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监控pH值和氧化还原电位(ORP)在许多行业的工艺过程中都非常重要,它能有效节约成本并优化产率。 各行业工艺要求各有不同,对pH和氧化还原(ORP)电极的要求也各有不同。在制药和食品行业,在线测量系统必须满足卫生设计要求,必须能够耐受多次灭菌循环,而且必须提供可追溯信息以通过验证。而化工行业使用的电极必须能在高温下耐受酸性溶液和碱性溶液,并且这种电极系统必须能适用于危险区域。需要特别注意的是,纯水领域的pH测量,高纯度水的pH测量通常为了保证稳定测量,一般需要使用流通池和恒定的流出参比电解液。 梅特勒托利多的在线pH测量系统能满足所有具体需求,精度高且耐用,并符合各种相关规定(ATEX, FM, EHEDG)。


Visit for more information iSense ISM Asset Suite for the ProcessAnalytics represents a big step into amore controllable future of your sensorslife - starting at the first implementationinto your process and ending with the de-cision to eliminate the sensor. ISM -technology Raising demand ondata management With the volume of calibrations performed each year, cali-bration information has to be collected, managed and ana-lyzed efficiently and consistently to satisfy regulatory require-ments and in order to utilize company’s time and resourcesto their optimum. iSense-maximize the benefitsof ISM Intuitive calibration support iSense allows verification and calibration of digital ISM pHelectrodes and digital DO sensors by its capability to measuredissolved oxygen in laboratory conditions. Enhance your productivity with the advanced iSense appli-cation for your sensor calibration management. An analysishas shown that you can reduce drastically duration and fre-quency of calibration resulting in a saving of about 25% witha ROI as low as 3 months! Easy connection to your PC Manage your ISM sensor overthe entire life cycle Simply connect your ISM sensor via a USB port to your com-puter and follow the instructions of your iSense software. Notransmitter is required as interface. A centric view of the sensor data given by SQL database al-lows the detection of all pieces of equipment ever been usedin operation and delivers various data export possibilities.This guarantees protection of your sensor assets. Comply your documentationrequirements www.mt.com/ISM The documentation of the entire sensor history is a resultof the iSense Asset Suite. This is ideal for organizations look-ing for a complete and reliable stand-alone calibration solu-tion, making it easy to comply with the demanding documen-tation requirements. iSenseISM Asset Suite Mettler-Toledo AG www.mt.com/pro Process Analyticslm Hackacker 15CH-8902 UrdorfSwitzerland-12/07

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梅特勒托利多为您提供《PA_在制药行业中管理你的ISM电极》,该方案主要用于其他中理化性质检测,参考标准《暂无》,《PA_在制药行业中管理你的ISM电极》用到的仪器有梅特勒托利多 InPro/InLab 电极-ph/ORP/电导测量、梅特勒托利多 在线电导/电阻率/盐浓度、梅特勒托利多 在线pH·ORP 酸度计、梅特勒托利多 在线pH·ORP 酸度计、梅特勒托利多 6000TOCi 在线TOC 总有机碳分析仪、梅特勒托利多 在线溶氧/溶解氧测量系统、梅特勒托利多 在线浊度检测系统、梅特勒托利多 pH计、酸度计 SevenExcellence 系列。


