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摘要: 介绍了瑞士万通899库仑水分测定仪联用885全自动卡氏炉样品处理器测定明胶中水分含量。


899库仑水分测定仪联用885全自动卡式炉样品处理器测定明胶中水分含量 KF Application Note K-50 Determination of the watercontent in gelatine with885 Compact Oven SampleChanger and 899 Coulometer t[s] This Application Note describes the determination of the water content inAYAgelatine using the oven technique. Analysis Allmeasurements were carried out at the sametemperature using the same parameters. After starting the sample series, the Sample Changermoves to the conditioning vial, the needle pierces theseptum, the gas flow is started and the titration vessel isconditioned. Then a determination with an emptysample vial is carried out to prepare the system andrinse all tubing. Following the system preparation, threeblank values (empty sample vials) are determined andthe mean value of the blank is saved as commonvariable. This value is subtracted from the EP of thesample determination. Subsequently, the water contentof the samples is determined. Between two samplemeasurements, the titration vessel is conditioned again. Parameters 899 Coulometer Conditioning Start drift Drift correction Automatic start 上海总部 885 Compact Oven Sample Changer Stabilizing time 10s 899 Coulometer Cond. stop time off Measured value display off Coulomat AG Oven Pause 0s Request sample ID off Request sample size off Request sample unit off Hold at request off Endpoint at 50 mV Titration rate optimal Stop criterion rel. drift Relative stop drift 10 pg/min Extraction time 120 s Generator electrode without diaphragm Generator current 400 mA Stirrer on Stirring rate 15 l(pol) 10 pA Electrode test off Time interval MP 2 s Temperature 25°C Stop time off Parameters 885 Compact Oven Sample Changer Temperature 150°C Flow rate 50 mL/min Gas supply valve Gas type nitrogen End of series conditioning Results 113.0 0.67 www.metrohm.com 免费服务热线:4009-217-117爱仪要仪器 O.Metrohm 网址:http://www.nano-instru.com http:/inanoinstru.instrument.com.cn

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