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检测样品 培养基

检测项目 培养基

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德国systec发明一款专门用于培养基灭菌制备的特殊灭菌锅——培养基制备器。 自动分装:培养基制备后通过硅胶管道连接分装系统进行全自动分装,整个分装系统由微电脑主机精确控制,并内置紫外灯灭菌,保证分装真正无菌状态。按每个20ml为参考,最大分装速度为800个/小时,整个分装过程通过预设置程序自动完成,无需人工成本,并且大量节约时间成本。主机选配的冷却功能和喷码功能,更是解决了您培养基生产的问题。


The power of innovation. For better media preparation.Media preparators "Systec MediaPrep . Systec the autoclav co mpany Prepare and sterilize microbiological media.Fast, accurate and easy to handle. Systec MediaPrep. For up to 30 litres. Systec MediaPrep-10 Systec MediaPrep-20 Systec MediaPrep-30 Three models for 10 -30 litres Systec Systec MediaPrep-10 MediaPrep-20 MediaPrep-30 Dimensions(LxWxH) in mm 550x655x530 550x655 x 765 550 x655x965 Chamber dimensions 0x H in mm 296x250 296x450 296x 650 Chamber volume in liters 17 31 41 inner vessel dimensions 0 x H in mm 266x222 266x422 266x622 inner vessel volume in liters 12 23 34 Wattage in kW 3.6 10.0 10.0 MediaPrep-10: voltage 220-240 V (single phase), 50/60 Hz, 16 AMediaPrep-20: voltage 380- 400 V (3 phase + neutral), 50/60 Hz, 16 AMediaPrep-30: voltage 380-400V (3 phase +neutral), 50/60 Hz, 16 AModifications to other voltage as well as single or triple phase operationavailable on request. Easy and safe to handle. Locking of the door and loading hatch isdependent on temperature and pressure.Accidental opening is not possible! The inner vessel holder is exchangeableand easy to remove and clean. Every MediaPrep is so equipped andcontrolled that it can be used as a normalautoclave. Flexible power connection to socket Interface RS 232 Heating and cooling systemsare highly effective. Powerfull heating elements enable par-ticularly rapid heating to be carried out.Rapid cooling is by water circulation andsupport presssure directly at the externalwalls of the media vessel using sterilizeddemineralized water. The water is broughtto cooling temperature using a plate heatexchanger with a water connection. Thetotal process time including heating, sterilizing and cooling to 50°C lasts from60 -120 minutes, depending on the sizeof the vessel, the quantity of media andthe temperature of cooling water. Thesupport pressure avoids an overboilingrespectively foaming of the media. Theair compressor is built-in. Collection outlet (drain) Cooling water inlet Inlet for demineralizedwater for steam generation Prepare and sterilize microbiological media.Fast, accurate and easy to handle. Systec MediaPrep. For up to 120 litres. Systec MediaPrep-45 Systec MediaPrep-65 Systec MediaPrep-90 Four models for 45-120 litres Systec Systec Systec Systec MediaPrep-45 MediaPrep-65 MediaPrep-90 MediaPrep-120 Dimensions (LxWxH) in mm 550x775x1000 550 x 775x 1130 650 x 895x1030 650x895x1160 Chamber dimensions 0 x H in mm 400x488 400x693 500x615 500 x 795 Chamber volume in liters 62 88 123 158 inner vessel dimensions 0xH in mm 366x452 366x657 467x572 467x752 inner vessel volume in liters 47 69 98 129 Wattage inkW 20 20 20 20 All types: voltage 380 - 400 V (3 phase + neutral), 50/60 Hz, 32 A Modifications to other voltage as well as single or triple phase operationavailable on request. Systec MediaPrep-120 Large vessels are just as easyto handle as compact ones. Here also locking of the door and loadinghatch is dependent on temperature andpressure. Accidental opening is not possible! The inner vessel is just as convenient toexchange, to remove and to clean. Theselarge vessels are also so equipped andcontrolled that they can be used as nor-mal autoclaves. Quickly heated, quicklycooled. The powerful heating elements are adaptedto the size of the vessel and hence facili-tate rapid heating. Rapid cooling is thesame as in the smaller vessels with watercirculation and support pressure directly atthe external walls by means of sterilizedand demineralized water brought tocooling temperature using a plate heatexchanger with a water connection. Thesupport pressure avoids an overboilingrespectively foaming of the media. Theair compressor is built-in. An automatic process guarantees uniform,high and reproducible quality of theprepared and sterilized media. The entireprocess - from initial heating to mixingand sterilization at a set temperature tocooling- is microprocessor-controlled. Inaddition, the temperature to be maintainedafter sterilization can be pre-selected. Easy to use TThe filling port for additives subsequentto sterilization is generously dimensionedand has a safety lock. Sterile additives canbe added via the open port with thehelp of a Bunsen burner or via a siliconeseptum using a syringe. Operation is via a front panel with alarge, easy-to-read display. Every SystecMediaPrep has an interface for a PC;special software enables comprehensivedocumentation to be prepared. MediaPrepcan be optionally fitted with an integratedprinter for recording process documenta-tion or with a SD memory card. A fixed screw connection guarantees safeand sterile dispensing of the media. The processed and sterile medium is dis-pensed via a flexible tube. The inner aspi-ration tube and dispensing port are alsosterilized by steam during each steriliza-tion process. The part of the tube outsideof the instrument and the connecteddispensing adapter must be separatelysterilized using a suitable steam-steriliza-tion procedure and connected to thedispensing port under sterile conditions. Automatic tube valve.An economical method for dispensing.Whilst a pre-selectable constant slightexcess pressure in the media vessel pro-motes flow, MediaPrep controls the open-ing and closing of the pinch valve. Oncethe desired volume has been entered.MediaPrep carries out a sample dosingoperation and calibrates itself based onthe viscosity of the media. Other systems. Standard, commercially-available peristal-tic pumps, dilutors or filling systems forpetri dishes can also be directly connected. Performance and competence! Performance based onexperience! We manufacture only laboratory auto-claves and media preparators. But we do this with the greatest care andattention to detail!Our goal is to continuously make work inthe laboratory safer, easier, more exactand more economical. Based on our over25 years of experience and permanentintensive cooperation with experts inpractice, we know just how even themost extraordinary and complex cases ofsterilization can be optimally solved. We have the knowledge to guaranteebetter results! With our special local partners ourexpertise and know-how is available toyou on a worldwide basis. Product performance: Supplementary services: - Development -Design -Manufacture in series - Manufacture of special models - Technical and application advice - Installation and commissioning - Special technical developments - Tests and process development - Individual service if required - Contractual service - Qualification and validation -GMP-conform documentation the a u toclaavve co mppaany Page_ Systec_MediaPrep Systec_MediaPrep Page_                                            培养基(Medium)是供微生物、植物和动物组织生长和维持用的人工配制的养料,一般都含有碳水化合物、含氮物质、无机盐(包括微量元素)以及维生素和水等,有点还添加抗菌素、色素、激素和血清。为方便长期保管,培养基的成分均制成粉末状。使用时再配制成可用的培养基,整个制备过程培养基需要严格的灭菌。目前对培养基灭菌通常使用高压蒸汽法,因为蒸汽具有很强的穿透能力,能够杀死各种微生物,微生物受热死亡的原因,主要是因高温使微生物体内的一些重要蛋白质,如酶等,发生凝固、变性,从而导致微生物无法生存而死。灭菌中加热温度和受热时间与灭菌程度和营养成分的破坏都有关系。营养成分的破坏将影响菌种的培养和产物的生成,所以灭菌程度和营养成分的破坏成为灭菌工作中的主要矛盾, 恰当掌握加热温度和受热时间是灭菌工作的关键。选择一种既能满足灭菌要求又能减少营养成分破坏的温度和受热时间,是研究培养基灭菌质量的重要内容。由上图实验结果的分析,我们可以得出结论:温度升高,细菌的死亡速率大于培养基成分的破坏速率,在实际生产中为了既达到灭菌目的又能较好地保存营养成分,最好采用高温快速灭菌法。为了彻底杀死嗜热菌芽孢,我们通常使用121℃,15-20分钟;135℃,5分钟。 培养基灭菌后的降温过程也尤其重要。目前大家面临了一个普遍的难题:培养基冷却速度太慢,而打开门冷却又害怕外界空气污染。并且培养基在倒平板过程中的污染问题也让大家感到头疼,培养皿长菌的原因成为大家一直的疑问。德国systec发明一款专门用于培养基灭菌制备的特殊灭菌锅——培养基制备器。这款仪器的问世解决了大家面临的诸多问题:冷却方面:在systec先进的灭菌锅基础上对冷却系统进行了再度优化,大大减少了冷却时间。培养基制备器快速制冷是通过循环水和压力所进行的。利用与外部水连接的盘状热交换器,能够使内部迅速冷却,整个过程包括:加热、灭菌和冷却(至50° C),依据容器的大小、培养基的数量和冷却水的温度,只需60-120分钟即可完成。容器负载的压力,有效地避免了培养基过温失效和培养基中气泡的产生。  安全分装问题:培养基制备器具有安全的培养基分装管道,整个分装过程均通过无菌软管分配。在杀菌过程中,内部的吸收管和分配管也需蒸汽杀菌。仪器外部管和分配接合管需使用合适的蒸汽灭菌法消毒,然后再将其与灭菌中的分配口连接。质量保证:全自动控制程序,确保内部温度均一,从而保证了配制和灭菌的培养基具有更高的质量,整个过程,在一个设定温度内,从最初的加热到混合和灭菌,最后到冷却,都是微处理器控制的,而且灭菌之后保持的温度是可以预设的。 杀菌剂装入口宽大,并附有保险锁。杀菌剂可从此口加入,也可用注射器从硅酮膜注入。自动分装:培养基制备后通过硅胶管道连接分装系统进行全自动分装,整个分装系统由微电脑主机精确控制,并内置紫外灯灭菌,保证分装真正无菌状态。按每个20ml为参考,最大分装速度为800个/小时,整个分装过程通过预设置程序自动完成,无需人工成本,并且大量节约时间成本。主机选配的冷却功能和喷码功能,更是解决了您培养基生产的问题。对于培养皿用量大的实验室,我们来简单的做一下成本分析:如果我们实验室用皿量一天需要1500个,如果从培养皿生产商购买按5元-10元/块的成品皿。大约每天至少花销7500,如果我们使用Systec的一键式制备+分装系统,以30L的培养基制备为例,能够生产出1500个平面,时间大约是4个小时(制备2个小时、分装2个小时)。除去培养基成分粉末的成本和平面的成本:2元/个。每天我们可以省下4000元的成本,并且还能保证培养基的品质。按每月20天运作,一月可以为我们节省8万左右的成本。半年多就能将仪器的成本节省出来。并且还具备了培养皿生产能力,可以用于外销。因此许多国内外著名的培养基制造商成为我们长期合作伙伴:Oxoid、Thermo Fisher、北京路桥、安图绿科、上海梅里埃等。如果你对自己制备的培养基质量不满意,如果你因培养基染菌而不知所措,如果你觉得倒板花费的时间成本太多,如果你对购买的培养皿成本太高而发愁,还等什么Systec将是你最好的选择,你值得拥有!

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