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This test examined the effect of various initiators on the curing behaviour of a glass fibre-filled polyester resin using a laboratory mixer. Initiators are chemical substances which form so- called radicals under the influence of energy (e.g. heat) and which are thus able to initiate curing reactions. The processability of thermosetting resins can be influenced by selecting the right initiators and this way to control the reaction time.


Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific The curingbehaviour of reaction resincompounds Matthias Jabrling, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Process Instruments, Karlsruhe,Germany This test examined the effect of vari-ous initiators on the curing behav-iour of a glass fibre-filled polyesterresin using a laboratory mixer.Initiators are chemical substanceswhich form so-called radicals underthe influence of energy (e.g.heat)and which are thus able to initiatecuring reactions. The processability of thermosettingresins can be influenced by selectingthe right initiators and this way tocontrol the reaction time. Test Purpose Testing the curing behaviour of twoglass fibre-filled reaction resins onthe basis of unsaturated polyesterusing various initiators. Test Equipment 一Torque rheometer system Thermo Scientific HAAKE PolyLab -Electrically heated laboratory mixer Thermo Scientific HAAKERheomix 540 (Fig. 1) - Delta rotors (Fig. 2) - Thermo ScientificHAAKE PolySoft Mixer software For this test we used the Rheomix540 with Delta Rotors. This mixerand the rotors are specially designedfor thermosetting material. Themixer shows a conical shaped mixerchamber that makes it easy to re-move the cured and hardened sampleafter the mixer test. Test Conditions - Mixer temperature: 120°C - Rotor speed: 50 rpm - Sample weight: 63 g Test Material -Sample 1: PES with initiator“A" -Sample 2: PES with initiator“B“ Test Results Diagram 2 shows the results of themixer test of the sample usinginitiator“A“. Torque (M) and melt temperature(TM1) are illustrated against thetest time. Fig. 1: ThermoScientific HAAKE Rheomix 540 Basic Curve Calculation A first maximum torque point, theLoading Peak (L), is reached due tothe filling of the mixer with the testmaterial. This first maximum pointserves as a time basis for the calcula-tion of the relevant material char-acteristics. Due to the melting of the test sub-stance and the resultant drop in Fig. 2: Delta rotors Fig. 3: Thermo Scientific HAAKE Rheomix 540, principle sketch viscosity the torque decreases untilthe melting process is concluded ata minimum(MI). The torque subsequently increasesagain due to the onset of curing andprogresses towards a second maxi-mum point, the Cure Peak (C). The test is concluded after this pointand the substance is mechanicallydestroyed. The evaluation of the main curvepoints is carried out in a table belowthe graph. Apart from the transient values fortime and torque, the programcalculates an onset of curing (On),as 20% of the torque above theminimum and the point (C80) with80% of the torque of the curemaximum. These points are usedto calculate a cure rate (GR) as ameasure of the curing speed of thesample. Fig. 5shows the torque curves oftwo samples with the differentinitiators plotted on one graph.Clearly it can be seen, that the PESwith initiator“A“ starts to curemuch earlier than the PES withinitiator“B“. Fig. 4: Result mixer test ("DUR_A_Graph") Fig.5: Comparison of mixer test results ("DUR_1 and 2_Graph") This test examined the effect of various initiators on the curing behaviour of a glass fibre-filled polyesterresin using a laboratory mixer.Initiators are chemical substanceswhich form so- called radicals underthe influence of energy (e.g. heat)and which are thus able to initiatecuring reactions.The processability of thermosettingresins can be influenced by selectingthe right initiators and this way tocontrol the reaction time.

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