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检测样品 润滑油

检测项目 水分含量

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应用日本京都电子公司(KEM) MKC-520库仑法卡尔费休水分仪测定绝缘油(变压器油)中水分含量 的应用资料实例。


Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Data No.LN47-07348 No.EKCA-07379 KEM Application Note No.EKCA-07379 Coulometric Karl-Fischer Titration Moisture of electric insulating oil Summary- Checked the possibility of measuring moisture of electric insulating oil with MKC-520, andgood repeatability was obtained. -Measuring instrument- Main unit:MKC-520 Coulometric KF moisture titrator Electrode: M-713 Twin platinum electrode #433-0006 Inner burette -Reagent- Anolyte: Coulomat AG Catholyte: Coulomat CG -Measurement method- Preparation: (1) Fill the titration cell with the anolyte and the inner burette with the catholyte.(2) Pretitrate for dehydration. Measurement: (1) Place 10g sample in the titration cell and start the measurement. -Equation- Moisture (ppm): ((Data-Driftxt-Blank)/(Wt1-Wt2))xF Data : Measured water content (ug) Drift : Drift before measurement (ug/s) t : Measuring time(s)Blank : Blank value (ug) Wt1 : Tare including sample weight (g) Wt2: Tare including residual weight (g) F:Factor(1.00) Standard method- Karl Fischer method -Ambient conditions- Temperature: 23 °℃ R. Humidity: 67% Weather: Rain -Measurement parameter- -Printout data- 「Titration] Method 1 t(stir) 60s t(wait) 15 s t(max) 0s Drift Stop : Rel 0.1 ug/s Cont. Gain 5.0 Stable 0.1 ug/min Start :Manual Oven :Off [Calculation门 Clac. No. 2 Unit :ppm Weight :\Variable Drift Comp. : Auto 「Data Listl Samp. Interval 30 s Display :Off Print Meas. Data :Off Print Graphic :Off Method 1 Calc. No. 2 ***Result*** Sample No. 04-01 Date 2007/10/1415:16 Wt1 Wt2 Titr. Cell No. 110.3400g Net 10.3482 Drift ug/s Result 0.05117.3ug11.335ppm Titr. Time : 00:00: 59 ***Result*** Sample No. 04-02 Date 2007/10/1415:24 Wt1 Titr. Cell No. 112.1365g Wt2 0g Net 12.1365g Drift 0.07uig/sResult 154.7ug 12.747 ppm Titr. Time : 00:00:34 ***Result*** Sample No. 04-03 Date 2007/10/1415:32 Wt1 Titr. Cell No. 110.9261 g Wt2 g Net Drift 010.92610.07ug/s Result 142.6ug 13.051ppm Titr. Time : 00:00: 49 -Measurement results- Run Sample size(g) Moisture(ug) Concentration(ppm) Statistics 123 10.348212.1365 10.9261 117.3154.7 142.6 11.335 12.747 13.051 MeanSD RSD 12.378 ppm0.9157 ppm7.3978% -Comments- Set t(stir) (the time for extracting solvent) before measurement when the sample is hard todissolve in the dehydrating solvent. Http://www. shxf17. com 上海旭风科学仪器有限公司 上海市闸北区荣路 el: Fax: 周峰 zhou-fengcom

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