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检测项目 含量分析

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9 测定范围(mg/L) 0.25~2.5 0.25~2.5 2.5~25.0 2.5~25.0 测定值5 0.9317(93.2) 2.4395(97.6) 2.4968(99.9) 24.052(96.2) 测定值6 0.9353(93.5) 2.4503(98.0) 2.5005(100.0) 24.060(96.2) 测定值7 0.9246(92.5) 2.4431(97.7) 2.4932(99.7) 24.056(96.2) 测定值8 0.9281(92.8) 2.4431(97.7) 2.5005(100.0) 24.060(96.2) 测定值9 0.9317(93.2) 2.4503(98.0) 2.5005(100.0) 24.041(96.2) 平均值 0.9293(92.9) 2.4399(97.6) 2.4968(99.9) 24.056(96.2) RSD(%) 0.38 0.33 0.15 0.03 3 结论 (1)根据二氧化氯与酪氨酸显色反应的特性,本文发现除了490nm 显色反应吸收峰外,在240nm 和306nm 处有更强的吸收峰,同样可利用分光光度法测定二氧化氯的含量。 (2)该方法在0.25mg/L以上浓度线性 较好,测定精确度高,可用于饮用水中低浓度二氧化氯的测定。 ( 参 考 文 献 ) ( [1 ] H odgde n H W, I n g o l s R S . D i r e ct C olo rimet- r i c Me t h od f or the De term i nat i on o f C hlorine D i o xide in Wa t e r [ J ] . A n al y t ical C h emis- tr y , 195 4 , 2 6 (7~12) : 12 24. ) Colorimetric Method for the Determination ofChlorine Dioxide in Water SHI Lai-shun, XIE Yong-fang, HU De-dong (School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South Campus,Shandong University,Jinan 250061 China) Abstract:This paper reports two stronger absorption peaks at 240nm and 306nm, apartfrom the previous discovery of absorption peak at 490nm based on the character of chlorinedioxide reacting with tyrosine. The concentration of chlorine dioxide can be determined bycolorimetric method at the three absorption peaks. It indicates that the result at 240nm and306nm is better, by comparing the determination range and accuracy at the three peaks. Thismethod can be used to measure the concentration of chlorine dioxide in drinking water at low-er levels from 0.25 to 2.5mg/L. Keywords: Chlorine dioxide; Colorimetric method; Concentration

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