纳锘仪器nano instrumentShanghai Nano Instrument Co.,Ltd.电电:021-60900829 6090083061131051 电话:0571-81954578传真:0571-81954579江苏办事处:苏州市金门路158号协和大厦2107室邮箱:info@nano-instru.com电话:0512-87772272 传真:0512-87772270邮编:: 201108网址: http://nanoinstru.instrument.com.cn http://www.nano-instru.com 应用实例:饮用水的检测8 Microbially contaminated sand filter Although the positive impact of sand filters on NOM is their microbial activity, care must betaken to prevent break through of microbially produced biopolymers. If this happens, morebiogenic organic matter is found in the effluent than in the influent. Retention Time in Minutes 请点击了解 LC-OCD 产品信息欲了解更详细信息欢迎来电咨询! ( 上海总部 ) ( 地址:上海市 闵 行 区 莲花南路1388弄 8 号1503-1504室 浙江办 事处: 杭州 市 莫干山路 4 25号瑞 祺 大厦8 14室 ) 传真:021-61131052
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