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  • 中空纤维膜组件壳程流体力学减租特性研究
  • 氢燃料直接注入内燃机的计算流体力学(CFD)分析
  • 联合采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法和光学诊断工具用于设计新一代汽油直喷发动机
  • 应变速率、局部熄灭和流体力学不稳定性对附着和上升涡流火焰过渡的影响
  • 静动态联用表征蛋白
    多角度激光检测器与准弹性光散射(QELS)组件联用时,通过测定样品的流体力学半径和均方旋转半径,我们可以得到高分子的结构信息。在这篇应用文摘中,我们将会报道如何使用WYATT 的在线QELS 评价SEC 分离效果的好坏以及判断蛋白的构象。
  • 动态激光光散射仪表征pH对蛋白质复合物稳定性和均匀性的影响
    动态激光光散射仪(Dynamic light scattering,DLS)测量蛋白及其及其聚集状态,纳米颗粒,囊泡等流体力学半径。使用标准比色杯测试。
  • 卷跃波浪破裂的实验流体力学(EFD)和计算流体力学(CFD)研究
    A complementary experimental and computational study of plunging breaking waves is presented that are generated ina two dimensional open channel flume using a bottom bump and impulsive accelerated flow. The time evolution of the transientwave and its flow properties are measured using experimental fluid dynamics (EFD): upstream and downstream velocityand flow rates using pitot probes air-water interface elevation measurements and two dimensional particle image velocimetryin the wave breaking region. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods are: Cartesian grid embedded-boundary hybrid HSM/GF/particle level set and VOF methods, and LES. CFD wave profiles at various time stepsidentifies the overall wave breaking process and major events: max wave height, first plunge, oblique splash-up, vertical jet,air entrainment, two repeats of these processes, dissipation and wave swept downstream which is qualitatively validated byEFD results. Both EFD and CFD results showed two subsequent plunging and splash-up events after the first plunge. Afterthe wave breaks, the flow trends in mean velocity and vorticity observed in EFD are very similar to CFD which has moredetailed resolutions of plunging, splashing, vertical jet and bubble entrainment. Current studies also revealed the occurrenceof chaotic multiple splash-up events after the third plunging that produce span-wise vorticity and turbulence. Generation ofa clockwise rotating bump vortex and an anticlockwise rotating span-wise wave breaking vortex that is created from theentrapped air after the breaking which transports turbulence from the trough towards the bulk fluid, were identified as thetwo important events. Mean values of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) below the broken wave showed that the TKE levelsincrease by almost 90% after the first plunge and another 40% after the second plunge, after which as the wave is sweptdownstream by the accelerating mean flow the TKE dissipates.
  • 计算流体力学(CFD)方法分析先进流动反应器的流体力学和热力学行为
    Corning® Advanced-Flow™ glass reactors are continuous flow reactors with hydraulic diameter in the range of millimetres. These devices make possible the switch of chemical reactions from batch mode to continuous processing through more efficient, more economical and safer processes. In addition, these reactors provide a platform for developing innovative chemistries that have never been considered industrially practical, either for hazard or yield reasons.Corning proprietary apparatuses are compact, adaptable and scalable, optimizing overall production cost and quality of high-value specialty, fine, and pharmaceutical chemicals. Corning Advanced-Flow™ glass reactors are composed of multiple inter-connected glass devices having different designs, offering the advantages of process intensification and glass-specific qualities like transparency and very good chemical resistance.This paper presents the comparison between experimental and CFD modelling results of a family of Corning glass devices aiming at achieving and maintaining very efficient mixing along the dwell time path. Numerical results are compared to experimental data: velocity profiles measured by micro-PIV means, pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient.The satisfactory agreement between experimental results and CFD modelling proved the utility of numerical simulations in the development of new designs. Therefore, CFD tools help on one hand to predict the performance of new devices and on the other hand to optimize their design in order to improve their behaviour. Thus, CFD simulation facilitates the design and reduces time and cost for the investigation.
  • 鱼的运动:柔性类箔鳍的动力学与流体力学研究
    New experimental kinematic and hydrodynamicdata are presented for pectoral fin function in bluegillsunfish. The highly flexible sunfish pectoral fin moves in acomplex manner with two leading edges, a spanwise waveof bending, and substantial changes in area through the finbeat cycle. Data from scanning particle image velocimetry(PIV) and time-resolved stereo PIV show that the pectoralfin generates thrust throughout the fin beat cycle, and thatthere is no time of net drag. Continuous thrust production isdue to fin flexibility which enables some part of the fin togenerate thrust at all times and to smooth out oscillationsthat might arise at the transition from outstroke to instrokeduring the movement cycle. Computational fluid dynamicanalyses of sunfish pectoral fin function corroborate thisconclusion. Future research on fish fin function will benefitconsiderably from close integration with studies of roboticmodel fins.
  • 实验流体力学中的图像层析重构:简述及问题
    Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) denotes a prevailing technique forimaging turbulent fluids with high-speed cameras. Corresponding imagesequences provide the basis for estimating such flows and related flowpatterns through image processing. While so far this technique has beenapplied in two dimensions (2D) in terms of an illuminated plane intersectingthe volume, recent research focuses on imaging fluids directly in3D. This paper provides a synopsis of the state-of-the-art and its connectionsto previous research work on image restoration. We addressthe basic problems involved and point out promising research directionsfor reconstructing scalar-valued particle functions from few tomographicalmeasurements. Solutions to these problems will provide an essentialprocessing step prior to the estimation of 3D flows from reconstructedvolume functions.
  • 流化床化学链式反应的高温流体力学研究
    In the present work the effect of temperature on the hydrodynamic behavior of fluidized beds is experimentally studied with modern non-invasive experimental techniques. In particular, the development of a high temperature endoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is presented. An experimental set up has been designed and constructed that allows the study of hydrodynamics up to temperatures of 1000 oC, typical temperatures encountered in chemical looping gasification processes. First the endoscopic PIV results have been validated at low temperatures with a cold flow setup. Subsequently the application of the new technique to high temperature fluidized beds is presented and the obtained results discussed.
  • 锐意自控户用、商用、工商用超声波燃气表应用方案
    锐意自控通过在超声波换能器、时间计量芯片以及时差自动计算方法、流程成分同时感知等领域取得突破,针对家用燃气表需要的超宽量程比、宽温度范围、抗污能力、脉动气流测量等特殊要求,锐意自控开发了带燃气密度测量功能的新型家用超声波燃气表。同时,通过计算流体力学模拟,设计了一种 L 型的超声波气室通道,进一步降低成本,提高抗污性能。除此之外,在家用燃气表模块研究经验基础上,通过流体力学模拟,在进气口处优化设计了整流罩,确保进入各个子腔室的燃气更加均匀平稳。由此,仅采用一组超声波探测器就能够完成工商业燃气表的测量,确保了准确性和低成本。
  • 支架构型对脑动脉瘤流体力学特性的影响研究
    Embolic coiling is the most popular endovascular treatment available for cerebral aneurysms. Nevertheless,the embolic coiling of wide-neck aneurysms is challenging and, in many cases, ineffective. Useof highly porous stents to support coiling of wide-neck aneurysms has become a common procedure inrecent years. Several studies have also demonstrated that high porosity stents alone can significantlyalter aneurysmal hemodynamics, but differences among different stent configurations have not beenfully characterized. As a result, it is usually unclear which stent configuration is optimal for treatment.In this paper, we present a flow study that elucidates the influence of stent configuration on cerebralaneurysm fluid dynamics in an idealized wide-neck basilar tip aneurysm model. Aneurysmal fluiddynamics for three different stent configurations (half-Y, Y and, cross-bar) were first quantified usingparticle image velocimetry and then compared. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations werealso conducted for selected stent configurations to facilitate validation and provide more detailedcharacterizations of the fluid dynamics promoted by different stent configurations. In vitro resultsshowed that the Y stent configuration reduced cross-neck flow most significantly, while the cross-barconfiguration reduced velocity magnitudes within the aneurysmal sac most significantly. The half-Yconfiguration led to increased velocity magnitudes within the aneurysmal sac at high parent-vesselflow rates. Experimental results were in strong agreement with CFD simulations. Simulated resultsindicated that differences in fluid dynamic performance among the different stent configurations can beattributed primarily to protruding struts within the bifurcation region.
  • 高雷诺数条件下水翼艇的流体力学特性测试
    Lifting surfaces are used both for propulsion and control of sea vessels and must meet performance criteria such as lift, drag, and (in some military applications)hydroacoustic noise limits. Design tools suitable to predict such criteria must handle complex flow phenomena and manage the wide range of flow scales inherent in marineapplications (Reynolds numbers ~108). To date, the development of such tools has been limited by the lack of controlled experimental data in this high Reynolds numbers range.Lifting surface flow is the focus of current high Reynolds number experiments involving a two-dimensional hydrofoil in the world’s largest water tunnel, the US Navy’s William B. Morgan Large Cavitation Channel (LCC). The goal of these experiments isto provide a unique high Reynolds number experimental dataset at chord-based Reynolds numbers (Re) approaching those of full-scale propulsors (~108). This data will be used for validation of scaling laws and computational models, with particular emphasis givento the unsteady, separated, turbulent flow at the trailing edge. In addition, these experiments will provide fundamental insight into the fluid mechanics of trailing-edge noise generation in marine propulsion systems.This paper describes the experimental equipment and methods employed in the test program. Described herein is the use of the LCC’s Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) capability to acquire flow velocity mean and turbulence quantities, as well as estimates of boundary layer transition. Also presented is a Particle Imaging Velocimetry(PIV) system developed for these experiments and employing seed injection upstream of the channel’s flow straightener. Finally, a description is given of instrumentation mounted in the foil for measurement of vibration and surface static and dynamic pressures.
  • 商品大气压离子源的计算流体力学(CFD)模型
  • 流体力学领域国际合作研究大尺度折射率匹配流动系统
    In recent international collaboration, Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Universitä t Erlangen (UE)have developed large MIR flow systems which are ideal for joint graduate student education and research. The benefitof the MIR technique is that it permits optical measurements to determine flow characteristics in complex passages andaround objects to be obtained without locating a disturbing transducer in the flow field and without distortion of theoptical paths. The MIR technique is not new itself others employed it earlier. The innovation of these MIR systems istheir large size relative to previous experiments, yielding improved spatial and temporal resolution. This report willdiscuss the benefits of the technique, characteristics of the systems and some examples of their applications to complexsituations. Typically their experiments have provided new fundamental understanding plus benchmark data forassessment and possible validation of computational thermal fluid dynamic codes.
  • 叶片电极诱导电流体力学羽流的数值模拟和PIV实验研究
    In this paper, a comparative study between numerical and experimental results fromPIV measurements is presented in the case of two-dimensional electrohydrodynamic plumes thatarise when a sharp metallic blade, submerged in non conducting liquids, supports high electricpotential. Experiments and numerical simulations have been conducted in order to confront theboth approaches. A very good agreement has been found through velocity profiles and velocityfields which testifies the relevance of our numerical model. For high potentials the jet flow issuedforth from the blade becomes unsteady and starts to flap on the vertical wall. Some captions of thetemporal evolution of the isocontours of charge density which is not accessible from experiment arepresented thanks to the numerical simulation.
  • (水凝胶弹簧圈栓塞)缠绕密度对脑动脉瘤流体力学特性的影响的定量研究:体外稳定流动研究
    Over the past 15 years, coil embolization hasemerged as an effective treatment option for cerebralaneurysms that is far less invasive than the long-standingconvention of surgical clipping. However, aneurysm recurrenceafter coil embolization is not uncommon: recurrencerates as high as 50% have been reported in the literature. Onefactor that may contribute to recurrence after coiling isresidual flow into the aneurysmal sac. At present, there islimited quantitative knowledge of the relationship betweencoil packing density and aneurysmal inflow. We present anin vitro fluid dynamic study of basilar tip aneurysm modelsthat elucidates this relationship. At physiologically normalflow rates, we found that a packing density of 28.4%decreased aneurysmal inflow by 31.6% in a wide-neck model,and that a packing density of 36.5% decreased aneurysmalinflow by 49.6% in a narrow-neck model. Results alsoindicated that coiling reduced aneurysmal inflow moresignificantly at lower parent vessel flow rates, and thatcoiling reduced neck-plane velocity magnitudes more significantlyfor narrow-neck aneurysms. Our study provides novelquantitative information that could ultimately contribute toimproved outcomes for patients with cerebral aneurysms byenabling more effective coil embolization.
  • 抖盒子(‘Shake The Box’):一种利用粒子位置预判方法的高效精确的层析粒子跟踪测速(Tomo-PTV)方法。
    采用新一代的抖盒子(‘Shake The Box’)这种利用粒子位置预判方法的高效精确的层析粒子跟踪测速(Tomo-PTV)方法,对空气,液体流动的时间分辨速度矢量场进行测量。可以得到拉格朗日视角的流场中示踪粒子随时间演化的精确粒子轨迹,并从粒子轨迹的演变过程,得到速度场和加速度场。并由此求出更多的流体力学参量,如压力场等。
  • GPC-IR分析线性低密度聚乙烯实例
  • 流式细胞术实验步骤
  • Andor 燃烧类实验应用
    LIF(Laser Induced Fluorescence)激光 诱导荧光,是利用某些物质分子/原子/基 团在激光作用下发射荧光的特性,对检测 物质(一般为流体力学性质材料)进行颗 粒浓度,压力,温度等性能分析。 PLIF(Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence)具有比LIF 更好的空间观 察能力,先用晶体将激光变成片状光,从 而实现空间二维的检测。 LIF/PLIF 采用光学方法检测,具有极高的 空间分辨率,时间分辨可达纳米量级(用 ICCD),受环境因素影响较小。在燃烧成 分分析,燃烧过程动力学分析中有极其广 泛的应用。
  • 淬灭失控反应:带有可变形表面搅拌槽中流体力学和喷射注入研究
    To quench a thermal runaway reaction in a chemical rector, an efficient approach is the introduction of a small quantity of a liquid inhibiting agent, named a “killer”, into the mixingvessel. In this thesis, an experimental approach has been coupled tightly with numerical modelling using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The first part of this thesis is devoted to a study of the hydrodynamics of partially-baffled mixing vessels, including the free-surface deformation caused by the central vortex. The use of an inhomogeneous, multiphase approach allowed simulation of the free-surface deformation. The capability of this novel method wasdemonstrated by very good agreement between the numerical predictions and experimental data. In the second part, liquid jet injection at the free-surface was coupled with the vessel hydrodynamics. Numerical results, obtained using an Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, have again shown good agreement with experimental data. These results allowed the jet trajectory to be modelled and its penetration into the agitated vessel was quantified. New mixing criteria were introduced that are specific to this application. Finally, the numerical methods validated at the pilot scale were applied at the industrial scale and allowed the proposal of practical improvements to the safety of the synthesis reactors studied.
  • 生物瓣膜假体的流体动力学性能
  • Andor 燃烧类实验应用
    LIF(Laser Induced Fluorescence)激光诱导荧光,是利用某些物质分子/原子/基团在激光作用下发射荧光的特性,对检测物质(一般为流体力学性质材料)进行颗粒浓度,压力,温度等性能分析。PLIF(Planar Laser InducedFluorescence)具有比LIF 更好的空间观察能力,先用晶体将激光变成片状光,从而实现空间二维的检测。LIF/PLIF 采用光学方法检测,具有极高的空间分辨率,时间分辨可达纳米量级(用ICCD),受环境因素影响较小。在燃烧成分分析,燃烧过程动力学分析中有极其广泛的应用。
  • 患者特异性脑动脉瘤血流动力学: 体外体视粒子成像测速,计算流体动力学(CFD)和体内4D流动磁共振成像(MRI)等方法的比较
    采用LaVision的DaVis 10.0图像采集和处理软件平台,加上一台Nd-YLF 激光器 (Continuum Terra-PIV, l = 527 nm)以及四台高速相机(Phantom Miro)构成了一套4D3C抖盒子流场测量系统。并利用这套系统进行了患者特异性脑动脉瘤血流动力学研究,分析比较了 体外体视粒子成像测速,计算流体动力学(CFD)和体内4D流动磁共振成像(MRI)等方法。
  • 油液污染度等级标准及其测定
  • 3D拉格朗日粒子追踪测速
    在过去几十年中,已经发展出了多种基于粒子图像的体积流场测量技术,这些技术已经在流体力学的各种实验应用中展示了它们量化评估非定常流动性质的潜力。在这篇综述中,我们专注于3D基于粒子的测量的物理特性和环境,以及可以用于提高重建精度、空间和时间分辨率以及完整性的知识。我们关注的自然候选者是3D拉格朗日粒子跟踪(LPT),它允许在所研究的体积中确定位置、速度和加速度以及大量单个粒子轨迹。过去十年中,密集的3D LPT技术“Shake-The-Box”的出现开辟了更多的可能性,通过提供用于使用Navier-Stokes约束的强大数据同化技术的输入数据来表征非定常流动。因此,可以获得高分辨率的拉格朗日和欧拉数据,包括嵌入时间分辨的3D速度和压力场中的长粒子轨迹。
  • SPM探针的针尖曲率半径对表面形貌扫描的影响
  • 复合集流体拉伸试验研究
    本文介绍使用鲲鹏BOYI 2025电子万能试验机、气动箔材专用夹具,参照标准《GB/T 1040.1-2018 塑料 拉伸性能的测定 》、《GB/T 1040.3-2006塑料 拉伸性能的测定 第3部分:薄膜和薄片的试验条件 》以及《YB/T 4334-2013 金属箔材 室温拉伸试验方法》,对复合集流体试样进行拉伸试验的研究示例。评估复合集流体的拉伸强度、断裂伸长率等力学性能。
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