
检测样品 生物药品药物研发

检测项目 布洛芬、手性分析、对映体

关联设备 共2种 下载方案


本应用中说明了CD检测器不仅可以帮助区分两种对映体,而且还可以区分非手性杂质和感兴趣的对映体。 关键词:布洛芬,对映体,CD检测器,CHIRALPAK AD-RH


布洛芬是一种众所周知的非甾体抗炎药,广泛用于止痛和退烧。只有布洛芬的S对映体具有活性解热特性,但在人体内,酶促反应可以很容易地将R对映体转化为S对映体。圆二色性检测器以其在手性中心附近具有发色团的化合物的手性分析中的高精度和选择性而闻名。同时测量CD和UV信号,并且可以使用光谱扫描来优化感兴趣的波长,这在手性化合物的测量中是重要的。CD检测器不仅可以帮助区分两种对映体,而且还可以区分非手性杂质和感兴趣的对映体。Application Note Chiral analysis of Ibuprofen using aCircular Dichroism Detector2/2 Chiral analysis of lbuprofen using a Circular Dichroism Detector I ntroduction Ibuprofen is a wel l known non-steroidal anti -inflammatory drug and widely used for pain relief and fever reduction. Onl y the S enantiomer of ibuprofen has ac ti ve antipyret i c proper t ies, but wi t hin the human body an enzymatic reaction can readily conver t the R enantiomer i nto the S enantiomer. The Circular Dichroism detector is wel l known for its hig h accuracy and selectivity for chiral analysis of compounds that have chromophores close to the chiral center. Both CD and UV signal are measured simultaneously and spectral scanning can be used to opt i mize the wavelength of interest, which is i mportant in the measurement of chiral compounds. Not only can the CD detector help differentiate between two enantiomers, but it can also distinguish between achiral impurities and enantiomers of i nterest. Keyword: I buprofen, enantiomer , CD detector, CHIRALPAK AD-RH Experimental Mixture of 50 pg/mL Caffeine and 200 pg/mL racemic ibuprofen in eluent A/B (60/40) Results Fig. 1 Chromatograms o f caffeine and racemic ibuprofen standards. The UV chromatogram shows that both compounds are detected, but in the CD chromatogram only i buprofen can be detected, as the caffeine is achiral. Fig. 2 CD and UV spectra (measured using stopped-f low). Figure 1. Chromatogram of Caffei n e a n d Racemic Ibuprofen stand a rdsTop: CD d etect i on, B ottom: UV detect i on 1: Caffeine, 2:R-(-)-Ibuprofen , 3: S-(+)-Ibuprofen Figure 2. Spectral Measureme n t T o p: CD, Bott o m: UV

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《用圆二色谱检测器对布洛芬的手性分析》,该方案主要用于生物药品药物研发中布洛芬、手性分析、对映体检测,参考标准《暂无》,《用圆二色谱检测器对布洛芬的手性分析》用到的仪器有JASCO高效色谱仪LC-4000、JASCO圆二色光谱仪CD J-1500。


