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检测样品 肉制品

检测项目 营养成分

关联设备 共5种 下载方案


北京天翔飞域仪器设备有限公司 近红外技术部 Tel: 010 60273439, Fax: 010 52262665 sale9@tenovolab.cn


...bringing you the next generation ofanalysers Press Release: MultiScan Series 3000 Food Analyser Receives AUS-MEAT Approval forChemical Lean Testing in Meat March 1st, 2012 Next Instruments has recently been advised by Aus-Meat that the MultiScan Series 3000Food Analyser has been added to the Chemical Lean (CL) Approved methods list 2011 as ofMarch 2nd,2012. The Series 3000 Food Analyser is a Near Infrared Transmission analyser developed inAustralia for measuring protein, fat and moisture in meat, meat products, dairy products,baked goods and a wide range of other foods. Next Instruments has undergone an extensivetrial with AUS-MEAT and Westons Technologies, Enfield, NSW, to evaluate the Series 3000against reference tests for fat, moisture and Chemical Lean in ground beef between theranges 50 to 95CL. Chemical Lean is defined as:CL=100% meat minus the Fat%. Chemical Lean can also becalculated from the Moisture% using formulae for different meat types or a look up tableprovided by AUS-MEAT. The list of approved methods includes microwave moistureanalysers, oven drying methods and near infrared analyser methods. Meat processors and meat exporters are required to report the Chemical Lean for all meatproducts. Whereas food manufacturers procure meat based on the Chemical Lean. The Series 3000 Food Analyser uses a diode array spectrometer to collect the Near InfraredTransmission spectrum of ground meat placed into a 10mm deep sample dish. The sampledish is rotated in the light beam to collect 10 separate scans which are then averaged. Theinstrument takes approximately 45 seconds to perform a test and reports up to sixcomponents simultaneously, i.e., Chemical Lean, Fat, Moisture and Protein. For more information on the MultiScan Series 3000 Food Analyser, please contact北京天翔飞域仪器设备有限公司 Tel: 010 60273439, Fax: 010 52262665 Email: victorsim@vip.163.com

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北京天翔飞域科技有限公司为您提供《肉质瘦肉率解决方案》,该方案主要用于肉制品中营养成分检测,参考标准《暂无》,《肉质瘦肉率解决方案》用到的仪器有脂肪测定仪 -SOXTEST- (索氏抽提法)、Series S3000 近红外食品分析仪、德国OMNILAB半自动凯氏定氮仪、C-LM3型号肌肉嫩度仪、肉质切面积扫描仪SCAN-STAR。


