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Ellipsometry is a very versatile optical technique that has applications in many different fields, from the micro electronics and semiconductor industries (for characterizing oxides or photoresists on silicon wafers, for ex ample) to biology. This very sensitive measurement technique provides unequalled capabilities for thin film metrology, and has the advantage that it is non-destructive as it uses polarized light to probe the dielectr properties of a sample.


Application ReportSE02 Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Speciroscopic Ellipsometry Optical Characterization of Organic Semiconductorsby Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Solution Spectroscopic Ellipsometers are optical thin film measure-ment tools for determining film thickness and optical con-stants (n,k) of thin film structures. They are widely used in the microelectronics, display,photonics, photovoltaics, lighting, optical and functionalcoatings, biotechnology industries. Advantages of Ellipsometry -Non destructive technique -No sample preparation - Rapid measurement and simple to operate - No reference measurement needed -Very sensitive for ultra-thin film measurement down to 1A - Single and multi layer thin film measurement -Information rich for layer stack description (interface,roughness, film gradient, film anisotropy etc...) . Direct and accurate determination of optical constants(n,k) When compared with other optical metrology instrumentsthe unique strengths of spectroscopic ellipsometers arebased on their highly precise and simple experimentalmeasurements plus physical and material information de-rived from optical constants characterization. Measured data: Y and A Interfacial Behaviour · Interface thickness ·Composition of mixed materials forming interface · Single and multi layers ·Optical constants (n,k) and a·Optical bandgap Eg · Transmittance, Reflectance Material Properties ·Gradient, anisotropy, composition,crystallinity, microstructure infor-mation provided by the opticalconstants characterization Film porosity Thin Films & Materials Range -Substrate materials: Silicon, GaAs, glass, sapphire,plastic, metals... - Film materials · Dielectrics: Al2O3, SiO2,TiO2.... Semiconductors: Silicon, SiGe, compound alloys Thin metal films: Ag,Al, Cr, Cu ·Transparent conductors: ITO, ZnO, SnO2 · Polymers, organic materials At the Heart of Optical ConstantsCapabilities Spectroscopic Ellipsometers are the tool of choice formeasuring optical constants (n,k) (also called complex di-electric constants) of materials. The precision of optical constants are in the range of 10. Through measurement of optical constants, SE can pro-vide detailed knowledge of : ·Electronic properties of material such as band gap Eg Three methods are implemented in the software to calcu-late the optical bandgap value, including:1: - Tauc model based on the relation: ahv=A(hv-E)"where hv is the photon energy, a the absorption coeffi-cient, Eg the band gap and A is a constant.The extrapolation of straight line to(ahv)"=0 axis givesthe value of the band gap. For a direct transition, n=0.5,and an indirect one n=2. -E04 value defined as the energy for which α=104 cm. -A directly calculated Eg parameter from a dispersionformula (Tauc Lorentz, Adachi-New Forouhi, Afromovitz,New amorphous, Tanguy) Absorption coefficient a The absorption coef- ficient (a) is simply given by the relation: It provides an insight into material properties such as: -Composition,-Degree of ordering or crystallinity,-Hydrogen content,-Conductivity,- Porosity,-Aging,And any other variables that affect the optical constants ofmaterials. ·Optical gradient and anisotropy of materials A graded film exhibits a change to its optical constantsthrough the layer. It specifies one value of (n,k) at the bot-tom and another one for the layer top. A uniaxial anisotropic film exhibits two different sets ofoptical constants, commonly called ne (for extraordinaryray) and n。 (for ordinary ray). For biaxially anisotropic films 3 different sets of opticalconstants are measured, nynynz and kkukz. Large Range of SpectroscopicEllipsometers HORIBA Jobin Yvon spectroscopic ellipsometersareavailable for research and manufacturing metrology cov-ering spectral ranges from vacuum UV to near-IR. Modelsinclude: Fully automatic for fabs with FF-1000* and UT-300* *FF-1000 and UT-300 integrates UVISEL or Auto SE ellipsometers · In situ for thin film process monitoring and In line for rollto roll processing with adapted configurations of UVISELor Ruto SE Main Features UVISEL Ruto SE Technology Phase modulation Liquid crystalmodulation Spectral range 142-2100 nm* 440-850 nm Detection system Monochromator with PMT + InGaAs detectorsMultiwavelengths with PMT detectors CCD Microspot opticsAt 70° Down to 60x180pm Down to 25x60pm Vision External CCD camera Integrated *5 models with different spectral ranges are available The Ruto SE ellipsometer integrates the uniqueMyAutoView vision system. It allows the user to view themeasurement spot on the sample and to choose the opti-mum position and spot size accordingly. Sample Type Advantages ofMyAutoView Examples Patternedsample Direct visualization of the measurement spot on the pattem area Sample withinhomogeneoussurface (stripe,strain) Optimization of the position of the measurement spot Transparentsubstrate: glass& plastic Visualization andselection of front reflection Innovative Technologies for HighPerformance Ellipsometers HORIBA Jobin Yvon spectroscopic ellipsometers integrateinnovative modulation technologies, including phasemodulation and liquid crystal modulation. Both designs have no moving parts and in combinationwith advanced optical design and detection systems,HORIBA Jobin Yvon ellipsometers provide highly accurateand sensitive measurements for any types of samples un-der any conditions. Versatile Optical Measurement Capabilities HORIBA Jobin Yvon ellipsometers provide a large rangeof optical measurement capabilities. Optical measurement For what ? Ellipsometric data Film thickness, optical constants, andmany other parameters for layerstacks Kinetic ellipsometricdata To control the growth process of thinfilms-in terms of film thickness, optical constants, composition,... Mueller matrix(polarimetric data) Complete description of anisotropicfilms or substrates Polarized/unpolarizedreflectance/transmittance Additional optical information measured by ellipsometer, that can also be used in addition toellipsometric data for better accuracy Scatterometry Optical dimension of structure(patterned periodic sample) Ellipsometry Power for OrganicSemiconductor Applications HORIBA Jobin Yvon Expertise Materials (n,k) @ 633 nm* P3HT n=2.374-k=0.171 PEDOT:PSS n。=1.492-k。=0.029ne=1.484-k。=0 PPV n。=1.81-ko=0.011 n=1.55-k=0 Alq3 1.715 关闭

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HORIBA(中国)为您提供《椭圆偏振光谱仪的标准应用》,该方案主要用于其他中null检测,参考标准《暂无》,《椭圆偏振光谱仪的标准应用》用到的仪器有HORIBA UVISEL Plus研究级经典型椭偏仪 、HORIBA Auto SE一键式全自动快速椭偏仪 、HORIBA Smart SE智能型多功能椭偏仪、在线椭偏仪 In-situ series。


