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检测项目 通过高分辨率下的实时处理来实现自动化大面积图像和分析数据采集

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Automated large area image and analytical data acquisitions at high resolution with on-the-fly processing


thermoscientificFor current certifications, visit thermofisher.com/certifications. C 2019 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. FL0107-EN-09-2019 Automated large area image and analyticaldata acquisitions at high resolution withon-the-fly processing Utilizing the innovative Maps and Avizo Software Nanotechnology offers the food and cosmetics industry a numberof new approaches for improving the quality, shelf life, safety, andhealthiness of foods. Nevertheless, there is concern about potentialadverse effects associated with the application of nanoparticles insuch products. The science of characterizing nanoparticles involves exploringand manipulating structures at the nanoscale, where dimensionsrange between 1 to 100 nanometers, to enhance the propertiesof everyday materials.Under-standing the potential positive andnegative impacts of nanoparticles on our health and product safetyis critical to informing both our scientific choices as well as providinga basis for regulatory oversight. Quantifying the composition, sizes and shapes of nanoparticlesin these everyday objects is a crucial first step in furthering ourunderstanding of the relationships between nanoparticles, qualityand safety. While the concept of nanotechnology has been around for decades,the recent explosion can be attributed to easier-to-use, moreautomated, high-resolution microscopes and increasingly powerfulcomputers that can very rapidly reconstruct and analyze the data.Using intuitive scanning or transmission electron microscopes(S/TEM) like the Thermo ScientificTM TalosTM in combination withenergy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) researchers aroundthe globe are obtaining nanometer- and even subnanometer-scale images and chemical data which give important insights into thearrangement and potential functions of nanoparticles. The need for large area correlative imaging at high resolution hasincreased recently because it allows researchers to preserve thecontext of their observations while also providing statistically robustdata. Our MapsTM software, enabled by VeloxTM, automaticallyacquires an array of images across a sample and stitches themtogether to create one large final image. The acquisition of theimages can be done unattended. Our AvizoTM Software allowsresearchers to perform image analysis via automated workflowsfor on-the-fly processing and generating statistics such as size,surface area, perimeter, distribution, and chemical compositionof nanoparticles. Images and chemical information from differentmicroscopes can be correlated to keep the relevant context. As nanotechnology-based products start to proliferate, their safetyand environmental impacts are being studied. One area of researchinvolves exploring the health impacts of nanoparticles used toenhance food and cosmetics-including titanium dioxide, silver, andgold. The goal is to formulate a standard approach to identify andcharacterize the concentration of nanoparticles in food additivesand determine the volume of nanoparticles that are safe for humancontact and consumption. Automated and unattended workflowswill enable even researchers unfamiliar with TEM technology togenerate quality data to help build the future of the safety andregulatory questions related to nanoparticles. Figure 1. Automated, large-area STEM acquisition using Maps, Velox, and Avizo Software in Talos TEMsystems for individual particle parameter analysis. Sample courtesy of Prof. B. Gorman and Prof. R. Richards,Colorado School of Mines. thermoscientific Figure 2. Large-area STEM and EDS at high resolution: (a) 3x5 tiles stitched LM-STEM, (b) 7x11tiles stitched STEM maps and EDS maps with total area of 17.6x11.3 um and a few nm resolution.Individual tiles can be set up to contain even more tiles to increase the resolution, and (c) digitalzooms of (b). Samples courtesy of University of Manchester & University of Trento. Figure 3: Automated, large-area STEM-EDS data processing (per element) with Avizo Software.Sample courtesy of J. Bursik, Institute of Physics of Materials, Brno. Near-spherical Platelets Au CRM JRC TiOCNTs Figure 4: Examples of nanomaterial morphologies characterized by Talos (Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscope.Images courtesy of Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium. Find out more at thermofisher.com/EM-sales Automated large area image and analytical  data acquisitions at high resolution with  on-the-fly processing

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