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  • 零部件 | 22355
    产品特点:零部件Accessories订货号:22355适用于ATAS LINEX DMI系统产品名称:用于 ATAS LINEX DMI Microvial/内衬管 (Microvial/Insert for ATAS LINEX DMI Liner)仪器:ATAS
  • 无极放电灯的组件和零部件 | N3150131
    产品特点:无极放电灯的组件和零部件特点和优势:● 亮度:无极放电灯明显更亮;在有些情况下,其灵敏度优于对应的空心阴极灯● 精确度:无极放电灯可提供更低的检出限,特别适用于因空心阴极发射较弱而存在大量噪音的分析● 寿命长:System 2 无极放电灯的使用寿命长,特别经济划算● 自动化:带有珀金埃尔默编码标识的灯可在配有自动转动架的系统中进行自动设置● 质量:生产灯具所用的材料均经过仔细挑选,从而可避免出现光谱干扰● 测试:每只灯均接受过全面测试● 设计:我们的产品设计可为您提供在进行最棘手测定时所需的较低检出限● 质量担保:每只珀金埃尔默灯具的性能均得到完全担保 订货信息:无极放电灯的驱动器组件产品描述部件编号适用于 AAnalyst 200/400N3150131适用于 PinAAcle 900、AAnalyst 600/700/800 以及所有不含 EDL 内置电源 ( 短电缆 ) 的仪器如果用在AAnalyst200/400, 还需要接头 N315030303030997适用于除 AAnalyst 600/700/800 之外的所有型号以及所有不含 EDL 内置电源 ( 长电缆 ) 的仪器如果用在AAnalyst200/400, 还需要接头 N315030303030793无极放电灯的驱动器零部件产品描述部件编号驱动器组件的适配器电缆可使 System 2 无极放电灯的驱动器 (03030793 和 03030997)用于一台 AAnalyst 200/400 仪器N3150303电缆延长线可对使用短电缆的 PinAAcle 900 和 AAnalyst 600/700/800进行转换03030998 ?
  • 无极放电灯的组件和零部件
    无极放电灯的组件和零部件无极放电灯的驱动器组件产品描述部件编号适用于AAnalystTM200/400N3150131适用于PinAAcleTM900、AAnalyst600/700/800以及所有不含EDL内置电源(短电缆)的仪器03030997适用于除AAnalyst 600/700/800之外的所有型号以及所有不含EDL内置电源(长电缆)的仪器03030793无极放电灯的驱动器零部件产品描述部件编号驱动器组件的适配器电缆可使System 2无极放电灯的驱动器(03030793和03030997)用于一台AAnalyst 200/400仪器N3150303电缆延长线可对使用短电缆的PinAAcle 900和AAnalyst600/700/800进行转换03030998
  • 零部件 | 22480
    产品特点:零部件Accessories用于在线超洁净气体捕集阱和接头订货信息:AccessoriesCatalog #Product NameUnits22480Wall-Mounting Clamps for Click-On In-line Super Clean Gas Traps4-pk.22481Replacement O-Rings for Click-On In-line Super Clean Connectors (includes 10 large and 10 small)20-pk.
  • GC-2010 常用零部件
    GC-2010 常用零部件     NOS P/N Description pcs  Price 1 221-48258-91 Jet Assy for Capilary,FID 1 1360 2 221-45816-01 Capilary Adapter,FID 1 190 3 221-47735-91 AFC-2010,SPL/OCI 1 19800 4 221-47735-92 AFC-2010,WBI 1 19800 5 221-47740-91 APC-2010,FID 1 16500 6 221-47742-91 APC-2010,FPD 1 16500 7 221-47743-91 APC-2010,ECD 1 14850 8 211-46520-91 FID-2010,Controller Assy 14130 9 221-48455-91 ECD,Controller Assy 1 3300 10 221-48456-91 FPD-2012,Controller Assy 1 7430 11 221-48457-91 FTD,Controller Assy 1 2230 12 221-48260-91 PCB Key Assy 1 1820 13 221-48721-91 LCD Assy 1 2480 14 221-45586-91 FTD Controller AUX Temp 1 3730 15 221-48458-38 Controlle GC-2010 1 2230 16 221-48885-91 Nozzle Assy,Packed 1 2150 17 210-48067-05 Carrier Gas Pipe 5m 1 1530 18 670-18800 Box Driver for FID Nozzles 1 110 19 221-47632-91 CPU Unit Assy,GC-2010 1 7430 氢气焰离子化检测器 FID     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-48258-91 Jet Assy for Capilary,FID 1 1360 2 221-45816-01 Capilary Adapter,FID 1 190
  • EASY-nLC 1000 零部件
    产品信息:Thermo Scientific EASY-nLC 1000提供不分流的纳升级UHPLC性能,耐压高达1000 bar。混合前的两个在线流速传感器可提供出色的梯度精度。在更高压力下、识别更多多肽、实现更高效率,同时具有极高的可靠性和耐用性。 订货信息:用于EASY-nLC 1000 系统的零部件描述部件号泵柱塞杆密封圈更换工具包(含4个弹簧增强柱塞杆密封圈和一个LC510柱塞杆密封圈工具)Pump Piston Seal Replacement Kit ( contains four spring-energized pistonseals and a piston seal tool) 阀转子密封圈(含一个转子密封圈)Valve rotor seal (contains one rotor seal)LC228自动进样器进样针, ASC 模块Autosampler needle, ASC modelLC302色谱柱出口溶剂管路Column Out solvent lineLC560废液管Waste In solvent lineLC562流量感应过滤器 (含4个流量感应过滤器)Flow sensor fi lters (contains four fl ow sensor fi lters)LC542
  • 甲烷转化炉零部件 | 27209
    产品特点:甲烷转化炉零部件Accessories for Methanizers适用于Agilent GC-FID订货信息:Accessories for MethanizersCatalog #Product NameUnits27213Installation Kit for Methanizerkit27208Hydrogen Supply Lineea.27209Catalyst Tubeea.27210Heater Chamberea.27211Adaptor for Agilent Capillary FIDea.27212Adaptor for Agilent Packed FIDea.
  • ACC-3000(T) 自动进样器柱温箱的零部件
    产品信息: 用于 ACC-3000(T) 自动进样器柱温箱的零部件订货信息:用于 ACC-3000(T) 自动进样器柱温箱的零部件描述数量部件号用于2mL 样品瓶的 5-位支架的转换器Adapter for 5-position holder to be used for 2mL vials16820.4092用于无盖 10mL 样品瓶的固定器的转换器Adapter for vial pusher for uncapped 10mL vials16820.2402进样针头 Needle16820.2403缓冲管路, 250μL, ViperBuffer tubing, 250μL, Viper16820.246820μL 定量环, Viper 20μL Sample loop, Viper16830.241450μL 定量环, Viper 50μL Sample loop, Viper16830.2416200μL 定量环, Viper 200μL Sample loop, Viper16830.2418250μL 进样针 250μL Syringe16822.00031000μL 进样针 1000μL Syringe16822.0005前盖, 透明 Front cover, transparent16820.1427
  • 原装进口珀金埃尔默无极放电灯的驱动器零部件N3150303
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司现货供应,订货货期短,到货快,原装货品,欢迎国内外人士来电来函洽谈指导。无极放电灯的驱动器零部件产品描述部件编号驱动器组件的适配器电缆可使System 2无极放电灯的驱动器(03030793和03030997)用于一台AAnalyst 200/400仪器03030997的延长线
  • UltiMate 3000 PCM-3000 pH 和电导检测器零部件
    产品信息: 用于 UltiMate 3000 PCM-3000 pH 和电导检测器的零部件PCM-3000 可用来在基于盐梯度或 pH 梯度的离子交换色谱(IEC)中监测梯度形成,这类 IEC 在生物制药分析中经常使用。pH 梯度常用于蛋白质和大分子,这是因为典型的有机溶剂梯度无法仅根据极性差异解析不同种类的化合物。离子交换色谱是一种多用途的分离技术,可对包括单克隆抗体(MAb)在内的生物治疗蛋白进行电荷差异的分析。 洗脱的驱动因素包括 pH、离子强度或者这两种参数兼而有之。 PCM-3000 也能用来寻找适合特定蛋白质和单克隆抗体的最佳洗脱条件。特点在较宽的动态范围内,同步监测 pH 和电导率;流速范围宽(高达 100mL/min),可最大限度提高应用的灵活性;低流通池体积能缩短响应时间并与低流速兼容;通过对电导率和 pH 结果进行温度补偿可确保准确性;经济划算、即插即用式设备容易使用、预算负担小;订货信息:用于 UltiMate 3000 PCM-3000 pH和电导检测器的零部件描述数量部件号pH 流通池, 28μL (PEEK) pH fl ow cell, 28μL (PEEK)16082.2030用于 PCM-3000 的pH 电极 pH electrode for PCM-300016082.2020用于 PCM-3000 的Dummy 电极 Dummy electrode for PCM-300016082.2042电导检测池, 21μL (Ti) Conductivity fl ow cell, 21μL (Ti)16082.2060
  • UltiMate 3000 OAS-3x00 开放式自动进样器的零部件
    产品信息:用于 UltiMate 3000 OAS-3x00 开放式自动进样器的零部件 订货信息:用于 UltiMate 3000 OAS-3x00 开放式自动进样器的零部件描述数量部件号带进样针转接口的 Holding loop (FEP)Holding loop (FEP) with needle adapter mounted16845.0034Holding loop 工具包 (FEP)Holding loop kit (FEP)16845.0035Holding loop (SST) 16845.0029用于Cheminert进样阀的 2μL定量环2μL Sample loop for Cheminert injection valve1755.CSL2用于Cheminert进样阀的 20μL定量环20μL Sample loop for Cheminert injection valve1755.CSL20用于Cheminert进样阀的 100μL定量环100μL Sample loop for Cheminert injection valve1755.CSL100100μL 进样针 100μL Syringe16845.0062用于2mL样品瓶的样品托盘 (VT54) (每个托盘54位)Sample tray (VT54) for 2mL vials (54 positions per tray)66845.0055
  • 珀金埃尔默无极放电灯的驱动器零部件03030998代理商
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司现货供应,订货货期短,到货快,原装货品,欢迎国内外人士来电来函洽谈指导。无极放电灯的驱动器零部件产品描述部件编号驱动器组件的适配器电缆可使System 2无极放电灯的驱动器(03030793和03030997)用于一台AAnalyst 200/400仪器03030997的延长线
  • UltiMate 3000 的泵的零部件
    产品信息: 用于 UltiMate 3000 的泵的零部件 订货信息:用于 UltiMate 3000 的泵的零部件描述用于部件号单向阀 Check Valves单向阀, 用于出口阀和入口阀, 整体式 (陶瓷)Check valve, cartridge (ceramics) for the inlet and outlet valveA/B/C/E6041.2301单向阀, 用于出口阀和入口阀, 阀芯Check valve cartridge for the inlet and outlet valveD6043.0145柱塞杆 Pistons 柱塞杆 (蓝宝石) Pistons (sapphire),2个A/B/C6040.0042柱塞杆 (陶瓷) Pistons (ceramics),2个E6040.0842柱塞杆 (蓝宝石) Pistons (sapphire),2个D6043.0169柱塞杆垫 Piston Seals柱塞杆垫 (在柱塞杆垫清洗系统中) 正相,2个Piston seal (in plate of seal wash system) Normal PhaseA/B/C6040.0306柱塞杆垫工具包 (在柱塞杆垫清洗系统中)反相(2密封圈和1套箍)E6040.9010Piston seal kit (in plate of seal wash system) ReversedPhase (2 seals and 1 support ring)  柱塞杆垫 (主柱塞杆垫)反相,2个Piston seal (main piston seal) Reversed PhaseA6040.0304柱塞杆垫 (主柱塞杆垫) 反相,2个Piston seal (main piston seal) Reversed PhaseB6266.0305柱塞杆垫工具包 (主柱塞杆垫) 反相(2密封圈 和1 套箍)C6025.2012Piston seal kit (main piston seal) Reversed Phase(2 seals and 1 support ring)  柱塞杆垫工具包 (主柱塞杆垫) 反相(2密封圈 和1 套箍)E6040.9010Piston seal kit (main piston seal) Reversed Phase(2 seals and 1 support ring)  柱塞杆垫工具包 (主柱塞杆垫) 正相(2密封圈 和1 套箍)E6040.9011Piston seal kit (main piston seal) Normal Phase(2 seals and 1 support ring)  柱塞杆垫工具包反相(2 个主柱塞杆垫 和2 次柱塞杆垫)D6043.0295Piston seal kit Reversed phase (2 primary piston sealsand 2 secondary piston seals)  套箍用于柱塞杆垫的套箍,2个Support ring for pistons sealsA/B6040.0012套箍/柱塞杆垫工具包 反相(2 柱塞杆垫 和1 套箍)C6025.2012Support ring/pistons seal kit Reversed Phase(2 piston seals and 1 support ring)  套箍/柱塞杆垫工具包 反相(2密封圈 和1 套箍)E6040.9010Support ring/pistons seal kit Reversed Phase(2 seals and 1 support ring)  套箍/柱塞杆垫工具包 正相(2密封圈 和1 套箍)E6040.9011Support ring/pistons seal kit Normal phase(2 seals and 1 support ring)  A:SD 泵B:RS 泵C:BM 泵D:XRS 泵E:BX 泵
  • Corona Veo电雾式检测器零部件 70-6224
    产品信息: 用于电雾式检测器的零部件Get improved sensitivity for semivolatile compounds, HPLC/UHPLC compatibility, and a wide flow-rate range in a universal detector. The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Corona™ Veo™ Charged Aerosol Detector widens the envelope of LC conditions for use with capillary, microbore and normal-bore columns to take advantage of ever advancing column technologies. The Corona Veo detector is designed to integrate into any LC, HPLC or UHPLC system from any manufacturer. Software drivers are available for the most common chromatography data systems.订货信息:用于电雾式检测器的零部件描述数量部件号气体过滤组件 (HEPA/Carbon)Gas Filter Assembly (HEPA/Carbon)170-6224电晕废液瓶组件Corona Waste Bottle Cap Assembly170-7754废液瓶, 5.0 L (仅与 70-7754 兼容)Bottle, 5.0 L Waste (Compatible with 70-7754 only)170-7751HPLC 在线过滤器 Filter-HPLC Inline170-4538废液/排放管路组件 Drain/Vent Tubing Assembly170-7115进气管 (1/4”) Gas Inlet Tubing (?")170-6260废气管组件 Gas Exhaust Hose Assembly170-6261维修工具包, 用于氮气发生器Maintenance Kit for Nitrogen Generator170-6230Corona ultra RS 废气水平传感器Corona ultra RS Waste Level Detector Assembly170-9363R
  • 载气选择器 (CGS-1050Ex) 零部件
    载气选择器 (CGS-1050Ex) 零部件订货信息:货号产品描述CG1-1700Tubing Kit for Shimadzu GC-17A CGS-1050E tubing kit for Shimadzu GC-17A, 1setCG1-2010Tubing Kit for Shimadzu GC-2010 CGS-1050E tubing kit for Shimadzu GC-2010, 1setCG1-3800Tubing Kit for VarianGC3800/450 CGS-1050E tubing kit for Varian GC3800/450, 1setCG1-4020CGS Valve Control Cable CGS-1050Ex valve control cable for PY-3030D/S, 1 eaCG1-5800CGS Tubing Kit for PerkinElmer Clarus 580/680 CGS-1050Ex tubing Kit for PerkinElmer Clarus 580/680, 1 setCG1-6800Tubing Kit for Agilent6890/7890 CGS-1050E tubing kit for Agilent6890/7890, 1setCG1-9001Tubing Kit for TRACE GC CGS-1050E tubing kit for TRACE GC, 1setCG1-M0033-way EM valve AC100 Electro Magnetic valve, AC100V, 3 way, only body, USG3-6-1
  • DANI 色谱检测器零部件 2321.900011
    订购信息:检测器零部件 ACCESSORIES for DETECTORSDescriptionSet ofCodeFID Nozzle1 piece2321.900011MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610NPD Nozzle1 piece2321.900013MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610FPD Nozzle lower1 piece2321.900017MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610FPD Nozzle upper1 piece2321.900018MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610PID Nozzle1 piece2321.900021MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610FPD Sulfur Filter1 piece3741.000001MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610FPD Phosphorus Filter1 piece3741.000002MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610UV Lamp HI-Energy 10.0 - 10.6 Ev1 piece3742.010006MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610Flame Igniter Mod.680 FID/NPD1 piece9281.309001MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610TCD Filaments WX-21 piece9281.400601MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610Rubidium Pearl NPD1 piece9281.509003MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610Rubidium Pearl NPD - LONGLIFE1 piece9281.509004MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC86102321.9000112321.9000132321.9000172321.9000212321.9000183742.0100069281.3090012321.9000213741.000001
  • 样品选择进样器 (SS-1010E)零部件
    样品选择进样器 (SS-1010E)零部件订货信息:部品号订货信息SS1-1000SS Adapter Kit for Agilent6890/7890 SS adapter kit for Agilent GCs, 1 setSS1-1001SS Adapter for Agilent6890/7890 SS adapter for Agilent6890 and HP5890SS1-1011SS Adapter Packing (for Agilent) SS adapter packing (seal) for SS1-1001, 10 eaSS1-1012Thermal Insulation Cup (for Agilent) Thermal insulation cup for SS1-1001, 1 eaSS1-1013Thermal Insulation Cup Securing Nut (for Agilent and Thermo GCs) Fixing nut of thermal insulation cup for SS1-1001, 1 eaSS1-2000SS Adapter Kit for Shimadzu GC-17A/2010 SS adapter kit for Shimadzu GC-17, 1 setSS1-2001SS Adapter for Shimadzu GC-17A/2010 SS adapterfor Shimadzu GC-2010 and 17A, contains capillary tube, 1 setSS1-2011SS Adapter Packing (for Shimadzu) SS adapter packing (seal) for SS1-2001, 10 eaSS1-2012Thermal Insulation Cup (for Shimadzu) Thermal insulation cup for SS1-2001, 1 eaSS1-3000SS Adapter Kit for TRACE/FOCUS GC SS adapter kit for TRACE/FOCUS GC, including capillary tube, 1setSS1-3001SS Adapter for TRACE/FOCUS GC SS adapter for TRACE/FOCUS GC, includes purge line capillary tube 1.75m, 0.25mm id, 1setSS1-3012Thermal Insulation Cup (for TRACE GC) Thermal Insulation Cup (for TRACE GC), 1eaSS1-3022Thermal Insulation Cup (for FOCUS GC) Thermal Insulation Cup (for FOCUS GC), 1eaSS1-4012Absorption Trap Tube, Order PY1-2216 Order PY1-2216, Absorption trap tube, replacement tube for SS1-4100, 3 eaSS1-4020Valve Control Cabe SS-1010E valve control cabe for PY-2020D/iD/S/iS, 1 eaSS1-4100Trap set Built in trap tube in SS-1010E flow controller, with holding bracket, 1 setSS1-4210Purge Line Kit Purge linekit, 1 setSS1-4211Purge line capillary tube Purge line capillary tube, 1.75m, 1 eaSS1-7101Double Head Wrench Wrench12-14mmSS1-7102SS Adapter Cleaner Kit SS Adapter cleaner kit, stainless wilre(0.2mm od, 100mm length) 3ea, pin vises 1ea.SS1-72051/8 Cap Nut Set Brass nut, Back ferrule,1/8in.od, set of 5eaSS1-7301Column Nut T (for Trace/Focus GC) Column Nut T (for Trace/Focus GC), 1eaSS1-7411Pressure regulator Pressure regulator, 600kPa, RD411B3316
  • GC-17A 常用零部件
    GC-17A Ver2,3 常用零部件     1,分流/不分流进样口     NOS P/N Description pcs price 1 221-41444 Glass Insert,SPL-17 Split 石英衬管 1 210 1 221-41544 Glass Insert,SPL-17 ,Splitless 石英衬管 1 80 2 221-32126-05 Ferrule Set0.5,10/PCT 石墨垫(小口径) 1 440 2 221-32126-08 Ferrule Set0.8,11/PCT 石墨垫(大口径) 1 440 2,WBI 进样口     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-41599 Glass Insert for Wide Bore 大口径衬管 1 590 3, 气路过滤器     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-42559-92 Filter Assy 过滤器 1 740 2 221-34121-93 Buffer Tube 1 110 4,氢气焰离子化检测器 FID     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-39695-91 Collector Assy FID-17 收集极 1 650 2 221-37304-03 FID Nozzle Assy FID喷嘴 1 280 5,热导检测器 TCD     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-42600-91 TCD Controller Assy TCD控制器 1 5610 6,电子捕获检测器 ECD    NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-43747-93 ECD-17 V2 Controller ECD控制器 1 2480 7,火焰热离子检测器 FTD     NOSP/N Description pcs   1 221-18704-91 FTD-8 Collector FTD 控制器 1 3730 2 221-42940-91 High Voltage Assy 1 600 3 221-43289-91 FID Linear Controller 17AV2 1 4620 8,火焰光度检测器 FPD     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-00887-01 Quartz Plate FPD 1 6202 221-41847-91 Filament Assy 1 840 3 221-02467 Quart Guide 1 290 4 221-41785 Quartz Tube/FPD-17 1 170 5221-00892-01 FILTER,S,FPD 1 2690   221-00897-01 FILTER,P,FPD 1 4700
  • UltiMate 3000 AFC-3000 样品托盘的零部件
    产品信息:用于 UltiMate 3000 AFC-3000 样品托盘的零部件订货信息:用于 UltiMate 3000 AFC-3000 样品托盘的零部件描述数量部件号样品托盘 Sample Racks样品托盘 (10 位) 用于 10mL 样品瓶, 22mm×45mmSample Rack (10 position) for 10mL vials, 22mm ×45mm16820.4086样品托盘 (22 位) 用于 4mL 样品瓶, 15mm×45mmSample Rack (22 position) for 4mL vials, 15mm×45mm16820.4084样品托盘 (40 位) vfr 2mL 样品瓶, 12mm×32mmSample Rack (40 position) vfr 2mL vials, 12mm×32mm16820.4070样品托盘 (21 位) 用于 50mL 试管, 30mm×100mmSample Rack (21 position) for 50mL tubes, 30mm×100mm16702.0021样品托盘 (24 位) 用于 30mL 试管, 24mm×100mmSample Rack (24 position) for 30mL tubes, 24mm × 100mm16702.0024样品托盘 (40 位) 用于 20mL 试管, 20mm×100mmSample Rack (40 position) for 20mL tubes, 20mm×100mm16702.0040样品托盘 (60 位) 用于 14mL 试管, 16mm×100mmSample Rack (60 position) for 14mL tubes, 16mm×100mm16702.0060样品托盘 (90 位) 用于 8mL 试管, 13mm×100mmSample Rack (90 position) for 8mL tubes, 13mm×100mm16702.0090样品托盘 (36 位) 用于 Foxy 样品瓶, 闪烁样品瓶, 28mm ODSample Rack (36 position) for Foxy vials, scintillation vials, 28mm OD15701.2025样品托盘 (60 位) 用于 Foxy 样品瓶, 1.5mLSample Rack (60 position) for Foxy vials, 1.5mL15701.2023样品托盘 (72 位) 用于 Foxy mini 试管, 18mm ODSample Rack (72 position) for Foxy mini tubes, 18mm OD15701.2024Foxy 托盘的定位针 Positioning pins for Foxy racks26702.9006Funnel 托盘 Funnel rack16702.1021用于 4 个WPS 托盘的适配器 Adapter for 4 WPS racks16702.0100用于 4 个多孔板的适配器 Adapter for 4 well plates16702.0200用于 2 个多孔板的适配器 (Foxy Jr./R1) Adapter for 2 well plates (Foxy Jr./R1)15701.2021附件 Accessories分流阀, 0.4mm ID 的 drop 用于mer, 和管路16702.0300("用于低流速的工具包”)Diverter valve, 0.4mm ID drop former, and tubing(“Kit for low fl ow rates”)  Drop 用于mer, 1mm ID SST, 包括接地线16702.0400("用于正相 LC 的工具包”)Drop former, 1mm ID SST, including grounding cable(“Kit for normal-phase LC”)
  • UltiMate 3000 RSLC Nano 零部件
    产品信息:目前,RSLCnano系统研发的重点是提高样品通量。UltiMate® 3000 RSLCnano系统采用稳定、连续的直流输送方式,可实现样品的不间断分析。UltiMate® 3000 RSLCnano系统流速-压力范围广,即使在纳升级别、针对最复杂的酶解肽段样品时,仍可保证最高的分离度和最快的分析要求。是唯一可以同时满足分离速度、分离能力和灵敏度高要求的系统。订货信息:用于 UltiMate 3000 RSLC Nano 系统的零部件描述数量部件号维修工具包, 用于 NCS-3500RS 上样泵Maintenance kit for NCS-3500RS loading pump16042.1951单向阀阀芯, 陶瓷 (用于入口阀和出口阀), 用于 NC 泵和上样泵Check valve cartridge, ceramics (for both the inlet and outlet valve) for the NC pump and loading pump16041.2301色谱柱切换阀 2-位, 6-通阀Column switching valve 2-position, 6-port valve16041.0004色谱柱切换阀 2-位, 10-通阀Column switching valve 2-position, 10-port valve16041.0001流量计, 生物兼容, 带 nano LC 流路选择器(50 – 1000nL/min)Flow meter, biocompatible with fl ow selector for nano LC (50 – 1000nL/min)16041.7901A流量计, 生物兼容, 带毛细管 LC 流路选择器 (0.5 – 10μL/min)Flow meter, biocompatible with fl ow selector for capillary LC (0.5 – 10μL/min)16041.7902A流量计, 生物兼容, 带微流 LC 流路选择器 (5 – 50μL/min)Flow meter, biocompatible with fl ow selector for micro LC (5 – 50μL/min)16041.7903Anano LC 流路选择器 (50 – 1000nL/min)Flow selector for nano LC (50 – 1000nL/min)16041.0002毛细管 LC 流路选择器 (0.5 – 10μL/min)Flow selector for capillary LC (0.5 – 10μL/min)16041.0003微流 LC 流路选择器 (5 – 50μL/min)Flow selector for micro LC (5 – 50μL/min)16041.0014毛细管 LC 混合工具包(8μL) Mixer kit (8μL) for capillary LC16041.713柱塞杆 (蓝宝石) Piston (sapphire)26040.0042柱塞杆密封圈 (在密封圈清洗系统中), NP, 用于 NC 泵和上样泵Piston seal (in plate of seal wash system), NP, for NC pump and loading pump16040.0306柱塞杆密封圈 (主柱塞杆密封圈), RP, 用于 NC 泵和上样泵Piston seal (main piston seal), RP, for NC pump and loading pump26266.0305主柱塞杆密封圈套箍, 用于 NC 泵和上样泵Support ring for main piston seal for NC pump and loading pump26040.0012泵头, 预组装, 用于 NC 泵Pump head, entire assembly, for NC pump16041.1901A泵头, 预组装, 用于上样泵Pump head, entire assembly, for loading pump16041.1902后部密封圈清洗系统, 密封圈Rear seal wash system, seals16040.2208色谱柱安装/毛细管工具包(6个色谱柱夹子, 2 个夹子用于固定柱温箱上部至下部的毛细管)Column installation/capillary clips kit (6 column clips, 2 clips to attach capillaries routed from top to bottom through the column chamber)16041.0011从比例阀到泵头, 上样泵的连接管路 (带接头)Tubing from proportioning valve to pump head, loading pump (with fi ttings)26040.3023
  • 微型紫外光发生器 (UV-1047Xe) 零部件
    微型紫外光发生器 (UV-1047Xe) 零部件订货信息:部品号产品描述UV1-3802UV Sampler stand sampler standUV1-3811UV Sampler Nut Fiber holding nut for UV samplerUV1-3812UV sampler cap Upper side cap of the UV samplerUV1-4201UV sampler adjusting tool Fiber adjusting tool for UV samplerUV1-7011Fiber assembly For UV-1045E, SMA connector and quartz tube ends.UV1-7012UV Fiber assembly Xe For UV-1047Xe, SMA connector and quartz protect tube ends.UV1-7021GC liner-UV-A GC liner for Agilent 7890/6890 GC, use with UV-1045E, 2 mm id, SGE092004UV1-7022GC liner-UV-S GC liner for Shimadzu GC-2010, use with UV-1045E, 2.5mm id, Shimadzu 221-41544UV1-7051Drill05 0.5mm, 1 eaUV1-7052Drill1.6 1.6mm, 1 eaUV1-7053Pin vise Pin viseUV1-7101D2 lamp For UV-1045E, 1eaUV1-7102Halogen Lamp For UV-1045E, 1 eaUV1-7103Filter holder For UV-1045E, 1 eaUV1-7104Fiber holder For UV-1045EUV1-7105Xe arc lamp (contains Hg) Contains Hg. 1 ea, standard accessoryUV1-7106Xe arc lamp (contains no Hg) Contains no Hg. 1 eaUV1-7111Band pass filter 280 - 400 280 -400 nm band pass filter, 1 eaUV1-7112Band pass filter 300 - 400 300 -400 nm band pass filter, 1 eaUV1-7201Dewer 350 Liquid nitrogen container, 350mlUV1-7305UV Septa for Agilent GC No surface treated, 5 eaUV1-7306UV Septa for Shimadzu GC No surface treated, 5 eaUV1-7701O-ring S4 O-ring for sealing of UV fiber and UV samplerUV1-7801RS-232C Cable UV Straight cable. 1.8m, Male-FemailUV1-7805USB cabe UV 3m, one end is type A and the other end is type BUV1-K001UV Tube Kit Set of UV1-K101 (Air tube set) and UV1-K104 (Extension tube set), 1 setUV1-K101Air Tube Set Includes each 1 pcs of 1/8" copper tube (3m), 1/8" union, 1/8"nut, back ferrule and front ferrule, 1 set UV1-K104Extension Tube Set Includes each 2 pcs of 1/16" stainless steel tube(1.5m) and union sets for carrier gas connection, 1 setUV1-M011Fiber protecting tube Maintenance part, not for part sale.
  • UltiMate 3000 ECD-3000RS 电化学检测器零部件
    产品信息: 用于 UltiMate 3000 ECD-3000RS 电化学检测器的零部件电化学检测可用于多种应用中。 Dionex UltiMate 3000 ECD-3000RS 电化学检测器的灵敏度在等度模式下测定脑部研究中影响神经系统的化学物质时表现出众。 在制药应用中,这是一个用于进行稳定性测试和潜在代谢物鉴定的简单、耐用平台。 其高选择性使其适合表征复杂样品,如天然产品、生物组织和液体。 性能进行传统色谱分析或快速、高分辨率 UHPLC 色谱分析时具备超低峰离散和高数据采集速率的特点。通过自动调整量程功能,可同时测定高低含量的分析物,而不会因为色谱峰超出量程而损失数据 对尖锐梯度具有独特的兼容性,因此方法灵活性更好 易于使用可轻松扩展至多个(最多四个)独立传感器,从而实现无可匹敌的灵活性。SmartChip™ Intelligence 可进行自动仪器配置,优化对所安装的电化学传感器、自动传感器识别、事件记录和电极保护的控制。无需工具即可对液流组件进行访问和更换。前面板显示屏可轻松监控检测器状态,以最大化运行时间。SmartChip 技术提供简单、灵活的日常免维护操作: 即插即用的电化学池可消除过长的电缆连接和噪声选择库仑或安培设计以匹配您的应用需求 安培传感器有多种工作电极材质可选,包括用于测定硫醇、硫醚和其他含硫化合物的硼掺杂金刚石免维护固态参比电极 订货信息:用于 UltiMate 3000 ECD-3000RS 检测器的零部件描述数量部件号带石墨过滤组件的在线过滤器In-Line Filter Kit with Graphite Filter Elements170-0893带 PEEK 过滤组件的在线过滤器In-Line Filter Kit with PEEK Filter Elements170-4093滤片(石墨) Filter Element (Graphite)570-0898滤片 (PEEK) Filter Element (PEEK)570-3824安培流通池 6041RS ultra (25nL 或 50nL,16070.3000玻璃化碳黑或含硼金刚石, 1.4 MPa)Amperometric Cell 6041RS ultra (25nL or 50nL,glassy carbon or boron-doped diamond, 1.4 MPa)  安培流通池垫 6041RS (25nL, boPET)Gasket for Amperometric Cell 6041RS (25nL, boPET)56070.2528安培流通池垫 6041RS (50nL, boPET)Gasket for Amperometric Cell 6041RS (50nL, boPET)56070.2529安培流通池工作电极 6041RS (含硼金刚石, BDD)16070.3100Working Electrode for Amperometric Cell 6041RS(boron-doped diamond, BDD)  安培流通池工作电极 6041RS (玻璃化碳黑, GC)16070.3200Working Electrode for Amperometric Cell 6041RS(glassy carbon, GC)  库伦检测池 6011RS ultra (7.06μL, 微孔石墨化碳, 4 MPa)16070.2400Coulometric Cell 6011RS ultra(7.06μL, micro-porous graphite carbon, 4 MPa)  稳压模块, 双通道 DC Potentiostat Module, dual channel DC16070.1400Cell Simulator – SimulatorRS16070.4100Cell Simulator – QualifierRS16070.4200
  • 瑞士万通离子色谱柱及零部件 6.1006.530
    订货信息:瑞士万通离子色谱柱及零部件序号品名(中文)品名(英文)订货号1阴离子分析柱 A Supp 4-250Metrosep A Supp 4-2506.1006.4302阴离子分析柱 A Supp 5-100Metrosep A Supp 5-1006.1006.5103阴离子分析柱 A Supp 5-150Metrosep A Supp 5-1506.1006.5204阴离子分析柱 A Supp 5-250Metrosep A Supp 5-2506.1006.5305阳离子分析柱 C-100Metrosep C 2-1006.1010.2106阳离子分析柱 C-150Metrosep C 2-1506.1010.2207阳离子分析柱 C-250Metrosep C 2-2506.1010.2308阴离子保护柱Metrosep A Supp 4/5 Guard6.1006.5009阳离子保护柱Metrosep C 2 Guard6.1010.20010阳离子保护柱Metrosep RP Guard6.1011.02011除非极性有机物前处理柱IC-RP sample preparation cartridge6.1012.10012除极性有机物前处理柱C18 IC sample preparation cartridge6.1012.20013除阳离子前处理柱IC-H sample preparation cartridge6.1012.11014除阴离子前处理柱IC-OH sample preparation cartridge6.1012.13015除氯离子前处理柱IC-Ag sample preparation cartridge6.1012.12016密封圈Piston seal6.2741.02017主泵弹簧Spring for main piston6.2824.05018辅泵弹簧Spring for auxiliary piston6.2824.06019抑制器Suppressor rotor6.2832.00020抑制器连接头Connection piece for suppressor rotor6.2832.01021蠕动泵管(白色/白色)Pump tubing(white/white)6.1826.01022蠕动泵管(蓝色/蓝色)Pump tubing(blue/blue)6.1826.02023蠕动泵管(橙色/黄色)Pump tubing(orange/yellow)6.1826.03024蠕动泵管(黑色/黑色)Pump tubing(black/black)6.1826.04025蠕动泵管(白色/黄色)Pump tubing(white/yellow)6.1826.05026蠕动泵管(橙色/黄色)Pump tubing(orange/yellow)6.1826.06027蠕动泵管(黄色/黄色)Pump tubing(yellow/yellow)6.1826.07028蠕动泵管(白色/白色)Pump tubing(white/white)6.1826.13029自动进样器进样针PEEK needle 1/8&rdquo 6.1835.01030蠕动泵管夹Tubing cartridge6.2755.00031在线过滤滤膜Filter unit PEEK 2 um6.2821.130
  • 岛津气相色谱仪GC-14A /GC-14B /GC-14C 常用零部件
    岛津GC纯正部品 GC-14A/B/C 常用零部件     1, 填充拄进样口     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-14093 Glass Insert,3mm 石英衬管 1 210 2, 分流/不分流进样口     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-15563-91 Graphite Ferrule,4Set/PK 1 260 2 221-37574-01 Insert,AOC,SPL-14 for Split 分流衬管 1 380   221-32544 Glass Insert,SPL-14 for Splitless 不分流衬管 1 250 3, 气路过滤器     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 201-36992-91 Molecular Sieve Filter 1 240 2 221-34121-93 Molecular Sieve Filter 1 110 4, 氢气焰离子化检测器FID    NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-21906-92 Collector,W/Cable/FID 收集极 1 410 2 221-21925-91 H.V.Electrode Assy/FID 1 120 3 221-21920-91 Nozzle Assy/FID 喷嘴 1 370 5, 热导检测器TCD     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-23821-91 TCD Controller TCD控制器1 8070 6, 电子捕获检测器ECD     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-25315-92 ECD Amplifier Assy 1 4950 7, 火焰光度检测器FPD     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-00887-01 Quartz Plate/FPD 1 620 2 221-02467 Quartz Guide,L-55 1 290 3 221-06625-93 Temp Sensor for Inj 1 910 4 221-25197 Quartz Tube/FPD 1 140 5 221-00892-01 Opticl Filter,S 1 2690   221-00897-01 Opticl Filter,P 1 4700 8, 火焰热离子检测器FTD     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-18704-91 Collector/FID 收集极 1 3730 2 221-23820-91 FID Amplifier Unit FID放大器 1 9900 9, 电气系统控制部     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-31770-91 Terminal Unit,100V/GC-14C 1 3560 10, 检测器     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-32976-92 PT S ensor Assy,DET/GC-14 1 1090 11, 柱温箱     NOS P/N Description pcs   1 221-32976-91 PT S ensor Assy,Col/GC-14 1 1040
  • Uranus 零部件 | 0552930
    订货信息:部件号描述数量0552930Seal Center Ring NW20/25 ALEA
  • 自动进样器 (AS-1020E) 零部件
    自动进样器 (AS-1020E) 零部件订货信息:部品号产品描述AS1-1111Interface Protection Cover for AS-1020E Interface cover for pyrolyzer used with AS-1020E, fixing screws x3, 1setAS1-1215Sample Cup Tray Securing Screw Sample cup tray securing screw, 1 eaAS1-1311AS-1020eAS base AS-1020eAS baseAS1-1510Sample cup tray set A set of a Sample cup carrousel, sample cup tray, a sample cup tray and a securing screw.AS1-1511Sample cup Carrousel Carrousel (sample cup), 1eaAS1-1512Sample cup tray Sample cup tray, 1 eaAS1-1515Sample Cup Recovering Chute Sample Cup Recovering Chute, 1eaAS1-1516Sample Cup Carrousel N Sample Cup Carrousel, 1eaAS1-1517Sample Cup Tray N Sample Cup TrayN, shiney metaric surface, 1 eaAS1-1518Slider Niclel plated brass, 1eaAS1-1519Slider pin Slider pin, 1eaAS1-1522AS Supporting Rod SP-1 Includes each 1 pcs of AS-1020E supporting hex rod for Agilent 7890 SP-1 (M4, 240 mm), M4 washer and M4 spring washer, 1 setAS1-1524Stand for Auto-Shot Sampler (80 mm) AS-1020E left side supporting hex rod (80 mm) for Agilent 7890 SP-1/Thermo TRACE GC, 2 eaAS1-1531Sample Cup Inspector Sample cup inspection jig, 1 eaAS1-1541Sample cup control pin assembly Sample cup control pin assemblyAS1-1542Teflon O-ring, P-7 Teflon O-ring, P-7 (use with AS1-1541)AS1-1543Solenoid 09 assenmbly Solenoid 09 assenmbly, includes magnet, magnet arm and bracketAS1-1544Rotary Solenoid assembly Rotary Solenoid 09 assembly, includes magnet, magnet arm and bracketAS1-1553Sample Cup Tray Cover Sample Cup Tray Cover, 1ea, (need a securing screw AS1-1554)AS1-1554Sample Cup Tray Cover Securing Screw Sample Cup Tray Cover Securing Screw, 1eaAS1-1555Swagelok Union 1/16"-1/8" For AS purge line, brassAS1-1560Balll valve/Cylinder exchange assembly Exchange assembly,Ball valve/Cylinder assembly.AS1-1561Ball valve assembly Ball valve assembly, Order AS1-1560AS1-1565Ball valve/Cylinder used assembly Exchange assembly, Ball valve/Cylinder assembly. No need to return the defective assy.AS1-1570Gate valve/Cylinder exchange assembly Exchange assembly, Include gate valve and cylinder assembliesAS1-1571Gate valve assembly Gate valve assemblyAS1-1572Gate plate Gate plate, stainless steel, 1 eaAS1-1573GV seal 1 GV seal1, Seal for gate valve, 1 eaAS1-1575Cylinder assembly Cylinder assembly, includes cup control pin assy., solenoidAS1-1577O-ring S6 O-ring S6 for cylinder assembly, 10 eaAS1-1578GV seal 2 GV seal 2, Teflon, 1eaAS1-1590Limit Switch For AS-1020E gate valve, 1 eaAS1-1595Spring arm Spring arm, 1eaAS1-1601Suporting rod for Agilet 6890 Supporting rod of AS-1020E for Agilent 6890, contains fixing screwAS1-1602Suporting plate set for Agilent 6890 Supporting plate of AS-1020E for Agilent 6890, a L-angle plate, a flat plate and twe M4 screwsAS1-1603Supporting rod fixing screw AS-1020E supporting rod fixing screw for Agilent 6890AS1-1801Outer cover N cover rev.2010_01AS1-2111AS support attachment 1 For Agilent 7890, used for mounting AS-1020E on the back inlet, refer to AS1-K780AS1-2112AS support 2 attachment 2 For Agilent 7890, used for mounting AS-1020E on the back inlet, refer to AS1-K780AS1-4111Valve Control Cable Gas reservoir valve control cable, DC24V 3 poles, 1 eaAS1-7101In-line filter for AS-1020E In-line filter for AS-1020E, 1eaAS1-7201Restrictor 2 Restricotor, 2ml/min at 30psiAS1-7202Restructor 5 Restricotor, 5ml/min at 30psi、1/8-1/8 inch unionAS1-7251Pressure guage 600kPa, 40mmAS1-7301Wrench4.5 Wrench, 4.5mm, for old PY1-3531AS1-7302Wrench6 Wrench, 6mm, for interface union use with AS-1020EAS1-7303Wrench17 Wrench, 17mm, for AS-1020E cylinder assemblyAS1-7501Cup chute fixing screw Cup chute fixing screw. M3-6.5 with Nylon washerAS1-7511Pilot pin pilot pin for the carrousel. 1 eaAS1-7625Double-shot control EM valve Double-shot control valve, USB3-6-1-DC24VAS1-7701AS support 2 fixing screw For Agilent 7890, used for mounting AS-1020E on the back inlet, refer to AS1-K780AS1-7812Sample Cup Recovery Container Sample Cup Recovery Container, 3eaAS1-7813Sample Cup Recovery Container Sample Cup Recovery Container, 2 eaAS1-7814AS Teflon Sheet Teflon sheet for cup chute, 3 ea, Spare fixing screw, 4 eaAS1-K030AS-1020E Tool Kit Tool Kit for AS-1020E (12-14mm wrench, 6mm wrench, tweezers, each 1, 1setAS1-K040Tubing Kit Tubing Kit for AS-1020E (1/8" cupper tube 1.5m and 3m 1ea, 1/8" union 1ea, 1/8" TEE union 1ea, 1/8"-1/16" reducing union)AS1-K201AS-1020E Installation Kit for Shimadzu GC-17/2010 AS-1020E installation kit for Shimadzu GC-17,2010, contains supporting plate, plate fixing screws and main frame fixing screwAS1-K380AS-1020E Installation Kit for Varian GC3800/450 contains a scering plate, a washer and a fixing screw. Reqeuires a wide stand base PY1-1702.AS1-K680AS-1020E Installation Kit for Agilent 6890 AS-1020E installation kit for Agilent6890, contains supporting rod and fixing screwAS1-K780AS-1020E installation kit 780 Required to mount AS-1020E on Agilent 7890 back inlet. Includes AS1-2111, AS1-2112 and M3x6 screws (2)AS1-K780RxAS-1020E installation kit for Tandem micro reactor with Agilent 6890/7890 AS-1020E with Tandem micro reactor Installation kit for Agilent6890, 7890 includes supporting plate, mainframe fixing screw, fixing rod and Swagelok T union for each.AS1-K780SP1AS-1020E Installation Kit 780SP1 AS-1020E installation kit for Agilent 7890SP1, includes each 1 set of AS1-1522 and AS1-1524AS1-K902AS-1020E Mounting Kit N for TRACE GC For TRACE GC, includes supporting rod (1ea), M4 washer (2ea) , M4 spring washer (1ea), M4 nut (1ea), screws for fixing the Auto-Shot Sampler and extension stand, 1 setAS1-M001AS-1020E control PC board for ball valve AS-1020E control PC board for ball valveAS1-M002AS-1020E Power Supply Board for Ball Valve AS-1020E power supply board for ball valveAS1-M101AS-1020E control PC board for Gate valve AS-1020E control PC board for Gate valveAS1-M102AS-1020E Power Supply Board DC24V for Gate Valve AS-1020E power supply board DC24V for gate valveAS1-M201Purge solenoid valve DC24V 2 way solenoid valve, DC24V, with connectorAS1-M202Reservoir solenoid valve DC24V 2 way solenoid valve, DC24V, with female pinsAS1-M211Purge Solenoid Valve AC100 2 way solenoid valve, AC100V, with connectorAS1-M212Reservoir Solenoid Valve AC100V 2 way solenoid valve, AC100V, with female pinsAS1-M221AS Cooling fan for AS-1020E, DC 24V, female terminal for VH connectorAS1-M300In-line-filter retrofit kit contains AS1-7100 and AS1-7200AS1-M310In-line-filter retrofit kit for ball valve contains AS1-7100 and AS1-7200, for ball valveAS1-M501Alignment tool 1 Sample cup tray alignment toolAS1-M502Alignment Tool 2 For AS-1020E, gate valve alignment rod
  • DTC 系列零部件 | 854135.001
    订货信息:DTC Series Parts and Accessories854135.001Heat Transfer Compound, Jar, DTC-25/DTC-300854100.901Paste Cell, 50.8 mm OD, DTC-25/DTC-300854101.901Liquid Cell, 50.8 mm OD, DTC-25/DTC-300854154.901Liquid Cell Seal Kit (pkg. of 4) (for use in the DTC-300 Thermal Conductivity Meter)854330.901Polymer thru the Melt Cell DTC-25/300854203.901Spacer Seal Ring Kit for Polymer thru the Melt Cell DTC-25/300 (P/N: 854330.901)
  • PY-3030D/3030S 热裂解装置零部件
    PY-3030D/3030S 热裂解装置零部件订货信息:部品号产品信息PY1-1020Double-Shot Sampler Double-Shot Sampler for Double-Shot Pyrolyzer, 1 setPY1-1021Purge valve of double-shot sampler Purge valve of double-shot samplerPY1-1022Sampler release D For double shot sampler, pre-adjusted purge gas flow rate, 1 eaPY1-1023Sampler release S For single shot sampler, pre-adjusted purge gas flow rate, 1 eaPY1-1024Sampler release button For Double-Shot and Single-Shot samplerPY1-1030Liquid Injection Sampler Liquid sampler for all pyrolzyer, 1 setPY1-1031Sampler Nut For Double-Shot sampler and Single-Shot sampler, 1eaPY1-1040Single-Shot Sampler for all single shot pyrolyzer, 1 setPY1-1050On-line Micro Reaction Sampler Only available to EGA/PY-3030D furnace, includes sampler stand , sample capsule (50 ea)PY1-1060On-line Thermal Desorption Sampler Only available to EGA/PY-3030D furnace Sampler 1 ea, sampler stand 1ea, absorption tube (packed with Tenax) 3 ea, absorption tube (blank) 5 eaPY1-1110Sampler Base 2020 Sampler base for PY-2020D/iD/S/iS, 1 setPY1-1174Needle set deactivated tube 3pcsPY1-1175Needle Set 315 interface needle, 5 ea/set, 31.5mmPY1-1176Needle Set 660 interface needle, 3 ea/set, 66 mmPY1-1177Needle Set1/16A Interface needle, 0.8x1/16", no ferrule, 3 eaPY1-1211Finger-tighten nut Finger-tighten nut, fixing quartz pyrolysis tube, 1 eaPY1-1213Metal Washer 2 Metal washer 2, use with o-ring to fixihg quartz pyrolysis tube, 3 eaPY1-1214Lock screw Lock screw for the Double-Shot sampler, 1eaPY1-1274ITF Needle Set N Interface Needle N , 3eaPY1-1276ITF Needle Set N660 Interface Needle N , for Clarus GC, 3 eaPY1-1341Sample cup chuck Sample cup chuck for single and double shot samplers, 1eaPY1-1342Chuck base Chuck base for single and double shot samplers, 1eaPY1-1345Sample Cup Chuck for Single and Double-Shot samplers, 1 eaPY1-1401Furnace cap Stainlees sleeve of furnacePY1-1702Stand base, AS-1020E stand base for Varian CP3800, compatible with AS-1020EPY1-1703Stand base 450 stand base for Varian 450 GC, compatible with AS-1021EPY1-1801PY stand for Agilent 7890/6890 For Agilent 7890/6890, One piece, M4 screws and washers 2 ea.PY1-1802PY Stand for Agilent 6850 For Agilent 6850, Mounting stand 1ea, each 3 pcs of M4X18 screws and washers PY1-1803PY Stand for Agilent 7890, SP-1 ForAgilent 7890 SP-1, for PY-2020/3030, Mounting stand (one piece type) 1ea, M4x8 sems screws 4eaPY1-2012O-ring (P-6) O-ring (P-6), for quartz pyrolysis tube sealing, 20 eaPY1-2013O-ring (SM-15) O-ring (SM-15), for PY-2010D sampler base,10 eaPY1-2014Needle Guide Needle guide for liquid sampler normal bore, 0.6mm, 1eaPY1-2016O-ring (SM-6), for quartz pyrolysis tube sealing, 20 eaPY1-2017O-ring P-6W Quartz pyrolysis tube seal, EGA/PY-3030D standard, 20 eaPY1-2018AQuartz Pyrolysis Tube A20 For PY-2020 series pyrolyzerPY1-2019Sampler Base Washer1(t=0.5) Quartz pyrolysis tube seal, EGA/PY-3030D standard, 10 eaPY1-2022Double-Shot Sampler Stand 1eaPY1-2023Single-Shot Sampler Stand 1eaPY1-2025Septum for liquid sampler, 20 eaPY1-2028Inlet/outlet septum Inlet/outlet septum for connecting tubes, 20eaPY1-2112O-ring (P-3) O-ring (P-3), for purge valve of Double-Shot sampler,20 eaPY1-2113O-ring (P-9) O-ring (P-9), for double shot samplerPY1-2202Graphite O-ring for Agilent GC liners Graphite O-ring for Agilent GC liners.PY1-2210GC/MS Connector Kit GC/MS Connector Kit, 1setPY1-2212Absorption Trap Set for HP 5890 Split Vent Absorption trap set for HP 5890 split ventPY1-2215absorption trap set for HP5890 split vent absorption trap set for HP5890 split ventPY1-2216Absorption Trap Tube Absorption trap tube, 3 eaPY1-2218Absorption trap set 6890SV Absorption trap set 6890SV, for Agilent 6890 split vent, 1 setPY1-2227Absorption Trap Set 17SV Absorption trap set 17SV, for Shimadzu GC-17A, 1 setPY1-2228Absorption trap set for TRACE GC Absorption trap set for TRACE GC, with 2mm ferrules and nutsPY1-2501Swagelok union 1/16" Swagelok union 1/16", brass, for PY1-2210, 1setPY1-2502grapyte ferrule grapyte ferrule, for PY1-2210, 10 eaPY1-2504Fulsed silica tube Fulsed silica tube, for PY1-2210, 1 eaPY1-2505Graphite vespel ferrule Graphite vespel ferrule, 0.4mm、10 eaPY1-3018AQuartz Pyrolysis Tube A30 for PY-3030 seriesPY1-3321SUS Pyrolysis Tube 3030 For EGA/PY-3030D and PY-3030S, stainless steel, 1 eaPY1-3337Glass Insert Deactivated glass insert. 1 eaPY1-3361Quartz Insert (1ea) quartz insert (Ultra inert treated), 1eaPY1-3415Pyrolyzer outer mesh cover for PY-2020iD/iSPY1-3510Interface Union assembly A set of interface union (1), nut (1), needles (2)PY1-3512Needle Nut Needle nut for interface needle, 3 eaPY1-3513Interface union N Interface union for PY-3030D, 1 eaPY1-3514Interface Union N16 Interface union for 1/16" needle, 1 ea, with ferrule and nutPY1-3515ITF Union N set ITF union N, 1ea, ITF needle 2 eaPY1-3531Interface Union Assembly for AS-1020E Interface Union Assembly for AS-1020E, 1eaPY1-3533ITF Union ASN Interface Union Assembly for use with AS-1020E, deactivated, compatible with EGA/PY-3030D and PY-2020iD/iS, 1eaPY1-3544Septum nut set 3030S For Shimadzu GC2010/17A, A set of a septum nut and a needle guide, 1 setPY1-3551Heat sink adapter kit 3030SA for Agilent GC7890/6890 and Shimadzu 2010/17、1 ea, 1.5 mm key wrench 1 eaPY1-3552Heat sink adapter kit 3030PE for PE Auto system/Clarus GC、1 ea, 1.5 mm key wrench 1 eaPY1-3553Septum nut set 3030A For Agilent GC7890/6890, A set of a septum nut and a needle guide, 1 setPY1-3554Septum nut set 3030S,order PY1-3544 For Shimadzu GC2010/17A, A set of a septum nut and a needle guide, 1 setPY1-3555Heat sink adapter kit 3030T for Thermo Fisher Trace GC、1 ea, 1.5 mm key wrench 1 eaPY1-3556Septum nut set 3030P for PE Auto system/Clarus GC、septum nut 1 ea, needle guide 1 eaPY1-3561Interface cover Interface cover, contains set screw, 1 setPY1-3563Interface cover for 3030D Interface cover for 3030D, contains set screw, 1 setPY1-3570Heat Sink Adapter Set with 1.5mm hexagon wrench, 2screws, 1 setPY1-3571Heat Sink Adapter 1 ea, with 2 screwsPY1-3572Key wrench Key wrench, 1.5mm, 1 eaPY1-3573Chuck base fixutre Chuck base fixutrePY1-3574Double Head Wrench15/16 For Agilent / Shimadzu septum cap 15/16mmPY1-3575Heat Sink Adapter L For Thermo fisher TRACE GC, Varian CP3800, 450GC, two screwsPY1-3576Heat Sink Adapter L" For Perkin Elmer Clarus GCPY1-3581Septum Nut 17PY1-3590IF base Interface blockPY1-3610Storage Stand Pyrolyzer storage stand set, 1 pairPY1-3630Storage stand 30 Pyrolyzer storage stand, I piece typePY1-3631Storage Stand 30A Pyrolyzer storage standPY1-3711Eco-cup Stand 10 Eco cup holder for 10 cups, 1eaPY1-3721Carrier gas tube 2010pyrolyzer with GC-2010 Used between pyrolyzer and GC-2010, GN-2/open end, 2mm od. Stainless tube 300mm, Part of PYS-1713,1eaPY1-3722Carrier gas tube for pyrolyzer with GC-17 Used between pyrolyzer and GC-17, GM-2/open end, 2mm od. Stainless tube 301mm, Part of PYS-1712PY1-3723Carrier Gas Tube T 1m Stainless steel pipe (2mm od, 0.8mm id), 2 eaPY1-3751USB Cable Fixing Bracket For EGA/PY-3030D and PY-3030SPY1-3851Mounting stand 2010 Pyrolyzer mounting bracket for Shimadzu GC-2010PY1-3852Mounting stand 2014 Pyrolyzer mounting bracket for Shimadzu GC-2014PY1-3853PY Mounting Stand 17 Pyrolyzer mounting bracket for Shimadzu GC-17APY1-4908Performance evaluation standard sample Polystyrene 2.5mg film, Me-stearate 5w% , 2ml glass bottle.PY1-4910Polystyrene Polystyrene, 150mg (pellet 10ea), standard samplePY1-4920Sampler lubricant Sampler lubricant, 150mg, 5 bottlesPY1-4930Septum releasing agent PerfluoropolytrimethyleneoxidePY1-5110Glass capsule Contains 50 eaPY1-5111Fine quartz wool Fine quartz wool 2gPY1-5113Glass Capsule B For On-line micro reaction sampler (PY1-1050), 40 eaPY1-5210TD tube packed with Tenax For micro thermal desorption sampler, TD tube packed with Tenax , 3 eaPY1-5220Sample collection blank tube For micro thermal desorption sampler, Cleaned blank glass tube, 5 eaPY1-5311Reaction chamber Reaction chamber for PY1-1050, 1eaPY1-5315Glass Capsule Sealing Assembly Includes each 1 pcs of glass capsule holder A1(PY1-5316), holder B1(PY1-5317), holder base A (PY1-5318), and 3pcs of O-ring(S-3) (PY1-5319)PY1-5316Glass Capsule Holder A1 Top part of capsule holderPY1-5317Glass Capsule Holder B1 Bottom part of capsule holderPY1-5318Glass Capsule Holder Base A Aluminum base, for capsule holder stands onPY1-5319O-ring (S-3) O-ring for Glass capsule sealing assey (PY1-5315), S-3, red, 20ea
  • 样品刀具零部件 | 474050.901
    订货信息:Sample Cutter Options474050.901RPA and MDR Volumetric Sample Cutter Die Set474060.901Mooney Volumetric Sample Cutter Die Set474017.001RPA-MDR Sample Cutter Blade - 34 mm474018.001Mooney Sample Cutter Blade - 45 mm
  • DANI气相色谱GC进样口零部件 9291.502 001
    订购信息:进样口零配件 ACCESORIES for INJECTORSDescriptionSet ofCodeInternal fitting for injector SL/IN 85/21 piece9291.502 001MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610Internal fitting for injector SL/IN 85/2 - SPME1 piece9291.502 002MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610Spring for injector SL/IN 85/21 piece2351.500 006MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610Internal fitting for injector PTV 381 piece9291.400 702MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610Spring for injector PTV 381 piece2351.500 005MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610Internal fitting for injector PK1 piece9291.300 901MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610Key for injector PTV 381 piece1342.000 003MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC8610Key for injector SL/IN 85/21 piece1342.000 007MASTER GC - GC1000 - GC86109291.502 0019291.502 0022351.500 0069291.400 7022351.500 0059291.300 9011342.000 0031342.000 007
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