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检测项目 RoHS元素及Cl元素

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利用Xenemetrix公司RoHS设备对一些材料及零部件中的RoHS元素及Cl元素进行分析,针对欧盟RoHS相关标准进行分析检测,涉及生产过程中的质量控制等。 RoHS仪器作为RoHS检测中最常用设备,展现了其快速便捷准确的优势,是RoHS管控中的核心仪器。


APPLICATION NOTE #XE-2015-3278Quantitative analysis of RoHS elements and C/ Quantitative analysis ofROHS elements and EDXRF Analyzer:RolSDD传公上网 公限有 1-仅限仪器 Xenemetrix x-RoHs*SDD X-RoHS+SDD EDXRF analyzer APPLICATION NOTE #XE-2015-3278 Quantitative analysis of RoHS elements and C/ Abstract Several electronic and plastic components were analyzed for compliance with RoHS (Cr, Br, Hg, Pband Cd content) on Xenemetrix RoHS* SDD EDXRF analyzer. In addition the Chlorine concentrationwas determined in all samples. Objective To analyse different products for RoHS compliance and for Cl content Background EDXRF is an ideal method for a quick and simple elemental analysis tests for industrial controlpurposes.This analytical technique boasts in being extremely is quick, noninvasive, requiring minmal samplepreparation, and can easily be operated by non-skilled personnel in the productionfinexEDXRF is inparticular very suitable for quick screening of electronic components and plastis pants used in theindustry for RoHS compliance. The RoHS*SDD analyzer has a special userfriend yGUI that provides aquick automatic analysis of almost any sample for RoHS compliance. Analytical Configuration Table 1: Instrumental analytical configuration Instrument RoHS*SDD Anode Mo-Anode X-ray Tube,50w,50W Detector high performance SNicon Drift Detector (SDD) Environment Air Excitation mode Direct excitation w th micro Xray spot (d=1mm on sample) Analysis time 300 secoods Experimental Each component was analyzefanXXenemctrix-RoKS*SDD analyzer using a camera to position thesample inside the small X-ray beam spot(diameter 1 mm on the sample). The pictures of thedifferent samples are shawn in Figure1-11. The RoHS analyzer qualifies the result using the limitsaccording to international RoHS standards RoHS spocities maximunxevels for the six restricted materials: ead(Pb): <1000 ppm Mercury (Hg)<1000 ppm Hexavalent Chromium: (Cr VI) < 1000 ppm Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB): < 1000 ppm PPolybrominaed Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE): <1000 ppmCCadmium.<100 ppm Table 2: ROHS Screening limits in ppm for regulated elements in various matrices. Element Polymer Materials Metallic Materials Cd P≤70 关闭

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辽宁捷成科技有限公司为您提供《材料,零件中RoHS元素及Cl元素检测方案(能散型XRF)》,该方案主要用于其他中RoHS元素及Cl元素检测,参考标准《暂无》,《材料,零件中RoHS元素及Cl元素检测方案(能散型XRF)》用到的仪器有Xenemetrix X射线荧光光谱仪 RoHS。


