究中应用研讨会
    p   随着我国工业、农业、教育、医疗卫生及科学研究等各个领域的迅速发展以及与国际接轨进程的加速,标准化工作的意义越来越重要。多年来,在国家标准化管理委员会与中国科学院的领导与支持下,全国微束分析标准化技术委员会在开展微束分析技术领域标准化工作中取得了出色的成绩,同时也积累了大量的经验与成果,其中,制定并出版相关技术标准近50项。 /p p   为满足各单位在质量认证、计量认证、实验室认证与认可等工作中的需要,似举办第四届微束分析标准宣传贯彻及实施和应用研讨会,以使我国各微束分析实验室、相关的科研和企事业单位能更好地执行这些标准,提高分析技术水平及技能,提供更好、更准确的分析结果,提高产品的质量,促进国民经济发展。 /p p   会议网站: a href=" http://meeting.lab.org.cn/default.php?hyid=99" target=" _self" title=" " http://meeting.lab.org.cn/default.php?hyid=99 /a /p p   一、 组织委员会 /p p   本次宣贯会由全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC38)主办,全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会协办,北京理化分析测试技术学会承办。 /p p   会议组织委员会名单如下:陈家光、陈振宇、程斌、丁泽军、范光、高灵清、龚沿东、洪健、李香庭、李玉武、刘安生、柳得橹、刘芬、毛骞、邱丽美、孙振亚、王孝平、王海、魏宝和、吴文辉、吴正龙、杨勇骥、俞彰、许钫钫、徐坚、谢景林、姚文清、曾荣树、曾毅、张萌、章晓中、张增明、张作贵、赵江、祝建、庄世杰。注:姓名按首字母顺序排序。 /p p   二、 会议时间 /p p   2017年8月24日-28日(报到时间:2017年8月24日) /p p   三、 会议地点: /p p   兰州饭店 甘肃省兰州市城关区东岗西路四百八十六号 /p p   标间:380元/间天 单间:340元/间天(住宿统一安排,费用自理。) /p p   四、 会议费及培训费:1600元。 /p p   五、 本次拟宣贯的微束分析技术标准主要内容: /p p   1.X射线能谱及波普定量分析有关的文字标准,以提高各X射线能谱实验室的定量分析水平,使其能真正实现有标样的定量分析 /p p   2.微束分析术语有关的标准,如:电子探针显微分析术语、扫描电子显微术术语等 /p p   3.扫描电镜分辨率、放大倍数以及与微米、纳米级物体测量的有关技术标准 /p p   4.电子背散射衍射分析方法、钢铁材料缺陷电子束显微分析方法有关的文字标准 /p p   5.微束分析标准化动态 /p p   6.研究并讨论微束分析实验室认可和微束分析实验室比对分析等有关问题 进一步讨论实施微束分析实验室比对分析的有关事宜。 /p p   六、 大会报告详见二轮通知。 /p p   七、 汇款信息:汇款户名:北京理化分析测试技术学会 /p p   汇款银行:华夏银行北京紫竹桥支行 /p p   帐 号:4043200001801900001154 /p p   行 号:3041 0004 0067 /p p   八、 会务组联系方式: /p p   单位名称:北京理化分析测试技术学会 /p p   通信地址:北京市海淀区西三环北路27号 北科大厦 邮编:100089 /p p   联 系 人:朱凌云:010-68722460 手机:13717666003 邮箱:spnh88@126.com /p p   王 晨:010-88517114 手机:18101083321 邮箱:lhxh88@126.com /p p   咨询电话:章燕 010-68454626 刘芬 010-62553516 /p p style=" text-align: right "   全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC38) /p p style=" text-align: right "   全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会 /p p style=" text-align: right "   北京理化分析测试技术学会 /p p br/ /p p 附: /p p style=" line-height: 16px " img src=" /admincms/ueditor1/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_pdf.gif" / a href=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/files/201706/ueattachment/8e5f0eab-ff27-4a53-888e-b0531a7ef514.pdf" 厂商邀请函.pdf /a /p p br/ /p
  • 第六届全国微束分析技术标准宣贯及材料科学应用研讨会召开
    p   2019年11月25日至28日,“第六届全国微束分析技术标准宣贯及其在材料科学中应用研讨会”在花城广州召开。 /p p   会议由全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC38)主办,全国纳米标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC279)和广东省工业分析检测中心协办,理化分析测试技术学会承办。会议特别邀请了中国科学院院士、中国科学院地球化学研究所谢先德院士做特邀报告。来自全国各地50余位微束分析行业专家学者参加了本次会议。 /p p   会议由全国微束分析标准化技术委员会秘书长刘芬研究员主持。 /p p   深圳大学特聘教授、全国微束分析标准化技术委员会副主任委员徐坚教授致开幕辞。徐教授结合自己曾经担任国际标准化组织微束分析技术委员会(ISO/TC202)主席的经历,阐述了中国标准对于提升国家形象的重大意义,介绍了我国微束分析标准化工作近年来的发展,强调标准强则国强,希望大家群策群力,助力我国早日成为标准化强国。 /p p   广东省工业分析检测中心的唐维学主任作为东道主,对前来参会的嘉宾代表表示热烈欢迎,并介绍了广东省工业分析检测中心,以及中心近年来在标准化工作中取得的成绩。 /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 338px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/b81761fd-a402-439f-9cb5-152535e7e845.jpg" title=" 1.jpg" alt=" 1.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 338" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p   span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) "  合影由左至右:伍超群高工(广东省工业分析检测中心)、徐坚教授(深圳大学)、谢先德院士(中国科学院地球化学研究所)、唐维学主任(广东省工业分析检测中心)、刘芬研究员(全国微束分析标准化技术委员会) /span /p p   会议正式开始,谢先德院士的报告《微束分析在鉴定陨石中细小新矿物上的应用》,从地球地质科学专业角度阐述了陨石鉴定工作中的多种微束分析技术在不同分析尺度上的应用,其中特别提到了借助微束分析手段,发现了新矿物的过程。 /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 338px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/f7be8f13-75a6-43ef-98a7-b42b1cfc01b2.jpg" title=" 2.jpg" alt=" 2.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 338" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p   随后,多位微束行业大咖次第登场,从严肃的学术科研,到接地气的技术应用,干货满满,高潮迭起。 /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 338px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/501dea28-b73a-417d-9e2d-7bfc94b51264.jpg" title=" 3.jpg" alt=" 3.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 338" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center "    span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " 图:《纳米材料生物效应研究及标准化》 /span /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) "   ——解放军第二军医大学 杨勇骥研究员 /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 338px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/c744bac7-ae59-4974-992e-ddeed99ec7d8.jpg" title=" 4.jpg" alt=" 4.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 338" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " 图:《如何获得准确的能谱定量结果》 /span br/ span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " /span /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) "   ——中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 曾毅研究员 /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 338px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/a1d740cb-8d9a-4953-92fa-fbe1948df894.jpg" title=" 5.jpg" alt=" 5.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 338" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " 图:《中国电子探针、扫描电镜国家标准研制的发展》 /span /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " ——中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 陈振宇(教授级高工) /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 338px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/54e17e67-f3fd-4ba5-ab3f-0ef3c03833d7.jpg" title=" 6.jpg" alt=" 6.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 338" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " 图:《电子探针在材料研究中的应用状况》 /span /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) "   ——华南理工大学测试中心 雷淑梅高工 /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 338px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/aa9f29c5-ce35-425b-8481-3ddcfa55942a.jpg" title=" 7.jpg" alt=" 7.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 338" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " 图:《实验室认可微束分析标准的注意事项》 /span /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) "   ——广东省工业分析检测中心 伍超群高工 /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 216px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/890e711e-1bfc-4f52-a200-3142762eb7da.jpg" title=" 8.jpg" alt=" 8.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 216" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " /span    span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " 图:《植物病毒的电子显微镜检测》 /span /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) "   ——浙江大学 洪健研究员 /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 338px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/91a5b1d8-1784-497a-953a-18066c4b2edd.jpg" title=" 9.jpg" alt=" 9.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 338" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " 图:《EDS分析国家标准中几个关键问题解读》 /span /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) "   ——中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 李香庭研究员 /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 500px height: 499px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/2160f912-2420-49fa-ac60-c74506334975.jpg" title=" 10.jpg" alt=" 10.jpg" width=" 500" height=" 499" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 500px height: 562px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/ac1ad370-9793-412b-a214-60554d2d9bd8.jpg" title=" 11.jpg" alt=" 11.jpg" width=" 500" height=" 562" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " 图:精彩报告 豪华阵容 /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 338px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/35b8dd3d-f18c-402f-a193-96f14c72ae50.jpg" title=" 12.jpg" alt=" 12.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 338" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " 图:会场报告座无虚席 /span /p p   此外会议还得到了布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司、阿美特克商贸(上海)有限公司和牛津仪器科技(上海)有限公司、北京中镜科仪技术有限公司等厂家的大力支持。 /p p   布鲁克、阿美特克和牛津仪器三家公司的技术精英也分别介绍了各自公司在微束分析技术创新中的工作进展。 /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 227px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/cc58a0f8-d6ed-4dda-b87e-1d7ad75e33db.jpg" title=" 13.jpg" alt=" 13.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 227" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p   其中,牛津仪器科技(上海)有限公司自2019年8月起,成为全国微束分析标准化技术委员会单位委员,由徐宁安高工担任联络员。 /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 450px height: 298px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/f95de6d9-0018-4f54-831c-60e44a6acf1a.jpg" title=" 14.jpg" alt=" 14.jpg" width=" 450" height=" 298" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center "    span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " 图:刘芬秘书长特别向徐宁安高工颁发了单位委员聘书 /span /p p   本次标准宣贯及技术应用研讨会在短短三天内获得了可喜的成效。对于广大电镜技术工作者之间的交流与合作起到了积极的促进作用,部分解答了参会代表在质量认证、计量认证、实验室认证与认可等工作中的遇到的难题,进一步推动了微束分析技术标准化工作的良性有序发展。 /p p   下一届“全国微束分析技术标准宣贯及其在材料科学中应用研讨会”将于2020年10月25-27日在河南开封举行。 /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 500px height: 332px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201911/uepic/3eefae4f-fcdb-4a28-9bf7-7ad0a6716e44.jpg" title=" 15.jpg" alt=" 15.jpg" width=" 500" height=" 332" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" color: rgb(0, 176, 240) " 图:参会代表合影 /span br/ /p p    strong 全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC38)简介: /strong /p p   全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 38)成立于1984年,负责全国电子探针、扫描电镜、电子显微镜、离子探针等一类微束原位的分析领域本身的标准化工作,也包括其它重要相关学科中以微束分析为主要研究工具的标准化工作。全国微束分析标准化技术委员会委员由来自生产、教学、科研各方面及全国各地区的专家组成,目前为第六届,有32名委员,设有3个单位委员。已发布和实施国家标准102项,另有9项国家标准在制定中。在国际标准化组织(ISO)中对口国际标准化组织微束分析技术委员会(ISO/TC 202)。值得一提的是,成立于1991年的ISO/TC 202是由中国倡导成立、并设立秘书处的我国第一个国际标准化组织技术委员会 即“先有TC38,后有TC202”。ISO/TC 202和SAC/ TC38的秘书处目前均设立在中国科学院化学研究所。 /p p style=" text-align: right " “微束分析标准化与中镜科仪”提供资料 /p
  • 安洲科技参加2020年新材料与低可探测技术及应用学术研讨会
    2020年11月11~13日,由中国光学工程学会主办,中南大学、复杂航空系统仿真重点实验室、北京安洲科技有限公司参与联办的“2020新材料与低可探测技术及应用学术研讨会”在湖南长沙成功举办。图为会议现场会议旨在分析国内低可探测前沿技术发展态势,研讨当前技术发展的问题及关键技术发展方向,提高低可探测防护与技术水平。来自地方政府、各军兵种、军工科研院所、高校、企业等各领域专业人员200余人莅临现场参与研讨,经过三天时间的深入交流,增进了行业内部技术信息流动,促进了低可探测技术领域“产-学-研-用”一体化良性发展。安洲科技应邀参加了本次盛会,同时借此机会向大家展示了美国SOC ET10、ET100红外发射率测量仪、410-Solar太阳光谱发射率测量仪等一系列国际先进科研仪器。# ET100、ET10红外发射率/反射率ET100 发射率测量仪采用积分球反射方法设计,内置积分球、红外光源、微型控制处理器等,采用电池供电、触摸屏显示,具有使用方便、准确性高等优点,可测量20度和60度2个入射角,6个光谱波段的反射率和波段总发射率。ET10 高精度便携式发射率测量仪可测量20度入射角,2个光谱波段发射率;可测量任何不透明材料的发射率。410-Solar 便携式反射率测量仪410-Solar 便携式反射率测量仪内置积分球、红外光源、探测器、微型控制处理器等,进行测量时,抠动扳机出发红外光源发射光线到样品表面,样品反射回来的光线经积分球处理后,由探测器及微控制处理器将光信号转换为电信号输出,获得反射率的数据。SOC-100 半球定向反射率测量仪(HDR)及其应用软件具有独特的材料光学性能的表征和利用能力,使用标准FTIR,所测量光谱区域为2-25μm,也可通过客户定制的FTIR扩展到50μm。SOC-200 是一款高精度科研级BRDF测量系统,可以从可见到中红外波谱范围内全自动测量样品的BRDF,实现光学表面、油漆、涂层、液体和颗粒等双向反射分布函数(BRDF)制图。以上设备在低可探测技术领域具有广阔的应用前景,受到了与会相关行业业内专家的广泛关注,并就仪器的性能和应用进行了交流。
  • 第十届全国低场核磁共振技术与应用研讨会(生物医学材料)即将召开
    " _ue_custom_node_="true"会议接力|第十届全国低场核磁共振技术与应用研讨会(生物医学材料)即将召开会议接力:今年恰逢低场核磁共振会议举办10周年,故而分别在青岛、宁波、无锡设立各自领域的分会场,让会议主题更加集中而深入,碰撞出更多的科研火花。 ▲第十届低场核磁会议能源地矿专场与会代表合影 10月17-19日,第十届低场核磁共振研讨会-能源地矿在青岛圆满举行,30余个高质量报告让整个会议的学术水准空前之高,错过能源地矿专场的可以点击查看 关于会议:2018年11月5日-7日,生物医学材料国际合作论坛暨第十届全国低场核磁共振技术与应用研讨会(生物医学材料专场)即将在美丽的东海港口城市宁波召开。会议将秉承该系列会议长期以来的宗旨,继续为生物医学材料和低场核磁共振领域内的各方(工程师、科学家、技术专家等)搭建交流新科技成果的平台。 大会主题:大健康时代的生物医学材料和低场核磁共振技术 大会地点:中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所地址:浙江省宁波市镇海区中官西60余个高质量学术报告 “纽迈之夜”晚宴全面展示FFC技术及其应用 变场核磁共振技术FFC NMR 是Fast Field Cycling 的简称,由快速场循环技术测量不同磁场下的核自旋弛豫率,此仪器改变宽范围的磁场强度(从几个KHz到40 MHz),主要测量T1和T2随着磁场 强度的变化,研究核磁共振弛豫散布(NMRD)特性。应用领域:造影剂研究、蛋白质、聚合物、活体肿瘤研究1.造影剂的性能评价及造影剂优化改进研究2.治疗性蛋白质聚集的常规评估3.蛋白质与其他分子之间的缔合研究4.寻找表征肿瘤的新的生物标记物指征,用以疾病的早期诊断并降低成本。5.聚合物流体变化、品质差异鉴定等宁波之约 大会报告日程精彩纷呈,不容错过!FFC的新技术介绍将在大会晚宴“纽迈之夜”为大家呈现,敬请关注。
  • 【视频回放】“二维材料检测技术与应用”主题网络研讨会
    2021年11月18日,由仪器信息网与中国科学院纳米标准与检测重点实验室联合举办的“二维材料检测技术与应用”主题网络研讨会成功召开。会议针对二维材料制备、表征及标准化等研究热点,邀请到10位来自高校、科研院所、仪器企业的资深专家分享精彩报告;吸引逾600名行业用户报名参会;并得到参会专家和用户的积极反馈和高度认可。为方便更多用户学习,经报告专家允许,现将部分会议视频整理发布。回放视频列表报告主题报告人回放链接二维相变材料的低温低波数拉曼光谱研究谢黎明(国家纳米科学中心 研究员)不回放雷尼绍拉曼光谱系统在二维材料领域的应用李兆芬(雷尼绍 应用工程师)回放链接布鲁克纳米红外光谱系统在二维材料领域的应用魏琳琳(布鲁克 应用工程师)回放链接2D Materials for sustainable world: electrocatalysis, low-power device and AI刘政(新加坡南洋理工大学 副教授)不回放WITec共聚焦拉曼成像助力二维材料检测与应用胡海龙(WITec 中国区应用服务经理)不回放基于水氧敏感二维材料无损表征的氛围保护互联系统搭建与应用林君浩(南方科技大学 副教授)不回放HORIBA拉曼光谱技术在二维材料领域的应用苗芃(HORIBA 应用工程师)回放链接原子力显微镜测量氧化石墨烯厚度比较研究杨露(北京石墨烯研究院 研发工程师)不回放赛默飞扫描电镜产品在纳米材料表征领域的应用罗俊(赛默飞 产品专家)回放链接石墨烯粉体的元素组成定量测量国际标准研制刘忍肖(国家纳米科学中心 高级工程师)回放链接 添加群主微信,加入二维材料交流群
  • 【直播报名】“二维材料检测技术与应用”主题网络研讨会即将召开
    二维材料是伴随着2004年曼彻斯特大学Geim 小组成功分离出单原子层的石墨烯而提出的,是指电子仅可在两个维度的纳米尺度(1-100nm)上自由运动(平面运动)的材料。因其载流子迁移和热量扩散都被限制在二维平面内,二维材料展现出许多奇特的性质,在学术界和产业界都掀起了研究热潮。点击图片报名为促进二维材料的研究与应用,仪器信息网联合中国科学院纳米标准与检测重点实验室将于2021年11月18日组织召开 “二维材料检测技术与应用”主题网络研讨会。邀请业内专家以及厂商技术人员就二维材料最新应用研究进展、检测技术及标准化等分享精彩报告,为广大用户搭建一个即时、高效的交流平台。主办方:仪器信息网 中国科学院纳米标准与检测重点实验室会议时间:2021年11月18日 09:30-16:30会议日程:时间报告主题报告人09:30-10:00二维相变材料的低温低波数拉曼光谱研究谢黎明(国家纳米科学中心)10:00-10:30雷尼绍拉曼光谱系统在二维材料领域的应用李兆芬(雷尼绍(上海)贸易有限公司)10:30-11:00布鲁克纳米红外光谱系统在二维材料领域的应用魏琳琳(布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司)11:00-11:302D Materials for sustainable world: electrocatalysis, low-power device and AI刘政(新加坡南洋理工大学)11:30-14:00午休14:00-14:30基于水氧敏感二维材料无损表征的氛围保护互联系统搭建与应用林君浩(南方科技大学)14:30-15:00HORIBA拉曼光谱技术在二维材料领域的应用苗芃(HORIBA科学仪器事业部)15:00-15:30原子力显微镜测量氧化石墨烯厚度比较研究杨露(北京石墨烯研究院)15:30-16:00待定赛默飞世尔科技分子光谱16:00-16:30石墨烯粉体的元素组成定量测量国际标准研制刘忍肖(国家纳米科学中心 )报名方式扫描下方二维码或点击以下链接即可进入报名页面。报名链接:https://www.instrument.com.cn/webinar/meetings/2dmaterial2021/报名参会 加入会议交流群,随时掌握会议动态
  • 2019年第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会-报告人更新 | 中国· 西安
    p br/ a id=" js_close_temp" style=" padding: 0px color: rgb(87, 107, 149) -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) cursor: pointer position: absolute right: 15px top: 278.813px line-height: 300px overflow: hidden width: 11px height: 11px vertical-align: middle display: inline-block" 关闭 span style=" font-size: 22px " 2019年第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会-报告人更新 | 中国· 西安 /span /a /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: center box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/e47f958e-6475-45e9-9f50-a7a9cddc347f.jpg" title=" 1.bmp" alt=" 1.bmp" / /p p br/ /p section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box text-align: left font-size: 20px font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(150, 0, 0) letter-spacing: 2px line-height: 2 word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: center word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 2019年第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会 /strong /p /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 9px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box text-align: left font-size: 11px font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(150, 0, 0) letter-spacing: 0px line-height: 2 word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: center box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" Symposiumon Low-Dimensional Material Application and Standardization (2019),LDMAS 2019 /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: center word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box text-align: center font-size: 14px font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62) letter-spacing: 1px line-height: 2 word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国 · 西安 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 2019年11月15日-11月18日 /p /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block width: 677px vertical-align: top" section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important text-indent: 2em" 低维材料应用与标准研讨会由全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组发起,每年举行一次,既是低维材料领域的高水平国际学术会议,也是低维材料应用与标准的研讨会。在首届会议成功举办的基础上,2019年第二届低维材料应用与标准研讨会 (LDMAS 2019) 定于2019年11月15日至18日在西安广成大酒店召开。本届会议由工作组和西北工业大学主办,西北工业大学分析测试中心、西安电子科技大学、西北大学、陕西省石墨烯联合实验室联合承办。 /section section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important text-indent: 2em" 会议关注石墨烯、碳纳米管等低维材料的制备、表征、物性及器件等基础研究以及相应的产业化应用和标准化,为低维材料相关领域的专家、学者、企业家交流最新研究成果、探讨产业发展方向提供一个广泛的平台。会议期间将召开全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组委员扩大会议,讨论相关国际标准、国家标准的申报和起草等事项。会议将邀请60多位知名专家、企业家做专题报告,并邀请企事业单位、检测机构、仪器设备厂商的人员到会展示最新技术成果,洽谈合作,参会规模300余人。欢迎广大学者、企业代表和学生参加会议。 /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% color: rgb(150, 0, 0) font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 16px font-weight: 700 text-align: left box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 一、会议组织 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(150, 0, 0) font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 主办单位 /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会低维纳米结构与性能工作组 br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 西北工业大学 br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(150, 0, 0) font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 承办单位 /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 西北工业大学分析测试中心 br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(150, 0, 0) font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 联合承办单位 /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 西安电子科技大学 br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 西北大学 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 陕西省石墨烯联合实验室 br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 南京国科会展服务有限公司 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(150, 0, 0) font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 协办单位 /strong /p section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block width: 677px vertical-align: top" 中国国际石墨烯资源产业联盟 /section section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block width: 677px vertical-align: top" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block width: 677px vertical-align: top" 北京先进碳材料产业促进会 /section /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国颗粒学会微纳气泡专业委员会 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国颗粒学会颗粒测试专业委员会 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 北京粉体技术协会 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 江苏迈纳德微纳技术有限公司 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 堀场(中国)贸易有限公司 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 低维材料在线91cailiao.cn /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 仪器信息网 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 10px line-height: 1 word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block text-align: left" section style=" padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important vertical-align: middle display: inline-block" section title=" " class=" " opera-tn-ra-cell=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:6.txt2" style=" padding: 0px 5px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important line-height: 1" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(150, 0, 0) font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light letter-spacing: 1px font-weight: bold font-size: 16px" 二、大会共同主席 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em color: rgb(150, 0, 0) font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 1px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /p /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px text-align: center word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-ratio=" 1.5" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOytX96nmXs5t7sIMlu1c1AR3Wx99icI5LUvrptDIVU3kkCSeRxLfiayFANtwdLXPykw7mgqaJicE3qZDw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 268" _width=" 108px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/bf86c45b-16e6-4dd1-9824-e45012cc9c12.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 108px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 2.bmp" alt=" 2.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 黄 维 /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(119, 200, 103)" & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 院士 /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(152, 152, 152) font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 14px" 西北工业大学 /span /section section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-ratio=" 1" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" 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padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" Denis& nbsp Koltsov /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span 教授 /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(152, 152, 152) font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 14px" 国际标准化组织纳米技术委员会ISO/TC229主席 /span /section section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% 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100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 郝 跃 /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" 院士 /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light letter-spacing: 0px font-size: 14px" 西安电子科技大学 /span /p p style=" text-align:center" img class=" rich_pages " data-ratio=" 1.3852813852813852" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOytX96nmXs5t7sIMlu1c1AR3BLXrFE6RPxG3PxicIQgATLRmP3QFdzKAKOhmmTyHT4nLWWzbGCWYZjw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 693" _width=" 103px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/eccc034d-593d-4a8f-96bc-6ee2ae07a256.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" title=" 5.bmp" alt=" 5.bmp" style=" font-size: 14px letter-spacing: 1px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word 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break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 赵宇亮 /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" 院士 /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: center text-indent: 0em word-wrap: break-word !important " span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light letter-spacing: 0px font-size: 14px" 国家纳米科学中心 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light letter-spacing: 0px" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 97" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 134" data-ratio=" 1.4" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOytX96nmXs5t7sIMlu1c1AR3zib1icBiaCzhH6Ws632XOMh9micCfDROgWpkLyzkbuxZWfyoFONDPIB1KQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 295" _width=" 103px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/84f4a167-9d1c-432d-9ed2-58e80d96e6b3.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 103px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 6.bmp" alt=" 6.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 汪联辉& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" & nbsp /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" 教授 /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light letter-spacing: 0px font-size: 14px" 南京邮电大学 /span /section section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" /section /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important text-align: center color: rgb(152, 152, 152) font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block text-align: left" section style=" padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important vertical-align: middle display: inline-block" section title=" " class=" " opera-tn-ra-cell=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:9.txt2" style=" padding: 0px 5px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important line-height: 1 color: rgb(150, 0, 0) letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 三、组委会主席 /span /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" & nbsp /span /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /p /section /section /section /section section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box 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https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOytX96nmXs5t7sIMlu1c1AR3vnBDORh6XRkFVxTicDV7OSiaEtXd5QkuzmGukfnKrTM7FjulCuMaGJQg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 105" _width=" 113px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/8c1142d0-0bb5-4a1d-b905-0b558f357cc0.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 113px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 7.bmp" alt=" 7.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 刘峰 /strong /span span 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style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px word-wrap: break-word !important" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " 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rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 葛广路 /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span 研究员 /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(152, 152, 152) display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: 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strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 王欣然 /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(152, 152, 152)" & nbsp span & nbsp /span /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" 教授 /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(152, 152, 152) letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 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class=" " opera-tn-ra-cell=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:9.txt2" style=" padding: 0px 5px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box line-height: 1 letter-spacing: 1px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 四、大会报告人 /span /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" & nbsp /span /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /p /section /section /section /section section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important text-align: center" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(152, 152, 152) font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important 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title=" 10.bmp" alt=" 10.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" Denis& nbsp Koltsov /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span 教授 /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 14px" 国际标准化组织纳米技术委员会ISO/TC229主席 /span /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section p style=" text-align: left " br/ /p section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box text-align: center font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px word-wrap: break-word !important" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, & #39 Helvetica Neue& #39 , & #39 PingFang SC& #39 , & #39 Hiragino Sans GB& #39 , & #39 Microsoft YaHei UI& #39 , & #39 Microsoft YaHei& #39 , Arial, sans-serif" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: 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min-height: 1em font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, & #39 Helvetica Neue& #39 , & #39 PingFang SC& #39 , & #39 Hiragino Sans GB& #39 , & #39 Microsoft YaHei UI& #39 , & #39 Microsoft YaHei& #39 , Arial, sans-serif box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, & #39 Helvetica Neue& #39 , & #39 PingFang SC& #39 , & #39 Hiragino Sans GB& #39 , & #39 Microsoft YaHei UI& #39 , & #39 Microsoft YaHei& #39 , Arial, sans-serif font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 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!important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62) font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 黄维扬 /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" 教授 /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 香港理工大学 /span /p /section /section /section p br/ /p /span /section /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(152, 152, 152) text-align: center letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 2" data-cropselx2=" 110" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 163" data-ratio=" 1.4456521739130435" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOytT2gibd6tFJNufcKYNibkj7hl4BMtibdXERE6Gk03jklQGLR3uappYy6GjUibh9sCmp496oiagHohEibicg/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 92" _width=" 113px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/f6d2c163-e59a-44a8-9559-3b6a9d8bf5ce.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 113px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 13.bmp" alt=" 13.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62) font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 谭平恒 /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" & nbsp & nbsp span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" 研究员 /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(152, 152, 152) font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 13.3333px letter-spacing: 0px text-align: center word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% color: rgb(160, 160, 160) font-size: 13.3333px letter-spacing: 0.544px box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学院半导体研究所 /span /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: center word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /strong /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: center word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /strong /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: left word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 五、分会主题及主席及报告人 /span /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: left word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span /p /section /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0px 0px 10px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px text-align: center word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block width: 300px height: 60px vertical-align: top overflow: hidden background-attachment: scroll background-size: contain background-position: 50% 50% background-repeat: no-repeat" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 15px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px color: rgb(150, 0, 0) line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 14px" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 分会一: /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 低维材料的制备和表征分析 /strong /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px text-align: center word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-ratio=" 1.4456521739130435" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOytT2gibd6tFJNufcKYNibkj7hl4BMtibdXERE6Gk03jklQGLR3uappYy6GjUibh9sCmp496oiagHohEibicg/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 92" _width=" 103px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/54beca39-e4ec-4f45-9764-4ece463094e5.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 103px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 14.bmp" alt=" 14.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(62, 62, 62) word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 主席: /span /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 谭平恒& nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 研究员 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px color: rgb(160, 160, 160)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 中国科学院半导体研究所 /span /p /section /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px text-align: center word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px 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box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 主席:孙立涛& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px color: rgb(160, 160, 160)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 东南大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 39" data-cropselx2=" 158" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 151" data-ratio=" 0.772093023255814" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOytCPxLIA6aSjMRIJtshKs3PNUomlI6b2NwukoOAT4oGXQBmaeSQNJ3Nlet4OCR9YKzKKf3xsl6Lfw/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 430" _width=" 169px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/5eae2907-9e57-4c76-8a27-5f5b873b48a9.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 169px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 16.bmp" alt=" 16.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 主席:倪振华& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 东南大学 /span /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 129" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 100" data-ratio=" 1.312883435582822" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6NwfkrWicr3bMGRUia3XAT5IlIsIdJKaMJFE3qiaT7tHRImDno0uRWUNMKxZQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 163" _width=" 129px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/1715a312-0ac0-4ad0-9676-d195b1b8e666.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 129px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 17.bmp" alt=" 17.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 付磊& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 武汉大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 129" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 100" data-ratio=" 1.1411192214111923" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6NwfFYbfo0EzwGjgEbNN9X6F7s2oOSjeAMS96tFG5ia3SRKbFbQ7dibrfCwA/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 411" _width=" 129px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/7f6e669d-4f17-41c0-a50b-df9e5fb3bbf2.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 129px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 18.bmp" alt=" 18.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 张俊& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 研究员 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学院半导体研究所 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 129" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 1.4024390243902438" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOysoJxOf5gdsliavQhZTbh6llqU9ECuQgn8soibia1bBSnyibjXLCsia3sXhvghTz10kicqzicVKogN5dr3GQ/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 82" _width=" 129px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/3aed4743-3db3-48f7-b065-65f69cf66832.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 129px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 19.bmp" alt=" 19.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 王立& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 南昌大学 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 163" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 0.9878787878787879" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6NwfuH2kl7em4VKdpc7Dt8SVsr5NgSd2Bp6P3f5fZ5WzRy7rDVdMf26tDw/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 165" _width=" 163px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/279fa0a3-ada6-4f8f-a642-4dc68a1ca602.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 163px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 20.bmp" alt=" 20.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 邱腾& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 东南大学 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 13" data-cropselx2=" 142" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 1.0471014492753623" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6Nwfa8icIgZ5cCdUXn4Ia9Wnkb8tQJcQDZOZr4oF1VpOZ7A4goMNRLicvhNA/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 276" _width=" 154px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/8def0972-0199-4385-b5a0-07935761a0d4.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 154px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 21.bmp" alt=" 21.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 刘新风& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 研究员 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 国家纳米科学中心 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 154" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 1.3333333333333333" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6Nwfo7NoVsHlqIswSecRPaGCp9uWUdR2xHialLpedgVguxicGAgBIxtDWeNQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 576" _width=" 132px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/027152d7-923d-4294-b450-645011384f50.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 132px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 22.bmp" alt=" 22.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 申怀彬& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 河南大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 154" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 1.12" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6NwftZyoVOhfw3uia6e25WCWz5aCDluuyjhKXLnl9nDWNK4ezntv8Dia0KFQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 150" _width=" 154px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/5a3f1b96-9f76-4e49-be80-5a9a4dc40dc5.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 154px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 微信图片_20191025230227.bmp" alt=" 微信图片_20191025230227.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 吴幸& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 华东师范大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 154" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 1.3432835820895523" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOyvicOIFG3wygnXSiaff3jOCxP1qpdMksABia4h3DChcVicJrlOvCickBvTgccUIySAM3YNibfkNS6hgMDag/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 268" _width=" 154px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/332f0652-39b1-480d-a256-3b4b0892ab6b.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 154px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 23.bmp" alt=" 23.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 缪峰& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 南京大学 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 3" data-cropselx2=" 157" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 1" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOyuB0c1mAuGQAg9PzUTVvbFZFic76qmUtHSAcbaT5VzNk7IzmtJIFag4rrJXExIA1wRqr0Yvib1eKy6w/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 535" _width=" 161px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/d1baeec5-0f91-48cd-89c2-a46083c07ae3.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 161px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 24.bmp" alt=" 24.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 游雨蒙& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 东南大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0px 0px 10px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block width: 300px height: 60px vertical-align: top overflow: hidden background-attachment: scroll background-size: contain background-position: 50% 50% background-repeat: no-repeat" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 15px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px color: rgb(150, 0, 0) line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 分会二:纳米能源与信息功能材料 /span /strong /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 4" data-cropselx2=" 96" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 133" data-ratio=" 1.3328125" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOyuC2t3mxNQgR44GqxicpalkapCpSBz4WH4Sgu8YLbsgU0iaMLCKdQ5EoCjwq1JrafzY3lB5eZ7nrfGg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 640" _width=" 110px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/e717bf87-f68a-4b14-9be3-c5dd3a66e576.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 110px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 25.bmp" alt=" 25.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(62, 62, 62) word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 主席: /span /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 邱介山& nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 北京化工大学 /span /p /section /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 119" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 151" data-ratio=" 1.2884615384615385" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" 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word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 主席:马延文& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 南京邮电大学 /span /p /section /section /section /section /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 119" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 153" data-ratio=" 1.4845360824742269" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOysoJxOf5gdsliavQhZTbh6llp3cdKKia2trqjAn9rMnOtbu9y2UxboFIGuZBDJp4cib5D6M7vDcHD7bg/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 97" _width=" 119px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/b321e85c-e81d-45c5-9847-836c45a35ea2.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 119px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 27.bmp" alt=" 27.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 主席:吴忠帅& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 研究员 /span /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br/ /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 154" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 1.4879807692307692" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6NwfWcsZdHVTAtrKhTWaA2j4LqkTicDeFKJ0qGHun24SVxsscGnrVRYkVrg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 416" _width=" 126px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/322546b6-1e53-4195-b504-c7904617ec5a.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 126px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 28.bmp" alt=" 28.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 魏子栋& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 重庆大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 154" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 1.21" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6NwfMm9SicPFgpwbLz5xUHZ1uq0JNuM6TBc5rDuibj3BfsTHmBYSIHASjsLg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 200" _width=" 136px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/5f083a21-8b9e-450e-aa9f-6e7078c4600e.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 136px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 29.bmp" alt=" 29.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 黄富强& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 研究员 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所/北京大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 2" data-cropselx2=" 156" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 186" data-ratio=" 1.1666666666666667" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6NwfWu7W0CMLib8cr3MEZC4MXopz2ObA5fxjBlTuw5rcPNKHIanPKsibRU3A/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 420" _width=" 143px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/effafab6-9d87-4cc7-8700-f358309f83ac.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 143px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 30.bmp" alt=" 30.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 余彦& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 研究员 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学技术大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 159" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 186" data-ratio=" 1.3208955223880596" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6NwfRde3ajvf8uAT1CicibAW2EERk7GfpvuDZpj7SNiakg22ENqIuS3wicCXSg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 268" _width=" 141px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/c5fd04d5-717b-438b-afa8-af8a086ed947.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 141px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 31.bmp" alt=" 31.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 杨全红& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 天津大学 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 159" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 210" data-ratio=" 1.430992736077482" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6NwfDRZuo19ibc4CZQNFicxmjQoUvQwz5EEwQnxbetxE0kDuEfibCApdbwQuA/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 413" _width=" 127px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/8b075f22-2a00-4706-97bc-1e4bf8c79ccd.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 127px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 32.bmp" alt=" 32.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 黄云辉& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 同济大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 6" data-cropselx2=" 154" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 212" data-ratio=" 1.3245033112582782" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6NwfuiaLvia66757viaS8vk6Rr91U1w7UicJ1oklfKKfLCYibxfKb2T9QEOEUCQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 151" _width=" 130px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/27fa38cc-daf9-4b9c-8f2e-fbb227f23e69.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 130px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 33.bmp" alt=" 33.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 陈立桅& nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 研究员 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box 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https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/a1aae3fa-c82f-44e2-a919-3fa8ba671d5e.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 132px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 34.bmp" alt=" 34.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 王喜章& nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 南京大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px 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break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 杨卷& nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 讲师 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 西安交通大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0px 0px 10px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block width: 300px height: 60px vertical-align: top overflow: hidden background-attachment: scroll background-size: contain background-position: 50% 50% 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word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 1" data-cropselx2=" 101" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 150" data-ratio=" 1.4538461538461538" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOyv8vpo356T15WITPSv8SFicLItIJ43dF04nqDiaafXrQP4lEZfkKJ5ibMUXsjF7vsTOl7D1M5nBKxLlg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 390" _width=" 124px" src=" 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style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 陈伟& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 新加坡国立大学 /span /p /section /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 4" data-cropselx2=" 124" data-cropsely1=" 0" 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62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 主席:胡伟达& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 研究员 /span /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 /p /section /section /section /section /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px 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crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 123px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 38.bmp" alt=" 38.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 主席:周鹏& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 复旦大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block 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padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 高春雷& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 复旦大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br/ /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 108" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 144" data-ratio=" 1.384765625" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia47twItvO4K5s9KSwvAX3ZsiaSThH4y6icJiarQ5T0nYoTgeFzs0otolxibw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 512" _width=" 120px" src=" 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!important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 研究员 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学院半导体研究所 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px 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padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 吴燕庆& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 华中科技大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 113" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 150" data-ratio=" 1.3333333333333333" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6Nwfo7NoVsHlqIswSecRPaGCp9uWUdR2xHialLpedgVguxicGAgBIxtDWeNQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 576" _width=" 121px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/3bd40240-0a1b-40e1-bada-71b512d65e85.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 121px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 42.bmp" alt=" 42.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 申怀彬& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 河南大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br/ /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 8" data-cropselx2=" 121" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 151" data-ratio=" 1.180952380952381" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4dibZOCibkG9ibmRUBmuzEJCEuiaa3vIeBSVxBtWkGRssBoX0ABjkFxWqdA/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 105" _width=" 128px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/dd023b97-e425-487e-8a0f-ed8fc8601e09.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 128px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 43.bmp" alt=" 43.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 崔艳霞& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 太原理工大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br/ /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 128" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 151" data-ratio=" 1.2844036697247707" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOytraB2AZVBT8ea5zJGwJ7E7AGmueAjwpJXibHU9PIcIaicUmJ4DHwCibXiasBRsyTVBazud7Dg1Jmwfnw/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 109" _width=" 128px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/baa3f46c-61e1-4953-8ec9-36dcf503fb8b.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 128px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 44.bmp" alt=" 44.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 王枫秋& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 南京大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 128" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 164" data-ratio=" 1.287958115183246" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOytnKdNt3DIiah75sicPmicNibFYmPiaUIwTiaLib5KoIYLiblK2WCVhQyWOiaOy6HmAB5NBWlbxH74n2kQLMxg/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 191" _width=" 128px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/a4fad6e6-9dab-497e-a4a7-67dee4b01c6f.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 128px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 45.bmp" alt=" 45.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 廖蕾& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 湖南大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 128" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 165" data-ratio=" 1.4" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4ES13J6MOapspqwT9j6CGfyhMqzkqwVibDE8u2unFRFhHbLA6cDxvgSQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 110" _width=" 128px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/3823c2c5-b035-463e-aefe-9c4e9b45f6f8.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 128px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 46.bmp" alt=" 46.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 刘琦& nbsp 研究员 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学院微电子所 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 4" data-cropselx2=" 132" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 179" data-ratio=" 1.3098159509202454" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4clibwzPoFlfAibb9e2miciblHSibHWRgFzOpicMYibiaibtj62yeeu6SOYx1c9g/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 326" _width=" 137px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/d324ade6-1720-4f87-bd36-8a4005b5daab.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 137px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 47.bmp" alt=" 47.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 时玉萌 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 深圳大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 182" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 180" data-ratio=" 1" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4wzzbKcmn0SvpM4D0XLK6XF7ib2YQ8X31EGmsD4v9tLTq1leDl9dBIlw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 1205" _width=" 167px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/555b427b-7bed-4dde-82fa-b2d3dcdacefb.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 167px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 48.bmp" alt=" 48.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 王鹏 研究员 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 中科院上海技术物理研究所 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p /section /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0px 0px 10px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block width: 300px height: 60px vertical-align: top overflow: hidden background-attachment: scroll background-size: contain background-position: 50% 50% background-repeat: no-repeat" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 15px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px color: rgb(150, 0, 0) line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 14px" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 分会四: /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 低维纳米光电显示 /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 6" data-cropselx2=" 106" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 150" data-ratio=" 1.3333333333333333" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOytX96nmXs5t7sIMlu1c1AR38Fad5ia0QySLOO4jXia2VF5uxxicNcK3fEKjsKCSxfXc8DJ6uGJZb2MAQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 240" _width=" 113px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/201ced6f-78b0-4102-b2d5-f260f28df3fa.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 113px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 49.bmp" alt=" 49.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(62, 62, 62) word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 主席: /span /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 张浩力& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 兰州大学 /span /p /section /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 9" data-cropselx2=" 128" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 1.1824817518248176" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOytX96nmXs5t7sIMlu1c1AR3TBTsCpWLp6tgXvSl7DMnUbzvlJe6ClVw6UUgHw9iajIXwzSpuyPdV4A/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 137" _width=" 136px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/3fd7bcf8-0713-4375-b5f9-749fdf071ccf.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 136px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 50.bmp" alt=" 50.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 主席:金一政& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 浙江大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 136" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 1.226923076923077" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4EBRibuicKJWU1X0SbLb6UNVQIIgzkPngvquCY0ib0MM8bpU5yFWcgiaY2w/640?wx_fmt=gif" data-type=" gif" data-w=" 520" _width=" 136px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/587ab337-1051-4309-8b16-ab59a8b67537.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 136px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 51.bmp" alt=" 51.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 付红兵& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 首都师范大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 154" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 180" data-ratio=" 1.25" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOysOobJEohFYiaLzkof2l6Nwfqfh9PhhZsIM5sCIXkCCnP3f0KCZLEb08wbvyDAQH5awfwxyKpO18pg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 268" _width=" 141px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/ffc44196-d6e1-43eb-8247-9ae1b221a3b2.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 141px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 52.bmp" alt=" 52.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 翟天佑& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 华中科技大学 /p /section /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br/ /p section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 154" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 192" data-ratio=" 1.3066666666666666" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4tywUsNvYkkXuHSxkpaZZLiapJmyiaXTwQzar4YgMcicKceokjHNTWankw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 150" _width=" 154px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/dc3971b1-044a-4df9-b5e6-42c3920bf387.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 154px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 53.bmp" alt=" 53.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 李峰& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 吉林大学 /p /section /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br/ /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br/ /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 137" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 180" data-ratio=" 1.4615384615384615" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4Gff2Kuy4ewibuGosHxzQtE0kXjWqzCRrUQtjaTq3qVQ734BPQAtianNw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 780" _width=" 137px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/86df3fcc-d973-42b5-a0cc-1a26c1b34f7a.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 137px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 54.bmp" alt=" 54.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 唐建新& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 苏州大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 9" data-cropselx2=" 146" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 180" data-ratio=" 1.1650485436893203" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4h81iaITfXbuWyobjKSnGrw8bNORvnuDYh3ib4nOkvxnYNv7EmBd80JQw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 206" _width=" 144px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/312a42e5-dbf4-4e53-a1f5-a9cd42821a64.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 144px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 55.bmp" alt=" 55.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 孟鸿& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 北京大学深圳研究生院 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em font-size: 13.3333px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 137" data-cropsely1=" 0" 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style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 王建浦& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 南京工业大学 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-croporisrc=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4b2pzJ74aa9YyDicY8Z4icDTxrCgFfUAFBe5SVMNUfXzOgFrL8eBGtAQQ/640?wx_fmt=png" data-cropx1=" 117.23300970873785" data-cropx2=" 576.1165048543689" data-cropy1=" 0" data-cropy2=" 636.4077669902912" data-ratio=" 1.3856209150326797" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOyv8vpo356T15WITPSv8SFicLebLvzHJfNsmLLtXlicgPoon0Rk5yH9voibPqaBfjibA1HNa8LgFE5AT3Q/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 459" _width=" 137px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/f098afb8-4de9-4201-98e8-7ee8dda51922.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 137px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 57.bmp" alt=" 57.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 康永印& nbsp 技术总监 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 纳晶科技股份有限公司 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-croporisrc=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4y3xzlPaOW0Ivaibd0weo5uVNuI3PhDJcjOia9IiceynnJ3bwXTian6ccew/0?wx_fmt=png" data-cropx1=" 132.8516129032258" data-cropx2=" 260.1290322580645" data-cropy1=" 0" data-cropy2=" 167.2258064516129" data-ratio=" 1.3046875" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4wCJtia8FvBC3xfQtmpwWVDHTLBMlxwO7NSYsLSguJYye2jP5a2hwDBA/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 128" _width=" 137px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/85235558-90db-4d41-bfc2-86c822705de2.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 137px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 58.bmp" alt=" 58.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 李福山 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 福州大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 137" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 180" data-ratio=" 1.3237410071942446" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4Rjp70CYNG9kLq965NsqiaVkbckwaH97XicKeae1eEyNEia8xo0sYOxiaUw/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 139" _width=" 137px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/f82ed5c5-ab21-470b-932e-0dee2fe19971.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 137px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 59.bmp" alt=" 59.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 秦海燕 副研究员 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 浙江大学 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 22" data-cropselx2=" 205" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 181" data-ratio=" 0.8" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4ws2bQcJeeMPy2wTTW7JyxiaKShANaicqCba52qZq2bia4eeSguX6F7rhg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 1280" _width=" 196px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/cb074744-5d92-48cd-ad31-bf93ecbdf150.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 196px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 60.bmp" alt=" 60.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 高宇南 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 北京大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br/ /p /section /section /section /section /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0px 0px 10px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block width: 300px height: 60px vertical-align: top overflow: hidden background-attachment: scroll background-size: contain background-position: 50% 50% background-repeat: no-repeat" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 15px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px color: rgb(150, 0, 0) line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 14px" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 分会五: /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 低维纳米生物与医学 /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 92" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 133" data-ratio=" 1.4516129032258065" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOytX96nmXs5t7sIMlu1c1AR3bicDibn9mSniaia0XpibW3hz1cq2FutpeVhGuXR9VIwvmld3op6GHHP2wQg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 124" _width=" 101px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/174afbc9-99f6-4284-9e08-b8e44ae925be.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 101px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 61.bmp" alt=" 61.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(62, 62, 62) word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 主席: /span /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 王强斌& nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 研究员 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所 /span /p /section /section /section /section 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margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 主席:樊海明& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 西北大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em font-size: 13.3333px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px 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padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 聂广军& nbsp 研究员 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 国家纳米科学中心 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 182" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 227" data-ratio=" 1.2651515151515151" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4RUFCdicJuweq8GFqFesrX4Mlh6d1dhR4icD3b8EibAiczLKH6ibMxbOJo8g/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 264" _width=" 136px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/a4637a01-5b0a-438e-9437-08a46b8bd9ad.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 136px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 64.bmp" alt=" 64.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 吴长锋& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 南方科技大学 /p /section section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 1" data-cropselx2=" 183" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 230" data-ratio=" 1.2458100558659218" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4P155iaicFz45kPgQT0nlyibYKk48myDZcuWcotWgbvK7icy4EeicElAMYhw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 358" _width=" 134px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/05a74d51-fd35-406a-9508-e0f6ce03e9f1.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 134px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 65.bmp" alt=" 65.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 王忠良& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 西安电子科技大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br/ /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 1" data-cropselx2=" 187" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 230" data-ratio=" 1.3333333333333333" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" 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word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 张川& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 上海交通大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-croporisrc=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4npr7fM74nxoxDsNV3YElJ5fO0GNrwO0PID0a9EU0HR2m4gqXicVBUyA/0?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-cropx1=" 240.53691275167785" data-cropx2=" 1039.4630872483222" data-cropy1=" 0" data-cropy2=" 1065.234899328859" data-ratio=" 1.3291614518147685" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4OMnCictkRlvWkMdia5BYvJfOHy8t1VEr5rQqRahreaRRE0FBzYnrtjVQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 799" _width=" 152px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/38a4b1ad-7ccb-4be1-92c6-c449d63bb595.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 152px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 67.bmp" alt=" 67.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 赵永席& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 西安交通大学 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 186" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 247" data-ratio=" 1.5" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" 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word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 梁兴杰& nbsp 研究员 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 国家纳米科学中心 /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 5" data-cropselx2=" 191" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 279" data-ratio=" 1.4223826714801444" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4vCDlpziazicW0icy2ibRL2JK3uHJJoeMdSoQVRDpojdKTGNF7o1RmA1gcg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 277" _width=" 127px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/35dcafb4-e35c-4fe4-a452-8e6d1db5faee.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 127px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 69.bmp" alt=" 69.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 钱志勇& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 四川大学 span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 14" data-cropselx2=" 210" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 279" data-ratio=" 1.2382671480144405" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4dMpBFEPBTOpso1BNBFNwUScKfbnE1qe9s8TcnTibFdGNROr1pXSj3oA/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 554" _width=" 130px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/58f55f60-3323-4020-9f3a-1fab34255162.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 130px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 70.bmp" alt=" 70.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 顾宁& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 东南大学 /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " 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max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 顾忠伟& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 南京工业大学 /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px 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break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 杨志谋& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 南开大学 /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br/ /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0px 0px 10px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block width: 300px height: 60px vertical-align: top overflow: hidden background-attachment: scroll background-size: contain background-position: 50% 50% background-repeat: no-repeat" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 15px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px color: rgb(150, 0, 0) line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 14px" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 分会六: /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 低维宽禁带及超宽禁带半导体材料与应用 /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 8" data-cropselx2=" 108" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 150" data-ratio=" 1.2935323383084578" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOytX96nmXs5t7sIMlu1c1AR3cxhzYWonsKT9YH6XBZ1yct2icLbK06JSoibUJPYwR0VsK9PKbqA3j67Q/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 201" _width=" 116px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/020e49de-1f90-47c9-b0c5-a039fec351da.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 116px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 73.bmp" alt=" 73.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 主席:张进成& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 西安电子科技大学 /span /p /section /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 122" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 161" data-ratio=" 1.5" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOyv8vpo356T15WITPSv8SFicLXgLGOIv8HzzmcePQvMNkVs4YG2EGPtMfMw4vibIumOwgAp1Fo3xEznw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 1280" _width=" 122px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/ee44d99b-1f7c-440b-aa20-ac50fcdb87ea.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 122px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 74.bmp" alt=" 74.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 主席:王东 副 /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 西安电子科技大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br/ /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 6" data-cropselx2=" 128" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 183" data-ratio=" 1.3666666666666667" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOyv8vpo356T15WITPSv8SFicLVolyqqtoZB16WVlV6MKMHr3vhoS1NXsRm7cmb7Buu5mxWBHCKEbhpA/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 300" _width=" 134px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/dbc2e221-e370-4958-9de7-bddc6b019503.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 134px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 75.bmp" alt=" 75.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 王开友 span & nbsp /span /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em font-size: 13.3333px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" 中国科学院半导体研究所 /span /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 10" data-cropselx2=" 132" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 183" data-ratio=" 1.2906666666666666" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOyv8vpo356T15WITPSv8SFicL6odS3wqa2icYBdlUFOzNkwic3zsFap3y28OhTM3t4FAHyL5PADA74a4g/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 375" _width=" 142px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/5219255b-e0bb-4584-8382-b7941482ed66.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 142px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 76.bmp" alt=" 76.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 王业亮 span & nbsp /span /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em font-size: 13.3333px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" 北京理工大学 /span /p /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 122" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 183" data-ratio=" 1.5" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" 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break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 吕俊鹏 span & nbsp /span /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em font-size: 13.3333px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" 东南大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em font-size: 13.3333px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% 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break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 王浩敏& nbsp 研究员 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所 /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em font-size: 13.3333px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em font-size: 13.3333px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em font-size: 13.3333px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section /section /section /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0px 0px 10px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block width: 300px height: 60px vertical-align: top overflow: hidden background-attachment: 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style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% 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box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(62, 62, 62) word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 主席: /span /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 葛广路& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 研究员 /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light word-wrap: break-word !important" 国家纳米科学中心 /span /p /section /section /section /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 16px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: middle width: 324.953px" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 0.5em 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: 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break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 上海交通大学 /span /p /section /section /section /section /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-style: solid border-bottom-color: rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" p style=" margin-top: 0px 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!important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 主席:梁铮& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 秘书长 /span /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word 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break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 卢红斌& nbsp 教授 /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 复旦大学 /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " 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!important" title=" 85.bmp" alt=" 85.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 肖少庆& nbsp 教授& nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 江南大学 /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /section section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 0.8em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(119, 200, 103) display: inline-block font-size: 14px color: rgb(0, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 150" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 159" data-ratio=" 1.5149253731343284" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOys9LTDm2qU8icpEXe4domzia4hWBAmpG1GqpiaSGRnkskRV0oBlGOQyC0y7aPRpXyoM0jNtPC16dES4w/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 268" _width=" 150px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/a5e3a58a-5ec1-4a16-b51b-536af0fcad17.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 150px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 86.bmp" alt=" 86.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 陈成猛& nbsp 研究员& nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span /p /section section class=" " style=" margin: 5px 0px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所 /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section /section p br/ /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box text-align: left text-indent: 24px color: rgb(150, 0, 0) letter-spacing: 1px font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 16px word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 六、组织委员会 /strong /span strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box text-align: left text-indent: 24px color: rgb(150, 0, 0) font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 1px word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p br/ /p section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important text-align: center" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px word-wrap: break-word !important" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 2" data-cropselx2=" 115" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 170" data-ratio=" 1.4538461538461538" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOyv8vpo356T15WITPSv8SFicLItIJ43dF04nqDiaafXrQP4lEZfkKJ5ibMUXsjF7vsTOl7D1M5nBKxLlg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 390" _width=" 117px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/e3d73016-49cc-4eb7-a201-3b5b7e9b035b.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 117px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 87.bmp" alt=" 87.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px 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!important" 教授 /span /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 12px color: rgb(152, 152, 152) letter-spacing: 0px" 新加坡国立大学 /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(152, 152, 152) font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px letter-spacing: 1px color: rgb(51, 51, 51)" & nbsp /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px word-wrap: break-word !important" section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " 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box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 丁荣& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% color: rgb(152, 152, 152) box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 副主任 /span /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(152, 152, 152) display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 12px" 全国纳标委低维纳米结构与性能工作组 /span /section /section /section /section /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em color: rgb(152, 152, 152) box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em color: rgb(152, 152, 152) box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em color: rgb(152, 152, 152) box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-croporisrc=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOyv8vpo356T15WITPSv8SFicLFqicWG0CGJg5jk1e7zhM2sVfmEibicZwjsosqo2ibm6vz04nNTIdwZxoQg/0?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-cropx1=" 320" data-cropx2=" 1011.2" data-cropy1=" 0" data-cropy2=" 851.2" data-ratio=" 1.2329956584659914" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOyv8vpo356T15WITPSv8SFicLKnrlyeibcJ8SyU5xXK1HzgwgP6P7W5BSCKHwsMdG7MnabSPHy3ZWyVg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 691" _width=" 114px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/54ce0617-53a4-4680-800c-65babb62ffca.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box 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PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(152, 152, 152)" & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% color: rgb(152, 152, 152) box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 教授 /span /span /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(152, 152, 152) letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 西北大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(152, 152, 152) font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em font-size: 12px box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" 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font-family: DengXian color: black" 甘雪涛& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% color: rgb(152, 152, 152) box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 教授 /span /span /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 西北工业大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% 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max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 葛广路 /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span 研究员 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px" 国家纳米科学中心 /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" 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word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 中国研究院上海技术物理研究所 /span /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " 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title=" 93.bmp" alt=" 93.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 金一政& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span 教授 /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 浙江大学 /span /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, 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break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 刘峰& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span 教授 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px" 西北工业大学 /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: 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crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 127px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 95.bmp" alt=" 95.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 马延文& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span 教授 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px" 南京邮电大学 /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: 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style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span 教授 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px" 东南大学 /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0px" & nbsp /span /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 143" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 110" data-ratio=" 1.3647058823529412" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOytX96nmXs5t7sIMlu1c1AR3yzknESuuY1TpdlaXStr0b9ia3dej7KHIJfkuBUnAmP9b3ZTzhGJortA/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 170" _width=" 136px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/ad21e6fc-5be7-42c6-a8fb-48992977655a.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 136px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 97.bmp" alt=" 97.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 邱介山& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span 教授 /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 北京化工大学 /span /section /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em font-size: 12px word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /p section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" 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word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 孙立涛& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span 教授 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px" 东南大学 /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: 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!important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 谭平恒& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" & nbsp /span 研究员 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px" 中国科学院半导体研究所 /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 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word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 王 东& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" & nbsp 副教授 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px" 西安电子科技大学 /span /p /section /section section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 156" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 206" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOytX96nmXs5t7sIMlu1c1AR3bicDibn9mSniaia0XpibW3hz1cq2FutpeVhGuXR9VIwvmld3op6GHHP2wQg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-ratio=" 1.4516129032258065" data-w=" 124" _width=" 136px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/b9fcab1a-abae-4654-96b7-133b5fddbf2c.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 136px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 101.bmp" alt=" 101.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 王强斌& nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" & nbsp 研究员 /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所 /span /section /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 0" data-cropselx2=" 156" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 226" data-ratio=" 1.5133333333333334" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/YHfAxqpgOytX96nmXs5t7sIMlu1c1AR3NvUCwWpSicNicicFia8JiaCL0r4euibxncJcyKuTUB5Vj0Vb62NcResA2NMg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg" data-type=" jpeg" data-w=" 300" _width=" 136px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/978b7c8f-0daf-4adb-9ca2-e529652e4c81.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 136px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 102.bmp" alt=" 102.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 王欣然& nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 教授 /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 南京大学 /span /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /section /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section class=" " style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-cropselx1=" 1" data-cropselx2=" 157" data-cropsely1=" 0" data-cropsely2=" 236" data-ratio=" 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PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: DengXian color: black" 吴忠帅& nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 研究员 /span /span /p /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 12px letter-spacing: 0px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block vertical-align: top width: 338.5px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 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break-word !important" p style=" max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 低维标准工作组委员扩大会议 br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p /section /td /tr tr opera-tn-ra-comp=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:67.classicTable1:6" powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" td colspan=" 1" rowspan=" 1" opera-tn-ra-cell=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:67.classicTable1:6.td@@0" width=" 159" style=" max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box border-radius: 0px border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px word-wrap: break-word !important " section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word 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box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 分会场报告 /span /p /section /td /tr tr opera-tn-ra-comp=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:67.classicTable1:7" powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" td colspan=" 1" valign=" middle" style=" max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box border-radius: 0px border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px word-wrap: break-word !important " p style=" margin-right: 8px margin-left: 8px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 14px" 11月17日下午 /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /td td colspan=" 1" rowspan=" 1" opera-tn-ra-cell=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:67.classicTable1:7.td@@0" width=" 250" style=" max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box border-radius: 0px border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px word-wrap: break-word !important " section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important text-align: center font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 大会报告闭幕式 /span /p /section /td /tr tr opera-tn-ra-comp=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:67.classicTable1:8" powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" td colspan=" 1" rowspan=" 1" opera-tn-ra-cell=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:67.classicTable1:8.td@@0" width=" 159" style=" max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box border-radius: 0px border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px word-wrap: break-word !important " section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important text-align: center font-size: 14px line-height: 2 letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 11月18日 /span /p /section /td td colspan=" 1" rowspan=" 1" opera-tn-ra-cell=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:67.classicTable1:8.td@@1" width=" 229" style=" max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box border-radius: 0px border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px word-wrap: break-word !important " section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% 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margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p /section section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block text-align: left" section style=" padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important vertical-align: middle display: inline-block" section title=" " class=" " opera-tn-ra-cell=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:70.txt2" style=" padding: 0px 5px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box 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break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important vertical-align: middle display: inline-block" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(150, 0, 0) font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light letter-spacing: 1px font-weight: bold font-size: 16px" 八、部分参会单位(持续更新) /span /section /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 中国科学院半导体研究所 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% font-size: 14px box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 西北大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 西安交通大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 西安电子科技大学 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 华东师范大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 北京大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px 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!important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 浙江大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 南京邮电大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 东南大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 北京化工大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 南京大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 兰州大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 复旦大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 上海交通大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 江南大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 南京工业大学 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 南方科技大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 南昌大学 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 绍兴文理学院 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% font-size: 14px box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 中国兵器工业标准化研究所 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 江苏省特种设备安全监督检验研究院 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 国家石墨烯产品质量监督检验中心(江苏) /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 苏州市计量测试院 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 苏州市市场监督管理局 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 泰州市市场监督管理局 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 泰州 /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 巨纳新能源有限公司 /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 泰州石墨烯研究检测平台有限公司 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 山东鲁泰控股集团有限公司 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 14px" 山东晶石大展纳米科技有限公司 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% font-size: 14px box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 江苏农牧科技职业学院 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% color: rgb(150, 0, 0) font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light font-size: 16px font-weight: 700 letter-spacing: 1px box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 九、注册报名 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section /section /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 14px font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62) letter-spacing: 1px line-height: 2 word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(150, 0, 0)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 1、网络报名缴费: /strong /span 热诚欢迎相关科研单位人士、企业同仁和政府管理部门人员参会和交流学习。本届会议名额有限,请务必于 span style=" padding: 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word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(150, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" 2)微信支付宝转账:扫描下方二维码 /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: center box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-ratio=" 0.9868421052631579" data-s=" 300,640" data-src=" https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/YHfAxqpgOytsC6QibEzrUJzkSLlIN2fuGibjh9Y2J5GBaj61vLtwLONwDLtk2ufOkud9J5xbN3Pook8gqMc8icEvQ/640?wx_fmt=png" data-type=" png" data-w=" 228" _width=" 228px" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201910/uepic/bc07e690-4b0e-4eaf-aad7-2d1a2715e00c.jpg" crossorigin=" anonymous" data-fail=" 0" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important height: auto !important width: 228px !important visibility: visible !important" title=" 120.bmp" alt=" 120.bmp" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(150, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" 3) /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box color: rgb(150, 0, 0) word-wrap: break-word !important" 转账时请备注“LDMAS”,并将付款凭证扫描件发给会议注册联系人 /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 联 系 人:邵悦 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 联系电话:13914543362 /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 邮箱地址: span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" ldmas2019@163.com /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section p br/ /p table style=" margin-top: 0px margin-right: 0px margin-left: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word 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0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 2000& nbsp (RMB) /span /p /section /td /tr tr opera-tn-ra-comp=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:86.classicTable1:2" powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" td colspan=" 1" rowspan=" 1" opera-tn-ra-cell=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:86.classicTable1:2.td@@0" width=" 103" style=" max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box border-radius: 0px border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px word-wrap: break-word !important " section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important text-align: center font-size: 14px letter-spacing: 0px line-height: 2" p style=" max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: 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section powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" margin: 10px 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 16px letter-spacing: 0.544px word-wrap: break-word !important" section style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important display: inline-block text-align: left" section style=" padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important vertical-align: middle display: inline-block" section title=" " class=" " opera-tn-ra-cell=" _$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:104.txt2" style=" padding: 0px 5px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important line-height: 1 color: rgb(150, 0, 0) letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 十、往届回顾 /span /strong /p /section /section /section /section p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: center box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" img class=" rich_pages " data-ratio=" 0.4654939106901218" 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_$.pages:0.layers:0.comps:110.txt2" style=" padding: 0px 5px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important line-height: 1 color: rgb(150, 0, 0) letter-spacing: 1px" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" 十一、参展商、赞助商 /span /strong /span strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" /strong /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 12px font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light" & nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /p /section /section /section /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box font-size: 14px font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62) letter-spacing: 1px line-height: 2 word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(150, 0, 0)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 赞助商: /strong /span br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 本次会议设置铂金赞助商、金牌赞助商、银牌赞助商、铜牌赞助商四个会议赞助类别。赞助商根据不同的级别可分别享受到的相应的权益。包括网站首页公司介绍、晚宴冠名、会议手册广告宣传、免费参会资格和展台。 /p /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 10px line-height: 1 word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box text-align: left font-size: 14px font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62) letter-spacing: 1px line-height: 2 word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(150, 0, 0)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 参展商: /strong /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em text-align: justify word-wrap: break-word !important" 每个展位费用:15000元,包括2人的午餐、晚宴费用,展台费用,两份资料费用。(不含参会费用,参会需额外缴纳注册费)。 /p /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box letter-spacing: 0.544px font-size: 10px line-height: 1 word-wrap: break-word !important" p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" br style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" / /p /section section class=" " powered-by=" xiumi.us" style=" padding: 0px 10px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box text-align: left font-size: 14px font-family: Optima-Regular, PingFangTC-light color: rgb(62, 62, 62) letter-spacing: 1px line-height: 2 word-wrap: break-word !important " p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important color: rgb(150, 0, 0)" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box word-wrap: break-word !important" 联系方式: /strong /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 联 系 人:袁文军, span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% font-family: DengXian box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 袁晨曦 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 联系电话:13761090949, span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% font-family: DengXian box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" 17811960949 /span /p p style=" margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box clear: both min-height: 1em word-wrap: break-word !important" 邮箱地址: span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% font-family: DengXian box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" zzldmas@163.com, /span span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-family: 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font-size: 16px text-align: center color: rgb(64, 64, 64)" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 11px color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" 与性能工作组通讯成员和单位成员 /span /strong /span /strong strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important letter-spacing: 0.544px text-align: justify" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important" strong style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 16px text-align: center color: rgb(64, 64, 64)" span style=" padding: 0px max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important word-wrap: break-word !important font-size: 11px color: rgb(62, 62, 62)" 。 /span /strong /span /strong /p /section
  • 第六届全国微束分析技术标准宣贯及其在材料研究中应用研讨会通知
    p   随着社会生产力水平的不断发展和各行各业现代化程度的不断提高,普及和提高行业标准化程度已经成为引领经济发展、规范生产行为、促进生产协作的有效手段,也是国家大力提倡的与国际接轨的重要指标之一。全国微束分析标准化技术委员会承担着我国微束分析行业技术标准的制订、宣传、贯彻、推广等任务,旨在为行业技术制定标准和提供技术指导。 /p p   电子显微镜(以下简称电镜)作为最常见的微束分析仪器之一,是人类直接观察微观世界的有力工具。近年来,电镜广泛应用于生命科学和材料科学的各个领域,特别是2017年诺贝尔化学奖授予在冷冻电镜领域做出杰出贡献的三位科学家,使全球的电镜工作者受到了巨大的鼓舞和鞭策。在可预见的将来,以电镜为代表的大型科学仪器的持有量将持续快速增长,对电镜的相关操作、制样、维护、维修人员的需求量也会持续增加。 /p p   为进一步推动微束分析技术标准化工作,促进广大电镜技术工作者之间的交流与合作,满足各单位在质量认证、计量认证、实验室认证与认可等工作中的需要,将举办第六届微束分析标准宣传贯彻及实施和应用研讨会,以使我国各微束分析实验室、相关的科研和企事业单位能更好地执行这些标准,提高分析技术水平及技能,提供更好、更准确的分析结果,提高产品的质量,促进国民经济发展。 /p p   一、组织委员会 /p p   本次宣贯会由全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC38)主办,全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会和广东省工业分析检测中心协办,北京理化分析测试技术学会承办。 /p p   会议组织委员会名单如下:陈家光、陈振宇、丁泽军、范光、高灵清、龚沿东、葛广路、洪健、洪崧、贺连龙、鞠新华、李香庭、李玉武、柳得橹、刘芬、毛骞、马通达、孙振亚、汤斌兵、王孝平、魏宝和、吴文辉、伍超群、杨勇骥、许钫钫、徐坚、姚雷、姚文清、曾荣树、曾毅、曾荣光、章晓中、张作贵、赵江、祝建、朱如凯、钟振前。注:姓名按首字母顺序排序。 /p p   二、大会报告专家 /p p   三、会议时间 /p p   2019年11月24日-28日(报到时间:2019年11月24日) /p p   四、会议地点:广州京溪礼顿酒店 标间/单间 450元/天/间(含早餐) /p p   (住宿统一安排,费用自理。) /p p   五、会议费及培训费:1800元/人。 /p p   六、本次拟宣贯的微束分析技术标准主要内容: /p p   1.中国电子探针、扫描电镜国家标准研制的发展 /p p   2.植物病毒的电子显微镜检测 /p p   3.纳米材料生物效应研究及标准化 /p p   4.EDS分析国家标准中几个关键问题解读 /p p   5.如何获得准确的能谱定量结果 /p p   6.研究并讨论微束分析实验室认可和微束分析实验室比对分析等有关问题 进一步讨论实施微束分析实验室比对分析的有关事宜。 /p p   七、日程安排见第二轮通知。(请参会人员于2019年11月20日前将会 /p p   回执发送至会务组) /p p   八、会务组联系方式: /p p   单位名称:北京理化分析测试技术学会 /p p   通信地址:北京市海淀区西三环北路27号 北科大厦 邮编:100089 /p p   联 系 人:朱凌云:010-68722460 13717666003 spnh88@126.com /p p   网 址:www.lab.org.cn /p p   咨询电话:章燕 010-68731259 伍超群 13660034359 /p p   九、付款信息: /p p   汇款户名:北京理化分析测试技术学会 /p p   汇款银行:华夏银行北京紫竹桥支行 /p p   帐 号:4043200001801900001154 /p p style=" text-align: right "   全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC38) /p p style=" text-align: right "   全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会 /p p style=" text-align: right "   广东省工业分析检测中心 /p p style=" text-align: right "   北京理化分析测试技术学会 /p p style=" line-height: 16px " img style=" vertical-align: middle margin-right: 2px " src=" /admincms/ueditor1/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_pdf.gif" / a style=" font-size:12px color:#0066cc " href=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/files/201911/attachment/2ada361e-c967-4280-85c7-16f540422f4f.pdf" title=" 第六届全国微束分析技术标准宣贯会(4).pdf" 第六届全国微束分析技术标准宣贯会(4).pdf /a /p p br/ /p
  • LDMAS2021低维材料应用与标准化分论坛成功召开
    近日,2021年第四届低维材料应用与标准研讨会(简称:LDMAS2021)在北京西郊宾馆成功召开。会议吸引了低维材料与器件相关领域的400余名专家学者与企业代表出席,云端参会人数超过1万人。会议同期举办5个不同主题的分会场,仪器信息网编辑对“第5分论坛:低维材料应用与标准化”进行了跟踪报道。该会场共安排了16个特邀报告和6个口头报告,相继由深圳市标准技术研究院产业标准创新研究所所长王益群、中国科学院过程工程研究所研究员李兆军、中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所研究员陈成猛、北京量子信息科学研究院胡承勇主持;内容精彩纷呈,得到与会观众的高度关注。报告题目:《科学研究与标准化》中国科学院过程工程研究所研究员 李兆军报告从国际标准化组织中标准项目和标准化技术委员会两个维度,介绍了标准的发展趋势,即标准化对象从简单的工业品走向了复杂系统,包括社会、经济、人文等等,可以说,在当下时代,标准无处不在。无论是ISO/TC229(纳米技术标准化技术委员会),还是我国标准化主管部门,都在把科研活动与标准化密切相联系,使标准更好为科研服务,科研成为更多标准的基础。通过科研与标准化的密切联系和互动,可以实现科研和标准化双丰收。这需要科技工作者与标准化人的共同努力。报告题目:《功能材料的功能性起源》中国科学院物理研究所研究员 谷林结构是空间内元素关系的抽象,从欧几里得到希尔伯特空间,从数域到拓扑空间,对空间内优异结构的渴求与不断复杂的完备空间体系似乎是一对矛盾体。代数学逐渐取代微积分后,向量的内积与外积成为描述物理过程与现象的抓手,同时也是制约人们想象力的原罪。向量的内积与局域对称性息息相关;而单电子过程中功能材料功能性起源于局域对称性。皮米尺度对于局域对称性的精确表征需求极大促进了球差校正电子显微方法的发展。报告从球差校正电子显微方法入手,讨论了内积过程中对称性破缺下功能材料的精细结构与新奇物性。报告题目:《纳米材料国际标准化路径探索与实践》深圳市标准技术研究院产业标准创新研究所所长 王益群纳米材料因其优异的电学、力学、磁学、光学等性能,广泛应用于电子、信息技术、环境、能源等领域,为促进市场应用并保障产品的质量、可靠性、安全性、适配性等,标准体系建设对纳米技术的产业发展具有重要意义。国际电工委员会电工产品和系统纳米技术委员会(IEC/TC 113)推进了90余项相关国际标准的研制,已发布38项,其中我国企业和机构在纳米储能材料、纳米发光材料及石墨烯等领域针对质量和安全方面关键共性问题,研究提出测试方法和材料规范等国际标准提案25项,完成研制并发布8项。报告从IEC/TC 113系列国际标准研制的实践出发,介绍了标准的经济效益与影响、国际标准流程和关键节点、企业国际标准化实践案例、国际标准推进与产业生态合作。报告题目:《柔性纳米线光电传感器》中国科学院半导体研究所研究员 沈国震在人类感知的所有信息当中,至少有80%以上是经过视觉获得的。柔性图像传感器可以模仿人类的眼睛实现对外界信息的感知,具有灵敏度高、柔韧性好、轻薄等特点,在仿生视觉、义眼、健康监控等领域有着重要的应用价值。近年来,沈国震研究团队致力于探索低维半导体纳米材料在柔性图像传感器中的应用研究,设计并研制了多种结构和功能的柔性器件。报告中,沈国震研究员以其团队的相关工作为基础,介绍了半导体纳米线图像传感器及其在仿生视觉方面的应用研究进展。报告题目:《石墨烯薄膜载流子迁移率及方块电阻测量方法进展》中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所研究员 王浩敏石墨烯具有极高的载流子迁移率,在电子学领域具有重要的应用前景。目前,制备石墨烯薄膜的方法众多,电学特性测量方法各异,造成产品性能难以比对,限制了该材料的推广和应用。霍尔测量方法具有结果精准的特点,因而受到广大研究人员的认可,但该测量方法在产业界却没有形成统一的标准和规范操作。因此,王浩敏在报告中提出了一种能够广泛适用的石墨烯电学特性的测量方法,拟与产业界达成共识,形成国家与国际标准。报告题目:《以量子点为例初探低维材料标准化》中国科学院纳米标准与检测重点实验室主任 葛广路新材料从实验室走向产业,应用验证、测试评价和质量认证等环节必不可少,标准对这些工作都是重要的支撑,其中,方法标准是合格评定和数据比较的依据,规格标准则为材料生产的质量控制和下游企业的选材提供基础。低维材料作为新材料领域的学术热点之一,在能源、环境、信息等领域有广阔的应用前景,其标准化工作引起了国内外的高度重视和竞争,在名词术语、测试方法、材料规格等方面开始布局。报告以面向光电显示的量子点为例,介绍了ISO/IEC等国际标准组织和全国纳米技术标准化委员会等开展的工作,分析标准相关的上下游协调,以及材料稳定性、关键控制特性、器件老化试验等基础研究,并展望未来发展趋势。报告题目:《纳米碳基柔性可穿戴电子材料》清华大学化学系长聘副教授 张莹莹近年来,柔性可穿戴智能器件与系统的发展吸引了人们的广泛关注。探索高性能柔性和可穿戴电子器件的低成本、大规模制备方法具有重要意义。新型柔性可穿戴材料的开发是发展柔性可穿戴器件的重要基础。纳米碳材料具有导电性、柔性、良好的稳定性等优点,在柔性可穿戴应用方面具有独特优势。张莹莹研究团队以纳米碳材料及其复合材料的可控制备为基础,通过对其微纳结构和宏观结构的设计与调控,发展了一系列新型柔性可穿戴材料与器件。相关研究为高性能、多功能碳基柔性可穿戴材料的制备与应用提供了新思路。报告题目:《单量子点单光子三极管及相关量子技术》北京量子信息科学研究院 胡承勇基于量子叠加、量子纠缠和量子相干的量子技术目前世界各国竞相开展的一个战略性研究领域,对于未来计算机、互联网以及人工智能等技术的发展,将会产生革命性的影响。针对当今互联网存在安全隐患、能耗大和算力不够等问题,胡承勇团队提出了单自旋量子三极管的原创概念与器件,该器件既有传统三极管的开关和放大功能,又可作确定性的量子控制逻辑门和量子存储器,可用于开发量子计算机和量子网络等量子技术,也可以开发光子计算机和全光互联网等光学技术。报告题目:《石墨烯宏观体热管理及电磁防护应用研究》中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所研究员 陈成猛近年来,全球5G通讯、微电子和航空航天等产业发展迅猛,对高性能的热管理与电磁防护材料提出了迫切需求。氧化石墨烯具有超薄二维褶皱形貌,表面含有丰富含氧官能团及晶格缺陷,其微观结构可根据需求灵活调控,因此其创新应用有望推动上述功能材料领域的技术革命。陈成猛课题组立足石墨烯吨级中试制备基础,以氧化石墨烯为基本结构单元,通过与碳纳米管、碳化硅晶须、纳米银线等低维材料可控异质组装,设计开发了一系列结构/功能一体化的碳基复合薄膜及多孔泡沫,并进一步探索了其在热管理和电磁防护等领域的应用。报告题目:《半导体中的掺杂与缺陷物理及性能调控》中国科学院半导体研究所研究员 邓惠雄半导体由于其导电性具有可调性,因此成为了当今信息科学技术基础材料。但是,纯净的半导体材料也不具有良好的导电性,必须进行掺杂和缺陷控制后才能调控其导电性,才能制备出优良的微电子和光电子器件。因此,掺杂与缺陷控制是半导体科学技术的核心之一。邓惠雄在报告中围绕半导体中的掺杂与缺陷调控相关问题展开讨论,包括低维半导体中缺陷与掺杂,宽禁带半导体中的缺陷与掺杂及载流子非辐射复合等。其他精彩报告掠影
  • 《第四届微束分析技术标准宣贯及其在材料研究中应用研讨会》在兰州召开
    p   由全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC38)主办,全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会协办,北京理化分析测试技术学会承办的《第四届微束分析技术标准宣贯及其在材料研究中应用研讨会》8月25日在甘肃省兰州市兰州饭店胜利召开。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" image002.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201708/noimg/572dc9b0-d5ea-4c6f-9f19-df398904a76f.jpg" / /p p   标准是经济活动和社会发展的技术支撑,是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的基础性制度。改革开放特别是进入21世纪以来,我国标准化事业快速发展,标准体系初步形成,应用范围不断扩大,水平持续提升,国际影响力显著增强,全社会标准化意识普遍提高。但是,与经济社会发展需求相比,我国标准化工作还存在较大差距。为贯彻落实《国务院关于印发深化标准化工作改革方案的通知》(国发〔2015〕13号)精神,推动实施标准化战略,加快完善标准化体系,提升我国标准化水平,全国微束分析标准化技术委员会特举办此次会议。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" image004.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201708/noimg/63d6f8a7-6830-440b-a050-ce9181e93c12.jpg" / /p p   本次会议由全国微束分析标准化技术委员会刘芬秘书长主持,杨勇骥副主任致辞。北京科技大学柳得橹教授做首场报告。本次会议以“微束分析技术标准宣贯”为主题,中科院硅酸盐研究所李香庭研究员、宝钢集团技术研究院陈宝光研究员等,我国在制订技术标准方面的专家在会上做了专题报告。来自全国各地的会议代表30余人参加本次会议。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" image006.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201708/noimg/8d22dde8-3db4-4eaa-8d00-22989acce3b4.jpg" / /p p   全国微束分析标准化技术委员会副主任杨勇骥教授致辞 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" image008.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201708/noimg/de0575c5-80f9-4764-b503-abdf2f20f237.jpg" / /p p   北京科技大学柳得橹教授 /p p   做《微束分析标准化动态简介》报告 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" image010.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201708/noimg/594c9bab-49c6-403b-9359-06dcf9fab4dc.jpg" / /p p   中科院硅酸盐研究所李香庭研究员 /p p   做《能谱法定量分析及术语国标解读》报告 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" image012.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201708/noimg/96f4d414-3a9a-47e3-b4c0-e048eda0488b.jpg" / /p p   宝钢集团技术研究院陈家光研究员 /p p   做《电子背散射衍射分析方法通则及应用》报告 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" image014.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201708/noimg/aad48aa1-2da6-45e0-8c1c-21edc012158d.jpg" / /p p   本次会议的召开,对增进代表们相互沟通和交流,提高参会代表的微束分析技术水平发挥重要作用,对促进我国各微束分析实验室、相关科研和企事业单位更好地执行国家标准产生积极影响。 /p p /p
  • 第六届全国微束分析技术标准宣贯及其在材料研究中应用研讨会通知
    p   随着社会生产力水平的不断发展和各行各业现代化程度的不断提高,普及和提高行业标准化程度已经成为引领经济发展、规范生产行为、促进生产协作的有效手段,也是国家大力提倡的与国际接轨的重要指标之一。全国微束分析标准化技术委员会承担着我国微束分析行业技术标准的制订、宣传、贯彻、推广等任务,旨在为行业技术制定标准和提供技术指导。 /p p   电子显微镜(以下简称电镜)作为最常见的微束分析仪器之一,是人类直接观察微观世界的有力工具。近年来,电镜广泛应用于生命科学和材料科学的各个领域,特别是2017年诺贝尔化学奖授予在冷冻电镜领域做出杰出贡献的三位科学家,使全球的电镜工作者受到了巨大的鼓舞和鞭策。在可预见的将来,以电镜为代表的大型科学仪器的持有量将持续快速增长,对电镜的相关操作、制样、维护、维修人员的需求量也会持续增加。 /p p   为进一步推动微束分析技术标准化工作,促进广大电镜技术工作者之间的交流与合作,满足各单位在质量认证、计量认证、实验室认证与认可等工作中的需要,将举办第六届微束分析标准宣传贯彻及实施和应用研讨会,以使我国各微束分析实验室、相关的科研和企事业单位能更好地执行这些标准,提高分析技术水平及技能,提供更好、更准确的分析结果,提高产品的质量,促进国民经济发展。 /p p   一、 组织委员会 /p p   本次宣贯会由全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC38)主办,全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会和广东省工业分析检测中心协办,北京理化分析测试技术学会承办。 /p p   会议组织委员会名单如下:陈家光、陈振宇、丁泽军、范光、高灵清、龚沿东、葛广路、洪健、洪崧、贺连龙、鞠新华、李香庭、李玉武、柳得橹、刘芬、毛骞、马通达、孙振亚、汤斌兵、王孝平、魏宝和、吴文辉、伍超群、杨勇骥、许钫钫、徐坚、姚雷、姚文清、曾荣树、曾毅、曾荣光、章晓中、张作贵、赵江、祝建、朱如凯、钟振前。注:姓名按首字母顺序排序。 /p p   二、 会议时间 /p p   2019年11月24日-28日(报到时间:2019年11月24日) /p p   三、 会议地点:广州京溪礼顿酒店 标间/单间 450元/天/间 (住宿统一安排,费用自理。) /p p   四、 会议费及培训费:1800元/人。 /p p   五、 本次拟宣贯的微束分析技术标准主要内容: /p p   1. 中国电子探针、扫描电镜国家标准研制的发展 /p p   2. 植物病毒的电子显微镜检测 /p p   3. 纳米材料生物效应研究及标准化 /p p   4. EDS分析国家标准中几个关键问题解读 /p p   5. 如何获得准确的能谱定量结果 /p p   6.研究并讨论微束分析实验室认可和微束分析实验室比对分析等有关问题 进一步讨论实施微束分析实验室比对分析的有关事宜。 /p p   六、 日程安排见第二轮通知。(请参会人员于2019年11月1日前将会议回执发送至会务组) /p p   七、 会务组联系方式: /p p   单位名称:北京理化分析测试技术学会 /p p   通信地址:北京市海淀区西三环北路27号 北科大厦 邮编:100089 /p p   联 系 人:朱凌云:010-68722460 13717666003 spnh88@126.com /p p   网 址:www.lab.org.cn /p p   咨询电话:章燕 010-68731259 伍超群 13660034359 /p p style=" text-align: right "   全国微束分析标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC38) /p p style=" text-align: right "   全国纳米技术标准化技术委员会 /p p style=" text-align: right "   广东省工业分析检测中心 /p p style=" text-align: right "   北京理化分析测试技术学会 /p p   第六届全国微束分析技术标准宣贯及其在材料研究中应用研讨会 /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" style=" border: none" tbody tr style=" height:31px" class=" firstRow" td width=" 108" colspan=" 2" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 31" p style=" text-align:center line-height:29px vertical-align:baseline" span style=" font-family:宋体" 单位名称 /span /p /td td width=" 505" colspan=" 5" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 31" br/ /td /tr tr style=" height:38px" td width=" 108" colspan=" 2" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 38" p style=" text-align:center line-height:29px vertical-align:baseline" span style=" font-family:宋体" 详细地址 /span /p /td td width=" 217" colspan=" 3" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 38" br/ /td td width=" 121" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 38" p style=" text-align:center line-height:28px vertical-align:baseline" span style=" font-family:宋体" 邮 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 编 /span /p /td td width=" 167" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 38" br/ /td /tr tr style=" height:29px" td width=" 108" colspan=" 2" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 29" p style=" text-align:center line-height:29px vertical-align:baseline" span style=" font-family:宋体" 姓 /span span & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 名 /span /p /td td width=" 36" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 29" p style=" text-align:center line-height:29px vertical-align:baseline" span style=" font-family:宋体" 性别 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 别 /span /p p style=" text-align:center line-height:29px vertical-align:baseline" span style=" font-family:宋体" 职务 /span /p /td td width=" 83" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 29" p style=" text-align:center line-height:29px vertical-align:baseline" span style=" font-family:宋体" 职 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 务 /span /p /td td width=" 97" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 29" p style=" text-align:center line-height:29px vertical-align:baseline" span style=" font-family:宋体" 部门名称 /span /p /td td width=" 121" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 29" p style=" text-align:center line-height:29px vertical-align:baseline" span style=" font-family:宋体" 电 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 话 /span /p /td td width=" 167" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 29" p style=" text-align:center line-height:29px vertical-align:baseline" span style=" font-family:宋体" 手 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 机 /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:34px" td width=" 108" colspan=" 2" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 36" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 83" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 97" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 121" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 167" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td /tr tr style=" height:34px" td width=" 108" colspan=" 2" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 36" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 83" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 97" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 121" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 167" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td /tr tr style=" height:34px" td width=" 108" colspan=" 2" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 36" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 83" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 97" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 121" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td td width=" 167" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 34" br/ /td /tr tr style=" height:36px" td width=" 60" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 36" p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:8px margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:8px margin-bottom:0" span style=" font-family:宋体" 备 /span span & nbsp /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 注 /span /p /td td width=" 553" colspan=" 6" valign=" top" style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 36" p style=" text-indent: 14px line-height: 24px vertical-align: baseline" span 1 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 、本表格可复印,请认真填写报名回执表, /span span 11 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 月 /span span 1 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 日前发至会务组 /span /p p style=" line-height: 24px vertical-align: baseline" span style=" text-decoration:underline " span & nbsp /span /span /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" line-height: 16px " img style=" vertical-align: middle margin-right: 2px " src=" /admincms/ueditor1/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_pdf.gif" / a style=" font-size:12px color:#0066cc " href=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/files/201909/attachment/c7cf7a1d-89b6-4dc4-b0cc-47354a23d6c1.pdf" title=" 第六届全国微束分析技术标准宣贯会.pdf" 第六届全国微束分析技术标准宣贯会.pdf /a /p p br/ /p
  • 错过材料力学性能测试技术与标准研讨会,还可以看会议视频!
    1. 纱线的拉伸模量怎么测能具体讲一下吗?普通拉力机能实现吗? 2. 玻璃钢力学性能试样加工时应注意哪些问题?一般采用什么方式加工? 3. GB/T 1452-2005夹层结构平拉强度试验方法中平拉强度是将试样用环氧树脂等树脂固化后粘在夹具上的,试验后怎么把试样从夹具上脱落下来? 4. 纤维增强塑料弯曲试验ISO 14125-1998中推荐采用厚度为4mm的试样,我们实际送检试板一般都有6mm以上,有的甚至超过10mm,这时应该把试样减薄成4mm吗? 5. 按照GB/T 1447和GB/T1448测量拉伸弹性模量和压缩弹性模量时,如果弹性区间不是直线段,或者采用直线段的弹性模量和应变为0.0005和0.0025的两点法测量出来的结果不一致时如何取舍? 。。。 。。。 3月25日下午100多名网友在线参与了&ldquo 材料力学性能测试技术与标准&rdquo 网络主题研讨会。王冬生(上海玻璃钢研究院)、包亦望(中国建材检验认证集团)、杨洁(标乐BUEHLER)、南群智(英斯特朗)四名报告人在线分享了他们在实际工作中总结出的关于材料力学性能测试技术的经验,并解答了网友提出的问题。 错过本次会议的网友 现可以点击下面链接,观看精彩报告视频: http://www.instrument.com.cn/webinar/meeting/subjectVideo/1374 更多会议,请关注网络讲堂:http://www.instrument.com.cn/webinar
  • 2015广州优瓦分析标准品研发与应用技术研讨会
    2015广州优瓦分析标准品研发与应用技术研讨会邀 请 函尊敬的各位朋友、老师: 您好! 我国是仿制药大国。目前,市场上95%左右的国产药为仿制药。特别是近年来随着大量国外专利药到期及国内相关政策趋向松动,我国仿制药产业即将迎来一个前所未有的“机遇期”,市场规模会越来越大。在研发过程中,标准品、药用辅料及试剂的选用对项目的申报质量和准确性有极大的影响,很大程度上决定了分析实验的结果,进而影响整个项目甚至公司的决定和发展。 面对种类繁多的品牌,您是否有以下困惑: 如何选择适合您实验和项目申报要求的标准品? 如何判断、检测和选择药用辅料和高纯溶剂,保证实验结果? 项目申报中,需要标准品提供何种证书和检测结果? …… 针对以上问题,您将在“2015广州优瓦分析标准品研发与应用技术研讨会”中找到满意的答案。 广州优瓦仪器有限公司定于2015年6月19日上午9:00(周五)在广州丽柏国际大酒店开展“2015广州优瓦分析标准品研发与应用技术研讨会”,我们非常荣幸邀请您参加本次研讨会,本次会议主题为标准品在研发过程的方案设计及应用。艾吉析科技(北京)有限公司、艾万拓化工产品贸易(上海)有限公司等专家将莅临现场,开展相关讲座。同时,数十家相关药企将就本次会议主题开展讨论,现场还有神秘礼物大抽奖活动,精美礼品等着你哦。 让我们一起携手共进,共创佳绩。诚挚邀请您及相关人员参加,衷心感谢您的到来与支持! 关于此次研讨会的免费注册和有关的详细信息,请访问www.uwalab.com。 主办单位:广州优瓦仪器有限公司 主题:标准品在药物研发过程的方案设计及应用时间:2015年6月19日地点:广州丽柏国际大酒店 注意事项: 本次技术研讨会是免费的。请回执电邮至marketing@uwalab.com或传真至020-81202005注册。 会前后如有任何问题或意见,请随时联系我们。网址:www.uwalab.com 热线电话:4000-868-328 广州优瓦仪器有限公司 2015年5月15日 交通指南:岗顶公交站、地铁3号线岗顶站A出口 请务必于6月3日前将此回执电邮至marketing@uwalab.com或传真至020-81202005以便统一安排。
  • 飞纳电镜热烈祝贺第 25 届国际稀土永磁与先进磁性材料应用研讨会圆满成功
    2018 年 8 月 27 至 30 日,国内外稀土永磁领域科研和产业界大咖云集北京大学,隆重举行了第 25 届国际稀土永磁与先进磁性材料应用研讨会(REPM2018)。此次会议由北京大学、北京工业大学、中科院宁波材料所、中国钢铁科技集团公司、中科三环和中国工程院共同主办,由北京大学杨金波老师、北京工业大学岳明老师共同主持,共 12 位院士莅临了此次会议,与会人员超过 400 人,稀土永磁领域重要科研单位和企业几乎全部到场。一排右起 Sagawa、李卫、王震西、干勇、王辰、杨应昌、都有为、Coey 我国稀土储量为世界之最,不仅总量大,而且品类全。借此优势大力发展稀土永磁材料行业,我国已成为世界上生产和销售钕铁硼最多的国家,年产销量在 10 万吨左右,占全球的 80-90%。世界其他国家只有德国的真空熔炼、日本 Neomax、TDK 和信越四家企业生产稀土永磁。稀土永磁具有机械能与电磁能相互转换的功能及磁的各种物理效应(如磁共振效应,磁力学效应,磁光效应,磁化学效应,磁生物效应,磁阻效应和霍尔效应等)而被制作成磁性功能器件广泛应用于计算机、汽车、风电、航空航天、工业自动化和医疗等领域。飞纳电镜作为本次会议赞助商,在会议现场做了台式扫描电镜的展示,吸引了各位老师专家的注意。由于飞纳电镜采用 CeB6 灯丝,背散射信号显著强于 W 灯丝电镜,非常适合观测钕铁硼磁体等双相材料。许多与会老师表示,由于自己的样品属于磁性材料,往往会被测试中心拒绝。而飞纳电镜的物镜磁透镜采用了无漏磁设计,样品不会受到物镜磁场的影响,更适合磁性材料的观测。飞纳电镜以及拍摄的照片,还多次出现在钢铁研究总院、大地熊磁铁和耐驰机械仪器公司的学术报告和宣传资料之中。(钢铁研究总院和安徽大地熊新材料股份有限公司为飞纳电镜在中国的用户)最后,在大会的闭幕式上,宣布了第 26 届国际稀土永磁与先进磁性材料应用研讨会将于 2020 年 8 月 24 至 26 日在美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市举行,新任会议主席 Coey 进行了邀请致辞,希望大家能够再次相聚一堂。
  • “材料力学性能测试技术与标准”网络主题研讨会报名通知,手机报名一分钟搞定!
    会议名称:&ldquo 材料力学性能测试技术与标准&rdquo 网络主题研讨会 会议介绍: 为提高广大材料力学性能测试用户的应用水平,该项技术的发展现状和应用,仪器信息网于2015年3月25日举办&ldquo 材料力学性能测试技术与标准&rdquo 网络主题研讨会,力邀业内知名专家学者以及仪器厂商,共同探讨材料力学性能测试与评价新技术、分享材料力学测试标准应用经验。 举办时间:2015年3月25日 9:30-12:00 报告专家及报告方向: 1、玻璃钢/复合材料力学测试技术标准&mdash &mdash 王冬生(上海玻璃钢研究院) 报告要点:复合材料的研究深度和应用广度,生产发展的速度和规模已成为衡量一个国家科学技术先进水平的重要标志之一。适用于复合材料力学性能测试的标准主要有ISO国际标准及GB/T国家推荐标准,还可参照ASTM等国际先进标准,本讲将主要介绍如何根据产品特性选择相应标准及检测方法。 2、脆性材料力学性能测试技术&mdash &mdash 包亦望(中国建材检验认证集团) 报告要点:在外力作用下(如拉伸、冲击等)仅产生很小的变形即断裂破坏,具有这种特性的材料即为脆性材料。模拟现场工况对脆性材料的可靠性做出正确的评价,即可保证构件安全可靠,还能对其失效时间做出预测。本讲主要介绍如何检测脆性材料的性能,模拟材料在实际工况条件下的可靠性,提高产品质量。 3、此次研讨会还有标乐(依工测试)及英斯特朗的资深工程师带来相关材料检测的新产品及新技术应用报告,敬请期待。 报名地址: http://www.instrument.com.cn/webinar/Meeting/subjectInsidePage/1374
  • 网络研讨会:多功能纳米材料在胃癌纳米治疗诊断中的应用:承诺与挑战
    时间 日期:2017年6月7日时间:下午3点研讨会概述 纳米诊断治疗学是指应用纳米技术和纳米材料对多种疾病将诊断与治疗相结合的学科(诊疗学)。 纳米诊疗技术有望在医学领域带来的一些益处包括降低成本,准确可靠的疾病检测和早期疾病诊断,这将显著增加成功治疗的可能性。 在本次网络研讨会上,我们将听取上海交通大学仪器科学与工程系纳米技术专家张春雷博士的演讲。张老师将为我们介绍他在开发肿瘤成像多功能纳米探针方向的研究工作。今天,科学家对早期癌症检测的分子成像技术越来越感兴趣,张老师将介绍他在开发基于纳米颗粒的造影剂方面取得的进展,这将有望扩展这些技术的适用范围。 另外,在本次网络研讨会上,我们还将听到来自布鲁克临床前成像部门的技术专家王蕊在线介绍布鲁克的活体Xtreme II光学/ X射线系统及其广泛的多模式光学成像特性。 听众此次网络研讨会主要是针对已经在使用布鲁克公司的光学成像系统的客户或打算使用光学成像系统并成为客户的人。进行癌症研究,纳米材料和神经科学的研究人员可能会特别关注,但也会有来自各种不同研究背景的研究者会对此议题感兴趣。 演讲者 张春雷博士 - 纳米技术专拣, 仪器科学与工程系, 上海交通大学, 中国王蕊博士 - 布鲁克临床前影像部门王蕊博士将在网络研讨会上首先介绍布鲁克光学成像系统的最新功能和升级,随后将介绍与癌症研究,神经科学,纳米技术和药代动力学的相关应用。布鲁克最新升级的光学成像系统,In-Vivo Xtreme II,可以提供共定位的五种成像模式,包括生物发光成像(BLI),从可见光到近红外的多光谱荧光成像(MS-FLI),独特的直接放射性同位素成像(DRI ),切伦科夫成像(CLI)和X射线成像。接下来,张博士将会谈论他研究的主要焦点,关于开发金纳米材料作为多功能纳米颗粒的造影剂进行多模态癌症诊断。他将探讨这些成像剂的功能,影响和作用。张博士和他的团队最近开发了一种简单而省时的方法,用于合成适用于不同成像模态的带有几种造影剂的纳米结构,以提高癌症诊断的准确性。研究人员设法将金纳米簇(GNCs)在水溶液中组装成单分散球形颗粒(GNCNs),这增强了肿瘤的多模态成像。 张博士认为,这种研究开发可能被用在癌症诊断中其他超小型纳米粒子组装的指导方法或依据。 注册请点击以下链接Register for this webinar
  • “二维材料的表征与评价”主题网络研讨会(2022)全日程公布
    二维材料是指电子仅可在两个维度的纳米尺度(1-100nm)上自由运动的材料,拥有独特的物理、化学、电学、光学等特性,在半导体、电子器件以及复合材料等领域有具有重要的应用价值,已成为国内外学者的研究热点。为促进二维材料的研究与应用,仪器信息网将于2022年11月15日组织召开 “二维材料的表征与评价”主题网络研讨会。邀请业内专家以及厂商技术人员就二维材料最新应用研究进展、检测技术及标准化等分享精彩报告,为广大用户搭建一个即时、高效的交流平台。点击图片直达会议页面一、会议日程时间报告题目报告嘉宾单位职位/职务09:00-09:30二维半导体及异质结构的原子分辨原位表征研究王荣明北京科技大学 教授09:30-10:00不仅是形貌 - 原子力显微镜在二维材料高分辨成像和物性测试中的应用竺仁牛津仪器科技(上海)有限公司AFM应用工程师10:00-10:30二维材料成核阶段的qPlus-AFM研究刘梦溪国家纳米科学中心副研究员10:30-11:00岛津XPS在二维材料表面分析中的应用研究蔡斯琪岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司产品专员11:00-11:30石墨烯粉体材料表征与评价任玲玲中国计量院研究员11:30-14:00午休14:00-14:30旋转二维材料的原子结构解析与皮米尺度应力场分析赵晓续北京大学 研究员14:30-15:00二维材料的层间耦合调控及光谱学研究夏娟电子科技大学研究员15:00-15:30二维材料催化活性位的光谱和成像原位分析黄腾翔厦门大学副教授15:30-16:00二维过渡金属硫族材料原子尺度的缺陷调控和关联物性分析林君浩课题组南方科技大学博士研究生二、报告嘉宾三、参会指南1、点击会议页面链接或扫描下方二维码报名;会议页面:https://www.instrument.com.cn/webinar/meetings/2dmaterial2022/扫码免费报名抢位2、报名并审核通过后,将以短信形式向报名手机号发送在线听会链接;3、本次会议不收取任何注册或报名费用;4、会议联系人:牛编辑(手机号:13520558237 邮箱:niuyw@instrument.com.cn)。
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