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检测项目 生长状态

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EMISSION·FLUORESCENCE·FORENSICS·GRAIINGS E OEM·RAMAN·SPECTROSCOPIC SYSIEMS·THIN FILMS Food Science: Increasing Crop Yields with Fluorescence Introduction Protein-containing plants are staples in thediets of all countries. The ability to produceenough crops is essential to the well-being of allcitizens, for people have to have enough to eatbefore they can advance to higher endeavors. Uncontrollable changes in weather such asthe amount of rainfall, the occurrence of frost,wind erosion, etc., can be detrimental to the suc-cess of a harvest. The stress in plants induced bythese effects may be mitigated or at least par-tially counterbalanced by the informed use ofirrigation, fertilizers, and so forth. To take stepsto offset stress, a farmer must know what steps totake while the crop is still growing and before itis too late to be of any benefit. Results Figure 1 shows spectra taken from two dif-ferent soy plants (one stressed and one un-stressed) in situ: both were still growing in thefield. The FLUOROLOGQ’s double-emissionmonochromator rejected possible stray-light in-terference that might have hidden the relevantfeatures. In addition, the fiber-optic accessorypermitted direct observation of these samplesthat were obviously too large to fit in a normalsample compartment. Copyright C 2000 Jobin Yvon Inc. In the USA: Figure 1. In situ emission spectra from (a) soygreen,and (b) soy yellow. The data in Figure 1 revea that the un-stressed plant (soy green) has a significantlymore-intense emission in the IR region, relativeto the visible, than does the stressed plant. ThisIR fluorescence is a predictor of crop yield, andthus may indicate how to salvage what mightotherwise be an agricultural disaster. Conclusion Food science can benefit by the analytical in-formation available from fluorescence. Espe-cially useful for agricultural and biological stud-ies are the following FLUOROLOGQ features: effective stray-light refection afiber-optic probe for large and difficultsamples ● the unique ability to measure fluorescencespectra in the IR region of the spectrum. Printed in the USA

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