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  • 单克隆抗体带电异构体分析柱
    Agilent Bio MAb 液相柱 填料担体由硬质球形、高度交联的聚苯乙烯二乙烯基苯(PS/DVB)无孔微球组成 填料表面结合了亲水聚合物层,避免抗体蛋白的非特异性结合 填料的弱阳离子交换固定相层采用了不同工艺,使其比Agilent Bio WCX 柱填料的密度更高 专为单克隆抗体基于带电异构体的分离而设计单克隆抗体的全面表征,包括酸性和碱性亚型的鉴定和监测。Agilent Bio MAb 液相柱填充了专为单克隆抗体基于带电量的高分离度分离而设计的特殊树脂。与水性缓冲液、乙腈/丙酮/甲醇和水混合溶液兼容。常用缓冲液为:磷酸盐、三羟甲基氨基甲烷、MES 和醋酸盐。Bio MAb 柱有1.7、3、5 和10 μm 粒径可供选择,较小的粒径能够提供较高的分离度。订货信息:
  • SCX-10 RS 单克隆抗体分析柱 082675
    产品特点:MAbPac™ SCX-10 RS 单克隆抗体分析柱,5 μm为了高分辨率、高效率地分析单克隆抗体 (mAb) 和相关变异体,请使用 Thermo Scientific™ MAbPac™ SCX-10 RS 单克隆抗体分析柱 (5 μm)。独特的无孔薄膜树脂可提供足以将差异仅为一个带电残基的 mAb 变体分离开来的分辨力。亲水层环绕在聚合物珠周围,可避免其与树脂发生疏水相互作用,从而可使色谱柱达到超高柱效。一种获得专利的接枝型阳离子交换表面可提供 pH 选择性控制功能,从而实现高分离度分离。mAb 变体分析性能卓越对 mAb 变体表现出超高分离度非常适合 mAb 的表征和质控评估特别适合用来进行稳定性研究、mAb 治疗方法开发和高通量筛选无与伦比的柱到柱和批到批的可重现性避免了在稳定性和 QA/QC 测试中对色谱柱变异性的担忧。符合生物制药表征的法规要求在标准规格和 UHPLC 规格中,可选粒径为 3 μm、5 μm 和 10 μm。粒径减小的色谱柱不但可提供与 10 μm 色谱柱相同的分离度,而且还能显著缩短分析时间。MAbPac SCX-10 RSBioRS (Rapid Separation), strong cation exchange column designed for monoclonal antibodies and associated charged variants* UHPLC, high throughput analysis* Specially developed bio-inert PEEK lined stainless steel column hardware * High pressure compatibility* Suitable for operation up to 7,000 psiHigher resolution and throughput of mAb charge variant UHPLC separations can be achieved using the MAbPac SCX-10 RS strong cation-exchange phase with specially developed bio-inert PEEK lined stainless steel column hardware. These columns are designed to be used at higher UHPLC conditions to maximize the resolution of mAb variant separation. Higher pressure compatibility of the column hardware allows use of high flow rates for faster separation.订购信息:MAbPac SCX-10RSParticle Size (μm)FormatLength (mm)2.1mm ID4.6mm ID5UHPLC Column50082675082674150088242085209250082515082673
  • Thermo/热电 用于单克隆抗体和相关变异体的强阳离子交换色谱柱
    MAbPac SCX-10 RS 色谱柱BioRS, 用于单克隆抗体和相关变异体的强阳离子交换色谱柱 UHPLC,高通量分析 特殊开发的生物惰性的、PEEK衬里的不锈钢色谱柱管 兼容高压力 可在 7,000 psi 条件下使用使用小粒径的 MAbPac 强阳离子交换色谱柱以及特殊设计生物惰性的 PEEK 衬里的不锈钢柱管,可以实现MAb 变体的高分离度、高通量分析。该色谱柱使用更小粒径的色谱填料以及更长的柱子,提高 MAb 变体的分离度,可以在高达 7000 psi 的压力下进行分析。耐高压的柱管使快速分析变为可能。订货信息:
  • 赛默飞世尔 单克隆抗体和相关变异体的强阳离子交换色谱柱
    MAbPac SCX-10 RS 色谱柱BioRS, 用于单克隆抗体和相关变异体的强阳离子交换色谱柱 UHPLC,高通量分析 特殊开发的生物惰性的、PEEK衬里的不锈钢色谱柱管 兼容高压力 可在 7,000 psi 条件下使用使用小粒径的 MAbPac 强阳离子交换色谱柱以及特殊设计生物惰性的 PEEK 衬里的不锈钢柱管,可以实现MAb 变体的高分离度、高通量分析。该色谱柱使用更小粒径的色谱填料以及更长的柱子,提高 MAb 变体的分离度,可以在高达 7000 psi 的压力下进行分析。耐高压的柱管使快速分析变为可能。订货信息:
  • 亲和色谱柱填料, 颗粒大小90 μm,适用于重组蛋白质,单克隆抗体
    亲和色谱柱填料, 颗粒大小90 μm,适用于重组蛋白质,单克隆抗体
  • 离子交换柱TSKgel CM-STAT 抗EGFR单克隆抗体的离子交换柱TSKgel CM-STAT绿百草科技专业提供分析抗
    EGFR单克隆抗体的弱阳离子交换柱TSKgel CM-STAT,货号为21965、21966,粒径分别为7&mu m和10&mu m。TSKgel CM-STAT以无孔聚合物为基体,有3.0*35mm、4.6*100mm两种规格。TSKgel CM-STAT色谱柱机械性能稳定,可用于大多数生物聚合物分析,尤其是抗体的分离。绿百草科技可提供TSKgel CM-STAT分析抗EGFR单克隆抗体的操作条件和谱图。 货号 柱名称 官能团 类型 粒径 尺寸mm 21960 TSK gel Q-STAT 季铵盐 阴离子 10 3*35 21961 TSK gel Q-STAT 季铵盐 阴离子 7 4.6*100 21962 TSKgel DNA-STAT 季铵盐 阴离子 5 4.6*100 21963 TSK gel SP-STAT 磺酸基 强阳 10 3*35 21964 TSK gel SP-STAT 磺酸基 强阳 7 4.6*100 21965 TSK gel CM-STAT 羧酸基 弱阳 10 3*35 21966 TSK gel CM-STAT 羧酸基 弱阳 7 4.6*100
  • 绿百草科技专业提供色谱柱YMC-BioPro QA-F和YMC-Pack Diol200色谱柱分离单克隆抗体
    绿百草科技专业提供色谱柱YMC-BioPro QA-F和YMC-Pack Diol200色谱柱分离单克隆抗体 关键词:YMC-BioPro QA-F,YMC-Pack Diol200,单克隆抗体,绿百草科技 绿百草科技专业提供YMC-BioPro QA-F离子交换色谱柱和YMC-Pack Diol-200凝胶柱。YMC-BioPro QA离子交换色谱柱可使用离子交换模式分离抗人体单克隆抗体;YMC-Pack Diol-300+Diol-200凝胶柱可使用体积排除(SEC)模式分离抗人体单克隆抗体。 需要详细的信息请和绿百草科技联系:010-51659766 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 博格隆Extrem A Diamond Protein A抗体亲和介质/层析填料
    Extrem A Diamond是博格隆自主研发的新一代高耐碱Protein A抗体亲和介质。蛋白A配基是在大肠杆菌中表达,与上一代产品AT Protein A Diamond Plus相比,耐碱性更强(可耐受0.5~1.0 M NaOH 的CIP)、载量更高。在工艺放大过程可以选择更小的柱体积来降低生产成本。适合从大批量细胞培养液中捕获单克隆抗体或者Fc融合蛋白,也适合于从腹水或者血浆中捕获多克隆抗体。该介质具有以下特点: 相同接触时间的情况下,较常规产品具有更高的动态结合能力。 蛋白配基的高耐碱性,可在清洗过程耐受0.5~1.0 M NaOH 的CIP。 载量高,能降低生产成本,提高生产效率。
  • 博格隆AT Protein A Diamond Plus抗体亲和介质/层析填料
    AT Protein A Diamond Plus是一种新型的由耐碱Protein A同高刚性琼脂糖基架通过环氧化学方式合成的亲和介质,优化的介质孔径有利于提高抗体的结合载量,该介质适合从大批量细胞培养液中捕获单克隆抗体或者Fc融合蛋白,也适合于从腹水或者血浆中捕获多克隆抗体。 AT Protein A Diamond Plus的配基为基因工程重组的蛋白A片段,在上游构建的时候采用了耐碱的氨基酸替换了不耐碱的氨基酸,并且替换了蛋白酶敏感的氨基酸,使得该配基具有良好的碱稳定性,配基发酵及后续的纯化过程均采用无任何动物源原材料。该介质可以用0.1~0.5M NaOH进行在位清洗,避免了使用昂贵且具有腐蚀性的在位清洗试剂,可有效节省成本,同时和AT Protein A Diamond相比载量更高,在工艺放大过程可以选择更小的柱体积来降低生产成本。 该介质具有以下特点: 硬度高、反压低、流速快,适合大规模生产应用。 载量高,能降低生产成本。 耐受碱清洗,使用寿命长。
  • 博格隆AT Protein A Diamond 抗体亲和介质/层析填料
    AT Protein A Diamond是一种由耐碱Protein A同高刚性琼脂糖基架通过环氧活化方式偶联后制成的一种新型亲和层析介质,与传统的抗体亲和介质相比,配基更稳定,流速更快,反压更低,适用于从大批量细胞培养液中捕获单克隆抗体或者Fc融合蛋白,也适合于从腹水或者血浆中捕获多克隆抗体。 AT Protein A Diamond的配基为大肠杆菌发酵获得的重组蛋白A片段,在上游构建的时候采用耐碱的氨基酸替换了不耐碱的氨基酸,并且去除了蛋白酶敏感的氨基酸,使得该配基具有良好的碱稳定性,配基发酵及后续的纯化过程均采用无任何动物源原材料。该介质可以采用0.1~0.5M NaOH进行在位清洗,避免了使用昂贵且具有腐蚀性的清洗试剂,可有效节省成本,同时易于进行工业化大规模生产使用。
  • 分析抗EGFR TSKgel CM-STAT抗体的离子
    绿百草科技专业提供分析抗EGFR单克隆抗体的弱阳离子交换柱TSKgel CM-STAT,货号为21965、21966,粒径分别为7&mu m和10&mu m。TSKgel CM-STAT以无孔聚合物为基体,有3.0*35mm、4.6*100mm两种规格。TSKgel CM-STAT色谱柱机械性能稳定,可用于大多数生物聚合物分析,尤其是抗体的分离。绿百草科技可提供TSKgel CM-STAT分析抗EGFR单克隆抗体的操作条件和谱图。
  • 博格隆Novo-A Diamond Protein A抗体亲和层析填料
    Novo-A Diamond是博格隆自主研发的新一代高耐碱Protein A抗体亲和介质。蛋白A配基是在大肠杆菌中表达,与上一代产品AT Protein A Diamond Plus相比,耐碱性更强,(可耐受0.5~1.0 M NaOH 的CIP)、压力流速性能更好。适合从大批量细胞培养液中捕获单克隆抗体或者Fc融合蛋白,也适合于从腹水或者血浆中捕获多克隆抗体。该介质具有以下特点: 相同接触时间的情况下,较常规产品具有更高的动态结合能力。 蛋白配基的高耐碱性,可在清洗过程耐受0.5~1.0 M NaOH 的CIP。 载量高,能降低生产成本,提高生产效率。
  • 博格隆AT Protein A Diamond Ultra抗体亲和介质/层析填料
    AT Protein A Diamond Ultra是一种新型的由耐碱Protein A同高刚性琼脂糖基架通过环氧化学方式合成的亲和介质,优化的介质孔径有利于提高抗体的结合载量,该介质适合从大批量细胞培养液中捕获单克隆抗体或者Fc融合蛋白,也适合于从腹水或者血浆中捕获多克隆抗体。 AT Protein A Diamond Ultra的配基为基因工程重组的蛋白A片段,在上游构建的时候采用了耐碱的氨基酸替换了不耐碱的氨基酸,并且替换了蛋白酶敏感的氨基酸,使得该配基具有良好的碱稳定性,配基发酵及后续的纯化过程均采用无任何动物源原材料。该介质可以用0.1~0.5M NaOH进行在位清洗,避免了使用昂贵且具有腐蚀性的在位清洗试剂,可有效节省成本,同时和AT Protein A Diamond Plus相比载量更高,在工艺放大过程可以选择更小的柱体积来降低生产成本。 该介质具有以下特点: 硬度高、反压低、流速快,适合大规模生产应用。 载量高,能降低生产成本。 耐受碱清洗,使用寿命长。
  • SupelMIP SPE 非甾体类抗炎药物(NSAID)
    SupelMIP SPE 非甾体类抗炎药物(NSAID) 25mg/3ml,50支/盒 开发并经优化用于从饮用水和废水等含水样品中萃取非类固醇抗炎药 (NSAID)。 我们已经测试的 NSAID 包括:萘普生、氯贝酸、双氯芬酸和布洛芬。SupelMIP 固相萃取 &mdash NSAID 相与吡罗昔康和塞来西布等其他非羧酸抗炎药相容;但回收率可能较低 (40-60%)。 SupelMIP 固相萃取相由 MIP Technologies AB 所开发,它是分子印迹聚合物的的领导者和商业先锋之一。此固定相可用于大规模分离、分析色谱和样品制备。 SupelMIP 固相萃取产品线是由高度交联聚合物组成。该类特殊的固定相对提取单个目标分析物或结构相似的分析物具有极高的选择性。 在 MIP 合成过程中模仿目标分析物设计模板分子,该模板分子形成的洞穴或印记正好与目标分析物的立体和化学结构相匹配,这使得在 MIP 合成中引入选择性成为可能。 精心设计的印迹点是通过分子模拟、实验设计或筛选方法形成的,该印记点或洞穴能够提供多种与目标分析物的相互作用点。这可实现固相和分析物之间更强的相互作用。从而,在固相萃取方法中可允许更苛刻的冲洗条件,最终得到更干净的萃取物。由于萃取选择性得到显著提高,观察到的背景更低,使得分析物的检测限更低。
  • 抗体纯化介质
    抗体纯化介质抗体纯化介质(GP-ProA)是针对抗体、ADC、Fc融合蛋白纯化而开发的耐碱型亲和层析介质,通过ProA配基与抗体之间的特异性结合力实现目标抗体与杂质的分离。该产品以超大孔聚丙烯酸酯微球作为基质,以耐碱性重组ProA作为偶联配基,具有高流速、低反压、高稳定性等优点,在抗体药物的商业化生产中具有明显的优势。抗体纯化介质(ProG)是一种专用于从腹水、血清中纯化抗体的亲和层析介质。该产品以琼脂糖软胶微球作为基质,以r-ProG作为偶联配基,具有高载量、高使用寿命等优点。产品特性产品抗体纯化介质(GP-ProA)抗体纯化介质(ProG) 基质超大孔聚丙烯酸酯硬胶琼脂糖软胶配基r-Protein A r-Protein G 平均粒径70μm 90μm 配基密度10mg/mL5mg/mL动态载量≥40mg/mL≥30mg/mL流速上限1500 cm/h 600 cm/h耐压上限1 Mpa 0.3 Mpa保存2-8°C (20%乙醇)2-8℃ (20%乙醇)适用范围单抗/双抗,Fc 融合蛋白人、鼠、牛、马源IgG PH稳定性 可耐受0.5M NaOH洗涤 (建议清洗时间不超过20min ) 3-12 (长时间) 2-13 (短时间) 应用实例 GP-ProA纯化单抗谱图柱尺寸: 0.78cm ID*10cm流速: 1 mL/min检测波长: 280nm样品:单抗发酵澄清液浓缩倍数:4-10倍洗脱纯度:96.65%;洗脱收率:92.51%
  • 绿百草科技专业提供抗菌类药物及磺胺类药物的色谱柱Kromasil C18
    绿百草科技专业提供抗菌类药物及磺胺类药物的色谱柱Kromasil C18,货号为100-5-C18 4.6 × 150 关键词:Kromasil C18色谱柱,100-5-C18 4.6 × 150,抗菌药物及磺胺类药物,如磺胺甲氧嗪,磺胺甲基异恶唑,磺胺二甲氧嘧啶和相关化合物,绿百草科技 绿百草科技专业提供Kromasil C18色谱柱。货号为100-5-C18 4.6 × 150的Kromasil C18色谱柱可以用来分析抗菌药物及磺胺类药物,如磺胺甲氧嗪,磺胺甲基异恶唑,磺胺二甲氧嘧啶和相关化合物。流动相10mM的柠檬酸缓冲液,pH 3 /甲醇 检测器为UV 225nm。绿百草科技可提供详细的操作条件和谱图。 需要详细的信息请和绿百草科技联系:010-51659766 登录网站获得更多产品信息: www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 抗病毒药物 洛匹那韦利托那韦的检测
    抗病毒药物 洛匹那韦利托那韦的检测,USP官方推荐L1色谱柱为YMC J' Sphere ODS- H80 4.6*250mm 4um;有机杂质分析L26色谱柱 YMC Pack C4 4.6*150mm 3um;洛匹那韦利托那韦中乙醇含量测定采用气相柱G16,推荐RESTEK Stabilwax-DB 0.53 mm x 30 m, 10 μm。 利巴韦林又名病毒唑、三氮唑核苷、尼斯可等,是广谱强效的抗病毒药物,可适用于呼吸道合胞病毒引起的病毒性肺炎与支气管炎,皮肤疱疹病毒感染等。常用剂型有注射剂、片剂、口服液、气雾剂等。利巴韦林副作用少,不良反应发生率低,曾在2003年抗击非典期间广泛应用,本次新冠肺炎疫情中成为轻、中度患者的治疗入选药物。参照中国药典2015版第二部P486:照高效液相色谱法,采用磺化交联的苯乙烯一二乙烯基共聚物的氢型阳离子交换树脂为填充剂,对利巴韦林含量进行测定。可参考USP标准,采用L1色谱柱YMC-PackODS-AQ(4.6*250mm,5um)对利巴韦林有机杂质进行测试。北京绿百草科技助力新型冠状病毒药物的研发,需要色谱柱的老师请联系北京绿百草科技!众志成城、抗击疫情、武汉加油!中国加油
  • 磺胺类药物免疫亲和柱
    使用对象 磺胺类药物免疫亲和柱能够特异性的纯化样品中的磺胺类药物,它采用了柱状琼脂糖凝胶作为固相载体,琼脂糖凝胶与磺胺类药物抗体偶联形成免疫吸附剂,装柱制成免疫亲和柱。它能够特异性的纯化样品中的磺胺类药物。磺胺类药物免疫亲和柱广泛地应用于饲料、动物源性食品、水产品等样品的提取,该方法速度快、操作简单、准确性高,对提高食品的质量和安全性起到十分重要的作用。 该免疫亲和柱能够检测以下16种磺胺类药物: 磺胺醋酰(Sulfacetamide,SA) 磺胺二甲异嘧啶(Sulfisomindine, SIM2) 磺胺嘧啶(Sulfadiazine,SDZ) 磺胺噻唑(Sulfathiazole,ST) 磺胺吡啶(Sulfapyridine,SPD) 磺胺甲基嘧啶(Sulfamerazine,SMR) 磺胺对甲氧嘧啶(Sulfamethoxydiazine,SMD) 磺胺甲噻二唑(Sulfamethizole,SMTZ) 磺胺二甲嘧啶(Sulfamethazine,SM2) 磺胺氯哒嗪钠(Sulfachloropyridazine,SCP) 磺胺甲噁唑(Sulfamethoxazole,SMZ) 磺胺间甲氧嘧(Sulfamonomethoxine,SMM) 磺胺异噁唑(Sulfisoxazole,SIZ) 磺胺氯吡嗪钠(Sulfachloropyrazine, SPZ) 磺胺间二甲氧嘧啶(Sulfadimethoxine,SDM) 磺胺喹噁啉(Sulfaquinoxaline,SQX)
  • TSKgel SuperSW mAb HR 色谱柱
    单抗类药物在其生产、贮存过程中容易形成二聚体或多聚体、抗体断片。特别是多聚体会增加单抗药物免疫原性的风险,所以在药物研发以及纯化生产中,对多聚体的检测和控制产品中多聚体含量等是非常重要的。东曹公司推出了三款用于分析抗体药物中多聚体、二聚体、单体及抗体断片的硅胶基质SEC色谱柱。TSKgel SuperSW mAb系列产品是专为分离分析单克隆抗体而设计的色谱柱。尽管单克隆抗体也可以通过不同的HPLC模式来进行分析,但尺寸排阻色谱法最适合用来分离mAb多聚体、二聚体以及抗体片段,同时也是研究抗体异质性的最好方法。SuperSW mAb HR该色谱柱使用硅胶基质的4 um粒径填料,具有卓越的分离度,并与TSK经典款色谱柱G3000SWXL具有同样的分离范围(104-5X105Da),非常适合用于单克隆抗体的二聚体、单体及片段的分离分析。
  • TSK GEL STAT系列阴离子交换色谱柱 TSK-GEL Q-STAT,TSK-GEL DNA-STAT,阴离子交换,核酸,蛋白质,抗体
    北京绿百草科技供应TOSOH TSK GEL STAT系列阴离子交换色谱柱。STAT系列离子交换色谱柱以无孔的聚合物为基体,具有高通量、高分离度、可以在线分析等优点。TSK-GEL Q-STAT和TSK-GEL DNA-STAT阴离子交换色谱柱可快速平衡、分析和分离复杂的生物分子。这两种TSK-GEL色谱柱的固定相都是单分散的非多孔树脂填料,非多孔树脂表面由开放型网络的多层次的阴离子交换群体组成。TSK-GEL Q-STAT色谱柱填料粒径为7&mu m和10&mu m。TSK-GEL DNA-STAT色谱柱填料为5&mu m。TSK-GEK DNA-STAT,是大型核酸片段的首选色谱柱,分离单、双、三核苷酸,可得到窄而对称的出色峰形。TSK-GEL Q-STAT适合分离单克隆抗体、抗体。
  • 克隆枪电穿孔系统备件
    克隆枪电穿孔系统备件是无绳可再充电的手持式电穿孔仪器,实现了超过50%的活细胞与各种标准的哺乳动物细胞系的转染效率。克隆枪电穿孔系统MammoZapper完全便携式手持式设计,使得转染变成一个简单的过程。只要插上我们的革命性的一次性Pipectrode® 移液电极尖端到MammoZapper就可实现。克隆枪电穿孔系统MammoZapper采用人体工程学精密拨轮操作泵提取你的细胞/ DNA混合物输入到Pipectrode,拉动触发器使混合物快速运动,将喷射出的转染物变成瓶- 完成全部不到15秒!与其他系统不同,我们Pipectrode使用过时比色皿和移液管,花时间来回转化细胞/ DNA混合物。与传统电穿孔仪,比色皿和脂质体转染试剂相比,克隆枪电穿孔系统MammoZapper及其Pipectrode室的成本更低,每美元的转染效率有很大提高。如果考虑时间和便捷,特别是在高通量实验中,提高的效率是真的很大。最后,对每个科学家来说,电穿孔是一个简单的低成本的过程。不需要为其他厂商提供的过时技术付更多的钱。用户在自己的工作台上就可以使用克隆枪电穿孔系统MammoZapper,或把污染敏感的样品放入无菌罩。 克隆枪电穿孔系统MammoZapper采用独特的非离子型,最低限度导电,近等压电介质和超短脉冲时间,增加了转染效率和打击后物的成活力。我们通过做电穿孔研究推测电参数。克隆枪的电压和时间的参数进行了优化,帮助哺乳动物细胞研究得到良好结果,细胞包括来自人,小鼠,大鼠和猴(见下文)的神经元,星形细胞,神经胶质细胞,淋巴细胞,单核细胞,成纤维细胞,上皮细胞和内皮细胞。只要问我们是否我们已经用你最喜欢的细胞验证过,或是有克隆枪,然后自己选择产品(所有的Tritech研究产品有30天内退款保障)。指轮泵和Pipectrode® 电穿孔室比比色皿和移液管更加方便用户操作,我们保证克隆枪电穿孔系统MammoZapper是最有效和方便的电穿孔仪,带给您使用的乐趣。 克隆枪电穿孔系统MammoZapper主要特点: Pipectrodes成本比比色皿低,转染率TE更高(与电离铝电极相比,减少了薄不锈钢电极的细胞毒性),也更环保。 作为“一次性用品”出售,使用Pipectrodes能够比重复使用试管节省更多时间。 不需要示波器去知道仪器是否在工作 - 简单的红色,黄色和绿色指示灯让用户知道,样品和DNA是否按照正常参数进行工作。 比任何其他电穿孔设备至少快十倍。 人体工程学设计。 小巧便携,无绳/充电。 使用它在自己的板凳上或在无菌罩! 与其它的方法,电穿孔只介绍您感兴趣的分子(没有额外的钙,清洁剂,油脂,射弹,或病毒颗粒)。 极高的转染效率无需复杂昂贵的病毒-介导程序。 更可靠和普遍适用的比CaPO4共沉淀。 并不需要昂贵的基于脂质的产品。 比CaPO4共沉淀更可靠和普遍适用。 不需要昂贵的基于脂质的产品。 高转染率
  • TSKgel SuperSW mAb HR 色谱柱
    单抗类药物在其生产、贮存过程中容易形成二聚体或多聚体、抗体断片。特别是多聚体会增加单抗药物免疫原性的风险,所以在药物研发以及纯化生产中,对多聚体的检测和控制产品中多聚体含量等是非常重要的。东曹公司推出了三款用于分析抗体药物中多聚体、二聚体、单体及抗体断片的硅胶基质SEC色谱柱。 TSKgel SuperSW mAb系列产品是专为分离分析单克隆抗体而设计的色谱柱。尽管单克隆抗体也可以通过不同的HPLC模式来进行分析,但尺寸排阻色谱法最适合用来分离mAb多聚体、二聚体以及抗体片段,同时也是研究抗体异质性的最
  • TSKgel UltraSW Aggregate 色谱柱
    单抗类药物在其生产、贮存过程中容易形成二聚体或多聚体、抗体断片。特别是多聚体会增加单抗药物免疫原性的风险,所以在药物研发以及纯化生产中,对多聚体的检测和控制产品中多聚体含量等是非常重要的。东曹公司推出了三款用于分析抗体药物中多聚体、二聚体、单体及抗体断片的硅胶基质SEC色谱柱。TSKgel SuperSW mAb系列产品是专为分离分析单克隆抗体而设计的色谱柱。尽管单克隆抗体也可以通过不同的HPLC模式来进行分析,但尺寸排阻色谱法最适合用来分离mAb多聚体、二聚体以及抗体片段,同时也是研究抗体异质性的最好方法。UltraSW Aggregate该色谱柱使用硅胶基质的3 um粒径填料,于SuperSW mAb相比,分子量排阻限更高,适合用来分析抗体中三聚体以上的多聚体。
  • TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP 色谱柱
    单抗类药物在其生产、贮存过程中容易形成二聚体或多聚体、抗体断片。特别是多聚体会增加单抗药物免疫原性的风险,所以在药物研发以及纯化生产中,对多聚体的检测和控制产品中多聚体含量等是非常重要的。东曹公司推出了三款用于分析抗体药物中多聚体、二聚体、单体及抗体断片的硅胶基质SEC色谱柱。TSKgel SuperSW mAb系列产品是专为分离分析单克隆抗体而设计的色谱柱。尽管单克隆抗体也可以通过不同的HPLC模式来进行分析,但尺寸排阻色谱法最适合用来分离mAb多聚体、二聚体以及抗体片段,同时也是研究抗体异质性的最好方法。SuperSW mAb HTP该色谱柱适用于高速分离、高分离度的抗体分析。使用与SuperSW mAb HR相同的填料,仅需一半的时间就能达到相同的分离效果。
  • MAbPac SCX-10单克隆抗体分析柱 085209
    MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis ColumnMAbPac SCX-10 Columns for the High-Resolution Separation and Analysis of Monoclonal Antibody VariantsThe Thermo Scientific™ MAbPac™ SCX-10 column line has been expanded to include 3 and 5 μm particle sizes for fast, high-resolution analysis as well as rapid separation (RS) columns for bio-UHPLC separations. These smaller-particle-size columns provide the same high resolution as the 10 μm columns, but with significantly faster analysis time. In addition, salt or pH gradients can be used to provide fast high-resolution, high-throughput analysis of monoclonal antibody (MAb) variant samples.The MAbPac SCX-10 columns are strong cation-exchange columns designed specifically for the high-resolution, high-efficiency analysis of MAbs and associated variants. The unique nonporous pellicular resin provides exceptionally high resolving power, permitting the separation of MAb variants that differ by as little as one charged residue. Hydrophobic interactions with the resin are eliminated for very efficient peaks.Features:? Unequalled high-resolution separations? Exceptionally high efficiency? Highest resolution of MAb variants? Unmatched column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility? Elimination of hydrophobic interactions? Ideal for stability testingThe MAbPac resin technology is the basis for the superior performance of MAb variant analysis. The nonporous core particle provides high rates of mass transfer, which results in high-efficiency separations. A hydrophilic layer surrounds the polymeric beads, eliminating hydrophobic interactions between proteins and the resin while contributing to high-efficiency peaks. A proprietary grafted cation-exchange surface provides pH selectivity control, resulting in high-resolution separations. In addition, the MAbPac SCX-10 line of columns provides consistent column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility for MAb variant separation results and is ideal for MAb therapeutic method development and high-throughput screening. The MAbPac SCX-10 RS columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system. These columns are packed in bioinert, PEEK-lined, stainless steel column hardware suitable for operation up to 10,000 psi. These columns are higher efficiency, and therefore provide higher-resolution separations.MAbPac SCX-10 columns are designed to address the regulatory requirements for biopharmaceutical characterization. The consistent manufacturing processes ensure reproducibility in methods development and data analysis.The MAbPac SCX-10 column is complimentary to the industry-leading Thermo Scientific™ ProPac™ WCX-10 column for MAb variant analysis. The MAbPac SCX-10 column offers alternative selectivity and provides higher resolution and efficiency for variant analysis of most MAb samples than the ProPac WCX-10 column. New MAbPac SCX Column Kits for Validation Now AvailableThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns from one lot of resinThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns, one each from three lots of resinThese MAbPac SCX-10 column kits will facilitate the validation process of MAbPac SCX-10 columns for MAb therapeutics development projects.The MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 9 × 250 mm column is now available for semipreparative applications of MAb variant separations.Fast High-Resolution Analysis of MAb variants achieved in only 15 minutes!MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis Column SpecificationsColumn Dimensions10 μm: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm, 2 × 250 mm5 μm Analytical: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5 μm Analytical RS: 4.6 × 250 mm, 4.6 × 150 mm, 4.6 x 50mm, 2.1 x 250mm, 2.1 x 150mm, 2.1 x 250mm3 μm: 4 × 50 mmBead SizeUniform 10 μm, 5 μm, 3 μm particlesSubstrateHighly crosslinked DVB mediaPellicular LayerProprietary hydrophilicFunctional GroupSulfonicFlow Rate Range:0.2 to 2 mL/min for: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm0.1 to 0.5 ml/min for: 2 × 250 mmPressure Limit3,000 psi for 10 μm columns: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5,000 psi for Analytical 3 μm and 5 μm columns7,000 psi for Analytical RS 5 μm columnsTemperature Range:Ambient to 60 oCpH Range2–12Typical buffers:Sodium or potassium salts of phosphate, MESSolvents:50% acetonitrile if needed for cleaningShort Term Storage Solution (overnight):Your low salt concentration eluent (pH 3–10)Shipping Solution / Long Term Storage Solution:20 mM MES (pH 5.6) + 60 mM NaCl– + 0.1% sodium azideDetergent CompatibilityNonionic, anionic, or zwitterionic detergents. MAbPac SCX-10 RS ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082674MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 150 mm)085209MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082673MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 50mm)082675MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 150mm)088242MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 250mm)082515Analytical ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10, 3μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)077907MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)078656MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150 mm)085198MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)078655MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250mm)074625MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150mm)075602MAbPac SCX-10HT, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50mm)075603MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (2 x 250mm)075604MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, 9 x 250 MM columnSP6866MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP6864MAPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (3 Lots of Resin)SP6865Guard ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)074631MAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)075749
  • MAbPac SCX-10单克隆抗体分析柱075749
    MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis ColumnMAbPac SCX-10 Columns for the High-Resolution Separation and Analysis of Monoclonal Antibody VariantsThe Thermo Scientific™ MAbPac™ SCX-10 column line has been expanded to include 3 and 5 μm particle sizes for fast, high-resolution analysis as well as rapid separation (RS) columns for bio-UHPLC separations. These smaller-particle-size columns provide the same high resolution as the 10 μm columns, but with significantly faster analysis time. In addition, salt or pH gradients can be used to provide fast high-resolution, high-throughput analysis of monoclonal antibody (MAb) variant samples.The MAbPac SCX-10 columns are strong cation-exchange columns designed specifically for the high-resolution, high-efficiency analysis of MAbs and associated variants. The unique nonporous pellicular resin provides exceptionally high resolving power, permitting the separation of MAb variants that differ by as little as one charged residue. Hydrophobic interactions with the resin are eliminated for very efficient peaks.Features:? Unequalled high-resolution separations? Exceptionally high efficiency? Highest resolution of MAb variants? Unmatched column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility? Elimination of hydrophobic interactions? Ideal for stability testingThe MAbPac resin technology is the basis for the superior performance of MAb variant analysis. The nonporous core particle provides high rates of mass transfer, which results in high-efficiency separations. A hydrophilic layer surrounds the polymeric beads, eliminating hydrophobic interactions between proteins and the resin while contributing to high-efficiency peaks. A proprietary grafted cation-exchange surface provides pH selectivity control, resulting in high-resolution separations. In addition, the MAbPac SCX-10 line of columns provides consistent column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility for MAb variant separation results and is ideal for MAb therapeutic method development and high-throughput screening. The MAbPac SCX-10 RS columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system. These columns are packed in bioinert, PEEK-lined, stainless steel column hardware suitable for operation up to 10,000 psi. These columns are higher efficiency, and therefore provide higher-resolution separations.MAbPac SCX-10 columns are designed to address the regulatory requirements for biopharmaceutical characterization. The consistent manufacturing processes ensure reproducibility in methods development and data analysis.The MAbPac SCX-10 column is complimentary to the industry-leading Thermo Scientific™ ProPac™ WCX-10 column for MAb variant analysis. The MAbPac SCX-10 column offers alternative selectivity and provides higher resolution and efficiency for variant analysis of most MAb samples than the ProPac WCX-10 column. New MAbPac SCX Column Kits for Validation Now AvailableThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns from one lot of resinThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns, one each from three lots of resinThese MAbPac SCX-10 column kits will facilitate the validation process of MAbPac SCX-10 columns for MAb therapeutics development projects.The MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 9 × 250 mm column is now available for semipreparative applications of MAb variant separations.Fast High-Resolution Analysis of MAb variants achieved in only 15 minutes!MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis Column SpecificationsColumn Dimensions10 μm: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm, 2 × 250 mm5 μm Analytical: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5 μm Analytical RS: 4.6 × 250 mm, 4.6 × 150 mm, 4.6 x 50mm, 2.1 x 250mm, 2.1 x 150mm, 2.1 x 250mm3 μm: 4 × 50 mmBead SizeUniform 10 μm, 5 μm, 3 μm particlesSubstrateHighly crosslinked DVB mediaPellicular LayerProprietary hydrophilicFunctional GroupSulfonicFlow Rate Range:0.2 to 2 mL/min for: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm0.1 to 0.5 ml/min for: 2 × 250 mmPressure Limit3,000 psi for 10 μm columns: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5,000 psi for Analytical 3 μm and 5 μm columns7,000 psi for Analytical RS 5 μm columnsTemperature Range:Ambient to 60 oCpH Range2–12Typical buffers:Sodium or potassium salts of phosphate, MESSolvents:50% acetonitrile if needed for cleaningShort Term Storage Solution (overnight):Your low salt concentration eluent (pH 3–10)Shipping Solution / Long Term Storage Solution:20 mM MES (pH 5.6) + 60 mM NaCl– + 0.1% sodium azideDetergent CompatibilityNonionic, anionic, or zwitterionic detergents. MAbPac SCX-10 RS ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082674MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 150 mm)085209MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082673MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 50mm)082675MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 150mm)088242MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 250mm)082515Analytical ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10, 3μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)077907MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)078656MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150 mm)085198MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)078655MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250mm)074625MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150mm)075602MAbPac SCX-10HT, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50mm)075603MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (2 x 250mm)075604MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, 9 x 250 MM columnSP6866MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP6864MAPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (3 Lots of Resin)SP6865Guard ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)074631MAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)075749
  • MAbPac SCX-10单克隆抗体分析柱075604
    MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis ColumnMAbPac SCX-10 Columns for the High-Resolution Separation and Analysis of Monoclonal Antibody VariantsThe Thermo Scientific™ MAbPac™ SCX-10 column line has been expanded to include 3 and 5 μm particle sizes for fast, high-resolution analysis as well as rapid separation (RS) columns for bio-UHPLC separations. These smaller-particle-size columns provide the same high resolution as the 10 μm columns, but with significantly faster analysis time. In addition, salt or pH gradients can be used to provide fast high-resolution, high-throughput analysis of monoclonal antibody (MAb) variant samples.The MAbPac SCX-10 columns are strong cation-exchange columns designed specifically for the high-resolution, high-efficiency analysis of MAbs and associated variants. The unique nonporous pellicular resin provides exceptionally high resolving power, permitting the separation of MAb variants that differ by as little as one charged residue. Hydrophobic interactions with the resin are eliminated for very efficient peaks.Features:? Unequalled high-resolution separations? Exceptionally high efficiency? Highest resolution of MAb variants? Unmatched column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility? Elimination of hydrophobic interactions? Ideal for stability testingThe MAbPac resin technology is the basis for the superior performance of MAb variant analysis. The nonporous core particle provides high rates of mass transfer, which results in high-efficiency separations. A hydrophilic layer surrounds the polymeric beads, eliminating hydrophobic interactions between proteins and the resin while contributing to high-efficiency peaks. A proprietary grafted cation-exchange surface provides pH selectivity control, resulting in high-resolution separations. In addition, the MAbPac SCX-10 line of columns provides consistent column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility for MAb variant separation results and is ideal for MAb therapeutic method development and high-throughput screening. The MAbPac SCX-10 RS columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system. These columns are packed in bioinert, PEEK-lined, stainless steel column hardware suitable for operation up to 10,000 psi. These columns are higher efficiency, and therefore provide higher-resolution separations.MAbPac SCX-10 columns are designed to address the regulatory requirements for biopharmaceutical characterization. The consistent manufacturing processes ensure reproducibility in methods development and data analysis.The MAbPac SCX-10 column is complimentary to the industry-leading Thermo Scientific™ ProPac™ WCX-10 column for MAb variant analysis. The MAbPac SCX-10 column offers alternative selectivity and provides higher resolution and efficiency for variant analysis of most MAb samples than the ProPac WCX-10 column. New MAbPac SCX Column Kits for Validation Now AvailableThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns from one lot of resinThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns, one each from three lots of resinThese MAbPac SCX-10 column kits will facilitate the validation process of MAbPac SCX-10 columns for MAb therapeutics development projects.The MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 9 × 250 mm column is now available for semipreparative applications of MAb variant separations.Fast High-Resolution Analysis of MAb variants achieved in only 15 minutes!MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis Column SpecificationsColumn Dimensions10 μm: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm, 2 × 250 mm5 μm Analytical: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5 μm Analytical RS: 4.6 × 250 mm, 4.6 × 150 mm, 4.6 x 50mm, 2.1 x 250mm, 2.1 x 150mm, 2.1 x 250mm3 μm: 4 × 50 mmBead SizeUniform 10 μm, 5 μm, 3 μm particlesSubstrateHighly crosslinked DVB mediaPellicular LayerProprietary hydrophilicFunctional GroupSulfonicFlow Rate Range:0.2 to 2 mL/min for: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm0.1 to 0.5 ml/min for: 2 × 250 mmPressure Limit3,000 psi for 10 μm columns: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5,000 psi for Analytical 3 μm and 5 μm columns7,000 psi for Analytical RS 5 μm columnsTemperature Range:Ambient to 60 oCpH Range2–12Typical buffers:Sodium or potassium salts of phosphate, MESSolvents:50% acetonitrile if needed for cleaningShort Term Storage Solution (overnight):Your low salt concentration eluent (pH 3–10)Shipping Solution / Long Term Storage Solution:20 mM MES (pH 5.6) + 60 mM NaCl– + 0.1% sodium azideDetergent CompatibilityNonionic, anionic, or zwitterionic detergents. MAbPac SCX-10 RS ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082674MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 150 mm)085209MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082673MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 50mm)082675MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 150mm)088242MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 250mm)082515Analytical ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10, 3μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)077907MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)078656MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150 mm)085198MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)078655MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250mm)074625MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150mm)075602MAbPac SCX-10HT, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50mm)075603MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (2 x 250mm)075604MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, 9 x 250 MM columnSP6866MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP6864MAPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (3 Lots of Resin)SP6865Guard ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)074631MAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)075749
  • MAbPac SCX-10单克隆抗体分析柱SP6866
    MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis ColumnMAbPac SCX-10 Columns for the High-Resolution Separation and Analysis of Monoclonal Antibody VariantsThe Thermo Scientific™ MAbPac™ SCX-10 column line has been expanded to include 3 and 5 μm particle sizes for fast, high-resolution analysis as well as rapid separation (RS) columns for bio-UHPLC separations. These smaller-particle-size columns provide the same high resolution as the 10 μm columns, but with significantly faster analysis time. In addition, salt or pH gradients can be used to provide fast high-resolution, high-throughput analysis of monoclonal antibody (MAb) variant samples.The MAbPac SCX-10 columns are strong cation-exchange columns designed specifically for the high-resolution, high-efficiency analysis of MAbs and associated variants. The unique nonporous pellicular resin provides exceptionally high resolving power, permitting the separation of MAb variants that differ by as little as one charged residue. Hydrophobic interactions with the resin are eliminated for very efficient peaks.Features:? Unequalled high-resolution separations? Exceptionally high efficiency? Highest resolution of MAb variants? Unmatched column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility? Elimination of hydrophobic interactions? Ideal for stability testingThe MAbPac resin technology is the basis for the superior performance of MAb variant analysis. The nonporous core particle provides high rates of mass transfer, which results in high-efficiency separations. A hydrophilic layer surrounds the polymeric beads, eliminating hydrophobic interactions between proteins and the resin while contributing to high-efficiency peaks. A proprietary grafted cation-exchange surface provides pH selectivity control, resulting in high-resolution separations. In addition, the MAbPac SCX-10 line of columns provides consistent column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility for MAb variant separation results and is ideal for MAb therapeutic method development and high-throughput screening. The MAbPac SCX-10 RS columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system. These columns are packed in bioinert, PEEK-lined, stainless steel column hardware suitable for operation up to 10,000 psi. These columns are higher efficiency, and therefore provide higher-resolution separations.MAbPac SCX-10 columns are designed to address the regulatory requirements for biopharmaceutical characterization. The consistent manufacturing processes ensure reproducibility in methods development and data analysis.The MAbPac SCX-10 column is complimentary to the industry-leading Thermo Scientific™ ProPac™ WCX-10 column for MAb variant analysis. The MAbPac SCX-10 column offers alternative selectivity and provides higher resolution and efficiency for variant analysis of most MAb samples than the ProPac WCX-10 column. New MAbPac SCX Column Kits for Validation Now AvailableThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns from one lot of resinThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns, one each from three lots of resinThese MAbPac SCX-10 column kits will facilitate the validation process of MAbPac SCX-10 columns for MAb therapeutics development projects.The MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 9 × 250 mm column is now available for semipreparative applications of MAb variant separations.Fast High-Resolution Analysis of MAb variants achieved in only 15 minutes!MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis Column SpecificationsColumn Dimensions10 μm: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm, 2 × 250 mm5 μm Analytical: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5 μm Analytical RS: 4.6 × 250 mm, 4.6 × 150 mm, 4.6 x 50mm, 2.1 x 250mm, 2.1 x 150mm, 2.1 x 250mm3 μm: 4 × 50 mmBead SizeUniform 10 μm, 5 μm, 3 μm particlesSubstrateHighly crosslinked DVB mediaPellicular LayerProprietary hydrophilicFunctional GroupSulfonicFlow Rate Range:0.2 to 2 mL/min for: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm0.1 to 0.5 ml/min for: 2 × 250 mmPressure Limit3,000 psi for 10 μm columns: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5,000 psi for Analytical 3 μm and 5 μm columns7,000 psi for Analytical RS 5 μm columnsTemperature Range:Ambient to 60 oCpH Range2–12Typical buffers:Sodium or potassium salts of phosphate, MESSolvents:50% acetonitrile if needed for cleaningShort Term Storage Solution (overnight):Your low salt concentration eluent (pH 3–10)Shipping Solution / Long Term Storage Solution:20 mM MES (pH 5.6) + 60 mM NaCl– + 0.1% sodium azideDetergent CompatibilityNonionic, anionic, or zwitterionic detergents. MAbPac SCX-10 RS ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082674MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 150 mm)085209MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082673MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 50mm)082675MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 150mm)088242MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 250mm)082515Analytical ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10, 3μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)077907MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)078656MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150 mm)085198MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)078655MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250mm)074625MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150mm)075602MAbPac SCX-10HT, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50mm)075603MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (2 x 250mm)075604MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, 9 x 250 MM columnSP6866MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP6864MAPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (3 Lots of Resin)SP6865Guard ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)074631MAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)075749
  • MAbPac SCX-10单克隆抗体分析柱085198
    MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis ColumnMAbPac SCX-10 Columns for the High-Resolution Separation and Analysis of Monoclonal Antibody VariantsThe Thermo Scientific™ MAbPac™ SCX-10 column line has been expanded to include 3 and 5 μm particle sizes for fast, high-resolution analysis as well as rapid separation (RS) columns for bio-UHPLC separations. These smaller-particle-size columns provide the same high resolution as the 10 μm columns, but with significantly faster analysis time. In addition, salt or pH gradients can be used to provide fast high-resolution, high-throughput analysis of monoclonal antibody (MAb) variant samples.The MAbPac SCX-10 columns are strong cation-exchange columns designed specifically for the high-resolution, high-efficiency analysis of MAbs and associated variants. The unique nonporous pellicular resin provides exceptionally high resolving power, permitting the separation of MAb variants that differ by as little as one charged residue. Hydrophobic interactions with the resin are eliminated for very efficient peaks.Features:? Unequalled high-resolution separations? Exceptionally high efficiency? Highest resolution of MAb variants? Unmatched column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility? Elimination of hydrophobic interactions? Ideal for stability testingThe MAbPac resin technology is the basis for the superior performance of MAb variant analysis. The nonporous core particle provides high rates of mass transfer, which results in high-efficiency separations. A hydrophilic layer surrounds the polymeric beads, eliminating hydrophobic interactions between proteins and the resin while contributing to high-efficiency peaks. A proprietary grafted cation-exchange surface provides pH selectivity control, resulting in high-resolution separations. In addition, the MAbPac SCX-10 line of columns provides consistent column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility for MAb variant separation results and is ideal for MAb therapeutic method development and high-throughput screening. The MAbPac SCX-10 RS columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system. These columns are packed in bioinert, PEEK-lined, stainless steel column hardware suitable for operation up to 10,000 psi. These columns are higher efficiency, and therefore provide higher-resolution separations.MAbPac SCX-10 columns are designed to address the regulatory requirements for biopharmaceutical characterization. The consistent manufacturing processes ensure reproducibility in methods development and data analysis.The MAbPac SCX-10 column is complimentary to the industry-leading Thermo Scientific™ ProPac™ WCX-10 column for MAb variant analysis. The MAbPac SCX-10 column offers alternative selectivity and provides higher resolution and efficiency for variant analysis of most MAb samples than the ProPac WCX-10 column. New MAbPac SCX Column Kits for Validation Now AvailableThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns from one lot of resinThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns, one each from three lots of resinThese MAbPac SCX-10 column kits will facilitate the validation process of MAbPac SCX-10 columns for MAb therapeutics development projects.The MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 9 × 250 mm column is now available for semipreparative applications of MAb variant separations.Fast High-Resolution Analysis of MAb variants achieved in only 15 minutes!MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis Column SpecificationsColumn Dimensions10 μm: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm, 2 × 250 mm5 μm Analytical: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5 μm Analytical RS: 4.6 × 250 mm, 4.6 × 150 mm, 4.6 x 50mm, 2.1 x 250mm, 2.1 x 150mm, 2.1 x 250mm3 μm: 4 × 50 mmBead SizeUniform 10 μm, 5 μm, 3 μm particlesSubstrateHighly crosslinked DVB mediaPellicular LayerProprietary hydrophilicFunctional GroupSulfonicFlow Rate Range:0.2 to 2 mL/min for: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm0.1 to 0.5 ml/min for: 2 × 250 mmPressure Limit3,000 psi for 10 μm columns: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5,000 psi for Analytical 3 μm and 5 μm columns7,000 psi for Analytical RS 5 μm columnsTemperature Range:Ambient to 60 oCpH Range2–12Typical buffers:Sodium or potassium salts of phosphate, MESSolvents:50% acetonitrile if needed for cleaningShort Term Storage Solution (overnight):Your low salt concentration eluent (pH 3–10)Shipping Solution / Long Term Storage Solution:20 mM MES (pH 5.6) + 60 mM NaCl– + 0.1% sodium azideDetergent CompatibilityNonionic, anionic, or zwitterionic detergents. MAbPac SCX-10 RS ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082674MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 150 mm)085209MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082673MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 50mm)082675MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 150mm)088242MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 250mm)082515Analytical ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10, 3μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)077907MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)078656MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150 mm)085198MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)078655MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250mm)074625MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150mm)075602MAbPac SCX-10HT, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50mm)075603MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (2 x 250mm)075604MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, 9 x 250 MM columnSP6866MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP6864MAPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (3 Lots of Resin)SP6865Guard ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)074631MAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)075749
  • MAbPac SCX-10单克隆抗体分析柱088242
    MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis ColumnMAbPac SCX-10 Columns for the High-Resolution Separation and Analysis of Monoclonal Antibody VariantsThe Thermo Scientific™ MAbPac™ SCX-10 column line has been expanded to include 3 and 5 μm particle sizes for fast, high-resolution analysis as well as rapid separation (RS) columns for bio-UHPLC separations. These smaller-particle-size columns provide the same high resolution as the 10 μm columns, but with significantly faster analysis time. In addition, salt or pH gradients can be used to provide fast high-resolution, high-throughput analysis of monoclonal antibody (MAb) variant samples.The MAbPac SCX-10 columns are strong cation-exchange columns designed specifically for the high-resolution, high-efficiency analysis of MAbs and associated variants. The unique nonporous pellicular resin provides exceptionally high resolving power, permitting the separation of MAb variants that differ by as little as one charged residue. Hydrophobic interactions with the resin are eliminated for very efficient peaks.Features:? Unequalled high-resolution separations? Exceptionally high efficiency? Highest resolution of MAb variants? Unmatched column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility? Elimination of hydrophobic interactions? Ideal for stability testingThe MAbPac resin technology is the basis for the superior performance of MAb variant analysis. The nonporous core particle provides high rates of mass transfer, which results in high-efficiency separations. A hydrophilic layer surrounds the polymeric beads, eliminating hydrophobic interactions between proteins and the resin while contributing to high-efficiency peaks. A proprietary grafted cation-exchange surface provides pH selectivity control, resulting in high-resolution separations. In addition, the MAbPac SCX-10 line of columns provides consistent column-to-column and lot-to-lot reproducibility for MAb variant separation results and is ideal for MAb therapeutic method development and high-throughput screening. The MAbPac SCX-10 RS columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system. These columns are packed in bioinert, PEEK-lined, stainless steel column hardware suitable for operation up to 10,000 psi. These columns are higher efficiency, and therefore provide higher-resolution separations.MAbPac SCX-10 columns are designed to address the regulatory requirements for biopharmaceutical characterization. The consistent manufacturing processes ensure reproducibility in methods development and data analysis.The MAbPac SCX-10 column is complimentary to the industry-leading Thermo Scientific™ ProPac™ WCX-10 column for MAb variant analysis. The MAbPac SCX-10 column offers alternative selectivity and provides higher resolution and efficiency for variant analysis of most MAb samples than the ProPac WCX-10 column. New MAbPac SCX Column Kits for Validation Now AvailableThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns from one lot of resinThree MAbPac SCX-10, 4 × 250 mm columns, one each from three lots of resinThese MAbPac SCX-10 column kits will facilitate the validation process of MAbPac SCX-10 columns for MAb therapeutics development projects.The MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 9 × 250 mm column is now available for semipreparative applications of MAb variant separations.Fast High-Resolution Analysis of MAb variants achieved in only 15 minutes!MAbPac SCX-10 Monoclonal Antibody Analysis Column SpecificationsColumn Dimensions10 μm: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm, 2 × 250 mm5 μm Analytical: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5 μm Analytical RS: 4.6 × 250 mm, 4.6 × 150 mm, 4.6 x 50mm, 2.1 x 250mm, 2.1 x 150mm, 2.1 x 250mm3 μm: 4 × 50 mmBead SizeUniform 10 μm, 5 μm, 3 μm particlesSubstrateHighly crosslinked DVB mediaPellicular LayerProprietary hydrophilicFunctional GroupSulfonicFlow Rate Range:0.2 to 2 mL/min for: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm0.1 to 0.5 ml/min for: 2 × 250 mmPressure Limit3,000 psi for 10 μm columns: 4 × 250 mm, 4 × 150 mm, 4 × 50 mm5,000 psi for Analytical 3 μm and 5 μm columns7,000 psi for Analytical RS 5 μm columnsTemperature Range:Ambient to 60 oCpH Range2–12Typical buffers:Sodium or potassium salts of phosphate, MESSolvents:50% acetonitrile if needed for cleaningShort Term Storage Solution (overnight):Your low salt concentration eluent (pH 3–10)Shipping Solution / Long Term Storage Solution:20 mM MES (pH 5.6) + 60 mM NaCl– + 0.1% sodium azideDetergent CompatibilityNonionic, anionic, or zwitterionic detergents. MAbPac SCX-10 RS ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082674MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 150 mm)085209MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082673MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 50mm)082675MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 150mm)088242MAbPac SCX-10 RS, 5μm, Analytical Column (2.1 x 250mm)082515Analytical ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10, 3μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)077907MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50 mm)078656MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150 mm)085198MAbPac SCX-10, 5μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)078655MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250mm)074625MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 150mm)075602MAbPac SCX-10HT, 10μm, Analytical Column (4 x 50mm)075603MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Analytical Column (2 x 250mm)075604MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, 9 x 250 MM columnSP6866MAbPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (1 Lot of Resin)SP6864MAPac SCX-10, 10μm, Lot Select 3 Column Set (4 x 250 mm) (3 Lots of Resin)SP6865Guard ColumnsMAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)074631MAbPac SCX-10G, 10μm, Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)075749
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