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TFT/LCD等液晶屏中,间隔物用来保持两面板之间的固定间距,使得液晶填充在面板之间并发挥其作用。这些间隔物的性能好坏直接影响到最终液晶面板的质量优劣。最常用到的间隔物是球状间隔物和柱状间隔物,它们的破裂强度、回弹率以及高度的均匀性,保证了面板间隔的稳定,以及面板的优质质量。 HM2000是测量LCD间隔物性能最理想的选择,其装配了平压头,具有极高精度的载荷和位移传感器,以及高精度的移动平台,使得可以在一个测试循环中得到单个间隔物的各种力学性能。 更多详细信息欢迎咨询我们FISCHER


AN033en-Fischei一Coating Thicknesshl Material AnalysisIsMicrohardness Q Material Testing Application of FISCHER products Two substrates, thin film transistor (TFT) arrays andcolour filters, are common components of liquidcrystal display (LCD) panels. Spacers are used tokeep the gap between them consistent, so that theliquid crystal material can be injected evenly insideto “do its magic". The mechanical properties ofthese spacers exert great influence on the finisheddisplay's robustness and image quality. The most common kinds of spacers used in TFT LCDsare bead (spherical) and column (patterned by lithogra-phy) type spacers. The collapse strength, recovery rateand height uniformity of those spacers play a major rolein keeping the gap stable and, thus, the panel in goodcondition. Fig. 1:Bead spacers and column spacers Strong spacers will keep the gap in good shape evenunder severe outside impact, while higher recovery ratemeans less permanent damage from those impacts. Onthe other hand, better height homogeneity of spacers willlead to faster response time, wider viewing angle, higherresolution and contrast ratio of the display. It is thereforeimportant to monitor and control those parameters whenmanufacturing LCDs. By compressing and releasing the spacers with theFISCHERSCOPEHM2000 microhardness tester, thesecritical mechanical properties can be precisely meas-ured. For this purpose, a special indenter with a flat tip isused instead of the typical Vickers pyramid, as illustratedin Figure 2. Fig. 2: SEM (scanning electron microscopy) image of bead spacer andthe illustration of measurement with FISCHERSCOPE HM2000 and a flatindenter Depending on the force applied to depress the spacer,different parameters can be monitored. With a relativelyhigh force, the collapse strength of the spacer can betested, while lower load levels are used to determine therecovery rate. Fig.3a: Measurements on 10 bead spacers with max. load of 100 mN.The plateau indicates the collapse strength of the testedballs, while thevertical lines show spacer diameters. Fig.3b: Measurements on 10 bead spacers with max. load of 10 mN.The residual displacement divided by total displacement can beconsidered the recovery rate. The FISCHERSCOPEHM2000 is the ideal choice formeasuring the mechanicalproperties of LCDspacers. Equipped with a flat-tip indenter, highlysensitive force control and displacement sensors, aswell as a precise sample stage, the characteristics ofeach individual spacer can be determined in a singletesting cycle. For further information please contactyour local FISCHER representative. TFT/LCD等液晶屏中,间隔物用来保持两面板之间的固定间距,使得液晶填充在面板之间并发挥其作用。这些间隔物的性能好坏直接影响到最终液晶面板的质量优劣。最常用到的间隔物是球状间隔物和柱状间隔物,它们的破裂强度、回弹率以及高度的均匀性,保证了面板间隔的稳定,以及面板的优质质量。HM2000是测量LCD间隔物性能最理想的选择,其装配了平压头,具有极高精度的载荷和位移传感器,以及高精度的移动平台,使得可以在一个测试循环中得到单个间隔物的各种力学性能。更多详细信息欢迎咨询我们FISCHER

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