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For International Sales:Aurora Instruments Ltd.Address: 1001 E. Pender St., Vancouver BC Canada V6A1W2 Phone: 1.800.883.2918;604-215-8700 Fax: 604-215-9700Automated Protein Crystallography Setup Automated Protein Crystallography Plate Setup using VERSATM Mini Protein crystallography is commonly used for structural biology applications such as preclinical chemistry andtarget validation. Sample preparation for protein crystallization is a critical bottleneck as conditions forcrystallization must be refined very carefully. Proteins typically will only form crystals when exposed to a preciselyoptimized set of conditions. This requires multiple serial dilutions and multiple replicates in order to test differentcombinations and concentrations of salts, buffers and precipitants. Manually preparing these reaction test platesis time consuming and error prone. Automation of such processes improves throughput, reliability and efficiencywhile reducing waste. Aurora's VERSA Mini workstation provides an automated platform for carrying out applications for preparingprotein crystallography plates, such as: ·Plate reformatting ·Filling plates with polyethylene glycol (PEG)solution ·Serial dilutions Automated, software controlled serial dilution options enable the user to configure a precise gradient of conditionsby automatically calculating the required concentration of buffer, salts and precipitants to be dispensed intocrystallization plates. A library of built-in plate types in the software allows the user to select their desired plateformat. The customizable and versatile nature of the VERSA Mini workstation and it's accompanying software make thisinstrument suitable for front-end protein crystallization protocols such as sitting drop vapour diffusion protocols,hanging drop vapour diffusion protocols and micro-batch protocols. The VERSA Mini workstation supports many specifically defined test conditions and can aspirate and dispense avariety ofliquids and viscous solutions. VERSA Mini Workstation Features ·Dual-head liquid handling module has bulkdispensingcapabilities for polyethylene glycol-like (PEG-like)solutions and viscous liquids ·User friendly software for quickly buildingsequences for serial dilution, reagent addition,plate reformatting & master-mix preparation ·Electronically controlled shaker or platecooler / heater options allow researchers totest many variables and conditions · Interchangeable deck positions supportswide range of crystallography plate options ·Customized HEPA/UV hood】minimizescontamination and protects crystal samples ·See the VERSA Mini workstation flyer fordetailed product information or contact yourdedicated Aurora sales representative · NOTE: Instrument specifications may changewithout notice as an ongoing effort of productimprovement VERSA™ 110对蛋白质结晶板进行自动化操作蛋白质晶体学通常用于结构生物学应用,如临床前靶点验证。由于蛋白质结晶条件要求高,结晶条件必须经过严谨地改进,蛋白质晶体的高通量筛选是个一个非常关键的环节。蛋白质晶体的形成依赖于zui佳化的条件。这个zui佳化的条件需要多次连续稀释和重复,以优化盐、缓冲液和沉淀剂的不同组合和浓度。人工制备这些反应蛋白质结晶板不仅费时又容易出错,尤其不适合于高通量筛选应用。该过程的自动化制备提高了生产能力、可靠性和效率,同时减少了浪费。Aurora的VERSA 110工作站提供了一个自动化平台应用于蛋白质晶体板的制备,例如: 蛋白结晶板的制备聚乙二醇(PEG)溶液填充蛋白结晶板连续稀释快速分装盐溶液 用户可通过仪器软件的系列稀释选项进行自动计算,并在蛋白质结晶板上对缓冲液、盐和沉淀剂进行梯度稀释。Aurora友好的用户界面支持蛋白质结晶的高通量筛选,降低人为操作错误的可能性。操作方法可以保存,并根据需要导入或导出。软件中所含有孔板库允许用户选择所需的孔板型号,为实验提供了灵活性。VERSA 110自动液体处理工作站软件的可定制性和通用性使该仪器适用于前期蛋白质结晶的方案,如坐滴蒸汽扩散法、悬滴蒸气扩散法和微批量法。Aurora VERSA 110液体处理工作站确保快速可靠地完成条件的高通量筛选,产生更多可衍射晶体,并提高实验室生产率。 VERSA 110工作站支持许多特定的实验条件,可以吸入和分配各种液体和粘性溶液。原文请参考aurorabiomed_com-cn

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