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自动电位滴定仪在药品分析中具有非常广泛的应用,如用高氯酸滴定测量碱值、EDTA的络合滴定、硝酸银的沉淀滴定、亚硝酸钠的氧化还原滴定等等。药品滴定分析方法集中包含35种滴定方法,方法参考了欧洲药典European Pharmacopoeia, 4th Edition plus Supplement 2002 及美国药典• U.S. Pharmacopeia USP 26 NF-21, 2003。 方法集包含733中物质的分析方法及过程,每个方法中含有以下信息:样品重量、滴定剂和溶剂、电极,滴定方法及计算公式。 药品滴定分析方法集是从事药物分析工作者的非常实用的工具。


The know-how packagefor titrimetric/potentiometric analysesof pharmaceutical ingredientswith Metrohm Titrinos or Titrandos. Pharm PAC is indispensable for the analysis of active ingredients Pharm PAC (Pharmaceutical Potentiometric AnalysisCollection) presents all titrimetric methods that are de-scribed in the most important pharmacopeias. It takesinto account the latest editions of: · European Pharmacopoeia, 4hEdition plus Supple-ment 2002 ·UU.S. Pharmacopeia USP 26 NF-21, 2003 Pharm PAC contains analytical procedures for 733individual substances. The procedures give detailedinformation about: sample weight, titrant and solventto be used, electrode, titration and finally calculation ofthe results. By taking over these methods directly as SOPs (Stan-dard Operating Procedures) in you laboratory you willsave both time and money. The procedure couldn’t be simpler: · For the instruments: 798 MPT Titrino, 799 GPT Titri-no, 785 DMP Titrino und 751 GPD Titrino (instrumentsoftware version 5.751.0020 or higher): Using the method memory card you load the Pharm PAC methods, i.e. the complete parameter sets, into The Pharm PAC know-how package comprises the application binderwith detailed method descriptions, the method memory card, the Me-trodoc CD-ROM with the Pharm PAC titration methods as well as theMetrodata CD-ROM. your Titrino, equip it with the corresponding Ex-change Unit and connect the required electrode.You then load the desired titration method into theworking memory, prepare your sample and startthe titration with the push of a key. After the sampleweight has been entered and the titration is conclu-ded, the Titrino issues the titration curve and a com-plete result report on the connected printer. For the instruments: 794 Basic Titrino, 716 DMS Tit-rino, 736 GP Titrino und 751 GPD Titrino (with instru-ment software version <5.751.0020): Using the demo version of Metrodata VESUV 3.0,which forms part of the delivery package, you loadthe methods into the Titrino with a PC. Then proceedas described above. 808 and 809 Titrando: You can easily take over the Titrino parameters intoyour Titrando by means of the converter programcontained in the PC Control software. 160020530g simplsc Titration curve for the determination of ephedrine hydrochlorideaccording to method 6 (titration in ethanol with hydrochloride acidaddition). Titration curve for the determination of acesulfame potassium according to method 13 (titration in glacial acetic acid) Electrode: 6.0229.100 Solvotrode Electrode: 6.0229.100 Solvotrode Titrant: c(HCIO)=0.1 mol/L in glacial acetic acid Titrant: c(NaOH)=0.1 mol/L List of methods The 35 methods in the memory card are arranged in groups A to G and contain the titer determinations of the titrantsplus the following titrations: C. Redox titrations A. Aqueous acid-base titrations A 1 Direct titrationsC 1 lodine/thiosulfateA 1.1TTitrations with basesC 2 lodine/arseniteA 1.2 TTitrations with acidsC 3 Diazotization with NaNO,A 2 Indirect titrations (back-titrations)C 4 Cer()B. Nonaqueous acid-base titrationsC 5KBrO.B 1 Alkaline titrantsC6KMnO,B 1.1 In ethanol, with HCl additionC7KIO.B 1.2 In dimethyl formamide (DMF)C 8 Determination of reducing sugarsB 1.3 In acetoneB 1.4 In pyridineD. Precipitation titrationsB 1.5 In ethanol or methanolD1AgNO,B 1.6 In special solventsD 2 Surfactant titrationsB 2 Acidic titrantsE.Photometric EDTA titrationsB2.1 In glacial acetic acid, with HCIO4B 2.2 In glacial acetic acid/acetic anhydride, withF. Characteristic values of fats and oilsHCIO,F 1 Acid ValueB2.3 In acetic anhydride, with HCIO4B 2.4 In glacial acetic acid plus Hg acetate, withF 2 Hydroxy/ ValueHCIO,F 3 lodine ValueB 2.5 lIrn glacial acetic acid/MEK, with HCIO,Fn formi 4 PeroxB2.6c acid/ide Valu Iglacial eacetic acid or acetic anhy-dride, with HCIOF 5 Saponification ValueB 2.7 In other solvents or solvent mixtures G. Qualification of the titrator, validation of a titrationmethod Qualification of the titrator and validation of a titrationmethod illustrated by way of two examples (ephedrinehydrochloride according to Pharm. Europe and USP) Ordering information Scope of delivery 6.6042.003 Pharm PAC, English version 6.6042.001 Pharm PAC, German version each one containing: · The printed collection with texts for the 35 methods. Each method is described in detail andcomprises parameter sets and curve examples. The collection comes in an attractive applicationbinder; method-specific images facilitate orientation. ·MMemory card containing the 35 methods for loading into the Titrino. · Two CD-ROMs with: - Contents of the above binder, i.e. with texts, parameter sets and curve examples (PDF). - The following Metrohm Application Bulletins: No. 101 Complexometric titrations with the Cu ISE No. 130 Chloride titrations with potentiometric indication No. 141 Analysis of edible fats and oils No. 188 pH measurement technique No.206TTiter determination in potentiometry No.210 BElank determination in titration No.228 Diazotization titrations No.233TTitrimetric/potentiometric determination of anionic and cationic surfactants No.252 Validation of Metrohm titrators (potentiometric) according to GLP /ISO 9001 No.263Titrimetric determination of pharmaceutical compounds with the NIO electrode No.269Titrimetric/potentiometric determination of ionic surfactants by two-phase titration us-ing the Metrosensor Surfactrodes - Demo versions of the Metrodata programs VESUV, TiNet, VA Database, IC Net etc., 6.6050.000PC Control program (Titrandos) und Adobe@ AcrobatReader for viewing and printing the PDFfiles. 上海总部地址:上海市闵行区莲花南路1388弄8号1503室电话:021-60900829 60900830 61131051邮箱: info@nano-instru.com传真:021-61131052 浙江办事处 地址:浙江杭州市莫莫山路425号瑞祺大厦814室电话: 0571-81954578 13107706400邮箱: sales@nano-instru.com传真:0571-81954579 上海纳诺仪器有限公司Shanghai Nano Instrument Co.,Ltd 邮编:201108 纳锘仪器nano instrument 网址: http://nanoinstru.instrument.com.cn http://www.nano-instru.com

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上海纳锘实业有限公司为您提供《药品滴定分析方法集》,该方案主要用于其他中理化性质检测,参考标准《暂无》,《药品滴定分析方法集》用到的仪器有916 Ti-Touch 精灵一代 一体式电位滴定仪、瑞士万通 864全自动样品称量滴定系统、瑞士万通 902爱•智能™恒定pH/电位滴定仪。


