
检测样品 饮用水

检测项目 有机污染物

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


摘要: 利用LC-OCD-OND-UVD分别分析检测了中国不同地方水龙头中的水质的天然有机物含量,结果表明不同地区水质情况差别很大...... 纳锘仪器--为您提供纳米级专业细致服务! 如欲了解更多该产品信息,可来电咨询 。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------  上海纳锘仪器有限公司  地址:上海市莲花南路1388弄8号楼碧恒广场1503室[201108]  电话:021-60900829,60900830,61131031,61131051  传真:021-61131052  E-Mail:info@nano-instru.com


上海总部电话:0571-81954578 传真:0571-81954579江苏办事处:苏州市金门路158号协和大厦2107室电话:0512-87772272 传真:0512-87772270上海纳诺仪器有限公司Shanghai Nano Instrument Co.,Ltd.邮编:201108网址: http://nanoinstru.instrument.com.cn http://www.nano-instru.com 应用实例:饮用水的检测2 Variabilityn of NOM in tap waters We did a survey on a few Chinese tap waters which showed high variability: Retention Time in Minutes ·Site A: DOC about 4 ppm. A surface water (biopolymers!) subjected to flocculation (deduciblefrom ratio humics/building blocks). ·Site B: A very unusual water, because biopolymers are extremely high (650 ppb). Such valuesare normally only found for waste waters or shallow lakes with reed. ·Site C: Also remarkable: Low in DOC (<1 ppm) but-on a relative scale-high biopolymers. ·Site D: DOC <100 ppb! Such waters are usually very old and come from deep wells. Such watersmay also be found in shallow depth in areas of recent volcanic activities. Volcanic matteris a strong absorbent for DOC. ·Site E: Similar to Site D. 应用实例:饮用水的检测3 Further examples of Chinese Tapwaters, here with OND included ·Site F: Extremely high in DOC (6 ppm). High in Biopolymers and LMW Neutrals. Biopolymerscontain about 50 % proteinic matter (high OND/DOC ratio). A Surface water subjected toflocculation and chlorination. High in Nitrate (> 30 ppm) and even ammonium. ·Site G: Low in DOC (about 1 ppm), but very high in nitrate (> 20 ppm). This is remarkable asnitrate from agricultural activity usually correlates with high DOC. Retention Time in Minutes ( 地 址:上海市 闵 行区莲花南路1388弄8号1503-1504室 电话:0 2 1-609008296 0 900830 611 3 1051邮 箱 : i n fo@nano-ins t r u. com 传真 : 0 2 1-61131052 ) 浙江办事处:杭州市莫干山路425号瑞祺大厦814室

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上海纳锘实业有限公司为您提供《饮用水中有机污染物检测方案 》,该方案主要用于饮用水中有机污染物 检测,参考标准《暂无》,《饮用水中有机污染物检测方案 》用到的仪器有德国DOC-Labor 全新 第9代LC-OCD-OND分析系统。


