
检测样品 生物药品药物研发

检测项目 Singlet oxygen、磷光、荧光、光敏剂

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


单态氧具有很高的活性并破坏生物分子。最近,人们研究了它用于破坏癌症细胞或细菌。在此,我们描述了使用具有Eosin Y作为光敏剂的JASCO近红外(NIR)FP-8700分光荧光计在1270nm处由单态氧发射的磷光的测量。 关键词:FP-8700,单态氧,磷光,光敏剂


单态氧具有很高的活性并破坏生物分子。最近,人们研究了它用于破坏癌症细胞或细菌。在此,我们描述了使用具有Eosin Y作为光敏剂的JASCO近红外(NIR)FP-8700分光荧光计在1270nm处由单态氧发射的磷光的测量。Application NoteFP-0023 Detection of Phosphorescence from Singlet2/2Application NoteOxygen using NIR Spectrofluorometer Detection of Phosphorescence from Singlet Oxygen using NIR Spectrofluoromete r Introductio n Wh i le oxygen molecules are typical l y in a tri p let ground state, i f enough energy i s delivered to the molecu l e they can be excited to produce sing l et oxygen However , th i s transition is forbidde n and does not proceed directly, i n wh i c h case a photosensitizer is used to induce a molecular reaction. Optica l ir r ad i at i on excites the photosen s itizer f r om its singlet ground state to a singlet excited state. I t then changes to a t riplet excited state by i ntersystem c r ossi n g. If the energy d i ffe r ence b etween t h is tr ip let state and the si n glet grou n d state f or the photosens i t i zer is a l most the same as th a t betwee n the singlet excited state and the t riplet grou n d state for oxygen, energy t r a nsfer occ u rs. As t h e t riplet exc i ted photosensit i z er loses it s energy, single t oxyge n is produced. FP-8700 S p ect r ofl u oro m e t e r Figure 1. Mecha n is m for t h e gene r at i o n of s i nglet oxygen . Singlet oxygen is h ighly active and destroys biological molecules. Rece n tly, its use fo r destroying cancer cells o r bacteria has been researched . Herein , we describe measu r ements of phosphorescence a t 1270 nm emitted by singlet oxygen using a JASCO n ear-in frared (NIR) FP-8700 spectrof l uoro m ete r wi t h Eosin Y as a photosensitizer. K e yword s FP-8700, Singlet oxyge n , Phosphorescence , Photosensit i z er Exper i men t al Emission Wavelength 1200-1350 nm Excitation Wavelength 300-700nm Excitation Step 5nm Data Interval 2nm Results The excitation emission mat r ix (EEM) of EosinY ethanol solu t ion is shown i n Figure 2. The phosphorescence of s i nglet oxygen around 1270 nm was detected when t h e excitation wave l ength range i s 470-560 nm. The EEM measurement of s i nglet oxygen r eveals a suitable excitation wavelength as well as whether the s i nglet oxygen has been generated . Figure 2. EEM a n d emiss i on spe c t r a (Ex: 525 nm) of si n glet oxygen . JASCO INC. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A T el : (800) 333-5272, Fa x : (410) 822-7526A ppl ic a tio n Lib r ary: ja s c o i n c.com /appli c a t i o ns

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《近红外光谱荧光计检测单线态氧中的磷光》,该方案主要用于生物药品药物研发中Singlet oxygen、磷光、荧光、光敏剂检测,参考标准《暂无》,《近红外光谱荧光计检测单线态氧中的磷光》用到的仪器有JASCOFP-8000系列荧光光谱仪。


